

Jan 26th, 2014
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  1. [17:31] * Orianna_d`Valt nods, and tosses a gold crown to David. "I always carry some small change on me."
  2. [17:32] * David grins and tosses the coin. "Let's see what Lady Luck feels like pointing me towards today."
  3. [17:32] <Enwch_Yma> Abruptly, the largest remaining ham on the table, having been subtly operated upon by Enwch while she was boredworth with the discussion and assisted by Pyped, stands upon legs formed from spoons! It begins dancing down the table, hopping from"leg" to "leg" over plates and other dishes, clapping its hands together (Knives connected to a fork as a joint) to the rhythm of some silent beat.
  4. [17:33] <Enwch_Yma> The hambeast hops forward, catching David's coin and dashing back down the table.
  5. [17:33] <~Pilz> David has many admirers today, and the Maid (Whose name, David has discovered, is Jenny) pays him /special/ attention, insisting on buttering his roll for him before being coaxed to leave by Susie.
  6. [17:33] * Euthanasia looks confused at the puppet and then gets down the table with a "flop" as she goes to look for the hambeast.
  7. [17:34] * Orianna_d`Valt quirks an eyebrow at the ham. "... Well, that's a first."
  8. [17:34] <David> "Hey! Give that back! Our futures are riding on that coin!" David says, getting up to chase after the hambeast (but not before excusing himself for his rudeness, like a gentleman)
  9. [17:34] * Alphonse starts and half-raises a hand. He settles back with a tolerant smile and closes his eyes for a moment, before smiling wider at the confirmation and glancing sightlessly at Enwch and Pyped.
  10. [17:35] * Alphonse murmurs. "How curious."
  11. [17:35] * Stun chuckles to himself as he watches David fluster over the new puppet, leaning back in the chair, having eaten his fill for now.
  12. [17:38] * Enwch_Yma quirks her lips in a smile as the ham continues to flee David, the coin clutched awkwardly between its knife-hands.
  13. [17:41] * Orianna_d`Valt sips some wine and watches, amused.
  14. [17:48] <David> Running after the runaway ham, David quickly catches up to it and reaches out to grab it. "GOT YOU!" He exclaims triumphantly and strikes a pose, holding the ham in midair.
  15. [17:49] * Orianna_d`Valt provides applause. It's only a little sarcastic.
  16. [17:49] <Enwch_Yma> The ham gives up dramatically as it's captured, all its "limbs" flailing before it flops, sending the gold coin flying back to land in front of Orianna.
  17. [17:49] * Orianna_d`Valt examines the coin to see which side it landed on.
  18. [17:50] * Euthanasia 's lithe body cames from down the table yelling "got'cha!" as she tries to lurge, arms first into the Hambeast, withouteven seeing the fabulous man taking the monster first. Sadly for the young nun she tramples the bishie hugging his tights as she does so, falling flat on the floor.
  19. [17:50] <Orianna_d`Valt> "It seems you flipped heads, David."
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