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Discussion between Bud0011, Zyeriis, Chocolancer and Xizor

a guest
Nov 12th, 2010
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  1. [21:12] * bud0011 start logging
  2. [21:13] <Chocolancer> i'm not exactly a big part of the FFWiki discussion group, you see...
  3. [21:13] <Chocolancer> more or less a nobody, even though i was there for 2 years
  4. [21:14] <Chocolancer> but i'll see how the whole plot unfolds...if ever something happens
  5. [21:14] <bud0011> SCM wants KH to be the first wiki to to be independent as a proof of concept
  6. [21:14] <bud0011> if they get out the door, it might help convince FF to come along
  7. [21:14] <Chocolancer> hopefully
  8. [21:14] <bud0011> if they both go, that is when i think it would be best to lunch SEIWA
  9. [21:14] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i want to do so as well
  10. [21:15] <ZyeriislGoldeney> 2 wikis doing so would boost such things
  11. [21:15] <bud0011> indeed
  12. [21:15] <ZyeriislGoldeney> boost the effect*
  13. [21:15] <Chocolancer> FFWiki would definitely be a significant part of SEIWA
  14. [21:15] <Chocolancer> without them, the entire thing wouldn't go as planned
  15. [21:15] <bud0011> this is true
  16. [21:16] <ZyeriislGoldeney> soon as im off Wikia, I can get back to finishing mine
  17. [21:16] <ZyeriislGoldeney> mine will be quite large
  18. [21:16] <ZyeriislGoldeney> (and already somewhat is)
  19. [21:16] <ZyeriislGoldeney> 700+ content pages, 4000+ total pages
  20. [21:16] * bud0011 nods
  21. [21:17] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i should have well over 3-4k content pages by now but...
  22. [21:17] <ZyeriislGoldeney> oasis kinda ruined that
  23. [21:17] == DTN|AWAY has changed nick to DTN
  24. [21:17] <Chocolancer> keep working at it, i suppose
  25. [21:18] <bud0011> hey DTN
  26. [21:18] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i cant work with oasis, it literally ruined everything
  27. [21:18] <DTN> Oh, wow. Conversation. What did I miss.
  28. [21:18] <bud0011> read above ^
  29. [21:18] <Chocolancer> atm, FFWiki is trying to fix the oasis issues little by little
  30. [21:18] <ZyeriislGoldeney> not a lot
  31. [21:19] <DTN> I believe that FFWiki and KHWiki are both planning to join SEIWA.
  32. [21:19] <ZyeriislGoldeney> what i mean is, it would be impossible for me to work around oasis
  33. [21:19] <DTN> I've spoken to some FFWiki admins and mods, and have received support.
  34. [21:19] <bud0011> cool
  35. [21:19] <DTN> Oasis will not be on SEIWA.
  36. [21:19] <ZyeriislGoldeney> the forced width is far too small
  37. [21:19] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i may as well start from scratch
  38. [21:19] <Chocolancer> @Zyeriis have you tried using the hiddenStructure glitch? or did they fix that?
  39. [21:19] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i know
  40. [21:20] <bud0011> @DTN have you read all the conversations up to now?
  41. [21:20] <Chocolancer> @DTN: can you list who's on for the deal?
  42. [21:20] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i just want to get off Wikia
  43. [21:20] <ZyeriislGoldeney> asap
  44. [21:20] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i dont mind waiting for the SEIWA to form
  45. [21:20] <DTN> Fae loved the idea, Azul too.
  46. [21:20] <ZyeriislGoldeney> i just need to get out of Wikia
  47. [21:21] <Chocolancer> we're on it...let's just wait and see
  48. [21:21] <bud0011> @ZyeriislGoldeney: we know
  49. [21:21] <Chocolancer> Yuan?
  50. [21:21] <ZyeriislGoldeney> u can just call me zye or zyeriis
  51. [21:21] <bud0011> but then i can't ping you :D
  52. [21:21] <ZyeriislGoldeney> dont need to ping me right now
  53. [21:22] <bud0011> ow...your no fun
  54. [21:22] <ZyeriislGoldeney> this actually has overshadowed that im playing goldeneye >_>
  55. [21:22] <ZyeriislGoldeney> a tough thing to do
  56. [21:22] <Chocolancer> @DTN heck, what about CSM and Diablo? i wonder if they're on to discuss about this entire thing...?
  57. [21:22] == ZyeriislGoldeney has changed nick to Zyeriis
  58. [21:22] <bud0011> Diablo's SE?
  59. [21:23] <Chocolancer> diablo as in "there's an admin in the FFWiki called Diablocon"
  60. [21:23] <Zyeriis> there now you can ping me >_>
  61. [21:23] <bud0011> yea!
  62. [21:23] <bud0011> ok
  63. [21:24] <Chocolancer> CSM is also a beureaucrat, but he's been inactive for some time now
  64. [21:24] <bud0011> @DTN have you heard SCM's plan?
  65. [21:24] <bud0011> * propsed plan, that is?
  66. [21:25] <DTN> No
  67. [21:25] <bud0011> would you like to?
  68. [21:26] == DTN has changed nick to DTN|AWAY
  69. [21:26] <bud0011> ok, nvm
  70. [21:27] <Zyeriis> lol
  71. [21:28] <bud0011> anyway, have you guys seen my talk box?
  72. [21:29] <Zyeriis> ?
  73. [21:29] <bud0011> talk bubbles?
  74. [21:30] <bud0011> anyway, i got one this morning
  75. [21:30] <Chocolancer> that's great
  76. [21:30] <bud0011> thank you.
  77. [21:30] <Chocolancer> i stopped using mine after a while though...just stuck to simple text and sig
  78. [21:33] <bud0011> so, did you guys see who the new member of NIWA was today?
  79. [21:35] <Zyeriis> no
  80. [21:35] <Zyeriis> was is the dk wiki?
  81. [21:35] <bud0011> indeed
  82. [21:35] <Zyeriis> thought as much (obviously)
  83. [21:37] <Chocolancer> congrats to them =)
  84. [21:38] <bud0011> indeed
  85. [21:40] <bud0011> hey, are you guys going anywhere?
  86. [21:40] <Zyeriis> eh no, just playin a game
  87. [21:40] <Zyeriis> wondering why i can still taste that sushi
  88. [21:40] <Zyeriis> despite that being the first thing i ate...not the last
  89. [21:41] <Zyeriis> you know, the usual
  90. [21:41] <bud0011> sushi is a sting taste...?
  91. [21:41] <Zyeriis> ?
  92. [21:41] <bud0011> * strong
  93. [21:41] <Zyeriis> maybe it was from the last one, when i overdid it on the wasabi and almost died ^^
  94. [21:42] <bud0011> possibly
  95. [21:42] <Zyeriis> i actually shed a tear D:
  96. [21:42] <bud0011> :'(
  97. [21:42] <Zyeriis> i didnt know my body was even capable of that anymore...
  98. [21:42] <Zyeriis> havent teared in years >_>
  99. [21:43] <Chocolancer> lol...i hate wasabi
  100. [21:43] <Zyeriis> needless to say, i won't be having sinus problems again for quite some time
  101. [21:43] <Chocolancer> @bud gonna be phasing in and out, since it's hard to concentrate on stuff i need to do
  102. [21:43] <bud0011> not a problem
  103. [21:44] <bud0011> just check back once and a while
  104. [21:44] == Xizor [a9e704fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #SEIWA
  105. [21:44] <Xizor> oh bonjour!
  106. [21:45] <Zyeriis> hi
  107. [21:45] <bud0011> Bonjour!
  108. [21:46] <bud0011> DTN (the started of this idea) is away,
  109. [21:46] <bud0011> * starter
  110. [21:46] <Xizor> Ah
  111. [21:46] <Xizor> Well who is severyone else? I remember Zyeriis
  112. [21:48] <Zyeriis> choco is from FFWiki i think
  113. [21:48] <Xizor> Cool cool
  114. [21:48] <Zyeriis> DTN is DoorToNothing i believe
  115. [21:48] <Xizor> You're from KH Wiki right?
  116. [21:48] <Zyeriis> me?
  117. [21:48] <Xizor> Yuss
  118. [21:48] <Zyeriis> no, im from the FFXIV Wiki
  119. [21:48] <Xizor> Oh
  120. [21:48] <Xizor> Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else from the other day? Or I'm crazy.
  121. [21:48] <Xizor> Most likely the latter.
  122. [21:48] <bud0011> :P
  123. [21:49] * Zyeriis shrugs.
  124. [21:50] <bud0011> to catch up to speed, this is what i think will be going on. (correct me if i am wrong)
  125. [21:50] <bud0011> KH is revoting to go indy or to Wikkii (pending admin approval)
  126. [21:50] <bud0011> that's #1
  127. [21:51] <bud0011> #2: if in #1 goes indy, then FF will see if there users and contributors are up for it.
  128. [21:52] <Zyeriis> Ammendment: FFXIV Wiki wants to do this as well (go indy) to support the SEIWA idea (and to leave Wikia in general)
  129. [21:52] <bud0011> #3: If both #1 and #2 succeed, then SEIWA will be launched. The_Inexistiend hopes to use the Square Wikia as a hub once it goes indy. I recommended to them they get forums
  130. [21:53] <bud0011> #4 they start building an infastructure and one by one wikia
  131. [21:53] <bud0011> ''s are brought to an independent server and asked on the SEIWA forums for help
  132. [21:53] <Chocolancer> if FFWiki goes, i hope Sardapedia also does
  133. [21:54] <bud0011> indeed do i hope as well
  134. [21:54] <bud0011> #5) once the former Wikia is ready, it is brought in as a member
  135. [21:55] <bud0011> #6) #4 and #5 are repeated for each SE-related wiki on Wikia or started up by it's members
  136. [21:55] <Xizor> Cool!
  137. [21:56] <Zyeriis> well the one thing I want to know is if FFXIV and KHWiki can share a hosting option in order to show that the SEIWA idea will work
  138. [21:56] <bud0011> you don't need to share hosting to be part of the same IWA
  139. [21:56] <bud0011> however, it is helpful if you plan to share users
  140. [21:57] <Zyeriis> thats part of why I want this preliminary launch to be a joint operation, i know you don't have to share hosting
  141. [21:57] <Zyeriis> but I want users to be static across the SEIWA
  142. [21:57] <Zyeriis> it'll be another reason to switch/support the idea
  143. [21:57] <bud0011> that would be cool
  144. [21:58] <bud0011> it's be like Bulbagarden (the pokemon network that hosts bulbapedia) and NIWA combined
  145. [21:58] <Zyeriis> it would be kind of irritating to have your name taken on another wiki, of the same organization basically
  146. [21:58] <bud0011> true...
  147. [21:59] <Zyeriis> (that plus the benefits of actually intertwining communities to a degree)
  148. [21:59] <bud0011> i have the same account name on 6 of the 13 niwa wikis
  149. [21:59] <bud0011> which is 6 sepreate hostings
  150. [21:59] <Chocolancer> i see...
  151. [21:59] <Zyeriis> thats not half ^^;
  152. [21:59] <Zyeriis> not even half*
  153. [22:00] <bud0011> well, it grows faster than i create accounts at
  154. [22:00] <Chocolancer> so you can't use the same username across the entire wikibase?
  155. [22:00] <Zyeriis> yeah thats another factor
  156. [22:00] <bud0011> no. they don't share accounts
  157. [22:00] <Zyeriis> you will also only need to create an account, once
  158. [22:00] <bud0011> 13 wikis, i can have 13 user names
  159. [22:00] <Zyeriis> this may be pushing it but
  160. [22:01] <Zyeriis> as an afterthought on this
  161. [22:01] <bud0011> yes?
  162. [22:01] <Zyeriis> perhaps there would be a way for edit count to be static across all of the wikis?
  163. [22:01] <Zyeriis> if we all used the same hosting
  164. [22:01] <bud0011> eh....
  165. [22:01] <bud0011> that would be difficult
  166. [22:01] <Zyeriis> sounds simpler than it probably is
  167. [22:01] <Zyeriis> i know lol
  168. [22:01] <Zyeriis> hence why its an afterthought
  169. [22:02] <bud0011> the software would have to work hard at managing all the edit counts accorss many wiki's
  170. [22:02] <bud0011> and then you would need to intergrate each new wiki into it
  171. [22:02] <Zyeriis> doesnt need to be in there, especially not from the get-go
  172. [22:03] <Zyeriis> just something to think about
  173. [22:03] <bud0011> indeed, it is
  174. [22:03] <Zyeriis> btw, does anyone know how communications with the other SE wikis has been going?
  175. [22:03] <bud0011> i don't
  176. [22:03] <bud0011> i hear most of them are dead....
  177. [22:03] <Zyeriis> or has that not even started?
  178. [22:04] <Zyeriis> i doubt deus ex, star ocean, etc. are dead
  179. [22:05] <bud0011> which is why #4 in the plan i posted is: we go out once a month (let's say) grab a wiki, get it independent, put it on the forums and try and attract contribtors
  180. [22:05] <bud0011> the next month, we do another wiki
  181. [22:06] <Zyeriis> i just editted the canidates list (add 2 links to respective wikis mine and the ffxi wiki)
  182. [22:06] <Zyeriis> added*
  183. [22:06] <bud0011> cool
  184. [22:06] <Zyeriis> if you could get ffxiclopedia (ffxi wiki) on board
  185. [22:07] <Zyeriis> you would have more than enough backbone
  186. [22:07] <bud0011> cool
  187. [22:07] <Chocolancer> @Zyeriis star ocean isn't dead
  188. [22:07] <Zyeriis> though im unsure whether they would agree to coexist with mine
  189. [22:07] <Zyeriis> because they made an independent ffxiv wiki of their own as a follow up
  190. [22:07] <Zyeriis> called eorzeapedia
  191. [22:07] <Chocolancer> and their articles actually have some degree of quality
  192. [22:07] <bud0011> "We are all equal in the eyes of Square Enix"
  193. [22:08] <Zyeriis> well i shouldve said i know star ocean wiki isnt dead
  194. [22:08] <Zyeriis> not that i doubt that its dead*
  195. [22:08] <bud0011> is the FFXI wiki independent?
  196. [22:08] <Zyeriis> ffxiclopedia has like 35k+ pages
  197. [22:09] <Xizor> I'm sorry guys I gotta head out
  198. [22:09] <Xizor> ttyl
  199. [22:09] <bud0011> later
  200. [22:09] <Xizor> feel free to email me or hit me up on Skype
  201. [22:09] <Xizor> see ya!
  202. [22:09] == Xizor [a9e704fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  203. [22:09] <Zyeriis> bye
  204. [22:09] <bud0011> thanks for stopping by
  205. [22:09] <Zyeriis> no
  206. [22:09] <Zyeriis> they're using oasis
  207. [22:09] <Zyeriis> they just have their own domain
  208. [22:09] <bud0011> that stinks
  209. [22:09] <Zyeriis> since they're so large
  210. [22:10] <Chocolancer> no way...though did they fix the issues that come up with oasis?
  211. [22:10] <Zyeriis> they're still pretty angry about it
  212. [22:10] <Zyeriis> i really don't know how they're functioning around oasis
  213. [22:10] <Zyeriis> i quit ffxi a few months ago
  214. [22:10] <Zyeriis> so i dont visit there anymore
  215. [22:11] <Zyeriis> just so you know: ffxi players are all about the community
  216. [22:11] <Zyeriis> they will most likely love the SEIWA idea
  217. [22:12] <bud0011> cool.
  218. [22:12] <bud0011> they can help build the community internally
  219. [22:13] <Zyeriis> but again I am unsure how well my wiki will mix/coexist with theirs
  220. [22:13] <Zyeriis> as the admins there also run a competing ffxiv wiki
  221. [22:13] <Zyeriis> (some of them)
  222. [22:14] <bud0011> there are two FFXIV wikis?
  223. [22:14] <Zyeriis> theres like 5 lol
  224. [22:14] <Zyeriis> ffxivcore, ffxiv zam, eorzeapedia....mine...
  225. [22:15] <Zyeriis> ffxivcore is hosted by curse
  226. [22:15] <Zyeriis> ffxiv zam...
  227. [22:15] <Zyeriis> eorzeapedia is independent (run by ffxiclopedia admins and admins from other ffxi fan sites)
  228. [22:19] <Zyeriis> so yeah
  229. [22:19] <bud0011> anyway. is there anything else you guys would like to talk about?
  230. [22:19] <Zyeriis> theres a lot of ffxiv fan sites, not including the wikis
  231. [22:20] <Zyeriis> um...
  232. [22:20] <bud0011> if not, i will stop logging and pastebin this
  233. [22:20] <Zyeriis> not without more people, no, not really
  234. [22:21] <bud0011> ok.
  235. [22:21] <bud0011> I am going to make a new section with my 6 step plan, see what other people think.
  236. [22:22] * bud0011 stops logging
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