
Raelgil backstory

Mar 8th, 2017
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  1. Born, or rather hatched to a group of kobolds who were forced to serve in various demeaning roles for a group of Dwarves, namely mining until they realized he was much better at other things and instead under their supervision they used spells to keep him obediant as they trained him to be an assasin, planning on using him to kill royalty/nobility. Unfortunately, for the evil dwarves, the mind control snapped on his way to the dirty deed, and instead of carrying out the plan he instead alerted the guards to its presence, and while the masterminds were never caught, it did lead to saving the royalty member, and in gratitude he was adopted into the family and given some gold as a reward to kit himself out in order to help improve his new family's fame and fortune. He also left with a strong determination to free any slaves he comes across, and perhaps prove that if given half a chance those of his race could be just as good as any of the races normally seen as good.
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