
2020-01-04 Saturday: 1 Color

Jan 7th, 2020
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - Notes from all classes.
  4. ---
  5. In pairs, choose a company’s logo to redesign.
  6. Then work together to draw the new logo in the new colors.
  7. At the end, you will present your new logo to the class and explain why you made those changes.
  8. ---
  9. p. 12 part 2 - With your partner (after you review names), choose the word that fits with each definition. Then decide whether you have a color associated with that word.
  10. 1 prosperity / prosperous
  11. 2 luck / lucky
  12. 3 courage / courageous
  13. 4 wisdom / wise
  14. 5 knowledge / knowledgeable
  15. 6 sadness / sad
  16. 7 mourning / mournful
  17. 8 envy / envious
  18. These words are all nouns. What are the adjectives?
  19. ---
  20. p. 10 - read “Life in Color”
  21. What are some other examples of using colors in each of these three ways?
  22. identity: team or national colors in sports, flags, school colors
  23. decoration: holiday decorations, parades, parties and celebrations, seasons
  24. messages: colored lines for directions, trash/recycling, transportation lines, traffic signs/lights
  25. ---
  26. Grammar: present simple and continuous
  27. What tense is used in the “Identity” paragraph? Why?
  28. - simple present, because it’s about general facts that are always true, or about actions that are repeated
  29. The “Decoration” paragraph?
  30. - present continuous, because it’s about things happening “now” (or in a photograph)
  31. ---
  32. Simple Present Form:
  33. + I do my homework. He does his homework.
  34. - I don’t do my homework. He doesn’t do his homework.
  35. ? y/n Do I do my homework? Does he do his homework?
  36. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
  37. ? info Where do I do my homework? Where does he do his homework?
  38. (subject questions: How many people do their homework? Who does his homework?)
  39. Present Continuous Form:
  40. + I am doing my homework. You are doing your homework. He is doing his homework.
  41. - I’m not doing my homework. You’re not doing your homework. He’s not doing his homework.
  42. ? y/n Am I doing my homework? Are you doing your homework? Is he doing his homework?
  43. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, you are. / No, you’re not. Yes, he is. / No, he’s not.
  44. ? info Why am I doing homework? Why are you doing homework? Why is he doing homework?
  45. (subject questions: How many people are doing homework? Who is doing homework?)
  46. ---
  47. Action / Non-action verbs (Dynamic / Stative)
  49. *I am knowing English.
  50. - WRONG, because “know” is a stative verb (non-action), so it can’t be continuous
  52. Many verbs can have both action and non-action meanings:
  53. - I have one sister. (non-action = possession)
  54. - I’m having a party. (action = throwing)
  55. - I’m having dinner. (action = eating)
  56. - I’m having a good time. (action = experiencing)
  57. - She’s having a daughter. (action = bearing)
  59. Non-actions don’t take time. Any number of non-action sentences can be true at once.
  60. Actions take time. There’s a limit to how many actions you can do at once.
  61. ---
  62. BREAK
  63. ---
  64. p. 11 part 7 - Complete the sentences with the simple or continuous form of each verb.
  65. 1 a think (non-action = believe)
  66. b are thinking (action)
  67. 2 a come (non-action - to state origin)
  68. b are coming (action = moving)
  69. 3 a love (non-action)
  70. b is loving (action - informal = really enjoying))
  71. ---
  72. Vocabulary: time expressions
  73. part 8 - which tense is most common with each expression?
  74. simple present: on weekends, every day, never, always, often, usually
  75. present continuous: right now, this month, this week, at the moment, this fall, today
  76. ---
  77. p. 13 “Quiz” - Complete the sentences with the correct auxiliary verb or question word. (One of them is “can”.)
  78. 1 do (the subject is “people” and the verb is “come”)
  79. 2 Who
  80. 3 is
  81. 4 is
  82. 1 does (the subject is “festival” and the verb is “celebrate”)
  83. 2 Which/What
  84. 3 do (the subject is “cabs” and the verb is “come”)
  85. 4 can
  86. ---
  87. In teams of 2, go to p. 153 or 154 and ask the other team those questions.
  88. If they get it right the first time, they get 5 points.
  89. If they get it wrong first, then read the three options. They can answer again for 1 point.
  90. ---
  91. p. 17 - How do you know this is a website (not a letter)?
  92. Read the website. What tense is each paragraph in?
  93. ---
  94. part 2a - Which options correctly describe the text? How do you know?
  95. 2 neutal: not formal (uses contractions, uses “you” and “us”), not informal (uses “currently” and “In addition”)
  96. 3 potential clients: current clients already know what the company does and don’t need to be attracted to it with testimonials
  97. 4 to promote the company: it talks about multiple services, not just one product
  98. ---
  99. part 1 - Which two options would be most likely to use this company? How do you know?
  100. (a) and (d) - These are both workplaces that need to design new locations.
  101. ---
  102. part 3 - Find examples of each thing:
  103. 1 time expressions: currently, this year, fifteen years’, so far
  104. 2 expressions to signal additional information: In addition, also
  105. ---
  106. Word order
  108. In addition, we help you find the products. (beginning, with a comma)
  109. We also help you find the products. (after the subject, before the main verb; informal at the beginning)
  110. (We can also help you. - after the first auxiliary verb)
  111. We help you find the products, as well. (at the end)
  112. We help you find the products too. (at the end)
  114. This year, we are working with an airline.
  115. We are working with an airline this year. (time expressions go at the beginning or the end)
  116. Currently, we are working with an airline.
  117. We are currently working with an airline.
  118. We are working with an airline currently. (beginning or end, or with the verb)
  119. I always do my homework. She never does her homework. (many time and frequency adverbs can only go with the verb, not at the beginning or end of the sentence)
  120. ---
  121. Homework: Write a company profile for a company you invent. Include the same three sections as on p. 17 (“About Us”, “Current Projects”, and “Testimonials”)
  122. Also: read p. 15 and do parts 4, 5, 6 on p. 14
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