
Surprising New Arrivals

May 18th, 2012
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  1. >Your fluffy, Keefe, just got knocked up.
  2. >She was a rescue from an upscale fluffy pony breeding center that caught fire and had to be condemned.
  3. >You don't really like fluffy ponies all that much, but something about her tugged your heartstrings.
  4. >Seeing that malnourished lavender pony, smudged with soot from the fire and mistaking you for one of her caretakers...
  5. >As you walked by, she tried to flap her broken wing and claw free of some fallen debris to greet you, eyes quivering with pain.
  6. >You dug her out and took her home.
  7. >Though she had been housebroken by her keepers, the first month still wasn't pleasant.
  8. >She cried and pissed every time she tried to flap her wing and the pain hit her.
  9. >Then ran in fear of the punishment for peeing, flapping and screaming the whole way.
  10. >It never got better; you had to have the wing amputated because she wouldn't stop moving it and there wasn't enough bloodflow to it to keep the tissue alive.
  11. >She moped around the house after that, lamely waggling her stump at you along with her remaining good wing.
  12. >All the while she would give you a maudlin stare, and ask, "Why wingie gone?"
  13. >On the advice of your vet, you picked up a stungun.
  14. >He suggested resetting her memory to clear the trauma of the amputation.
  15. >You found her in her outdoor play area that afternoon, covered in dirt, with a filthy stray fluffy lying exhausted next to her.
  17. >"Keef make new fwiend!" she announces, obliviously. "Fwiend give speciaw hugs! Keef be mumma now!"
  18. >The extent of her reasoning almost baffles you until you remember she was a breeding mare.
  19. >She probably had experience with this sort of thing.
  20. >You scan the yard for the entry point of the dirt-brown stray.
  21. >Judging by the soil all over his belly and Keefe's flanks, he probably dug under one of the fenceboards.
  22. >There it is.
  23. >You scoop him up and walk over to it, Keefe bouncing along beside you.
  24. >"Wha...? NUU! Munsta has fwuffy! Hewp, fwiend!" he cries, reaching for Keefe.
  25. >You stuff him bodily into the hole, face-first.
  26. >"Why mista take fwiend?!" whines Keefe.
  27. >Muffled cries of "Hewp" reach your ears as you pull out the new stungun and load the battery in.
  28. >"Keefe, this is a bad fluffy. You see how he dug up my yard? Only bad fluffies dig holes in yards."
  29. >Matting down the sweaty, dirty fur on his backside with your boot, you then reach down and test the stungun on his little exposed fluffy weiner for two seconds.
  30. >He stops moving while the current arcs through him, then defecates and starts pumping his little legs frantically when you pull away.
  31. >"Ahh! Pee-pee huwt!" he screams, working himself back through the hole.
  32. >You kick him in the butt, propelling him the rest of the way through, then wipe your boot off on the grass.
  34. >You take your pegasus inside and feed her.
  35. >Keefe seems overjoyed for the first time since you've seen her.
  36. >She doesn't even mention her wing anymore.
  37. >"Keef be mumma soon, mista! Behbies comin'!" she chirps whenever she notices you.
  38. >Sure enough, she begins to swell up a few days later.
  39. >Once her suspicions are truly confirmed, she becomes even more vocal.
  40. >Christ, the old keepers must have taught her the importance of raising babies at gunpoint.
  41. >When you feed her, she squeals, "Wuv behbies! Gotta eat food for behbies!"
  42. >When you bathe her, she giggles, "Keef get cwean! Behbies get sick if Keef diwty!"
  43. >When you're doing nothing at all, she begs, "Wuv behbies! No take behbies this time, mista?"
  44. >She blabbers. She chatters. She warbles. All. The. Time.
  45. >After you miss your first night's sleep because she won't stop babbling about babies even in her dreams, you decide something has to be done.
  46. >In the morning, after several extra cups of coffee, you fetch Keefe from her safe closet in your bedroom.
  47. >You set her in the kitchen sink and take out the stungun.
  48. >"Mowning mista!" Keefe cheerily says. "Keef biggew now, behbies soon!"
  49. >"Right," you think to yourself as you smooth down the fur on her forehead with your hand.
  50. >She nuzzles your hand and burbles contentedly at what she takes for affection.
  51. >You pat her on the head and she smiles.
  52. >"Keef wuv mista! Keef wuv beh-"
  53. >You press the stungun into her forehead and her jaw goes slack.
  54. >For five seconds you lean on the trigger, letting her twitch under the flow of current, then you stop.
  55. >As you lean in close, she stares at you blankly.
  56. >"You never had special hugs and you're not having any babies," you inform her, didactically.
  57. >Anything else?
  58. >"... and your wing has always been like that."
  59. >As the suggestion window closes, Keefe blinks and looks around her.
  60. >"Whewe fwuffy?" she asks.
  61. >"Keefe, you're in the sink."
  62. >"Wy Keef in sinky fing? Keef bein' bad?"
  63. >"No hon, you've been good," you reply. "Let me get you down from there."
  64. >"Fank you mista!"
  65. >You sleep well that night, surrounded by tranquility.
  67. >Keefe goes about her routine as best she can, despite her increasing size.
  68. >Eventually she gets too big to walk.
  69. >"Keef big now, mista! Pway baww wif Keef?" she asks, as you open the closet door one morning.
  70. >You laugh at her and roll her around with your bare foot. She loves this game.
  71. >You wake a few days later to the sound of Keefe crying loudly. "Keef no can weach fwoor! Hewp! Gotta poopies!"
  72. >With no context for her huge size, this is one of her frequent utterances.
  73. >Her mind has no clue why she is so big, and simply passes over the question.
  74. >Usually you just pick her up and set her in the litterbox.
  75. >Today though, she turns teary eyes on you as you pick her up.
  76. >"Pee-pee pwace huwt, mista! Mean poopies huwt Keef!"
  77. >Must be time.
  78. >You take your pony to the shower and put the stopper in the drain.
  79. >Setting her down, you press gently on her side.
  80. >"Oww! Stop mista, Keef huwt!" she pules.
  81. >You continue to press as she squirms.
  82. >Three foals slide out of her practiced breeder's vagina, followed by the afterbirth.
  83. >"Big poopies..." she whimpers, now back to nearly normal size.
  85. >"Why poopies wed?" Keefe asks, looking at the bloody foals.
  86. >The foals set about squeaking as soon as they can get air in their lungs.
  87. >One of them notices her and begins to crawl toward her.
  88. >"Oh! Dese behbies!" she yelps. "Whewe behbies come fwom?"
  89. >"The stork brings them," you mumble under your breath.
  90. >The foals are all trying to crawl on Keefe now, attempting to get to her nipples.
  91. >She's conscientiously pushing them away, saying "Sowwy behbies! Keef no have miwk! Behbies need mumma!"
  92. >"Mumma! Mumma!" repeat the foals, clinging to Keefe as hard as they can while she tries to shake them off with ever-increasing force.
  93. >They continue to try and crawl on her, smearing Keefe with blood and placenta.
  94. >She bucks one gently in the face, sending it skidding across the shower floor.
  95. >It starts crying and howling "Mumma!" as it crawls weakly back over to Keefe to grab her fluff again.
  96. >Meanwhile, she has pushed another one away, trying in a panic to explain to it why she's kicking it.
  97. >You can't quite stifle a laugh at the sight of your fluffy being harried by her tiny, squirming offspring.
  98. >The sound of your laughter catches her attention; she looks up at you with pleading eyes.
  99. >"Mista! Behbies no wet Keef go! Behbies need mumma for miwk!"
  100. >You snigger and say, "Just let them try to drink, Keefe. You don't have any, so they'll give up."
  101. >Keefe gives you a sulky look, but submits herself to the indignity of having strange foals at her dry teats.
  102. >Of course, they're not dry, nor are the foals strange, and soon enough the milk begins to flow into the thirsty little mouths.
  103. >Keefe starts in confusion as she feels the milk trickle, and looks incredulously at her crotch.
  104. >This provokes another bout of laughter from you.
  105. >You step out of the bathroom to compose yourself.
  106. >And to grab an old t-shirt to clean off the foals with.
  108. >When you open the bathroom door again, you're met by the sound of the foals all crying and Keefe yelling.
  109. >"Whewe KEEF behbies?! Wan' behbies!" she roars. "No wan' feed stwange behbies! Miwk fo' Keef behbies!"
  110. >The foals are crawling away from the mad fluffy as fast as they can; one has its limbs bent at awkward angles and trails behind the others.
  111. >As you watch, Keefe rears up and lands on its back with her hoof, causing it to vomit out a tiny splash of blood from its muzzle.
  112. >"No steaw miwk! Bad behbie!" she screams, stomping it again and again.
  113. >Jesus Christ.
  114. >You grab the thrashing Keefe as quickly as you can; she flails her hooves and tries to snap at your hands.
  115. >"Keef hate mista! Awways take behbies away! Awways steaw miwk! KEEF WAN' BEHBIES!"
  116. >Crazy-ass repressed-psychosis damaged goods fluffy pony!
  117. >You carry Keefe to the bedroom and throw her in the safety closet.
  118. >You can hear her screaming and hammering on the door with her insane rage strength, each blow of her hooves carrying the force of a hackeysack being thrown by a bored six-year-old girl.
  119. >You hustle back to the bathroom.
  120. >The two remaining foals have cuddled around the splattered one, trying to nuzzle it awake and squeaking cries of "Mumma" mixed with nonsense syllables.
  121. >You scoop all three up and set them in the bathroom sink, then pull the tiny corpse away from the other two and flush it.
  122. >They resume bawling at being separated from it.
  124. >What a revolting development this is.
  125. >You're tempted to give all the ponies to a shelter; Keefe alone clearly has more terrible issues than Nintendo Power.
  126. >Still... it is kind of your fault that she snapped.
  127. >Maybe you can try something to bury her crazy again.
  128. >You get out your stungun, put on a pair of thick boots, and return to the closet.
  129. >Putting your shoulder against the door and opening it just a bit, you feel a thump as your pony's head pokes through the crack and the rest of her hits the door.
  130. >Kneeling down, you try to snatch her by the neck but she turns her head to snap at your hand whenever you get close.
  131. >Eventually you settle for grabbing and holding her by the muzzle.
  132. >As she froths and writhes in your hand, you open the door and set one heavy boot on her back, forcing her to lay flat with her legs splayed out.
  133. >Next, you release her muzzle and pull your hand away.
  134. >She yells, "Wet Keef go! Keef hate mista, wan beh-"
  135. >You press the stungun into her forehead again and squeeze the trigger.
  136. >As her eyes dilate, you lean down to her ear.
  137. >"You love all baby fluffies, no matter whose they are," you tell her. "Because you know that if you don't love the babies, you won't get to stay in the nice house and and eat the nice food."
  138. >...
  139. >"And your wing has always been like that."
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