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a guest
Jan 22nd, 2016
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  1. _router.py_ [INFO][2016-01-23 03:29:09,290] (PVT)[] /s test
  2. _connectionpool.py_ [INFO][2016-01-23 03:29:09,298] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
  3. You are not allowed to run this app with root permissions.
  4. If running without sudo doesn't work, you can either fix your permission problems or change where npm stores global packages by putting ~/npm/bin in your PATH and running:
  5. npm config set prefix ~/npm
  7. See:
  8. _media_sender.py_ [ERROR][2016-01-23 03:29:14,534] Either specified path does not exist, or yowsup doesn't have permission to read: /tmp/10a515ca045c7fa3d65ecae419bc5a6114535161.png
  9. Traceback (most recent call last):
  10. File "/opt/whatsapp-bot-seed-master/src/utils/", line 53, in send_by_url
  11. self.send_by_path(jid, file_path, caption)
  12. File "/opt/whatsapp-bot-seed-master/src/utils/", line 65, in send_by_path
  13. entity = RequestUploadIqProtocolEntity(self.MEDIA_TYPE, filePath=path)
  14. File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yowsup/layers/protocol_media/protocolentities/", line 27, in __init__
  15. assert os.path.exists(filePath), "Either specified path does not exist, or yowsup doesn't have permission to read: %s" % filePath
  16. AssertionError: Either specified path does not exist, or yowsup doesn't have permission to read: /tmp/10a515ca045c7fa3d65ecae419bc5a6114535161.png
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