
Oktoberfest One-Shot

Jul 22nd, 2014
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  1. There was a writefag challenge and things happened. These are those things; an Anonymous issued the following story pitch.
  3. "Anonymous, lamenting the lack of alcohol oriented festivities, tries to bring Oktoberfest to Equestria without actually knowing what it is?"
  5. Here's my result, and I did indeed fail the challenge.
  7. >Day [spoiler]alcoholism[/spoiler] in Equestria
  8. >you are Anonymous, and you’re fucking dying here
  9. >you roll on the floor, writhing in pain and chills as a strange, accidental cold-turkey quitting continues bitch slapping you around
  10. >Twilight isn’t at all helpful
  11. “Oh my gosh Anon, you’re getting worse! You said you weren’t sick, but what’s wrong?”
  12. >why won’t this purple horse just shut up
  13. “Just tell me how I can help, Anon,” she cries, as Spike cowers nervously, looking at you like you’re a time bomb
  14. >fetal position
  15. >the shivers aren’t bad enough in this pose, you probably won’t bite your tongue
  16. “Y-you wanna h-h… Help?”
  17. >her eyes are wide as she nods repeatedly
  18. “Are you a fucking beer?”
  19. >you see her look at you blankly
  20. >she doesn’t even know what beer is
  21. >you emit a loud, low-pitched moaning wail of endless pain and bottomless despair
  22. >it’s met with Spike tripping over himself running away, and with the crying of Ponyville’s foals
  23. >you’ve been here for days
  24. >might be a week
  25. >time doesn’t make sense any more, it feels like a month but that can’t be true
  26. “Anon, stay with me! What is beer? Just what is it?”
  27. >you throw up empty, save for thick yellow bile that burns everything from your throat to your lips with caustic fury
  28. >coughing liquid acid, you wipe the mess of your face with your sweat-damped sleeve
  29. “Booze, alcohol, firewater, ethanol, brew, drink, giggle juice, hooch, fucking C2H6O, you science horse girl toy!”
  30. >she looks like she’s having a Eureka moment
  31. >FINALLY
  32. “You’re thirsty? I’ll go get you something to drink right away! Boy, your species has a strange reaction to dehydration, why didn’t you say something before?”
  33. >that’s the only thing you’ve been doing for like the past five years
  34. >well, withdrawals years
  35. >probably more like hours for regular people
  36. >you didn’t think much of it until it was too late
  37. >you arrived here after one too many shots of some weird drink that was probably mostly grain alcohol
  38. >by the time you got your first itches, you were being poked and prodded, bombarded with questions, hosed down for “smelling like the inside of a Diamond Dog’s loincloth”
  39. >your quest for alcohol had brought you here, to the great Princess Twilight; she could apparently solve any problem with friendship or something
  40. >honestly at the time it sounded like she just had a bunch of some kinda magic hipster beer called “friendship”
  41. >made sense, a keg is friendship in a fucking bottle
  42. >you gurgle meekly as a reply
  43. >she trots back in a few agonizing moments later, all manners of flasks and pitchers in her magical grasp
  44. “I have water, chocolate milk, apple juice, orange juice, carrot juice, lemon tea, green tea, milk, punch, sarsaparilla, cider-
  45. “YES, CIDER!”
  46. >you leap on all fours, eyes ablaze
  47. >your moist, cold, pasty skin trembling with excitement
  48. “EEEP!” she yells, practically dropping everything, scared out of her wits by your crazed attack at the cider
  49. >the magic holds, by the skin of its teeth
  51. >you shove her out of the way, scattering all her other containers she’d fought to retain in her magical grasp
  52. >all of them, save for the cider, redecorated her library
  53. >oh well, can’t cry over spilled milk, got blub blub to glug glug
  54. >you tip the mug back and whore-swallow the pint
  55. >YES
  56. >FINALL-
  57. >wait
  58. >something’s wrong
  59. >no
  60. >it can’t be
  61. >this was like, that apple juice shit?
  62. >you drop to your knees, weeping, and No the No of all Noes
  63. >Vader himself felt that disturbance of No in the force
  64. >this time, not only did foals start crying in Ponyville, but you’re pretty sure that killed a cat
  65. “Oh my gosh, it’s worse than before,”
  66. >what could possibly have alcohol here
  67. >you run to Twilight
  68. >she cowers under your shivering, panting mass
  69. “Mouthwash. Bring me mouthwash. Lives depends on it,”
  70. >she bursts into a flash of purple and pink sparks
  71. >the bright flash pounds on your pained, headache-wracked noggin
  72. >she reappears, but the pain is dulled by the bottle in her hoof
  73. >you snatch it out of her hoof before she can open her mouth
  74. >you rip the cap off with your teeth and squeeze the bottle like Homer teaching Bart parenting
  75. >sweet merciful piss water this might actually have something alcohol related in it
  76. >you crumble to the floor and suck the liquid down harder than a vacuum. Harder than a black hole. Harder than /lava/
  77. >Twilight and Spike are dumbfounded
  78. >Colgate hooves the door briskly, galloping in, looking confused and alarmed
  79. “Princess Twilight? Why in the world would you just teleport in my house to take some mouthwa-
  80. >she stops talking as she sees you practically having oral sex with the container, and blushes
  81. “I’ll go get more” she says, trotting off with a confused, but red-tinged smile
  82. >Spike walks by with a mop and bucket, looking at you warily, sighing, and saying
  83. “I guess we don’t have to worry about him smelling like spew anymore,”
  84. “Spike! That’s really rude! We don’t know much about his species, this was clearly a serious condition of… What was all that anyway?”
  85. >you’re shaky, covered in countless types of fluids, but now you’re scared
  86. >do you tell her you’re a hopeless alcoholic?
  87. >that you were pretty much drinking yourself to an early grave?
  88. >that the last solid meal you had was probably a week ago?
  89. >what would they all think of you?
  90. >she looks at you, with her big, adorable, sparkling eyes
  91. >you just can’t
  92. “Uuhh… Eehhh… Oh… Ooh… Ooooktoberfest! Yes, Oktoberfest!”
  93. >Twilight and Spike exchange confused glances
  94. “It’s uhhh… Really important, for my species! We can like, get really sick if we don’t have Oktoberfest at least once a year. Preferably twice. Some places have it like six times. I was really busy and I missed the big annual Oktoberfest, then I came here, somehow”
  95. >your burnt-out brain is just farting words out of your mouth
  96. >they both look at you, dumbfounded
  97. “Oktoberfest is this…”
  98. >you don’t actually have the slightest fucking idea what it is, beyond a big party with booze and wooden shoes. Also, those German bar wench outfits that totally lay rack in a wonderful little white basket of frilly cloth are involved
  99. >Colgate gallops in with a bunch of mouthwash bottles
  100. >she hands you one, slyly winking at you
  101. >you don’t know how to react to a tiny horse giving you bedroom eyes
  102. >but fuck it, you will ride dat pony if she keeps bringing you this minty shit
  103. >you suck on the bottle as Colgate sits on her haunches, eye-screwing you as you drink, abscent-mindedly saying
  104. “Sorry about the intrusion, Twilight, but um… Oral hygiene is… Really important. Does he need a toothbrush and toothpaste?”
  105. >you feel the contrasting numbness soothing what most people would feel as a burning sensation
  106. >you love that horse for bringing you mouthwash now
  107. >you give her the most lewd eyes you can and say
  108. “Maybe later, if you’re up to showing me how to… Do it,”
  109. >Twilight looks at you both with a mixture of bewilderment and preemptive disgust
  110. “As I was saying, Oktoberfest is this… Ummm… Ritual. We have to put on these outfits, and drink beer. Beer is like this stuff here, mouthwash, but made for Oktoberfest. It’s really fun; there are games and contests too. And dancing, and singing. It’s like a party I guess. But still a ritual! Reaaaaally important ritual. With lots of drinking. We should set one up here; I bet you ponies would love it,”
  111. >you just spew out whatever you can think of
  112. >to make it believable, and also to entice the horses
  113. >Twilight raises an eyebrow
  114. “So if you don’t have this ritual-party thing you get sick?”
  115. >you lie so hard with your “yes” that the very trees are convinced
  116. “I’m really sorry I acted the way I did, I shouldn’t have missed my Oktoberfest in my world. I apologize for wrecking your place and everything,”
  117. “I forgive you Anon, it really wasn’t your fault, those side effects looked really severe,”
  118. >they’re buying it, and you feel your heart imploding slowly
  119. >numbed by poison in your veins, you still feel it crushing itself with guilt
  120. >you are lying to them about yourself, so you can lie to them about what’s going on, so they can
  121. >you drink another bottle as Colgate hands them to you
  122. >it’s nothing more alcohol won’t solve
  123. >it’s how all the other problems go away
  124. “So, Anon, what should we do if we wanted to set up one of these Oktoberfest things?”
  125. “Well first, we have to brew beer. After that, I think Pinkie would be able to take care of a few things.”
  126. >you start making stuff up as you go
  127. >you’re probably a half dozen bottles down, feeling like your old numb self again
  128. >they smile at you, clean you up
  129. >their selflessness in reply to your lies hurts in waves, so you drink some more
  130. >Colgate is looking pretty cute now
  131. “Yeah, yeah, like that. There are no chairs in Oktoberfests, just short tables. Everyone sits on the ground, so if they’re too dr… I mean tired, they can just sleep without falling off their chairs,”
  132. >you meet every lie with a long, deep swig
  133. “I guess that makes sense,” says Twilight, eyebrow raised
  134. >was that doubt?
  135. “Uhhh… We’re taller, so falling from our chairs can hurt,”
  136. “Oh, right, yeah, of course!”
  137. >she smiles innocently and trots off, floating chairs away with hazy hues of magic
  138. >that smile
  139. >you take another swig
  140. >everything was getting as hazy as her magic now
  141. >you hide your shitfaced state without too much trouble
  142. >you’re now solidly sloshed, but it still hurts
  143. >you drink some more
  144. “Nonny! I can’t believe you’re throwing this super duper party from your own world here! That’s so awesome, I can’t wait to party like you hoo-manz do, it’ll be another party in my party repertoire,”
  145. >Pinkie bounces, he mouth moving faster than your eyes can follow
  146. >you’re not sure if that’s just the drunk but shit she’s quick
  147. “Y-yeah, no problem, I just hope you guys have tons of fun,”
  148. >you’re already finishing another bottle, trying to stay one step ahead of the guilt
  149. “Anon I don’t think you’re supposed to drink mouthwash,” adds Pinkie
  150. >you look at her
  151. >her childlike statements hit harder than pretty much everything else
  152. “It’s uhhh… Species thing,”
  153. >you manage to mumble a reply
  154. >they plan the Oktoberfest for tonight
  155. >something feels wrong
  156. >you can’t tell if it’s physical or mental anymore
  157. >it just feels sick, everything hurts
  158. >you have Applejack and Twilight brew the first beer in Equestrian history, using a combination of magic and Applejack’s knowledge of grains, and hops
  159. >Colgate looks a little down now that you aren’t throwing back bottles of mouthwash
  160. >this beer ain’t bad, for a first attempt with unicorn magic
  161. >you take another swig
  162. >things get blurry
  163. >the afternoon goes by in a bit of a blur
  164. >you don’t know if they’re noticing how utterly smashed you are at this point
  165. >you don’t feel much now
  166. >it’s like you’re back in your groove
  167. >you can smile again
  168. >Pinkie is hilarious, but now she’s dangerously funny
  169. >as the sun begins to set, you see blurry pony shapes and muddled voices christening the first Oktoberfest Ritual Party in Equestria
  170. >the festivities being, somewhat chaotically
  171. >you are ambushed by Colgate, who shoves you behind a tent and starts brushing your teeth
  172. >you don’t know why you’re aroused, but she’s a wizard with that toothbrush
  173. >she does things in your mouth you didn’t know possible
  174. >you manage to fight off whiskey dick as you brush her teeth
  175. >shit gets weird when you drunkenly poke her in the nose with the brush
  176. >you’d be amazed how hard it is to brush a pony’s teeth while giving her the penis
  177. >Colgate gets a little pushy at this point, shoves you down, and starts riding you while furiously cleaning your teeth
  178. >you just lay back, overwhelmed
  179. “You like it rough, hoo-man? Aaahhnn… Yeah… How does it feel to have your gums cleaned… Your teeth are going to spaAAAhhhnn… Sparkle so haard… Take it like a first year dental hygienist, you orally demanding hoaaoohmygoshrightthere, yes, YES, YES! CLEAN ME WITH YOUR TOOTHPASTE, ANON, SQUIRT IT IN ME NOOOWWW!”
  180. >she almost chokes you with the toothbrush as you pop your paste tube inside
  181. >she crumbles on top of you, her mane messed up, covered in toothpaste (both kinds), panting between incoherent rambling of the importance of calcium, and flossing
  182. >you slowly get back up, drinking from whatever was closest
  183. >you can’t feel your mouth any more, you have no idea what that was
  184. >from Colgate’s expression, it was probably more mouthwash
  185. >the party was in full tilt now, ponies were starting to get drunk for the first time in the history of this world
  186. >they had been too busy singing and dancing to notice your sexuadental adventure
  187. >Colgate and you are leaning on each other
  188. >she’s weak at the knees from your endurance, and you’re just fucking gone
  189. “Anon… Wow… We should sit down and have something to drink, that was wonderful,”
  190. >not a bad idea
  191. >you both sit against a barrel and watch the festivities
  192. >ponies looked pretty good in the costumes you’d described
  193. >Colgate lays her head on your lap, looking up at you
  194. “Anon, I never knew that any creature would understand me, my needs, like you do,”
  195. >you barely register her words as you down another mug
  196. “Thanks Anon,”
  197. >that wakes you up out of your stupor
  198. >why is she…
  199. “I’m just happy to have met you, and I’m glad we could spend this Oktoberfest thing together like this,”
  200. >she looks you in the eyes, her feelings genuine and so warm you feel like you’re sober
  201. >it was all a lie
  202. >you grab another mug
  203. “Heh, you really like that stuff, hunh Anon,”
  204. >you pet her stomach, mumbling through numb lips
  205. “Yeah…”
  206. >Twilight and Pinkie Pie walk by
  207. >they’re all blurry
  208. “Nonny, this is like the best thing ever! This “beer” stuff tastes a little funny but then everything is even more funny!”
  209. >Twilight’s got a healthy blush going
  210. “Yeah,” she hiccups, continuing in a slur “it makes you all wobbly too,”
  211. “Thanks Anon, for Oktoberfest, for everything,” says Pinkie
  212. >Twilight thanks you in turn, almost tipping over
  213. >you see Spike drinking
  214. >isn’t he young
  215. >the sick feeling you had washes back over you
  216. >you see ponies behind tents throwing up
  217. >a fight breaks out in the contest tent
  218. >Pinkie, Colgate, and Twilight look at you, their eyes hazy reflections of how you started out
  219. >you shut it all out with another mug
  220. >and another
  221. >and another
  222. >the world dims, and fades into a numb obscurity
  223. >the paramedics find your body a week later when your landlady notices a terrible smell
  224. >smeared on the floor next to you reads the words “I’m sorry”, in toothpaste
  225. >today was a [spoiler]BRUSH YOUR TEETH[/spoiler] day in Equestria
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