
Randy Credico on Fred Dicker (11/10/2017)

Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's back channel to Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. Transcript of relevant portion of "Focus on the State Capitol" with host Fred Dicker, broadcast date: November 10, 2017. Excerpt goes from 25:55 to 38:55.
  5. File link:
  7. ["There But For Fortune" by Phil Ochs plays]
  10. Well, Randy Credico is well known to listeners of this show. I've got a couple of theme songs that I play for Randy, this is the beautiful song by Phil Ochs, and it's a serious song, and this is to introduce Randy in a serious mode. He's a political activist, besides being a comedian, and right now, his activism has taken the form, of his being fired at WBAI, down in New York City, although he might challenged the characterization of being fired...but it's a cause that he's been very much involved with, that led to his firing. It's been taken up by a great many people, including an international figure, the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, has tweeted out information about what's happened to Randy, he's obviously concerned about Randy Credico. And Randy's joining us right now to talk about that and some related matters, good morning, Randy. Good to have you with us again.
  13. Hey. It's great to be on the show, Fred. I gotta tell you something that, your uh your audience has spiked dramatically today, because there is an international uh following that I have, and that I'm uh you know, in concert with, great uh crew of loyal listeners, that have been very concerned about the on-going crisis at WBAI, and really, a vendetta against me by the interim program director, who I believe will be let go very soon. He's totall-
  15. DICKER
  16. Hold on for a second, let me just mention, I grew up in New York City, I knew about WBAI, I think I appeared on it a few times, the WBAI back then, was a very well known station, as it is now, it's genuinely listener supported-
  19. Right.
  21. DICKER
  22. It originated out of California, I've mentioned this before-
  25. Right.
  27. DICKER
  28. -Pacifica radio, they were left-wing activists, after World War II, who created, in a way, the concept of publicly supported radio, they got a license out there, and a second license. They got a license for New York City, and WBAI was always an alternative source, well before there was something called public radio, on PBS, with no- And they did it without any government money, and WBAI still survives in New York, but it's been torn by some internal fights over the years, as is often the case on the left, [CREDICO says something inaudible] and I just want to provide that as some background, because right now there's a bitter struggle for control of the station going on, isn't that correct?
  31. Yes, there is. What- Well, first of all, it's part of a network, as you just pointed out, started out- Lew Hill [founder], began in 1947 1948, he was an anti-war activist, a conscientious objector, and so he started this station there, and it's blossomed into five- It's a beautiful network, Fred, it really is, and there's great diverse programming on all of the different stations, WBAI has some incredible shows. Musically, politically, they got great producers there, the only problem is that- this internecine stuff that happens, on the left, we do have, an unwanted program director there, that kindof insinuated himself in, there-
  33. DICKER
  34. What's his name?
  37. Tony Bates is his name. Tony Bates is a- Has drifted around from various uuuuh you know, stations, kicked out, and so...he was actually kicked out of WBAI back in 2011, for reasons I don't want to get into, but certainly they are not very flattering. And so he came back, and he's basically taken control- Taken some great shows, and dumped them, and brought in some of his friends, to replace them, and so...there's a lot of- He's not liked at the station. We got what's called a local station board. And, democratically elected by the listeners, and by the fellow producers, and they've all rejected the person, but the general manager, has not acted in a year, to replace and put in a program director, so he has been sticking around- He's been giving me a hard time ever since the beginning, since the onset of my Assange series, I was the favorite- As you know, I was doing three or four shows a week, I was doing all the public affairs shows.
  39. DICKER
  40. [inaudible] They loved you.
  43. I did the inauguration of Trump. I did the uh the State of the State, I was doing all these special shows, and once the- Once we started, Fred, with the Assange series, back in April 2nd, he took offense to that, that I was doing a show, my show, and trying to get- take the content. Now, your show, Fred-
  45. DICKER
  46. Trying to do what?
  49. -you're, you do whatever you want. And and the owner of the station never interferes with you. You have me on, and I'm contrary to a lot of...your listeners uuuuuuh-
  51. DICKER
  52. Perspectives.
  55. Political perspectives. But I gotta give Paul Vandervere [sic]-
  57. DICKER
  58. Vandenburgh.
  61. Uh- Vandenburgh, you know, a shout out, because he has always allowed his uh hosts, he does not interfere...well, this guy has interfered at the station, uh the vast majority- with the exception of a few, who have been bought off with some extra time [inaudible]-
  63. DICKER
  64. But in what way has he been interfering, though? I would think Julian Assange-
  67. Well, first of all-
  69. DICKER
  70. Hold on for a second, Randy. I would think Julian Assange, and what he represents, for instance, would be somebody and something that the station's listeners would support, and value, what has he tried to censor-
  73. Well, he's pushing- He, you know- It's basically because I've been doing the stuff that- That contradicts uh as my good friend William Binney, who's been on, and he complained about that, he's been on Sean Hannity's show, and just met with Pompeo, uh we disagree with the narrative that the Russians hacked the election. And that's been my point of view, I still believe it, there's still no evidence, no hard evidence that the Russians hacked the election, that it was an inside job, just as Mr. Binney told Mr. Pompeo the other day, and- Look, I'm not a Trump fan! You understand that? But if you wanna go after him, go after him for legitimate reasons if he's done something wrong with the so-called emoluments, if they can find something there...but this is not the way to take him out, and obviously, they want to take him out, somehow, and they're using- and they're pushing, and they're keeping this thing, and I've been know, my- my show, and I've got a great audience right now, I have my-
  75. DICKER
  76. Randy, hold on for a second.
  78. -John, from-
  80. DICKER
  81. No, I- Hold on for a second. Firstly, it seems to me, any radio producer / director, any station manager, would have been thrilled with the coup that you had, in getting Julian Assange on your show, whether everyone likes him, dislikes him, thinks he's a traitor, or a wonderful world figure. That should've been a real plus.
  84. IT WAS!
  86. DICKER
  87. And then secondly, I would think WBAI's listeners, by definition, are listeners who want to hear a perspective, especially one from somebody like yourself, with credentials on the left. So, why would they- I mean, I don't understand the rationale of being-
  90. Same reason-
  92. DICKER
  93. -hostile to you.
  96. -Luciano, Felipe Luciano, who you know, who's a great uh you know, he was on WABC, I mean, "Good Morning-" He was on all these programs here. Very respected uh musically and politically, and he's a moderate guy, Felipe Luciano, Puerto Rican host, he finally walked out because of the uh the treatment that he was receiving. And others have...the Reverend Billy, uh there's a lot of people who have left, rather than take the kind of error and terror from the uh this guy. I want you to know, that I love the station, and I- He is accusing me of organizing a boycott and he's been sending out this- That I'm doing it with John Pilger, who's won a hundred and forty awards, two of the highest awards in the world, the British uh journalists' award. Uh and so he really rankled that guy, and he came back, and I sent you the email, that-
  98. DICKER
  99. Yeah, I saw it.
  101. CREDICO
  102. Alright? So, uh he's-
  104. DICKER
  105. Pilger says it's absolutely false, that you're not [CREDICO: YES!] doing that at all. [CREDICO: inaudible] And I haven't heard you suggest there should be a boycott.
  107. CREDICO
  108. Of course not. I am supporting- In fact, they have- They're playing my- My uh carts that I've done for the station [carts is short for cartridges, presumably station promotions with the voice of Credico], I have done so much for that station for thirty six years, and this interloper comes in, know, he's been there for a year, unwanted, basically, and uh I don't think he'll be there that much longer, and I think I will be back, but I haven't been doing my show there, Fred, my shows I've been doing from my phone, because I don't want to go in there, it's so uncomfortable going in there, as it is right now. And I love all of the hosts there, they- They, you know, I know that they support me, and somebody has to take a stand, and I took a stand...against them. And that's basically [DICKER: Yeah.] the reason why, they blew off a whistleblower, because I know a lot about what management does there. And they didn't want- They took that out, and I- All it's going to do is get worse, uuuh at that station. But, like- As I said, I really do- That station needs to survive, not go down, and I [DICKER: Alright.] would never organize a boycott, it was a big lie. Libelous! It's libelous, and I'm considering filing a lawsuit against the uuuh interim program director, whatever you call him.
  110. DICKER
  111. Were you surprised, Randy, that Assange weighed in, I guess from the Ecuadorian embassy, in London, on your behalf, about a- expressing concern about what was going on?
  113. CREDICO
  114. Yes, you know, he was, he really uh-
  116. DICKER
  117. Were you surprised by that at all?
  119. CREDICO
  120. I was not suprised, no, because- Plus, what he said, was, you know, Pamela Anderson, has supported know how hard it is to get Pamela Anderson on any show? When the paparazzi is following her around...she did _my show_. Pamela Anderson. I've had Cornel West, who never does uh anything but major shows. Bill Maher's- He's done the show. I mean, I've got incredible guests on the show, Craig Murray, I'm getting not just Assange, but many others...are coming forward. And they lost a big audience, Fred. Remember, right now, you got hundreds and hundreds of people I know, who are listening because I'm checking my...uh, email, or my twitter feed, and people are listening in _Denmark_. In _London_, they are.
  122. DICKER
  123. Nice! To see that.
  125. CREDICO
  126. In Germany.
  128. DICKER
  129. What is Anonymous Scandinavia? Something called Anonymous Scandinavia on twitter, just- With eighteen thousand five hundred followers, has tweeted out that you're on this show, live right now. Do you know who Anonymous Scandinavia is?
  131. CREDICO
  132. Yes, I do. I do. I do know who that individual is, and he's been- He's a very talented uh gentleman, who makes beautiful videos, and he's someone to follow, a very smart guy, and, you know, a lot of these people do not like Hillary Clinton and I- I was very hard on Hillary Clinton, and they say, "Why aren't you balanced?" Why aren't you balanced? Well, I was supporting Jill Stein, and I didn't like Hillary Clinton, and it turned out Hillary Clinton is getting in bigger and bigger trouble, and _nobody_ is talking about- Finally, they're talking about collusion with the Russians, because she came for this deal, document, deal...memo.
  134. DICKER
  135. Fusion GPS.
  137. CREDICO
  138. Yes, well, she- You can't tell me she didn't know about that, and what Donna Brazile is saying, is what I've been saying all along.
  140. DICKER
  141. [laughs] That's true.
  143. CREDICO
  144. I've been saying that all along, and Brazile finally came out and and let the cat out of the bag, and we know that they tampered with democracy, the DNC, Tom Perez, and all these guys, _they_ tampered with our democracy. That's what it's all about, and Adam Schiff should be going after _them_. Adam Schiff should be going after the DNC, for undermining our democracy.
  146. DICKER
  147. Well, he's...
  149. CREDICO
  150. BUT WHY NOT!
  152. DICKER
  153. He's their agent, no question about it. Where does it go from here, Randy? I want to ask you about a couple of other things, what happens now, because you've said you may head off to Europe? You're looking to start another Spanish Civil War, is that what you're up to?
  155. CREDICO
  156. [laughs] I'm going- I'm going to go to London, to- as a reporter, for uh KPFA, sister station, flagship station out of San Francisco, and report on a FOIA request, by the great Italian uuuh uuuh La Repubblica reporter, Stefania Maurizi, so I'm going to cover that, and then I'm going to go to Catalan, and also...for- for uh-
  158. DICKER
  159. Catalonia. In Spain. Barcelona.
  161. CREDICO
  162. Catalonia. About Barcelona. And report on what's going on uh there. I just interviewed a journalist- a writer there, on- I'm still on! They can't suppress me at WBAI! And I know a lot of the producers are upset that I'm gone, they can't suppress my voice. I am on at Pacifica, KPFA, it's got- it's got ten times the listeners over there. And it's on six or seven other stations, and I got you Fred!
  164. DICKER
  165. Right. You gotta call me as well, from Catalonia. I'd love to get some of your insights.
  167. CREDICO
  168. You will, Fred.
  170. DICKER
  171. What's going on there.
  173. CREDICO
  174. You're gonna get me next week, Fred- I will definitely- Because it's five hours- six hours later there, so it'd be perfect for me to do it, ten o'clock in the morning. [DICKER: Excellent.] Your time. Which should be two, four o'clock there, so, I will definitely- It may not be Friday, it may be Thursday, whenever the action is, uh, but I'm really looking forward to doing this, and from London. Whatever you want, Fred. You have not suppressed my voice. Paul Vandenburgh-
  176. DICKER
  177. Absolutely not.
  179. CREDICO
  180. -has not suppressed my voice.
  182. DICKER
  183. I value your voice. I value your voice.
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