
Deadmeat Chronicles: Food Party

Oct 9th, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy with a light green mane.
  2. >You are in charge of a large area and you have gathered quite a few fluffies in your herd.
  3. >All look toward you for leadership.
  4. >Today you checked your food stores.
  5. >You have set aside three bushes to hide the herd’s nummies in.
  6. >You have found out that if you bring in lots of nummies you have more time for hugs and play.
  7. >But your food piles only last about three days before you have to go get more.
  8. >Today you have to gather food.
  9. >You have gathered 10 fluffies for food duty, all large strong fluffies.
  10. >You set out, your first stop is an area the two legged monsters have cut.
  11. >There are large clumps of grass lying about.
  12. >You direct the efforts, some bite up large portions while others roll clumps.
  13. >In a few hours you manage a pile of clippings about five times your size.
  14. >You realized that your food detail looks smaller.
  15. >You back trace to the field and see two fluffies choked on the grass they were carrying.
  16. >Some of your herd tries to hug them back to health.
  17. >You force them away because you must push on.
  18. >You are sad at the loss but you remind yourself that every fluffy dies.
  19. >You walk the sidewalk path looking for trashcans.
  20. >You pass a playground with small two legged monsters giggling and playing.
  21. >Two of your food fluffies run off to the playground even though you yell at them to come back.
  22. >You try and chase them but they get too close and you won’t go near the two legged monsters.
  23. >The children on the merry go round are pushing it as fast as it can go.
  24. >Others on swings and going down slides.
  25. >One of the fluffies runs up to the merry go round, “Fwuffy wan on! Fwuffy wan pway!”
  26. >The merry go round is low to the ground and spinning fast with a few boys kicking the ground.
  27. >The fluffy gets close and jumps trying to get on.
  28. >He contacts the side and gets knocked to the ground.
  29. >He sits up with boo boo juice flowing from his nose.
  30. >”Wahhh! Why hewt fwuffy! Fwuffy wan pway! Wahh!”
  31. >He gets up and slowly walks back to the merry go round.
  32. >The other fluffy runs to the swinging children.
  33. >”Yay! Fwuffy wan fwy. Fwuffy fwy wif nice hoomin!”
  34. >He runs under the swing set as a small girl swings up.
  35. >he sets up and raises his front hooves wanting the girl to pick him up.
  36. >She can’t stop and doesn’t notice the fluffy in front of her.
  37. >Her feet are out and she kicks the fluffy full in his chest sending him flying.
  38. >”Ahhhhhhh!” is all he can scream as he flies through the air.
  39. >He bounces hard on the ground and lands under a seesaw.
  40. >A boy comes down hard landing his seat on the fluffy’s back.
  41. >He doesn’t hear the fluffy’s whimpers and he keeps jumping and landing on the fluffy pony under him.
  42. >The fluffy twitches and jerks for the first few impacts before not moving anymore.
  43. >The other fluffy has made it back to the merry go round.
  44. >”Dum dum ting gif fwuffy owwies!”
  45. >He raises his hoof and swats at the spinning platform.
  46. >His hoof is knocked to the side and he stumbles.
  47. >His other hoof get caught between the bottom edge and the ground.
  48. >He lets out a blood chilling scream as his left front leg is pulled under the platform and starts to get ground off.
  49. >He is pulled along the edge as his leg is shredded under the merry go round.
  50. >He tries to kick away but his back hoof goes between the platform and the ground as well.
  51. >His front leg comes completely off and he is rolling on the side spraying boo boo juice in a macabre spiral.
  52. >He is stepped on by one of the boys and is pushed away from the merry go round, his back side ripped off.
  53. >He lays on the ground whimpering, he has a trail of his intestines behind him.
  54. >“Fwuffy… onwy wan… pway…”
  55. >Some children notice the hurt fluffy and walk up to it, “Cool! Let’s poke it with a stick!”
  56. >Several children pick up nearby sticks and start to jab the defenseless crying pony.
  57. >”Wahhh! Pwease… nuu hewt…. Boohoohooo… onwy… wan..pwa… ” its cries get weaker and weaker before finally stopping forever.
  58. >The giggling children continue to poke the now dead fluffy.
  59. >You watch stoically.
  60. >You hear one of your fluffies say cheerfully, ”Fwuffy wan pway!”
  61. >Another of your food fluffies runs by.
  62. >You are quick enough to bop this one on the nose.
  63. >”Fwuffies get foodies! Nuu pway! Nuu go two wegged munsta!” You scowl at the remaining fluffies.
  64. >They all start to tremble and fall in line.
  65. >You walk a bit further and spot your prize.
  66. >It is a trash can and you can see a banana peel hanging over the side, that means this one is over flowing.
  67. >You get four of your remaining food fluffies and you start to run and ram the can.
  68. >Soon it starts to shake and tip.
  69. >One of the other fluffies runs under, “Fwuffy catch nummies box, get nummies first!”
  70. >The trash can lands on top of him smashing him to the ground.
  71. >He lays there not making a sound.
  72. >You walk up and check on him and see his head is turned upside down.
  73. >You have seen this before and know he is dead.
  74. >The other fluffies ignore the dead one and start to dig into the trash.
  75. >You walk over and start to watch what the other fluffies are getting.
  76. >One grabs a small lettuce leaf, you boop him on the nose, “Get onwy big nummies!”
  77. >He cries and goes back to the trash.
  78. >You keep an eye out for two legged monsters.
  79. >They are around but seem to ignore what you are doing.
  80. >Your food fluffies start to walk back to your area, some are dragging banana peels, some have apple cores by the stem.
  81. >One has an apple with just one bite taken out.
  82. >When they are moving you sniff through the trash.
  83. >You find half a hamburger, you bite that and drag it back.
  84. >After dropping off the food you head back to the tipped trash can.
  85. >When you get there you see other fluffies rummaging and running off with nummies.
  86. >They run when they see you and your fluffies approach.
  87. >They start to rummage again, a few start to drag some more discarded food.
  88. >One has a large grapefruit peel.
  89. >”What the shit!”
  90. >You turn and see a two legged monster stomping toward you.
  91. >”Wun! Munsta! Wun and weave nummies!” You shout.
  92. >The fluffies outside take off running very slowly at a disorganized waddle.
  93. >You shoot past them at a gallop, “Wun! Wun fwom munsta!”
  94. >The two legged monster gets up to the trash can, “Fucking pieces of shit! Trashing the park!”
  95. >A fluffy who was inside the trash comes out dragging a half-eaten hotdog.
  96. >The monster grabs him before he knows what is happening.
  97. >It drops the hotdog and starts to beg, ”Owie! Pwease nuu hewt fwuffy!”
  98. >”Look at this shit! You think an apology will clean this up!?”
  99. >The fluffy is crying from the pain of his grip, “Pwease nuu hewt! Fwuffy sowwy! Fwuffy cwean up!”
  100. >”Sorry?” He back hands the face of the fluffy pony.
  101. >”Sorry don’t goddamn cut it!”
  102. >”Wahhhhh! Fwuffy sowwy! Wahhh!”
  103. >The man punches the fluffy in its face, boo boo juice pours from his mouth and nose.
  104. >His cries no longer distinct but you can still understand his pleading, “Fwuffy… sowwy… pwea.. nuu mo..”
  105. >”I said shut up!”
  106. >The two legged monster gets on one knee and starts to slam the fluffy on the ground.
  107. >”Shut the fuck up!”
  108. *whap!*
  109. >”Pwease….”
  110. *whap!*
  111. >”nuu… hewt… fwuf-“
  112. *whap!*
  113. >”……”
  114. *whap!*
  115. *whap!*
  116. *whap!*
  117. >The man stands up huffing and grunting.
  118. >He rights the trash can and drops the now limp body of the fluffy inside it.
  119. >He spits in the can and walks on.
  120. >You find your fluffies cowering in various bushes.
  121. >After you round them up you move on.
  122. >You find another trash can and tip it.
  123. >There isn’t as much food in this one but you manage to drag several pieces back to your area.
  124. >When you get back there is a woof woof monster digging around in it.
  125. >You tell your fluffies to move on, you start to lead them away.
  126. >You see another trash can further down but it seems other fluffies are rummaging it.
  127. >It looks like fluffies from Snuggle Wuggle’s herd.
  128. >You plan on them leaving then taking what they left.
  129. >”Gif nummies munsta!”
  130. >You turn around and see one of your food fluffies went and challenged the woof woof monster.
  131. >It is standing in front of it with its cheeks puffed.
  132. >The woof woof monster growls at the fluffy.
  133. >”Nuu dum dum fwuffy! Stay way from woof woof! Get back-“
  134. >You don’t finish yelling before the dog attacks biting the head of the fluffy.
  135. >”EEeeeEEeeeEE! EEEEIIIIIIiiiII!!”
  136. >The dog shakes it viciously.
  137. >You hear a soft pop and the fluffy goes quiet.
  138. >The dog drops the fluffy and stares at it.
  139. >It leans over the fluffy and starts to pull parts of its body off and eat them.
  140. >You stomp in quiet frustration and turn back seeing the enemy fluffies walk off.
  141. >You move in and rummage taking what they left.
  142. >You finally have filled your nummie bushes.
  143. >You let the food fluffies eat first and then the herd.
  144. >You take the hamburger for yourself.
  145. >You now have about 30 fluffies in your herd, some strays will fill the ranks you lost today.
  146. >You put off thinking how you have to repeat this in three days, and how you will lose more fluffies when you do.
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