
عينتان بتاريخ 25/03/2015 العينه الثانيه

Mar 25th, 2015
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  1. a.exe
  2. [CODE]
  3. Search - Text strings referenced in ntdll
  5. ASCII "Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
  6. "
  7. ASCII "sin"
  8. ASCII "_y0"
  9. UNICODE "\/"
  10. UNICODE "csrsrv.dll"
  11. ASCII "CsrCallServerFromServer"
  12. ASCII "CsrCallServerFromServer"
  13. UNICODE "csrsrv.dll"
  21. UNICODE "\??\UNC\"
  22. UNICODE "\\?"
  23. UNICODE "\\?\UNC"
  24. UNICODE "\\?\UNC\"
  26. UNICODE "\\?"
  28. UNICODE "\\.\"
  32. UNICODE "\\?\"
  34. UNICODE "\??\"
  35. UNICODE "\??\UNC\"
  37. UNICODE "\\?\UNC\"
  39. UNICODE "\\?\UNC"
  40. UNICODE "__APPDIR__"
  43. UNICODE "__CD__"
  44. UNICODE "__APPDIR__"
  49. ASCII "INFO"
  52. ASCII "_CorExeMain"
  54. ASCII "_CorExeMain"
  55. UNICODE "COMPLUS_InstallRoot"
  57. UNICODE "ntdll.dll"
  58. ASCII "BaseThreadInitThunk"
  59. ASCII "TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW"
  60. UNICODE "\KnownDlls"
  61. UNICODE "KnownDllPath"
  62. UNICODE "ntdll.dll"
  63. UNICODE "TransparentEnabled"
  64. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Option"
  65. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Srp\GP\DLL"
  66. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  67. UNICODE ".DLL"
  68. UNICODE "\SYSTEM32\"
  73. UNICODE "\SYSTEM32\"
  74. ASCII "Actx "
  75. UNICODE "NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath"
  76. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager"
  77. UNICODE "SafeProcessSearchMode"
  78. UNICODE "SafeDllSearchMode"
  79. UNICODE "."
  80. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\AssemblyStorageRoots"
  81. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\AssemblyStorageRoots"
  82. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
  83. ASCII "0123456789ABCDEF"
  84. ASCII "A!B!C!D!E!F!G!H!I!2"
  85. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CustomLocale"
  86. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfo"
  87. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfoLegacyMapping"
  88. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfo"
  89. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfoLegacyMapping"
  92. UNICODE " "$&(*,.02468:<>@"
  93. UNICODE "xmc^TPKGC?"
  94. UNICODE "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"
  95. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services"
  96. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  97. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  98. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Hardware\DeviceMap"
  99. UNICODE "\Registry\User\.Default"
  100. UNICODE "DaylightBias"
  101. UNICODE "DaylightName"
  102. UNICODE "StandardBias"
  103. UNICODE "Time Zones\"
  104. UNICODE "\Dynamic DST"
  105. UNICODE "FirstEntry"
  106. UNICODE "StandardName"
  107. UNICODE "DaylightStart"
  108. UNICODE "LastEntry"
  109. UNICODE "StandardStart"
  110. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services"
  111. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  112. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  113. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Hardware\DeviceMap"
  114. UNICODE "\Registry\User\.Default"
  115. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0"
  116. UNICODE "Cleanup Group"
  117. UNICODE "Alpc"
  118. UNICODE "Pool"
  119. UNICODE "Timer"
  120. UNICODE "Timer Queue"
  121. UNICODE "Waiter TCB"
  122. UNICODE "Wait"
  123. UNICODE "Threadpool!"
  124. UNICODE "windows vista"
  125. UNICODE "windows seven"
  126. UNICODE "windows eight"
  127. UNICODE "windows blue"
  128. UNICODE "windows vista"
  129. UNICODE "windows seven"
  130. UNICODE "windows eight"
  131. UNICODE "windows blue"
  132. UNICODE "\rescache"
  133. UNICODE "%SystemRoot%"
  134. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\"
  135. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\Config"
  136. UNICODE "\\"
  137. UNICODE "COMPLUS_Version"
  139. UNICODE "LargePageDLLs"
  140. UNICODE "BreakOnInitializeProcessFailure"
  141. UNICODE "KeepActivationContextsAlive"
  142. UNICODE "TrackActivationContextReleases"
  144. UNICODE "CheckAllProcessMachinePolicyEnabled"
  145. ASCII "SaferiIsDllAllowed"
  146. UNICODE "OptionValue"
  147. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  148. UNICODE "vrfcore.dll"
  149. ASCII "AVrfAPILookupCallback"
  150. ASCII "AVrfAPILookupCallback"
  151. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  152. UNICODE "vrfcore.dll"
  153. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  154. UNICODE "Location"
  155. UNICODE "Location"
  156. UNICODE "FindResource API entry"
  157. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API entry"
  158. UNICODE "LoadResource API entry"
  159. UNICODE "FindResource API exit"
  160. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API exit"
  161. UNICODE "LoadResource API exit"
  162. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API exit"
  163. UNICODE "LoadResource API entry"
  164. UNICODE "LoadResource API exit"
  165. UNICODE "FindResource API entry"
  166. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API entry"
  167. UNICODE "FindResource API exit"
  168. ASCII "Crc32 Castagnoli"
  169. ASCII "Crc32 Castagnoli"
  170. ASCII "Crc64 ReFS-v1"
  171. UNICODE "LocaleName"
  172. UNICODE "Control Panel\International"
  173. ASCII "VirtualMemoryThreshold"
  174. ASCII "DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold"
  175. ASCII "DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold"
  176. ASCII "MaximumAllocationSize"
  177. ASCII "ProcessHeapsListIndex"
  178. ASCII "HeaderValidateLength"
  179. ASCII "HeaderValidateCopy"
  180. ASCII "NextAvailableTagIndex"
  181. ASCII "MaximumTagIndex"
  182. ASCII "VirtualAllocdBlocks"
  183. ASCII "SegmentList"
  184. ASCII "AllocatorBackTraceIndex"
  185. ASCII "NonDedicatedListLength"
  186. ASCII "PseudoTagEntries"
  187. ASCII "FrontHeapLockCount"
  188. ASCII "FrontEndHeapType"
  189. ASCII "Uncommitted Ranges"
  190. ASCII "Entry"
  191. ASCII "Signature"
  192. ASCII "Flags"
  193. ASCII "ForceFlags"
  194. ASCII "VirtualMemoryThreshold"
  195. ASCII "SegmentReserve"
  196. ASCII "SegmentCommit"
  197. ASCII "DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold"
  198. ASCII "DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold"
  199. ASCII "TotalFreeSize"
  200. ASCII "MaximumAllocationSize"
  201. ASCII "ProcessHeapsListIndex"
  202. ASCII "HeaderValidateLength"
  203. ASCII "HeaderValidateCopy"
  204. ASCII "NextAvailableTagIndex"
  205. ASCII "MaximumTagIndex"
  206. ASCII "TagEntries"
  207. ASCII "AlignRound"
  208. ASCII "AlignMask"
  209. ASCII "VirtualAllocdBlocks"
  210. ASCII "SegmentList"
  211. ASCII "AllocatorBackTraceIndex"
  212. ASCII "NonDedicatedListLength"
  213. ASCII "PseudoTagEntries"
  214. ASCII "FreeLists"
  215. ASCII "LockVariable"
  216. ASCII "FrontEndHeap"
  217. ASCII "FrontHeapLockCount"
  218. ASCII "FrontEndHeapType"
  219. ASCII "Uncommitted Ranges"
  220. UNICODE "TimeZoneKeyName"
  221. UNICODE "DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled"
  222. UNICODE "BuildLabEx"
  223. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  224. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with a transaction uncleared
  225. "
  226. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with the loader lock held
  227. "
  228. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with preferred languages set
  229. "
  230. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with background priorities set
  231. "
  232. ASCII "ThreadPool: attempt to terminate a worker thread via handle %p
  233. Contact the owner of the function calling Terminate/Exit thread.
  234. "
  235. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u is no longer valid. It may have been unmapped already!!! ***
  236. "
  237. ASCII "*** --------> Follow-up: avgarcia;erik;muidev ***
  238. "
  239. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u magic field is corrupt!!! ***
  240. "
  241. UNICODE "*.*"
  242. UNICODE "Restricted"
  243. UNICODE "Restricted"
  244. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\LatestIndex"
  245. UNICODE "CON"
  248. UNICODE "Global\%s/base%s"
  249. UNICODE "%s\*\%s"
  250. UNICODE "%s\%s*%s"
  251. UNICODE "Global\%s%s%s"
  252. UNICODE "%s\"
  253. UNICODE "%s\%s\%s"
  254. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d"
  255. UNICODE "Global\%s/%s%04d%s"
  256. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s"
  257. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s"
  258. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s%s"
  259. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d%s"
  260. UNICODE "%s\%s%d%s"
  261. UNICODE "%s%s%d%s"
  262. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s*%s"
  263. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s%d%s"
  264. UNICODE "tmp"
  265. UNICODE "upd"
  266. UNICODE "Upd"
  267. UNICODE "wip"
  268. UNICODE "ResCache.usg"
  269. UNICODE "CmfHits"
  270. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  271. UNICODE "Segment"
  272. UNICODE "Directory"
  273. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  274. UNICODE "ResCache.mni"
  275. UNICODE "ResCache.ccm"
  276. UNICODE "\WindowsErrorReportingServicePort"
  277. UNICODE "\KernelObjects\SystemErrorPortReady"
  278. ASCII "::"
  279. ASCII "%x"
  280. UNICODE "MiniNT"
  281. UNICODE "PortableOperatingSystem"
  282. UNICODE "TimeZoneInformation"
  283. UNICODE "Bias"
  284. UNICODE "StandardName"
  285. UNICODE "StandardBias"
  286. UNICODE "StandardStart"
  287. UNICODE "DaylightName"
  288. UNICODE "DaylightBias"
  289. UNICODE "DaylightStart"
  290. UNICODE "Time Zones\"
  291. UNICODE "\Dynamic DST"
  292. UNICODE "FirstEntry"
  293. UNICODE "LastEntry"
  294. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\Config"
  295. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\Config"
  296. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\"
  297. UNICODE "\rescache"
  298. UNICODE "%SystemRoot%"
  299. UNICODE "svchost.exe"
  300. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledProcesses\"
  301. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  302. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  303. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  304. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  305. UNICODE "CEIPEnable"
  306. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  307. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows"
  308. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm"
  309. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore"
  310. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  311. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows"
  312. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm"
  313. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore"
  314. UNICODE "SampledOut"
  315. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  316. UNICODE "StudyId"
  317. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  318. UNICODE "\Sessions"
  319. UNICODE "%ws\%ld\AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  320. UNICODE "AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  321. UNICODE "ASqmManifestVersion"
  322. UNICODE "(null)"
  323. UNICODE "AdaptiveSqmNameSpaceBoundary"
  324. UNICODE "DPS"
  325. ASCII "(l7"
  326. ASCII "%d"
  327. ASCII "%d"
  328. UNICODE "xn--"
  329. UNICODE "xl--"
  330. ASCII "LdrLoadDll"
  331. ASCII "EXT-"
  333. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  334. "
  335. UNICODE "S-1-"
  336. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  337. "
  338. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  339. "
  340. ASCII "*** CreateLanguageList:%X ****
  341. "
  342. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Section found (offset %ld; length %lu) extends past end of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  343. "
  344. ASCII "ds7"
  345. UNICODE "API-"
  346. UNICODE "EXT-"
  347. UNICODE "MUI"
  348. UNICODE "MUI"
  349. ASCII "(l7"
  350. UNICODE ".mui"
  351. UNICODE ".mui"
  352. ASCII "(l7"
  353. ASCII "(l7"
  354. ASCII "Actx "
  355. ASCII "(l7"
  356. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Enter"
  357. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Exit"
  358. UNICODE "RtlpResUltimateFallbackInfo Enter"
  359. UNICODE "MUI"
  360. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Enter"
  361. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Exit"
  362. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Enter"
  363. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Exit"
  364. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Enter"
  365. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Exit"
  366. UNICODE "MUI"
  367. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Enter"
  368. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Exit"
  369. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Enter"
  370. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Exit"
  371. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Enter"
  372. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Exit"
  373. ASCII "ds7"
  374. UNICODE "SharedSection"
  375. UNICODE "ApiPort"
  378. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached\MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  379. UNICODE "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Control Panel\Desktop"
  380. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  381. UNICODE "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Control Panel\Desktop"
  382. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\LanguageConfiguration"
  383. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  384. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  385. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  386. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  387. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  388. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguagesPending"
  389. UNICODE "\Registry\User\.Default"
  390. UNICODE ".mui"
  391. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to get activation context data, storage map and assembly roster header. Status = 0x%08lx
  392. "
  393. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to resolve storage map entry. Status = 0x%08lx
  394. "
  395. UNICODE ".Local\"
  396. UNICODE "\WinSxS\"
  397. UNICODE ".Local"
  398. ASCII "Actx "
  399. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has TOC header too small (%lu)
  400. "
  401. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid assembly roster offset
  402. "
  403. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC entry array offset
  404. "
  405. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC header offset
  406. "
  407. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p lacks assembly roster
  408. "
  409. UNICODE "MUI"
  410. UNICODE "\SYSTEM32\"
  413. UNICODE "NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath"
  414. UNICODE "%s"
  415. UNICODE "%%%u"
  416. UNICODE "%s"
  417. UNICODE "hs"
  418. UNICODE "]:%u"
  419. UNICODE "%%%u"
  420. UNICODE "%x"
  421. UNICODE "::"
  422. ASCII "ffff:"
  423. UNICODE "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  424. UNICODE ":%u.%u.%u.%u"
  425. UNICODE "%u"
  426. UNICODE "%wZ"
  427. UNICODE "%wZ"
  428. UNICODE "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"
  430. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  431. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  432. UNICODE ":%u"
  433. UNICODE "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  434. ASCII "(l7"
  435. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found CheckAppHelp = %d for %wZ in ImageFileExecutionOptions
  436. "
  437. UNICODE "ExecuteOptions"
  438. UNICODE "\DllNXOptions"
  439. UNICODE "UseFilter"
  440. ASCII "SE_InitializeEngine"
  441. ASCII "SE_ShimDllLoaded"
  442. ASCII "SE_InstallBeforeInit"
  443. ASCII "SE_InstallAfterInit"
  444. ASCII "SE_DllLoaded"
  445. ASCII "SE_DllUnloaded"
  446. ASCII "SE_LdrEntryRemoved"
  447. ASCII "SE_ProcessDying"
  448. ASCII "SE_LdrResolveDllName"
  449. ASCII "SE_GetProcAddressForCaller"
  450. ASCII "ApphelpCheckModule"
  451. UNICODE "Unknown"
  452. UNICODE "Unknown"
  453. UNICODE "SetClassLong"
  454. UNICODE "\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  455. UNICODE "Cleanup Group"
  456. UNICODE "Threadpool!"
  457. UNICODE ""
  458. ASCII ".aspack"
  459. ASCII ".pcle"
  460. ASCII ".sforce"
  461. UNICODE "COMPLUS_InstallRoot"
  462. UNICODE "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"
  463. ASCII "(l7"
  464. ASCII "secserv.dll"
  465. ASCII "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  466. ASCII "(l7"
  467. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0"
  468. UNICODE "~MHz"
  469. ASCII "(l7"
  470. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  471. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  472. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  473. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  474. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  475. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\bootstat.dat"
  477. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  478. UNICODE "WSqmConsLastRunTime"
  479. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\SysprepPerformed\"
  480. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\CommonDatapoints\"
  481. ASCII "(l7"
  482. UNICODE "System Volume Information"
  483. UNICODE "xn--"
  484. UNICODE "xl--"
  485. UNICODE "Log"
  486. UNICODE "\SmApiPort"
  488. UNICODE "Log"
  489. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\SQMData\BootLanguages"
  490. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  491. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  492. ASCII "User32 init not called"
  493. ASCII "Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
  494. "
  495. ASCII "(null)"
  496. UNICODE "(null)"
  497. ASCII "(null)"
  498. ASCII "(null)"
  499. ASCII "(null)"
  500. UNICODE "(null)"
  501. ASCII "pow"
  502. ASCII "exp"
  503. ASCII "exp"
  504. ASCII "log10"
  505. ASCII "log10"
  506. ASCII "log"
  507. ASCII "log"
  508. ASCII "pow"
  509. ASCII "asin"
  510. ASCII "acos"
  511. ASCII "pow"
  512. ASCII "pow"
  513. ASCII "exp10"
  514. ASCII "log"
  515. ASCII "log10"
  516. ASCII "exp"
  517. ASCII "atan"
  518. ASCII "ceil"
  519. ASCII "floor"
  520. ASCII "modf"
  521. ASCII "sin"
  522. ASCII "cos"
  523. ASCII "tan"
  524. ASCII "(null)"
  525. UNICODE "(null)"
  526. ASCII "(null)"
  527. ASCII "(null)"
  528. ASCII "(null)"
  529. UNICODE "(null)"
  530. ASCII "User32 init not called"
  531. UNICODE "SharedSection"
  532. UNICODE "ApiPort"
  534. UNICODE "TrustedInstaller"
  535. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange"
  536. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange\PackageList\%ws"
  537. UNICODE "BinaryName"
  538. UNICODE "BinaryHash"
  539. ASCII "secserv.dll"
  540. ASCII ".txt2"
  541. ASCII ".aspack"
  542. ASCII ".pcle"
  543. ASCII ".sforce"
  544. ASCII "Set 0x%X protection for %p section for %d bytes, old protection 0x%X
  545. "
  546. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Tyring to fix protection for %ws section in %wZ module to 0x%X
  547. "
  548. UNICODE "\DllNXOptions"
  549. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found CheckAppHelp = %d for %wZ in ImageFileExecutionOptions
  550. "
  551. UNICODE "ExecuteOptions"
  552. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found ExecuteOptions = %ws for %wZ in application compatibility database
  553. "
  554. UNICODE "Execute=1"
  555. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found Execute=1, turning off execution protection for the process because of %wZ
  556. "
  557. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing %ws for patching section protection for %wZ
  558. "
  559. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing section info %ws...
  560. "
  561. UNICODE "Legacy"
  563. ASCII "%04x:%04x @ %08d - %s - %s: "
  564. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  565. ASCII "Nonpackaged process attempted to load a packaged DLL.
  566. "
  567. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  568. "
  569. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  570. ASCII "DLL %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  571. "
  572. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  573. "
  574. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ
  575. "
  576. ASCII "Could not validate the crypto signature for DLL %wZ
  577. "
  578. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  579. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  580. "
  581. ASCII "Locating DLL %wZ
  582. "
  583. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  584. ASCII "LdrpProtectedCopyMemory"
  585. ASCII "LdrLockLoaderLock"
  586. ASCII "LdrUnlockLoaderLock"
  587. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\"
  588. ASCII "Unknown"
  589. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in "%wZ" 0x%08lx
  590. "
  591. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  592. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrdload.c"
  593. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in module 0x%p 0x%08lx
  594. "
  595. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDll"
  596. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  597. ASCII "LdrpFindLoadedDll"
  598. ASCII "LdrpFindKnownDll"
  599. ASCII "LdrpResolveDllName"
  600. ASCII "LdrpMapViewOfSection"
  601. ASCII "Querying large page info failed with status 0x%08lx
  602. "
  603. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  604. ASCII "Changing the protection of the executable at %p failed with status 0x%08lx
  605. "
  606. ASCII "LdrpRelocateImage"
  607. ASCII "BoG_ *90.0&!! Yy>"
  608. ASCII "stxt371"
  609. ASCII "Delaying execution failed with status 0x%08lx
  610. "
  611. ASCII "_LdrpInitialize"
  612. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  613. ASCII "Process initialization failed with status 0x%08lx
  614. "
  615. ASCII "LdrpInitializationFailure"
  616. ASCII "Process initialization raised exception 0x%08lx
  617. Exception record: .exr %p
  618. Context record: .cxr %p
  619. "
  620. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcessWrapperFilter"
  621. ASCII "SE_InitializeEngine"
  622. ASCII "SE_ShimDllLoaded"
  623. ASCII "SE_InstallBeforeInit"
  624. ASCII "SE_InstallAfterInit"
  625. ASCII "SE_LdrEntryRemoved"
  626. ASCII "SE_ProcessDying"
  627. ASCII "SE_LdrResolveDllName"
  628. ASCII "SE_GetProcAddressForCaller"
  629. ASCII "ApphelpCheckModule"
  630. ASCII "Could not locate procedure "%s" in the shim engine DLL
  631. "
  632. ASCII "LdrpGetShimEngineInterface"
  633. ASCII "Loading the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  634. "
  635. ASCII "LdrpLoadShimEngine"
  636. ASCII "Initializing the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  637. "
  638. ASCII "Initializing a shim dependency "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  639. "
  640. ASCII "LdrpInitializeShimDllDependencies"
  641. ASCII "Loading the shim engine DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  642. "
  643. ASCII "LdrpInitShimEngine"
  644. ASCII "Getting the shim engine exports failed with status 0x%08lx
  645. "
  646. ASCII "Finding the shim engine entry failed with status 0x%08lx
  647. "
  648. ASCII "LdrInitShimEngineDynamic"
  649. ASCII "Failed to allocated memory for shimmed module list
  650. "
  651. ASCII "LdrpCheckModule"
  652. UNICODE "\system32\apphelp.dll"
  653. ASCII "LdrpGetProcApphelpCheckModule"
  654. ASCII "Getting ApphelpCheckModule failed with status 0x%08lx
  655. "
  656. ASCII "LdrpDynamicShimModule"
  657. ASCII "Failed to reallocate the system dirs string !
  658. "
  659. ASCII "LdrpInitializePerUserWindowsDirectory"
  660. ASCII "TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW"
  661. ASCII "BaseThreadInitThunk"
  662. UNICODE "\KnownDlls"
  663. UNICODE "KnownDllPath"
  664. ASCII "BaseQueryModuleData"
  665. ASCII "Initializing the execution options for the process %lx failed with status 0x%08lx
  666. "
  667. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  668. ASCII "Initializing process 0x%lx
  669. "
  670. UNICODE "StackTraceDatabaseSizeInMb"
  671. ASCII "Stack trace database size is %Id Mb
  672. "
  673. ASCII "Creating the process heap failed
  674. "
  675. UNICODE "!Process"
  676. UNICODE "CSRSS Client"
  677. UNICODE "LDR Database"
  678. UNICODE "Current Directory"
  679. UNICODE "TLS Storage"
  680. UNICODE "DBGSS Client"
  681. UNICODE "SE Temporary"
  682. UNICODE "Temporary"
  683. UNICODE "LocalAtom"
  684. UNICODE "ServiceTag"
  685. UNICODE "ForwarderTag"
  687. UNICODE "DebugProcessHeapOnly"
  688. ASCII "Querying the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  689. "
  690. ASCII "Opening the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  691. "
  692. ASCII "Allocating a buffer to hold the current working directory failed
  693. "
  694. ASCII "Failed to allocate the system dirs string!
  695. "
  696. UNICODE "\system;"
  697. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the system DLL failed
  698. "
  699. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the executable failed
  700. "
  701. ASCII "Beginning execution of %wZ (%wZ)
  702. Current directory: %wZ
  703. Package directories: %wZ
  704. "
  705. ASCII "Initializing the current directory to "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  706. "
  707. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the application verifier DLL failed
  708. "
  709. ASCII "Initializing TLS slots failed with status 0x%08lx
  710. "
  711. ASCII "Locating procedure "%Z" in Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  712. "
  713. ASCII "Loading Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  714. "
  715. ASCII "LdrpCodeAuthzInitialize failed with status 0x%08lx
  716. "
  717. ASCII "Walking the import tables of the executable and its static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  718. "
  719. ASCII "Running the init routines of the executable's static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  720. "
  721. ASCII "Process 0x%x (%wZ) exiting
  722. "
  723. ASCII "LdrShutdownProcess"
  724. UNICODE "SPPsvc.exe"
  725. UNICODE "PageHeapFlags"
  726. ASCII "Per-DLL page heap is disabled since fast fill heap is enabled
  727. "
  728. ASCII "LdrpInitializeApplicationVerifierPackage"
  729. ASCII "LdrpTouchThreadStack"
  730. UNICODE "%s!%s"
  731. UNICODE "DisableHeapLookaside"
  732. UNICODE "FrontEndHeapDebugOptions"
  733. UNICODE "ShutdownFlags"
  734. UNICODE "UnloadEventTraceDepth"
  735. UNICODE "TracingFlags"
  736. UNICODE "DisableExceptionChainValidation"
  737. UNICODE "LargePageDLLs"
  738. UNICODE "MinimumStackCommitInBytes"
  739. UNICODE "BreakOnInitializeProcessFailure"
  740. UNICODE "KeepActivationContextsAlive"
  741. UNICODE "TrackActivationContextReleases"
  742. UNICODE "MaxDeadActivationContexts"
  743. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  744. ASCII "Initializing the application verifier package failed with status 0x%08lx
  745. "
  746. ASCII "LdrpInitializeExecutionOptions"
  748. UNICODE "CWDIllegalInDLLSearch"
  749. ASCII "Probing for the manifest of DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  750. "
  751. ASCII "LdrpFindDllActivationContext"
  752. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  753. ASCII "Querying the active activation context failed with status 0x%08lx
  754. "
  755. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  756. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS.
  757. "
  758. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  759. "
  760. ASCII "Locating procedure "%s" by name
  761. "
  762. ASCII "LdrpGetProcedureAddress"
  763. ASCII "Loading procedure 0x%lx by ordinal
  764. "
  765. ASCII "ParentModule: (%p) %wZ.
  766. "
  767. ASCII "LdrpResolveNonStaticDependency"
  768. ASCII "Calling init routine %p for DLL "%wZ"
  769. "
  770. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  771. ASCII "Init routine %p of DLL "%wZ" raised an exception %x
  772. "
  773. ASCII "Init routine %p for DLL "%wZ" failed during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
  774. "
  775. ASCII "Procedure "%s" could not be located in DLL at base 0x%p.
  776. "
  777. ASCII "LdrpNameToOrdinal"
  778. ASCII "Failed to load for appcompat reasons
  779. "
  780. ASCII "LdrpPrepareModuleForExecution"
  781. ASCII "Uninitializing DLL "%wZ" (Init routine: %p)
  782. "
  783. ASCII "LdrpProcessDetachNode"
  784. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" does not contain an export table
  785. "
  786. ASCII "Unmapping DLL "%wZ"
  787. "
  788. ASCII "Merging a cycle rooted at %wZ.
  789. "
  790. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrddag.c"
  791. ASCII "Adding cyclic module %wZ.
  792. "
  793. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" has TLS information at %p
  794. "
  795. ASCII "LdrpInitializeTls"
  796. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  797. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTls"
  798. ASCII "TlsVector %p Index %d : %d bytes copied from %p to %p
  799. "
  800. ASCII "Calling TLS callback %p for DLL "%wZ" at %p
  801. "
  802. ASCII "LdrpCallTlsInitializers"
  803. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTlsEntry"
  804. ASCII "LdrpHandleTlsData"
  805. ASCII "Function %s raised exception 0x%08lx
  806. Exception record: .exr %p
  807. Context record: .cxr %p
  808. "
  809. ASCII "LdrpGenericExceptionFilter"
  810. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  811. ASCII "
  812. ***Exception thrown within loader***
  813. "
  814. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  815. ASCII "Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context
  816. "
  817. UNICODE "Unknown"
  818. UNICODE "#%d"
  819. ASCII "Locating export at ordinal %d for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  820. "
  821. ASCII "LdrpReportError"
  822. ASCII "Locating export "%wZ" for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  823. "
  824. UNICODE ".DLL"
  825. UNICODE "\microsoft.system.package.metadata\Application"
  826. UNICODE ".Local"
  827. ASCII "DLL search path passed in externally: %ws
  828. "
  829. ASCII "LdrpInitializeDllPath"
  830. ASCII "Lazy DLL search path computation failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  831. "
  832. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  833. ASCII "DLL search path computed: %ws
  834. "
  835. ASCII "Packaged DLL search path computed. Package Dirs: %ws, DllPath: %ws
  836. "
  837. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Option"
  838. UNICODE "OptionValue"
  839. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Srp\GP\DLL"
  840. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  841. UNICODE "TransparentEnabled"
  842. UNICODE "CheckAllProcessMachinePolicyEnabled"
  844. ASCII "SaferiIsDllAllowed"
  845. UNICODE "\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  846. ASCII "RTL: Enter Critical Section Timeout (%I64u secs) %d
  847. "
  848. ASCII "RTL: Pid.Tid %x.%x, owner tid %x Critical Section %p - ContentionCount == %lu
  849. "
  850. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  851. "
  852. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Shared Sem Timeout %d(%I64u secs)
  853. "
  854. ASCII "RTL: Resource at %p
  855. "
  856. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Exclusive Sem Timeout %d (%I64u secs)
  857. "
  858. ASCII "Resource @ %lx
  859. "
  860. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingShared = %lx
  861. "
  862. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingExclusive = %lx
  863. "
  864. ASCII " NumberOfActive = %lx
  865. "
  866. ASCII "NTDLL: Calling thread (%X) not owner of CritSect: %p Owner ThreadId: %X
  867. "
  868. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  869. ASCII "Critical section debug info address"
  870. ASCII "Critical section address"
  871. ASCII "undeleted critical section in freed memory"
  872. ASCII "Address of the debug info found in the active list."
  873. ASCII "Invalid debug info address of this critical section"
  874. ASCII "corrupted critical section"
  875. ASCII "Second initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  876. ASCII "First initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  877. ASCII "Critical section address."
  878. ASCII "double initialized or corrupted critical section"
  879. ASCII "Thread identifier"
  880. ASCII "Thread is in a state in which it cannot own a critical section"
  881. UNICODE "Objects=%4u"
  882. UNICODE "VirtualAlloc"
  883. UNICODE "Objects>%4u"
  884. UNICODE "\SystemRoot"
  885. UNICODE "\System32\"
  886. UNICODE "VerifierFlags"
  887. UNICODE "HandleTraces"
  888. UNICODE "VerifierDebug"
  889. UNICODE "VerifierDlls"
  890. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: flags 0x%X: application verifier enabled
  891. "
  892. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: application verifier will be disabled due to an initialization error.
  893. "
  894. ASCII "AVRF: -*- final list of providers -*-
  895. "
  896. ASCII "AVRF: resnapping %ws ...
  897. "
  898. ASCII "AVRF: skipped resnapping provider %ws ...
  899. "
  900. ASCII "AVRF: verifier dll `%ws'
  901. "
  902. ASCII "AVRF: Cannot load %ws from arbitrary location
  903. "
  904. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: failed to load provider `%ws' (status %08X) from %ws
  905. "
  906. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws is not a DLL image
  907. "
  908. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised while probing provider %ws
  909. "
  910. ASCII "AVRF: cannot find an entry point for provider %ws
  911. "
  912. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws passed an invalid descriptor @ %p
  913. "
  914. ASCII "AVRF: initialized provider %ws (descriptor @ %p)
  915. "
  916. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws did not initialize correctly
  917. "
  918. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised in provider %ws initialization routine
  919. "
  920. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws
  921. "
  922. ASCII "AVRF: chain: searching in %ws
  923. "
  924. ASCII "AVRF: chain: dll: %ws
  925. "
  926. ASCII "AVRF: chain: thunk: %s == %s ?
  927. "
  928. ASCII "AVRF: Found duplicate for (%ws: %s) in %ws
  929. "
  930. ASCII "AVRF: Checking %ws for duplicate (%ws: %s)
  931. "
  932. ASCII "AVRF: Chaining (%ws: %s) to %ws
  933. "
  934. ASCII "AVRF: pid 0x%X: found dll descriptor for `%ws' with verified exports
  935. "
  936. ASCII "AVRF: AVrfDllUnloadNotification called for a provider (%p)
  937. "
  938. ASCII "AVRF: internal error: New thunk for %s is null.
  939. "
  940. ASCII "AVRF: Snapped (%ws: %s) with (%ws: %p).
  941. "
  942. ASCII "AVRF: warning: did not find `%s' export in %ws .
  943. "
  944. ASCII "AVRF: (%ws) %s export found.
  945. "
  946. ASCII "AVRF: failed to enable handle checking (status %X)
  947. "
  948. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  949. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find verifier.dll among loaded providers!
  950. "
  951. ASCII "VerifierStopMessage"
  952. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find `VerifierStopMessage()' export in verifier.dll!
  953. "
  954. ASCII "
  955. ===========================================================
  956. VERIFIER STOP %p: pid 0x%X: %s
  957. %p : %s
  958. %p : %s
  959. %p : %s
  960. %p : %s
  961. ===========================================================
  962. "
  963. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  965. UNICODE "\KernelObjects\SystemErrorPortReady"
  966. UNICODE "\WindowsErrorReportingServicePort"
  967. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  969. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\WMR"
  970. UNICODE "WMRSendMessageString"
  971. UNICODE "DisableEscalation"
  972. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Escalation"
  973. UNICODE "WinShipAssert"
  974. UNICODE "WindowsMessageReportingB1"
  975. UNICODE "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  976. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows"
  977. UNICODE "svchost.exe"
  978. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledProcesses\"
  979. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\SysprepPerformed\"
  980. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\CommonDatapoints\"
  981. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  982. UNICODE "StudyId"
  983. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  984. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  985. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows"
  986. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm"
  987. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore"
  988. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  989. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows"
  990. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm"
  991. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore"
  992. UNICODE "ThrottleExpiryTime"
  993. UNICODE "SampledOut"
  994. UNICODE "AdaptiveSqmNameSpaceBoundary"
  995. UNICODE "DPS"
  996. UNICODE "ASqmManifestVersion"
  997. UNICODE "ASqmManifest_%x"
  998. UNICODE "WSqmConsLastRunTime"
  999. UNICODE "CEIPEnable"
  1000. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\AdaptiveSqm\Throttling"
  1001. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager"
  1002. UNICODE "PATH"
  1003. UNICODE "SafeDllSearchMode"
  1004. UNICODE "SafeProcessSearchMode"
  1006. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  1007. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  1008. ASCII "(This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString == NULL) || (This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString->Buffer == NULL)"
  1009. ASCII "rUS.Length <= This->PrivatePreallocatedString->MaximumLength"
  1010. ASCII "sxsisol_SearchActCtxForDllName"
  1011. ASCII "[%x.%x] SXS: %s - Relative redirection plus env var expansion.
  1012. "
  1014. ASCII "Status != STATUS_NOT_FOUND"
  1015. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p missing default TOC
  1016. "
  1017. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p lacks assembly roster
  1018. "
  1019. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC header offset
  1020. "
  1021. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has TOC header too small (%lu)
  1022. "
  1023. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC entry array offset
  1024. "
  1025. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid assembly roster offset
  1026. "
  1027. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has assembly roster header too small (%lu)
  1028. "
  1029. ASCII "RtlCreateActivationContext"
  1030. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context data
  1031. "
  1032. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  1033. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid flags 0x%08lx
  1034. "
  1035. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie type 0x%08Ix
  1036. "
  1037. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie tid 0x%08Ix - should be %08Ix
  1038. "
  1039. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  1040. ASCII "SXS: %s() Active frame is not the frame being deactivated %p != %p
  1041. "
  1042. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Activation context data at %p too small; TotalSize = %lu; HeaderSize = %lu
  1043. "
  1044. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC offset (%ld) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  1045. "
  1046. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC entry array (starting at offset %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  1047. "
  1048. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC section TOC %d (offset: %ld, size: %u) is outside activation context data bounds (%lu bytes)
  1049. "
  1050. ASCII "SXS/RTL: TOC entry array (offset: %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  1051. "
  1052. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Section found (offset %ld; length %lu) extends past end of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  1053. "
  1054. ASCII "RtlpFindActivationContextSection_CheckParameters"
  1055. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_flags but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  1056. "
  1057. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_assembly_metadata but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  1058. "
  1059. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  1060. "
  1061. ASCII "RtlpFindUnicodeStringInSection: Unsupported hash algorithm %lu found in string section.
  1062. "
  1063. ASCII "SXS: String hash collision chain offset at %p (= %ld) out of bounds
  1064. "
  1065. ASCII "SXS: String hash table entry at %p has invalid key offset (= %ld)
  1066. Header = %p; Index = %lu; Bucket = %p; Chain = %p
  1067. "
  1068. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a GUID section
  1069. "
  1070. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  1071. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p only %Iu bytes long; that's not even enough for the 4-byte magic and 4-byte header length!
  1072. "
  1073. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with wrong magic value
  1074. Expected %lu; got %lu
  1075. "
  1076. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p claims %lu byte header size; that doesn't even include the HeaderSize member!
  1077. "
  1078. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p with too small of a header
  1079. HeaderSize: %lu
  1080. Required: %lu
  1081. "
  1082. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with element list overlapping section header
  1083. Section header: %p
  1084. Header Size: %lu
  1085. ElementListOffset: %lu
  1086. "
  1087. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with search structure overlapping section header
  1088. Section header: %p
  1089. Header Size: %lu
  1090. SearchStructureOffset: %lu
  1091. "
  1092. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data overlapping section header
  1093. Section header: %p
  1094. Header Size: %lu
  1095. User Data Offset: %lu
  1096. "
  1097. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data too small
  1098. Section header: %p
  1099. UserDataSize: %lu; needed: %lu
  1100. "
  1101. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data extending beyond section data
  1102. Section header: %p
  1103. UserDataSize: %lu
  1104. UserDataOffset: %lu
  1105. Section size: %Iu
  1106. "
  1107. ASCII "RtlpQueryInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  1108. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with assembly roster that has no root
  1109. "
  1110. ASCII "RtlpQueryAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  1111. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid sub-instance index %lu out of %lu Assemblies in the Acitvation Context
  1112. "
  1113. ASCII "RtlpQueryFilesInAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  1114. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid file index (%d) in Assembly (%d)
  1115. "
  1116. ASCII "RtlpQueryRunLevel"
  1117. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with wrong format
  1118. "
  1119. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  1120. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid flags (0x%08lx)
  1121. "
  1122. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed meaningless flags/class combination (0x%08lx/0x%08lx)
  1123. "
  1124. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked for unknown information class %lu
  1125. "
  1126. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller passed nonzero buffer length but NULL buffer pointer
  1127. "
  1128. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller supplied no buffer to populate and no place to return required byte count
  1129. "
  1130. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked to use active activation context but passed %p
  1131. "
  1132. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from address in .dll but passed NULL
  1133. "
  1134. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid address, not in any .dll (%p)
  1135. "
  1136. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from hmodule but passed NULL
  1137. "
  1138. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid hmodule (%p)
  1139. "
  1140. ASCII "SXS: %s() - internal coding error; missing switch statement branch for InfoClass == %lu
  1141. "
  1142. UNICODE ""
  1143. ASCII "RtlpLocateActivationContextSection() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  1144. "
  1145. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open registry key %wZ Status = 0x%08lx
  1146. "
  1147. UNICODE "\WinSxS\"
  1148. ASCII "SXS: Unable to enumerate assembly storage subkey #%lu Status = 0x%08lx
  1149. "
  1150. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to get storage location from subkey %wZ failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  1151. "
  1152. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  1153. "
  1154. ASCII "SXS: Unabel to query location from storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  1155. "
  1156. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value type is not REG_SZ
  1157. "
  1158. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value has non-even size
  1159. "
  1160. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location for %wZ does not fit in a UNICODE STRING
  1161. "
  1162. ASCII "RtlpInitializeAssemblyStorageMap"
  1163. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  1164. SXS: Map : 0x%lx
  1165. SXS: EntryCount : 0x%lx
  1166. "
  1167. ASCII "RtlpInsertAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  1168. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  1169. SXS: Map : %p
  1170. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex : 0x%lx
  1171. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  1172. SXS: StorageLocation : %p
  1173. SXS: StorageLocation->Length: 0x%x
  1174. SXS: StorageLocation->Buffer: %p
  1175. "...
  1176. ASCII "RtlpResolveAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  1177. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  1178. SXS: Map : %p
  1179. SXS: Data : %p
  1180. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  1181. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  1182. "
  1183. ASCII "SXS: Assembly directory name stored in assembly information too long (%lu bytes) - ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA at %p
  1184. "
  1185. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe known root of assembly storage ("%wZ") failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  1186. "
  1187. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to insert well known storage root into assembly storage map assembly roster index %lu failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  1188. "
  1189. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe assembly storage root %wZ for assembly directory %wZ failed with status = 0x%08lx
  1190. "
  1191. ASCII "SXS: Unable to resolve storage root for assembly directory %wZ in %Iu tries
  1192. "
  1193. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to translate DOS path name "%S" to NT format failed
  1194. "
  1195. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open assembly directory under storage root "%S"; Status = 0x%08lx
  1196. "
  1197. ASCII "SXS: Storage resolution failed to insert entry to storage map; Status = 0x%08lx
  1198. "
  1199. ASCII "RtlpProbeAssemblyStorageRootForAssembly"
  1200. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  1201. SXS: Flags: 0x%lx
  1202. SXS: Root: %p
  1203. SXS: AssemblyDirectory: %p
  1204. SXS: PreAllocatedString: %p
  1205. SXS: DynamicString: %p
  1206. SXS: StringUsed: %p
  1207. SXS: OpenDirectoryHandle: %p"...
  1208. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because combined path length does not fit in an UNICODE_STRING.
  1209. "
  1210. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because attempt to allocate %u bytes failed.
  1211. "
  1212. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  1213. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context
  1214. "
  1215. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  1216. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  1217. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  1218. SXS: AssemblyStorageRoot: %p
  1219. SXS: Callback : %p
  1220. "
  1221. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to get activation context data, storage map and assembly roster header. Status = 0x%08lx
  1222. "
  1223. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters AssemblyRosterIndex 0x%lx >= AssemblyRosterHeader->EntryCount: 0x%lx
  1224. "
  1225. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to resolve storage map entry. Status = 0x%08lx
  1226. "
  1227. ASCII "RtlpGetActivationContextDataStorageMapAndRosterHeader"
  1228. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  1229. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  1230. SXS: Peb : %p
  1231. SXS: ActivationContextData: %p
  1232. SXS: AssemblyStorageMap : %p
  1233. "
  1234. UNICODE ".mui"
  1235. UNICODE "Type:"
  1236. UNICODE " Name:"
  1237. UNICODE " Language:"
  1238. UNICODE " Item:"
  1239. UNICODE "SR - "
  1240. UNICODE "MUI"
  1241. ASCII "LdrpLoadResourceFromAlternativeModule"
  1242. ASCII "'LDR: %s(), invalid image format of MUI file
  1243. "
  1244. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
  1245. UNICODE "UseFilter"
  1246. UNICODE "FilterFullPath"
  1247. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Enter"
  1248. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Exit"
  1249. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Enter"
  1250. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Exit"
  1251. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Enter"
  1252. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Exit"
  1253. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Enter"
  1254. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Exit"
  1255. UNICODE "RtlpResUltimateFallbackInfo Enter"
  1256. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Enter"
  1257. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Exit"
  1258. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Enter"
  1259. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Exit"
  1260. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Enter"
  1261. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Exit"
  1262. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Enter"
  1263. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Exit"
  1264. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Enter"
  1265. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Exit"
  1266. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Enter"
  1267. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Exit"
  1268. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Enter"
  1269. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Exit"
  1271. UNICODE "Log"
  1272. UNICODE "%s\%u-%u-%u-%u"
  1273. UNICODE "\Sessions"
  1274. UNICODE "%ws\%ld\AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  1275. UNICODE "AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  1276. UNICODE "#%u"
  1277. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1278. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1279. "
  1280. ASCII "!(CheckedFlags & ~HEAP_CREATE_VALID_MASK)"
  1281. ASCII "(HeapHandle != NULL)"
  1282. ASCII "((PHEAP_ENTRY)LastKnownEntry <= Entry)"
  1283. ASCII "(UCRBlock->Size >= *Size)"
  1284. ASCII "(UCRBlock != NULL)"
  1285. ASCII "((LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1)"
  1286. ASCII "(LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1"
  1287. ASCII "((FreeBlock->Flags & HEAP_ENTRY_DECOMMITTED) || (ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock))"
  1288. ASCII "ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock"
  1289. ASCII "Heap block at %p modified at %p past requested size of %Ix
  1290. "
  1291. ASCII "RtlpHeapFreeVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %Ix)
  1292. "
  1293. ASCII "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %p)
  1294. "
  1295. ASCII "
  1296. *** Assertion failed: %s%s
  1297. *** Source File: %s, line %ld
  1298. "
  1299. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process, or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  1300. UNICODE "MiniNT"
  1301. UNICODE "PortableOperatingSystem"
  1302. ASCII "RtlpQueryRegistryValues: Miscomputed buffer size at line %d
  1303. "
  1304. UNICODE "TimeZoneInformation"
  1305. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  1306. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  1307. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  1308. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  1309. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings\LanguageConfiguration"
  1310. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  1311. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  1312. UNICODE "MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  1313. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\SQMData\BootLanguages"
  1314. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlpSetPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  1315. "
  1316. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  1317. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguagesPending"
  1318. UNICODE "LanguageConfigurationPending"
  1319. UNICODE "LanguageConfiguration"
  1320. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetThreadPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  1321. "
  1322. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetProcessPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  1323. "
  1324. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter pwmszLanguage for function RtlGetUILanguageInfo is not a valid multi-string!
  1325. "
  1326. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  1327. ASCII "VirtualQuery Failed 0x%08x %x
  1328. "
  1329. ASCII "VirtualProtect Failed 0x%08x %x
  1330. "
  1331. ASCII "RtlLockHeap"
  1332. ASCII "RtlUnlockHeap"
  1333. ASCII "Unable to release memory at %p for %p bytes - Status == %x
  1334. "
  1335. UNICODE "GlobalTags"
  1336. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  1337. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  1338. UNICODE "
  1339. \SmApiPort"
  1340. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\bootstat.dat"
  1341. UNICODE "System Volume Information"
  1342. ASCII "Not enough memory to complete
  1343. "
  1344. ASCII "Conflicting descriptors %08lx
  1345. "
  1346. ASCII "Unable to allocate page descriptor
  1347. "
  1348. ASCII "Entry User Heap Size Req.Size Flags
  1349. "
  1350. ASCII "------------------------------------------------------------
  1351. "
  1352. ASCII "fill "
  1353. ASCII "%p %p %p %8lx %p "
  1354. ASCII "Inspecting leaks at process shutdown ...
  1355. "
  1356. ASCII "%ld leaks detected.
  1357. "
  1358. ASCII "No leaks detected.
  1359. "
  1360. ASCII "ffff:"
  1361. ASCII "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1362. ASCII "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1363. ASCII "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1364. ASCII ":%u"
  1365. ASCII "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  1366. UNICODE "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1367. UNICODE "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1368. UNICODE ":%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1369. UNICODE "%%%u"
  1370. UNICODE "]:%u"
  1371. UNICODE "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1372. UNICODE ":%u"
  1373. UNICODE "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  1374. UNICODE "%%%u!%s!"
  1375. ASCII "RTL: RtlNtStatusToDosError(0x%lx): No Valid Win32 Error Mapping
  1376. "
  1377. ASCII "RTL: Edit ntos\rtl\generr.c to correct the problem
  1378. "
  1379. ASCII "RTL: ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND is being returned
  1380. "
  1381. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CustomLocale"
  1382. UNICODE "Control Panel\International"
  1383. UNICODE "LocaleName"
  1384. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\Globalization\"
  1385. UNICODE "en-US"
  1386. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions"
  1387. UNICODE "ProductType"
  1388. UNICODE "WinNt"
  1389. UNICODE "LanmanNt"
  1390. UNICODE "ServerNt"
  1391. ASCII " Leaked Block 0x%p size 0x%p (stack %p depth %u)
  1392. "
  1393. ASCII "
  1394. *** Resource timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  1395. "
  1396. ASCII "The resource is owned exclusively by thread %x
  1397. "
  1398. ASCII "The resource is owned shared by %d threads
  1399. "
  1400. ASCII "The resource is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  1401. "
  1402. ASCII "
  1403. *** Critical Section Timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  1404. "
  1405. ASCII "The critical section is owned by thread %x.
  1406. "
  1407. ASCII "Go determine why that thread has not released the critical section.
  1408. "
  1409. ASCII "The critical section is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  1410. "
  1411. ASCII "
  1412. *** Inpage error in %ws:%s
  1413. "
  1414. ASCII "The instruction at %p referenced memory at %p.
  1415. "
  1416. ASCII "This failed because of error %Ix.
  1417. "
  1418. ASCII "This means the machine is out of memory. Use !vm to see where all the memory is being used.
  1419. "
  1420. ASCII "This means the data could not be read, typically because of a bad block on the disk. Check your hardware.
  1421. "
  1422. ASCII "This means that the I/O device reported an I/O error. Check your hardware."
  1423. ASCII "
  1424. *** An Access Violation occurred in %ws:%s
  1425. "
  1426. ASCII "read from"
  1427. ASCII "The instruction at %p tried to %s "
  1428. ASCII "an invalid address, %p
  1429. "
  1430. ASCII "a NULL pointer
  1431. "
  1432. ASCII "
  1433. *** A stack buffer overrun occurred in %ws:%s
  1434. "
  1435. ASCII "This is usually the result of a memory copy to a local buffer or structure where the size is not properly calculated/checked.
  1436. "
  1437. ASCII "If this bug ends up in the shipping product, it could be a severe security hole.
  1438. "
  1439. ASCII "The stack trace should show the guilty function (the function directly above __report_gsfailure).
  1440. "
  1441. ASCII "
  1442. *** Unhandled exception 0x%08lx, hit in %ws:%s
  1443. "
  1444. ASCII " *** enter .exr %p for the exception record
  1445. "
  1446. ASCII " *** enter .cxr %p for the context
  1447. "
  1448. ASCII " *** then kb to get the faulting stack
  1449. "
  1450. ASCII " *** Restarting wait on critsec or resource at %p (in %ws:%s)
  1451. "
  1453. UNICODE "WIN://PKG"
  1454. UNICODE "%wZ"
  1455. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ValidationRunlevels"
  1456. ASCII "Trace database: failed to release segment %p
  1457. "
  1458. ASCII "Trace database: failing attempt to save biiiiig trace (size %u)
  1459. "
  1460. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  1461. "
  1462. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  1463. UNICODE "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Control Panel\Desktop"
  1464. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\LanguageConfiguration"
  1465. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached\MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  1466. ASCII "*** CreateLanguageList:%X ****
  1467. "
  1468. UNICODE "MachineUILock"
  1469. UNICODE "DefaultFallback"
  1470. UNICODE "AlternateCodePage"
  1471. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages\PendingDelete"
  1472. UNICODE "Type"
  1473. UNICODE "WindowsExcludedProcs"
  1474. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Number-Allowed"
  1475. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Allowed"
  1476. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Disallowed"
  1477. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-SKU"
  1478. ASCII "*** RtlpMuiRegLoadLicInformation failed with status %x"
  1479. ASCII "Critical error detected %lx
  1480. "
  1481. UNICODE "QueryDebugInformation request"
  1482. ASCII "Heap %p - headers modified (%p is %lx instead of %lx)
  1483. "
  1484. ASCII " This is located in the %s field of the heap header.
  1485. "
  1486. ASCII "Invalid ReserveSize parameter - %Ix
  1487. "
  1488. ASCII "Invalid CommitSize parameter - %Ix
  1489. "
  1490. ASCII "May not specify Lock parameter with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE
  1491. "
  1492. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) invalid, Status = %lx
  1493. "
  1494. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) != to BaseAddress (%p)
  1495. "
  1496. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) is free or not writable
  1497. "
  1498. ASCII "May not destroy the process heap at %p
  1499. "
  1500. ASCII "RtlAllocateHeap"
  1501. ASCII "Invalid allocation size - %Ix (exceeded %Ix)
  1502. "
  1503. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for %Ix bytes
  1504. "
  1505. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  1506. "
  1507. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  1508. ASCII "About to reallocate block at %p to %Ix bytes
  1509. "
  1510. ASCII "About to rellocate block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  1511. "
  1512. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to %Ix bytes
  1513. "
  1514. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  1515. "
  1516. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  1517. ASCII "About to free block at %p
  1518. "
  1519. ASCII "About to free block at %p with tag %ws
  1520. "
  1521. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  1522. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  1523. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  1524. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  1525. ASCII "RtlZeroHeap"
  1526. ASCII "RtlCreateTagHeap"
  1527. ASCII "RtlQueryTagHeap"
  1528. ASCII "RtlWalkHeap"
  1529. ASCII "Invalid address specified to %s( %p, %p )
  1530. "
  1531. ASCII "Heap entry %p has incorrect PreviousSize field (%04x instead of %04x)
  1532. "
  1533. ASCII "Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1534. "
  1535. ASCII "Heap block at %p has incorrect segment offset (%x)
  1536. "
  1537. ASCII "Heap block at %p is not last block in segment (%p)
  1538. "
  1539. ASCII "Heap block at %p has corrupted PreviousSize (%lx)
  1540. "
  1541. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedPages (%x != %x)
  1542. "
  1543. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedRanges (%x != %x)
  1544. "
  1545. ASCII "dedicated (%04Ix) free list element %p is marked busy
  1546. "
  1547. ASCII "Non-Dedicated free list element %p is out of order
  1548. "
  1549. ASCII "Number of free blocks in arena (%ld) does not match number in the free lists (%ld)
  1550. "
  1551. ASCII "Total size of free blocks in arena (%Id) does not match number total in heap header (%Id)
  1552. "
  1553. ASCII "Pseudo Tag %04x size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  1554. "
  1555. ASCII "Tag %04x (%ws) size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  1556. "
  1557. ASCII "Heap error detected at %p (heap handle %p)
  1558. "
  1559. ASCII "heap_failure_internal"
  1560. ASCII "heap_failure_unknown"
  1561. ASCII "heap_failure_generic"
  1562. ASCII "heap_failure_entry_corruption"
  1563. ASCII "heap_failure_multiple_entries_corruption"
  1564. ASCII "heap_failure_virtual_block_corruption"
  1565. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_overrun"
  1566. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_underrun"
  1567. ASCII "heap_failure_block_not_busy"
  1568. ASCII "heap_failure_invalid_argument"
  1569. ASCII "heap_failure_usage_after_free"
  1570. ASCII "heap_failure_cross_heap_operation"
  1571. ASCII "heap_failure_freelists_corruption"
  1572. ASCII "heap_failure_listentry_corruption"
  1573. ASCII "heap_failure_lfh_bitmap_mismatch"
  1574. ASCII "Error code: %d - %s
  1575. "
  1576. ASCII "Parameter1: %p
  1577. "
  1578. ASCII "Parameter2: %p
  1579. "
  1580. ASCII "Parameter3: %p
  1581. "
  1582. ASCII "Last known valid blocks: before - %p, after - %p
  1583. "
  1584. ASCII "Stack trace available at %p
  1585. "
  1586. ASCII "RtlpGetBitState(LookupTable, (ULONG)(LookupIndex - LookupTable->BaseIndex))"
  1587. ASCII "(ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(Size, PAGE_SIZE) == Size)"
  1588. ASCII "Enabling heap debug options
  1589. "
  1590. ASCII "ffff:"
  1591. ASCII "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1592. ASCII "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1593. ASCII ":%u.%u.%u.%u"
  1594. UNICODE "TimeZoneKeyName"
  1595. UNICODE "DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled"
  1596. ASCII "RtlpQueryRegistryValues: Miscomputed buffer size at line %d
  1597. "
  1598. ASCII "RtlpQueryRegistryValues: Miscomputed buffer size at line %d
  1599. "
  1600. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetProcessPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  1601. "
  1602. ASCII "RTL: RtlNtStatusToDosError(0x%lx): No Valid Win32 Error Mapping
  1603. "
  1604. ASCII "RTL: Edit ntos\rtl\generr.c to correct the problem
  1605. "
  1606. ASCII "RTL: ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND is being returned
  1607. "
  1608. UNICODE "ThrottleExpiryTime"
  1609. UNICODE "SampledOut"
  1610. UNICODE "CEIPEnable"
  1611. UNICODE "ThrottleExpiryTime"
  1612. UNICODE "%s\%u-%u-%u-%u"
  1613. UNICODE "ASqmManifest_%x"
  1614. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTlsEntry"
  1615. ASCII "LdrpHandleTlsData"
  1616. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1617. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1618. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1619. ASCII "Inspecting leaks at process shutdown ...
  1620. "
  1621. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1622. ASCII "%ld leaks detected.
  1623. "
  1624. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1625. ASCII "No leaks detected.
  1626. "
  1627. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1628. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1629. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  1630. ASCII "RtlUnlockHeap"
  1631. ASCII ", passed to %s"
  1632. UNICODE "
  1633. \SmApiPort"
  1634. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1635. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1636. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  1637. ASCII "RtlLockHeap"
  1638. ASCII ", passed to %s"
  1639. UNICODE "
  1640. \SmApiPort"
  1641. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" has TLS information at %p
  1642. "
  1643. ASCII "LdrpInitializeTls"
  1644. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  1645. ASCII "ThreadPool: attempt to terminate a worker thread via handle %p
  1646. Contact the owner of the function calling Terminate/Exit thread.
  1647. "
  1648. ASCII "Delaying execution failed with status 0x%08lx
  1649. "
  1650. ASCII "_LdrpInitialize"
  1651. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  1652. ASCII "Process initialization failed with status 0x%08lx
  1653. "
  1654. ASCII "_LdrpInitialize"
  1655. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  1656. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTls"
  1657. ASCII "TlsVector %p Index %d : %d bytes copied from %p to %p
  1658. "
  1659. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTls"
  1660. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  1661. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions"
  1662. UNICODE "ProductType"
  1663. UNICODE "WinNt"
  1664. UNICODE "LanmanNt"
  1665. UNICODE "ServerNt"
  1666. ASCII "Calling TLS callback %p for DLL "%wZ" at %p
  1667. "
  1668. ASCII "LdrpCallTlsInitializers"
  1669. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  1670. ASCII "Process 0x%x (%wZ) exiting
  1671. "
  1672. ASCII "LdrShutdownProcess"
  1673. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  1674. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  1675. "
  1676. ASCII "LdrLoadDll"
  1677. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1678. ASCII "Nonpackaged process attempted to load a packaged DLL.
  1679. "
  1680. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1681. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  1682. "
  1683. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1684. ASCII "Calling init routine %p for DLL "%wZ"
  1685. "
  1686. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  1687. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1688. ASCII "Init routine %p of DLL "%wZ" raised an exception %x
  1689. "
  1690. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  1691. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1692. ASCII "Init routine %p for DLL "%wZ" failed during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
  1693. "
  1694. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  1695. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1696. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  1697. ASCII "SXS: %s() Active frame is not the frame being deactivated %p != %p
  1698. "
  1699. ASCII "Failed to allocated memory for shimmed module list
  1700. "
  1701. ASCII "LdrpCheckModule"
  1702. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  1703. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  1704. "
  1705. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  1706. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1707. ASCII "DLL %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  1708. "
  1709. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  1710. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1711. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  1712. "
  1713. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  1714. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1715. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ
  1716. "
  1717. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  1718. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1719. ASCII "Could not validate the crypto signature for DLL %wZ
  1720. "
  1721. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  1722. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1723. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  1724. "
  1725. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  1726. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1727. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1728. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1729. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1730. "
  1731. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1732. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1733. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1734. "
  1735. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1736. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1737. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1738. "
  1739. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1740. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1741. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1742. "
  1743. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1744. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1745. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1746. "
  1747. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1748. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1749. ASCII "(UCRBlock->Size >= *Size)"
  1750. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1751. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1752. ASCII "((PHEAP_ENTRY)LastKnownEntry <= Entry)"
  1753. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1754. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1755. ASCII "(ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(Size, PAGE_SIZE) == Size)"
  1756. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1757. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1758. ASCII "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %p)
  1759. "
  1760. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1761. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1762. ASCII "((FreeBlock->Flags & HEAP_ENTRY_DECOMMITTED) || (ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock))"
  1763. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1764. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1765. ASCII "ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock"
  1766. UNICODE "en"
  1767. UNICODE "en-US"
  1768. UNICODE "en-US"
  1769. UNICODE "en"
  1770. UNICODE "en-US"
  1771. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1772. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1773. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1774. "
  1775. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetThreadPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  1776. "
  1777. UNICODE "0x"
  1778. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1779. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1780. ASCII "Unable to release memory at %p for %p bytes - Status == %x
  1781. "
  1782. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1783. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1784. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1785. "
  1786. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1787. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1788. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1789. "
  1790. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1791. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1792. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1793. "
  1794. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1795. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1796. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1797. "
  1798. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1799. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1800. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1801. "
  1802. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1803. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1804. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1805. "
  1806. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1807. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1808. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  1809. "
  1810. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1811. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1812. ASCII "((FreeBlock->Flags & HEAP_ENTRY_DECOMMITTED) || (ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock))"
  1813. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1814. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1815. ASCII "ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock"
  1816. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1817. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1818. ASCII "(UCRBlock != NULL)"
  1819. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1820. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1821. ASCII "(!TrailingUCR)"
  1822. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1823. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1824. ASCII "((LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1)"
  1825. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1826. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1827. ASCII "(LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1"
  1828. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  1829. ASCII "HEAP: "
  1830. ASCII "(!TrailingUCR)"
  1831. ASCII "DLL name: %s.
  1832. "
  1833. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  1834. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1835. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS.
  1836. "
  1837. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  1838. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1839. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  1840. "
  1841. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  1842. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1843. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  1844. "
  1845. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  1846. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1847. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  1848. "
  1849. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  1850. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1851. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  1852. "
  1853. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDll"
  1854. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  1855. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  1856. "
  1857. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDll"
  1858. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  1859. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  1860. "
  1861. ASCII "LdrpResolveDllName"
  1862. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  1863. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  1864. "
  1865. ASCII "LdrpResolveDllName"
  1866. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  1867. ASCII "Unknown"
  1868. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in "%wZ" 0x%08lx
  1869. "
  1870. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  1871. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrdload.c"
  1872. ASCII "Unknown"
  1873. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in module 0x%p 0x%08lx
  1874. "
  1875. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  1876. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrdload.c"
  1877. ASCII "DLL search path passed in externally: %ws
  1878. "
  1879. ASCII "LdrpInitializeDllPath"
  1880. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  1881. ASCII "ParentModule: (%p) %wZ.
  1882. "
  1883. ASCII "LdrpResolveNonStaticDependency"
  1884. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1885. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" does not contain an export table
  1886. "
  1887. ASCII "LdrpSnapModule"
  1888. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1889. ASCII "Procedure "%s" could not be located in DLL at base 0x%p.
  1890. "
  1891. ASCII "LdrpNameToOrdinal"
  1892. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1893. ASCII "LdrpSnapModule"
  1894. ASCII "Locating procedure "%s" by name
  1895. "
  1896. ASCII "LdrpGetProcedureAddress"
  1897. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1898. ASCII "Procedure "%s" could not be located in DLL at base 0x%p.
  1899. "
  1900. ASCII "LdrpNameToOrdinal"
  1901. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1902. ASCII "Loading procedure 0x%lx by ordinal
  1903. "
  1904. ASCII "LdrpGetProcedureAddress"
  1905. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1907. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  1908. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  1909. ASCII "sxsisol_SearchActCtxForDllName"
  1910. ASCII "[%x.%x] SXS: %s - Relative redirection plus env var expansion.
  1911. "
  1913. ASCII "Status != STATUS_NOT_FOUND"
  1914. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  1915. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  1916. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  1917. "
  1918. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a GUID section
  1919. "
  1920. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC offset (%ld) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  1921. "
  1922. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC entry array (starting at offset %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  1923. "
  1924. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC section TOC %d (offset: %ld, size: %u) is outside activation context data bounds (%lu bytes)
  1925. "
  1926. ASCII "SXS/RTL: TOC entry array (offset: %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  1927. "
  1928. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Activation context data at %p too small; TotalSize = %lu; HeaderSize = %lu
  1929. "
  1930. ASCII "RtlpFindUnicodeStringInSection: Unsupported hash algorithm %lu found in string section.
  1931. "
  1932. ASCII "SXS: String hash table entry at %p has invalid key offset (= %ld)
  1933. Header = %p; Index = %lu; Bucket = %p; Chain = %p
  1934. "
  1935. ASCII "SXS: String hash collision chain offset at %p (= %ld) out of bounds
  1936. "
  1937. ASCII "RtlpFindActivationContextSection_CheckParameters"
  1938. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_flags but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  1939. "
  1940. ASCII "RtlpFindActivationContextSection_CheckParameters"
  1941. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_assembly_metadata but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  1942. "
  1943. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  1944. "
  1945. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  1946. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1947. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  1948. "
  1949. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  1950. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1951. ASCII "Locating DLL %wZ
  1952. "
  1953. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  1954. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1955. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  1956. "
  1957. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  1958. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1959. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  1960. "
  1961. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  1962. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  1963. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  1964. "
  1965. ASCII "LdrpFindLoadedDll"
  1966. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  1967. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  1968. "
  1969. ASCII "LdrpFindLoadedDll"
  1970. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  1971. ASCII "Failed to load for appcompat reasons
  1972. "
  1973. ASCII "LdrpPrepareModuleForExecution"
  1974. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  1975. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with a transaction uncleared
  1976. "
  1977. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with the loader lock held
  1978. "
  1979. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with preferred languages set
  1980. "
  1981. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with background priorities set
  1982. "
  1983. ASCII "LdrUnlockLoaderLock"
  1984. ASCII "LdrLockLoaderLock"
  1985. ASCII "LdrpLoadResourceFromAlternativeModule"
  1986. ASCII "'LDR: %s(), invalid image format of MUI file
  1987. "
  1988. ASCII "(l7"
  1989. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  1990. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid flags (0x%08lx)
  1991. "
  1992. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  1993. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed meaningless flags/class combination (0x%08lx/0x%08lx)
  1994. "
  1995. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  1996. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked for unknown information class %lu
  1997. "
  1998. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  1999. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller passed nonzero buffer length but NULL buffer pointer
  2000. "
  2001. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  2002. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller supplied no buffer to populate and no place to return required byte count
  2003. "
  2004. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  2005. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from address in .dll but passed NULL
  2006. "
  2007. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  2008. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from hmodule but passed NULL
  2009. "
  2010. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  2011. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked to use active activation context but passed %p
  2012. "
  2013. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  2014. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid address, not in any .dll (%p)
  2015. "
  2016. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  2017. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid hmodule (%p)
  2018. "
  2019. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  2020. ASCII "SXS: %s() - internal coding error; missing switch statement branch for InfoClass == %lu
  2021. "
  2022. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2023. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2024. ASCII "!(CheckedFlags & ~HEAP_CREATE_VALID_MASK)"
  2025. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2026. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2027. ASCII "RtlpGetBitState(LookupTable, (ULONG)(LookupIndex - LookupTable->BaseIndex))"
  2028. ASCII "*** RtlpMuiRegLoadLicInformation failed with status %x"
  2029. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached\MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  2030. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings\LanguageConfiguration"
  2031. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2032. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2033. ASCII "(HeapHandle != NULL)"
  2034. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  2035. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context
  2036. "
  2037. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  2038. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters AssemblyRosterIndex 0x%lx >= AssemblyRosterHeader->EntryCount: 0x%lx
  2039. "
  2040. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  2041. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  2042. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  2043. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  2044. SXS: AssemblyStorageRoot: %p
  2045. SXS: Callback : %p
  2046. "
  2047. ASCII "SXS: Assembly directory name stored in assembly information too long (%lu bytes) - ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA at %p
  2048. "
  2049. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe known root of assembly storage ("%wZ") failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  2050. "
  2051. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to insert well known storage root into assembly storage map assembly roster index %lu failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  2052. "
  2053. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe assembly storage root %wZ for assembly directory %wZ failed with status = 0x%08lx
  2054. "
  2055. ASCII "SXS: Unable to resolve storage root for assembly directory %wZ in %Iu tries
  2056. "
  2057. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to translate DOS path name "%S" to NT format failed
  2058. "
  2059. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open assembly directory under storage root "%S"; Status = 0x%08lx
  2060. "
  2061. ASCII "SXS: Storage resolution failed to insert entry to storage map; Status = 0x%08lx
  2062. "
  2063. ASCII "RtlpResolveAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  2064. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  2065. SXS: Map : %p
  2066. SXS: Data : %p
  2067. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  2068. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  2069. "
  2070. ASCII "SXS: Unable to enumerate assembly storage subkey #%lu Status = 0x%08lx
  2071. "
  2072. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to get storage location from subkey %wZ failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  2073. "
  2074. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open registry key %wZ Status = 0x%08lx
  2075. "
  2076. ASCII "RtlpGetActivationContextDataStorageMapAndRosterHeader"
  2077. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context
  2078. "
  2079. ASCII "RtlpGetActivationContextDataStorageMapAndRosterHeader"
  2080. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  2081. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  2082. SXS: Peb : %p
  2083. SXS: ActivationContextData: %p
  2084. SXS: AssemblyStorageMap : %p
  2085. "
  2086. ASCII "RtlpInsertAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  2087. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  2088. SXS: Map : %p
  2089. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex : 0x%lx
  2090. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  2091. SXS: StorageLocation : %p
  2092. SXS: StorageLocation->Length: 0x%x
  2093. SXS: StorageLocation->Buffer: %p
  2094. "...
  2095. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because combined path length does not fit in an UNICODE_STRING.
  2096. "
  2097. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because attempt to allocate %u bytes failed.
  2098. "
  2099. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to translate DOS path name "%S" to NT format failed
  2100. "
  2101. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open assembly directory under storage root "%S"; Status = 0x%08lx
  2102. "
  2103. ASCII "RtlpProbeAssemblyStorageRootForAssembly"
  2104. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  2105. SXS: Flags: 0x%lx
  2106. SXS: Root: %p
  2107. SXS: AssemblyDirectory: %p
  2108. SXS: PreAllocatedString: %p
  2109. SXS: DynamicString: %p
  2110. SXS: StringUsed: %p
  2111. SXS: OpenDirectoryHandle: %p"...
  2112. ASCII "RtlCreateActivationContext"
  2113. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context data
  2114. "
  2115. ASCII "RtlpInitializeAssemblyStorageMap"
  2116. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  2117. SXS: Map : 0x%lx
  2118. SXS: EntryCount : 0x%lx
  2119. "
  2120. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has assembly roster header too small (%lu)
  2121. "
  2122. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p missing default TOC
  2123. "
  2124. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  2125. "
  2126. ASCII "LdrpSearchPath"
  2127. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2128. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  2129. "
  2130. ASCII "LdrpSearchPath"
  2131. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2132. ASCII "Lazy DLL search path computation failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  2133. "
  2134. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  2135. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  2136. ASCII "DLL search path computed: %ws
  2137. "
  2138. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  2139. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  2140. ASCII "Packaged DLL search path computed. Package Dirs: %ws, DllPath: %ws
  2141. "
  2142. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  2143. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  2144. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2145. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2146. ASCII "RtlpHeapFreeVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %Ix)
  2147. "
  2148. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Shared Sem Timeout %d(%I64u secs)
  2149. "
  2150. ASCII "RTL: Resource at %p
  2151. "
  2152. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  2153. "
  2154. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Exclusive Sem Timeout %d (%I64u secs)
  2155. "
  2156. ASCII "RTL: Resource at %p
  2157. "
  2158. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  2159. "
  2160. UNICODE "#%u"
  2161. UNICODE "%%%u!%s!"
  2162. UNICODE "hc"
  2163. UNICODE "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  2164. UNICODE "UEFI"
  2165. UNICODE "Legacy"
  2166. ASCII "Unmapping DLL "%wZ"
  2167. "
  2168. ASCII "LdrpUnloadNode"
  2169. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  2170. ASCII "Merging a cycle rooted at %wZ.
  2171. "
  2172. ASCII "LdrpMergeNodes"
  2173. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrddag.c"
  2174. ASCII "Adding cyclic module %wZ.
  2175. "
  2176. ASCII "LdrpMergeNodes"
  2177. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrddag.c"
  2178. ASCII "Uninitializing DLL "%wZ" (Init routine: %p)
  2179. "
  2180. ASCII "LdrpProcessDetachNode"
  2181. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  2182. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  2183. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid flags 0x%08lx
  2184. "
  2185. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  2186. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie type 0x%08Ix
  2187. "
  2188. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  2189. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie tid 0x%08Ix - should be %08Ix
  2190. "
  2191. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2192. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2193. ASCII "Invalid address specified to %s( %p, %p )
  2194. "
  2195. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2196. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2197. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  2198. ASCII ", passed to %s"
  2199. UNICODE "
  2200. \SmApiPort"
  2201. ASCII "RTL: Enter Critical Section Timeout (%I64u secs) %d
  2202. "
  2203. ASCII "RTL: Pid.Tid %x.%x, owner tid %x Critical Section %p - ContentionCount == %lu
  2204. "
  2205. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  2206. "
  2207. ASCII "Probing for the manifest of DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2208. "
  2209. ASCII "LdrpFindDllActivationContext"
  2210. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  2211. ASCII "Querying the active activation context failed with status 0x%08lx
  2212. "
  2213. ASCII "LdrpFindDllActivationContext"
  2214. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  2215. ASCII "DLL name: %ws
  2216. "
  2217. ASCII "LdrpMapViewOfSection"
  2218. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2219. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  2220. "
  2221. ASCII "LdrpMapViewOfSection"
  2222. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2223. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  2224. "
  2225. ASCII "LdrpFindKnownDll"
  2226. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2227. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  2228. "
  2229. ASCII "LdrpFindKnownDll"
  2230. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2231. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  2232. ASCII "Critical section debug info address"
  2233. ASCII "Critical section address"
  2234. ASCII "undeleted critical section in freed memory"
  2235. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  2236. ASCII "Address of the debug info found in the active list."
  2237. ASCII "Invalid debug info address of this critical section"
  2238. ASCII "Critical section address"
  2239. ASCII "corrupted critical section"
  2240. ASCII "Second initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  2241. ASCII "First initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  2242. ASCII "Address of the debug info found in the active list."
  2243. ASCII "Critical section address."
  2244. ASCII "double initialized or corrupted critical section"
  2245. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  2246. ASCII "Critical section debug info address"
  2247. ASCII "Critical section address"
  2248. ASCII "Thread identifier"
  2249. ASCII "Thread is in a state in which it cannot own a critical section"
  2250. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found ExecuteOptions = %ws for %wZ in application compatibility database
  2251. "
  2252. UNICODE "Execute=1"
  2253. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found Execute=1, turning off execution protection for the process because of %wZ
  2254. "
  2255. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing %ws for patching section protection for %wZ
  2256. "
  2257. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing section info %ws...
  2258. "
  2259. UNICODE "FilterFullPath"
  2260. ASCII "Loading the shim engine DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2261. "
  2262. ASCII "LdrpInitShimEngine"
  2263. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2264. ASCII "Getting the shim engine exports failed with status 0x%08lx
  2265. "
  2266. ASCII "LdrpInitShimEngine"
  2267. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2268. ASCII "Loading the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2269. "
  2270. ASCII "LdrpLoadShimEngine"
  2271. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2272. ASCII "Initializing the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2273. "
  2274. ASCII "LdrpLoadShimEngine"
  2275. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2276. ASCII "Initializing a shim dependency "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2277. "
  2278. ASCII "LdrpInitializeShimDllDependencies"
  2279. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2280. ASCII "Could not locate procedure "%s" in the shim engine DLL
  2281. "
  2282. ASCII "LdrpGetShimEngineInterface"
  2283. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2284. ASCII "Locating export "%wZ" for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  2285. "
  2286. ASCII "LdrpReportError"
  2287. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  2288. UNICODE "#%d"
  2289. ASCII "Locating export at ordinal %d for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  2290. "
  2291. ASCII "LdrpReportError"
  2292. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  2293. ASCII "Getting ApphelpCheckModule failed with status 0x%08lx
  2294. "
  2295. ASCII "LdrpDynamicShimModule"
  2296. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2297. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  2298. "
  2299. ASCII "LdrpRelocateImage"
  2300. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2301. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  2302. "
  2303. ASCII "LdrpRelocateImage"
  2304. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2305. ASCII "Querying large page info failed with status 0x%08lx
  2306. "
  2307. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  2308. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2309. ASCII "Changing the protection of the executable at %p failed with status 0x%08lx
  2310. "
  2311. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  2312. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  2313. ASCII "Changing the protection of the executable at %p failed with status 0x%08lx
  2314. "
  2315. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  2316. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2317. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  2318. "
  2319. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  2320. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  2321. ASCII "RtlpQueryRunLevel"
  2322. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with assembly roster that has no root
  2323. "
  2324. ASCII "RtlpQueryRunLevel"
  2325. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with wrong format
  2326. "
  2327. ASCII "RtlpQueryInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  2328. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with assembly roster that has no root
  2329. "
  2330. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2331. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p only %Iu bytes long; that's not even enough for the 4-byte magic and 4-byte header length!
  2332. "
  2333. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2334. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with wrong magic value
  2335. Expected %lu; got %lu
  2336. "
  2337. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2338. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p claims %lu byte header size; that doesn't even include the HeaderSize member!
  2339. "
  2340. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2341. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p with too small of a header
  2342. HeaderSize: %lu
  2343. Required: %lu
  2344. "
  2345. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2346. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with element list overlapping section header
  2347. Section header: %p
  2348. Header Size: %lu
  2349. ElementListOffset: %lu
  2350. "
  2351. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2352. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with search structure overlapping section header
  2353. Section header: %p
  2354. Header Size: %lu
  2355. SearchStructureOffset: %lu
  2356. "
  2357. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2358. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data overlapping section header
  2359. Section header: %p
  2360. Header Size: %lu
  2361. User Data Offset: %lu
  2362. "
  2363. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2364. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data too small
  2365. Section header: %p
  2366. UserDataSize: %lu; needed: %lu
  2367. "
  2368. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  2369. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data extending beyond section data
  2370. Section header: %p
  2371. UserDataSize: %lu
  2372. UserDataOffset: %lu
  2373. Section size: %Iu
  2374. "
  2375. ASCII "RTL: RtlNtStatusToDosError(0x%lx): No Valid Win32 Error Mapping
  2376. "
  2377. ASCII "RTL: Edit ntos\rtl\generr.c to correct the problem
  2378. "
  2379. ASCII "RTL: ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND is being returned
  2380. "
  2381. UNICODE "GlobalTags"
  2382. ASCII "RtlpLocateActivationContextSection() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  2383. "
  2384. UNICODE "COMPLUS_Version"
  2385. ASCII "This != NULL"
  2386. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  2387. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  2388. ASCII "(This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString == NULL) || (This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString->Buffer == NULL)"
  2389. ASCII "rUS.Length <= This->PrivatePreallocatedString->MaximumLength"
  2390. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  2391. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  2392. ASCII "Failed to reallocate the system dirs string !
  2393. "
  2394. ASCII "LdrpInitializePerUserWindowsDirectory"
  2395. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2396. ASCII ".txt"
  2397. ASCII ".txt2"
  2398. UNICODE "%s_%d"
  2399. UNICODE "xl--"
  2400. UNICODE "xn--"
  2401. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  2402. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  2403. UNICODE "BinaryHash"
  2404. UNICODE "BinaryName"
  2405. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange"
  2406. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange\PackageList\%ws"
  2407. UNICODE "TrustedInstaller"
  2408. ASCII "Set 0x%X protection for %p section for %d bytes, old protection 0x%X
  2409. "
  2410. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Tyring to fix protection for %ws section in %wZ module to 0x%X
  2411. "
  2412. ASCII "%04x:%04x @ %08d - %s - %s: "
  2413. ASCII "LdrpProtectedCopyMemory"
  2414. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\"
  2415. ASCII "Finding the shim engine entry failed with status 0x%08lx
  2416. "
  2417. ASCII "LdrInitShimEngineDynamic"
  2418. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2419. ASCII "BoG_ *90.0&!! Yy>"
  2420. ASCII "stxt371"
  2421. ASCII ".txt"
  2422. ASCII ".txt2"
  2423. UNICODE "%s!%s"
  2424. UNICODE "\system32\apphelp.dll"
  2425. ASCII "Loading the shim engine DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2426. "
  2427. ASCII "LdrpGetProcApphelpCheckModule"
  2428. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2429. ASCII "Getting the shim engine exports failed with status 0x%08lx
  2430. "
  2431. ASCII "LdrpGetProcApphelpCheckModule"
  2432. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2433. ASCII "Process initialization failed with status 0x%08lx
  2434. "
  2435. ASCII "LdrpInitializationFailure"
  2436. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2437. UNICODE "SPPsvc.exe"
  2438. UNICODE "PageHeapFlags"
  2439. ASCII "Per-DLL page heap is disabled since fast fill heap is enabled
  2440. "
  2441. ASCII "LdrpInitializeApplicationVerifierPackage"
  2442. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2443. UNICODE "DisableHeapLookaside"
  2444. UNICODE "FrontEndHeapDebugOptions"
  2445. UNICODE "ShutdownFlags"
  2446. UNICODE "UnloadEventTraceDepth"
  2447. UNICODE "TracingFlags"
  2448. UNICODE "ExecuteOptions"
  2449. UNICODE "DisableExceptionChainValidation"
  2450. UNICODE "MinimumStackCommitInBytes"
  2451. UNICODE "MaxDeadActivationContexts"
  2452. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  2453. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  2454. ASCII "Initializing the application verifier package failed with status 0x%08lx
  2455. "
  2456. ASCII "LdrpInitializeExecutionOptions"
  2457. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2458. ASCII "BaseQueryModuleData"
  2459. ASCII "Initializing the execution options for the process %lx failed with status 0x%08lx
  2460. "
  2461. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2462. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2463. ASCII "Initializing process 0x%lx
  2464. "
  2465. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2466. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2467. UNICODE "StackTraceDatabaseSizeInMb"
  2468. ASCII "Stack trace database size is %Id Mb
  2469. "
  2470. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2471. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2472. ASCII "Creating the process heap failed
  2473. "
  2474. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2475. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2476. UNICODE "!Process"
  2477. UNICODE "NTDLL!"
  2478. UNICODE "DebugProcessHeapOnly"
  2479. ASCII "Allocating a buffer to hold the current working directory failed
  2480. "
  2481. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2482. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the system DLL failed
  2483. "
  2484. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2485. ASCII "Failed to allocate the system dirs string!
  2486. "
  2487. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2488. UNICODE "\system;"
  2489. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the executable failed
  2490. "
  2491. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2492. ASCII "Beginning execution of %wZ (%wZ)
  2493. Current directory: %wZ
  2494. Package directories: %wZ
  2495. "
  2496. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2497. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2498. ASCII "Initializing the current directory to "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2499. "
  2500. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2501. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2502. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the application verifier DLL failed
  2503. "
  2504. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2505. ASCII "Initializing TLS slots failed with status 0x%08lx
  2506. "
  2507. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2508. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2509. ASCII "Locating procedure "%Z" in Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2510. "
  2511. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2512. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2513. ASCII "Locating procedure "%Z" in Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2514. "
  2515. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2516. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2517. ASCII "Loading Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2518. "
  2519. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2520. ASCII "LdrpCodeAuthzInitialize failed with status 0x%08lx
  2521. "
  2522. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2523. ASCII "Walking the import tables of the executable and its static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  2524. "
  2525. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2526. ASCII "Running the init routines of the executable's static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  2527. "
  2528. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2529. ASCII "Loading Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  2530. "
  2531. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2532. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2533. ASCII "Querying the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  2534. "
  2535. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2536. ASCII "Opening the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  2537. "
  2538. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  2539. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2540. ASCII "Process initialization raised exception 0x%08lx
  2541. Exception record: .exr %p
  2542. Context record: .cxr %p
  2543. "
  2544. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcessWrapperFilter"
  2545. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  2546. UNICODE "CWDIllegalInDLLSearch"
  2547. ASCII "LdrpTouchThreadStack"
  2548. ASCII "Function %s raised exception 0x%08lx
  2549. Exception record: .exr %p
  2550. Context record: .cxr %p
  2551. "
  2552. ASCII "LdrpGenericExceptionFilter"
  2553. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  2554. ASCII "
  2555. ***Exception thrown within loader***
  2556. "
  2557. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  2558. ASCII "Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context
  2559. "
  2560. UNICODE ".DLL"
  2561. UNICODE "\microsoft.system.package.metadata\Application"
  2562. UNICODE ".Local"
  2563. UNICODE ".DLL"
  2564. ASCII "Resource @ %lx
  2565. "
  2566. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingShared = %lx
  2567. "
  2568. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingExclusive = %lx
  2569. "
  2570. ASCII " NumberOfActive = %lx
  2571. "
  2572. ASCII "NTDLL: Calling thread (%X) not owner of CritSect: %p Owner ThreadId: %X
  2573. "
  2574. UNICODE "Objects>%4u"
  2575. UNICODE "Objects=%4u"
  2576. UNICODE "VirtualAlloc"
  2577. ASCII "AVRF: AVrfDllUnloadNotification called for a provider (%p)
  2578. "
  2579. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: flags 0x%X: application verifier enabled
  2580. "
  2581. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: application verifier will be disabled due to an initialization error.
  2582. "
  2583. ASCII "AVRF: -*- final list of providers -*-
  2584. "
  2585. UNICODE "VerifierFlags"
  2586. UNICODE "HandleTraces"
  2587. UNICODE "VerifierDebug"
  2588. UNICODE "VerifierDlls"
  2589. ASCII "AVRF: Checking %ws for duplicate (%ws: %s)
  2590. "
  2591. ASCII "AVRF: Chaining (%ws: %s) to %ws
  2592. "
  2593. ASCII "AVRF: warning: did not find `%s' export in %ws .
  2594. "
  2595. ASCII "AVRF: (%ws) %s export found.
  2596. "
  2597. ASCII "AVRF: pid 0x%X: found dll descriptor for `%ws' with verified exports
  2598. "
  2599. ASCII "AVRF: pid 0x%X: found dll descriptor for `%ws' with verified exports
  2600. "
  2601. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws
  2602. "
  2603. ASCII "AVRF: failed to enable handle checking (status %X)
  2604. "
  2605. ASCII "AVRF: chain: searching in %ws
  2606. "
  2607. ASCII "AVRF: chain: dll: %ws
  2608. "
  2609. ASCII "AVRF: chain: thunk: %s == %s ?
  2610. "
  2611. ASCII "AVRF: Found duplicate for (%ws: %s) in %ws
  2612. "
  2614. ASCII "AVRF: verifier dll `%ws'
  2615. "
  2616. ASCII "AVRF: Cannot load %ws from arbitrary location
  2617. "
  2618. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: failed to load provider `%ws' (status %08X) from %ws
  2619. "
  2620. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws is not a DLL image
  2621. "
  2622. ASCII "AVRF: cannot find an entry point for provider %ws
  2623. "
  2624. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws passed an invalid descriptor @ %p
  2625. "
  2626. ASCII "AVRF: initialized provider %ws (descriptor @ %p)
  2627. "
  2628. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws did not initialize correctly
  2629. "
  2630. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised in provider %ws initialization routine
  2631. "
  2632. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised while probing provider %ws
  2633. "
  2634. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  2635. ASCII "AVRF: resnapping %ws ...
  2636. "
  2637. ASCII "AVRF: skipped resnapping provider %ws ...
  2638. "
  2639. ASCII "AVRF: internal error: New thunk for %s is null.
  2640. "
  2641. ASCII "AVRF: Snapped (%ws: %s) with (%ws: %p).
  2642. "
  2643. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  2644. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find verifier.dll among loaded providers!
  2645. "
  2646. ASCII "VerifierStopMessage"
  2647. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find `VerifierStopMessage()' export in verifier.dll!
  2648. "
  2649. UNICODE "\KnownDlls"
  2650. UNICODE "KnownDllPath"
  2651. UNICODE "\SystemRoot"
  2652. UNICODE "\System32\"
  2653. ASCII "
  2654. ===========================================================
  2655. VERIFIER STOP %p: pid 0x%X: %s
  2656. %p : %s
  2657. %p : %s
  2658. %p : %s
  2659. %p : %s
  2660. ===========================================================
  2661. "
  2662. UNICODE "WinShipAssert"
  2663. UNICODE "WindowsMessageReportingB1"
  2664. UNICODE "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  2665. UNICODE "%X"
  2666. UNICODE "%d"
  2667. UNICODE "%X"
  2668. UNICODE "%X"
  2669. UNICODE "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  2670. UNICODE "%X"
  2671. UNICODE "%X"
  2673. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows"
  2674. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Escalation"
  2675. UNICODE "DisableEscalation"
  2676. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\WMR"
  2677. UNICODE "WMRSendMessageString"
  2678. UNICODE "(null)"
  2679. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\AdaptiveSqm\Throttling"
  2680. UNICODE "%u"
  2681. UNICODE "(null)"
  2682. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\CommonDatapoints\"
  2683. ASCII "RtlpQueryAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  2684. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid sub-instance index %lu out of %lu Assemblies in the Acitvation Context
  2685. "
  2686. ASCII "RtlpQueryFilesInAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  2687. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid sub-instance index %lu out of %lu Assemblies in the Acitvation Context
  2688. "
  2689. ASCII "RtlpQueryFilesInAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  2690. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid file index (%d) in Assembly (%d)
  2691. "
  2692. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  2693. "
  2694. ASCII "SXS: Unabel to query location from storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  2695. "
  2696. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value type is not REG_SZ
  2697. "
  2698. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value has non-even size
  2699. "
  2700. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location for %wZ does not fit in a UNICODE STRING
  2701. "
  2702. UNICODE "Type:"
  2703. UNICODE " Name:"
  2704. UNICODE " Language:"
  2705. UNICODE " Item:"
  2706. UNICODE "SR - "
  2707. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Enter"
  2708. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Exit"
  2709. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Enter"
  2710. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Exit"
  2711. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Enter"
  2712. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Exit"
  2713. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Enter"
  2714. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Exit"
  2715. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Enter"
  2716. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Exit"
  2717. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2718. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2719. ASCII "Heap block at %p modified at %p past requested size of %Ix
  2720. "
  2721. ASCII "
  2722. *** Assertion failed: %s%s
  2723. *** Source File: %s, line %ld
  2724. "
  2725. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process, or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  2726. ASCII "Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context
  2727. "
  2728. UNICODE "PortableOperatingSystem"
  2729. UNICODE "TimeZoneInformation"
  2730. UNICODE "Bias"
  2731. UNICODE "StandardName"
  2732. UNICODE "StandardBias"
  2733. UNICODE "StandardStart"
  2734. UNICODE "DaylightName"
  2735. UNICODE "DaylightBias"
  2736. UNICODE "DaylightStart"
  2737. UNICODE "TimeZoneKeyName"
  2738. UNICODE "DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled"
  2739. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter pwmszLanguage for function RtlGetUILanguageInfo is not a valid multi-string!
  2740. "
  2741. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  2742. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  2743. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  2744. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  2745. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  2746. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  2747. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings\LanguageConfiguration"
  2748. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  2749. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  2750. UNICODE "MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  2751. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\SQMData\BootLanguages"
  2752. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  2753. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  2754. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  2755. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  2756. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlpSetPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  2757. "
  2758. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  2759. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  2760. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  2761. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguagesPending"
  2762. UNICODE "LanguageConfigurationPending"
  2763. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  2764. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  2765. UNICODE "LanguageConfiguration"
  2766. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2767. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2768. ASCII "VirtualProtect Failed 0x%08x %x
  2769. "
  2770. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2771. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2772. ASCII "VirtualQuery Failed 0x%08x %x
  2773. "
  2774. UNICODE "Objects>%4u"
  2775. UNICODE "Objects=%4u"
  2776. UNICODE "VirtualAlloc"
  2777. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\bootstat.dat"
  2779. ASCII "busy "
  2780. ASCII "virtual "
  2781. ASCII "UCR "
  2782. ASCII "free "
  2783. ASCII "extra "
  2784. ASCII "fill "
  2785. ASCII "user_flag "
  2786. ASCII "%p %p %p %8lx %p "
  2787. UNICODE "
  2788. \SmApiPort"
  2789. ASCII "Conflicting descriptors %08lx
  2790. "
  2791. ASCII "Unable to allocate page descriptor
  2792. "
  2793. ASCII "Entry User Heap Size Req.Size Flags
  2794. "
  2795. ASCII "------------------------------------------------------------
  2796. "
  2797. ASCII "Error
  2798. "
  2799. ASCII "Not enough memory to complete
  2800. "
  2801. ASCII "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  2802. ASCII ":%u"
  2803. ASCII "%%%u"
  2804. ASCII "]:%u"
  2805. UNICODE "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  2806. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\Globalization\"
  2807. UNICODE ".nlp"
  2808. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2809. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2810. ASCII " Leaked Block 0x%p size 0x%p (stack %p depth %u)
  2811. "
  2812. ASCII "
  2813. *** Unhandled exception 0x%08lx, hit in %ws:%s
  2814. "
  2815. ASCII "
  2816. *** A stack buffer overrun occurred in %ws:%s
  2817. "
  2818. ASCII "This is usually the result of a memory copy to a local buffer or structure where the size is not properly calculated/checked.
  2819. "
  2820. ASCII "If this bug ends up in the shipping product, it could be a severe security hole.
  2821. "
  2822. ASCII "The stack trace should show the guilty function (the function directly above __report_gsfailure).
  2823. "
  2824. ASCII "
  2825. *** Resource timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  2826. "
  2827. ASCII "The resource is owned exclusively by thread %x
  2828. "
  2829. ASCII "The resource is owned shared by %d threads
  2830. "
  2831. ASCII "The resource is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  2832. "
  2833. ASCII "
  2834. *** Critical Section Timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  2835. "
  2836. ASCII "The critical section is owned by thread %x.
  2837. "
  2838. ASCII "Go determine why that thread has not released the critical section.
  2839. "
  2840. ASCII "The critical section is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  2841. "
  2842. ASCII "
  2843. *** Inpage error in %ws:%s
  2844. "
  2845. ASCII "The instruction at %p referenced memory at %p.
  2846. "
  2847. ASCII "This failed because of error %Ix.
  2848. "
  2849. ASCII "This means that the I/O device reported an I/O error. Check your hardware."
  2850. ASCII "This means the data could not be read, typically because of a bad block on the disk. Check your hardware.
  2851. "
  2852. ASCII "This means the machine is out of memory. Use !vm to see where all the memory is being used.
  2853. "
  2854. ASCII "
  2855. *** An Access Violation occurred in %ws:%s
  2856. "
  2857. ASCII "write to"
  2858. ASCII "read from"
  2859. ASCII "The instruction at %p tried to %s "
  2860. ASCII "an invalid address, %p
  2861. "
  2862. ASCII "a NULL pointer
  2863. "
  2864. ASCII " *** enter .exr %p for the exception record
  2865. "
  2866. ASCII " *** enter .cxr %p for the context
  2867. "
  2868. ASCII " *** then kb to get the faulting stack
  2869. "
  2870. ASCII " *** Restarting wait on critsec or resource at %p (in %ws:%s)
  2871. "
  2872. ASCII "Trace database: failed to release segment %p
  2873. "
  2874. ASCII "Trace database: failing attempt to save biiiiig trace (size %u)
  2875. "
  2876. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  2877. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  2878. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  2879. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  2880. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  2881. UNICODE "MachineUILock"
  2882. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  2883. UNICODE "AlternateCodePage"
  2884. UNICODE "WindowsExcludedProcs"
  2885. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Number-Allowed"
  2886. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Allowed"
  2887. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Disallowed"
  2888. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-SKU"
  2889. ASCII "Entry"
  2890. UNICODE "DefaultFallback"
  2891. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  2892. UNICODE "Type"
  2893. UNICODE "DefaultFallback"
  2894. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages\PendingDelete"
  2895. ASCII "Critical error detected %lx
  2896. "
  2897. UNICODE "QueryDebugInformation request"
  2898. ASCII "RtlAllocateHeap"
  2899. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2900. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2901. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for %Ix bytes
  2902. "
  2903. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2904. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2905. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  2906. "
  2907. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2908. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2909. ASCII "Invalid allocation size - %Ix (exceeded %Ix)
  2910. "
  2911. ASCII "RtlCompactHeap"
  2912. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2913. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2914. ASCII "Invalid ReserveSize parameter - %Ix
  2915. "
  2916. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2917. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2918. ASCII "Invalid CommitSize parameter - %Ix
  2919. "
  2920. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2921. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2922. ASCII "May not specify Lock parameter with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE
  2923. "
  2924. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2925. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2926. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) invalid, Status = %lx
  2927. "
  2928. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2929. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2930. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) != to BaseAddress (%p)
  2931. "
  2932. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2933. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2934. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) is free or not writable
  2935. "
  2936. ASCII "RtlCreateTagHeap"
  2937. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2938. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2939. ASCII "May not destroy the process heap at %p
  2940. "
  2941. ASCII "RtlDestroyHeap"
  2942. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  2943. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  2944. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2945. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2946. ASCII "About to free block at %p
  2947. "
  2948. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2949. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2950. ASCII "About to free block at %p with tag %ws
  2951. "
  2952. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  2953. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  2954. ASCII "RtlQueryTagHeap"
  2955. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  2956. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  2957. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2958. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2959. ASCII "About to reallocate block at %p to %Ix bytes
  2960. "
  2961. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2962. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2963. ASCII "About to rellocate block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  2964. "
  2965. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2966. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2967. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to %Ix bytes
  2968. "
  2969. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2970. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2971. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  2972. "
  2973. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2974. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2975. ASCII "Invalid allocation size - %Ix (exceeded %Ix)
  2976. "
  2977. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  2978. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  2979. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  2980. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  2981. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  2982. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  2983. ASCII "RtlWalkHeap"
  2984. ASCII "RtlZeroHeap"
  2985. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2986. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2987. ASCII "Non-Dedicated free list element %p is out of order
  2988. "
  2989. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2990. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2991. ASCII "dedicated (%04Ix) free list element %p is marked busy
  2992. "
  2993. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2994. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2995. ASCII "Number of free blocks in arena (%ld) does not match number in the free lists (%ld)
  2996. "
  2997. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  2998. ASCII "HEAP: "
  2999. ASCII "Total size of free blocks in arena (%Id) does not match number total in heap header (%Id)
  3000. "
  3001. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3002. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3003. ASCII "Pseudo Tag %04x size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  3004. "
  3005. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3006. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3007. ASCII "Tag %04x (%ws) size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  3008. "
  3009. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3010. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3011. ASCII "Heap %p - headers modified (%p is %lx instead of %lx)
  3012. "
  3013. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3014. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3015. ASCII " This is located in the %s field of the heap header.
  3016. "
  3017. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3018. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3019. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3020. ASCII "Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  3021. "
  3022. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3023. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3024. ASCII "Heap block at %p has corrupted PreviousSize (%lx)
  3025. "
  3026. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3027. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3028. ASCII "Heap block at %p is not last block in segment (%p)
  3029. "
  3030. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3031. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3032. ASCII "Heap block at %p has incorrect segment offset (%x)
  3033. "
  3034. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3035. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3036. ASCII "Heap entry %p has incorrect PreviousSize field (%04x instead of %04x)
  3037. "
  3038. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3039. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedPages (%x != %x)
  3040. "
  3041. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3042. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3043. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedRanges (%x != %x)
  3044. "
  3045. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3046. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3047. ASCII "HEAP: "
  3048. ASCII "Heap error detected at %p (heap handle %p)
  3049. "
  3050. ASCII "heap_failure_internal"
  3051. ASCII "heap_failure_unknown"
  3052. ASCII "heap_failure_generic"
  3053. ASCII "heap_failure_entry_corruption"
  3054. ASCII "heap_failure_multiple_entries_corruption"
  3055. ASCII "heap_failure_virtual_block_corruption"
  3056. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_overrun"
  3057. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_underrun"
  3058. ASCII "heap_failure_block_not_busy"
  3059. ASCII "heap_failure_invalid_argument"
  3060. ASCII "heap_failure_usage_after_free"
  3061. ASCII "heap_failure_cross_heap_operation"
  3062. ASCII "heap_failure_freelists_corruption"
  3063. ASCII "heap_failure_listentry_corruption"
  3064. ASCII "heap_failure_lfh_bitmap_mismatch"
  3065. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3066. ASCII "Error code: %d - %s
  3067. "
  3068. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3069. ASCII "Parameter1: %p
  3070. "
  3071. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3072. ASCII "Parameter2: %p
  3073. "
  3074. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3075. ASCII "Parameter3: %p
  3076. "
  3077. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3078. ASCII "Last known valid blocks: before - %p, after - %p
  3079. "
  3080. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  3081. ASCII "Stack trace available at %p
  3082. "
  3083. ASCII "Enabling heap debug options
  3084. "
  3085. UNICODE "%d"
  3086. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  3087. UNICODE "BuildLabEx"
  3088. ASCII "(l7"
  3089. ASCII "(l7"
  3090. ASCII ".sb_data"
  3091. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u magic field is corrupt!!! ***
  3092. "
  3093. ASCII "*** --------> Follow-up: avgarcia;erik;muidev ***
  3094. "
  3095. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u is no longer valid. It may have been unmapped already!!! ***
  3096. "
  3097. ASCII "*** --------> Follow-up: avgarcia;erik;muidev ***
  3098. "
  3099. UNICODE "\??\%C:"
  3100. ASCII "PE"
  3101. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\LatestIndex"
  3102. UNICODE ".init"
  3103. UNICODE "%s%s"
  3104. UNICODE "*.*"
  3105. UNICODE "rc"
  3106. UNICODE "%s\%s"
  3107. UNICODE "CmfHits"
  3108. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s"
  3109. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  3110. UNICODE "rc"
  3111. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s"
  3112. UNICODE ".tmp"
  3113. UNICODE "Upd"
  3114. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d%s"
  3115. UNICODE "Segment"
  3116. UNICODE ".toc"
  3117. UNICODE "Segment"
  3118. UNICODE ".cmf"
  3119. UNICODE "Directory"
  3120. UNICODE ".init"
  3121. UNICODE "Directory"
  3122. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s%s"
  3123. UNICODE ".owner"
  3124. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  3125. UNICODE ".init"
  3126. UNICODE "rc"
  3127. UNICODE "Global\%s/%s%04d%s"
  3128. UNICODE ".owner"
  3129. UNICODE "rc"
  3130. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d"
  3131. UNICODE "rc"
  3132. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s*%s"
  3133. UNICODE ".owner"
  3134. UNICODE "%s%s%d%s"
  3135. UNICODE ".init"
  3136. UNICODE "%s%s%d"
  3137. UNICODE "%s\%s%d%s"
  3138. UNICODE "%s"
  3139. UNICODE ".owner"
  3140. UNICODE "Global\%s/base%s"
  3141. UNICODE "rc"
  3142. UNICODE "%s\%s*"
  3143. UNICODE "ResCache.ccm"
  3144. UNICODE "ResCache.mni"
  3145. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  3146. UNICODE "%s\*\%s"
  3147. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  3148. UNICODE "Directory"
  3149. UNICODE ".cmf"
  3150. UNICODE "Segment"
  3151. UNICODE "%s\%s*%s"
  3152. UNICODE ".toc"
  3153. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  3154. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  3155. UNICODE "CmfHits"
  3156. UNICODE "ResCache.usg"
  3157. UNICODE ".owner"
  3158. UNICODE "wip"
  3159. UNICODE "Global\%s%s%s"
  3160. UNICODE "wip"
  3161. UNICODE "%s\%s"
  3162. UNICODE ".tmp"
  3163. UNICODE "Upd"
  3164. UNICODE "%s\"
  3165. UNICODE "upd"
  3166. UNICODE "tmp"
  3167. UNICODE "upd"
  3168. UNICODE "%s\%s\%s"
  3169. UNICODE "Rdy-"
  3170. UNICODE "Upd-"
  3171. UNICODE "%s%s"
  3172. UNICODE "%s\%s"
  3173. UNICODE "%s%s"
  3174. UNICODE ".cmf"
  3175. UNICODE "Segment"
  3176. UNICODE "rc"
  3177. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s%d%s"
  3178. ASCII "ntdll.dll"
  3179. ASCII "RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  3180. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  3181. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPushListSList"
  3182. ASCII "RtlUlongByteSwap"
  3183. ASCII "RtlUlonglongByteSwap"
  3184. ASCII "RtlUshortByteSwap"
  3185. ASCII "ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListEnd"
  3186. ASCII "ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault"
  3187. ASCII "ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume"
  3188. ASCII "A_SHAFinal"
  3189. ASCII "A_SHAInit"
  3190. ASCII "A_SHAUpdate"
  3191. ASCII "AlpcAdjustCompletionListConcurrencyCount"
  3192. ASCII "AlpcFreeCompletionListMessage"
  3193. ASCII "AlpcGetCompletionListLastMessageInformation"
  3194. ASCII "AlpcGetCompletionListMessageAttributes"
  3195. ASCII "AlpcGetHeaderSize"
  3196. ASCII "AlpcGetMessageAttribute"
  3197. ASCII "AlpcGetMessageFromCompletionList"
  3198. ASCII "AlpcGetOutstandingCompletionListMessageCount"
  3199. ASCII "AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute"
  3200. ASCII "AlpcMaxAllowedMessageLength"
  3201. ASCII "AlpcRegisterCompletionList"
  3202. ASCII "AlpcRegisterCompletionListWorkerThread"
  3203. ASCII "AlpcRundownCompletionList"
  3204. ASCII "AlpcUnregisterCompletionList"
  3205. ASCII "AlpcUnregisterCompletionListWorkerThread"
  3206. ASCII "ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence"
  3207. ASCII "CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer"
  3208. ASCII "CsrAllocateMessagePointer"
  3209. ASCII "CsrCaptureMessageBuffer"
  3210. ASCII "CsrCaptureMessageMultiUnicodeStringsInPlace"
  3211. ASCII "CsrCaptureMessageString"
  3212. ASCII "CsrCaptureTimeout"
  3213. ASCII "CsrClientCallServer"
  3214. ASCII "CsrClientConnectToServer"
  3215. ASCII "CsrFreeCaptureBuffer"
  3216. ASCII "CsrGetProcessId"
  3217. ASCII "CsrIdentifyAlertableThread"
  3218. ASCII "CsrSetPriorityClass"
  3219. ASCII "CsrVerifyRegion"
  3220. ASCII "DbgBreakPoint"
  3221. ASCII "DbgPrint"
  3222. ASCII "DbgPrintEx"
  3223. ASCII "DbgPrintReturnControlC"
  3224. ASCII "DbgPrompt"
  3225. ASCII "DbgQueryDebugFilterState"
  3226. ASCII "DbgSetDebugFilterState"
  3227. ASCII "DbgUiConnectToDbg"
  3228. ASCII "DbgUiContinue"
  3229. ASCII "DbgUiConvertStateChangeStructure"
  3230. ASCII "DbgUiDebugActiveProcess"
  3231. ASCII "DbgUiGetThreadDebugObject"
  3232. ASCII "DbgUiIssueRemoteBreakin"
  3233. ASCII "DbgUiRemoteBreakin"
  3234. ASCII "DbgUiSetThreadDebugObject"
  3235. ASCII "DbgUiStopDebugging"
  3236. ASCII "DbgUiWaitStateChange"
  3237. ASCII "DbgUserBreakPoint"
  3238. ASCII "EtwCreateTraceInstanceId"
  3239. ASCII "EtwDeliverDataBlock"
  3240. ASCII "EtwEnumerateProcessRegGuids"
  3241. ASCII "EtwEventActivityIdControl"
  3242. ASCII "EtwEventEnabled"
  3243. ASCII "EtwEventProviderEnabled"
  3244. ASCII "EtwEventRegister"
  3245. ASCII "EtwEventSetInformation"
  3246. ASCII "EtwEventUnregister"
  3247. ASCII "EtwEventWrite"
  3248. ASCII "EtwEventWriteEndScenario"
  3249. ASCII "EtwEventWriteEx"
  3250. ASCII "EtwEventWriteFull"
  3251. ASCII "EtwEventWriteNoRegistration"
  3252. ASCII "EtwEventWriteStartScenario"
  3253. ASCII "EtwEventWriteString"
  3254. ASCII "EtwEventWriteTransfer"
  3255. ASCII "EtwGetTraceEnableFlags"
  3256. ASCII "EtwGetTraceEnableLevel"
  3257. ASCII "EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle"
  3258. ASCII "EtwLogTraceEvent"
  3259. ASCII "EtwNotificationRegister"
  3260. ASCII "EtwNotificationUnregister"
  3261. ASCII "EtwProcessPrivateLoggerRequest"
  3262. ASCII "EtwRegisterSecurityProvider"
  3263. ASCII "EtwRegisterTraceGuidsA"
  3264. ASCII "EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW"
  3265. ASCII "EtwReplyNotification"
  3266. ASCII "EtwSendNotification"
  3267. ASCII "EtwSetMark"
  3268. ASCII "EtwTraceEventInstance"
  3269. ASCII "EtwTraceMessage"
  3270. ASCII "EtwTraceMessageVa"
  3271. ASCII "EtwUnregisterTraceGuids"
  3272. ASCII "EtwWriteUMSecurityEvent"
  3273. ASCII "EtwpCreateEtwThread"
  3274. ASCII "EtwpGetCpuSpeed"
  3275. ASCII "EvtIntReportAuthzEventAndSourceAsync"
  3276. ASCII "EvtIntReportEventAndSourceAsync"
  3277. ASCII "KiFastSystemCall"
  3278. ASCII "KiFastSystemCallRet"
  3279. ASCII "KiIntSystemCall"
  3280. ASCII "KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher"
  3281. ASCII "KiUserApcDispatcher"
  3282. ASCII "KiUserCallbackDispatcher"
  3283. ASCII "KiUserExceptionDispatcher"
  3284. ASCII "LdrAccessResource"
  3285. ASCII "LdrAddDllDirectory"
  3286. ASCII "LdrAddLoadAsDataTable"
  3287. ASCII "LdrAddRefDll"
  3288. ASCII "LdrAppxHandleIntegrityFailure"
  3289. ASCII "LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll"
  3290. ASCII "LdrEnumResources"
  3291. ASCII "LdrEnumerateLoadedModules"
  3292. ASCII "LdrFindEntryForAddress"
  3293. ASCII "LdrFindResourceDirectory_U"
  3294. ASCII "LdrFindResourceEx_U"
  3295. ASCII "LdrFindResource_U"
  3296. ASCII "LdrFlushAlternateResourceModules"
  3297. ASCII "LdrGetDllDirectory"
  3298. ASCII "LdrGetDllFullName"
  3299. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandle"
  3300. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleByMapping"
  3301. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleByName"
  3302. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  3303. ASCII "LdrGetDllPath"
  3304. ASCII "LdrGetFailureData"
  3305. ASCII "LdrGetFileNameFromLoadAsDataTable"
  3306. ASCII "LdrGetProcedureAddress"
  3307. ASCII "LdrGetProcedureAddressEx"
  3308. ASCII "LdrGetProcedureAddressForCaller"
  3309. ASCII "LdrInitShimEngineDynamic"
  3310. ASCII "LdrInitializeThunk"
  3311. ASCII "LdrLoadAlternateResourceModule"
  3312. ASCII "LdrLoadAlternateResourceModuleEx"
  3313. ASCII "LdrLoadDll"
  3314. ASCII "LdrLockLoaderLock"
  3315. ASCII "LdrOpenImageFileOptionsKey"
  3316. ASCII "LdrProcessRelocationBlock"
  3317. ASCII "LdrProcessRelocationBlockEx"
  3318. ASCII "LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptions"
  3319. ASCII "LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptionsEx"
  3320. ASCII "LdrQueryImageFileKeyOption"
  3321. ASCII "LdrQueryModuleServiceTags"
  3322. ASCII "LdrQueryOptionalDelayLoadedAPI"
  3323. ASCII "LdrQueryProcessModuleInformation"
  3324. ASCII "LdrRegisterDllNotification"
  3325. ASCII "LdrRemoveDllDirectory"
  3326. ASCII "LdrRemoveLoadAsDataTable"
  3327. ASCII "LdrResFindResource"
  3328. ASCII "LdrResFindResourceDirectory"
  3329. ASCII "LdrResGetRCConfig"
  3330. ASCII "LdrResRelease"
  3331. ASCII "LdrResSearchResource"
  3332. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  3333. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadsFromDll"
  3334. ASCII "LdrRscIsTypeExist"
  3335. ASCII "LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback"
  3336. ASCII "LdrSetDefaultDllDirectories"
  3337. ASCII "LdrSetDllDirectory"
  3338. ASCII "LdrSetDllManifestProber"
  3339. ASCII "LdrSetImplicitPathOptions"
  3340. ASCII "LdrSetMUICacheType"
  3341. ASCII "LdrShutdownProcess"
  3342. ASCII "LdrShutdownThread"
  3343. ASCII "LdrStandardizeSystemPath"
  3344. ASCII "LdrSystemDllInitBlock"
  3345. ASCII "LdrUnloadAlternateResourceModule"
  3346. ASCII "LdrUnloadAlternateResourceModuleEx"
  3347. ASCII "LdrUnloadDll"
  3348. ASCII "LdrUnlockLoaderLock"
  3349. ASCII "LdrUnregisterDllNotification"
  3350. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksum"
  3351. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  3352. ASCII "LdrpResGetMappingSize"
  3353. ASCII "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory"
  3354. ASCII "MD4Final"
  3355. ASCII "MD4Init"
  3356. ASCII "MD4Update"
  3357. ASCII "MD5Final"
  3358. ASCII "MD5Init"
  3359. ASCII "MD5Update"
  3360. ASCII "NlsAnsiCodePage"
  3361. ASCII "NlsMbCodePageTag"
  3362. ASCII "NlsMbOemCodePageTag"
  3363. ASCII "NtAcceptConnectPort"
  3364. ASCII "NtAccessCheck"
  3365. ASCII "NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm"
  3366. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByType"
  3367. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm"
  3368. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList"
  3369. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm"
  3370. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle"
  3371. ASCII "NtAddAtom"
  3372. ASCII "NtAddAtomEx"
  3373. ASCII "NtAddBootEntry"
  3374. ASCII "NtAddDriverEntry"
  3375. ASCII "NtAdjustGroupsToken"
  3376. ASCII "NtAdjustPrivilegesToken"
  3377. ASCII "NtAdjustTokenClaimsAndDeviceGroups"
  3378. ASCII "NtAlertResumeThread"
  3379. ASCII "NtAlertThread"
  3380. ASCII "NtAlertThreadByThreadId"
  3381. ASCII "NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId"
  3382. ASCII "NtAllocateReserveObject"
  3383. ASCII "NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages"
  3384. ASCII "NtAllocateUuids"
  3385. ASCII "NtAllocateVirtualMemory"
  3386. ASCII "NtAlpcAcceptConnectPort"
  3387. ASCII "NtAlpcCancelMessage"
  3388. ASCII "NtAlpcConnectPort"
  3389. ASCII "NtAlpcConnectPortEx"
  3390. ASCII "NtAlpcCreatePort"
  3391. ASCII "NtAlpcCreatePortSection"
  3392. ASCII "NtAlpcCreateResourceReserve"
  3393. ASCII "NtAlpcCreateSectionView"
  3394. ASCII "NtAlpcCreateSecurityContext"
  3395. ASCII "NtAlpcDeletePortSection"
  3396. ASCII "NtAlpcDeleteResourceReserve"
  3397. ASCII "NtAlpcDeleteSectionView"
  3398. ASCII "NtAlpcDeleteSecurityContext"
  3399. ASCII "NtAlpcDisconnectPort"
  3400. ASCII "NtAlpcImpersonateClientOfPort"
  3401. ASCII "NtAlpcOpenSenderProcess"
  3402. ASCII "NtAlpcOpenSenderThread"
  3403. ASCII "NtAlpcQueryInformation"
  3404. ASCII "NtAlpcQueryInformationMessage"
  3405. ASCII "NtAlpcRevokeSecurityContext"
  3406. ASCII "NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort"
  3407. ASCII "NtAlpcSetInformation"
  3408. ASCII "NtApphelpCacheControl"
  3409. ASCII "NtAreMappedFilesTheSame"
  3410. ASCII "NtAssignProcessToJobObject"
  3411. ASCII "NtAssociateWaitCompletionPacket"
  3412. ASCII "NtCallbackReturn"
  3413. ASCII "NtCancelIoFile"
  3414. ASCII "NtCancelIoFileEx"
  3415. ASCII "NtCancelSynchronousIoFile"
  3416. ASCII "NtCancelTimer2"
  3417. ASCII "NtCancelTimer"
  3418. ASCII "NtCancelWaitCompletionPacket"
  3419. ASCII "NtClearEvent"
  3420. ASCII "NtClose"
  3421. ASCII "NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm"
  3422. ASCII "NtCommitComplete"
  3423. ASCII "NtCommitEnlistment"
  3424. ASCII "NtCommitTransaction"
  3425. ASCII "NtCompactKeys"
  3426. ASCII "NtCompareTokens"
  3427. ASCII "NtCompleteConnectPort"
  3428. ASCII "NtCompressKey"
  3429. ASCII "NtConnectPort"
  3430. ASCII "NtContinue"
  3431. ASCII "NtCreateDebugObject"
  3432. ASCII "NtCreateDirectoryObject"
  3433. ASCII "NtCreateDirectoryObjectEx"
  3434. ASCII "NtCreateEnlistment"
  3435. ASCII "NtCreateEvent"
  3436. ASCII "NtCreateEventPair"
  3437. ASCII "NtCreateFile"
  3438. ASCII "NtCreateIRTimer"
  3439. ASCII "NtCreateIoCompletion"
  3440. ASCII "NtCreateJobObject"
  3441. ASCII "NtCreateJobSet"
  3442. ASCII "NtCreateKey"
  3443. ASCII "NtCreateKeyTransacted"
  3444. ASCII "NtCreateKeyedEvent"
  3445. ASCII "NtCreateLowBoxToken"
  3446. ASCII "NtCreateMailslotFile"
  3447. ASCII "NtCreateMutant"
  3448. ASCII "NtCreateNamedPipeFile"
  3449. ASCII "NtCreatePagingFile"
  3450. ASCII "NtCreatePort"
  3451. ASCII "NtCreatePrivateNamespace"
  3452. ASCII "NtCreateProcess"
  3453. ASCII "NtCreateProcessEx"
  3454. ASCII "NtCreateProfile"
  3455. ASCII "NtCreateProfileEx"
  3456. ASCII "NtCreateResourceManager"
  3457. ASCII "NtCreateSection"
  3458. ASCII "NtCreateSemaphore"
  3459. ASCII "NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject"
  3460. ASCII "NtCreateThread"
  3461. ASCII "NtCreateThreadEx"
  3462. ASCII "NtCreateTimer2"
  3463. ASCII "NtCreateTimer"
  3464. ASCII "NtCreateToken"
  3465. ASCII "NtCreateTokenEx"
  3466. ASCII "NtCreateTransaction"
  3467. ASCII "NtCreateTransactionManager"
  3468. ASCII "NtCreateUserProcess"
  3469. ASCII "NtCreateWaitCompletionPacket"
  3470. ASCII "NtCreateWaitablePort"
  3471. ASCII "NtCreateWnfStateName"
  3472. ASCII "NtCreateWorkerFactory"
  3473. ASCII "NtCurrentTeb"
  3474. ASCII "NtDebugActiveProcess"
  3475. ASCII "NtDebugContinue"
  3476. ASCII "NtDelayExecution"
  3477. ASCII "NtDeleteAtom"
  3478. ASCII "NtDeleteBootEntry"
  3479. ASCII "NtDeleteDriverEntry"
  3480. ASCII "NtDeleteFile"
  3481. ASCII "NtDeleteKey"
  3482. ASCII "NtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm"
  3483. ASCII "NtDeletePrivateNamespace"
  3484. ASCII "NtDeleteValueKey"
  3485. ASCII "NtDeleteWnfStateData"
  3486. ASCII "NtDeleteWnfStateName"
  3487. ASCII "NtDeviceIoControlFile"
  3488. ASCII "NtDisableLastKnownGood"
  3489. ASCII "NtDisplayString"
  3490. ASCII "NtDrawText"
  3491. ASCII "NtDuplicateObject"
  3492. ASCII "NtDuplicateToken"
  3493. ASCII "NtEnableLastKnownGood"
  3494. ASCII "NtEnumerateBootEntries"
  3495. ASCII "NtEnumerateDriverEntries"
  3496. ASCII "NtEnumerateKey"
  3497. ASCII "NtEnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx"
  3498. ASCII "NtEnumerateTransactionObject"
  3499. ASCII "NtEnumerateValueKey"
  3500. ASCII "NtExtendSection"
  3501. ASCII "NtFilterBootOption"
  3502. ASCII "NtFilterToken"
  3503. ASCII "NtFilterTokenEx"
  3504. ASCII "NtFindAtom"
  3505. ASCII "NtFlushBuffersFile"
  3506. ASCII "NtFlushBuffersFileEx"
  3507. ASCII "NtFlushInstallUILanguage"
  3508. ASCII "NtFlushInstructionCache"
  3509. ASCII "NtFlushKey"
  3510. ASCII "NtFlushProcessWriteBuffers"
  3511. ASCII "NtFlushVirtualMemory"
  3512. ASCII "NtFlushWriteBuffer"
  3513. ASCII "NtFreeUserPhysicalPages"
  3514. ASCII "NtFreeVirtualMemory"
  3515. ASCII "NtFreezeRegistry"
  3516. ASCII "NtFreezeTransactions"
  3517. ASCII "NtFsControlFile"
  3518. ASCII "NtGetCachedSigningLevel"
  3519. ASCII "NtGetCompleteWnfStateSubscription"
  3520. ASCII "NtGetContextThread"
  3521. ASCII "NtGetCurrentProcessorNumber"
  3522. ASCII "NtGetDevicePowerState"
  3523. ASCII "NtGetMUIRegistryInfo"
  3524. ASCII "NtGetNextProcess"
  3525. ASCII "NtGetNextThread"
  3526. ASCII "NtGetNlsSectionPtr"
  3527. ASCII "NtGetNotificationResourceManager"
  3528. ASCII "NtGetTickCount"
  3529. ASCII "NtGetWriteWatch"
  3530. ASCII "NtImpersonateAnonymousToken"
  3531. ASCII "NtImpersonateClientOfPort"
  3532. ASCII "NtImpersonateThread"
  3533. ASCII "NtInitializeNlsFiles"
  3534. ASCII "NtInitializeRegistry"
  3535. ASCII "NtInitiatePowerAction"
  3536. ASCII "NtIsProcessInJob"
  3537. ASCII "NtIsSystemResumeAutomatic"
  3538. ASCII "NtIsUILanguageComitted"
  3539. ASCII "NtListenPort"
  3540. ASCII "NtLoadDriver"
  3541. ASCII "NtLoadKey2"
  3542. ASCII "NtLoadKey"
  3543. ASCII "NtLoadKeyEx"
  3544. ASCII "NtLockFile"
  3545. ASCII "NtLockProductActivationKeys"
  3546. ASCII "NtLockRegistryKey"
  3547. ASCII "NtLockVirtualMemory"
  3548. ASCII "NtMakePermanentObject"
  3549. ASCII "NtMakeTemporaryObject"
  3550. ASCII "NtMapCMFModule"
  3551. ASCII "NtMapUserPhysicalPages"
  3552. ASCII "NtMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter"
  3553. ASCII "NtMapViewOfSection"
  3554. ASCII "NtModifyBootEntry"
  3555. ASCII "NtModifyDriverEntry"
  3556. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile"
  3557. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeKey"
  3558. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys"
  3559. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeSession"
  3560. ASCII "NtOpenDirectoryObject"
  3561. ASCII "NtOpenEnlistment"
  3562. ASCII "NtOpenEvent"
  3563. ASCII "NtOpenEventPair"
  3564. ASCII "NtOpenFile"
  3565. ASCII "NtOpenIoCompletion"
  3566. ASCII "NtOpenJobObject"
  3567. ASCII "NtOpenKey"
  3568. ASCII "NtOpenKeyEx"
  3569. ASCII "NtOpenKeyTransacted"
  3570. ASCII "NtOpenKeyTransactedEx"
  3571. ASCII "NtOpenKeyedEvent"
  3572. ASCII "NtOpenMutant"
  3573. ASCII "NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm"
  3574. ASCII "NtOpenPrivateNamespace"
  3575. ASCII "NtOpenProcess"
  3576. ASCII "NtOpenProcessToken"
  3577. ASCII "NtOpenProcessTokenEx"
  3578. ASCII "NtOpenResourceManager"
  3579. ASCII "NtOpenSection"
  3580. ASCII "NtOpenSemaphore"
  3581. ASCII "NtOpenSession"
  3582. ASCII "NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject"
  3583. ASCII "NtOpenThread"
  3584. ASCII "NtOpenThreadToken"
  3585. ASCII "NtOpenThreadTokenEx"
  3586. ASCII "NtOpenTimer"
  3587. ASCII "NtOpenTransaction"
  3588. ASCII "NtOpenTransactionManager"
  3589. ASCII "NtPlugPlayControl"
  3590. ASCII "NtPowerInformation"
  3591. ASCII "NtPrePrepareComplete"
  3592. ASCII "NtPrePrepareEnlistment"
  3593. ASCII "NtPrepareComplete"
  3594. ASCII "NtPrepareEnlistment"
  3595. ASCII "NtPrivilegeCheck"
  3596. ASCII "NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm"
  3597. ASCII "NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm"
  3598. ASCII "NtPropagationComplete"
  3599. ASCII "NtPropagationFailed"
  3600. ASCII "NtProtectVirtualMemory"
  3601. ASCII "NtPulseEvent"
  3602. ASCII "NtQueryAttributesFile"
  3603. ASCII "NtQueryBootEntryOrder"
  3604. ASCII "NtQueryBootOptions"
  3605. ASCII "NtQueryDebugFilterState"
  3606. ASCII "NtQueryDefaultLocale"
  3607. ASCII "NtQueryDefaultUILanguage"
  3608. ASCII "NtQueryDirectoryFile"
  3609. ASCII "NtQueryDirectoryObject"
  3610. ASCII "NtQueryDriverEntryOrder"
  3611. ASCII "NtQueryEaFile"
  3612. ASCII "NtQueryEvent"
  3613. ASCII "NtQueryFullAttributesFile"
  3614. ASCII "NtQueryInformationAtom"
  3615. ASCII "NtQueryInformationEnlistment"
  3616. ASCII "NtQueryInformationFile"
  3617. ASCII "NtQueryInformationJobObject"
  3618. ASCII "NtQueryInformationPort"
  3619. ASCII "NtQueryInformationProcess"
  3620. ASCII "NtQueryInformationResourceManager"
  3621. ASCII "NtQueryInformationThread"
  3622. ASCII "NtQueryInformationToken"
  3623. ASCII "NtQueryInformationTransaction"
  3624. ASCII "NtQueryInformationTransactionManager"
  3625. ASCII "NtQueryInformationWorkerFactory"
  3626. ASCII "NtQueryInstallUILanguage"
  3627. ASCII "NtQueryIntervalProfile"
  3628. ASCII "NtQueryIoCompletion"
  3629. ASCII "NtQueryKey"
  3630. ASCII "NtQueryLicenseValue"
  3631. ASCII "NtQueryMultipleValueKey"
  3632. ASCII "NtQueryMutant"
  3633. ASCII "NtQueryObject"
  3634. ASCII "NtQueryOpenSubKeys"
  3635. ASCII "NtQueryOpenSubKeysEx"
  3636. ASCII "NtQueryPerformanceCounter"
  3637. ASCII "NtQueryPortInformationProcess"
  3638. ASCII "NtQueryQuotaInformationFile"
  3639. ASCII "NtQuerySection"
  3640. ASCII "NtQuerySecurityAttributesToken"
  3641. ASCII "NtQuerySecurityObject"
  3642. ASCII "NtQuerySemaphore"
  3643. ASCII "NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject"
  3644. ASCII "NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue"
  3645. ASCII "NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx"
  3646. ASCII "NtQuerySystemInformation"
  3647. ASCII "NtQuerySystemInformationEx"
  3648. ASCII "NtQuerySystemTime"
  3649. ASCII "NtQueryTimer"
  3650. ASCII "NtQueryTimerResolution"
  3651. ASCII "NtQueryValueKey"
  3652. ASCII "NtQueryVirtualMemory"
  3653. ASCII "NtQueryVolumeInformationFile"
  3654. ASCII "NtQueryWnfStateData"
  3655. ASCII "NtQueryWnfStateNameInformation"
  3656. ASCII "NtQueueApcThread"
  3657. ASCII "NtQueueApcThreadEx"
  3658. ASCII "NtRaiseException"
  3659. ASCII "NtRaiseHardError"
  3660. ASCII "NtReadFile"
  3661. ASCII "NtReadFileScatter"
  3662. ASCII "NtReadOnlyEnlistment"
  3663. ASCII "NtReadRequestData"
  3664. ASCII "NtReadVirtualMemory"
  3665. ASCII "NtRecoverEnlistment"
  3666. ASCII "NtRecoverResourceManager"
  3667. ASCII "NtRecoverTransactionManager"
  3668. ASCII "NtRegisterProtocolAddressInformation"
  3669. ASCII "NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort"
  3670. ASCII "NtReleaseKeyedEvent"
  3671. ASCII "NtReleaseMutant"
  3672. ASCII "NtReleaseSemaphore"
  3673. ASCII "NtReleaseWorkerFactoryWorker"
  3674. ASCII "NtRemoveIoCompletion"
  3675. ASCII "NtRemoveIoCompletionEx"
  3676. ASCII "NtRemoveProcessDebug"
  3677. ASCII "NtRenameKey"
  3678. ASCII "NtRenameTransactionManager"
  3679. ASCII "NtReplaceKey"
  3680. ASCII "NtReplacePartitionUnit"
  3681. ASCII "NtReplyPort"
  3682. ASCII "NtReplyWaitReceivePort"
  3683. ASCII "NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx"
  3684. ASCII "NtReplyWaitReplyPort"
  3685. ASCII "NtRequestPort"
  3686. ASCII "NtRequestWaitReplyPort"
  3687. ASCII "NtResetEvent"
  3688. ASCII "NtResetWriteWatch"
  3689. ASCII "NtRestoreKey"
  3690. ASCII "NtResumeProcess"
  3691. ASCII "NtResumeThread"
  3692. ASCII "NtRollbackComplete"
  3693. ASCII "NtRollbackEnlistment"
  3694. ASCII "NtRollbackTransaction"
  3695. ASCII "NtRollforwardTransactionManager"
  3696. ASCII "NtSaveKey"
  3697. ASCII "NtSaveKeyEx"
  3698. ASCII "NtSaveMergedKeys"
  3699. ASCII "NtSecureConnectPort"
  3700. ASCII "NtSerializeBoot"
  3701. ASCII "NtSetBootEntryOrder"
  3702. ASCII "NtSetBootOptions"
  3703. ASCII "NtSetCachedSigningLevel"
  3704. ASCII "NtSetContextThread"
  3705. ASCII "NtSetDebugFilterState"
  3706. ASCII "NtSetDefaultHardErrorPort"
  3707. ASCII "NtSetDefaultLocale"
  3708. ASCII "NtSetDefaultUILanguage"
  3709. ASCII "NtSetDriverEntryOrder"
  3710. ASCII "NtSetEaFile"
  3711. ASCII "NtSetEvent"
  3712. ASCII "NtSetEventBoostPriority"
  3713. ASCII "NtSetHighEventPair"
  3714. ASCII "NtSetHighWaitLowEventPair"
  3715. ASCII "NtSetIRTimer"
  3716. ASCII "NtSetInformationDebugObject"
  3717. ASCII "NtSetInformationEnlistment"
  3718. ASCII "NtSetInformationFile"
  3719. ASCII "NtSetInformationJobObject"
  3720. ASCII "NtSetInformationKey"
  3721. ASCII "NtSetInformationObject"
  3722. ASCII "NtSetInformationProcess"
  3723. ASCII "NtSetInformationResourceManager"
  3724. ASCII "NtSetInformationThread"
  3725. ASCII "NtSetInformationToken"
  3726. ASCII "NtSetInformationTransaction"
  3727. ASCII "NtSetInformationTransactionManager"
  3728. ASCII "NtSetInformationVirtualMemory"
  3729. ASCII "NtSetInformationWorkerFactory"
  3730. ASCII "NtSetIntervalProfile"
  3731. ASCII "NtSetIoCompletion"
  3732. ASCII "NtSetIoCompletionEx"
  3733. ASCII "NtSetLdtEntries"
  3734. ASCII "NtSetLowEventPair"
  3735. ASCII "NtSetLowWaitHighEventPair"
  3736. ASCII "NtSetQuotaInformationFile"
  3737. ASCII "NtSetSecurityObject"
  3738. ASCII "NtSetSystemEnvironmentValue"
  3739. ASCII "NtSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx"
  3740. ASCII "NtSetSystemInformation"
  3741. ASCII "NtSetSystemPowerState"
  3742. ASCII "NtSetSystemTime"
  3743. ASCII "NtSetThreadExecutionState"
  3744. ASCII "NtSetTimer2"
  3745. ASCII "NtSetTimer"
  3746. ASCII "NtSetTimerEx"
  3747. ASCII "NtSetTimerResolution"
  3748. ASCII "NtSetUuidSeed"
  3749. ASCII "NtSetValueKey"
  3750. ASCII "NtSetVolumeInformationFile"
  3751. ASCII "NtSetWnfProcessNotificationEvent"
  3752. ASCII "NtShutdownSystem"
  3753. ASCII "NtShutdownWorkerFactory"
  3754. ASCII "NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject"
  3755. ASCII "NtSinglePhaseReject"
  3756. ASCII "NtStartProfile"
  3757. ASCII "NtStopProfile"
  3758. ASCII "NtSubscribeWnfStateChange"
  3759. ASCII "NtSuspendProcess"
  3760. ASCII "NtSuspendThread"
  3761. ASCII "NtSystemDebugControl"
  3762. ASCII "NtTerminateJobObject"
  3763. ASCII "NtTerminateProcess"
  3764. ASCII "NtTerminateThread"
  3765. ASCII "NtTestAlert"
  3766. ASCII "NtThawRegistry"
  3767. ASCII "NtThawTransactions"
  3768. ASCII "NtTraceControl"
  3769. ASCII "NtTraceEvent"
  3770. ASCII "NtTranslateFilePath"
  3771. ASCII "NtUmsThreadYield"
  3772. ASCII "NtUnloadDriver"
  3773. ASCII "NtUnloadKey2"
  3774. ASCII "NtUnloadKey"
  3775. ASCII "NtUnloadKeyEx"
  3776. ASCII "NtUnlockFile"
  3777. ASCII "NtUnlockVirtualMemory"
  3778. ASCII "NtUnmapViewOfSection"
  3779. ASCII "NtUnmapViewOfSectionEx"
  3780. ASCII "NtUnsubscribeWnfStateChange"
  3781. ASCII "NtUpdateWnfStateData"
  3782. ASCII "NtVdmControl"
  3783. ASCII "NtWaitForAlertByThreadId"
  3784. ASCII "NtWaitForDebugEvent"
  3785. ASCII "NtWaitForKeyedEvent"
  3786. ASCII "NtWaitForMultipleObjects32"
  3787. ASCII "NtWaitForMultipleObjects"
  3788. ASCII "NtWaitForSingleObject"
  3789. ASCII "NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory"
  3790. ASCII "NtWaitHighEventPair"
  3791. ASCII "NtWaitLowEventPair"
  3792. ASCII "NtWorkerFactoryWorkerReady"
  3793. ASCII "NtWriteFile"
  3794. ASCII "NtWriteFileGather"
  3795. ASCII "NtWriteRequestData"
  3796. ASCII "NtWriteVirtualMemory"
  3797. ASCII "NtYieldExecution"
  3798. ASCII "NtdllDefWindowProc_A"
  3799. ASCII "NtdllDefWindowProc_W"
  3800. ASCII "NtdllDialogWndProc_A"
  3801. ASCII "NtdllDialogWndProc_W"
  3802. ASCII "PfxFindPrefix"
  3803. ASCII "PfxInitialize"
  3804. ASCII "PfxInsertPrefix"
  3805. ASCII "PfxRemovePrefix"
  3806. ASCII "PssNtCaptureSnapshot"
  3807. ASCII "PssNtDuplicateSnapshot"
  3808. ASCII "PssNtFreeRemoteSnapshot"
  3809. ASCII "PssNtFreeSnapshot"
  3810. ASCII "PssNtFreeWalkMarker"
  3811. ASCII "PssNtQuerySnapshot"
  3812. ASCII "PssNtValidateDescriptor"
  3813. ASCII "PssNtWalkSnapshot"
  3814. ASCII "RtlAbortRXact"
  3815. ASCII "RtlAbsoluteToSelfRelativeSD"
  3816. ASCII "RtlAcquirePebLock"
  3817. ASCII "RtlAcquirePrivilege"
  3818. ASCII "RtlAcquireReleaseSRWLockExclusive"
  3819. ASCII "RtlAcquireResourceExclusive"
  3820. ASCII "RtlAcquireResourceShared"
  3821. ASCII "RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  3822. ASCII "RtlAcquireSRWLockShared"
  3823. ASCII "RtlActivateActivationContext"
  3824. ASCII "RtlActivateActivationContextEx"
  3825. ASCII "RtlAddAccessAllowedAce"
  3826. ASCII "RtlAddAccessAllowedAceEx"
  3827. ASCII "RtlAddAccessAllowedObjectAce"
  3828. ASCII "RtlAddAccessDeniedAce"
  3829. ASCII "RtlAddAccessDeniedAceEx"
  3830. ASCII "RtlAddAccessDeniedObjectAce"
  3831. ASCII "RtlAddAce"
  3832. ASCII "RtlAddActionToRXact"
  3833. ASCII "RtlAddAtomToAtomTable"
  3834. ASCII "RtlAddAttributeActionToRXact"
  3835. ASCII "RtlAddAuditAccessAce"
  3836. ASCII "RtlAddAuditAccessAceEx"
  3837. ASCII "RtlAddAuditAccessObjectAce"
  3838. ASCII "RtlAddCompoundAce"
  3839. ASCII "RtlAddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor"
  3840. ASCII "RtlAddMandatoryAce"
  3841. ASCII "RtlAddProcessTrustLabelAce"
  3842. ASCII "RtlAddRefActivationContext"
  3843. ASCII "RtlAddRefMemoryStream"
  3844. ASCII "RtlAddResourceAttributeAce"
  3845. ASCII "RtlAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor"
  3846. ASCII "RtlAddScopedPolicyIDAce"
  3847. ASCII "RtlAddVectoredContinueHandler"
  3848. ASCII "RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler"
  3849. ASCII "RtlAddressInSectionTable"
  3850. ASCII "RtlAdjustPrivilege"
  3851. ASCII "RtlAllocateActivationContextStack"
  3852. ASCII "RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid"
  3853. ASCII "RtlAllocateAndInitializeSidEx"
  3854. ASCII "RtlAllocateHandle"
  3855. ASCII "RtlAllocateHeap"
  3856. ASCII "RtlAllocateMemoryBlockLookaside"
  3857. ASCII "RtlAllocateMemoryZone"
  3858. ASCII "RtlAllocateWnfSerializationGroup"
  3859. ASCII "RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar"
  3860. ASCII "RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize"
  3861. ASCII "RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString"
  3862. ASCII "RtlAppendAsciizToString"
  3863. ASCII "RtlAppendPathElement"
  3864. ASCII "RtlAppendStringToString"
  3865. ASCII "RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString"
  3866. ASCII "RtlAppendUnicodeToString"
  3867. ASCII "RtlApplicationVerifierStop"
  3868. ASCII "RtlApplyRXact"
  3869. ASCII "RtlApplyRXactNoFlush"
  3870. ASCII "RtlAppxIsFileOwnedByTrustedInstaller"
  3871. ASCII "RtlAreAllAccessesGranted"
  3872. ASCII "RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted"
  3873. ASCII "RtlAreBitsClear"
  3874. ASCII "RtlAreBitsSet"
  3875. ASCII "RtlAssert"
  3876. ASCII "RtlAvlInsertNodeEx"
  3877. ASCII "RtlAvlRemoveNode"
  3878. ASCII "RtlBarrier"
  3879. ASCII "RtlBarrierForDelete"
  3880. ASCII "RtlCancelTimer"
  3881. ASCII "RtlCanonicalizeDomainName"
  3882. ASCII "RtlCaptureContext"
  3883. ASCII "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace"
  3884. ASCII "RtlCaptureStackContext"
  3885. ASCII "RtlCharToInteger"
  3886. ASCII "RtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections"
  3887. ASCII "RtlCheckPortableOperatingSystem"
  3888. ASCII "RtlCheckRegistryKey"
  3889. ASCII "RtlCheckTokenCapability"
  3890. ASCII "RtlCheckTokenMembership"
  3891. ASCII "RtlCheckTokenMembershipEx"
  3892. ASCII "RtlCleanUpTEBLangLists"
  3893. ASCII "RtlClearAllBits"
  3894. ASCII "RtlClearBit"
  3895. ASCII "RtlClearBits"
  3896. ASCII "RtlCloneMemoryStream"
  3897. ASCII "RtlCloneUserProcess"
  3898. ASCII "RtlCmDecodeMemIoResource"
  3899. ASCII "RtlCmEncodeMemIoResource"
  3900. ASCII "RtlCommitDebugInfo"
  3901. ASCII "RtlCommitMemoryStream"
  3902. ASCII "RtlCompactHeap"
  3903. ASCII "RtlCompareAltitudes"
  3904. ASCII "RtlCompareMemory"
  3905. ASCII "RtlCompareMemoryUlong"
  3906. ASCII "RtlCompareString"
  3907. ASCII "RtlCompareUnicodeString"
  3908. ASCII "RtlCompareUnicodeStrings"
  3909. ASCII "RtlCompressBuffer"
  3910. ASCII "RtlComputeCrc32"
  3911. ASCII "RtlComputeImportTableHash"
  3912. ASCII "RtlComputePrivatizedDllName_U"
  3913. ASCII "RtlConnectToSm"
  3914. ASCII "RtlConsoleMultiByteToUnicodeN"
  3915. ASCII "RtlContractHashTable"
  3916. ASCII "RtlConvertExclusiveToShared"
  3917. ASCII "RtlConvertLCIDToString"
  3918. ASCII "RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger"
  3919. ASCII "RtlConvertSharedToExclusive"
  3920. ASCII "RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString"
  3921. ASCII "RtlConvertToAutoInheritSecurityObject"
  3922. ASCII "RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger"
  3923. ASCII "RtlCopyBitMap"
  3924. ASCII "RtlCopyContext"
  3925. ASCII "RtlCopyExtendedContext"
  3926. ASCII "RtlCopyLuid"
  3927. ASCII "RtlCopyLuidAndAttributesArray"
  3928. ASCII "RtlCopyMappedMemory"
  3929. ASCII "RtlCopyMemoryStreamTo"
  3930. ASCII "RtlCopyOutOfProcessMemoryStreamTo"
  3931. ASCII "RtlCopySecurityDescriptor"
  3932. ASCII "RtlCopySid"
  3933. ASCII "RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray"
  3934. ASCII "RtlCopyString"
  3935. ASCII "RtlCopyUnicodeString"
  3936. ASCII "RtlCrc32"
  3937. ASCII "RtlCrc64"
  3938. ASCII "RtlCreateAcl"
  3939. ASCII "RtlCreateActivationContext"
  3940. ASCII "RtlCreateAndSetSD"
  3941. ASCII "RtlCreateAtomTable"
  3942. ASCII "RtlCreateBootStatusDataFile"
  3943. ASCII "RtlCreateBoundaryDescriptor"
  3944. ASCII "RtlCreateEnvironment"
  3945. ASCII "RtlCreateEnvironmentEx"
  3946. ASCII "RtlCreateHashTable"
  3947. ASCII "RtlCreateHashTableEx"
  3948. ASCII "RtlCreateHeap"
  3949. ASCII "RtlCreateMemoryBlockLookaside"
  3950. ASCII "RtlCreateMemoryZone"
  3951. ASCII "RtlCreateProcessParameters"
  3952. ASCII "RtlCreateProcessParametersEx"
  3953. ASCII "RtlCreateProcessReflection"
  3954. ASCII "RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer"
  3955. ASCII "RtlCreateRegistryKey"
  3956. ASCII "RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor"
  3957. ASCII "RtlCreateServiceSid"
  3958. ASCII "RtlCreateSystemVolumeInformationFolder"
  3959. ASCII "RtlCreateTagHeap"
  3960. ASCII "RtlCreateTimer"
  3961. ASCII "RtlCreateTimerQueue"
  3962. ASCII "RtlCreateUnicodeString"
  3963. ASCII "RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz"
  3964. ASCII "RtlCreateUserProcess"
  3965. ASCII "RtlCreateUserSecurityObject"
  3966. ASCII "RtlCreateUserStack"
  3967. ASCII "RtlCreateUserThread"
  3968. ASCII "RtlCreateVirtualAccountSid"
  3969. ASCII "RtlCultureNameToLCID"
  3970. ASCII "RtlCustomCPToUnicodeN"
  3971. ASCII "RtlCutoverTimeToSystemTime"
  3972. ASCII "RtlDeCommitDebugInfo"
  3973. ASCII "RtlDeNormalizeProcessParams"
  3974. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  3975. ASCII "RtlDebugPrintTimes"
  3976. ASCII "RtlDecodePointer"
  3977. ASCII "RtlDecodeSystemPointer"
  3978. ASCII "RtlDecompressBuffer"
  3979. ASCII "RtlDecompressBufferEx"
  3980. ASCII "RtlDecompressFragment"
  3981. ASCII "RtlDefaultNpAcl"
  3982. ASCII "RtlDelete"
  3983. ASCII "RtlDeleteAce"
  3984. ASCII "RtlDeleteAtomFromAtomTable"
  3985. ASCII "RtlDeleteBarrier"
  3986. ASCII "RtlDeleteBoundaryDescriptor"
  3987. ASCII "RtlDeleteCriticalSection"
  3988. ASCII "RtlDeleteElementGenericTable"
  3989. ASCII "RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvl"
  3990. ASCII "RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvlEx"
  3991. ASCII "RtlDeleteHashTable"
  3992. ASCII "RtlDeleteNoSplay"
  3993. ASCII "RtlDeleteRegistryValue"
  3994. ASCII "RtlDeleteResource"
  3995. ASCII "RtlDeleteSecurityObject"
  3996. ASCII "RtlDeleteTimer"
  3997. ASCII "RtlDeleteTimerQueue"
  3998. ASCII "RtlDeleteTimerQueueEx"
  3999. ASCII "RtlDeregisterSecureMemoryCacheCallback"
  4000. ASCII "RtlDeregisterWait"
  4001. ASCII "RtlDeregisterWaitEx"
  4002. ASCII "RtlDestroyAtomTable"
  4003. ASCII "RtlDestroyEnvironment"
  4004. ASCII "RtlDestroyHandleTable"
  4005. ASCII "RtlDestroyHeap"
  4006. ASCII "RtlDestroyMemoryBlockLookaside"
  4007. ASCII "RtlDestroyMemoryZone"
  4008. ASCII "RtlDestroyProcessParameters"
  4009. ASCII "RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer"
  4010. ASCII "RtlDetectHeapLeaks"
  4011. ASCII "RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U"
  4012. ASCII "RtlDisableThreadProfiling"
  4013. ASCII "RtlDllShutdownInProgress"
  4014. ASCII "RtlDnsHostNameToComputerName"
  4015. ASCII "RtlDoesFileExists_U"
  4016. ASCII "RtlDosApplyFileIsolationRedirection_Ustr"
  4017. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U"
  4018. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus"
  4019. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U"
  4020. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U_WithStatus"
  4021. ASCII "RtlDosSearchPath_U"
  4022. ASCII "RtlDosSearchPath_Ustr"
  4023. ASCII "RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar"
  4024. ASCII "RtlDowncaseUnicodeString"
  4025. ASCII "RtlDumpResource"
  4026. ASCII "RtlDuplicateUnicodeString"
  4027. ASCII "RtlEmptyAtomTable"
  4028. ASCII "RtlEnableEarlyCriticalSectionEventCreation"
  4029. ASCII "RtlEnableThreadProfiling"
  4030. ASCII "RtlEncodePointer"
  4031. ASCII "RtlEncodeSystemPointer"
  4032. ASCII "RtlEndEnumerationHashTable"
  4033. ASCII "RtlEndWeakEnumerationHashTable"
  4034. ASCII "RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply"
  4035. ASCII "RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply"
  4036. ASCII "RtlEnterCriticalSection"
  4037. ASCII "RtlEnumProcessHeaps"
  4038. ASCII "RtlEnumerateEntryHashTable"
  4039. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTable"
  4040. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableAvl"
  4041. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableLikeADirectory"
  4042. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying"
  4043. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplayingAvl"
  4044. ASCII "RtlEqualComputerName"
  4045. ASCII "RtlEqualDomainName"
  4046. ASCII "RtlEqualLuid"
  4047. ASCII "RtlEqualPrefixSid"
  4048. ASCII "RtlEqualSid"
  4049. ASCII "RtlEqualString"
  4050. ASCII "RtlEqualUnicodeString"
  4051. ASCII "RtlEqualWnfChangeStamps"
  4052. ASCII "RtlEraseUnicodeString"
  4053. ASCII "RtlEthernetAddressToStringA"
  4054. ASCII "RtlEthernetAddressToStringW"
  4055. ASCII "RtlEthernetStringToAddressA"
  4056. ASCII "RtlEthernetStringToAddressW"
  4057. ASCII "RtlExitUserProcess"
  4058. ASCII "RtlExitUserThread"
  4059. ASCII "RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings"
  4060. ASCII "RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U"
  4061. ASCII "RtlExpandHashTable"
  4062. ASCII "RtlExtendMemoryBlockLookaside"
  4063. ASCII "RtlExtendMemoryZone"
  4064. ASCII "RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply"
  4065. ASCII "RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide"
  4066. ASCII "RtlExtendedMagicDivide"
  4067. ASCII "RtlExtractBitMap"
  4068. ASCII "RtlFillMemory"
  4069. ASCII "RtlFillMemoryUlong"
  4070. ASCII "RtlFillMemoryUlonglong"
  4071. ASCII "RtlFinalReleaseOutOfProcessMemoryStream"
  4072. ASCII "RtlFindAceByType"
  4073. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid"
  4074. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString"
  4075. ASCII "RtlFindCharInUnicodeString"
  4076. ASCII "RtlFindClearBits"
  4077. ASCII "RtlFindClearBitsAndSet"
  4078. ASCII "RtlFindClearRuns"
  4079. ASCII "RtlFindClosestEncodableLength"
  4080. ASCII "RtlFindLastBackwardRunClear"
  4081. ASCII "RtlFindLeastSignificantBit"
  4082. ASCII "RtlFindLongestRunClear"
  4083. ASCII "RtlFindMessage"
  4084. ASCII "RtlFindMostSignificantBit"
  4085. ASCII "RtlFindNextForwardRunClear"
  4086. ASCII "RtlFindSetBits"
  4087. ASCII "RtlFindSetBitsAndClear"
  4088. ASCII "RtlFirstEntrySList"
  4089. ASCII "RtlFirstFreeAce"
  4090. ASCII "RtlFlsAlloc"
  4091. ASCII "RtlFlsFree"
  4092. ASCII "RtlFlushHeaps"
  4093. ASCII "RtlFlushSecureMemoryCache"
  4094. ASCII "RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath"
  4095. ASCII "RtlFormatMessage"
  4096. ASCII "RtlFormatMessageEx"
  4097. ASCII "RtlFreeActivationContextStack"
  4098. ASCII "RtlFreeAnsiString"
  4099. ASCII "RtlFreeHandle"
  4100. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  4101. ASCII "RtlFreeMemoryBlockLookaside"
  4102. ASCII "RtlFreeOemString"
  4103. ASCII "RtlFreeSid"
  4104. ASCII "RtlFreeThreadActivationContextStack"
  4105. ASCII "RtlFreeUnicodeString"
  4106. ASCII "RtlFreeUserStack"
  4107. ASCII "RtlGUIDFromString"
  4108. ASCII "RtlGenerate8dot3Name"
  4109. ASCII "RtlGetAce"
  4110. ASCII "RtlGetActiveActivationContext"
  4111. ASCII "RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath"
  4112. ASCII "RtlGetAppContainerParent"
  4113. ASCII "RtlGetAppContainerSidType"
  4114. ASCII "RtlGetCallersAddress"
  4115. ASCII "RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize"
  4116. ASCII "RtlGetControlSecurityDescriptor"
  4117. ASCII "RtlGetCriticalSectionRecursionCount"
  4118. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentDirectory_U"
  4119. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentPeb"
  4120. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumber"
  4121. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx"
  4122. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentTransaction"
  4123. ASCII "RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor"
  4124. ASCII "RtlGetElementGenericTable"
  4125. ASCII "RtlGetElementGenericTableAvl"
  4126. ASCII "RtlGetEnabledExtendedFeatures"
  4127. ASCII "RtlGetExePath"
  4128. ASCII "RtlGetExtendedContextLength"
  4129. ASCII "RtlGetExtendedFeaturesMask"
  4130. ASCII "RtlGetFileMUIPath"
  4131. ASCII "RtlGetFrame"
  4132. ASCII "RtlGetFullPathName_U"
  4133. ASCII "RtlGetFullPathName_UEx"
  4134. ASCII "RtlGetFullPathName_UstrEx"
  4135. ASCII "RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor"
  4136. ASCII "RtlGetIntegerAtom"
  4137. ASCII "RtlGetLastNtStatus"
  4138. ASCII "RtlGetLastWin32Error"
  4139. ASCII "RtlGetLengthWithoutLastFullDosOrNtPathElement"
  4140. ASCII "RtlGetLengthWithoutTrailingPathSeperators"
  4141. ASCII "RtlGetLocaleFileMappingAddress"
  4142. ASCII "RtlGetLongestNtPathLength"
  4143. ASCII "RtlGetNativeSystemInformation"
  4144. ASCII "RtlGetNextEntryHashTable"
  4145. ASCII "RtlGetNtGlobalFlags"
  4146. ASCII "RtlGetNtProductType"
  4147. ASCII "RtlGetNtVersionNumbers"
  4148. ASCII "RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor"
  4149. ASCII "RtlGetParentLocaleName"
  4150. ASCII "RtlGetProcessHeaps"
  4151. ASCII "RtlGetProcessPreferredUILanguages"
  4152. ASCII "RtlGetProductInfo"
  4153. ASCII "RtlGetSaclSecurityDescriptor"
  4154. ASCII "RtlGetSearchPath"
  4155. ASCII "RtlGetSecurityDescriptorRMControl"
  4156. ASCII "RtlGetSetBootStatusData"
  4157. ASCII "RtlGetSystemPreferredUILanguages"
  4158. ASCII "RtlGetSystemTimePrecise"
  4159. ASCII "RtlGetThreadErrorMode"
  4160. ASCII "RtlGetThreadLangIdByIndex"
  4161. ASCII "RtlGetThreadPreferredUILanguages"
  4162. ASCII "RtlGetUILanguageInfo"
  4163. ASCII "RtlGetUnloadEventTrace"
  4164. ASCII "RtlGetUnloadEventTraceEx"
  4165. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  4166. ASCII "RtlGetUserPreferredUILanguages"
  4167. ASCII "RtlGetVersion"
  4168. ASCII "RtlHashUnicodeString"
  4169. ASCII "RtlHeapTrkInitialize"
  4170. ASCII "RtlIdentifierAuthoritySid"
  4171. ASCII "RtlIdnToAscii"
  4172. ASCII "RtlIdnToNameprepUnicode"
  4173. ASCII "RtlIdnToUnicode"
  4174. ASCII "RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData"
  4175. ASCII "RtlImageNtHeader"
  4176. ASCII "RtlImageNtHeaderEx"
  4177. ASCII "RtlImageRvaToSection"
  4178. ASCII "RtlImageRvaToVa"
  4179. ASCII "RtlImpersonateSelf"
  4180. ASCII "RtlImpersonateSelfEx"
  4181. ASCII "RtlInitAnsiString"
  4182. ASCII "RtlInitAnsiStringEx"
  4183. ASCII "RtlInitBarrier"
  4184. ASCII "RtlInitCodePageTable"
  4185. ASCII "RtlInitEnumerationHashTable"
  4186. ASCII "RtlInitMemoryStream"
  4187. ASCII "RtlInitNlsTables"
  4188. ASCII "RtlInitOutOfProcessMemoryStream"
  4189. ASCII "RtlInitString"
  4190. ASCII "RtlInitUnicodeString"
  4191. ASCII "RtlInitUnicodeStringEx"
  4192. ASCII "RtlInitWeakEnumerationHashTable"
  4193. ASCII "RtlInitializeAtomPackage"
  4194. ASCII "RtlInitializeBitMap"
  4195. ASCII "RtlInitializeConditionVariable"
  4196. ASCII "RtlInitializeContext"
  4197. ASCII "RtlInitializeCriticalSection"
  4198. ASCII "RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount"
  4199. ASCII "RtlInitializeCriticalSectionEx"
  4200. ASCII "RtlInitializeExceptionChain"
  4201. ASCII "RtlInitializeExtendedContext"
  4202. ASCII "RtlInitializeGenericTable"
  4203. ASCII "RtlInitializeGenericTableAvl"
  4204. ASCII "RtlInitializeHandleTable"
  4205. ASCII "RtlInitializeNtUserPfn"
  4206. ASCII "RtlInitializeRXact"
  4207. ASCII "RtlInitializeResource"
  4208. ASCII "RtlInitializeSListHead"
  4209. ASCII "RtlInitializeSRWLock"
  4210. ASCII "RtlInitializeSid"
  4211. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTable"
  4212. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl"
  4213. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTableFull"
  4214. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTableFullAvl"
  4215. ASCII "RtlInsertEntryHashTable"
  4216. ASCII "RtlInt64ToUnicodeString"
  4217. ASCII "RtlIntegerToChar"
  4218. ASCII "RtlIntegerToUnicodeString"
  4219. ASCII "RtlInterlockedClearBitRun"
  4220. ASCII "RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64"
  4221. ASCII "RtlInterlockedFlushSList"
  4222. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPopEntrySList"
  4223. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList"
  4224. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPushListSListEx"
  4225. ASCII "RtlInterlockedSetBitRun"
  4226. ASCII "RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource"
  4227. ASCII "RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource"
  4228. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringA"
  4229. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringExA"
  4230. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringExW"
  4231. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringW"
  4232. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressA"
  4233. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA"
  4234. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW"
  4235. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressW"
  4236. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringA"
  4237. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringExA"
  4238. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringExW"
  4239. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringW"
  4240. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressA"
  4241. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA"
  4242. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW"
  4243. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressW"
  4244. ASCII "RtlIsActivationContextActive"
  4245. ASCII "RtlIsCapabilitySid"
  4246. ASCII "RtlIsCriticalSectionLocked"
  4247. ASCII "RtlIsCriticalSectionLockedByThread"
  4248. ASCII "RtlIsCurrentThreadAttachExempt"
  4249. ASCII "RtlIsDosDeviceName_U"
  4250. ASCII "RtlIsGenericTableEmpty"
  4251. ASCII "RtlIsGenericTableEmptyAvl"
  4252. ASCII "RtlIsNameInExpression"
  4253. ASCII "RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3"
  4254. ASCII "RtlIsNormalizedString"
  4255. ASCII "RtlIsPackageSid"
  4256. ASCII "RtlIsParentOfChildAppContainer"
  4257. ASCII "RtlIsTextUnicode"
  4258. ASCII "RtlIsThreadWithinLoaderCallout"
  4259. ASCII "RtlIsUntrustedObject"
  4260. ASCII "RtlIsValidHandle"
  4261. ASCII "RtlIsValidIndexHandle"
  4262. ASCII "RtlIsValidLocaleName"
  4263. ASCII "RtlIsValidProcessTrustLabelSid"
  4264. ASCII "RtlKnownExceptionFilter"
  4265. ASCII "RtlLCIDToCultureName"
  4266. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerAdd"
  4267. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift"
  4268. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerDivide"
  4269. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerNegate"
  4270. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft"
  4271. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight"
  4272. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerSubtract"
  4273. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerToChar"
  4274. ASCII "RtlLcidToLocaleName"
  4275. ASCII "RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
  4276. ASCII "RtlLengthRequiredSid"
  4277. ASCII "RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor"
  4278. ASCII "RtlLengthSid"
  4279. ASCII "RtlLengthSidAsUnicodeString"
  4280. ASCII "RtlLoadString"
  4281. ASCII "RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime"
  4282. ASCII "RtlLocaleNameToLcid"
  4283. ASCII "RtlLocateExtendedFeature"
  4284. ASCII "RtlLocateLegacyContext"
  4285. ASCII "RtlLockBootStatusData"
  4286. ASCII "RtlLockCurrentThread"
  4287. ASCII "RtlLockHeap"
  4288. ASCII "RtlLockMemoryBlockLookaside"
  4289. ASCII "RtlLockMemoryStreamRegion"
  4290. ASCII "RtlLockMemoryZone"
  4291. ASCII "RtlLockModuleSection"
  4292. ASCII "RtlLogStackBackTrace"
  4293. ASCII "RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable"
  4294. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTable"
  4295. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTableAvl"
  4296. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTableFull"
  4297. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTableFullAvl"
  4298. ASCII "RtlLookupEntryHashTable"
  4299. ASCII "RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD"
  4300. ASCII "RtlMapGenericMask"
  4301. ASCII "RtlMapSecurityErrorToNtStatus"
  4302. ASCII "RtlMoveMemory"
  4303. ASCII "RtlMultiAppendUnicodeStringBuffer"
  4304. ASCII "RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN"
  4305. ASCII "RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize"
  4306. ASCII "RtlMultipleAllocateHeap"
  4307. ASCII "RtlMultipleFreeHeap"
  4308. ASCII "RtlNewInstanceSecurityObject"
  4309. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityGrantedAccess"
  4310. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityObject"
  4311. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityObjectEx"
  4312. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityObjectWithMultipleInheritance"
  4313. ASCII "RtlNormalizeProcessParams"
  4314. ASCII "RtlNormalizeString"
  4315. ASCII "RtlNtPathNameToDosPathName"
  4316. ASCII "RtlNtStatusToDosError"
  4317. ASCII "RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb"
  4318. ASCII "RtlNumberGenericTableElements"
  4319. ASCII "RtlNumberGenericTableElementsAvl"
  4320. ASCII "RtlNumberOfClearBits"
  4321. ASCII "RtlNumberOfClearBitsInRange"
  4322. ASCII "RtlNumberOfSetBits"
  4323. ASCII "RtlNumberOfSetBitsInRange"
  4324. ASCII "RtlNumberOfSetBitsUlongPtr"
  4325. ASCII "RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize"
  4326. ASCII "RtlOemStringToUnicodeString"
  4327. ASCII "RtlOemToUnicodeN"
  4328. ASCII "RtlOpenCurrentUser"
  4329. ASCII "RtlOwnerAcesPresent"
  4330. ASCII "RtlPcToFileHeader"
  4331. ASCII "RtlPinAtomInAtomTable"
  4332. ASCII "RtlPopFrame"
  4333. ASCII "RtlPrefixString"
  4334. ASCII "RtlPrefixUnicodeString"
  4335. ASCII "RtlProcessFlsData"
  4336. ASCII "RtlProtectHeap"
  4337. ASCII "RtlPublishWnfStateData"
  4338. ASCII "RtlPushFrame"
  4339. ASCII "RtlQueryActivationContextApplicationSettings"
  4340. ASCII "RtlQueryAtomInAtomTable"
  4341. ASCII "RtlQueryCriticalSectionOwner"
  4342. ASCII "RtlQueryDepthSList"
  4343. ASCII "RtlQueryDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  4344. ASCII "RtlQueryElevationFlags"
  4345. ASCII "RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable"
  4346. ASCII "RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U"
  4347. ASCII "RtlQueryHeapInformation"
  4348. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationAcl"
  4349. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  4350. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActiveActivationContext"
  4351. ASCII "RtlQueryInterfaceMemoryStream"
  4352. ASCII "RtlQueryModuleInformation"
  4353. ASCII "RtlQueryPackageIdentity"
  4354. ASCII "RtlQueryPackageIdentityEx"
  4355. ASCII "RtlQueryPerformanceCounter"
  4356. ASCII "RtlQueryPerformanceFrequency"
  4357. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessBackTraceInformation"
  4358. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation"
  4359. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessHeapInformation"
  4360. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessLockInformation"
  4361. ASCII "RtlQueryRegistryValues"
  4362. ASCII "RtlQueryRegistryValuesEx"
  4363. ASCII "RtlQueryResourcePolicy"
  4364. ASCII "RtlQuerySecurityObject"
  4365. ASCII "RtlQueryTagHeap"
  4366. ASCII "RtlQueryThreadProfiling"
  4367. ASCII "RtlQueryTimeZoneInformation"
  4368. ASCII "RtlQueryUnbiasedInterruptTime"
  4369. ASCII "RtlQueryValidationRunlevel"
  4370. ASCII "RtlQueryWnfMetaNotification"
  4371. ASCII "RtlQueryWnfStateData"
  4372. ASCII "RtlQueryWnfStateDataWithExplicitScope"
  4373. ASCII "RtlQueueApcWow64Thread"
  4374. ASCII "RtlQueueWorkItem"
  4375. ASCII "RtlRaiseException"
  4376. ASCII "RtlRaiseStatus"
  4377. ASCII "RtlRandom"
  4378. ASCII "RtlRandomEx"
  4379. ASCII "RtlRbInsertNodeEx"
  4380. ASCII "RtlRbRemoveNode"
  4381. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  4382. ASCII "RtlReadMemoryStream"
  4383. ASCII "RtlReadOutOfProcessMemoryStream"
  4384. ASCII "RtlReadThreadProfilingData"
  4385. ASCII "RtlRealPredecessor"
  4386. ASCII "RtlRealSuccessor"
  4387. ASCII "RtlRegisterForWnfMetaNotification"
  4388. ASCII "RtlRegisterSecureMemoryCacheCallback"
  4389. ASCII "RtlRegisterThreadWithCsrss"
  4390. ASCII "RtlRegisterWait"
  4391. ASCII "RtlReleaseActivationContext"
  4392. ASCII "RtlReleaseMemoryStream"
  4393. ASCII "RtlReleasePath"
  4394. ASCII "RtlReleasePebLock"
  4395. ASCII "RtlReleasePrivilege"
  4396. ASCII "RtlReleaseRelativeName"
  4397. ASCII "RtlReleaseResource"
  4398. ASCII "RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive"
  4399. ASCII "RtlReleaseSRWLockShared"
  4400. ASCII "RtlRemoteCall"
  4401. ASCII "RtlRemoveEntryHashTable"
  4402. ASCII "RtlRemovePrivileges"
  4403. ASCII "RtlRemoveVectoredContinueHandler"
  4404. ASCII "RtlRemoveVectoredExceptionHandler"
  4405. ASCII "RtlReplaceSidInSd"
  4406. ASCII "RtlReportException"
  4407. ASCII "RtlReportSilentProcessExit"
  4408. ASCII "RtlReportSqmEscalation"
  4409. ASCII "RtlResetMemoryBlockLookaside"
  4410. ASCII "RtlResetMemoryZone"
  4411. ASCII "RtlResetNtUserPfn"
  4412. ASCII "RtlResetRtlTranslations"
  4413. ASCII "RtlRestoreLastWin32Error"
  4414. ASCII "RtlRetrieveNtUserPfn"
  4415. ASCII "RtlRevertMemoryStream"
  4416. ASCII "RtlRunDecodeUnicodeString"
  4417. ASCII "RtlRunEncodeUnicodeString"
  4418. ASCII "RtlRunOnceBeginInitialize"
  4419. ASCII "RtlRunOnceComplete"
  4420. ASCII "RtlRunOnceExecuteOnce"
  4421. ASCII "RtlRunOnceInitialize"
  4422. ASCII "RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime"
  4423. ASCII "RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime"
  4424. ASCII "RtlSeekMemoryStream"
  4425. ASCII "RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD2"
  4426. ASCII "RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD"
  4427. ASCII "RtlSendMsgToSm"
  4428. ASCII "RtlSetAllBits"
  4429. ASCII "RtlSetAttributesSecurityDescriptor"
  4430. ASCII "RtlSetBit"
  4431. ASCII "RtlSetBits"
  4432. ASCII "RtlSetControlSecurityDescriptor"
  4433. ASCII "RtlSetCriticalSectionSpinCount"
  4434. ASCII "RtlSetCurrentDirectory_U"
  4435. ASCII "RtlSetCurrentEnvironment"
  4436. ASCII "RtlSetCurrentTransaction"
  4437. ASCII "RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor"
  4438. ASCII "RtlSetDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  4439. ASCII "RtlSetEnvironmentStrings"
  4440. ASCII "RtlSetEnvironmentVar"
  4441. ASCII "RtlSetEnvironmentVariable"
  4442. ASCII "RtlSetExtendedFeaturesMask"
  4443. ASCII "RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor"
  4444. ASCII "RtlSetHeapInformation"
  4445. ASCII "RtlSetInformationAcl"
  4446. ASCII "RtlSetIoCompletionCallback"
  4447. ASCII "RtlSetLastWin32Error"
  4448. ASCII "RtlSetLastWin32ErrorAndNtStatusFromNtStatus"
  4449. ASCII "RtlSetMemoryStreamSize"
  4450. ASCII "RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor"
  4451. ASCII "RtlSetPortableOperatingSystem"
  4452. ASCII "RtlSetProcessDebugInformation"
  4453. ASCII "RtlSetProcessIsCritical"
  4454. ASCII "RtlSetProcessPreferredUILanguages"
  4455. ASCII "RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor"
  4456. ASCII "RtlSetSearchPathMode"
  4457. ASCII "RtlSetSecurityDescriptorRMControl"
  4458. ASCII "RtlSetSecurityObject"
  4459. ASCII "RtlSetSecurityObjectEx"
  4460. ASCII "RtlSetThreadErrorMode"
  4461. ASCII "RtlSetThreadIsCritical"
  4462. ASCII "RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc"
  4463. ASCII "RtlSetThreadPreferredUILanguages"
  4464. ASCII "RtlSetTimeZoneInformation"
  4465. ASCII "RtlSetTimer"
  4466. ASCII "RtlSetUnhandledExceptionFilter"
  4467. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  4468. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  4469. ASCII "RtlSidDominates"
  4470. ASCII "RtlSidDominatesForTrust"
  4471. ASCII "RtlSidEqualLevel"
  4472. ASCII "RtlSidHashInitialize"
  4473. ASCII "RtlSidHashLookup"
  4474. ASCII "RtlSidIsHigherLevel"
  4475. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  4476. ASCII "RtlSleepConditionVariableCS"
  4477. ASCII "RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW"
  4478. ASCII "RtlSplay"
  4479. ASCII "RtlStartRXact"
  4480. ASCII "RtlStatMemoryStream"
  4481. ASCII "RtlStringFromGUID"
  4482. ASCII "RtlStringFromGUIDEx"
  4483. ASCII "RtlSubAuthorityCountSid"
  4484. ASCII "RtlSubAuthoritySid"
  4485. ASCII "RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification"
  4486. ASCII "RtlSubtreePredecessor"
  4487. ASCII "RtlSubtreeSuccessor"
  4488. ASCII "RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime"
  4489. ASCII "RtlTestAndPublishWnfStateData"
  4490. ASCII "RtlTestBit"
  4491. ASCII "RtlTestProtectedAccess"
  4492. ASCII "RtlTimeFieldsToTime"
  4493. ASCII "RtlTimeToElapsedTimeFields"
  4494. ASCII "RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970"
  4495. ASCII "RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980"
  4496. ASCII "RtlTimeToTimeFields"
  4497. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseAdd"
  4498. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseCreate"
  4499. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseDestroy"
  4500. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseEnumerate"
  4501. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseFind"
  4502. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseLock"
  4503. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseUnlock"
  4504. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseValidate"
  4505. ASCII "RtlTryAcquirePebLock"
  4506. ASCII "RtlTryAcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  4507. ASCII "RtlTryAcquireSRWLockShared"
  4508. ASCII "RtlTryConvertSRWLockSharedToExclusiveOrRelease"
  4509. ASCII "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection"
  4510. ASCII "RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN"
  4511. ASCII "RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter2"
  4512. ASCII "RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter"
  4513. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize"
  4514. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString"
  4515. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToCountedOemString"
  4516. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToInteger"
  4517. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize"
  4518. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToOemString"
  4519. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToCustomCPN"
  4520. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN"
  4521. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize"
  4522. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToOemN"
  4523. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToUTF8N"
  4524. ASCII "RtlUniform"
  4525. ASCII "RtlUnlockBootStatusData"
  4526. ASCII "RtlUnlockCurrentThread"
  4527. ASCII "RtlUnlockHeap"
  4528. ASCII "RtlUnlockMemoryBlockLookaside"
  4529. ASCII "RtlUnlockMemoryStreamRegion"
  4530. ASCII "RtlUnlockMemoryZone"
  4531. ASCII "RtlUnlockModuleSection"
  4532. ASCII "RtlUnsubscribeWnfNotificationWaitForCompletion"
  4533. ASCII "RtlUnsubscribeWnfNotificationWithCompletionCallback"
  4534. ASCII "RtlUnsubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification"
  4535. ASCII "RtlUnwind"
  4536. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar"
  4537. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeString"
  4538. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToAnsiString"
  4539. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString"
  4540. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString"
  4541. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeToCustomCPN"
  4542. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN"
  4543. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN"
  4544. ASCII "RtlUpdateClonedCriticalSection"
  4545. ASCII "RtlUpdateClonedSRWLock"
  4546. ASCII "RtlUpdateTimer"
  4547. ASCII "RtlUpperChar"
  4548. ASCII "RtlUpperString"
  4549. ASCII "RtlUserThreadStart"
  4550. ASCII "RtlValidAcl"
  4551. ASCII "RtlValidProcessProtection"
  4552. ASCII "RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor"
  4553. ASCII "RtlValidSecurityDescriptor"
  4554. ASCII "RtlValidSid"
  4555. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  4556. ASCII "RtlValidateProcessHeaps"
  4557. ASCII "RtlValidateUnicodeString"
  4558. ASCII "RtlVerifyVersionInfo"
  4559. ASCII "RtlWaitForWnfMetaNotification"
  4560. ASCII "RtlWaitOnAddress"
  4561. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressAll"
  4562. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressAllNoFence"
  4563. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressSingle"
  4564. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressSingleNoFence"
  4565. ASCII "RtlWakeAllConditionVariable"
  4566. ASCII "RtlWakeConditionVariable"
  4567. ASCII "RtlWalkFrameChain"
  4568. ASCII "RtlWalkHeap"
  4569. ASCII "RtlWeaklyEnumerateEntryHashTable"
  4570. ASCII "RtlWerpReportException"
  4571. ASCII "RtlWnfCompareChangeStamp"
  4572. ASCII "RtlWnfDllUnloadCallback"
  4573. ASCII "RtlWow64CallFunction64"
  4574. ASCII "RtlWow64EnableFsRedirection"
  4575. ASCII "RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx"
  4576. ASCII "RtlWriteMemoryStream"
  4577. ASCII "RtlWriteRegistryValue"
  4578. ASCII "RtlZeroHeap"
  4579. ASCII "RtlZeroMemory"
  4580. ASCII "RtlZombifyActivationContext"
  4581. ASCII "RtlpApplyLengthFunction"
  4582. ASCII "RtlpCheckDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  4583. ASCII "RtlpCleanupRegistryKeys"
  4584. ASCII "RtlpConvertAbsoluteToRelativeSecurityAttribute"
  4585. ASCII "RtlpConvertCultureNamesToLCIDs"
  4586. ASCII "RtlpConvertLCIDsToCultureNames"
  4587. ASCII "RtlpConvertRelativeToAbsoluteSecurityAttribute"
  4588. ASCII "RtlpCreateProcessRegistryInfo"
  4589. ASCII "RtlpEnsureBufferSize"
  4590. ASCII "RtlpFreezeTimeBias"
  4591. ASCII "RtlpGetLCIDFromLangInfoNode"
  4592. ASCII "RtlpGetNameFromLangInfoNode"
  4593. ASCII "RtlpGetSystemDefaultUILanguage"
  4594. ASCII "RtlpGetUserOrMachineUILanguage4NLS"
  4595. ASCII "RtlpInitializeLangRegistryInfo"
  4596. ASCII "RtlpIsQualifiedLanguage"
  4597. ASCII "RtlpLoadMachineUIByPolicy"
  4598. ASCII "RtlpLoadUserUIByPolicy"
  4599. ASCII "RtlpMergeSecurityAttributeInformation"
  4600. ASCII "RtlpMuiFreeLangRegistryInfo"
  4601. ASCII "RtlpMuiRegCreateRegistryInfo"
  4602. ASCII "RtlpMuiRegFreeRegistryInfo"
  4603. ASCII "RtlpMuiRegLoadRegistryInfo"
  4604. ASCII "RtlpNotOwnerCriticalSection"
  4605. ASCII "RtlpNtCreateKey"
  4606. ASCII "RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey"
  4607. ASCII "RtlpNtMakeTemporaryKey"
  4608. ASCII "RtlpNtOpenKey"
  4609. ASCII "RtlpNtQueryValueKey"
  4610. ASCII "RtlpNtSetValueKey"
  4611. ASCII "RtlpQueryDefaultUILanguage"
  4612. ASCII "RtlpRefreshCachedUILanguage"
  4613. ASCII "RtlpSetInstallLanguage"
  4614. ASCII "RtlpSetPreferredUILanguages"
  4615. ASCII "RtlpSetUserPreferredUILanguages"
  4616. ASCII "RtlpUnWaitCriticalSection"
  4617. ASCII "RtlpVerifyAndCommitUILanguageSettings"
  4618. ASCII "RtlpWaitForCriticalSection"
  4619. ASCII "RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize"
  4620. ASCII "RtlxOemStringToUnicodeSize"
  4621. ASCII "RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize"
  4622. ASCII "RtlxUnicodeStringToOemSize"
  4623. ASCII "SbExecuteProcedure"
  4624. ASCII "SbSelectProcedure"
  4625. ASCII "ShipAssert"
  4626. ASCII "ShipAssertGetBufferInfo"
  4627. ASCII "ShipAssertMsgA"
  4628. ASCII "ShipAssertMsgW"
  4629. ASCII "TpAllocAlpcCompletion"
  4630. ASCII "TpAllocAlpcCompletionEx"
  4631. ASCII "TpAllocCleanupGroup"
  4632. ASCII "TpAllocIoCompletion"
  4633. ASCII "TpAllocJobNotification"
  4634. ASCII "TpAllocPool"
  4635. ASCII "TpAllocTimer"
  4636. ASCII "TpAllocWait"
  4637. ASCII "TpAllocWork"
  4638. ASCII "TpAlpcRegisterCompletionList"
  4639. ASCII "TpAlpcUnregisterCompletionList"
  4640. ASCII "TpCallbackDetectedUnrecoverableError"
  4641. ASCII "TpCallbackIndependent"
  4642. ASCII "TpCallbackLeaveCriticalSectionOnCompletion"
  4643. ASCII "TpCallbackMayRunLong"
  4644. ASCII "TpCallbackReleaseMutexOnCompletion"
  4645. ASCII "TpCallbackReleaseSemaphoreOnCompletion"
  4646. ASCII "TpCallbackSendAlpcMessageOnCompletion"
  4647. ASCII "TpCallbackSendPendingAlpcMessage"
  4648. ASCII "TpCallbackSetEventOnCompletion"
  4649. ASCII "TpCallbackUnloadDllOnCompletion"
  4650. ASCII "TpCancelAsyncIoOperation"
  4651. ASCII "TpCaptureCaller"
  4652. ASCII "TpCheckTerminateWorker"
  4653. ASCII "TpDbgDumpHeapUsage"
  4654. ASCII "TpDbgSetLogRoutine"
  4655. ASCII "TpDisablePoolCallbackChecks"
  4656. ASCII "TpDisassociateCallback"
  4657. ASCII "TpIsTimerSet"
  4658. ASCII "TpPostWork"
  4659. ASCII "TpQueryPoolStackInformation"
  4660. ASCII "TpReleaseAlpcCompletion"
  4661. ASCII "TpReleaseCleanupGroup"
  4662. ASCII "TpReleaseCleanupGroupMembers"
  4663. ASCII "TpReleaseIoCompletion"
  4664. ASCII "TpReleaseJobNotification"
  4665. ASCII "TpReleasePool"
  4666. ASCII "TpReleaseTimer"
  4667. ASCII "TpReleaseWait"
  4668. ASCII "TpReleaseWork"
  4669. ASCII "TpSetDefaultPoolMaxThreads"
  4670. ASCII "TpSetDefaultPoolStackInformation"
  4671. ASCII "TpSetPoolMaxThreads"
  4672. ASCII "TpSetPoolMinThreads"
  4673. ASCII "TpSetPoolStackInformation"
  4674. ASCII "TpSetPoolThreadBasePriority"
  4675. ASCII "TpSetTimer"
  4676. ASCII "TpSetTimerEx"
  4677. ASCII "TpSetWait"
  4678. ASCII "TpSetWaitEx"
  4679. ASCII "TpSimpleTryPost"
  4680. ASCII "TpStartAsyncIoOperation"
  4681. ASCII "TpTimerOutstandingCallbackCount"
  4682. ASCII "TpTrimPools"
  4683. ASCII "TpWaitForAlpcCompletion"
  4684. ASCII "TpWaitForIoCompletion"
  4685. ASCII "TpWaitForJobNotification"
  4686. ASCII "TpWaitForTimer"
  4687. ASCII "TpWaitForWait"
  4688. ASCII "TpWaitForWork"
  4689. ASCII "VerSetConditionMask"
  4690. ASCII "WerReportSQMEvent"
  4691. ASCII "WinSqmAddToAverageDWORD"
  4692. ASCII "WinSqmAddToStream"
  4693. ASCII "WinSqmAddToStreamEx"
  4694. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamEx"
  4695. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationSetDWORD64"
  4696. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationSetDWORD"
  4697. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationSetString"
  4698. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointDelete"
  4699. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetDWORD64"
  4700. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetDWORD"
  4701. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetStreamEx"
  4702. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetString"
  4703. ASCII "WinSqmEndSession"
  4704. ASCII "WinSqmEventEnabled"
  4705. ASCII "WinSqmEventWrite"
  4706. ASCII "WinSqmGetEscalationRuleStatus"
  4707. ASCII "WinSqmGetInstrumentationProperty"
  4708. ASCII "WinSqmIncrementDWORD"
  4709. ASCII "WinSqmIsOptedIn"
  4710. ASCII "WinSqmIsOptedInEx"
  4711. ASCII "WinSqmIsSessionDisabled"
  4712. ASCII "WinSqmSetDWORD64"
  4713. ASCII "WinSqmSetDWORD"
  4714. ASCII "WinSqmSetEscalationInfo"
  4715. ASCII "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD"
  4716. ASCII "WinSqmSetIfMinDWORD"
  4717. ASCII "WinSqmSetString"
  4718. ASCII "WinSqmStartSession"
  4719. ASCII "WinSqmStartSessionForPartner"
  4720. ASCII "ZwAcceptConnectPort"
  4721. ASCII "ZwAccessCheck"
  4722. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm"
  4723. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByType"
  4724. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm"
  4725. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultList"
  4726. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm"
  4727. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle"
  4728. ASCII "ZwAddAtom"
  4729. ASCII "ZwAddAtomEx"
  4730. ASCII "ZwAddBootEntry"
  4731. ASCII "ZwAddDriverEntry"
  4732. ASCII "ZwAdjustGroupsToken"
  4733. ASCII "ZwAdjustPrivilegesToken"
  4734. ASCII "ZwAdjustTokenClaimsAndDeviceGroups"
  4735. ASCII "ZwAlertResumeThread"
  4736. ASCII "ZwAlertThread"
  4737. ASCII "ZwAlertThreadByThreadId"
  4738. ASCII "ZwAllocateLocallyUniqueId"
  4739. ASCII "ZwAllocateReserveObject"
  4740. ASCII "ZwAllocateUserPhysicalPages"
  4741. ASCII "ZwAllocateUuids"
  4742. ASCII "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory"
  4743. ASCII "ZwAlpcAcceptConnectPort"
  4744. ASCII "ZwAlpcCancelMessage"
  4745. ASCII "ZwAlpcConnectPort"
  4746. ASCII "ZwAlpcConnectPortEx"
  4747. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreatePort"
  4748. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreatePortSection"
  4749. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreateResourceReserve"
  4750. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreateSectionView"
  4751. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreateSecurityContext"
  4752. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeletePortSection"
  4753. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeleteResourceReserve"
  4754. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeleteSectionView"
  4755. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeleteSecurityContext"
  4756. ASCII "ZwAlpcDisconnectPort"
  4757. ASCII "ZwAlpcImpersonateClientOfPort"
  4758. ASCII "ZwAlpcOpenSenderProcess"
  4759. ASCII "ZwAlpcOpenSenderThread"
  4760. ASCII "ZwAlpcQueryInformation"
  4761. ASCII "ZwAlpcQueryInformationMessage"
  4762. ASCII "ZwAlpcRevokeSecurityContext"
  4763. ASCII "ZwAlpcSendWaitReceivePort"
  4764. ASCII "ZwAlpcSetInformation"
  4765. ASCII "ZwApphelpCacheControl"
  4766. ASCII "ZwAreMappedFilesTheSame"
  4767. ASCII "ZwAssignProcessToJobObject"
  4768. ASCII "ZwAssociateWaitCompletionPacket"
  4769. ASCII "ZwCallbackReturn"
  4770. ASCII "ZwCancelIoFile"
  4771. ASCII "ZwCancelIoFileEx"
  4772. ASCII "ZwCancelSynchronousIoFile"
  4773. ASCII "ZwCancelTimer2"
  4774. ASCII "ZwCancelTimer"
  4775. ASCII "ZwCancelWaitCompletionPacket"
  4776. ASCII "ZwClearEvent"
  4777. ASCII "ZwClose"
  4778. ASCII "ZwCloseObjectAuditAlarm"
  4779. ASCII "ZwCommitComplete"
  4780. ASCII "ZwCommitEnlistment"
  4781. ASCII "ZwCommitTransaction"
  4782. ASCII "ZwCompactKeys"
  4783. ASCII "ZwCompareTokens"
  4784. ASCII "ZwCompleteConnectPort"
  4785. ASCII "ZwCompressKey"
  4786. ASCII "ZwConnectPort"
  4787. ASCII "ZwContinue"
  4788. ASCII "ZwCreateDebugObject"
  4789. ASCII "ZwCreateDirectoryObject"
  4790. ASCII "ZwCreateDirectoryObjectEx"
  4791. ASCII "ZwCreateEnlistment"
  4792. ASCII "ZwCreateEvent"
  4793. ASCII "ZwCreateEventPair"
  4794. ASCII "ZwCreateFile"
  4795. ASCII "ZwCreateIRTimer"
  4796. ASCII "ZwCreateIoCompletion"
  4797. ASCII "ZwCreateJobObject"
  4798. ASCII "ZwCreateJobSet"
  4799. ASCII "ZwCreateKey"
  4800. ASCII "ZwCreateKeyTransacted"
  4801. ASCII "ZwCreateKeyedEvent"
  4802. ASCII "ZwCreateLowBoxToken"
  4803. ASCII "ZwCreateMailslotFile"
  4804. ASCII "ZwCreateMutant"
  4805. ASCII "ZwCreateNamedPipeFile"
  4806. ASCII "ZwCreatePagingFile"
  4807. ASCII "ZwCreatePort"
  4808. ASCII "ZwCreatePrivateNamespace"
  4809. ASCII "ZwCreateProcess"
  4810. ASCII "ZwCreateProcessEx"
  4811. ASCII "ZwCreateProfile"
  4812. ASCII "ZwCreateProfileEx"
  4813. ASCII "ZwCreateResourceManager"
  4814. ASCII "ZwCreateSection"
  4815. ASCII "ZwCreateSemaphore"
  4816. ASCII "ZwCreateSymbolicLinkObject"
  4817. ASCII "ZwCreateThread"
  4818. ASCII "ZwCreateThreadEx"
  4819. ASCII "ZwCreateTimer2"
  4820. ASCII "ZwCreateTimer"
  4821. ASCII "ZwCreateToken"
  4822. ASCII "ZwCreateTokenEx"
  4823. ASCII "ZwCreateTransaction"
  4824. ASCII "ZwCreateTransactionManager"
  4825. ASCII "ZwCreateUserProcess"
  4826. ASCII "ZwCreateWaitCompletionPacket"
  4827. ASCII "ZwCreateWaitablePort"
  4828. ASCII "ZwCreateWnfStateName"
  4829. ASCII "ZwCreateWorkerFactory"
  4830. ASCII "ZwDebugActiveProcess"
  4831. ASCII "ZwDebugContinue"
  4832. ASCII "ZwDelayExecution"
  4833. ASCII "ZwDeleteAtom"
  4834. ASCII "ZwDeleteBootEntry"
  4835. ASCII "ZwDeleteDriverEntry"
  4836. ASCII "ZwDeleteFile"
  4837. ASCII "ZwDeleteKey"
  4838. ASCII "ZwDeleteObjectAuditAlarm"
  4839. ASCII "ZwDeletePrivateNamespace"
  4840. ASCII "ZwDeleteValueKey"
  4841. ASCII "ZwDeleteWnfStateData"
  4842. ASCII "ZwDeleteWnfStateName"
  4843. ASCII "ZwDeviceIoControlFile"
  4844. ASCII "ZwDisableLastKnownGood"
  4845. ASCII "ZwDisplayString"
  4846. ASCII "ZwDrawText"
  4847. ASCII "ZwDuplicateObject"
  4848. ASCII "ZwDuplicateToken"
  4849. ASCII "ZwEnableLastKnownGood"
  4850. ASCII "ZwEnumerateBootEntries"
  4851. ASCII "ZwEnumerateDriverEntries"
  4852. ASCII "ZwEnumerateKey"
  4853. ASCII "ZwEnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx"
  4854. ASCII "ZwEnumerateTransactionObject"
  4855. ASCII "ZwEnumerateValueKey"
  4856. ASCII "ZwExtendSection"
  4857. ASCII "ZwFilterBootOption"
  4858. ASCII "ZwFilterToken"
  4859. ASCII "ZwFilterTokenEx"
  4860. ASCII "ZwFindAtom"
  4861. ASCII "ZwFlushBuffersFile"
  4862. ASCII "ZwFlushBuffersFileEx"
  4863. ASCII "ZwFlushInstallUILanguage"
  4864. ASCII "ZwFlushInstructionCache"
  4865. ASCII "ZwFlushKey"
  4866. ASCII "ZwFlushProcessWriteBuffers"
  4867. ASCII "ZwFlushVirtualMemory"
  4868. ASCII "ZwFlushWriteBuffer"
  4869. ASCII "ZwFreeUserPhysicalPages"
  4870. ASCII "ZwFreeVirtualMemory"
  4871. ASCII "ZwFreezeRegistry"
  4872. ASCII "ZwFreezeTransactions"
  4873. ASCII "ZwFsControlFile"
  4874. ASCII "ZwGetCachedSigningLevel"
  4875. ASCII "ZwGetCompleteWnfStateSubscription"
  4876. ASCII "ZwGetContextThread"
  4877. ASCII "ZwGetCurrentProcessorNumber"
  4878. ASCII "ZwGetDevicePowerState"
  4879. ASCII "ZwGetMUIRegistryInfo"
  4880. ASCII "ZwGetNextProcess"
  4881. ASCII "ZwGetNextThread"
  4882. ASCII "ZwGetNlsSectionPtr"
  4883. ASCII "ZwGetNotificationResourceManager"
  4884. ASCII "ZwGetWriteWatch"
  4885. ASCII "ZwImpersonateAnonymousToken"
  4886. ASCII "ZwImpersonateClientOfPort"
  4887. ASCII "ZwImpersonateThread"
  4888. ASCII "ZwInitializeNlsFiles"
  4889. ASCII "ZwInitializeRegistry"
  4890. ASCII "ZwInitiatePowerAction"
  4891. ASCII "ZwIsProcessInJob"
  4892. ASCII "ZwIsSystemResumeAutomatic"
  4893. ASCII "ZwIsUILanguageComitted"
  4894. ASCII "ZwListenPort"
  4895. ASCII "ZwLoadDriver"
  4896. ASCII "ZwLoadKey2"
  4897. ASCII "ZwLoadKey"
  4898. ASCII "ZwLoadKeyEx"
  4899. ASCII "ZwLockFile"
  4900. ASCII "ZwLockProductActivationKeys"
  4901. ASCII "ZwLockRegistryKey"
  4902. ASCII "ZwLockVirtualMemory"
  4903. ASCII "ZwMakePermanentObject"
  4904. ASCII "ZwMakeTemporaryObject"
  4905. ASCII "ZwMapCMFModule"
  4906. ASCII "ZwMapUserPhysicalPages"
  4907. ASCII "ZwMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter"
  4908. ASCII "ZwMapViewOfSection"
  4909. ASCII "ZwModifyBootEntry"
  4910. ASCII "ZwModifyDriverEntry"
  4911. ASCII "ZwNotifyChangeDirectoryFile"
  4912. ASCII "ZwNotifyChangeKey"
  4913. ASCII "ZwNotifyChangeMultipleKeys"
  4914. ASCII "ZwNotifyChangeSession"
  4915. ASCII "ZwOpenDirectoryObject"
  4916. ASCII "ZwOpenEnlistment"
  4917. ASCII "ZwOpenEvent"
  4918. ASCII "ZwOpenEventPair"
  4919. ASCII "ZwOpenFile"
  4920. ASCII "ZwOpenIoCompletion"
  4921. ASCII "ZwOpenJobObject"
  4922. ASCII "ZwOpenKey"
  4923. ASCII "ZwOpenKeyEx"
  4924. ASCII "ZwOpenKeyTransacted"
  4925. ASCII "ZwOpenKeyTransactedEx"
  4926. ASCII "ZwOpenKeyedEvent"
  4927. ASCII "ZwOpenMutant"
  4928. ASCII "ZwOpenObjectAuditAlarm"
  4929. ASCII "ZwOpenPrivateNamespace"
  4930. ASCII "ZwOpenProcess"
  4931. ASCII "ZwOpenProcessToken"
  4932. ASCII "ZwOpenProcessTokenEx"
  4933. ASCII "ZwOpenResourceManager"
  4934. ASCII "ZwOpenSection"
  4935. ASCII "ZwOpenSemaphore"
  4936. ASCII "ZwOpenSession"
  4937. ASCII "ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject"
  4938. ASCII "ZwOpenThread"
  4939. ASCII "ZwOpenThreadToken"
  4940. ASCII "ZwOpenThreadTokenEx"
  4941. ASCII "ZwOpenTimer"
  4942. ASCII "ZwOpenTransaction"
  4943. ASCII "ZwOpenTransactionManager"
  4944. ASCII "ZwPlugPlayControl"
  4945. ASCII "ZwPowerInformation"
  4946. ASCII "ZwPrePrepareComplete"
  4947. ASCII "ZwPrePrepareEnlistment"
  4948. ASCII "ZwPrepareComplete"
  4949. ASCII "ZwPrepareEnlistment"
  4950. ASCII "ZwPrivilegeCheck"
  4951. ASCII "ZwPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm"
  4952. ASCII "ZwPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm"
  4953. ASCII "ZwPropagationComplete"
  4954. ASCII "ZwPropagationFailed"
  4955. ASCII "ZwProtectVirtualMemory"
  4956. ASCII "ZwPulseEvent"
  4957. ASCII "ZwQueryAttributesFile"
  4958. ASCII "ZwQueryBootEntryOrder"
  4959. ASCII "ZwQueryBootOptions"
  4960. ASCII "ZwQueryDebugFilterState"
  4961. ASCII "ZwQueryDefaultLocale"
  4962. ASCII "ZwQueryDefaultUILanguage"
  4963. ASCII "ZwQueryDirectoryFile"
  4964. ASCII "ZwQueryDirectoryObject"
  4965. ASCII "ZwQueryDriverEntryOrder"
  4966. ASCII "ZwQueryEaFile"
  4967. ASCII "ZwQueryEvent"
  4968. ASCII "ZwQueryFullAttributesFile"
  4969. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationAtom"
  4970. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationEnlistment"
  4971. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationFile"
  4972. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationJobObject"
  4973. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationPort"
  4974. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationProcess"
  4975. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationResourceManager"
  4976. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationThread"
  4977. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationToken"
  4978. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationTransaction"
  4979. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationTransactionManager"
  4980. ASCII "ZwQueryInformationWorkerFactory"
  4981. ASCII "ZwQueryInstallUILanguage"
  4982. ASCII "ZwQueryIntervalProfile"
  4983. ASCII "ZwQueryIoCompletion"
  4984. ASCII "ZwQueryKey"
  4985. ASCII "ZwQueryLicenseValue"
  4986. ASCII "ZwQueryMultipleValueKey"
  4987. ASCII "ZwQueryMutant"
  4988. ASCII "ZwQueryObject"
  4989. ASCII "ZwQueryOpenSubKeys"
  4990. ASCII "ZwQueryOpenSubKeysEx"
  4991. ASCII "ZwQueryPerformanceCounter"
  4992. ASCII "ZwQueryPortInformationProcess"
  4993. ASCII "ZwQueryQuotaInformationFile"
  4994. ASCII "ZwQuerySection"
  4995. ASCII "ZwQuerySecurityAttributesToken"
  4996. ASCII "ZwQuerySecurityObject"
  4997. ASCII "ZwQuerySemaphore"
  4998. ASCII "ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject"
  4999. ASCII "ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValue"
  5000. ASCII "ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx"
  5001. ASCII "ZwQuerySystemInformation"
  5002. ASCII "ZwQuerySystemInformationEx"
  5003. ASCII "ZwQuerySystemTime"
  5004. ASCII "ZwQueryTimer"
  5005. ASCII "ZwQueryTimerResolution"
  5006. ASCII "ZwQueryValueKey"
  5007. ASCII "ZwQueryVirtualMemory"
  5008. ASCII "ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile"
  5009. ASCII "ZwQueryWnfStateData"
  5010. ASCII "ZwQueryWnfStateNameInformation"
  5011. ASCII "ZwQueueApcThread"
  5012. ASCII "ZwQueueApcThreadEx"
  5013. ASCII "ZwRaiseException"
  5014. ASCII "ZwRaiseHardError"
  5015. ASCII "ZwReadFile"
  5016. ASCII "ZwReadFileScatter"
  5017. ASCII "ZwReadOnlyEnlistment"
  5018. ASCII "ZwReadRequestData"
  5019. ASCII "ZwReadVirtualMemory"
  5020. ASCII "ZwRecoverEnlistment"
  5021. ASCII "ZwRecoverResourceManager"
  5022. ASCII "ZwRecoverTransactionManager"
  5023. ASCII "ZwRegisterProtocolAddressInformation"
  5024. ASCII "ZwRegisterThreadTerminatePort"
  5025. ASCII "ZwReleaseKeyedEvent"
  5026. ASCII "ZwReleaseMutant"
  5027. ASCII "ZwReleaseSemaphore"
  5028. ASCII "ZwReleaseWorkerFactoryWorker"
  5029. ASCII "ZwRemoveIoCompletion"
  5030. ASCII "ZwRemoveIoCompletionEx"
  5031. ASCII "ZwRemoveProcessDebug"
  5032. ASCII "ZwRenameKey"
  5033. ASCII "ZwRenameTransactionManager"
  5034. ASCII "ZwReplaceKey"
  5035. ASCII "ZwReplacePartitionUnit"
  5036. ASCII "ZwReplyPort"
  5037. ASCII "ZwReplyWaitReceivePort"
  5038. ASCII "ZwReplyWaitReceivePortEx"
  5039. ASCII "ZwReplyWaitReplyPort"
  5040. ASCII "ZwRequestPort"
  5041. ASCII "ZwRequestWaitReplyPort"
  5042. ASCII "ZwResetEvent"
  5043. ASCII "ZwResetWriteWatch"
  5044. ASCII "ZwRestoreKey"
  5045. ASCII "ZwResumeProcess"
  5046. ASCII "ZwResumeThread"
  5047. ASCII "ZwRollbackComplete"
  5048. ASCII "ZwRollbackEnlistment"
  5049. ASCII "ZwRollbackTransaction"
  5050. ASCII "ZwRollforwardTransactionManager"
  5051. ASCII "ZwSaveKey"
  5052. ASCII "ZwSaveKeyEx"
  5053. ASCII "ZwSaveMergedKeys"
  5054. ASCII "ZwSecureConnectPort"
  5055. ASCII "ZwSerializeBoot"
  5056. ASCII "ZwSetBootEntryOrder"
  5057. ASCII "ZwSetBootOptions"
  5058. ASCII "ZwSetCachedSigningLevel"
  5059. ASCII "ZwSetContextThread"
  5060. ASCII "ZwSetDebugFilterState"
  5061. ASCII "ZwSetDefaultHardErrorPort"
  5062. ASCII "ZwSetDefaultLocale"
  5063. ASCII "ZwSetDefaultUILanguage"
  5064. ASCII "ZwSetDriverEntryOrder"
  5065. ASCII "ZwSetEaFile"
  5066. ASCII "ZwSetEvent"
  5067. ASCII "ZwSetEventBoostPriority"
  5068. ASCII "ZwSetHighEventPair"
  5069. ASCII "ZwSetHighWaitLowEventPair"
  5070. ASCII "ZwSetIRTimer"
  5071. ASCII "ZwSetInformationDebugObject"
  5072. ASCII "ZwSetInformationEnlistment"
  5073. ASCII "ZwSetInformationFile"
  5074. ASCII "ZwSetInformationJobObject"
  5075. ASCII "ZwSetInformationKey"
  5076. ASCII "ZwSetInformationObject"
  5077. ASCII "ZwSetInformationProcess"
  5078. ASCII "ZwSetInformationResourceManager"
  5079. ASCII "ZwSetInformationThread"
  5080. ASCII "ZwSetInformationToken"
  5081. ASCII "ZwSetInformationTransaction"
  5082. ASCII "ZwSetInformationTransactionManager"
  5083. ASCII "ZwSetInformationVirtualMemory"
  5084. ASCII "ZwSetInformationWorkerFactory"
  5085. ASCII "ZwSetIntervalProfile"
  5086. ASCII "ZwSetIoCompletion"
  5087. ASCII "ZwSetIoCompletionEx"
  5088. ASCII "ZwSetLdtEntries"
  5089. ASCII "ZwSetLowEventPair"
  5090. ASCII "ZwSetLowWaitHighEventPair"
  5091. ASCII "ZwSetQuotaInformationFile"
  5092. ASCII "ZwSetSecurityObject"
  5093. ASCII "ZwSetSystemEnvironmentValue"
  5094. ASCII "ZwSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx"
  5095. ASCII "ZwSetSystemInformation"
  5096. ASCII "ZwSetSystemPowerState"
  5097. ASCII "ZwSetSystemTime"
  5098. ASCII "ZwSetThreadExecutionState"
  5099. ASCII "ZwSetTimer2"
  5100. ASCII "ZwSetTimer"
  5101. ASCII "ZwSetTimerEx"
  5102. ASCII "ZwSetTimerResolution"
  5103. ASCII "ZwSetUuidSeed"
  5104. ASCII "ZwSetValueKey"
  5105. ASCII "ZwSetVolumeInformationFile"
  5106. ASCII "ZwSetWnfProcessNotificationEvent"
  5107. ASCII "ZwShutdownSystem"
  5108. ASCII "ZwShutdownWorkerFactory"
  5109. ASCII "ZwSignalAndWaitForSingleObject"
  5110. ASCII "ZwSinglePhaseReject"
  5111. ASCII "ZwStartProfile"
  5112. ASCII "ZwStopProfile"
  5113. ASCII "ZwSubscribeWnfStateChange"
  5114. ASCII "ZwSuspendProcess"
  5115. ASCII "ZwSuspendThread"
  5116. ASCII "ZwSystemDebugControl"
  5117. ASCII "ZwTerminateJobObject"
  5118. ASCII "ZwTerminateProcess"
  5119. ASCII "ZwTerminateThread"
  5120. ASCII "ZwTestAlert"
  5121. ASCII "ZwThawRegistry"
  5122. ASCII "ZwThawTransactions"
  5123. ASCII "ZwTraceControl"
  5124. ASCII "ZwTraceEvent"
  5125. ASCII "ZwTranslateFilePath"
  5126. ASCII "ZwUmsThreadYield"
  5127. ASCII "ZwUnloadDriver"
  5128. ASCII "ZwUnloadKey2"
  5129. ASCII "ZwUnloadKey"
  5130. ASCII "ZwUnloadKeyEx"
  5131. ASCII "ZwUnlockFile"
  5132. ASCII "ZwUnlockVirtualMemory"
  5133. ASCII "ZwUnmapViewOfSection"
  5134. ASCII "ZwUnmapViewOfSectionEx"
  5135. ASCII "ZwUnsubscribeWnfStateChange"
  5136. ASCII "ZwUpdateWnfStateData"
  5137. ASCII "ZwVdmControl"
  5138. ASCII "ZwWaitForAlertByThreadId"
  5139. ASCII "ZwWaitForDebugEvent"
  5140. ASCII "ZwWaitForKeyedEvent"
  5141. ASCII "ZwWaitForMultipleObjects32"
  5142. ASCII "ZwWaitForMultipleObjects"
  5143. ASCII "ZwWaitForSingleObject"
  5144. ASCII "ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory"
  5145. ASCII "ZwWaitHighEventPair"
  5146. ASCII "ZwWaitLowEventPair"
  5147. ASCII "ZwWorkerFactoryWorkerReady"
  5148. ASCII "ZwWriteFile"
  5149. ASCII "ZwWriteFileGather"
  5150. ASCII "ZwWriteRequestData"
  5151. ASCII "ZwWriteVirtualMemory"
  5152. ASCII "ZwYieldExecution"
  5153. ASCII "_CIcos"
  5154. ASCII "_CIlog"
  5155. ASCII "_CIpow"
  5156. ASCII "_CIsin"
  5157. ASCII "_CIsqrt"
  5158. ASCII "__isascii"
  5159. ASCII "__iscsym"
  5160. ASCII "__iscsymf"
  5161. ASCII "__toascii"
  5162. ASCII "_alldiv"
  5163. ASCII "_alldvrm"
  5164. ASCII "_allmul"
  5165. ASCII "_alloca_probe"
  5166. ASCII "_alloca_probe_16"
  5167. ASCII "_alloca_probe_8"
  5168. ASCII "_allrem"
  5169. ASCII "_allshl"
  5170. ASCII "_allshr"
  5171. ASCII "_atoi64"
  5172. ASCII "_aulldiv"
  5173. ASCII "_aulldvrm"
  5174. ASCII "_aullrem"
  5175. ASCII "_aullshr"
  5176. ASCII "_chkstk"
  5177. ASCII "_errno"
  5178. ASCII "_except_handler4_common"
  5179. ASCII "_fltused"
  5180. ASCII "_ftol"
  5181. ASCII "_ftol2"
  5182. ASCII "_ftol2_sse"
  5183. ASCII "_i64toa"
  5184. ASCII "_i64toa_s"
  5185. ASCII "_i64tow"
  5186. ASCII "_i64tow_s"
  5187. ASCII "_itoa"
  5188. ASCII "_itoa_s"
  5189. ASCII "_itow"
  5190. ASCII "_itow_s"
  5191. ASCII "_lfind"
  5192. ASCII "_local_unwind4"
  5193. ASCII "_ltoa"
  5194. ASCII "_ltoa_s"
  5195. ASCII "_ltow"
  5196. ASCII "_ltow_s"
  5197. ASCII "_makepath_s"
  5198. ASCII "_memccpy"
  5199. ASCII "_memicmp"
  5200. ASCII "_snprintf"
  5201. ASCII "_snprintf_s"
  5202. ASCII "_snscanf_s"
  5203. ASCII "_snwprintf"
  5204. ASCII "_snwprintf_s"
  5205. ASCII "_snwscanf_s"
  5206. ASCII "_splitpath"
  5207. ASCII "_splitpath_s"
  5208. ASCII "_strcmpi"
  5209. ASCII "_stricmp"
  5210. ASCII "_strlwr"
  5211. ASCII "_strlwr_s"
  5212. ASCII "_strnicmp"
  5213. ASCII "_strnset_s"
  5214. ASCII "_strset_s"
  5215. ASCII "_strupr"
  5216. ASCII "_strupr_s"
  5217. ASCII "_swprintf"
  5218. ASCII "_ui64toa"
  5219. ASCII "_ui64toa_s"
  5220. ASCII "_ui64tow"
  5221. ASCII "_ui64tow_s"
  5222. ASCII "_ultoa"
  5223. ASCII "_ultoa_s"
  5224. ASCII "_ultow"
  5225. ASCII "_ultow_s"
  5226. ASCII "_vscwprintf"
  5227. ASCII "_vsnprintf"
  5228. ASCII "_vsnprintf_s"
  5229. ASCII "_vsnwprintf"
  5230. ASCII "_vsnwprintf_s"
  5231. ASCII "_vswprintf"
  5232. ASCII "_wcsicmp"
  5233. ASCII "_wcslwr"
  5234. ASCII "_wcslwr_s"
  5235. ASCII "_wcsnicmp"
  5236. ASCII "_wcsnset_s"
  5237. ASCII "_wcsset_s"
  5238. ASCII "_wcstoi64"
  5239. ASCII "_wcstoui64"
  5240. ASCII "_wcsupr"
  5241. ASCII "_wcsupr_s"
  5242. ASCII "_wmakepath_s"
  5243. ASCII "_wsplitpath_s"
  5244. ASCII "_wtoi"
  5245. ASCII "_wtoi64"
  5246. ASCII "_wtol"
  5247. ASCII "abs"
  5248. ASCII "atan"
  5249. ASCII "atoi"
  5250. ASCII "atol"
  5251. ASCII "bsearch"
  5252. ASCII "ceil"
  5253. ASCII "cos"
  5254. ASCII "fabs"
  5255. ASCII "floor"
  5256. ASCII "isalnum"
  5257. ASCII "isalpha"
  5258. ASCII "iscntrl"
  5259. ASCII "isdigit"
  5260. ASCII "isgraph"
  5261. ASCII "islower"
  5262. ASCII "isprint"
  5263. ASCII "ispunct"
  5264. ASCII "isspace"
  5265. ASCII "isupper"
  5266. ASCII "iswalnum"
  5267. ASCII "iswalpha"
  5268. ASCII "iswascii"
  5269. ASCII "iswctype"
  5270. ASCII "iswdigit"
  5271. ASCII "iswgraph"
  5272. ASCII "iswlower"
  5273. ASCII "iswprint"
  5274. ASCII "iswspace"
  5275. ASCII "iswxdigit"
  5276. ASCII "isxdigit"
  5277. ASCII "labs"
  5278. ASCII "log"
  5279. ASCII "mbstowcs"
  5280. ASCII "memchr"
  5281. ASCII "memcmp"
  5282. ASCII "memcpy"
  5283. ASCII "memcpy_s"
  5284. ASCII "memmove"
  5285. ASCII "memmove_s"
  5286. ASCII "memset"
  5287. ASCII "pow"
  5288. ASCII "qsort"
  5289. ASCII "qsort_s"
  5290. ASCII "sin"
  5291. ASCII "sprintf"
  5292. ASCII "sprintf_s"
  5293. ASCII "sqrt"
  5294. ASCII "sscanf"
  5295. ASCII "sscanf_s"
  5296. ASCII "strcat"
  5297. ASCII "strcat_s"
  5298. ASCII "strchr"
  5299. ASCII "strcmp"
  5300. ASCII "strcpy"
  5301. ASCII "strcpy_s"
  5302. ASCII "strcspn"
  5303. ASCII "strlen"
  5304. ASCII "strncat"
  5305. ASCII "strncat_s"
  5306. ASCII "strncmp"
  5307. ASCII "strncpy"
  5308. ASCII "strncpy_s"
  5309. ASCII "strnlen"
  5310. ASCII "strpbrk"
  5311. ASCII "strrchr"
  5312. ASCII "strspn"
  5313. ASCII "strstr"
  5314. ASCII "strtok_s"
  5315. ASCII "strtol"
  5316. ASCII "strtoul"
  5317. ASCII "swprintf"
  5318. ASCII "swprintf_s"
  5319. ASCII "swscanf_s"
  5320. ASCII "tan"
  5321. ASCII "tolower"
  5322. ASCII "toupper"
  5323. ASCII "towlower"
  5324. ASCII "towupper"
  5325. ASCII "vDbgPrintEx"
  5326. ASCII "vDbgPrintExWithPrefix"
  5327. ASCII "vsprintf"
  5328. ASCII "vsprintf_s"
  5329. ASCII "vswprintf_s"
  5330. ASCII "wcscat"
  5331. ASCII "wcscat_s"
  5332. ASCII "wcschr"
  5333. ASCII "wcscmp"
  5334. ASCII "wcscpy"
  5335. ASCII "wcscpy_s"
  5336. ASCII "wcscspn"
  5337. ASCII "wcslen"
  5338. ASCII "wcsncat"
  5339. ASCII "wcsncat_s"
  5340. ASCII "wcsncmp"
  5341. ASCII "wcsncpy"
  5342. ASCII "wcsncpy_s"
  5343. ASCII "wcsnlen"
  5344. ASCII "wcspbrk"
  5345. ASCII "wcsrchr"
  5346. ASCII "wcsspn"
  5347. ASCII "wcsstr"
  5348. ASCII "wcstok_s"
  5349. ASCII "wcstol"
  5350. ASCII "wcstombs"
  5351. [/CODE]
  5354. FAKECCLEANER.exe
  5355. [CODE]
  5356. Search - Text strings referenced in FAKECCLEANER
  5358. ASCII "bad locale name"
  5359. ASCII "ios_base::badbit set"
  5360. ASCII "ios_base::failbit set"
  5361. ASCII "ios_base::eofbit set"
  5362. UNICODE "cmd.exe /C ping -n 1 -w %d > Nul & %s %s"
  5363. UNICODE "Del"
  5364. ASCII "@="
  5365. ASCII "c pp "
  5366. ASCII "s h i "
  5367. ASCII "c p "
  5368. ASCII "w s o "
  5369. ASCII "g e c "
  5370. ASCII "@="
  5371. ASCII "p="
  5372. ASCII "`<"
  5373. UNICODE "wb"
  5374. ASCII "p="
  5375. ASCII "`<"
  5376. ASCII "`<"
  5377. ASCII "p="
  5378. ASCII "`<"
  5379. ASCII "invalid string position"
  5380. ASCII "string too long"
  5381. ASCII "invalid string position"
  5382. ASCII "`<"
  5383. ASCII "p="
  5384. ASCII "string too long"
  5385. ASCII "string too long"
  5386. ASCII "invalid string position"
  5387. ASCII "string too long"
  5388. ASCII "invalid string position"
  5389. ASCII "string too long"
  5390. ASCII "string too long"
  5391. ASCII "invalid string position"
  5392. ASCII "bad cast"
  5393. ASCII "invalid string position"
  5394. ASCII "string too long"
  5395. ASCII "string too long"
  5396. ASCII "string too long"
  5397. ASCII "string too long"
  5398. ASCII "string too long"
  5399. ASCII "string too long"
  5400. ASCII "invalid string position"
  5401. ASCII "string too long"
  5402. ASCII "string too long"
  5403. ASCII "\\.\VBoxMiniRdrDN"
  5404. ASCII "%s:%s"
  5405. ASCII "http://%s:%s"
  5406. ASCII "realloc() failed
  5407. "
  5408. ASCII "send"
  5409. ASCII "submit"
  5410. ASCII "Expect:"
  5411. ASCII "TRUE"
  5412. ASCII "FALSE"
  5413. ASCII "TRUE"
  5414. ASCII "FALSE"
  5415. ASCII "%lu "
  5416. ASCII "/gtk"
  5417. UNICODE "InstallDate"
  5418. UNICODE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  5419. ASCII "%lu"
  5420. ASCII "P@$sw0rD$nd"
  5421. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5422. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5423. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5424. ASCII "/feedback"
  5425. ASCII "P@$sw0rD$nd"
  5426. ASCII "value"
  5427. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5428. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5429. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5430. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5431. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5432. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5433. ASCII "P@$sw0rD$nd"
  5434. ASCII "$t@k0v2rF10w"
  5435. ASCII "P@$sw0rD$nd"
  5436. ASCII "P@$sw0rD$nd"
  5437. ASCII "FN_cn"
  5438. ASCII "cn"
  5439. ASCII "FN_un"
  5440. ASCII "un"
  5441. ASCII "FN_av"
  5442. ASCII "av"
  5443. ASCII "FN_os"
  5444. ASCII "os"
  5445. ASCII "FN_gd"
  5446. ASCII "gd"
  5447. ASCII "FN_nn"
  5448. ASCII "nn"
  5449. ASCII "FN_joha"
  5450. ASCII "joha"
  5451. ASCII "FN_gid"
  5452. ASCII "gid"
  5453. ASCII "FN_sd"
  5454. ASCII "sd"
  5455. ASCII "P@$sw0rD$nd"
  5456. UNICODE "Heap terminate-on-corruption has been enabled.
  5457. "
  5458. UNICODE "Failed to enable heap terminate-on-corruption with LastError %d.
  5459. "
  5460. UNICODE "|*|123xXx(Mutex)xXx321|*|6-21-2014-03:06PM"
  5461. UNICODE "|*|123xXx(Mutex)xXx321|*|6-21-2014-03:06PM"
  5462. ASCII "EncryptorFunctionPointer %d"
  5463. ASCII "DnsFlushResolverCache"
  5464. UNICODE "dnsapi.dll"
  5465. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5466. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5467. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5468. UNICODE "/C "
  5469. ASCII "string too long"
  5470. ASCII "string too long"
  5471. ASCII "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"
  5472. ASCII "ProxyEnable"
  5473. ASCII "ProxyServer"
  5474. ASCII "delay"
  5475. ASCII "tols"
  5476. ASCII "img"
  5477. ASCII "cms"
  5478. ASCII "qlt"
  5479. ASCII "wth"
  5480. ASCII "id"
  5481. ASCII "action"
  5482. ASCII "url"
  5483. ASCII "md5"
  5484. ASCII "location"
  5485. ASCII "cmi"
  5486. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5487. ASCII "cmt"
  5488. ASCII "cmp"
  5489. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5490. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5491. ASCII "vector<T> too long"
  5492. ASCII "Unexpected EOF in string (at %d:%d)"
  5493. ASCII "Invalid character value `%c` (at %d:%d)"
  5494. ASCII "Invalid character value `%c` (at %d:%d)"
  5495. ASCII "%d:%d: Unexpected EOF in block comment"
  5496. ASCII "%d:%d: Comment not allowed here"
  5497. ASCII "%d:%d: EOF unexpected"
  5498. ASCII "%d:%d: Unexpected `%c` in comment opening sequence"
  5499. ASCII "%d:%d: Trailing garbage: `%c`"
  5500. ASCII "%d:%d: Unexpected ]"
  5501. ASCII "%d:%d: Expected , before %c"
  5502. ASCII "%d:%d: Expected : before %c"
  5503. ASCII "%d:%d: Unknown value"
  5504. ASCII "%d:%d: Unexpected %c when seeking value"
  5505. ASCII "Memory allocation failure"
  5506. ASCII "%d:%d: Unexpected `0` before `%c`"
  5507. ASCII "%d:%d: Expected digit before `.`"
  5508. ASCII "%d:%d: Expected digit after `.`"
  5509. ASCII "%d:%d: Expected digit after `e`"
  5510. ASCII "%d:%d: Expected , before ""
  5511. ASCII "%d:%d: Too long (caught overflow)"
  5512. ASCII "%d:%d: Unexpected `%c` in object"
  5513. ASCII "Could not open file mapping object (%d).
  5514. "
  5515. ASCII "-1"
  5516. ASCII "Could not map view of file (%d).
  5517. "
  5518. ASCII "-2"
  5519. ASCII "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
  5520. ASCII "%s\%s.lnk"
  5521. ASCII "Config"
  5522. ASCII "AppData"
  5523. ASCII "aes"
  5524. ASCII "!@#$%^&*()_+1234567890-="
  5525. ASCII ".exe"
  5526. ASCII "%s%s%s%s"
  5527. ASCII "rb"
  5528. ASCII "wb"
  5529. ASCII "%02X"
  5530. ASCII "0000000000000000"
  5531. UNICODE "image/jpeg"
  5533. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\rapidjson.h"
  5534. UNICODE "((uintptr_t)buffer & 3) == 0"
  5535. ASCII "cmi"
  5536. ASCII "cmi"
  5537. ASCII "cmi"
  5538. ASCII "status"
  5539. ASCII "status"
  5540. ASCII "status"
  5541. ASCII "out"
  5542. ASCII "out"
  5543. ASCII "out"
  5544. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\rapidjson.h"
  5545. UNICODE "((uintptr_t)buffer & 3) == 0"
  5546. ASCII "newName"
  5547. ASCII "newName"
  5548. ASCII "newName"
  5549. ASCII "id"
  5550. ASCII "id"
  5551. ASCII "id"
  5552. ASCII "status"
  5553. ASCII "status"
  5554. ASCII "status"
  5555. ASCII "tols"
  5556. ASCII "tols"
  5557. ASCII "tols"
  5558. ASCII "cms"
  5559. ASCII "cms"
  5560. ASCII "cms"
  5561. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5562. UNICODE "GetSize() >= count * sizeof(T)"
  5563. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/document.h"
  5564. UNICODE "IsArray()"
  5565. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/document.h"
  5566. UNICODE "IsArray()"
  5567. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5568. UNICODE "stack_capacity_ > 0"
  5569. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/document.h"
  5570. UNICODE "IsObject()"
  5571. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/document.h"
  5572. UNICODE "name.IsString()"
  5573. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\rapidjson.h"
  5574. UNICODE "((uintptr_t)buffer & 3) == 0"
  5575. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\rapidjson.h"
  5576. UNICODE "((uintptr_t)originalPtr & 3) == 0"
  5577. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\rapidjson.h"
  5578. UNICODE "newBuffer != 0"
  5579. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5580. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5581. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5582. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5583. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5584. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5585. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5586. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5587. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5588. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5589. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5590. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5591. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5592. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5593. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5594. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5595. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5596. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5597. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5598. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5599. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5600. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5601. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5602. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5603. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5604. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5605. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5606. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5607. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5608. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5609. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5610. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5611. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5612. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5613. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5614. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5615. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5616. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5617. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5618. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5619. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5620. UNICODE "Base::level_stack_.GetSize() >= sizeof(typename Base::Level)"
  5621. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5622. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5623. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5624. UNICODE "!Base::level_stack_.template Top<typename Base::Level>()->inArray"
  5625. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5626. UNICODE "GetSize() >= count * sizeof(T)"
  5627. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5628. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5629. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5630. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5631. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5632. UNICODE "Base::level_stack_.GetSize() >= sizeof(typename Base::Level)"
  5633. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5634. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5635. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5636. UNICODE "Base::level_stack_.template Top<typename Base::Level>()->inArray"
  5637. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5638. UNICODE "GetSize() >= count * sizeof(T)"
  5639. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\internal/stack.h"
  5640. UNICODE "GetSize() >= sizeof(T)"
  5641. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5642. UNICODE "type == kStringType"
  5643. UNICODE "D:\Acms\2\docs\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DownloadExcute\DownloadExcute\DownExecute\json\rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
  5644. UNICODE "type == kObjectType || type == kArrayType"
  5645. ASCII "%g"
  5646. UNICODE "d:\acms\2\docs\visual studio 2013\projects\downloadexcute\downloadexcute\downexecute\json\rapidjson\writer.h"
  5647. UNICODE "ret >= 1"
  5648. ASCII "%ProgramW6432%"
  5649. ASCII "\*.*"
  5650. ASCII "%s , %s"
  5651. ASCII "%s"
  5652. ASCII "avira"
  5653. ASCII "avast"
  5654. ASCII "avg"
  5655. ASCII "eset"
  5656. ASCII "kaspersky"
  5657. ASCII "alwil"
  5658. ASCII "onecare"
  5659. ASCII "security"
  5660. ASCII "mcafee"
  5661. ASCII "symantec"
  5662. ASCII "norton"
  5663. ASCII "defender"
  5664. ASCII "bitdefender"
  5665. ASCII "%04X%04X"
  5666. UNICODE "c:\"
  5667. ASCII "%X"
  5668. ASCII "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X"
  5669. ASCII "Mac:%s-Cpu:%s-HD:%s"
  5670. ASCII "IsWow64Process"
  5671. ASCII "kernel32"
  5672. ASCII "GetProductInfo"
  5673. UNICODE "kernel32.dll"
  5674. ASCII "win 8.1"
  5675. ASCII "win Server 2012 R2"
  5676. ASCII "win 8"
  5677. ASCII "win Srv 2012"
  5678. ASCII "win 7"
  5679. ASCII "win srv 2008 R2"
  5680. ASCII "win srv 2008"
  5681. ASCII "win vsta"
  5682. ASCII "win srv 2003 R2"
  5683. ASCII "win hm srv"
  5684. ASCII "win Strg srv 2003"
  5685. ASCII "win srv 2003"
  5686. ASCII "win XP prof x64 edt"
  5687. ASCII "win XP"
  5688. ASCII "win 2000"
  5689. ASCII "<Win Name Error>"
  5690. ASCII "Datacenter Edition"
  5691. ASCII "Enterprise Edition"
  5692. ASCII "Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems"
  5693. ASCII "Standard Edition"
  5694. ASCII "ult edt"
  5695. ASCII "prof"
  5696. ASCII "Hm Prm Edt"
  5697. ASCII "hm bsic edt"
  5698. ASCII "entr edt"
  5699. ASCII "bus edt"
  5700. ASCII "Starter Edition"
  5701. ASCII "Cluster Server Edition"
  5702. ASCII "Datacenter Edition (core installation)"
  5703. ASCII "Enterprise Edition (core installation)"
  5704. ASCII "Small Business Server"
  5705. ASCII "Small Business Server Premium Edition"
  5706. ASCII "Standard Edition (core installation)"
  5707. ASCII "Web Server Edition"
  5708. ASCII "Datacenter Edition for Itanium-based Systems"
  5709. ASCII "Datacenter x64 Edition"
  5710. ASCII "Enterprise x64 Edition"
  5711. ASCII "Standard x64 Edition"
  5712. ASCII "Compute Cluster Edition"
  5713. ASCII "Web Edition"
  5714. ASCII "Home Edition"
  5715. ASCII "Professional"
  5716. ASCII "Datacenter Server"
  5717. ASCII "Advanced Server"
  5718. ASCII "Server"
  5719. ASCII "Arm"
  5720. ASCII "Intel"
  5721. ASCII "64-bit"
  5722. ASCII "32-bit"
  5723. ASCII "%s %s %s (build %d) %s %s"
  5724. ASCII "<Win Get Version Info Name Error>"
  5725. ASCII "easy handle already used in multi handle"
  5726. ASCII "Internal error clearing splay node = %d
  5727. "
  5728. ASCII "Internal error removing splay node = %d
  5729. "
  5730. ASCII "Curl_poll(%d ds, %d ms)
  5731. "
  5732. ASCII "Pipe broke: handle 0x%p, url = %s
  5733. "
  5734. ASCII "In state %d with no easy_conn, bail out!
  5735. "
  5736. ASCII "Resolving timed out after %ld milliseconds"
  5737. ASCII "Connection timed out after %ld milliseconds"
  5738. ASCII "Operation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %I64d out of %I64d bytes received"
  5739. ASCII "Operation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %I64d bytes received"
  5740. ASCII "Hostname was found in DNS cache
  5741. "
  5742. ASCII "Hostname in DNS cache was stale, zapped
  5743. "
  5744. ASCII "application/octet-stream"
  5745. ASCII "; filename="%s""
  5746. ASCII "rb"
  5747. ASCII "------------------------%08x%08x"
  5748. ASCII "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"
  5749. ASCII "%s; boundary=%s
  5750. "
  5751. ASCII "
  5752. "
  5753. ASCII "--%s
  5754. "
  5755. ASCII "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""
  5756. ASCII "
  5757. Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=%s
  5758. "
  5759. ASCII "
  5760. --%s
  5761. Content-Disposition: attachment"
  5762. ASCII "
  5763. Content-Type: %s"
  5764. ASCII "
  5765. %s"
  5766. ASCII "
  5767. "
  5768. ASCII "rb"
  5769. ASCII "couldn't open file "%s""
  5770. ASCII "
  5771. --%s--"
  5772. ASCII "
  5773. --%s--
  5774. "
  5775. ASCII "security.dll"
  5776. ASCII "secur32.dll"
  5777. ASCII "InitSecurityInterfaceA"
  5778. ASCII "%d"
  5779. ASCII "proxy"
  5780. ASCII "host"
  5781. ASCII "Could not resolve %s: %s"
  5782. ASCII "%d"
  5783. ASCII "init_resolve_thread() failed for %s; %s
  5784. "
  5785. ASCII "getaddrinfo() failed for %s:%d; %s
  5786. "
  5787. ASCII "WARNING: Using weak random seed
  5788. "
  5789. ASCII "%s:%d"
  5790. ASCII "NOT "
  5791. ASCII "Hostname was %sfound in DNS cache
  5792. "
  5793. ASCII "Hostname in DNS cache was stale, zapped
  5794. "
  5795. ASCII "%255[^:]:%d:%255s"
  5796. ASCII "Resolve %s found illegal!
  5797. "
  5798. ASCII "Added %s:%d:%s to DNS cache
  5799. "
  5800. ASCII "rcmd"
  5801. ASCII "Connected to %s (%s) port %ld (#%ld)
  5802. "
  5803. ASCII "Failed to convert %s to ACE;
  5804. "
  5805. ASCII "Protocol "%s" not supported or disabled in libcurl"
  5806. ASCII "%I64u-"
  5807. ASCII ", "
  5808. ASCII ", "
  5809. ASCII "no_proxy"
  5810. ASCII "NO_PROXY"
  5811. ASCII "_proxy"
  5812. ASCII "http_proxy"
  5813. ASCII "all_proxy"
  5815. ASCII "[%*45[0123456789abcdefABCDEF:.]%c"
  5816. ASCII ";type=%c"
  5817. ASCII "%s://%s%s%s:%hu%s%s%s"
  5818. ASCII "Port number out of range"
  5819. ASCII "Couldn't find host %s in the _netrc file; using defaults
  5820. "
  5821. ASCII "anonymous"
  5822. ASCII ""
  5823. ASCII "Couldn't resolve proxy '%s'"
  5824. ASCII "Couldn't resolve host '%s'"
  5825. ASCII "User-Agent: %s
  5826. "
  5827. ASCII "CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!"
  5828. ASCII "identity"
  5829. ASCII "ALL"
  5830. ASCII "SESS"
  5831. ASCII "FLUSH"
  5832. ASCII "RELOAD"
  5833. ASCII "Set-Cookie:"
  5834. ASCII "Set-Cookie:"
  5835. ASCII "Closing connection %ld
  5836. "
  5837. ASCII "Connection %ld seems to be dead!
  5838. "
  5839. ASCII "Found bundle for host %s: %p
  5840. "
  5841. ASCII "Server doesn't support pipelining
  5842. "
  5843. ASCII "Connection #%ld is still name resolving, can't reuse
  5844. "
  5845. ASCII "Connection #%ld isn't open enough, can't reuse
  5846. "
  5847. ASCII "Connection cache is full, closing the oldest one.
  5848. "
  5849. ASCII "://"
  5850. ASCII "socks5h"
  5851. ASCII "socks5h"
  5852. ASCII "socks5"
  5853. ASCII "socks5"
  5854. ASCII "socks4a"
  5855. ASCII "socks4a"
  5856. ASCII "socks4"
  5857. ASCII "socks4"
  5858. ASCII "socks"
  5859. ASCII "socks"
  5860. ASCII "%25"
  5861. ASCII "Please URL encode %% as %%25, see RFC 6874.
  5862. "
  5863. ASCII "Invalid IPv6 address format
  5864. "
  5865. ASCII "Connection #%ld to host %s left intact
  5866. "
  5867. ASCII "%15[^:]:%[^
  5868. ]"
  5869. ASCII "file"
  5870. ASCII "file"
  5871. ASCII "%15[^
  5872. :]://%[^
  5873. /?]%[^
  5874. ]"
  5875. ASCII "%[^
  5876. /?]%[^
  5877. ]"
  5878. ASCII "<url> malformed"
  5879. ASCII "FTP."
  5880. ASCII "FTP."
  5881. ASCII "ftp"
  5882. ASCII "DICT."
  5883. ASCII "DICT."
  5884. ASCII "DICT"
  5885. ASCII "LDAP."
  5886. ASCII "LDAP."
  5887. ASCII "LDAP"
  5888. ASCII "IMAP."
  5889. ASCII "IMAP."
  5890. ASCII "IMAP"
  5891. ASCII "SMTP."
  5892. ASCII "SMTP."
  5893. ASCII "smtp"
  5894. ASCII "POP3."
  5895. ASCII "POP3."
  5896. ASCII "pop3"
  5897. ASCII "http"
  5898. ASCII "://"
  5899. ASCII "Rebuilt URL to: %s
  5900. "
  5901. ASCII "%25"
  5902. ASCII "Please URL encode %% as %%25, see RFC 6874.
  5903. "
  5904. ASCII "Invalid IPv6 address format
  5905. "
  5906. ASCII "%s://%s"
  5907. ASCII "memory shortage"
  5908. ASCII "Found connection %ld, with requests in the pipe (%zu)
  5909. "
  5910. ASCII "We can reuse, but we want a new connection anyway
  5911. "
  5912. ASCII "Re-using existing connection! (#%ld) with host %s
  5913. "
  5914. ASCII "No connections available.
  5915. "
  5916. ASCII "NTLM picked AND auth done set, clear picked!
  5917. "
  5918. ASCII "NTLM-proxy picked AND auth done set, clear picked!
  5919. "
  5920. ASCII "* "
  5921. ASCII "Data"
  5922. ASCII "Header"
  5923. ASCII "to"
  5924. ASCII "Header"
  5925. ASCII "from"
  5926. ASCII "[%s %s %s]"
  5927. ASCII "%s"
  5928. ASCII "Send failure: %s"
  5929. ASCII "Recv failure: %s"
  5930. ASCII "Write callback asked for PAUSE when not supported!"
  5931. ASCII "Failed writing body (%zu != %zu)"
  5932. ASCII "Failed writing header"
  5933. ASCII "%1023[^;
  5934. =]=%4999[^;
  5935. ]"
  5936. ASCII "secure"
  5937. ASCII "httponly"
  5938. ASCII "path"
  5939. ASCII "domain"
  5940. ASCII "skipped cookie with bad tailmatch domain: %s
  5941. "
  5942. ASCII "version"
  5943. ASCII "max-age"
  5944. ASCII "expires"
  5945. ASCII "#HttpOnly_"
  5946. ASCII "TRUE"
  5947. ASCII "FALSE"
  5948. ASCII "TRUE"
  5949. ASCII "TRUE"
  5950. ASCII "Replaced"
  5951. ASCII "Added"
  5952. ASCII "%s cookie %s="%s" for domain %s, path %s, expire %I64d
  5953. "
  5954. ASCII "none"
  5955. ASCII "Set-Cookie:"
  5956. ASCII "Set-Cookie:"
  5957. ASCII "TRUE"
  5958. ASCII "FALSE"
  5959. ASCII "unknown"
  5960. ASCII "#HttpOnly_"
  5961. ASCII "%s%s%s %s %s %s %I64d %s %s"
  5962. ASCII "# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
  5963. #
  5964. # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
  5965. "
  5966. ASCII "%s
  5967. "
  5968. ASCII "#
  5969. # Fatal libcurl error
  5970. "
  5971. ASCII "WARNING: failed to save cookies in %s
  5972. "
  5973. ASCII "Failed to set SO_KEEPALIVE on fd %d
  5974. "
  5975. ASCII "Failed to set SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS on fd %d: %d
  5976. "
  5977. ASCII "Local Interface %s is ip %s using address family %i
  5978. "
  5979. ASCII "Couldn't bind to interface '%s'"
  5980. ASCII "Name '%s' family %i resolved to '%s' family %i
  5981. "
  5982. ASCII "Couldn't bind to '%s'"
  5983. ASCII "Bind to local port %hu failed, trying next
  5984. "
  5985. ASCII "getsockname() failed with errno %d: %s"
  5986. ASCII "Local port: %hu
  5987. "
  5988. ASCII "bind failed with errno %d: %s"
  5989. ASCII "getpeername() failed with errno %d: %s"
  5990. ASCII "getsockname() failed with errno %d: %s"
  5991. ASCII "ssrem inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %s"
  5992. ASCII "ssloc inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %s"
  5993. ASCII "Could not set TCP_NODELAY: %s
  5994. "
  5995. ASCII "TCP_NODELAY set
  5996. "
  5997. ASCII "sa_addr inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %s"
  5998. ASCII " Trying %s...
  5999. "
  6000. ASCII "Immediate connect fail for %s: %s
  6001. "
  6002. ASCII "Connection time-out"
  6003. ASCII "Connection time-out"
  6004. ASCII "After %ldms connect time, move on!
  6005. "
  6006. ASCII "Connection failed
  6007. "
  6008. ASCII "connect to %s port %ld failed: %s
  6009. "
  6010. ASCII "Failed to connect to %s port %ld: %s"
  6011. ASCII "operation aborted by callback"
  6012. ASCII "Read callback asked for PAUSE when not supported!"
  6013. ASCII "read function returned funny value"
  6014. ASCII "
  6015. "
  6016. ASCII "%x%s"
  6017. ASCII "seek callback returned error %d"
  6018. ASCII "the ioctl callback returned %d
  6019. "
  6020. ASCII "ioctl callback returned error %d"
  6021. ASCII "necessary data rewind wasn't possible"
  6022. ASCII "The requested document is not new enough
  6023. "
  6024. ASCII "The requested document is not old enough
  6025. "
  6026. ASCII "Ignoring the response-body
  6027. "
  6028. ASCII "Leftovers after chunking: %zu bytes
  6029. "
  6030. ASCII "Rewinding %zu bytes
  6031. "
  6032. ASCII "Rewinding stream by : %zu bytes on url %s (size = %I64d, maxdownload = %I64d, bytecount = %I64d, nread = %zd)
  6033. "
  6034. ASCII "Excess found in a non pipelined read: excess = %zu, size = %I64d, maxdownload = %I64d, bytecount = %I64d
  6035. "
  6036. ASCII "Rewinding stream by : %zd bytes on url %s (zero-length body)
  6037. "
  6038. ASCII "Excess found in a non pipelined read: excess = %zd url = %s (zero-length body)
  6039. "
  6040. ASCII "The entire document is already downloaded"
  6041. ASCII "HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume."
  6042. ASCII "Simulate a HTTP 304 response!
  6043. "
  6044. ASCII "Failed writing data"
  6045. ASCII "%s in chunked-encoding"
  6046. ASCII "we are done reading and this is set to close, stop send
  6047. "
  6048. ASCII "Failed to alloc scratch buffer!"
  6049. ASCII "We are completely uploaded and fine
  6050. "
  6051. ASCII "select/poll returned error"
  6052. ASCII "Done waiting for 100-continue
  6053. "
  6054. ASCII "Operation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %I64d out of %I64d bytes received"
  6055. ASCII "Operation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %I64d bytes received"
  6056. ASCII "transfer closed with %I64d bytes remaining to read"
  6057. ASCII "transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining"
  6058. ASCII "No URL set!"
  6059. ASCII "%15[^?&/:]://%c"
  6060. ASCII "//"
  6061. ASCII "Maximum (%ld) redirects followed"
  6062. ASCII "Issue another request to this URL: '%s'
  6063. "
  6064. ASCII "HEAD"
  6065. ASCII "GET"
  6066. ASCII "Disables POST, goes with %s
  6067. "
  6068. ASCII "Switch from POST to GET
  6069. "
  6070. ASCII "Re-used connection seems dead, get a new one
  6071. "
  6072. ASCII "Connection died, retrying a fresh connect
  6073. "
  6074. ASCII "TRUE"
  6075. ASCII "FALSE"
  6076. ASCII "Conn: %ld (%p) Receive pipe weight: (%I64d/%zu), penalized: %s
  6077. "
  6078. ASCII "Site %s:%d is pipeline blacklisted
  6079. "
  6080. ASCII "Server %s is blacklisted
  6081. "
  6082. ASCII "Operation too slow. Less than %ld bytes/sec transferred the last %ld seconds"
  6083. ASCII "--:--:--"
  6084. ASCII "%2I64d:%02I64d:%02I64d"
  6085. ASCII "%3I64dd %02I64dh"
  6086. ASCII "%7I64dd"
  6087. ASCII "%5I64d"
  6088. ASCII "%4I64dk"
  6089. ASCII "%2I64d.%0I64dM"
  6090. ASCII "%4I64dM"
  6091. ASCII "%2I64d.%0I64dG"
  6092. ASCII "%4I64dG"
  6093. ASCII "%4I64dT"
  6094. ASCII "%4I64dP"
  6095. ASCII "Callback aborted"
  6096. ASCII "** Resuming transfer from byte position %I64d
  6097. "
  6098. ASCII " %% Total %% Received %% Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
  6099. Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
  6100. "
  6101. ASCII "%3I64d %s %3I64d %s %3I64d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s"
  6102. ASCII "%s:%s"
  6103. ASCII "Proxy-"
  6104. ASCII "%sAuthorization: Basic %s
  6105. "
  6106. ASCII "NTLM send, close instead of sending %I64d bytes
  6107. "
  6108. ASCII "Rewind stream after send
  6109. "
  6110. ASCII "Negotiate"
  6111. ASCII "NTLM"
  6112. ASCII "Digest"
  6113. ASCII "Proxy-authorization:"
  6114. ASCII "Basic"
  6115. ASCII "Authorization:"
  6116. ASCII "Proxy"
  6117. ASCII "Server"
  6118. ASCII "%s auth using %s with user '%s'
  6119. "
  6120. ASCII "Negotiate"
  6121. ASCII "Negotiate"
  6122. ASCII "NTLM"
  6123. ASCII "NTLM"
  6124. ASCII "Digest"
  6125. ASCII "Digest"
  6126. ASCII "Ignoring duplicate digest auth header.
  6127. "
  6128. ASCII "Basic"
  6129. ASCII "Basic"
  6130. ASCII "Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
  6131. "
  6132. ASCII "Empty reply from server"
  6133. ASCII "HTTP/"
  6134. ASCII "HTTP/"
  6135. ASCII "RTSP/"
  6136. ASCII "RTSP/"
  6137. ASCII "Avoided giant realloc for header (max is %d)!"
  6138. ASCII "Failed to alloc memory for big header!"
  6139. ASCII "HTTP"
  6140. ASCII "The requested URL returned error: %s"
  6141. ASCII "The requested URL returned error: %d"
  6142. ASCII "The requested URL returned error: %d"
  6143. ASCII "Expect:"
  6144. ASCII "Expect:"
  6145. ASCII "100-continue"
  6146. ASCII "Expect: 100-continue
  6147. "
  6148. ASCII "%s
  6149. "
  6150. ASCII "Host:"
  6151. ASCII "Host:"
  6152. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6153. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6154. ASCII "Content-Length"
  6155. ASCII "Content-Length"
  6156. ASCII "Connection"
  6157. ASCII "Connection"
  6158. ASCII "Invalid TIMEVALUE"
  6159. ASCII "%s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT"
  6160. ASCII "If-Modified-Since: %s
  6161. "
  6162. ASCII "Last-Modified: %s
  6163. "
  6164. ASCII "If-Unmodified-Since: %s
  6165. "
  6166. ASCII "HEAD"
  6167. ASCII "PUT"
  6168. ASCII "POST"
  6169. ASCII "GET"
  6170. ASCII "User-Agent:"
  6171. ASCII "Referer:"
  6172. ASCII "Referer: %s
  6173. "
  6174. ASCII "Cookie:"
  6175. ASCII "Accept-Encoding:"
  6176. ASCII "Accept-Encoding: %s
  6177. "
  6178. ASCII "Transfer-Encoding:"
  6179. ASCII "Transfer-Encoding:"
  6180. ASCII "chunked"
  6181. ASCII "Chunky upload is not supported by HTTP 1.0"
  6182. ASCII "Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  6183. "
  6184. ASCII "Host:"
  6185. ASCII "Host: %s%s%s
  6186. "
  6187. ASCII "Host: %s%s%s:%hu
  6188. "
  6189. ASCII "ftp://"
  6190. ASCII "ftp://"
  6191. ASCII ";type="
  6192. ASCII ";type=%c"
  6193. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6194. ASCII "Accept:"
  6195. ASCII "Could not seek stream"
  6196. ASCII "File already completely uploaded"
  6197. ASCII "Could only read %I64d bytes from the input"
  6198. ASCII "Range:"
  6199. ASCII "Range: bytes=%s
  6200. "
  6201. ASCII "Content-Range:"
  6202. ASCII "Content-Range: bytes 0-%I64d/%I64d
  6203. "
  6204. ASCII "Content-Range: bytes %s%I64d/%I64d
  6205. "
  6206. ASCII "Content-Range: bytes %s/%I64d
  6207. "
  6208. ASCII "1.1"
  6209. ASCII "1.0"
  6210. ASCII "%s "
  6211. ASCII "ftp://%s:%s@%s"
  6212. ASCII "Proxy-Connection:"
  6213. ASCII "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
  6214. "
  6215. ASCII "%s HTTP/%s
  6216. %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"
  6217. ASCII "Cookie: "
  6218. ASCII "%s%s=%s"
  6219. ASCII "Cookie: "
  6220. ASCII "%s%s"
  6221. ASCII "
  6222. "
  6223. ASCII "
  6224. "
  6225. ASCII "Failed sending HTTP request"
  6226. ASCII "; "
  6227. ASCII "; "
  6228. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  6229. ASCII "Content-Length: %I64d
  6230. "
  6231. ASCII "
  6232. "
  6233. ASCII "Failed sending PUT request"
  6234. ASCII "Internal HTTP POST error!"
  6235. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  6236. ASCII "Content-Length: %I64d
  6237. "
  6238. ASCII "Could not get Content-Type header line!"
  6239. ASCII "
  6240. "
  6241. ASCII "Failed sending POST request"
  6242. ASCII "Content-Length: 0
  6243. "
  6244. ASCII "Failed sending POST request"
  6245. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  6246. ASCII "Content-Length: %I64d
  6247. "
  6248. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6249. ASCII "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  6250. "
  6251. ASCII "Expect:"
  6252. ASCII "Expect:"
  6253. ASCII "100-continue"
  6254. ASCII "
  6255. "
  6256. ASCII "
  6257. "
  6258. ASCII "%x
  6259. "
  6260. ASCII "0
  6261. "
  6262. ASCII "
  6263. "
  6264. ASCII "
  6265. "
  6266. ASCII "0
  6267. "
  6268. ASCII "Failed sending HTTP POST request"
  6269. ASCII "upload completely sent off: %I64d out of %I64d bytes
  6270. "
  6271. ASCII " HTTP/%d.%d %d"
  6272. ASCII " HTTP %3d"
  6273. ASCII " RTSP/%d.%d %3d"
  6274. ASCII "HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
  6275. "
  6276. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  6277. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  6278. ASCII "Negative content-length: %I64d, closing after transfer
  6279. "
  6280. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6281. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6282. ASCII "Server:"
  6283. ASCII "Server:"
  6284. ASCII "keep-alive"
  6285. ASCII "Proxy-Connection:"
  6286. ASCII "HTTP/1.0 proxy connection set to keep alive!
  6287. "
  6288. ASCII "close"
  6289. ASCII "Proxy-Connection:"
  6290. ASCII "HTTP/1.1 proxy connection set close!
  6291. "
  6292. ASCII "keep-alive"
  6293. ASCII "Connection:"
  6294. ASCII "HTTP/1.0 connection set to keep alive!
  6295. "
  6296. ASCII "close"
  6297. ASCII "Connection:"
  6298. ASCII "Transfer-Encoding:"
  6299. ASCII "Transfer-Encoding:"
  6300. ASCII "chunked"
  6301. ASCII "chunked"
  6302. ASCII "identity"
  6303. ASCII "identity"
  6304. ASCII "deflate"
  6305. ASCII "deflate"
  6306. ASCII "gzip"
  6307. ASCII "gzip"
  6308. ASCII "x-gzip"
  6309. ASCII "x-gzip"
  6310. ASCII "compress"
  6311. ASCII "compress"
  6312. ASCII "x-compress"
  6313. ASCII "x-compress"
  6314. ASCII "Content-Encoding:"
  6315. ASCII "Content-Encoding:"
  6316. ASCII "identity"
  6317. ASCII "identity"
  6318. ASCII "deflate"
  6319. ASCII "deflate"
  6320. ASCII "gzip"
  6321. ASCII "gzip"
  6322. ASCII "x-gzip"
  6323. ASCII "x-gzip"
  6324. ASCII "compress"
  6325. ASCII "compress"
  6326. ASCII "x-compress"
  6327. ASCII "x-compress"
  6328. ASCII "Content-Range:"
  6329. ASCII "Content-Range:"
  6330. ASCII "Set-Cookie:"
  6331. ASCII "Set-Cookie:"
  6332. ASCII "Last-Modified:"
  6333. ASCII "Last-Modified:"
  6334. ASCII "Last-Modified:"
  6335. ASCII "WWW-Authenticate:"
  6336. ASCII "WWW-Authenticate:"
  6337. ASCII "Proxy-authenticate:"
  6338. ASCII "Proxy-authenticate:"
  6339. ASCII "Location:"
  6340. ASCII "Location:"
  6341. ASCII "Received 101
  6342. "
  6343. ASCII "no chunk, no close, no size. Assume close to signal end
  6344. "
  6345. ASCII "HTTP error before end of send, stop sending
  6346. "
  6347. ASCII "Keep sending data to get tossed away!
  6348. "
  6349. ASCII "Maximum file size exceeded"
  6350. ASCII "The requested URL returned error: %d"
  6351. ASCII "I32"
  6352. ASCII "I64"
  6353. ASCII "I32"
  6354. ASCII "I64"
  6355. ASCII "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  6356. ASCII "%ld"
  6357. ASCII ".%ld"
  6360. ASCII "(nil)"
  6361. ASCII "(nil)"
  6362. ASCII "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  6363. ASCII "No error"
  6364. ASCII "Unsupported protocol"
  6365. ASCII "Failed initialization"
  6366. ASCII "URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL"
  6367. ASCII "A requested feature, protocol or option was not found built-in in this libcurl due to a build-time decision."
  6368. ASCII "Couldn't resolve proxy name"
  6369. ASCII "Couldn't resolve host name"
  6370. ASCII "Couldn't connect to server"
  6371. ASCII "FTP: weird server reply"
  6372. ASCII "Access denied to remote resource"
  6373. ASCII "FTP: The server failed to connect to data port"
  6374. ASCII "FTP: Accepting server connect has timed out"
  6375. ASCII "FTP: The server did not accept the PRET command."
  6376. ASCII "FTP: unknown PASS reply"
  6377. ASCII "FTP: unknown PASV reply"
  6378. ASCII "FTP: unknown 227 response format"
  6379. ASCII "FTP: can't figure out the host in the PASV response"
  6380. ASCII "Error in the HTTP2 framing layer"
  6381. ASCII "FTP: couldn't set file type"
  6382. ASCII "Transferred a partial file"
  6383. ASCII "FTP: couldn't retrieve (RETR failed) the specified file"
  6384. ASCII "Quote command returned error"
  6385. ASCII "HTTP response code said error"
  6386. ASCII "Failed writing received data to disk/application"
  6387. ASCII "Upload failed (at start/before it took off)"
  6388. ASCII "Failed to open/read local data from file/application"
  6389. ASCII "Out of memory"
  6390. ASCII "Timeout was reached"
  6391. ASCII "FTP: command PORT failed"
  6392. ASCII "FTP: command REST failed"
  6393. ASCII "Requested range was not delivered by the server"
  6394. ASCII "Internal problem setting up the POST"
  6395. ASCII "SSL connect error"
  6396. ASCII "Couldn't resume download"
  6397. ASCII "Couldn't read a file:// file"
  6398. ASCII "LDAP: cannot bind"
  6399. ASCII "LDAP: search failed"
  6400. ASCII "A required function in the library was not found"
  6401. ASCII "Operation was aborted by an application callback"
  6402. ASCII "A libcurl function was given a bad argument"
  6403. ASCII "Failed binding local connection end"
  6404. ASCII "Number of redirects hit maximum amount"
  6405. ASCII "An unknown option was passed in to libcurl"
  6406. ASCII "Malformed telnet option"
  6407. ASCII "SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK"
  6408. ASCII "Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)"
  6409. ASCII "SSL crypto engine not found"
  6410. ASCII "Can not set SSL crypto engine as default"
  6411. ASCII "Failed to initialise SSL crypto engine"
  6412. ASCII "Failed sending data to the peer"
  6413. ASCII "Failure when receiving data from the peer"
  6414. ASCII "Problem with the local SSL certificate"
  6415. ASCII "Couldn't use specified SSL cipher"
  6416. ASCII "Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates"
  6417. ASCII "Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)"
  6418. ASCII "Unrecognized or bad HTTP Content or Transfer-Encoding"
  6419. ASCII "Invalid LDAP URL"
  6420. ASCII "Maximum file size exceeded"
  6421. ASCII "Requested SSL level failed"
  6422. ASCII "Failed to shut down the SSL connection"
  6423. ASCII "Failed to load CRL file (path? access rights?, format?)"
  6424. ASCII "Issuer check against peer certificate failed"
  6425. ASCII "Send failed since rewinding of the data stream failed"
  6426. ASCII "Login denied"
  6427. ASCII "TFTP: File Not Found"
  6428. ASCII "TFTP: Access Violation"
  6429. ASCII "Disk full or allocation exceeded"
  6430. ASCII "TFTP: Illegal operation"
  6431. ASCII "TFTP: Unknown transfer ID"
  6432. ASCII "Remote file already exists"
  6433. ASCII "TFTP: No such user"
  6434. ASCII "Conversion failed"
  6435. ASCII "Caller must register CURLOPT_CONV_ callback options"
  6436. ASCII "Remote file not found"
  6437. ASCII "Error in the SSH layer"
  6438. ASCII "Socket not ready for send/recv"
  6439. ASCII "RTSP CSeq mismatch or invalid CSeq"
  6440. ASCII "RTSP session error"
  6441. ASCII "Unable to parse FTP file list"
  6442. ASCII "Chunk callback failed"
  6443. ASCII "The max connection limit is reached"
  6444. ASCII "SSL public key does not match pinned public key"
  6445. ASCII "Unknown error"
  6446. ASCII "Call interrupted"
  6447. ASCII "Bad file"
  6448. ASCII "Bad access"
  6449. ASCII "Bad argument"
  6450. ASCII "Invalid arguments"
  6451. ASCII "Out of file descriptors"
  6452. ASCII "Call would block"
  6453. ASCII "Blocking call in progress"
  6454. ASCII "Descriptor is not a socket"
  6455. ASCII "Need destination address"
  6456. ASCII "Bad message size"
  6457. ASCII "Bad protocol"
  6458. ASCII "Protocol option is unsupported"
  6459. ASCII "Protocol is unsupported"
  6460. ASCII "Socket is unsupported"
  6461. ASCII "Operation not supported"
  6462. ASCII "Address family not supported"
  6463. ASCII "Protocol family not supported"
  6464. ASCII "Address already in use"
  6465. ASCII "Address not available"
  6466. ASCII "Network down"
  6467. ASCII "Network unreachable"
  6468. ASCII "Network has been reset"
  6469. ASCII "Connection was aborted"
  6470. ASCII "Connection was reset"
  6471. ASCII "No buffer space"
  6472. ASCII "Socket is already connected"
  6473. ASCII "Socket is not connected"
  6474. ASCII "Socket has been shut down"
  6475. ASCII "Too many references"
  6476. ASCII "Timed out"
  6477. ASCII "Connection refused"
  6478. ASCII "Loop??"
  6479. ASCII "Name too long"
  6480. ASCII "Host down"
  6481. ASCII "Host unreachable"
  6482. ASCII "Not empty"
  6483. ASCII "Process limit reached"
  6484. ASCII "Too many users"
  6485. ASCII "Bad quota"
  6486. ASCII "Something is stale"
  6487. ASCII "Remote error"
  6488. ASCII "Winsock library is not ready"
  6489. ASCII "Winsock library not initialised"
  6490. ASCII "Winsock version not supported"
  6491. ASCII "Disconnected"
  6492. ASCII "No data record of requested type"
  6493. ASCII "Unrecoverable error in call to nameserver"
  6494. ASCII "Host not found, try again"
  6495. ASCII "Host not found"
  6496. ASCII "Unknown error %d (%#x)"
  6567. ASCII "No error"
  6569. ASCII "%s (0x%04X%04X)"
  6570. ASCII "%s - %s"
  6575. ASCII "Unknown error"
  6580. ASCII "0123456789"
  6581. ASCII "schannel: SSL/TLS connection with %s port %hu (step 1/3)
  6582. "
  6583. ASCII "schannel: re-using existing credential handle
  6584. "
  6585. ASCII "schannel: using IP address, SNI is not supported by OS.
  6586. "
  6587. ASCII "schannel: SNI or certificate check failed: %s"
  6588. ASCII "schannel: checking server certificate revocation
  6589. "
  6590. ASCII "schannel: disable server certificate revocation checks
  6591. "
  6592. ASCII "schannel: verifyhost setting prevents Schannel from comparing the supplied target name with the subject names in server certificates. Also disables SNI.
  6593. "
  6594. ASCII "schannel: unable to allocate memory"
  6595. ASCII "Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider"
  6596. ASCII "schannel: SNI or certificate check failed: %s"
  6597. ASCII "schannel: AcquireCredentialsHandle failed: %s"
  6598. ASCII "schannel: initial InitializeSecurityContext failed: %s"
  6599. ASCII "schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending %lu bytes...
  6600. "
  6601. ASCII "schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent %zd bytes
  6602. "
  6603. ASCII "schannel: failed to send initial handshake data: sent %zd of %lu bytes"
  6604. ASCII "schannel: SSL/TLS connection with %s port %hu (step 2/3)
  6605. "
  6606. ASCII "schannel: unable to allocate memory"
  6607. ASCII "schannel: unable to re-allocate memory"
  6608. ASCII "schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset %zu length %zu
  6609. "
  6610. ASCII "schannel: sending next handshake data: sending %lu bytes...
  6611. "
  6612. ASCII "schannel: encrypted data length: %lu
  6613. "
  6614. ASCII "schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
  6615. "
  6616. ASCII "schannel: failed to receive handshake, SSL/TLS connection failed"
  6617. ASCII "schannel: unable to allocate memory"
  6618. ASCII "schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
  6619. "
  6620. ASCII "schannel: SNI or certificate check failed: %s"
  6621. ASCII "schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: %s"
  6622. ASCII "schannel: failed to send next handshake data: sent %zd of %lu bytes"
  6623. ASCII "schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete
  6624. "
  6625. ASCII "schannel: SSL/TLS connection with %s port %hu (step 3/3)
  6626. "
  6627. ASCII "schannel: failed to setup sequence detection"
  6628. ASCII "schannel: failed to setup replay detection"
  6629. ASCII "schannel: failed to setup confidentiality"
  6630. ASCII "schannel: failed to setup memory allocation"
  6631. ASCII "schannel: failed to setup stream orientation"
  6632. ASCII "schannel: incremented credential handle refcount = %d
  6633. "
  6634. ASCII "schannel: old credential handle is stale, removing
  6635. "
  6636. ASCII "schannel: failed to store credential handle"
  6637. ASCII "schannel: stored credential handle in session cache
  6638. "
  6639. ASCII "schannel: timed out sending data (bytes sent: %zd)"
  6640. ASCII "select/poll on SSL socket, errno: %d"
  6641. ASCII "schannel: client wants to read %zu bytes
  6642. "
  6643. ASCII "schannel: unable to allocate memory"
  6644. ASCII "schannel: unable to re-allocate memory"
  6645. ASCII "schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset %zu length %zu
  6646. "
  6647. ASCII "schannel: encrypted data got %zd
  6648. "
  6649. ASCII "schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset %zu length %zu
  6650. "
  6651. ASCII "schannel: decrypted data length: %lu
  6652. "
  6653. ASCII "schannel: decrypted data added: %zu
  6654. "
  6655. ASCII "schannel: decrypted data cached: offset %zu length %zu
  6656. "
  6657. ASCII "schannel: encrypted data length: %lu
  6658. "
  6659. ASCII "schannel: encrypted data cached: offset %zu length %zu
  6660. "
  6661. ASCII "schannel: remote party requests SSL/TLS renegotiation
  6662. "
  6663. ASCII "schannel: renegotiating SSL/TLS connection
  6664. "
  6665. ASCII "schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset %zu length %zu
  6666. "
  6667. ASCII "schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset %zu length %zu
  6668. "
  6669. ASCII "schannel: decrypted data returned %zd
  6670. "
  6671. ASCII "schannel: server closed the connection
  6672. "
  6673. ASCII "schannel: failed to decrypt data, need more data
  6674. "
  6675. ASCII "schannel: SSL/TLS connection renegotiated
  6676. "
  6677. ASCII "schannel: failed to read data from server: %s
  6678. "
  6679. ASCII "schannel: shutting down SSL/TLS connection with %s port %hu
  6680. "
  6681. ASCII "schannel: ApplyControlToken failure: %s"
  6682. ASCII "schannel: failed to send close msg: %s (bytes written: %zd)
  6683. "
  6684. ASCII "schannel: clear security context handle
  6685. "
  6686. ASCII "schannel: decremented credential handle refcount = %d
  6687. "
  6688. ASCII "schannel: clear credential handle
  6689. "
  6690. ASCII "select/poll on SSL/TLS socket, errno: %d"
  6691. ASCII "SSL/TLS connection timeout"
  6692. ASCII "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  6693. ASCII "Failed sending Gopher request"
  6694. ASCII "
  6695. "
  6696. ASCII "
  6697. "
  6698. ASCII "Failed sending Gopher request"
  6699. ASCII "The CSeq of this request %ld did not match the response %ld"
  6700. ASCII "Got an RTP Receive with a CSeq of %ld
  6701. "
  6702. ASCII "Got invalid RTSP request: RTSPREQ_NONE"
  6704. ASCII "Refusing to issue an RTSP request [%s] without a session ID."
  6707. ASCII "SETUP"
  6708. ASCII "PLAY"
  6709. ASCII "PAUSE"
  6713. ASCII "RECORD"
  6714. ASCII "Got invalid RTSP request: RTSPREQ_LAST"
  6715. ASCII "Transport:"
  6716. ASCII "Transport: %s
  6717. "
  6718. ASCII "Refusing to issue an RTSP SETUP without a Transport: header."
  6719. ASCII "Accept:"
  6720. ASCII "Accept-Encoding:"
  6721. ASCII "Accept-Encoding: %s
  6722. "
  6723. ASCII "User-Agent:"
  6724. ASCII "User-Agent:"
  6725. ASCII "Referer:"
  6726. ASCII "Referer: %s
  6727. "
  6728. ASCII "Range:"
  6729. ASCII "Range: %s
  6730. "
  6731. ASCII "CSeq:"
  6732. ASCII "CSeq cannot be set as a custom header."
  6733. ASCII "Session:"
  6734. ASCII "Session ID cannot be set as a custom header."
  6735. ASCII "%s %s RTSP/1.0
  6736. CSeq: %ld
  6737. "
  6738. ASCII "Session: %s
  6739. "
  6740. ASCII "%s%s%s%s%s%s"
  6741. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  6742. ASCII "Content-Length: %I64d
  6743. "
  6744. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6745. ASCII "Content-Type:"
  6746. ASCII "Content-Type: text/parameters
  6747. "
  6748. ASCII "Content-Type: application/sdp
  6749. "
  6750. ASCII "
  6751. "
  6752. ASCII "Failed sending RTSP request"
  6753. ASCII "Cannot write a 0 size RTP packet."
  6754. ASCII "Cannot pause RTP"
  6755. ASCII "Failed writing RTP data"
  6756. ASCII "CSeq:"
  6757. ASCII "CSeq:"
  6758. ASCII ": %ld"
  6759. ASCII "Unable to read the CSeq header: [%s]"
  6760. ASCII "Session:"
  6761. ASCII "Session:"
  6762. ASCII "Got a blank Session ID"
  6763. ASCII "Got RTSP Session ID Line [%s], but wanted ID [%s]"
  6764. ASCII "Got an error writing an RTP packet"
  6765. ASCII "EHLO %s"
  6766. ASCII "HELO %s"
  6768. ASCII "%s"
  6769. ASCII "AUTH %s %s"
  6770. ASCII "AUTH %s"
  6771. ASCII "VRFY"
  6772. ASCII "%s %s"
  6773. ASCII "HELP"
  6774. ASCII "%s"
  6775. ASCII "%s"
  6776. ASCII "<>"
  6777. ASCII "%s"
  6778. ASCII "<%s>"
  6779. ASCII "<>"
  6780. ASCII "%I64d"
  6781. ASCII "MAIL FROM:%s"
  6782. ASCII "MAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%s"
  6783. ASCII "MAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%s SIZE=%s"
  6784. ASCII "MAIL FROM:%s SIZE=%s"
  6785. ASCII "RCPT TO:%s"
  6786. ASCII "RCPT TO:<%s>"
  6787. ASCII "QUIT"
  6788. ASCII "%s"
  6789. ASCII "Got unexpected smtp-server response: %d"
  6790. ASCII "Remote access denied: %d"
  6791. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6792. ASCII "%s"
  6793. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6794. ASCII "%s"
  6795. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6796. ASCII "%s"
  6797. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6798. ASCII "%s"
  6799. ASCII "%s"
  6800. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6801. ASCII "smtp"
  6802. ASCII "%s"
  6803. ASCII "%s"
  6804. ASCII "Authentication failed: %d"
  6805. ASCII "%s"
  6806. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6807. ASCII "%s"
  6808. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6809. ASCII "%s"
  6810. ASCII "%s"
  6811. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6812. ASCII "smtp"
  6813. ASCII "%s"
  6814. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6815. ASCII "%s"
  6816. ASCII "%s"
  6817. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6818. ASCII "%s"
  6819. ASCII "%s"
  6820. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6821. ASCII "%s"
  6822. ASCII "Authentication failed: %d"
  6823. ASCII "Command failed: %d"
  6824. ASCII "MAIL failed: %d"
  6825. ASCII "RCPT failed: %d"
  6826. ASCII "DATA"
  6827. ASCII "%s"
  6828. ASCII "DATA failed: %d"
  6829. ASCII "
  6830. .
  6831. "
  6832. ASCII ".
  6833. "
  6834. ASCII "AUTH"
  6835. ASCII "LOGIN"
  6836. ASCII "PLAIN"
  6837. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  6838. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  6839. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  6840. ASCII "NTLM"
  6841. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  6842. ASCII "localhost"
  6843. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  6844. ASCII "smtp"
  6845. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  6846. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  6847. ASCII "NTLM"
  6848. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  6849. ASCII "LOGIN"
  6850. ASCII "PLAIN"
  6851. ASCII "Failed to alloc scratch buffer!"
  6852. ASCII "
  6853. .
  6854. "
  6855. ASCII "
  6856. .."
  6857. ASCII "
  6858. .
  6859. "
  6860. ASCII "No known authentication mechanisms supported!
  6861. "
  6862. ASCII "STARTTLS denied. %c"
  6863. ASCII "Remote access denied: %d"
  6865. ASCII "SIZE"
  6866. ASCII "AUTH "
  6867. ASCII "LOGIN"
  6868. ASCII "PLAIN"
  6869. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  6870. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  6871. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  6873. ASCII "NTLM"
  6874. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  6875. ASCII "STARTTLS not supported."
  6876. ASCII "Authentication cancelled"
  6877. ASCII "-ERR"
  6878. ASCII "+OK"
  6879. ASCII "CAPA"
  6880. ASCII "%s"
  6881. ASCII "STLS"
  6882. ASCII "%s"
  6883. ASCII "USER %s"
  6884. ASCII "%02x"
  6885. ASCII "APOP %s %s"
  6886. ASCII "AUTH %s %s"
  6887. ASCII "AUTH %s"
  6888. ASCII "RETR"
  6889. ASCII "LIST"
  6890. ASCII "%s %s"
  6891. ASCII "%s"
  6892. ASCII "QUIT"
  6893. ASCII "%s"
  6894. ASCII "Got unexpected pop3-server response"
  6895. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6896. ASCII "%s"
  6897. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6898. ASCII "%s"
  6899. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6900. ASCII "%s"
  6901. ASCII "%s"
  6902. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6903. ASCII "pop"
  6904. ASCII "%s"
  6905. ASCII "%s"
  6906. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6907. ASCII "%s"
  6908. ASCII "%s"
  6909. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6910. ASCII "pop"
  6911. ASCII "%s"
  6912. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6913. ASCII "%s"
  6914. ASCII "%s"
  6915. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6916. ASCII "%s"
  6917. ASCII "%s"
  6918. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6919. ASCII "%s"
  6920. ASCII "Authentication failed: %d"
  6921. ASCII "Access denied. %c"
  6922. ASCII "PASS %s"
  6923. ASCII "Access denied. %c"
  6924. ASCII "AUTH"
  6925. ASCII "+APOP"
  6926. ASCII "LOGIN"
  6927. ASCII "PLAIN"
  6928. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  6929. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  6930. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  6931. ASCII "NTLM"
  6932. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  6933. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  6934. ASCII "pop"
  6935. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  6936. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  6937. ASCII "NTLM"
  6938. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  6939. ASCII "LOGIN"
  6940. ASCII "PLAIN"
  6941. ASCII "
  6942. .
  6943. "
  6944. ASCII "
  6945. .
  6946. "
  6947. ASCII "No known authentication mechanisms supported!
  6948. "
  6949. ASCII "STLS"
  6950. ASCII "USER"
  6951. ASCII "SASL "
  6952. ASCII "LOGIN"
  6953. ASCII "PLAIN"
  6954. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  6955. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  6956. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  6958. ASCII "NTLM"
  6959. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  6960. ASCII "STLS not supported."
  6961. ASCII "STARTTLS denied. %c"
  6962. ASCII "Authentication cancelled"
  6963. ASCII "OK"
  6964. ASCII "NO"
  6965. ASCII "BAD"
  6966. ASCII "Bad tagged response"
  6967. ASCII "* "
  6968. ASCII "SEARCH"
  6969. ASCII "FETCH"
  6970. ASCII "LIST"
  6971. ASCII "STORE"
  6972. ASCII "FETCH"
  6973. ASCII "SELECT"
  6975. ASCII "SEARCH"
  6977. ASCII "LSUB"
  6978. ASCII "UID"
  6979. ASCII "NOOP"
  6981. ASCII "+ "
  6982. ASCII "Unexpected continuation response"
  6983. ASCII "Access denied. %c"
  6984. ASCII "%s"
  6985. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6986. ASCII "imap"
  6987. ASCII "%s"
  6988. ASCII "%s"
  6989. ASCII "Authentication failed: %d"
  6990. ASCII "%s"
  6991. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6992. ASCII "%s"
  6993. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6994. ASCII "imap"
  6995. ASCII "%s"
  6996. ASCII "Access denied: %d"
  6997. ASCII "%s"
  6998. ASCII "%s"
  6999. ASCII "Authentication failed: %d"
  7000. ASCII "Access denied. %c"
  7001. ASCII "Found %I64u bytes to download
  7002. "
  7003. ASCII "Written %I64u bytes, %I64u bytes are left for transfer
  7004. "
  7005. ASCII "Failed to parse FETCH response."
  7006. ASCII "%s"
  7007. ASCII "%c%03d"
  7008. ASCII "%s %s"
  7009. ASCII "AUTH"
  7010. ASCII "LOGIN"
  7011. ASCII "PLAIN"
  7012. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  7013. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  7014. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  7015. ASCII "NTLM"
  7016. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  7018. ASCII "UID"
  7021. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  7022. ASCII "imap"
  7023. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  7024. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  7025. ASCII "NTLM"
  7026. ASCII "LOGIN"
  7027. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  7028. ASCII "PLAIN"
  7031. ASCII "LOGIN %s %s"
  7032. ASCII "AUTHENTICATE %s %s"
  7034. ASCII "No known authentication mechanisms supported!
  7035. "
  7036. ASCII "%s%s"
  7037. ASCII "LIST "%s" *"
  7038. ASCII "Cannot SELECT without a mailbox."
  7039. ASCII "SELECT %s"
  7040. ASCII "Cannot FETCH without a UID."
  7041. ASCII "FETCH %s BODY[%s]<%s>"
  7042. ASCII "FETCH %s BODY[%s]"
  7043. ASCII "Cannot APPEND without a mailbox."
  7044. ASCII "Cannot APPEND with unknown input file size
  7045. "
  7046. ASCII "APPEND %s (\Seen) {%I64d}"
  7047. ASCII "Cannot SEARCH without a query string."
  7048. ASCII "SEARCH %s"
  7049. ASCII "LOGOUT"
  7050. ASCII "Got unexpected imap-server response"
  7053. ASCII "SASL-IR"
  7054. ASCII "AUTH="
  7055. ASCII "LOGIN"
  7056. ASCII "PLAIN"
  7057. ASCII "CRAM-MD5"
  7058. ASCII "DIGEST-MD5"
  7059. ASCII "GSSAPI"
  7061. ASCII "NTLM"
  7062. ASCII "XOAUTH2"
  7063. ASCII "STARTTLS not supported."
  7064. ASCII "STARTTLS denied. %c"
  7065. ASCII "Authentication cancelled"
  7066. ASCII "OK [UIDVALIDITY %19[0123456789]]"
  7067. ASCII "Mailbox UIDVALIDITY has changed"
  7068. ASCII "Select failed"
  7069. ASCII "Connection time-out"
  7070. ASCII "set timeouts for state %d; Total %ld, retry %d maxtry %d
  7071. "
  7072. ASCII "got option=(%s) value=(%s)
  7073. "
  7074. ASCII "blksize"
  7075. ASCII "requested"
  7076. ASCII "blksize parsed from OACK"
  7077. ASCII "%s (%d) %s (%d)
  7078. "
  7079. ASCII "tsize"
  7080. ASCII "tsize parsed from OACK"
  7081. ASCII "%s (%ld)
  7082. "
  7083. ASCII "Malformed ACK packet, rejecting"
  7084. ASCII "invalid blocksize value in OACK packet"
  7085. ASCII "blksize is larger than max supported"
  7086. ASCII "%s (%d)"
  7087. ASCII "blksize is smaller than min supported"
  7088. ASCII "server requested blksize larger than allocated"
  7089. ASCII "%s (%ld)"
  7090. ASCII "invalid tsize -:%s:- value in OACK packet"
  7091. ASCII "tftp_rx: internal error"
  7092. ASCII "%s"
  7093. ASCII "Timeout waiting for block %d ACK. Retries = %d
  7094. "
  7095. ASCII "Received last DATA packet block %d again.
  7096. "
  7097. ASCII "%s"
  7098. ASCII "Received unexpected DATA packet block %d, expecting block %d
  7099. "
  7100. ASCII "tftp_tx: internal error, event: %i"
  7101. ASCII "Timeout waiting for block %d ACK. Retries = %d
  7102. "
  7103. ASCII "Received ACK for block %d, expecting %d
  7104. "
  7105. ASCII "tftp_tx: giving up waiting for block %d ack"
  7106. ASCII "%s"
  7107. ASCII "%s"
  7108. ASCII "bind() failed; %s"
  7109. ASCII ";mode="
  7110. ASCII ";mode="
  7111. ASCII "Connected for transmit"
  7112. ASCII "%s
  7113. "
  7114. ASCII "Connected for receive"
  7115. ASCII "%s
  7116. "
  7117. ASCII "octet"
  7118. ASCII "netascii"
  7119. ASCII "tftp_send_first: internal error"
  7120. ASCII "%s%c%s%c"
  7121. ASCII "%I64d"
  7122. ASCII "tsize"
  7123. ASCII "%d"
  7124. ASCII "blksize"
  7125. ASCII "%d"
  7126. ASCII "timeout"
  7127. ASCII "%s"
  7128. ASCII "Internal state machine error"
  7129. ASCII "%s"
  7130. ASCII "TFTP finished"
  7131. ASCII "%s
  7132. "
  7133. ASCII "Received too short packet"
  7134. ASCII "Internal error: Unexpected packet"
  7135. ASCII "%s"
  7136. ASCII "%s
  7137. "
  7138. ASCII "TFTP response timeout"
  7139. ASCII "%s"
  7140. ASCII "Can't open %s for writing"
  7141. ASCII "Can't get the size of %s"
  7142. ASCII "Content-Length: %I64d
  7143. "
  7144. ASCII "Accept-ranges: bytes
  7145. "
  7146. ASCII "Last-Modified: %s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT
  7147. "
  7148. ASCII "Can't get the size of file."
  7149. ASCII "failed to resume file:// transfer"
  7150. ASCII "Couldn't open file %s"
  7151. ASCII "one"
  7152. ASCII "onetree"
  7153. ASCII "base"
  7154. ASCII "sub"
  7155. ASCII "subtree"
  7156. ASCII "LDAP"
  7157. ASCII "LDAP"
  7158. ASCII "Microsoft Corporation."
  7159. ASCII "LDAP local: LDAP Vendor = %s ; LDAP Version = %d
  7160. "
  7161. ASCII "LDAP local: %s
  7162. "
  7163. ASCII "LDAP local: %s"
  7164. ASCII "encrypted"
  7165. ASCII "cleartext"
  7166. ASCII "LDAP local: trying to establish %s connection
  7167. "
  7168. ASCII "LDAP local: Cannot connect to %s:%ld"
  7169. ASCII "LDAP local: ldap_simple_bind_s %s"
  7170. ASCII "LDAP remote: %s"
  7171. ASCII "DN: "
  7172. ASCII ": "
  7173. ASCII ";binary"
  7174. ASCII "There are more than %d entries
  7175. "
  7176. ASCII "/MATCH:"
  7177. ASCII "/M:"
  7178. ASCII "/FIND:"
  7179. ASCII "/DEFINE:"
  7180. ASCII "/D:"
  7181. ASCII "/LOOKUP:"
  7182. ASCII "CLIENT libcurl 7.39.0
  7183. %s
  7184. QUIT
  7185. "
  7186. ASCII "lookup word is missing
  7187. "
  7188. ASCII "default"
  7189. ASCII "CLIENT libcurl 7.39.0
  7190. DEFINE %s %s
  7191. QUIT
  7192. "
  7193. ASCII "Failed sending DICT request"
  7194. ASCII "lookup word is missing
  7195. "
  7196. ASCII "default"
  7197. ASCII "CLIENT libcurl 7.39.0
  7198. MATCH %s %s %s
  7199. QUIT
  7200. "
  7201. ASCII "Failed sending DICT request"
  7202. ASCII "WSAStartup failed (%d)"
  7203. ASCII "insufficient winsock version to support telnet"
  7204. ASCII "%s IAC %s
  7205. "
  7206. ASCII "%s IAC %d
  7207. "
  7208. ASCII "WILL"
  7209. ASCII "WONT"
  7210. ASCII "DO"
  7211. ASCII "EXOPL"
  7212. ASCII "%s %s %s
  7213. "
  7214. ASCII "%s %s %d
  7215. "
  7216. ASCII "%s %d %d
  7217. "
  7218. ASCII "Sending data failed (%d)"
  7219. ASCII "SENT"
  7220. ASCII "RCVD"
  7221. ASCII "SENT"
  7222. ASCII "%s IAC SB "
  7223. ASCII "(terminated by "
  7224. ASCII "%s "
  7225. ASCII "%u "
  7226. ASCII "%s"
  7227. ASCII "%d"
  7228. ASCII ", not IAC SE!) "
  7229. ASCII "(Empty suboption?)"
  7230. ASCII "%s (unsupported)"
  7231. ASCII "%s"
  7232. ASCII "%d (unknown)"
  7233. ASCII " NAME"
  7235. ASCII " SEND"
  7236. ASCII " IS"
  7237. ASCII " %.2x"
  7238. ASCII "%c"
  7239. ASCII " = "
  7240. ASCII ", "
  7241. ASCII " "%s""
  7242. ASCII "Width: %hu ; Height: %hu"
  7243. ASCII "USER,%s"
  7244. ASCII "%127[^= ]%*[ =]%255s"
  7245. ASCII "TTYPE"
  7247. ASCII "NEW_ENV"
  7248. ASCII "WS"
  7249. ASCII "%hu%*[xX]%hu"
  7250. ASCII "BINARY"
  7251. ASCII "Unknown telnet option %s"
  7252. ASCII "Syntax error in telnet option: %s"
  7253. ASCII "%c%c%c%c"
  7254. ASCII "%127[^,],%127s"
  7255. ASCII "%c%s%c%s"
  7256. ASCII "%c%c"
  7257. ASCII "%c%c%c%c%s%c%c"
  7258. ASCII "Sending data failed (%d)"
  7259. ASCII "Sending data failed (%d)"
  7260. ASCII "Sending data failed (%d)"
  7261. ASCII "RCVD"
  7262. ASCII "RCVD"
  7263. ASCII "RCVD"
  7264. ASCII "RCVD"
  7265. ASCII "In SUBOPTION processing, RCVD"
  7266. ASCII "RCVD"
  7267. ASCII "WS2_32.DLL"
  7268. ASCII "failed to load WS2_32.DLL (%d)"
  7269. ASCII "WSACreateEvent"
  7270. ASCII "failed to find WSACreateEvent function (%d)"
  7271. ASCII "WSACloseEvent"
  7272. ASCII "failed to find WSACloseEvent function (%d)"
  7273. ASCII "WSAEventSelect"
  7274. ASCII "failed to find WSAEventSelect function (%d)"
  7275. ASCII "WSAEnumNetworkEvents"
  7276. ASCII "failed to find WSAEnumNetworkEvents function (%d)"
  7277. ASCII "WSACreateEvent failed (%d)"
  7278. ASCII "Time-out"
  7279. ASCII "WSACloseEvent failed (%d)"
  7280. ASCII "FreeLibrary(wsock2) failed (%d)"
  7281. ASCII "WSAEnumNetworkEvents failed (%d)"
  7282. ASCII "Error accept()ing server connect"
  7283. ASCII "Connection accepted from server
  7284. "
  7285. ASCII "USER %s"
  7286. ASCII "PWD"
  7287. ASCII "%s"
  7288. ASCII "getsockname() failed: %s"
  7289. ASCII "failed to resolve the address provided to PORT: %s"
  7290. ASCII "socket failure: %s"
  7291. ASCII "bind(port=%hu) on non-local address failed: %s
  7292. "
  7293. ASCII "bind() failed, we ran out of ports!"
  7294. ASCII "getsockname() failed: %s"
  7295. ASCII "bind(port=%hu) failed: %s"
  7296. ASCII "socket failure: %s"
  7297. ASCII "EPRT"
  7298. ASCII "%s |%d|%s|%hu|"
  7299. ASCII "Failure sending EPRT command: %s"
  7300. ASCII ",%d,%d"
  7301. ASCII "PORT"
  7302. ASCII "%s %s"
  7303. ASCII "Failure sending PORT command: %s"
  7304. ASCII "EPSV"
  7305. ASCII "%s"
  7306. ASCII "Connect data stream passively
  7307. "
  7308. ASCII "NLST"
  7309. ASCII "LIST"
  7310. ASCII "%s%s%s"
  7311. ASCII "%s"
  7312. ASCII "SIZE %s"
  7313. ASCII "Could not seek stream"
  7314. ASCII "File already completely uploaded
  7315. "
  7316. ASCII "Failed to read data"
  7317. ASCII "APPE %s"
  7318. ASCII "STOR %s"
  7319. ASCII "Failed EPSV attempt. Disabling EPSV
  7320. "
  7321. ASCII "PASV"
  7322. ASCII "%s"
  7323. ASCII "unknown proxytype option given"
  7324. ASCII "Maximum file size exceeded"
  7325. ASCII "ftp server doesn't support SIZE
  7326. "
  7327. ASCII "Offset (%I64d) was beyond file size (%I64d)"
  7328. ASCII "File already completely downloaded
  7329. "
  7330. ASCII "Instructs server to resume from offset %I64d
  7331. "
  7332. ASCII "REST %I64d"
  7333. ASCII "RETR %s"
  7334. ASCII "PBSZ %d"
  7335. ASCII "PASS %s"
  7336. ASCII "ACCT %s"
  7337. ASCII "ACCT requested but none available"
  7338. ASCII "%s"
  7339. ASCII "Access denied: %03d"
  7340. ASCII "ACCT rejected by server: %03d"
  7341. ASCII "Connecting to %s (%s) port %d
  7342. "
  7343. ASCII "QUIT"
  7344. ASCII "%s"
  7345. ASCII "Failure sending QUIT command: %s"
  7346. ASCII "no memory"
  7347. ASCII "no memory"
  7348. ASCII "Uploading to a URL without a file name!"
  7349. ASCII "Request has same path as previous transfer
  7350. "
  7351. ASCII ";type="
  7352. ASCII ";type="
  7353. ASCII "Doing the SSL/TLS handshake on the data stream
  7354. "
  7355. ASCII "We got a 421 - timeout!
  7356. "
  7357. ASCII "FTP response timeout"
  7358. ASCII "FTP response aborted due to select/poll error: %d"
  7359. ASCII "MDTM %s"
  7360. ASCII "%c%c%c%u%c"
  7361. ASCII "Illegal port number in EPSV reply"
  7362. ASCII "%s"
  7363. ASCII "Weirdly formatted EPSV reply"
  7364. ASCII "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d"
  7365. ASCII "Couldn't interpret the 227-response"
  7366. ASCII "Skips %d.%d.%d.%d for data connection, uses %s instead
  7367. "
  7368. ASCII "%s"
  7369. ASCII "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  7370. ASCII "Can't resolve proxy host %s:%hu"
  7371. ASCII "Can't resolve new host %s:%hu"
  7372. ASCII "Bad PASV/EPSV response: %03d"
  7373. ASCII "unsupported MDTM reply format
  7374. "
  7375. ASCII "Given file does not exist"
  7376. ASCII "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d"
  7377. ASCII "%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT"
  7378. ASCII "Last-Modified: %s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT
  7379. "
  7380. ASCII "The requested document is not new enough
  7381. "
  7382. ASCII "The requested document is not old enough
  7383. "
  7384. ASCII "Skipping time comparison
  7385. "
  7386. ASCII "%s"
  7387. ASCII "QUOT string not accepted: %s"
  7388. ASCII "Wildcard - Parsing started
  7389. "
  7390. ASCII "%s%s"
  7391. ASCII "Wildcard - START of "%s"
  7392. "
  7393. ASCII "Wildcard - "%s" skipped by user
  7394. "
  7395. ASCII "Checking for server connect
  7396. "
  7397. ASCII "Accept timeout occurred while waiting server connect"
  7398. ASCII "There is negative response in cache while serv connect
  7399. "
  7400. ASCII "Ready to accept data connection from server
  7401. "
  7402. ASCII "Ctrl conn has data while waiting for data conn
  7403. "
  7404. ASCII "Error while waiting for server connect"
  7405. ASCII "Preparing for accepting server on data port
  7406. "
  7407. ASCII "Accept timeout occurred while waiting server connect"
  7408. ASCII "CWD %s"
  7409. ASCII "%s"
  7410. ASCII "SIZE %s"
  7411. ASCII "Failed FTP upload: %0d"
  7412. ASCII "Data conn was not available immediately
  7413. "
  7414. ASCII "RETR response: %03d"
  7415. ASCII " bytes"
  7416. ASCII "Maxdownload = %I64d
  7417. "
  7418. ASCII "Getting file with size: %I64d
  7419. "
  7420. ASCII "Data conn was not available immediately
  7421. "
  7422. ASCII "Remembering we are in dir "%s"
  7423. "
  7424. ASCII "ABOR"
  7425. ASCII "%s"
  7426. ASCII "Failure sending ABOR command: %s"
  7427. ASCII "control connection looks dead"
  7428. ASCII "partial download completed, closing connection
  7429. "
  7430. ASCII "server did not report OK, got %d"
  7431. ASCII "Uploaded unaligned file size (%I64d out of %I64d bytes)"
  7432. ASCII "Received only partial file: %I64d bytes"
  7433. ASCII "No data was received!"
  7434. ASCII "ftp_perform ends with SECONDARY: %d
  7435. "
  7436. ASCII "NLST"
  7437. ASCII "LIST"
  7438. ASCII "PRET %s"
  7439. ASCII "PRET STOR %s"
  7440. ASCII "PRET RETR %s"
  7441. ASCII "REST %d"
  7442. ASCII "SIZE %s"
  7443. ASCII "Couldn't set desired mode"
  7444. ASCII "Got a %03d response code instead of the assumed 200
  7445. "
  7446. ASCII "Content-Length: %I64d
  7447. "
  7448. ASCII "Accept-ranges: bytes
  7449. "
  7450. ASCII "Couldn't use REST"
  7451. ASCII "RETR %s"
  7452. ASCII "TYPE %c"
  7453. ASCII "Connection to proxy confirmed
  7454. "
  7455. ASCII "disabling EPRT usage
  7456. "
  7457. ASCII "Failed to do PORT"
  7458. ASCII "Connect data stream actively
  7459. "
  7460. ASCII "Got a %03d ftp-server response when 220 was expected"
  7461. ASCII "AUTH %s"
  7462. ASCII "unsupported parameter to CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH: %d"
  7463. ASCII "AUTH %s"
  7464. ASCII "PROT %c"
  7465. ASCII "CCC"
  7466. ASCII "%s"
  7467. ASCII "Failed to clear the command channel (CCC)"
  7468. ASCII "SYST"
  7469. ASCII "%s"
  7470. ASCII "Entry path is '%s'
  7471. "
  7472. ASCII "Entry path is '%s'
  7473. "
  7474. ASCII "Failed to figure out path
  7475. "
  7476. ASCII "OS/400"
  7478. ASCII "%s"
  7479. ASCII "QUOT command failed with %03d"
  7480. ASCII "MKD %s"
  7481. ASCII "Server denied you to change to the given directory"
  7482. ASCII "Failed to MKD dir: %03d"
  7483. ASCII "CWD %s"
  7484. ASCII "PRET command not accepted: %03d"
  7485. ASCII "Connection time-out"
  7486. ASCII "SOCKS4 communication to %s:%d
  7487. "
  7488. ASCII "%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu"
  7489. ASCII "SOCKS4 connect to %s (locally resolved)
  7490. "
  7491. ASCII "Failed to resolve "%s" for SOCKS4 connect."
  7492. ASCII "Too long SOCKS proxy name, can't use!
  7493. "
  7494. ASCII "SOCKS4 reply has wrong version, version should be 4."
  7495. ASCII "Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), Unknown."
  7496. ASCII "Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids."
  7497. ASCII "Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client."
  7498. ASCII "Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), request rejected or failed."
  7499. ASCII "SOCKS4%s request granted.
  7500. "
  7501. ASCII "Failed to receive SOCKS4 connect request ack."
  7502. ASCII "Failed to send SOCKS4 connect request."
  7503. ASCII "SOCKS5: server resolving disabled for hostnames of length > 255 [actual len=%zu]
  7504. "
  7505. ASCII "Connection time-out"
  7506. ASCII "SOCKS5: no connection here"
  7507. ASCII "SOCKS5: connection timeout"
  7508. ASCII "SOCKS5: error occurred during connection"
  7509. ASCII "SOCKS5 nothing to read"
  7510. ASCII "SOCKS5 read timeout"
  7511. ASCII "SOCKS5 read error occurred"
  7512. ASCII "Received invalid version in initial SOCKS5 response."
  7513. ASCII "Unable to negotiate SOCKS5 GSS-API context."
  7514. ASCII "User was rejected by the SOCKS5 server (%d %d)."
  7515. ASCII "SOCKS5 GSS-API protection not yet implemented."
  7516. ASCII "SOCKS5 GSS-API protection not yet implemented."
  7517. ASCII "%d
  7518. "
  7519. ASCII "Failed to resolve "%s" for SOCKS5 connect."
  7520. ASCII "SOCKS5 reply has wrong version, version should be 5."
  7521. ASCII "Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d)"
  7522. ASCII "Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %s:%d. (%d)"
  7523. ASCII "Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%d. (%d)"
  7524. ASCII "Failed to receive SOCKS5 connect request ack."
  7525. ASCII "Failed to send SOCKS5 connect request."
  7526. ASCII "Unable to receive SOCKS5 sub-negotiation response."
  7527. ASCII "Failed to send SOCKS5 sub-negotiation request."
  7528. ASCII "No authentication method was acceptable."
  7529. ASCII "No authentication method was acceptable. (It is quite likely that the SOCKS5 server wanted a username/password, since none was supplied to the server on this connection.)"
  7530. ASCII "Undocumented SOCKS5 mode attempted to be used by server."
  7531. ASCII "Unable to receive initial SOCKS5 response."
  7532. ASCII "Unable to send initial SOCKS5 request."
  7533. ASCII "Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to %s:%hu
  7534. "
  7535. ASCII "%s:%hu"
  7537. ASCII "1.0"
  7538. ASCII "1.1"
  7539. ASCII "%s%s%s:%hu"
  7540. ASCII "Host:"
  7541. ASCII "Host: %s
  7542. "
  7543. ASCII "Proxy-Connection:"
  7544. ASCII "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
  7545. "
  7546. ASCII "User-Agent:"
  7547. ASCII "CONNECT %s HTTP/%s
  7548. %s%s%s%s"
  7549. ASCII "
  7550. "
  7551. ASCII "Failed sending CONNECT to proxy"
  7552. ASCII "Proxy CONNECT connection closed"
  7553. ASCII "Proxy CONNECT aborted"
  7554. ASCII "chunk reading DONE
  7555. "
  7556. ASCII "Read %zd bytes of chunk, continue
  7557. "
  7558. ASCII "WWW-Authenticate:"
  7559. ASCII "WWW-Authenticate:"
  7560. ASCII "Proxy-authenticate:"
  7561. ASCII "Proxy-authenticate:"
  7562. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  7563. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  7564. ASCII "Content-Length:"
  7565. ASCII "close"
  7566. ASCII "Connection:"
  7567. ASCII "chunked"
  7568. ASCII "Transfer-Encoding:"
  7569. ASCII "CONNECT responded chunked
  7570. "
  7571. ASCII "close"
  7572. ASCII "Proxy-Connection:"
  7573. ASCII "HTTP/1.%d %d"
  7574. ASCII "Ignore %I64d bytes of response-body
  7575. "
  7576. ASCII "%zd bytes of chunk left
  7577. "
  7578. ASCII "chunk reading DONE
  7579. "
  7580. ASCII "Read %zd bytes of chunk, continue
  7581. "
  7582. ASCII "Proxy CONNECT followed by %zd bytes of opaque data. Data ignored (known bug #39)"
  7583. ASCII "Proxy CONNECT aborted due to select/poll error"
  7584. ASCII "Proxy CONNECT aborted due to timeout"
  7585. ASCII "TUNNEL_STATE switched to: %d
  7586. "
  7587. ASCII "Proxy CONNECT aborted due to timeout"
  7588. ASCII "Connect me again please
  7589. "
  7590. ASCII "Received HTTP code %d from proxy after CONNECT"
  7591. ASCII "Proxy replied OK to CONNECT request
  7592. "
  7593. UNICODE "ERROR %d converting to Punycode
  7594. "
  7595. ASCII "HOME"
  7596. ASCII "_netrc"
  7597. ASCII "%s%s%s"
  7598. ASCII "
  7599. "
  7600. ASCII "login"
  7601. ASCII "password"
  7602. ASCII "machine"
  7603. ASCII "machine"
  7604. ASCII "
  7605. "
  7606. ASCII "%02x"
  7607. ASCII "%08x%08x%08x%08x"
  7608. ASCII "%s:%s:%s"
  7609. ASCII "%s:%s:%s"
  7610. ASCII "%s:%.*s"
  7611. ASCII "auth-int"
  7612. ASCII "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
  7613. ASCII "%s:%s"
  7614. ASCII "%s:%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s"
  7615. ASCII "%s:%s:%s"
  7616. ASCII "Proxy-"
  7617. ASCII "%sAuthorization: Digest username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%.*s", cnonce="%s", nc=%08x, qop=%s, response="%s""
  7618. ASCII "auth"
  7619. ASCII "Proxy-"
  7620. ASCII "%sAuthorization: Digest username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%.*s", response="%s""
  7621. ASCII "%s, opaque="%s""
  7622. ASCII "%s, algorithm="%s""
  7623. ASCII "
  7624. "
  7625. ASCII "Digest"
  7626. ASCII "Digest"
  7627. ASCII "nonce"
  7628. ASCII "stale"
  7629. ASCII "true"
  7630. ASCII "realm"
  7631. ASCII "opaque"
  7632. ASCII "qop"
  7633. ASCII "auth"
  7634. ASCII "auth-int"
  7635. ASCII "auth"
  7636. ASCII "auth-int"
  7637. ASCII "algorithm"
  7638. ASCII "MD5-sess"
  7639. ASCII "MD5"
  7640. ASCII "Proxy-"
  7641. ASCII "%sAuthorization: NTLM %s
  7642. "
  7643. ASCII "Proxy-"
  7644. ASCII "%sAuthorization: NTLM %s
  7645. "
  7646. ASCII "NTLM"
  7647. ASCII "NTLM"
  7648. ASCII "NTLM handshake rejected
  7649. "
  7650. ASCII "NTLM handshake failure (internal error)
  7651. "
  7652. ASCII "./"
  7653. ASCII "../"
  7654. ASCII "/./"
  7655. ASCII "/."
  7656. ASCII "/../"
  7657. ASCII "/.."
  7658. ASCII ".."
  7659. ASCII "GMT"
  7660. ASCII "%31[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]"
  7661. ASCII "%02d:%02d:%02d"
  7662. ASCII "%02d:%02d"
  7663. ASCII "OK"
  7664. ASCII "Out of memory"
  7665. ASCII "Bad content-encoding found"
  7666. ASCII "Write error"
  7667. ASCII "Malformed encoding found"
  7668. ASCII "Illegal or missing hexadecimal sequence"
  7669. ASCII "Too long hexadecimal number"
  7670. ASCII "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
  7671. ASCII "%c%c%c%c"
  7672. ASCII "%c%c%c="
  7673. ASCII "%c%c=="
  7674. ASCII "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
  7675. ASCII "Proxy-"
  7676. ASCII "%sAuthorization: Negotiate %s
  7677. "
  7678. ASCII "HTTP"
  7679. ASCII "Negotiate"
  7680. ASCII "Negotiate"
  7681. ASCII "Negotiate"
  7682. ASCII "%s
  7683. "
  7684. ASCII "response reading failed"
  7685. ASCII "Excessive server response line length received, %zd bytes. Stripping
  7686. "
  7687. ASCII "server response timeout"
  7688. ASCII "select/poll error"
  7689. ASCII "%s %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
  7690. ASCII "%s/%s"
  7691. ASCII "WDigest"
  7692. ASCII "WDigest"
  7693. ASCII "Kerberos"
  7694. ASCII "Kerberos"
  7695. ASCII " -> "
  7696. ASCII "<DIR>"
  7697. ASCII "APM0123456789:"
  7698. ASCII "0123456789-"
  7699. ASCII "total "
  7700. ASCII "rwx-tTsS"
  7701. ASCII "SSPI error: %s failed: %s"
  7702. ASCII "%s/%s"
  7703. ASCII "Kerberos"
  7704. ASCII "AcquireCredentialsHandle"
  7705. ASCII "Failed to acquire credentials."
  7706. ASCII "InitializeSecurityContext"
  7707. ASCII "Failed to initialise security context."
  7708. ASCII "Failed to send SSPI authentication token."
  7709. ASCII "Failed to send SSPI authentication request."
  7710. ASCII "QueryCredentialAttributes"
  7711. ASCII "Failed to determine user name."
  7712. ASCII "SOCKS5 server authencticated user %s with GSS-API.
  7713. "
  7714. ASCII "confidentiality"
  7715. ASCII "SOCKS5 server supports GSS-API %s data protection.
  7716. "
  7717. ASCII "integrity"
  7718. ASCII "no"
  7719. ASCII "QueryContextAttributes"
  7720. ASCII "Failed to query security context attributes."
  7721. ASCII "EncryptMessage"
  7722. ASCII "Failed to send SSPI encryption type."
  7723. ASCII "User was rejected by the SOCKS5 server (%u %u)."
  7724. ASCII "Invalid SSPI encryption response type (%u %u)."
  7725. ASCII "DecryptMessage"
  7726. ASCII "Invalid SSPI encryption response length (%lu)."
  7727. ASCII "Invalid SSPI encryption response length (%lu)."
  7728. ASCII "out GSS-API data"
  7729. ASCII " GSS-API integrity"
  7730. ASCII " GSS-API confidentiality"
  7731. ASCII "SOCKS5 access with%s protection granted.
  7732. "
  7733. ASCII "Failed to receive SSPI encryption type."
  7734. ASCII "Failed to receive SSPI encryption response."
  7735. ASCII "Failed to send SSPI encryption type."
  7736. ASCII "Failed to send SSPI encryption request."
  7737. ASCII "User was rejected by the SOCKS5 server (%u %u)."
  7738. ASCII "Invalid SSPI authentication response type (%u %u)."
  7739. ASCII "Failed to receive SSPI authentication token."
  7740. ASCII "Failed to receive SSPI authentication response."
  7741. ASCII "NTLM handshake failure (empty type-2 message)
  7742. "
  7743. ASCII "NTLM"
  7744. ASCII "NTLM"
  7745. ASCII "NTLM handshake failure (type-3 message): Status=%x
  7746. "
  7747. ASCII "6\"
  7748. ASCII "digit"
  7749. ASCII "alnum"
  7750. ASCII "alpha"
  7751. ASCII "xdigit"
  7752. ASCII "print"
  7753. ASCII "graph"
  7754. ASCII "space"
  7755. ASCII "blank"
  7756. ASCII "upper"
  7757. ASCII "lower"
  7758. ASCII "iostream stream error"
  7759. ASCII "bad function call"
  7760. ASCII "Unknown exception"
  7761. ASCII "bad allocation"
  7762. UNICODE "mscoree.dll"
  7763. ASCII "CorExitProcess"
  7764. UNICODE "Assertion failed!"
  7765. UNICODE "Program: "
  7766. UNICODE "<program name unknown>"
  7767. UNICODE "File: "
  7768. UNICODE "Line: "
  7769. UNICODE "Expression: "
  7770. UNICODE "For information on how your program can cause an assertion
  7771. failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts"
  7772. UNICODE "(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)"
  7773. UNICODE "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library"
  7774. UNICODE "Assertion failed: %s, file %s, line %d
  7775. "
  7776. UNICODE "Assertion failed: %s, file %s, line %d
  7777. "
  7778. ASCII "?*"
  7779. ASCII "./\"
  7780. ASCII "Visual C++ CRT: Not enough memory to complete call to strerror."
  7781. ASCII "Visual C++ CRT: Not enough memory to complete call to strerror."
  7782. ASCII "_.,"
  7783. ASCII "_.,"
  7784. ASCII "=;"
  7785. ASCII "bad exception"
  7786. UNICODE "Runtime Error!
  7787. Program: "
  7788. UNICODE "<program name unknown>"
  7789. UNICODE "..."
  7790. UNICODE "
  7791. "
  7792. UNICODE "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library"
  7793. UNICODE "ccs"
  7794. UNICODE "UTF-8"
  7795. UNICODE "UTF-16LE"
  7799. ASCII "FlsAlloc"
  7800. ASCII "FlsGetValue"
  7801. ASCII "FlsSetValue"
  7802. ASCII "FlsFree"
  7803. ASCII "ccs"
  7804. ASCII "UTF-8"
  7805. ASCII "UTF-16LE"
  7807. UNICODE "USER32.DLL"
  7808. ASCII "MessageBoxW"
  7809. ASCII "GetActiveWindow"
  7810. ASCII "GetLastActivePopup"
  7811. ASCII "GetUserObjectInformationW"
  7812. ASCII "GetProcessWindowStation"
  7813. ASCII ".exe"
  7814. ASCII ".cmd"
  7815. ASCII ".bat"
  7816. ASCII ".com"
  7817. ASCII "e+000"
  7818. ASCII "ACP"
  7819. ASCII "OCP"
  7820. ASCII "Norwegian-Nynorsk"
  7821. ASCII "TZ"
  7823. ASCII "1#SNAN"
  7824. ASCII "1#IND"
  7825. ASCII "1#INF"
  7826. ASCII "1#QNAN"
  7827. ASCII "pow"
  7828. ASCII "exp"
  7829. ASCII "exp"
  7830. ASCII "log10"
  7831. ASCII "log10"
  7832. ASCII "log"
  7833. ASCII "log"
  7834. ASCII "pow"
  7835. ASCII "asin"
  7836. ASCII "acos"
  7837. ASCII "pow"
  7838. ASCII "pow"
  7839. ASCII "exp10"
  7840. ASCII "log"
  7841. ASCII "log10"
  7842. ASCII "exp"
  7843. ASCII "atan"
  7844. ASCII "ceil"
  7845. ASCII "floor"
  7846. ASCII "modf"
  7847. ASCII "sin"
  7848. ASCII "cos"
  7849. ASCII "tan"
  7850. [/CODE]
  7852. fattura.exe
  7853. [CODE]
  7854. Search - Text strings referenced in fattura
  7855. Address Command Comments
  7856. 00402261 PUSH 0040506C UNICODE "kernel32.dll"
  7857. 004025BF MOV EAX,00404028 ASCII "LP@"
  7858. 00402A79 MOV EAX,00404178 ASCII "h*@"
  7859. 00402A94 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],00404218 ASCII "r4@"
  7860. 00402B04 PUSH 00405088 UNICODE "Rocal OppWizard-Generated Applications"
  7861. 00402B34 PUSH 00404028 ASCII "LP@"
  7862. 00402DCC MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],004043D0 ASCII "~-@"
  7863. 0040308C MOV EAX,004044A0 ASCII "{0@"
  7864. 004030A5 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],00404508 ASCII "m0@"
  7865. 004030BA MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],00404508 ASCII "m0@"
  7866. 0040399B PUSH 00405058 ASCII "GetModuleFileNameW"
  7867. 004060E9 IMUL EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],699000 ASCII "0u"
  7868. 004060F9 IMUL EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],695000 UNICODE "his copy of Windows &legal?"
  7869. 00417E67 SBB EAX,76D55DCD ASCII "illColor"
  7870. 0041E7BC SBB EAX,7715AA54 UNICODE "sport can only process the specified request on the server side of a session.
  7871. "
  7872. 0041F152 MOV ECX,6E39979A ASCII "E?AV?$fpos@H@2@V32@H@Z"
  7873. 00434A9C MOV EBP,76D861A9 ASCII "tationFUSCanRemoteUserDisconnect"
  7874. 0043B3A6 MOV EDI,76D712C2 ASCII "HeapCostReduced"
  7875. 0043E857 MOV ESI,74BE43EA ASCII "escriptor"
  7876. 0043F25C ADD EAX,755D6E04 ASCII "nitterm_e"
  7877. [/CODE]
  7879. locker.exe
  7880. [CODE]
  7881. Search - Text strings referenced in KERNELBASE
  7883. ASCII "KERNELBASE.dll"
  7884. ASCII "AccessCheck"
  7885. ASCII "AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW"
  7886. ASCII "AccessCheckByType"
  7887. ASCII "AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmW"
  7888. ASCII "AccessCheckByTypeResultList"
  7889. ASCII "AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleW"
  7890. ASCII "AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmW"
  7891. ASCII "AcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  7892. ASCII "AcquireSRWLockShared"
  7893. ASCII "AcquireStateLock"
  7894. ASCII "ActivateActCtx"
  7895. ASCII "AddAccessAllowedAce"
  7896. ASCII "AddAccessAllowedAceEx"
  7897. ASCII "AddAccessAllowedObjectAce"
  7898. ASCII "AddAccessDeniedAce"
  7899. ASCII "AddAccessDeniedAceEx"
  7900. ASCII "AddAccessDeniedObjectAce"
  7901. ASCII "AddAce"
  7902. ASCII "AddAuditAccessAce"
  7903. ASCII "AddAuditAccessAceEx"
  7904. ASCII "AddAuditAccessObjectAce"
  7905. ASCII "AddDllDirectory"
  7906. ASCII "AddMandatoryAce"
  7907. ASCII "AddRefActCtx"
  7908. ASCII "AddResourceAttributeAce"
  7909. ASCII "AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor"
  7910. ASCII "AddScopedPolicyIDAce"
  7911. ASCII "AddVectoredContinueHandler"
  7912. ASCII "AddVectoredExceptionHandler"
  7913. ASCII "AdjustTokenGroups"
  7914. ASCII "AdjustTokenPrivileges"
  7915. ASCII "AllocConsole"
  7916. ASCII "AllocateAndInitializeSid"
  7917. ASCII "AllocateLocallyUniqueId"
  7918. ASCII "AllocateUserPhysicalPages"
  7919. ASCII "AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma"
  7920. ASCII "AppContainerDeriveSidFromMoniker"
  7921. ASCII "AppContainerFreeMemory"
  7922. ASCII "AppContainerLookupDisplayNameMrtReference"
  7923. ASCII "AppContainerLookupMoniker"
  7924. ASCII "AppContainerRegisterSid"
  7925. ASCII "AppContainerUnregisterSid"
  7926. ASCII "AppXFreeMemory"
  7927. ASCII "AppXGetApplicationData"
  7928. ASCII "AppXGetDevelopmentMode"
  7929. ASCII "AppXGetOSMaxVersionTested"
  7930. ASCII "AppXGetOSMinVersion"
  7931. ASCII "AppXGetPackageCapabilities"
  7932. ASCII "AppXGetPackageSid"
  7933. ASCII "AppXGetPackageState"
  7934. ASCII "AppXLookupDisplayName"
  7935. ASCII "AppXLookupMoniker"
  7936. ASCII "AppXPostSuccessExtension"
  7937. ASCII "AppXPreCreationExtension"
  7938. ASCII "AppXReleaseAppXContext"
  7939. ASCII "AppXSetPackageState"
  7940. ASCII "AreAllAccessesGranted"
  7941. ASCII "AreAnyAccessesGranted"
  7942. ASCII "AreFileApisANSI"
  7943. ASCII "AreThereVisibleLogoffScriptsInternal"
  7944. ASCII "AreThereVisibleShutdownScriptsInternal"
  7945. ASCII "AttachConsole"
  7946. ASCII "BaseCheckAppcompatCache"
  7947. ASCII "BaseCheckAppcompatCacheEx"
  7948. ASCII "BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupport"
  7949. ASCII "BaseDllFreeResourceId"
  7950. ASCII "BaseDllMapResourceIdW"
  7951. ASCII "BaseDumpAppcompatCache"
  7952. ASCII "BaseFlushAppcompatCache"
  7953. ASCII "BaseFormatObjectAttributes"
  7954. ASCII "BaseFreeAppCompatDataForProcess"
  7955. ASCII "BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupport"
  7956. ASCII "BaseIsAppcompatInfrastructureDisabled"
  7957. ASCII "BaseMarkFileForDelete"
  7958. ASCII "BaseReadAppCompatDataForProcess"
  7959. ASCII "BaseUpdateAppcompatCache"
  7960. ASCII "BasepAdjustObjectAttributesForPrivateNamespace"
  7961. ASCII "BasepCopyFileCallback"
  7962. ASCII "BasepCopyFileExW"
  7963. ASCII "BasepNotifyTrackingService"
  7964. ASCII "Beep"
  7965. ASCII "BemCopyReference"
  7966. ASCII "BemCreateContractFrom"
  7967. ASCII "BemCreateReference"
  7968. ASCII "BemFreeContract"
  7969. ASCII "BemFreeReference"
  7971. ASCII "CallbackMayRunLong"
  7972. ASCII "CancelIo"
  7973. ASCII "CancelIoEx"
  7974. ASCII "CancelSynchronousIo"
  7975. ASCII "CancelThreadpoolIo"
  7976. ASCII "CancelWaitableTimer"
  7977. ASCII "ChangeTimerQueueTimer"
  7978. ASCII "CharLowerA"
  7979. ASCII "CharLowerBuffA"
  7980. ASCII "CharLowerBuffW"
  7981. ASCII "CharLowerW"
  7982. ASCII "CharNextA"
  7983. ASCII "CharNextExA"
  7984. ASCII "CharNextW"
  7985. ASCII "CharPrevA"
  7986. ASCII "CharPrevExA"
  7987. ASCII "CharPrevW"
  7988. ASCII "CharUpperA"
  7989. ASCII "CharUpperBuffA"
  7990. ASCII "CharUpperBuffW"
  7991. ASCII "CharUpperW"
  7992. ASCII "CheckGroupPolicyEnabled"
  7993. ASCII "CheckIfStateChangeNotificationExists"
  7994. ASCII "CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent"
  7995. ASCII "CheckTokenCapability"
  7996. ASCII "CheckTokenMembership"
  7997. ASCII "CheckTokenMembershipEx"
  7998. ASCII "ChrCmpIA"
  7999. ASCII "ChrCmpIW"
  8000. ASCII "ClearCommBreak"
  8001. ASCII "ClearCommError"
  8002. ASCII "CloseHandle"
  8003. ASCII "ClosePackageInfo"
  8004. ASCII "ClosePrivateNamespace"
  8005. ASCII "CloseState"
  8006. ASCII "CloseStateAtom"
  8007. ASCII "CloseStateChangeNotification"
  8008. ASCII "CloseStateContainer"
  8009. ASCII "CloseStateLock"
  8010. ASCII "CloseThreadpool"
  8011. ASCII "CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup"
  8012. ASCII "CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers"
  8013. ASCII "CloseThreadpoolIo"
  8014. ASCII "CloseThreadpoolTimer"
  8015. ASCII "CloseThreadpoolWait"
  8016. ASCII "CloseThreadpoolWork"
  8017. ASCII "CommitStateAtom"
  8018. ASCII "CompareFileTime"
  8019. ASCII "CompareStringA"
  8020. ASCII "CompareStringEx"
  8021. ASCII "CompareStringOrdinal"
  8022. ASCII "CompareStringW"
  8023. ASCII "ConnectNamedPipe"
  8024. ASCII "ContinueDebugEvent"
  8025. ASCII "ConvertDefaultLocale"
  8026. ASCII "ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity"
  8027. ASCII "CopyContext"
  8028. ASCII "CopyFile2"
  8029. ASCII "CopyFileExW"
  8030. ASCII "CopySid"
  8031. ASCII "CreateActCtxW"
  8032. ASCII "CreateAppContainerToken"
  8033. ASCII "CreateBoundaryDescriptorW"
  8034. ASCII "CreateConsoleScreenBuffer"
  8035. ASCII "CreateDirectoryA"
  8036. ASCII "CreateDirectoryExW"
  8037. ASCII "CreateDirectoryW"
  8038. ASCII "CreateEventA"
  8039. ASCII "CreateEventExA"
  8040. ASCII "CreateEventExW"
  8041. ASCII "CreateEventW"
  8042. ASCII "CreateFile2"
  8043. ASCII "CreateFileA"
  8044. ASCII "CreateFileMappingFromApp"
  8045. ASCII "CreateFileMappingNumaW"
  8046. ASCII "CreateFileMappingW"
  8047. ASCII "CreateFileW"
  8048. ASCII "CreateHardLinkW"
  8049. ASCII "CreateIoCompletionPort"
  8050. ASCII "CreateMemoryResourceNotification"
  8051. ASCII "CreateMutexA"
  8052. ASCII "CreateMutexExA"
  8053. ASCII "CreateMutexExW"
  8054. ASCII "CreateMutexW"
  8055. ASCII "CreateNamedPipeW"
  8056. ASCII "CreatePipe"
  8057. ASCII "CreatePrivateNamespaceW"
  8058. ASCII "CreatePrivateObjectSecurity"
  8059. ASCII "CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx"
  8060. ASCII "CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance"
  8061. ASCII "CreateProcessA"
  8062. ASCII "CreateProcessAsUserW"
  8063. ASCII "CreateProcessInternalA"
  8064. ASCII "CreateProcessInternalW"
  8065. ASCII "CreateProcessW"
  8066. ASCII "CreateRemoteThread"
  8067. ASCII "CreateRemoteThreadEx"
  8068. ASCII "CreateRestrictedToken"
  8069. ASCII "CreateSemaphoreExW"
  8070. ASCII "CreateStateAtom"
  8071. ASCII "CreateStateChangeNotification"
  8072. ASCII "CreateStateContainer"
  8073. ASCII "CreateStateLock"
  8074. ASCII "CreateStateSubcontainer"
  8075. ASCII "CreateSymbolicLinkW"
  8076. ASCII "CreateThread"
  8077. ASCII "CreateThreadpool"
  8078. ASCII "CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup"
  8079. ASCII "CreateThreadpoolIo"
  8080. ASCII "CreateThreadpoolTimer"
  8081. ASCII "CreateThreadpoolWait"
  8082. ASCII "CreateThreadpoolWork"
  8083. ASCII "CreateTimerQueue"
  8084. ASCII "CreateTimerQueueTimer"
  8085. ASCII "CreateWaitableTimerExW"
  8086. ASCII "CreateWellKnownSid"
  8087. ASCII "CtrlRoutine"
  8088. ASCII "DeactivateActCtx"
  8089. ASCII "DebugActiveProcess"
  8090. ASCII "DebugActiveProcessStop"
  8091. ASCII "DebugBreak"
  8092. ASCII "DecodePointer"
  8093. ASCII "DecodeSystemPointer"
  8094. ASCII "DefineDosDeviceW"
  8095. ASCII "DelayLoadFailureHook"
  8096. ASCII "DelayLoadFailureHookLookup"
  8097. ASCII "DeleteAce"
  8098. ASCII "DeleteBoundaryDescriptor"
  8099. ASCII "DeleteCriticalSection"
  8100. ASCII "DeleteFileA"
  8101. ASCII "DeleteFileW"
  8102. ASCII "DeleteProcThreadAttributeList"
  8103. ASCII "DeleteStateAtomValue"
  8104. ASCII "DeleteStateContainer"
  8105. ASCII "DeleteStateContainerValue"
  8106. ASCII "DeleteSynchronizationBarrier"
  8107. ASCII "DeleteTimerQueueEx"
  8108. ASCII "DeleteTimerQueueTimer"
  8109. ASCII "DeleteVolumeMountPointW"
  8110. ASCII "DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity"
  8111. ASCII "DeviceIoControl"
  8112. ASCII "DisablePredefinedHandleTableInternal"
  8113. ASCII "DisableThreadLibraryCalls"
  8114. ASCII "DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback"
  8115. ASCII "DiscardVirtualMemory"
  8116. ASCII "DisconnectNamedPipe"
  8117. ASCII "DnsHostnameToComputerNameExW"
  8118. ASCII "DsBindWithSpnExW"
  8119. ASCII "DsCrackNamesW"
  8120. ASCII "DsFreeDomainControllerInfoW"
  8121. ASCII "DsFreeNameResultW"
  8122. ASCII "DsFreePasswordCredentials"
  8123. ASCII "DsGetDomainControllerInfoW"
  8124. ASCII "DsMakePasswordCredentialsW"
  8125. ASCII "DsUnBindW"
  8126. ASCII "DuplicateHandle"
  8127. ASCII "DuplicateStateContainerHandle"
  8128. ASCII "DuplicateToken"
  8129. ASCII "DuplicateTokenEx"
  8130. ASCII "EmptyWorkingSet"
  8131. ASCII "EncodePointer"
  8132. ASCII "EncodeSystemPointer"
  8133. ASCII "EnterCriticalPolicySectionInternal"
  8134. ASCII "EnterCriticalSection"
  8135. ASCII "EnterSynchronizationBarrier"
  8136. ASCII "EnumCalendarInfoExEx"
  8137. ASCII "EnumCalendarInfoExW"
  8138. ASCII "EnumCalendarInfoW"
  8139. ASCII "EnumDateFormatsExEx"
  8140. ASCII "EnumDateFormatsExW"
  8141. ASCII "EnumDateFormatsW"
  8142. ASCII "EnumDeviceDrivers"
  8143. ASCII "EnumDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  8144. ASCII "EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW"
  8145. ASCII "EnumPageFilesA"
  8146. ASCII "EnumPageFilesW"
  8147. ASCII "EnumProcessModules"
  8148. ASCII "EnumProcessModulesEx"
  8149. ASCII "EnumProcesses"
  8150. ASCII "EnumResourceLanguagesExA"
  8151. ASCII "EnumResourceLanguagesExW"
  8152. ASCII "EnumResourceNamesExA"
  8153. ASCII "EnumResourceNamesExW"
  8154. ASCII "EnumResourceTypesExA"
  8155. ASCII "EnumResourceTypesExW"
  8156. ASCII "EnumSystemCodePagesW"
  8157. ASCII "EnumSystemFirmwareTables"
  8158. ASCII "EnumSystemGeoID"
  8159. ASCII "EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW"
  8160. ASCII "EnumSystemLocalesA"
  8161. ASCII "EnumSystemLocalesEx"
  8162. ASCII "EnumSystemLocalesW"
  8163. ASCII "EnumTimeFormatsEx"
  8164. ASCII "EnumTimeFormatsW"
  8165. ASCII "EnumUILanguagesW"
  8166. ASCII "EnumerateStateAtomValues"
  8167. ASCII "EnumerateStateContainerItems"
  8168. ASCII "EqualDomainSid"
  8169. ASCII "EqualPrefixSid"
  8170. ASCII "EqualSid"
  8171. ASCII "EscapeCommFunction"
  8172. ASCII "EventActivityIdControl"
  8173. ASCII "EventEnabled"
  8174. ASCII "EventProviderEnabled"
  8175. ASCII "EventRegister"
  8176. ASCII "EventSetInformation"
  8177. ASCII "EventUnregister"
  8178. ASCII "EventWrite"
  8179. ASCII "EventWriteEx"
  8180. ASCII "EventWriteString"
  8181. ASCII "EventWriteTransfer"
  8182. ASCII "ExitProcess"
  8183. ASCII "ExitThread"
  8184. ASCII "ExpandEnvironmentStringsA"
  8185. ASCII "ExpandEnvironmentStringsW"
  8186. ASCII "FatalAppExitA"
  8187. ASCII "FatalAppExitW"
  8188. ASCII "FileTimeToLocalFileTime"
  8189. ASCII "FileTimeToSystemTime"
  8190. ASCII "FillConsoleOutputAttribute"
  8191. ASCII "FillConsoleOutputCharacterA"
  8192. ASCII "FillConsoleOutputCharacterW"
  8193. ASCII "FindActCtxSectionGuid"
  8194. ASCII "FindActCtxSectionStringW"
  8195. ASCII "FindClose"
  8196. ASCII "FindCloseChangeNotification"
  8197. ASCII "FindFirstChangeNotificationA"
  8198. ASCII "FindFirstChangeNotificationW"
  8199. ASCII "FindFirstFileA"
  8200. ASCII "FindFirstFileExA"
  8201. ASCII "FindFirstFileExW"
  8202. ASCII "FindFirstFileW"
  8203. ASCII "FindFirstFreeAce"
  8204. ASCII "FindFirstVolumeW"
  8205. ASCII "FindNLSString"
  8206. ASCII "FindNLSStringEx"
  8207. ASCII "FindNextChangeNotification"
  8208. ASCII "FindNextFileA"
  8209. ASCII "FindNextFileW"
  8210. ASCII "FindNextVolumeW"
  8211. ASCII "FindPackagesByPackageFamily"
  8212. ASCII "FindResourceExW"
  8213. ASCII "FindStringOrdinal"
  8214. ASCII "FindVolumeClose"
  8215. ASCII "FlsAlloc"
  8216. ASCII "FlsFree"
  8217. ASCII "FlsGetValue"
  8218. ASCII "FlsSetValue"
  8219. ASCII "FlushConsoleInputBuffer"
  8220. ASCII "FlushFileBuffers"
  8221. ASCII "FlushInstructionCache"
  8222. ASCII "FlushProcessWriteBuffers"
  8223. ASCII "FlushViewOfFile"
  8224. ASCII "FoldStringW"
  8225. ASCII "ForceSyncFgPolicyInternal"
  8226. ASCII "FormatApplicationUserModelId"
  8227. ASCII "FormatMessageA"
  8228. ASCII "FormatMessageW"
  8229. ASCII "FreeConsole"
  8230. ASCII "FreeEnvironmentStringsA"
  8231. ASCII "FreeEnvironmentStringsW"
  8232. ASCII "FreeGPOListInternalA"
  8233. ASCII "FreeGPOListInternalW"
  8234. ASCII "FreeLibrary"
  8235. ASCII "FreeLibraryAndExitThread"
  8236. ASCII "FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns"
  8237. ASCII "FreeResource"
  8238. ASCII "FreeSid"
  8239. ASCII "FreeUserPhysicalPages"
  8240. ASCII "GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent"
  8241. ASCII "GenerateGPNotificationInternal"
  8242. ASCII "GetACP"
  8243. ASCII "GetAcceptLanguagesA"
  8244. ASCII "GetAcceptLanguagesW"
  8245. ASCII "GetAce"
  8246. ASCII "GetAclInformation"
  8247. ASCII "GetAdjustObjectAttributesForPrivateNamespaceRoutine"
  8248. ASCII "GetAppContainerAce"
  8249. ASCII "GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath"
  8250. ASCII "GetAppModelVersion"
  8251. ASCII "GetApplicationRecoveryCallback"
  8252. ASCII "GetApplicationRestartSettings"
  8253. ASCII "GetApplicationUserModelId"
  8254. ASCII "GetAppliedGPOListInternalA"
  8255. ASCII "GetAppliedGPOListInternalW"
  8256. ASCII "GetCPFileNameFromRegistry"
  8257. ASCII "GetCPHashNode"
  8258. ASCII "GetCPInfo"
  8259. ASCII "GetCPInfoExW"
  8260. ASCII "GetCachedSigningLevel"
  8261. ASCII "GetCalendar"
  8262. ASCII "GetCalendarInfoEx"
  8263. ASCII "GetCalendarInfoW"
  8264. ASCII "GetCommConfig"
  8265. ASCII "GetCommMask"
  8266. ASCII "GetCommModemStatus"
  8267. ASCII "GetCommProperties"
  8268. ASCII "GetCommState"
  8269. ASCII "GetCommTimeouts"
  8270. ASCII "GetCommandLineA"
  8271. ASCII "GetCommandLineW"
  8272. ASCII "GetCompressedFileSizeA"
  8273. ASCII "GetCompressedFileSizeW"
  8274. ASCII "GetComputerNameExA"
  8275. ASCII "GetComputerNameExW"
  8276. ASCII "GetConsoleCP"
  8277. ASCII "GetConsoleCursorInfo"
  8278. ASCII "GetConsoleInputExeNameA"
  8279. ASCII "GetConsoleInputExeNameW"
  8280. ASCII "GetConsoleMode"
  8281. ASCII "GetConsoleOutputCP"
  8282. ASCII "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo"
  8283. ASCII "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx"
  8284. ASCII "GetConsoleTitleW"
  8285. ASCII "GetCurrencyFormatEx"
  8286. ASCII "GetCurrencyFormatW"
  8287. ASCII "GetCurrentActCtx"
  8288. ASCII "GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId"
  8289. ASCII "GetCurrentDirectoryA"
  8290. ASCII "GetCurrentDirectoryW"
  8291. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageApplicationContext"
  8292. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageApplicationResourcesContext"
  8293. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageContext"
  8294. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageFamilyName"
  8295. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageFullName"
  8296. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageId"
  8297. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageInfo"
  8298. ASCII "GetCurrentPackagePath"
  8299. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageResourcesContext"
  8300. ASCII "GetCurrentPackageSecurityContext"
  8301. ASCII "GetCurrentProcess"
  8302. ASCII "GetCurrentProcessId"
  8303. ASCII "GetCurrentProcessorNumber"
  8304. ASCII "GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx"
  8305. ASCII "GetCurrentThread"
  8306. ASCII "GetCurrentThreadId"
  8307. ASCII "GetCurrentThreadStackLimits"
  8308. ASCII "GetDateFormatA"
  8309. ASCII "GetDateFormatEx"
  8310. ASCII "GetDateFormatW"
  8311. ASCII "GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA"
  8312. ASCII "GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW"
  8313. ASCII "GetDeviceDriverFileNameA"
  8314. ASCII "GetDeviceDriverFileNameW"
  8315. ASCII "GetDiskFreeSpaceA"
  8316. ASCII "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA"
  8317. ASCII "GetDiskFreeSpaceExW"
  8318. ASCII "GetDiskFreeSpaceW"
  8319. ASCII "GetDriveTypeA"
  8320. ASCII "GetDriveTypeW"
  8321. ASCII "GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  8322. ASCII "GetDynamicTimeZoneInformationEffectiveYears"
  8323. ASCII "GetEightBitStringToUnicodeSizeRoutine"
  8324. ASCII "GetEightBitStringToUnicodeStringRoutine"
  8325. ASCII "GetEnabledXStateFeatures"
  8326. ASCII "GetEnvironmentStrings"
  8327. ASCII "GetEnvironmentStringsA"
  8328. ASCII "GetEnvironmentStringsW"
  8329. ASCII "GetEnvironmentVariableA"
  8330. ASCII "GetEnvironmentVariableW"
  8331. ASCII "GetEraNameCountedString"
  8332. ASCII "GetErrorMode"
  8333. ASCII "GetExitCodeProcess"
  8334. ASCII "GetExitCodeThread"
  8335. ASCII "GetFallbackDisplayName"
  8336. ASCII "GetFileAttributesA"
  8337. ASCII "GetFileAttributesExA"
  8338. ASCII "GetFileAttributesExW"
  8339. ASCII "GetFileAttributesW"
  8340. ASCII "GetFileInformationByHandle"
  8341. ASCII "GetFileInformationByHandleEx"
  8342. ASCII "GetFileMUIInfo"
  8343. ASCII "GetFileMUIPath"
  8344. ASCII "GetFileSecurityW"
  8345. ASCII "GetFileSize"
  8346. ASCII "GetFileSizeEx"
  8347. ASCII "GetFileTime"
  8348. ASCII "GetFileType"
  8349. ASCII "GetFileVersionInfoByHandle"
  8350. ASCII "GetFileVersionInfoExA"
  8351. ASCII "GetFileVersionInfoExW"
  8352. ASCII "GetFileVersionInfoSizeExA"
  8353. ASCII "GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW"
  8354. ASCII "GetFinalPathNameByHandleA"
  8355. ASCII "GetFinalPathNameByHandleW"
  8356. ASCII "GetFullPathNameA"
  8357. ASCII "GetFullPathNameW"
  8358. ASCII "GetGPOListInternalA"
  8359. ASCII "GetGPOListInternalW"
  8360. ASCII "GetGeoInfoW"
  8361. ASCII "GetHandleInformation"
  8362. ASCII "GetHivePath"
  8363. ASCII "GetKernelObjectSecurity"
  8364. ASCII "GetLargePageMinimum"
  8365. ASCII "GetLargestConsoleWindowSize"
  8366. ASCII "GetLastError"
  8367. ASCII "GetLengthSid"
  8368. ASCII "GetLocalTime"
  8369. ASCII "GetLocaleInfoA"
  8370. ASCII "GetLocaleInfoEx"
  8371. ASCII "GetLocaleInfoHelper"
  8372. ASCII "GetLocaleInfoW"
  8373. ASCII "GetLogicalDriveStringsW"
  8374. ASCII "GetLogicalDrives"
  8375. ASCII "GetLogicalProcessorInformation"
  8376. ASCII "GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx"
  8377. ASCII "GetLongPathNameA"
  8378. ASCII "GetLongPathNameW"
  8379. ASCII "GetMappedFileNameA"
  8380. ASCII "GetMappedFileNameW"
  8381. ASCII "GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities"
  8382. ASCII "GetModuleBaseNameA"
  8383. ASCII "GetModuleBaseNameW"
  8384. ASCII "GetModuleFileNameA"
  8385. ASCII "GetModuleFileNameExA"
  8386. ASCII "GetModuleFileNameExW"
  8387. ASCII "GetModuleFileNameW"
  8388. ASCII "GetModuleHandleA"
  8389. ASCII "GetModuleHandleExA"
  8390. ASCII "GetModuleHandleExW"
  8391. ASCII "GetModuleHandleW"
  8392. ASCII "GetModuleInformation"
  8393. ASCII "GetNLSVersion"
  8394. ASCII "GetNLSVersionEx"
  8395. ASCII "GetNamedLocaleHashNode"
  8396. ASCII "GetNamedPipeAttribute"
  8397. ASCII "GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW"
  8398. ASCII "GetNativeSystemInfo"
  8399. ASCII "GetNextFgPolicyRefreshInfoInternal"
  8400. ASCII "GetNumaHighestNodeNumber"
  8401. ASCII "GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx"
  8402. ASCII "GetNumberFormatEx"
  8403. ASCII "GetNumberFormatW"
  8404. ASCII "GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents"
  8405. ASCII "GetOEMCP"
  8406. ASCII "GetOsSafeBootMode"
  8407. ASCII "GetOverlappedResult"
  8408. ASCII "GetOverlappedResultEx"
  8409. ASCII "GetPackageApplicationContext"
  8410. ASCII "GetPackageApplicationIds"
  8411. ASCII "GetPackageApplicationProperty"
  8412. ASCII "GetPackageApplicationPropertyString"
  8413. ASCII "GetPackageApplicationResourcesContext"
  8414. ASCII "GetPackageContext"
  8415. ASCII "GetPackageFamilyName"
  8416. ASCII "GetPackageFullName"
  8417. ASCII "GetPackageId"
  8418. ASCII "GetPackageInfo"
  8419. ASCII "GetPackageInstallTime"
  8420. ASCII "GetPackageOSMaxVersionTested"
  8421. ASCII "GetPackagePath"
  8422. ASCII "GetPackagePathByFullName"
  8423. ASCII "GetPackageProperty"
  8424. ASCII "GetPackagePropertyString"
  8425. ASCII "GetPackageResourcesContext"
  8426. ASCII "GetPackageResourcesProperty"
  8427. ASCII "GetPackageSecurityContext"
  8428. ASCII "GetPackageSecurityProperty"
  8429. ASCII "GetPackagesByPackageFamily"
  8430. ASCII "GetPerformanceInfo"
  8431. ASCII "GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory"
  8432. ASCII "GetPreviousFgPolicyRefreshInfoInternal"
  8433. ASCII "GetPriorityClass"
  8434. ASCII "GetPrivateObjectSecurity"
  8435. ASCII "GetProcAddress"
  8436. ASCII "GetProcAddressForCaller"
  8437. ASCII "GetProcessGroupAffinity"
  8438. ASCII "GetProcessHandleCount"
  8439. ASCII "GetProcessHeap"
  8440. ASCII "GetProcessHeaps"
  8441. ASCII "GetProcessId"
  8442. ASCII "GetProcessIdOfThread"
  8443. ASCII "GetProcessImageFileNameA"
  8444. ASCII "GetProcessImageFileNameW"
  8445. ASCII "GetProcessMemoryInfo"
  8446. ASCII "GetProcessMitigationPolicy"
  8447. ASCII "GetProcessPreferredUILanguages"
  8448. ASCII "GetProcessPriorityBoost"
  8449. ASCII "GetProcessTimes"
  8450. ASCII "GetProcessVersion"
  8451. ASCII "GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx"
  8452. ASCII "GetProductInfo"
  8453. ASCII "GetPtrCalData"
  8454. ASCII "GetPtrCalDataArray"
  8455. ASCII "GetQueuedCompletionStatus"
  8456. ASCII "GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx"
  8457. ASCII "GetRegistryExtensionFlags"
  8458. ASCII "GetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime"
  8459. ASCII "GetSecurityDescriptorControl"
  8460. ASCII "GetSecurityDescriptorDacl"
  8461. ASCII "GetSecurityDescriptorGroup"
  8462. ASCII "GetSecurityDescriptorLength"
  8463. ASCII "GetSecurityDescriptorOwner"
  8464. ASCII "GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl"
  8465. ASCII "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl"
  8466. ASCII "GetSerializedAtomBytes"
  8467. ASCII "GetShortPathNameW"
  8468. ASCII "GetSidIdentifierAuthority"
  8469. ASCII "GetSidLengthRequired"
  8470. ASCII "GetSidSubAuthority"
  8471. ASCII "GetSidSubAuthorityCount"
  8472. ASCII "GetStagedPackageOrigin"
  8473. ASCII "GetStagedPackagePathByFullName"
  8474. ASCII "GetStartupInfoW"
  8475. ASCII "GetStateContainerDepth"
  8476. ASCII "GetStateFolder"
  8477. ASCII "GetStateRootFolder"
  8478. ASCII "GetStateSettingsFolder"
  8479. ASCII "GetStateVersion"
  8480. ASCII "GetStdHandle"
  8481. ASCII "GetStringScripts"
  8482. ASCII "GetStringTableEntry"
  8483. ASCII "GetStringTypeA"
  8484. ASCII "GetStringTypeExW"
  8485. ASCII "GetStringTypeW"
  8486. ASCII "GetSystemAppDataFolder"
  8487. ASCII "GetSystemAppDataKey"
  8488. ASCII "GetSystemDefaultLCID"
  8489. ASCII "GetSystemDefaultLangID"
  8490. ASCII "GetSystemDefaultLocaleName"
  8491. ASCII "GetSystemDefaultUILanguage"
  8492. ASCII "GetSystemDirectoryA"
  8493. ASCII "GetSystemDirectoryW"
  8494. ASCII "GetSystemFileCacheSize"
  8495. ASCII "GetSystemFirmwareTable"
  8496. ASCII "GetSystemInfo"
  8497. ASCII "GetSystemPreferredUILanguages"
  8498. ASCII "GetSystemTime"
  8499. ASCII "GetSystemTimeAdjustment"
  8500. ASCII "GetSystemTimeAsFileTime"
  8501. ASCII "GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime"
  8502. ASCII "GetSystemTimes"
  8503. ASCII "GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA"
  8504. ASCII "GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW"
  8505. ASCII "GetTempFileNameW"
  8506. ASCII "GetTempPathW"
  8507. ASCII "GetThreadContext"
  8508. ASCII "GetThreadGroupAffinity"
  8509. ASCII "GetThreadIOPendingFlag"
  8510. ASCII "GetThreadId"
  8511. ASCII "GetThreadIdealProcessorEx"
  8512. ASCII "GetThreadInformation"
  8513. ASCII "GetThreadLocale"
  8514. ASCII "GetThreadPreferredUILanguages"
  8515. ASCII "GetThreadPriority"
  8516. ASCII "GetThreadPriorityBoost"
  8517. ASCII "GetThreadTimes"
  8518. ASCII "GetThreadUILanguage"
  8519. ASCII "GetTickCount"
  8520. ASCII "GetTickCount64"
  8521. ASCII "GetTimeFormatA"
  8522. ASCII "GetTimeFormatEx"
  8523. ASCII "GetTimeFormatW"
  8524. ASCII "GetTimeZoneInformation"
  8525. ASCII "GetTimeZoneInformationForYear"
  8526. ASCII "GetTokenInformation"
  8527. ASCII "GetTraceEnableFlags"
  8528. ASCII "GetTraceEnableLevel"
  8529. ASCII "GetTraceLoggerHandle"
  8530. ASCII "GetUILanguageInfo"
  8531. ASCII "GetUnicodeStringToEightBitSizeRoutine"
  8532. ASCII "GetUnicodeStringToEightBitStringRoutine"
  8533. ASCII "GetUserDefaultLCID"
  8534. ASCII "GetUserDefaultLangID"
  8535. ASCII "GetUserDefaultLocaleName"
  8536. ASCII "GetUserDefaultUILanguage"
  8537. ASCII "GetUserGeoID"
  8538. ASCII "GetUserInfo"
  8539. ASCII "GetUserInfoWord"
  8540. ASCII "GetUserPreferredUILanguages"
  8541. ASCII "GetVersion"
  8542. ASCII "GetVersionExA"
  8543. ASCII "GetVersionExW"
  8544. ASCII "GetVolumeInformationByHandleW"
  8545. ASCII "GetVolumeInformationW"
  8546. ASCII "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW"
  8547. ASCII "GetVolumePathNameW"
  8548. ASCII "GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW"
  8549. ASCII "GetWindowsAccountDomainSid"
  8550. ASCII "GetWindowsDirectoryA"
  8551. ASCII "GetWindowsDirectoryW"
  8552. ASCII "GetWriteWatch"
  8553. ASCII "GetWsChanges"
  8554. ASCII "GetWsChangesEx"
  8555. ASCII "GetXStateFeaturesMask"
  8556. ASCII "GlobalAlloc"
  8557. ASCII "GlobalFree"
  8558. ASCII "GlobalMemoryStatusEx"
  8559. ASCII "HasPolicyForegroundProcessingCompletedInternal"
  8560. ASCII "HashData"
  8561. ASCII "HeapAlloc"
  8562. ASCII "HeapCompact"
  8563. ASCII "HeapCreate"
  8564. ASCII "HeapDestroy"
  8565. ASCII "HeapFree"
  8566. ASCII "HeapLock"
  8567. ASCII "HeapQueryInformation"
  8568. ASCII "HeapReAlloc"
  8569. ASCII "HeapSetInformation"
  8570. ASCII "HeapSize"
  8571. ASCII "HeapSummary"
  8572. ASCII "HeapUnlock"
  8573. ASCII "HeapValidate"
  8574. ASCII "HeapWalk"
  8575. ASCII "IdnToAscii"
  8576. ASCII "IdnToNameprepUnicode"
  8577. ASCII "IdnToUnicode"
  8578. ASCII "ImpersonateAnonymousToken"
  8579. ASCII "ImpersonateLoggedOnUser"
  8580. ASCII "ImpersonateNamedPipeClient"
  8581. ASCII "ImpersonateSelf"
  8582. ASCII "InitOnceBeginInitialize"
  8583. ASCII "InitOnceComplete"
  8584. ASCII "InitOnceExecuteOnce"
  8585. ASCII "InitOnceInitialize"
  8586. ASCII "InitializeAcl"
  8587. ASCII "InitializeConditionVariable"
  8588. ASCII "InitializeContext"
  8589. ASCII "InitializeCriticalSection"
  8590. ASCII "InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount"
  8591. ASCII "InitializeCriticalSectionEx"
  8592. ASCII "InitializeProcThreadAttributeList"
  8593. ASCII "InitializeProcessForWsWatch"
  8594. ASCII "InitializeSListHead"
  8595. ASCII "InitializeSRWLock"
  8596. ASCII "InitializeSecurityDescriptor"
  8597. ASCII "InitializeSid"
  8598. ASCII "InitializeSynchronizationBarrier"
  8599. ASCII "InstallELAMCertificateInfo"
  8600. ASCII "InterlockedCompareExchange"
  8601. ASCII "InterlockedCompareExchange64"
  8602. ASCII "InterlockedDecrement"
  8603. ASCII "InterlockedExchange"
  8604. ASCII "InterlockedExchangeAdd"
  8605. ASCII "InterlockedFlushSList"
  8606. ASCII "InterlockedIncrement"
  8607. ASCII "InterlockedPopEntrySList"
  8608. ASCII "InterlockedPushEntrySList"
  8609. ASCII "InterlockedPushListSList"
  8610. ASCII "InterlockedPushListSListEx"
  8611. ASCII "InternalLcidToName"
  8612. ASCII "Internal_EnumCalendarInfo"
  8613. ASCII "Internal_EnumDateFormats"
  8614. ASCII "Internal_EnumLanguageGroupLocales"
  8615. ASCII "Internal_EnumSystemCodePages"
  8616. ASCII "Internal_EnumSystemLanguageGroups"
  8617. ASCII "Internal_EnumSystemLocales"
  8618. ASCII "Internal_EnumTimeFormats"
  8619. ASCII "Internal_EnumUILanguages"
  8620. ASCII "InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA"
  8621. ASCII "InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW"
  8622. ASCII "InternetTimeToSystemTimeA"
  8623. ASCII "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW"
  8624. ASCII "InvalidateAppModelVersionCache"
  8625. ASCII "IsCharAlphaA"
  8626. ASCII "IsCharAlphaNumericA"
  8627. ASCII "IsCharAlphaNumericW"
  8628. ASCII "IsCharAlphaW"
  8629. ASCII "IsCharBlankW"
  8630. ASCII "IsCharCntrlW"
  8631. ASCII "IsCharDigitW"
  8632. ASCII "IsCharLowerA"
  8633. ASCII "IsCharLowerW"
  8634. ASCII "IsCharPunctW"
  8635. ASCII "IsCharSpaceA"
  8636. ASCII "IsCharSpaceW"
  8637. ASCII "IsCharUpperA"
  8638. ASCII "IsCharUpperW"
  8639. ASCII "IsCharXDigitW"
  8640. ASCII "IsDBCSLeadByte"
  8641. ASCII "IsDBCSLeadByteEx"
  8642. ASCII "IsDebuggerPresent"
  8643. ASCII "IsInternetESCEnabled"
  8644. ASCII "IsNLSDefinedString"
  8645. ASCII "IsNormalizedString"
  8646. ASCII "IsProcessCritical"
  8647. ASCII "IsProcessInJob"
  8648. ASCII "IsProcessorFeaturePresent"
  8649. ASCII "IsSyncForegroundPolicyRefresh"
  8650. ASCII "IsThreadAFiber"
  8651. ASCII "IsThreadpoolTimerSet"
  8652. ASCII "IsTimeZoneRedirectionEnabled"
  8653. ASCII "IsTokenRestricted"
  8654. ASCII "IsValidAcl"
  8655. ASCII "IsValidCodePage"
  8656. ASCII "IsValidLanguageGroup"
  8657. ASCII "IsValidLocale"
  8658. ASCII "IsValidLocaleName"
  8659. ASCII "IsValidNLSVersion"
  8660. ASCII "IsValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor"
  8661. ASCII "IsValidSecurityDescriptor"
  8662. ASCII "IsValidSid"
  8663. ASCII "IsWellKnownSid"
  8664. ASCII "IsWow64Process"
  8665. ASCII "K32EmptyWorkingSet"
  8666. ASCII "K32EnumDeviceDrivers"
  8667. ASCII "K32EnumPageFilesA"
  8668. ASCII "K32EnumPageFilesW"
  8669. ASCII "K32EnumProcessModules"
  8670. ASCII "K32EnumProcessModulesEx"
  8671. ASCII "K32EnumProcesses"
  8672. ASCII "K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA"
  8673. ASCII "K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW"
  8674. ASCII "K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameA"
  8675. ASCII "K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameW"
  8676. ASCII "K32GetMappedFileNameA"
  8677. ASCII "K32GetMappedFileNameW"
  8678. ASCII "K32GetModuleBaseNameA"
  8679. ASCII "K32GetModuleBaseNameW"
  8680. ASCII "K32GetModuleFileNameExA"
  8681. ASCII "K32GetModuleFileNameExW"
  8682. ASCII "K32GetModuleInformation"
  8683. ASCII "K32GetPerformanceInfo"
  8684. ASCII "K32GetProcessImageFileNameA"
  8685. ASCII "K32GetProcessImageFileNameW"
  8686. ASCII "K32GetProcessMemoryInfo"
  8687. ASCII "K32GetWsChanges"
  8688. ASCII "K32GetWsChangesEx"
  8689. ASCII "K32InitializeProcessForWsWatch"
  8690. ASCII "K32QueryWorkingSet"
  8691. ASCII "K32QueryWorkingSetEx"
  8692. ASCII "KernelBaseGetGlobalData"
  8693. ASCII "LCIDToLocaleName"
  8694. ASCII "LCMapStringA"
  8695. ASCII "LCMapStringEx"
  8696. ASCII "LCMapStringW"
  8697. ASCII "LeaveCriticalPolicySectionInternal"
  8698. ASCII "LeaveCriticalSection"
  8699. ASCII "LeaveCriticalSectionWhenCallbackReturns"
  8700. ASCII "LoadAppInitDlls"
  8701. ASCII "LoadLibraryExA"
  8702. ASCII "LoadLibraryExW"
  8703. ASCII "LoadResource"
  8704. ASCII "LoadStringA"
  8705. ASCII "LoadStringBaseExW"
  8706. ASCII "LoadStringByReference"
  8707. ASCII "LoadStringW"
  8708. ASCII "LocalAlloc"
  8709. ASCII "LocalFileTimeToFileTime"
  8710. ASCII "LocalFree"
  8711. ASCII "LocalLock"
  8712. ASCII "LocalReAlloc"
  8713. ASCII "LocalUnlock"
  8714. ASCII "LocaleNameToLCID"
  8715. ASCII "LocateXStateFeature"
  8716. ASCII "LockFile"
  8717. ASCII "LockFileEx"
  8718. ASCII "LockResource"
  8719. ASCII "MakeAbsoluteSD"
  8720. ASCII "MakeAbsoluteSD2"
  8721. ASCII "MakeSelfRelativeSD"
  8722. ASCII "MapGenericMask"
  8723. ASCII "MapPredefinedHandleInternal"
  8724. ASCII "MapUserPhysicalPages"
  8725. ASCII "MapViewOfFile"
  8726. ASCII "MapViewOfFileEx"
  8727. ASCII "MapViewOfFileExNuma"
  8728. ASCII "MapViewOfFileFromApp"
  8729. ASCII "MoveFileExW"
  8730. ASCII "MoveFileWithProgressTransactedW"
  8731. ASCII "MoveFileWithProgressW"
  8732. ASCII "MultiByteToWideChar"
  8733. ASCII "NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA"
  8734. ASCII "NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW"
  8735. ASCII "NlsCheckPolicy"
  8736. ASCII "NlsDispatchAnsiEnumProc"
  8737. ASCII "NlsEventDataDescCreate"
  8738. ASCII "NlsGetACPFromLocale"
  8739. ASCII "NlsGetCacheUpdateCount"
  8740. ASCII "NlsIsUserDefaultLocale"
  8741. ASCII "NlsUpdateLocale"
  8742. ASCII "NlsUpdateSystemLocale"
  8743. ASCII "NlsValidateLocale"
  8744. ASCII "NlsWriteEtwEvent"
  8745. ASCII "NormalizeString"
  8746. ASCII "NotifyMountMgr"
  8747. ASCII "NotifyRedirectedStringChange"
  8748. ASCII "ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW"
  8749. ASCII "ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW"
  8750. ASCII "ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW"
  8751. ASCII "ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW"
  8752. ASCII "OfferVirtualMemory"
  8753. ASCII "OpenEventA"
  8754. ASCII "OpenEventW"
  8755. ASCII "OpenFileById"
  8756. ASCII "OpenFileMappingW"
  8757. ASCII "OpenMutexW"
  8758. ASCII "OpenPackageInfoByFullName"
  8759. ASCII "OpenPrivateNamespaceW"
  8760. ASCII "OpenProcess"
  8761. ASCII "OpenProcessToken"
  8762. ASCII "OpenRegKey"
  8763. ASCII "OpenSemaphoreW"
  8764. ASCII "OpenState"
  8765. ASCII "OpenStateAtom"
  8766. ASCII "OpenStateExplicit"
  8767. ASCII "OpenThread"
  8768. ASCII "OpenThreadToken"
  8769. ASCII "OpenWaitableTimerW"
  8770. ASCII "OutputDebugStringA"
  8771. ASCII "OutputDebugStringW"
  8772. ASCII "OverrideRoamingDataModificationTimesInRange"
  8773. ASCII "PackageFamilyNameFromFullName"
  8774. ASCII "PackageFamilyNameFromId"
  8775. ASCII "PackageFullNameFromId"
  8776. ASCII "PackageIdFromFullName"
  8777. ASCII "PackageNameAndPublisherIdFromFamilyName"
  8778. ASCII "ParseApplicationUserModelId"
  8779. ASCII "ParseURLA"
  8780. ASCII "ParseURLW"
  8781. ASCII "PathAddBackslashA"
  8782. ASCII "PathAddBackslashW"
  8783. ASCII "PathAddExtensionA"
  8784. ASCII "PathAddExtensionW"
  8785. ASCII "PathAllocCanonicalize"
  8786. ASCII "PathAllocCombine"
  8787. ASCII "PathAppendA"
  8788. ASCII "PathAppendW"
  8789. ASCII "PathCanonicalizeA"
  8790. ASCII "PathCanonicalizeW"
  8791. ASCII "PathCchAddBackslash"
  8792. ASCII "PathCchAddBackslashEx"
  8793. ASCII "PathCchAddExtension"
  8794. ASCII "PathCchAppend"
  8795. ASCII "PathCchAppendEx"
  8796. ASCII "PathCchCanonicalize"
  8797. ASCII "PathCchCanonicalizeEx"
  8798. ASCII "PathCchCombine"
  8799. ASCII "PathCchCombineEx"
  8800. ASCII "PathCchFindExtension"
  8801. ASCII "PathCchIsRoot"
  8802. ASCII "PathCchRemoveBackslash"
  8803. ASCII "PathCchRemoveBackslashEx"
  8804. ASCII "PathCchRemoveExtension"
  8805. ASCII "PathCchRemoveFileSpec"
  8806. ASCII "PathCchRenameExtension"
  8807. ASCII "PathCchSkipRoot"
  8808. ASCII "PathCchStripPrefix"
  8809. ASCII "PathCchStripToRoot"
  8810. ASCII "PathCleanupSpec"
  8811. ASCII "PathCombineA"
  8812. ASCII "PathCombineW"
  8813. ASCII "PathCommonPrefixA"
  8814. ASCII "PathCommonPrefixW"
  8815. ASCII "PathCreateFromUrlA"
  8816. ASCII "PathCreateFromUrlAlloc"
  8817. ASCII "PathCreateFromUrlW"
  8818. ASCII "PathFileExistsA"
  8819. ASCII "PathFileExistsW"
  8820. ASCII "PathFindExtensionA"
  8821. ASCII "PathFindExtensionW"
  8822. ASCII "PathFindFileNameA"
  8823. ASCII "PathFindFileNameW"
  8824. ASCII "PathFindNextComponentA"
  8825. ASCII "PathFindNextComponentW"
  8826. ASCII "PathGetArgsA"
  8827. ASCII "PathGetArgsW"
  8828. ASCII "PathGetCharTypeA"
  8829. ASCII "PathGetCharTypeW"
  8830. ASCII "PathGetDriveNumberA"
  8831. ASCII "PathGetDriveNumberW"
  8832. ASCII "PathIsExe"
  8833. ASCII "PathIsFileSpecA"
  8834. ASCII "PathIsFileSpecW"
  8835. ASCII "PathIsLFNFileSpecA"
  8836. ASCII "PathIsLFNFileSpecW"
  8837. ASCII "PathIsPrefixA"
  8838. ASCII "PathIsPrefixW"
  8839. ASCII "PathIsRelativeA"
  8840. ASCII "PathIsRelativeW"
  8841. ASCII "PathIsRootA"
  8842. ASCII "PathIsRootW"
  8843. ASCII "PathIsSameRootA"
  8844. ASCII "PathIsSameRootW"
  8845. ASCII "PathIsUNCA"
  8846. ASCII "PathIsUNCEx"
  8847. ASCII "PathIsUNCServerA"
  8848. ASCII "PathIsUNCServerShareA"
  8849. ASCII "PathIsUNCServerShareW"
  8850. ASCII "PathIsUNCServerW"
  8851. ASCII "PathIsUNCW"
  8852. ASCII "PathIsURLA"
  8853. ASCII "PathIsURLW"
  8854. ASCII "PathIsValidCharA"
  8855. ASCII "PathIsValidCharW"
  8856. ASCII "PathMatchSpecA"
  8857. ASCII "PathMatchSpecExA"
  8858. ASCII "PathMatchSpecExW"
  8859. ASCII "PathMatchSpecW"
  8860. ASCII "PathParseIconLocationA"
  8861. ASCII "PathParseIconLocationW"
  8862. ASCII "PathQuoteSpacesA"
  8863. ASCII "PathQuoteSpacesW"
  8864. ASCII "PathRelativePathToA"
  8865. ASCII "PathRelativePathToW"
  8866. ASCII "PathRemoveBackslashA"
  8867. ASCII "PathRemoveBackslashW"
  8868. ASCII "PathRemoveBlanksA"
  8869. ASCII "PathRemoveBlanksW"
  8870. ASCII "PathRemoveExtensionA"
  8871. ASCII "PathRemoveExtensionW"
  8872. ASCII "PathRemoveFileSpecA"
  8873. ASCII "PathRemoveFileSpecW"
  8874. ASCII "PathRenameExtensionA"
  8875. ASCII "PathRenameExtensionW"
  8876. ASCII "PathSearchAndQualifyA"
  8877. ASCII "PathSearchAndQualifyW"
  8878. ASCII "PathSkipRootA"
  8879. ASCII "PathSkipRootW"
  8880. ASCII "PathStripPathA"
  8881. ASCII "PathStripPathW"
  8882. ASCII "PathStripToRootA"
  8883. ASCII "PathStripToRootW"
  8884. ASCII "PathUnExpandEnvStringsA"
  8885. ASCII "PathUnExpandEnvStringsW"
  8886. ASCII "PathUnquoteSpacesA"
  8887. ASCII "PathUnquoteSpacesW"
  8888. ASCII "PeekConsoleInputA"
  8889. ASCII "PeekConsoleInputW"
  8890. ASCII "PeekNamedPipe"
  8891. ASCII "PoolPerAppKeyStateInternal"
  8892. ASCII "PostQueuedCompletionStatus"
  8893. ASCII "PrefetchVirtualMemory"
  8894. ASCII "PrivCopyFileExW"
  8895. ASCII "PrivilegeCheck"
  8896. ASCII "PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW"
  8897. ASCII "ProcessIdToSessionId"
  8898. ASCII "PsmCreateKey"
  8899. ASCII "PsmEqualApplication"
  8900. ASCII "PsmEqualPackage"
  8901. ASCII "PsmGetApplicationNameFromKey"
  8902. ASCII "PsmGetKeyFromProcess"
  8903. ASCII "PsmGetKeyFromToken"
  8904. ASCII "PsmGetPackageFullNameFromKey"
  8905. ASCII "PsmIsChildKey"
  8906. ASCII "PsmIsDynamicKey"
  8907. ASCII "PsmIsValidKey"
  8908. ASCII "PublishStateChangeNotification"
  8909. ASCII "PulseEvent"
  8910. ASCII "PurgeComm"
  8911. ASCII "QISearch"
  8912. ASCII "QueryActCtxSettingsW"
  8913. ASCII "QueryActCtxW"
  8914. ASCII "QueryDepthSList"
  8915. ASCII "QueryDosDeviceW"
  8916. ASCII "QueryFullProcessImageNameA"
  8917. ASCII "QueryFullProcessImageNameW"
  8918. ASCII "QueryIdleProcessorCycleTime"
  8919. ASCII "QueryIdleProcessorCycleTimeEx"
  8920. ASCII "QueryMemoryResourceNotification"
  8921. ASCII "QueryOptionalDelayLoadedAPI"
  8922. ASCII "QueryPerformanceCounter"
  8923. ASCII "QueryPerformanceFrequency"
  8924. ASCII "QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode"
  8925. ASCII "QueryProcessCycleTime"
  8926. ASCII "QuerySecurityAccessMask"
  8927. ASCII "QueryStateAtomValueInfo"
  8928. ASCII "QueryStateContainerItemInfo"
  8929. ASCII "QueryThreadCycleTime"
  8930. ASCII "QueryThreadpoolStackInformation"
  8931. ASCII "QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime"
  8932. ASCII "QueryWorkingSet"
  8933. ASCII "QueryWorkingSetEx"
  8934. ASCII "QueueUserAPC"
  8935. ASCII "QueueUserWorkItem"
  8936. ASCII "QuirkGetData"
  8937. ASCII "QuirkGetData2"
  8938. ASCII "QuirkIsEnabled"
  8939. ASCII "QuirkIsEnabled2"
  8940. ASCII "QuirkIsEnabled3"
  8941. ASCII "QuirkIsEnabledForPackage"
  8942. ASCII "QuirkIsEnabledForPackage2"
  8943. ASCII "QuirkIsEnabledForProcess"
  8944. ASCII "RaiseException"
  8945. ASCII "ReOpenFile"
  8946. ASCII "ReadConsoleA"
  8947. ASCII "ReadConsoleInputA"
  8948. ASCII "ReadConsoleInputExA"
  8949. ASCII "ReadConsoleInputExW"
  8950. ASCII "ReadConsoleInputW"
  8951. ASCII "ReadConsoleOutputA"
  8952. ASCII "ReadConsoleOutputAttribute"
  8953. ASCII "ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA"
  8954. ASCII "ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW"
  8955. ASCII "ReadConsoleOutputW"
  8956. ASCII "ReadConsoleW"
  8957. ASCII "ReadDirectoryChangesW"
  8958. ASCII "ReadFile"
  8959. ASCII "ReadFileEx"
  8960. ASCII "ReadFileScatter"
  8961. ASCII "ReadProcessMemory"
  8962. ASCII "ReadStateAtomValue"
  8963. ASCII "ReadStateContainerValue"
  8964. ASCII "ReclaimVirtualMemory"
  8965. ASCII "RefreshPolicyExInternal"
  8966. ASCII "RefreshPolicyInternal"
  8967. ASCII "RegCloseKey"
  8968. ASCII "RegCopyTreeW"
  8969. ASCII "RegCreateKeyExA"
  8970. ASCII "RegCreateKeyExInternalA"
  8971. ASCII "RegCreateKeyExInternalW"
  8972. ASCII "RegCreateKeyExW"
  8973. ASCII "RegDeleteKeyExA"
  8974. ASCII "RegDeleteKeyExInternalA"
  8975. ASCII "RegDeleteKeyExInternalW"
  8976. ASCII "RegDeleteKeyExW"
  8977. ASCII "RegDeleteTreeA"
  8978. ASCII "RegDeleteTreeW"
  8979. ASCII "RegDeleteValueA"
  8980. ASCII "RegDeleteValueW"
  8981. ASCII "RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx"
  8982. ASCII "RegEnumKeyExA"
  8983. ASCII "RegEnumKeyExW"
  8984. ASCII "RegEnumValueA"
  8985. ASCII "RegEnumValueW"
  8986. ASCII "RegFlushKey"
  8987. ASCII "RegGetKeySecurity"
  8988. ASCII "RegGetValueA"
  8989. ASCII "RegGetValueW"
  8990. ASCII "RegKrnGetAppKeyEventAddressInternal"
  8991. ASCII "RegKrnGetAppKeyLoaded"
  8992. ASCII "RegKrnGetClassesEnumTableAddressInternal"
  8993. ASCII "RegKrnGetHKEY_ClassesRootAddress"
  8994. ASCII "RegKrnGetTermsrvRegistryExtensionFlags"
  8995. ASCII "RegKrnResetAppKeyLoaded"
  8996. ASCII "RegKrnSetDllHasThreadStateGlobal"
  8997. ASCII "RegKrnSetTermsrvRegistryExtensionFlags"
  8998. ASCII "RegLoadAppKeyA"
  8999. ASCII "RegLoadAppKeyW"
  9000. ASCII "RegLoadKeyA"
  9001. ASCII "RegLoadKeyW"
  9002. ASCII "RegLoadMUIStringA"
  9003. ASCII "RegLoadMUIStringW"
  9004. ASCII "RegNotifyChangeKeyValue"
  9005. ASCII "RegOpenCurrentUser"
  9006. ASCII "RegOpenKeyExA"
  9007. ASCII "RegOpenKeyExInternalA"
  9008. ASCII "RegOpenKeyExInternalW"
  9009. ASCII "RegOpenKeyExW"
  9010. ASCII "RegOpenUserClassesRoot"
  9011. ASCII "RegQueryInfoKeyA"
  9012. ASCII "RegQueryInfoKeyW"
  9013. ASCII "RegQueryValueExA"
  9014. ASCII "RegQueryValueExW"
  9015. ASCII "RegRestoreKeyA"
  9016. ASCII "RegRestoreKeyW"
  9017. ASCII "RegSaveKeyExA"
  9018. ASCII "RegSaveKeyExW"
  9019. ASCII "RegSetKeySecurity"
  9020. ASCII "RegSetValueExA"
  9021. ASCII "RegSetValueExW"
  9022. ASCII "RegUnLoadKeyA"
  9023. ASCII "RegUnLoadKeyW"
  9024. ASCII "RegisterBadMemoryNotification"
  9025. ASCII "RegisterGPNotificationInternal"
  9026. ASCII "RegisterStateChangeNotification"
  9027. ASCII "RegisterStateLock"
  9028. ASCII "RegisterTraceGuidsW"
  9029. ASCII "RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx"
  9030. ASCII "ReleaseActCtx"
  9031. ASCII "ReleaseMutex"
  9032. ASCII "ReleaseMutexWhenCallbackReturns"
  9033. ASCII "ReleaseSRWLockExclusive"
  9034. ASCII "ReleaseSRWLockShared"
  9035. ASCII "ReleaseSemaphore"
  9036. ASCII "ReleaseSemaphoreWhenCallbackReturns"
  9037. ASCII "ReleaseStateLock"
  9038. ASCII "RemapPredefinedHandleInternal"
  9039. ASCII "RemoveDirectoryA"
  9040. ASCII "RemoveDirectoryW"
  9041. ASCII "RemoveDllDirectory"
  9042. ASCII "RemoveVectoredContinueHandler"
  9043. ASCII "RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler"
  9044. ASCII "ReplaceFileExInternal"
  9045. ASCII "ReplaceFileW"
  9046. ASCII "ResetEvent"
  9047. ASCII "ResetState"
  9048. ASCII "ResetWriteWatch"
  9049. ASCII "ResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  9050. ASCII "ResolveDelayLoadsFromDll"
  9051. ASCII "ResolveLocaleName"
  9052. ASCII "RestoreLastError"
  9053. ASCII "ResumeThread"
  9054. ASCII "RevertToSelf"
  9055. ASCII "RsopLoggingEnabledInternal"
  9056. ASCII "SHCoCreateInstance"
  9057. ASCII "SHCreateDirectoryExW"
  9058. ASCII "SHExpandEnvironmentStringsA"
  9059. ASCII "SHExpandEnvironmentStringsW"
  9060. ASCII "SHGetDesktopFolder"
  9061. ASCII "SHGetFileInfoW"
  9062. ASCII "SHGetFolderLocation"
  9063. ASCII "SHGetFolderPathA"
  9064. ASCII "SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW"
  9065. ASCII "SHGetFolderPathW"
  9066. ASCII "SHGetInstanceExplorer"
  9067. ASCII "SHGetKnownFolderPath"
  9068. ASCII "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA"
  9069. ASCII "SHGetSpecialFolderPathW"
  9070. ASCII "SHLoadIndirectString"
  9071. ASCII "SHRegCloseUSKey"
  9072. ASCII "SHRegCreateUSKeyA"
  9073. ASCII "SHRegCreateUSKeyW"
  9074. ASCII "SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA"
  9075. ASCII "SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW"
  9076. ASCII "SHRegDeleteUSValueA"
  9077. ASCII "SHRegDeleteUSValueW"
  9078. ASCII "SHRegEnumUSKeyA"
  9079. ASCII "SHRegEnumUSKeyW"
  9080. ASCII "SHRegEnumUSValueA"
  9081. ASCII "SHRegEnumUSValueW"
  9082. ASCII "SHRegGetBoolUSValueA"
  9083. ASCII "SHRegGetBoolUSValueW"
  9084. ASCII "SHRegGetUSValueA"
  9085. ASCII "SHRegGetUSValueW"
  9086. ASCII "SHRegOpenUSKeyA"
  9087. ASCII "SHRegOpenUSKeyW"
  9088. ASCII "SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA"
  9089. ASCII "SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW"
  9090. ASCII "SHRegQueryUSValueA"
  9091. ASCII "SHRegQueryUSValueW"
  9092. ASCII "SHRegSetUSValueA"
  9093. ASCII "SHRegSetUSValueW"
  9094. ASCII "SHRegWriteUSValueA"
  9095. ASCII "SHRegWriteUSValueW"
  9096. ASCII "SHSetKnownFolderPath"
  9097. ASCII "SHTruncateString"
  9098. ASCII "ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA"
  9099. ASCII "ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW"
  9100. ASCII "SearchPathA"
  9101. ASCII "SearchPathW"
  9102. ASCII "SetAclInformation"
  9103. ASCII "SetCachedSigningLevel"
  9104. ASCII "SetCalendarInfoW"
  9105. ASCII "SetClientDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  9106. ASCII "SetClientTimeZoneInformation"
  9107. ASCII "SetCommBreak"
  9108. ASCII "SetCommConfig"
  9109. ASCII "SetCommMask"
  9110. ASCII "SetCommState"
  9111. ASCII "SetCommTimeouts"
  9112. ASCII "SetComputerNameEx2W"
  9113. ASCII "SetComputerNameExW"
  9114. ASCII "SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer"
  9115. ASCII "SetConsoleCP"
  9116. ASCII "SetConsoleCtrlHandler"
  9117. ASCII "SetConsoleCursorInfo"
  9118. ASCII "SetConsoleCursorPosition"
  9119. ASCII "SetConsoleInputExeNameA"
  9120. ASCII "SetConsoleInputExeNameW"
  9121. ASCII "SetConsoleMode"
  9122. ASCII "SetConsoleOutputCP"
  9123. ASCII "SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx"
  9124. ASCII "SetConsoleScreenBufferSize"
  9125. ASCII "SetConsoleTextAttribute"
  9126. ASCII "SetConsoleTitleW"
  9127. ASCII "SetConsoleWindowInfo"
  9128. ASCII "SetCriticalSectionSpinCount"
  9129. ASCII "SetCurrentDirectoryA"
  9130. ASCII "SetCurrentDirectoryW"
  9131. ASCII "SetDefaultDllDirectories"
  9132. ASCII "SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  9133. ASCII "SetEndOfFile"
  9134. ASCII "SetEnvironmentStringsW"
  9135. ASCII "SetEnvironmentVariableA"
  9136. ASCII "SetEnvironmentVariableW"
  9137. ASCII "SetErrorMode"
  9138. ASCII "SetEvent"
  9139. ASCII "SetEventWhenCallbackReturns"
  9140. ASCII "SetFileApisToANSI"
  9141. ASCII "SetFileApisToOEM"
  9142. ASCII "SetFileAttributesA"
  9143. ASCII "SetFileAttributesW"
  9144. ASCII "SetFileInformationByHandle"
  9145. ASCII "SetFileIoOverlappedRange"
  9146. ASCII "SetFilePointer"
  9147. ASCII "SetFilePointerEx"
  9148. ASCII "SetFileSecurityW"
  9149. ASCII "SetFileTime"
  9150. ASCII "SetFileValidData"
  9151. ASCII "SetHandleCount"
  9152. ASCII "SetHandleInformation"
  9153. ASCII "SetKernelObjectSecurity"
  9154. ASCII "SetLastConsoleEventActive"
  9155. ASCII "SetLastError"
  9156. ASCII "SetLocalTime"
  9157. ASCII "SetLocaleInfoW"
  9158. ASCII "SetNamedPipeHandleState"
  9159. ASCII "SetPriorityClass"
  9160. ASCII "SetPrivateObjectSecurity"
  9161. ASCII "SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx"
  9162. ASCII "SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode"
  9163. ASCII "SetProcessGroupAffinity"
  9164. ASCII "SetProcessMitigationPolicy"
  9165. ASCII "SetProcessPreferredUILanguages"
  9166. ASCII "SetProcessPriorityBoost"
  9167. ASCII "SetProcessShutdownParameters"
  9168. ASCII "SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx"
  9169. ASCII "SetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime"
  9170. ASCII "SetSecurityAccessMask"
  9171. ASCII "SetSecurityDescriptorControl"
  9172. ASCII "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl"
  9173. ASCII "SetSecurityDescriptorGroup"
  9174. ASCII "SetSecurityDescriptorOwner"
  9175. ASCII "SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl"
  9176. ASCII "SetSecurityDescriptorSacl"
  9177. ASCII "SetStateVersion"
  9178. ASCII "SetStdHandle"
  9179. ASCII "SetStdHandleEx"
  9180. ASCII "SetSystemFileCacheSize"
  9181. ASCII "SetSystemTime"
  9182. ASCII "SetSystemTimeAdjustment"
  9183. ASCII "SetThreadContext"
  9184. ASCII "SetThreadGroupAffinity"
  9185. ASCII "SetThreadIdealProcessorEx"
  9186. ASCII "SetThreadInformation"
  9187. ASCII "SetThreadLocale"
  9188. ASCII "SetThreadPreferredUILanguages"
  9189. ASCII "SetThreadPriority"
  9190. ASCII "SetThreadPriorityBoost"
  9191. ASCII "SetThreadStackGuarantee"
  9192. ASCII "SetThreadToken"
  9193. ASCII "SetThreadUILanguage"
  9194. ASCII "SetThreadpoolStackInformation"
  9195. ASCII "SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum"
  9196. ASCII "SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum"
  9197. ASCII "SetThreadpoolTimer"
  9198. ASCII "SetThreadpoolTimerEx"
  9199. ASCII "SetThreadpoolWait"
  9200. ASCII "SetThreadpoolWaitEx"
  9201. ASCII "SetTimeZoneInformation"
  9202. ASCII "SetTokenInformation"
  9203. ASCII "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter"
  9204. ASCII "SetUserGeoID"
  9205. ASCII "SetWaitableTimer"
  9206. ASCII "SetWaitableTimerEx"
  9207. ASCII "SetXStateFeaturesMask"
  9208. ASCII "SetupComm"
  9209. ASCII "SignalObjectAndWait"
  9210. ASCII "SizeofResource"
  9211. ASCII "Sleep"
  9212. ASCII "SleepConditionVariableCS"
  9213. ASCII "SleepConditionVariableSRW"
  9214. ASCII "SleepEx"
  9215. ASCII "SpecialMBToWC"
  9216. ASCII "StartThreadpoolIo"
  9217. ASCII "StrCSpnA"
  9218. ASCII "StrCSpnIA"
  9219. ASCII "StrCSpnIW"
  9220. ASCII "StrCSpnW"
  9221. ASCII "StrCatBuffA"
  9222. ASCII "StrCatBuffW"
  9223. ASCII "StrCatChainW"
  9224. ASCII "StrChrA"
  9225. ASCII "StrChrA_MB"
  9226. ASCII "StrChrIA"
  9227. ASCII "StrChrIW"
  9228. ASCII "StrChrNIW"
  9229. ASCII "StrChrNW"
  9230. ASCII "StrChrW"
  9231. ASCII "StrCmpCA"
  9232. ASCII "StrCmpCW"
  9233. ASCII "StrCmpICA"
  9234. ASCII "StrCmpICW"
  9235. ASCII "StrCmpIW"
  9236. ASCII "StrCmpLogicalW"
  9237. ASCII "StrCmpNA"
  9238. ASCII "StrCmpNCA"
  9239. ASCII "StrCmpNCW"
  9240. ASCII "StrCmpNIA"
  9241. ASCII "StrCmpNICA"
  9242. ASCII "StrCmpNICW"
  9243. ASCII "StrCmpNIW"
  9244. ASCII "StrCmpNW"
  9245. ASCII "StrCmpW"
  9246. ASCII "StrCpyNW"
  9247. ASCII "StrCpyNXA"
  9248. ASCII "StrCpyNXW"
  9249. ASCII "StrDupA"
  9250. ASCII "StrDupW"
  9251. ASCII "StrIsIntlEqualA"
  9252. ASCII "StrIsIntlEqualW"
  9253. ASCII "StrPBrkA"
  9254. ASCII "StrPBrkW"
  9255. ASCII "StrRChrA"
  9256. ASCII "StrRChrIA"
  9257. ASCII "StrRChrIW"
  9258. ASCII "StrRChrW"
  9259. ASCII "StrRStrIA"
  9260. ASCII "StrRStrIW"
  9261. ASCII "StrSpnA"
  9262. ASCII "StrSpnW"
  9263. ASCII "StrStrA"
  9264. ASCII "StrStrIA"
  9265. ASCII "StrStrIW"
  9266. ASCII "StrStrNIW"
  9267. ASCII "StrStrNW"
  9268. ASCII "StrStrW"
  9269. ASCII "StrToInt64ExA"
  9270. ASCII "StrToInt64ExW"
  9271. ASCII "StrToIntA"
  9272. ASCII "StrToIntExA"
  9273. ASCII "StrToIntExW"
  9274. ASCII "StrToIntW"
  9275. ASCII "StrTrimA"
  9276. ASCII "StrTrimW"
  9277. ASCII "SubmitThreadpoolWork"
  9278. ASCII "SubscribeStateChangeNotification"
  9279. ASCII "SuspendThread"
  9280. ASCII "SwitchToThread"
  9281. ASCII "SystemTimeToFileTime"
  9282. ASCII "SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime"
  9283. ASCII "SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx"
  9284. ASCII "TerminateProcess"
  9285. ASCII "TerminateThread"
  9286. ASCII "TlsAlloc"
  9287. ASCII "TlsFree"
  9288. ASCII "TlsGetValue"
  9289. ASCII "TlsSetValue"
  9290. ASCII "TraceEvent"
  9291. ASCII "TraceMessage"
  9292. ASCII "TraceMessageVa"
  9293. ASCII "TransactNamedPipe"
  9294. ASCII "TransmitCommChar"
  9295. ASCII "TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  9296. ASCII "TryAcquireSRWLockShared"
  9297. ASCII "TryEnterCriticalSection"
  9298. ASCII "TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback"
  9299. ASCII "TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime"
  9300. ASCII "TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx"
  9301. ASCII "UnhandledExceptionFilter"
  9302. ASCII "UnlockFile"
  9303. ASCII "UnlockFileEx"
  9304. ASCII "UnmapViewOfFile"
  9305. ASCII "UnmapViewOfFileEx"
  9306. ASCII "UnregisterBadMemoryNotification"
  9307. ASCII "UnregisterGPNotificationInternal"
  9308. ASCII "UnregisterStateChangeNotification"
  9309. ASCII "UnregisterStateLock"
  9310. ASCII "UnregisterTraceGuids"
  9311. ASCII "UnregisterWaitEx"
  9312. ASCII "UnsubscribeStateChangeNotification"
  9313. ASCII "UpdateProcThreadAttribute"
  9314. ASCII "UrlApplySchemeA"
  9315. ASCII "UrlApplySchemeW"
  9316. ASCII "UrlCanonicalizeA"
  9317. ASCII "UrlCanonicalizeW"
  9318. ASCII "UrlCombineA"
  9319. ASCII "UrlCombineW"
  9320. ASCII "UrlCompareA"
  9321. ASCII "UrlCompareW"
  9322. ASCII "UrlCreateFromPathA"
  9323. ASCII "UrlCreateFromPathW"
  9324. ASCII "UrlEscapeA"
  9325. ASCII "UrlEscapeW"
  9326. ASCII "UrlFixupW"
  9327. ASCII "UrlGetLocationA"
  9328. ASCII "UrlGetLocationW"
  9329. ASCII "UrlGetPartA"
  9330. ASCII "UrlGetPartW"
  9331. ASCII "UrlHashA"
  9332. ASCII "UrlHashW"
  9333. ASCII "UrlIsA"
  9334. ASCII "UrlIsNoHistoryA"
  9335. ASCII "UrlIsNoHistoryW"
  9336. ASCII "UrlIsOpaqueA"
  9337. ASCII "UrlIsOpaqueW"
  9338. ASCII "UrlIsW"
  9339. ASCII "UrlUnescapeA"
  9340. ASCII "UrlUnescapeW"
  9341. ASCII "VerFindFileA"
  9342. ASCII "VerFindFileW"
  9343. ASCII "VerLanguageNameA"
  9344. ASCII "VerLanguageNameW"
  9345. ASCII "VerQueryValueA"
  9346. ASCII "VerQueryValueW"
  9347. ASCII "VerSetConditionMask"
  9348. ASCII "VerifyScripts"
  9349. ASCII "VirtualAlloc"
  9350. ASCII "VirtualAllocEx"
  9351. ASCII "VirtualAllocExNuma"
  9352. ASCII "VirtualFree"
  9353. ASCII "VirtualFreeEx"
  9354. ASCII "VirtualLock"
  9355. ASCII "VirtualProtect"
  9356. ASCII "VirtualProtectEx"
  9357. ASCII "VirtualQuery"
  9358. ASCII "VirtualQueryEx"
  9359. ASCII "VirtualUnlock"
  9360. ASCII "WaitCommEvent"
  9361. ASCII "WaitForDebugEvent"
  9362. ASCII "WaitForMachinePolicyForegroundProcessingInternal"
  9363. ASCII "WaitForMultipleObjectsEx"
  9364. ASCII "WaitForSingleObject"
  9365. ASCII "WaitForSingleObjectEx"
  9366. ASCII "WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks"
  9367. ASCII "WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks"
  9368. ASCII "WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks"
  9369. ASCII "WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks"
  9370. ASCII "WaitForUserPolicyForegroundProcessingInternal"
  9371. ASCII "WaitNamedPipeW"
  9372. ASCII "WaitOnAddress"
  9373. ASCII "WakeAllConditionVariable"
  9374. ASCII "WakeByAddressAll"
  9375. ASCII "WakeByAddressSingle"
  9376. ASCII "WakeConditionVariable"
  9377. ASCII "WerRegisterFile"
  9378. ASCII "WerRegisterMemoryBlock"
  9379. ASCII "WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule"
  9380. ASCII "WerUnregisterFile"
  9381. ASCII "WerUnregisterMemoryBlock"
  9382. ASCII "WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModule"
  9383. ASCII "WerpNotifyLoadStringResource"
  9384. ASCII "WerpNotifyUseStringResource"
  9385. ASCII "WideCharToMultiByte"
  9386. ASCII "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection"
  9387. ASCII "Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection"
  9388. ASCII "WriteConsoleA"
  9389. ASCII "WriteConsoleInputA"
  9390. ASCII "WriteConsoleInputW"
  9391. ASCII "WriteConsoleOutputA"
  9392. ASCII "WriteConsoleOutputAttribute"
  9393. ASCII "WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA"
  9394. ASCII "WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW"
  9395. ASCII "WriteConsoleOutputW"
  9396. ASCII "WriteConsoleW"
  9397. ASCII "WriteFile"
  9398. ASCII "WriteFileEx"
  9399. ASCII "WriteFileGather"
  9400. ASCII "WriteProcessMemory"
  9401. ASCII "WriteStateAtomValue"
  9402. ASCII "WriteStateContainerValue"
  9403. ASCII "ZombifyActCtx"
  9404. ASCII "_AddMUIStringToCache"
  9405. ASCII "_GetMUIStringFromCache"
  9406. ASCII "_OpenMuiStringCache"
  9407. ASCII "__dllonexit3"
  9408. ASCII "__wgetmainargs"
  9409. ASCII "_amsg_exit"
  9410. ASCII "_c_exit"
  9411. ASCII "_cexit"
  9412. ASCII "_exit"
  9413. ASCII "_initterm"
  9414. ASCII "_initterm_e"
  9415. ASCII "_invalid_parameter"
  9416. ASCII "_onexit"
  9417. ASCII "_purecall"
  9418. ASCII "_time64"
  9419. ASCII "atexit"
  9420. ASCII "exit"
  9421. ASCII "hgets"
  9422. ASCII "hwprintf"
  9423. ASCII "lstrcmp"
  9424. ASCII "lstrcmpA"
  9425. ASCII "lstrcmpW"
  9426. ASCII "lstrcmpi"
  9427. ASCII "lstrcmpiA"
  9428. ASCII "lstrcmpiW"
  9429. ASCII "lstrcpyn"
  9430. ASCII "lstrcpynA"
  9431. ASCII "lstrcpynW"
  9432. ASCII "lstrlen"
  9433. ASCII "lstrlenA"
  9434. ASCII "lstrlenW"
  9435. ASCII "time"
  9436. ASCII "wprintf"
  9437. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  9438. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlAcquireSRWLockShared"
  9439. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlAddVectoredContinueHandler"
  9440. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler"
  9441. ASCII "NTDLL.TpCancelAsyncIoOperation"
  9442. ASCII "NTDLL.TpReleasePool"
  9443. ASCII "NTDLL.TpReleaseCleanupGroup"
  9444. ASCII "NTDLL.TpReleaseCleanupGroupMembers"
  9445. ASCII "NTDLL.TpReleaseIoCompletion"
  9446. ASCII "NTDLL.TpReleaseTimer"
  9447. ASCII "NTDLL.TpReleaseWait"
  9448. ASCII "NTDLL.TpReleaseWork"
  9449. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlDecodePointer"
  9450. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlDecodeSystemPointer"
  9451. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlDeleteCriticalSection"
  9452. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlDeleteBarrier"
  9453. ASCII "NTDLL.TpDisassociateCallback"
  9454. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlEncodePointer"
  9455. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlEncodeSystemPointer"
  9456. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlEnterCriticalSection"
  9457. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventActivityIdControl"
  9458. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventEnabled"
  9459. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventProviderEnabled"
  9460. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventRegister"
  9461. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventSetInformation"
  9462. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventUnregister"
  9463. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventWrite"
  9464. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventWriteEx"
  9465. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventWriteString"
  9466. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwEventWriteTransfer"
  9467. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlExitUserProcess"
  9468. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlExitUserThread"
  9469. ASCII "NTDLL.NtFlushProcessWriteBuffers"
  9470. ASCII "NTDLL.TpCallbackUnloadDllOnCompletion"
  9471. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumber"
  9472. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx"
  9473. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwGetTraceEnableFlags"
  9474. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwGetTraceEnableLevel"
  9475. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle"
  9476. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlAllocateHeap"
  9477. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlFreeHeap"
  9478. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlReAllocateHeap"
  9479. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlSizeHeap"
  9480. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlRunOnceInitialize"
  9481. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInitializeConditionVariable"
  9482. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInitializeCriticalSection"
  9483. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInitializeSListHead"
  9484. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInitializeSRWLock"
  9485. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64"
  9486. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInterlockedFlushSList"
  9487. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInterlockedPopEntrySList"
  9488. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList"
  9489. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInterlockedPushListSList"
  9490. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlInterlockedPushListSListEx"
  9491. ASCII "NTDLL.TpIsTimerSet"
  9492. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
  9493. ASCII "NTDLL.TpCallbackLeaveCriticalSectionOnCompletion"
  9494. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlQueryDepthSList"
  9495. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlQueryPerformanceCounter"
  9496. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlQueryPerformanceFrequency"
  9497. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlQueryUnbiasedInterruptTime"
  9498. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW"
  9499. ASCII "NTDLL.TpCallbackReleaseMutexOnCompletion"
  9500. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive"
  9501. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlReleaseSRWLockShared"
  9502. ASCII "NTDLL.TpCallbackReleaseSemaphoreOnCompletion"
  9503. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlRemoveVectoredContinueHandler"
  9504. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlRemoveVectoredExceptionHandler"
  9505. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlRestoreLastWin32Error"
  9506. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlSetCriticalSectionSpinCount"
  9507. ASCII "NTDLL.TpCallbackSetEventOnCompletion"
  9508. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlSetLastWin32Error"
  9509. ASCII "NTDLL.TpSetPoolMaxThreads"
  9510. ASCII "NTDLL.TpSetTimer"
  9511. ASCII "NTDLL.TpSetTimerEx"
  9512. ASCII "NTDLL.TpSetWait"
  9513. ASCII "NTDLL.TpSetWaitEx"
  9514. ASCII "NTDLL.TpStartAsyncIoOperation"
  9515. ASCII "NTDLL.TpPostWork"
  9516. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwLogTraceEvent"
  9517. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwTraceMessage"
  9518. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwTraceMessageVa"
  9519. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlTryAcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  9520. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlTryAcquireSRWLockShared"
  9521. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlTryEnterCriticalSection"
  9522. ASCII "NTDLL.EtwUnregisterTraceGuids"
  9523. ASCII "NTDLL.VerSetConditionMask"
  9524. ASCII "NTDLL.TpWaitForIoCompletion"
  9525. ASCII "NTDLL.TpWaitForTimer"
  9526. ASCII "NTDLL.TpWaitForWait"
  9527. ASCII "NTDLL.TpWaitForWork"
  9528. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlWakeAllConditionVariable"
  9529. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlWakeAddressAll"
  9530. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlWakeAddressSingle"
  9531. ASCII "NTDLL.RtlWakeConditionVariable"
  9532. UNICODE "Win32AppCompat"
  9533. UNICODE "Allows getting the 6.2 version only"
  9534. UNICODE "Routine for current OS that gets the correct version."
  9535. UNICODE "GetVersionExWSwitch"
  9536. UNICODE "Return 6.2 as the version from GetVersionExW."
  9537. UNICODE "GetVersionExW_Win8"
  9538. UNICODE "GetVersionExW_Current"
  9539. UNICODE "_Classes"
  9542. ASCII "kLsE"
  9543. ASCII "kLsE"
  9544. UNICODE "!x-sys-default-locale"
  9545. UNICODE "!x-sys-default-locale"
  9546. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  9547. UNICODE "TMP"
  9548. UNICODE "\Nls\Sorting\Versions"
  9549. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  9550. UNICODE "\Nls\Sorting\Versions"
  9551. UNICODE "*.*"
  9552. UNICODE "\Nls\Language Groups"
  9553. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  9554. UNICODE "\Nls\Language Groups"
  9555. UNICODE "\Nls\Locale\Alternate Sorts"
  9556. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  9557. UNICODE "\Nls\Locale\Alternate Sorts"
  9558. UNICODE "\Nls\Locale"
  9559. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  9560. UNICODE "\Nls\Locale"
  9561. UNICODE "ext-ms-win-ntuser-string-l1-1-0"
  9562. UNICODE "ext-ms-win-ntuser-string-l1-1-0"
  9563. ASCII "%s"
  9566. UNICODE "GetVersionSwitch"
  9567. UNICODE "Return 6.2 as the version from GetVersion."
  9568. UNICODE "GetVersion_Win8"
  9569. UNICODE "GetVersion_Current"
  9570. UNICODE "GetOverlappedResultSwitch"
  9571. UNICODE "Perform fixed up behavior for GetOverlappedResult for Win7 and beyond."
  9572. UNICODE "GetOverlappedResult_Win7"
  9573. UNICODE "Allow race condition fix in GetOverlappedResult"
  9574. UNICODE "GetOverlappedResult_Vista"
  9575. UNICODE "Routine for downlevel that does nothing."
  9576. UNICODE "CreateFileDowngradeSwitch"
  9577. UNICODE "Allow denial of exclusive open of a file when caller does not have write privilege."
  9578. UNICODE "CreateFileDowngrade_Win7"
  9579. UNICODE "Allow flag to be passed with CreateFile call that indicates to perform downgrade if applicable."
  9580. UNICODE "CreateFileDowngrade_Vista"
  9581. ASCII "kLsE"
  9582. UNICODE ":\"
  9583. UNICODE ":/\"
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  10326. ASCII "DnsValidateName_W"
  10327. ASCII "DnsValidateName_W"
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  10354. ASCII "CsrCreateRemoteThread"
  10355. ASCII "CsrCreateRemoteThread"
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  10365. UNICODE " /c"
  10366. ASCII "Kernel32: No mapping for ImageInformation.Machine == %04x
  10367. "
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  10370. UNICODE "\system32\cmd.exe"
  10371. UNICODE " /c"
  10372. UNICODE "Debugger"
  10373. ASCII "Kernel32: No mapping for ImageInformation.Machine == %04x
  10374. "
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  10376. UNICODE "ComputerName"
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  10382. UNICODE "%s\%u-%u-%u-%u"
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  10384. ASCII "CreateRemoteThreadEx"
  10385. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failing thread create because RtlQueryInformationActivationContext() failed with status %08lx
  10386. "
  10387. ASCII "CreateRemoteThreadEx"
  10388. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failing thread create because RtlActivateActivationContextEx() failed with status %08lx
  10389. "
  10390. ASCII "CreateRemoteThreadEx"
  10391. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failing thread create because RtlAllocateActivationContextStack() failed with status %08lx
  10392. "
  10393. ASCII "CreateRemoteThreadEx"
  10394. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failing thread create because RtlQueryInformationActivationContext() failed with status %08lx
  10395. "
  10396. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failing thread create because RtlAllocateActivationContextStack() failed with status %08lx
  10397. "
  10398. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failing thread create because RtlActivateActivationContextEx() failed with status %08lx
  10399. "
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  10463. UNICODE "LastChange"
  10464. ASCII "Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
  10465. "
  10466. ASCII "Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
  10467. "
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  10469. ASCII "SbFilterProcedure_Scenario"
  10470. ASCII "SbFilterProcedure_Scenario"
  10471. ASCII "
  10472. STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN encountered
  10473. "
  10474. ASCII "
  10475. STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN encountered
  10476. "
  10477. ASCII "
  10478. Unhandled exception encountered
  10479. "
  10480. ASCII "
  10481. Unhandled exception encountered
  10482. "
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  10517. UNICODE "CreateStateContainer"
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  10519. UNICODE "StateContainer::CreateContainerKey"
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  10521. UNICODE "GetStateFolder"
  10522. UNICODE "CreateStateContainer"
  10523. UNICODE "StateSpace::GetHive"
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  10547. ASCII "OutputDebugString faulted during output
  10548. "
  10549. ASCII "gString faulted during output
  10550. "
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  10570. ASCII "BasepAllocateActivationContextActivationBlock"
  10571. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failure getting active activation context; ntstatus %08lx
  10572. "
  10573. ASCII "BasepAllocateActivationContextActivationBlock"
  10574. ASCII "SXS: %s - Failure getting active activation context; ntstatus %08lx
  10575. "
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  10606. UNICODE "CloseState"
  10607. UNICODE "CloseState"
  10608. UNICODE "FALSE"
  10609. ASCII "QueueUserAPC"
  10610. ASCII "SXS: %s failing because RtlQueryInformationActivationContext() returned status %08lx
  10611. "
  10612. ASCII "SXS: %s failing because RtlQueryInformationActivationContext() returned status %08lx
  10613. "
  10614. UNICODE "\KernelObjects\HighMemoryCondition"
  10615. UNICODE "\KernelObjects\HighMemoryCondition"
  10616. UNICODE "dark"
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  10632. UNICODE "CloseStateChangeNotification"
  10633. UNICODE "StateChangeNotification::~StateChangeNotification"
  10634. UNICODE "UnsubscribeStateChangeNotification"
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  10637. UNICODE "StateChangeNotification::~StateChangeNotification"
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  10645. UNICODE "USER32.DLL"
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  10723. UNICODE " ("
  10724. UNICODE "Unknown Language"
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  10726. UNICODE " ("
  10727. UNICODE "Unknown Locale"
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  11079. ASCII "EnterCriticalPolicySectionInternalWorker"
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  11083. ASCII "AreThereVisibleLogoffScriptsInternalWorker"
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  11086. ASCII "HasPolicyForegroundProcessingCompletedInternalWorker"
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  11146. [/CODE]
  11147. MALWARE.exe
  11148. [CODE]
  11149. Search - Text strings referenced in ntdll
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  11152. "
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  11190. UNICODE "__APPDIR__"
  11193. ASCII "ERROR"
  11194. ASCII "WARNING"
  11195. ASCII "INFO"
  11196. ASCII "ENTER"
  11197. ASCII "RETURN"
  11198. ASCII "_CorExeMain"
  11200. ASCII "_CorExeMain"
  11201. UNICODE "COMPLUS_InstallRoot"
  11203. UNICODE "ntdll.dll"
  11204. ASCII "BaseThreadInitThunk"
  11205. ASCII "TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW"
  11206. UNICODE "\KnownDlls"
  11207. UNICODE "KnownDllPath"
  11208. UNICODE "ntdll.dll"
  11209. UNICODE "TransparentEnabled"
  11210. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Option"
  11211. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Srp\GP\DLL"
  11212. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  11213. UNICODE ".DLL"
  11214. UNICODE "\SYSTEM32\"
  11219. UNICODE "\SYSTEM32\"
  11220. ASCII "Actx "
  11221. UNICODE "NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath"
  11222. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager"
  11223. UNICODE "SafeProcessSearchMode"
  11224. UNICODE "SafeDllSearchMode"
  11225. UNICODE "."
  11226. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\AssemblyStorageRoots"
  11227. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\AssemblyStorageRoots"
  11228. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
  11229. ASCII "0123456789ABCDEF"
  11230. ASCII "A!B!C!D!E!F!G!H!I!2"
  11231. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CustomLocale"
  11232. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfo"
  11233. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfoLegacyMapping"
  11234. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfo"
  11235. UNICODE "Kernel-ProductInfoLegacyMapping"
  11237. UNICODE "WIN://PKG"
  11238. UNICODE " "$&(*,.02468:<>@"
  11239. UNICODE "xmc^TPKGC?"
  11240. UNICODE "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"
  11241. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services"
  11242. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  11243. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  11244. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Hardware\DeviceMap"
  11245. UNICODE "\Registry\User\.Default"
  11246. UNICODE "DaylightBias"
  11247. UNICODE "DaylightName"
  11248. UNICODE "StandardBias"
  11249. UNICODE "Time Zones\"
  11250. UNICODE "\Dynamic DST"
  11251. UNICODE "FirstEntry"
  11252. UNICODE "StandardName"
  11253. UNICODE "DaylightStart"
  11254. UNICODE "LastEntry"
  11255. UNICODE "StandardStart"
  11256. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services"
  11257. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control"
  11258. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  11259. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Hardware\DeviceMap"
  11260. UNICODE "\Registry\User\.Default"
  11261. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0"
  11262. UNICODE "Cleanup Group"
  11263. UNICODE "Alpc"
  11264. UNICODE "Pool"
  11265. UNICODE "Timer"
  11266. UNICODE "Timer Queue"
  11267. UNICODE "Waiter TCB"
  11268. UNICODE "Wait"
  11269. UNICODE "Threadpool!"
  11270. UNICODE "windows vista"
  11271. UNICODE "windows seven"
  11272. UNICODE "windows eight"
  11273. UNICODE "windows blue"
  11274. UNICODE "windows vista"
  11275. UNICODE "windows seven"
  11276. UNICODE "windows eight"
  11277. UNICODE "windows blue"
  11278. UNICODE "\rescache"
  11279. UNICODE "%SystemRoot%"
  11280. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\"
  11281. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\Config"
  11282. UNICODE "\\"
  11283. UNICODE "COMPLUS_Version"
  11285. UNICODE "LargePageDLLs"
  11286. UNICODE "BreakOnInitializeProcessFailure"
  11287. UNICODE "KeepActivationContextsAlive"
  11288. UNICODE "TrackActivationContextReleases"
  11290. UNICODE "CheckAllProcessMachinePolicyEnabled"
  11291. ASCII "SaferiIsDllAllowed"
  11292. UNICODE "OptionValue"
  11293. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  11294. UNICODE "vrfcore.dll"
  11295. ASCII "AVrfAPILookupCallback"
  11296. ASCII "AVrfAPILookupCallback"
  11297. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  11298. UNICODE "vrfcore.dll"
  11299. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  11300. UNICODE "Location"
  11301. UNICODE "Location"
  11302. UNICODE "FindResource API entry"
  11303. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API entry"
  11304. UNICODE "LoadResource API entry"
  11305. UNICODE "FindResource API exit"
  11306. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API exit"
  11307. UNICODE "LoadResource API exit"
  11308. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API exit"
  11309. UNICODE "LoadResource API entry"
  11310. UNICODE "LoadResource API exit"
  11311. UNICODE "FindResource API entry"
  11312. UNICODE "FindResourceEx API entry"
  11313. UNICODE "FindResource API exit"
  11314. ASCII "Crc32 Castagnoli"
  11315. ASCII "Crc32 Castagnoli"
  11316. ASCII "Crc64 ReFS-v1"
  11317. UNICODE "LocaleName"
  11318. UNICODE "Control Panel\International"
  11319. ASCII "VirtualMemoryThreshold"
  11320. ASCII "DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold"
  11321. ASCII "DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold"
  11322. ASCII "MaximumAllocationSize"
  11323. ASCII "ProcessHeapsListIndex"
  11324. ASCII "HeaderValidateLength"
  11325. ASCII "HeaderValidateCopy"
  11326. ASCII "NextAvailableTagIndex"
  11327. ASCII "MaximumTagIndex"
  11328. ASCII "VirtualAllocdBlocks"
  11329. ASCII "SegmentList"
  11330. ASCII "AllocatorBackTraceIndex"
  11331. ASCII "NonDedicatedListLength"
  11332. ASCII "PseudoTagEntries"
  11333. ASCII "FrontHeapLockCount"
  11334. ASCII "FrontEndHeapType"
  11335. ASCII "Uncommitted Ranges"
  11336. ASCII "Entry"
  11337. ASCII "Signature"
  11338. ASCII "Flags"
  11339. ASCII "ForceFlags"
  11340. ASCII "VirtualMemoryThreshold"
  11341. ASCII "SegmentReserve"
  11342. ASCII "SegmentCommit"
  11343. ASCII "DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold"
  11344. ASCII "DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold"
  11345. ASCII "TotalFreeSize"
  11346. ASCII "MaximumAllocationSize"
  11347. ASCII "ProcessHeapsListIndex"
  11348. ASCII "HeaderValidateLength"
  11349. ASCII "HeaderValidateCopy"
  11350. ASCII "NextAvailableTagIndex"
  11351. ASCII "MaximumTagIndex"
  11352. ASCII "TagEntries"
  11353. ASCII "AlignRound"
  11354. ASCII "AlignMask"
  11355. ASCII "VirtualAllocdBlocks"
  11356. ASCII "SegmentList"
  11357. ASCII "AllocatorBackTraceIndex"
  11358. ASCII "NonDedicatedListLength"
  11359. ASCII "PseudoTagEntries"
  11360. ASCII "FreeLists"
  11361. ASCII "LockVariable"
  11362. ASCII "FrontEndHeap"
  11363. ASCII "FrontHeapLockCount"
  11364. ASCII "FrontEndHeapType"
  11365. ASCII "Uncommitted Ranges"
  11366. UNICODE "TimeZoneKeyName"
  11367. UNICODE "DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled"
  11368. UNICODE "BuildLabEx"
  11369. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  11370. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with a transaction uncleared
  11371. "
  11372. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with the loader lock held
  11373. "
  11374. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with preferred languages set
  11375. "
  11376. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with background priorities set
  11377. "
  11378. ASCII "ThreadPool: attempt to terminate a worker thread via handle %p
  11379. Contact the owner of the function calling Terminate/Exit thread.
  11380. "
  11381. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u is no longer valid. It may have been unmapped already!!! ***
  11382. "
  11383. ASCII "*** --------> Follow-up: avgarcia;erik;muidev ***
  11384. "
  11385. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u magic field is corrupt!!! ***
  11386. "
  11387. UNICODE "*.*"
  11388. UNICODE "Restricted"
  11389. UNICODE "Restricted"
  11390. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\LatestIndex"
  11391. UNICODE "CON"
  11392. UNICODE "CONOUT$"
  11393. UNICODE "CONIN$"
  11394. UNICODE "Global\%s/base%s"
  11395. UNICODE "%s\*\%s"
  11396. UNICODE "%s\%s*%s"
  11397. UNICODE "Global\%s%s%s"
  11398. UNICODE "%s\"
  11399. UNICODE "%s\%s\%s"
  11400. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d"
  11401. UNICODE "Global\%s/%s%04d%s"
  11402. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s"
  11403. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s"
  11404. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s%s"
  11405. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d%s"
  11406. UNICODE "%s\%s%d%s"
  11407. UNICODE "%s%s%d%s"
  11408. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s*%s"
  11409. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s%d%s"
  11410. UNICODE "tmp"
  11411. UNICODE "upd"
  11412. UNICODE "Upd"
  11413. UNICODE "wip"
  11414. UNICODE "ResCache.usg"
  11415. UNICODE "CmfHits"
  11416. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  11417. UNICODE "Segment"
  11418. UNICODE "Directory"
  11419. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  11420. UNICODE "ResCache.mni"
  11421. UNICODE "ResCache.ccm"
  11422. UNICODE "\WindowsErrorReportingServicePort"
  11423. UNICODE "\KernelObjects\SystemErrorPortReady"
  11424. ASCII "::"
  11425. ASCII "%x"
  11426. UNICODE "MiniNT"
  11427. UNICODE "PortableOperatingSystem"
  11428. UNICODE "TimeZoneInformation"
  11429. UNICODE "Bias"
  11430. UNICODE "StandardName"
  11431. UNICODE "StandardBias"
  11432. UNICODE "StandardStart"
  11433. UNICODE "DaylightName"
  11434. UNICODE "DaylightBias"
  11435. UNICODE "DaylightStart"
  11436. UNICODE "Time Zones\"
  11437. UNICODE "\Dynamic DST"
  11438. UNICODE "FirstEntry"
  11439. UNICODE "LastEntry"
  11440. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\Config"
  11441. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\Config"
  11442. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\"
  11443. UNICODE "\rescache"
  11444. UNICODE "%SystemRoot%"
  11445. UNICODE "svchost.exe"
  11446. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledProcesses\"
  11447. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  11448. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  11449. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  11450. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  11451. UNICODE "CEIPEnable"
  11452. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  11453. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows"
  11454. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm"
  11455. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore"
  11456. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  11457. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows"
  11458. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm"
  11459. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore"
  11460. UNICODE "SampledOut"
  11461. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  11462. UNICODE "StudyId"
  11463. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  11464. UNICODE "\Sessions"
  11465. UNICODE "%ws\%ld\AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  11466. UNICODE "AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  11467. UNICODE "ASqmManifestVersion"
  11468. UNICODE "(null)"
  11469. UNICODE "AdaptiveSqmNameSpaceBoundary"
  11470. UNICODE "DPS"
  11471. ASCII "%d"
  11472. ASCII "%d"
  11473. UNICODE "xn--"
  11474. UNICODE "xl--"
  11475. ASCII "LdrLoadDll"
  11476. ASCII "EXT-"
  11478. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  11479. "
  11480. UNICODE "S-1-"
  11481. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  11482. "
  11483. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  11484. "
  11485. ASCII "*** CreateLanguageList:%X ****
  11486. "
  11487. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Section found (offset %ld; length %lu) extends past end of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  11488. "
  11489. UNICODE "API-"
  11490. UNICODE "EXT-"
  11491. UNICODE "MUI"
  11492. UNICODE "MUI"
  11493. UNICODE ".mui"
  11494. UNICODE ".mui"
  11495. ASCII "Actx "
  11496. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Enter"
  11497. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Exit"
  11498. UNICODE "RtlpResUltimateFallbackInfo Enter"
  11499. UNICODE "MUI"
  11500. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Enter"
  11501. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Exit"
  11502. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Enter"
  11503. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Exit"
  11504. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Enter"
  11505. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Exit"
  11506. UNICODE "MUI"
  11507. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Enter"
  11508. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Exit"
  11509. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Enter"
  11510. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Exit"
  11511. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Enter"
  11512. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Exit"
  11513. UNICODE "SharedSection"
  11514. UNICODE "ApiPort"
  11517. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached\MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  11518. UNICODE "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Control Panel\Desktop"
  11519. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  11520. UNICODE "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Control Panel\Desktop"
  11521. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\LanguageConfiguration"
  11522. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  11523. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  11524. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  11525. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  11526. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  11527. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguagesPending"
  11528. UNICODE "\Registry\User\.Default"
  11529. UNICODE ".mui"
  11530. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to get activation context data, storage map and assembly roster header. Status = 0x%08lx
  11531. "
  11532. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to resolve storage map entry. Status = 0x%08lx
  11533. "
  11534. UNICODE ".Local\"
  11535. UNICODE "\WinSxS\"
  11536. UNICODE ".Local"
  11537. ASCII "Actx "
  11538. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has TOC header too small (%lu)
  11539. "
  11540. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid assembly roster offset
  11541. "
  11542. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC entry array offset
  11543. "
  11544. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC header offset
  11545. "
  11546. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p lacks assembly roster
  11547. "
  11548. UNICODE "MUI"
  11549. UNICODE "\SYSTEM32\"
  11550. UNICODE "PATH"
  11551. UNICODE "PATH"
  11552. UNICODE "NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath"
  11553. UNICODE "%s"
  11554. UNICODE "%%%u"
  11555. UNICODE "%s"
  11556. UNICODE "hs"
  11557. UNICODE "]:%u"
  11558. UNICODE "%%%u"
  11559. UNICODE "%x"
  11560. UNICODE "::"
  11561. ASCII "ffff:"
  11562. UNICODE "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  11563. UNICODE ":%u.%u.%u.%u"
  11564. UNICODE "%u"
  11565. UNICODE "%wZ"
  11566. UNICODE "%wZ"
  11567. UNICODE "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"
  11569. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  11570. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  11571. UNICODE ":%u"
  11572. UNICODE "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  11573. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found CheckAppHelp = %d for %wZ in ImageFileExecutionOptions
  11574. "
  11575. UNICODE "ExecuteOptions"
  11576. UNICODE "\DllNXOptions"
  11577. UNICODE "UseFilter"
  11578. ASCII "SE_InitializeEngine"
  11579. ASCII "SE_ShimDllLoaded"
  11580. ASCII "SE_InstallBeforeInit"
  11581. ASCII "SE_InstallAfterInit"
  11582. ASCII "SE_DllLoaded"
  11583. ASCII "SE_DllUnloaded"
  11584. ASCII "SE_LdrEntryRemoved"
  11585. ASCII "SE_ProcessDying"
  11586. ASCII "SE_LdrResolveDllName"
  11587. ASCII "SE_GetProcAddressForCaller"
  11588. ASCII "ApphelpCheckModule"
  11589. UNICODE "Unknown"
  11590. UNICODE "Unknown"
  11591. UNICODE "GetExitCodeProcessW"
  11592. UNICODE "\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  11593. UNICODE "Cleanup Group"
  11594. UNICODE "Threadpool!"
  11595. UNICODE ""
  11596. ASCII ".aspack"
  11597. ASCII ".pcle"
  11598. ASCII ".sforce"
  11599. UNICODE "COMPLUS_InstallRoot"
  11600. UNICODE "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"
  11601. ASCII "secserv.dll"
  11602. ASCII "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  11603. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0"
  11604. UNICODE "~MHz"
  11605. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  11606. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  11607. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  11608. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  11609. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  11610. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\bootstat.dat"
  11611. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  11612. UNICODE "WSqmConsLastRunTime"
  11613. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\SysprepPerformed\"
  11614. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\CommonDatapoints\"
  11615. UNICODE "System Volume Information"
  11616. UNICODE "xn--"
  11617. UNICODE "xl--"
  11618. UNICODE "Log"
  11619. UNICODE "\SmApiPort"
  11620. UNICODE "RXACT"
  11621. UNICODE "Log"
  11622. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\SQMData\BootLanguages"
  11623. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  11624. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  11625. ASCII "User32 init not called"
  11626. ASCII "Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
  11627. "
  11628. ASCII "(null)"
  11629. UNICODE "(null)"
  11630. ASCII "(null)"
  11631. ASCII "(null)"
  11632. ASCII "(null)"
  11633. UNICODE "(null)"
  11634. ASCII "pow"
  11635. ASCII "exp"
  11636. ASCII "exp"
  11637. ASCII "log10"
  11638. ASCII "log10"
  11639. ASCII "log"
  11640. ASCII "log"
  11641. ASCII "pow"
  11642. ASCII "asin"
  11643. ASCII "acos"
  11644. ASCII "pow"
  11645. ASCII "pow"
  11646. ASCII "exp10"
  11647. ASCII "log"
  11648. ASCII "log10"
  11649. ASCII "exp"
  11650. ASCII "atan"
  11651. ASCII "ceil"
  11652. ASCII "floor"
  11653. ASCII "modf"
  11654. ASCII "sin"
  11655. ASCII "cos"
  11656. ASCII "tan"
  11657. ASCII "(null)"
  11658. UNICODE "(null)"
  11659. ASCII "(null)"
  11660. ASCII "(null)"
  11661. ASCII "(null)"
  11662. UNICODE "(null)"
  11663. ASCII "User32 init not called"
  11664. UNICODE "SharedSection"
  11665. UNICODE "ApiPort"
  11667. UNICODE "TrustedInstaller"
  11668. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange"
  11669. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange\PackageList\%ws"
  11670. UNICODE "BinaryName"
  11671. UNICODE "BinaryHash"
  11672. ASCII "secserv.dll"
  11673. ASCII ".txt2"
  11674. ASCII ".aspack"
  11675. ASCII ".pcle"
  11676. ASCII ".sforce"
  11677. ASCII "Set 0x%X protection for %p section for %d bytes, old protection 0x%X
  11678. "
  11679. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Tyring to fix protection for %ws section in %wZ module to 0x%X
  11680. "
  11681. UNICODE "\DllNXOptions"
  11682. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found CheckAppHelp = %d for %wZ in ImageFileExecutionOptions
  11683. "
  11684. UNICODE "ExecuteOptions"
  11685. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found ExecuteOptions = %ws for %wZ in application compatibility database
  11686. "
  11687. UNICODE "Execute=1"
  11688. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found Execute=1, turning off execution protection for the process because of %wZ
  11689. "
  11690. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing %ws for patching section protection for %wZ
  11691. "
  11692. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing section info %ws...
  11693. "
  11694. UNICODE "Legacy"
  11695. UNICODE "UEFI"
  11696. ASCII "%04x:%04x @ %08d - %s - %s: "
  11697. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  11698. ASCII "Nonpackaged process attempted to load a packaged DLL.
  11699. "
  11700. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  11701. "
  11702. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  11703. ASCII "DLL %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  11704. "
  11705. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  11706. "
  11707. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ
  11708. "
  11709. ASCII "Could not validate the crypto signature for DLL %wZ
  11710. "
  11711. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  11712. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  11713. "
  11714. ASCII "Locating DLL %wZ
  11715. "
  11716. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  11717. ASCII "LdrpProtectedCopyMemory"
  11718. ASCII "LdrLockLoaderLock"
  11719. ASCII "LdrUnlockLoaderLock"
  11720. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\"
  11721. ASCII "Unknown"
  11722. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in "%wZ" 0x%08lx
  11723. "
  11724. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  11725. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrdload.c"
  11726. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in module 0x%p 0x%08lx
  11727. "
  11728. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDll"
  11729. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  11730. ASCII "LdrpFindLoadedDll"
  11731. ASCII "LdrpFindKnownDll"
  11732. ASCII "LdrpResolveDllName"
  11733. ASCII "LdrpMapViewOfSection"
  11734. ASCII "Querying large page info failed with status 0x%08lx
  11735. "
  11736. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  11737. ASCII "Changing the protection of the executable at %p failed with status 0x%08lx
  11738. "
  11739. ASCII "LdrpRelocateImage"
  11740. ASCII "BoG_ *90.0&!! Yy>"
  11741. ASCII "stxt371"
  11742. ASCII "Delaying execution failed with status 0x%08lx
  11743. "
  11744. ASCII "_LdrpInitialize"
  11745. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  11746. ASCII "Process initialization failed with status 0x%08lx
  11747. "
  11748. ASCII "LdrpInitializationFailure"
  11749. ASCII "Process initialization raised exception 0x%08lx
  11750. Exception record: .exr %p
  11751. Context record: .cxr %p
  11752. "
  11753. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcessWrapperFilter"
  11754. ASCII "SE_InitializeEngine"
  11755. ASCII "SE_ShimDllLoaded"
  11756. ASCII "SE_InstallBeforeInit"
  11757. ASCII "SE_InstallAfterInit"
  11758. ASCII "SE_LdrEntryRemoved"
  11759. ASCII "SE_ProcessDying"
  11760. ASCII "SE_LdrResolveDllName"
  11761. ASCII "SE_GetProcAddressForCaller"
  11762. ASCII "ApphelpCheckModule"
  11763. ASCII "Could not locate procedure "%s" in the shim engine DLL
  11764. "
  11765. ASCII "LdrpGetShimEngineInterface"
  11766. ASCII "Loading the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11767. "
  11768. ASCII "LdrpLoadShimEngine"
  11769. ASCII "Initializing the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11770. "
  11771. ASCII "Initializing a shim dependency "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11772. "
  11773. ASCII "LdrpInitializeShimDllDependencies"
  11774. ASCII "Loading the shim engine DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11775. "
  11776. ASCII "LdrpInitShimEngine"
  11777. ASCII "Getting the shim engine exports failed with status 0x%08lx
  11778. "
  11779. ASCII "Finding the shim engine entry failed with status 0x%08lx
  11780. "
  11781. ASCII "LdrInitShimEngineDynamic"
  11782. ASCII "Failed to allocated memory for shimmed module list
  11783. "
  11784. ASCII "LdrpCheckModule"
  11785. UNICODE "\system32\apphelp.dll"
  11786. ASCII "LdrpGetProcApphelpCheckModule"
  11787. ASCII "Getting ApphelpCheckModule failed with status 0x%08lx
  11788. "
  11789. ASCII "LdrpDynamicShimModule"
  11790. ASCII "Failed to reallocate the system dirs string !
  11791. "
  11792. ASCII "LdrpInitializePerUserWindowsDirectory"
  11793. ASCII "TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW"
  11794. ASCII "BaseThreadInitThunk"
  11795. UNICODE "\KnownDlls"
  11796. UNICODE "KnownDllPath"
  11797. ASCII "BaseQueryModuleData"
  11798. ASCII "Initializing the execution options for the process %lx failed with status 0x%08lx
  11799. "
  11800. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  11801. ASCII "Initializing process 0x%lx
  11802. "
  11803. UNICODE "StackTraceDatabaseSizeInMb"
  11804. ASCII "Stack trace database size is %Id Mb
  11805. "
  11806. ASCII "Creating the process heap failed
  11807. "
  11808. UNICODE "!Process"
  11809. UNICODE "CSRSS Client"
  11810. UNICODE "LDR Database"
  11811. UNICODE "Current Directory"
  11812. UNICODE "TLS Storage"
  11813. UNICODE "DBGSS Client"
  11814. UNICODE "SE Temporary"
  11815. UNICODE "Temporary"
  11816. UNICODE "LocalAtom"
  11817. UNICODE "ServiceTag"
  11818. UNICODE "ForwarderTag"
  11819. UNICODE "NTDLL!"
  11820. UNICODE "DebugProcessHeapOnly"
  11821. ASCII "Querying the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  11822. "
  11823. ASCII "Opening the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  11824. "
  11825. ASCII "Allocating a buffer to hold the current working directory failed
  11826. "
  11827. ASCII "Failed to allocate the system dirs string!
  11828. "
  11829. UNICODE "\system;"
  11830. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the system DLL failed
  11831. "
  11832. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the executable failed
  11833. "
  11834. ASCII "Beginning execution of %wZ (%wZ)
  11835. Current directory: %wZ
  11836. Package directories: %wZ
  11837. "
  11838. ASCII "Initializing the current directory to "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11839. "
  11840. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the application verifier DLL failed
  11841. "
  11842. ASCII "Initializing TLS slots failed with status 0x%08lx
  11843. "
  11844. ASCII "Locating procedure "%Z" in Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11845. "
  11846. ASCII "Loading Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11847. "
  11848. ASCII "LdrpCodeAuthzInitialize failed with status 0x%08lx
  11849. "
  11850. ASCII "Walking the import tables of the executable and its static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  11851. "
  11852. ASCII "Running the init routines of the executable's static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  11853. "
  11854. ASCII "Process 0x%x (%wZ) exiting
  11855. "
  11856. ASCII "LdrShutdownProcess"
  11857. UNICODE "SPPsvc.exe"
  11858. UNICODE "PageHeapFlags"
  11859. ASCII "Per-DLL page heap is disabled since fast fill heap is enabled
  11860. "
  11861. ASCII "LdrpInitializeApplicationVerifierPackage"
  11862. ASCII "LdrpTouchThreadStack"
  11863. UNICODE "%s!%s"
  11864. UNICODE "DisableHeapLookaside"
  11865. UNICODE "FrontEndHeapDebugOptions"
  11866. UNICODE "ShutdownFlags"
  11867. UNICODE "UnloadEventTraceDepth"
  11868. UNICODE "TracingFlags"
  11869. UNICODE "DisableExceptionChainValidation"
  11870. UNICODE "LargePageDLLs"
  11871. UNICODE "MinimumStackCommitInBytes"
  11872. UNICODE "BreakOnInitializeProcessFailure"
  11873. UNICODE "KeepActivationContextsAlive"
  11874. UNICODE "TrackActivationContextReleases"
  11875. UNICODE "MaxDeadActivationContexts"
  11876. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  11877. ASCII "Initializing the application verifier package failed with status 0x%08lx
  11878. "
  11879. ASCII "LdrpInitializeExecutionOptions"
  11881. UNICODE "CWDIllegalInDLLSearch"
  11882. ASCII "Probing for the manifest of DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  11883. "
  11884. ASCII "LdrpFindDllActivationContext"
  11885. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  11886. ASCII "Querying the active activation context failed with status 0x%08lx
  11887. "
  11888. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  11889. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS.
  11890. "
  11891. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  11892. "
  11893. ASCII "Locating procedure "%s" by name
  11894. "
  11895. ASCII "LdrpGetProcedureAddress"
  11896. ASCII "Loading procedure 0x%lx by ordinal
  11897. "
  11898. ASCII "ParentModule: (%p) %wZ.
  11899. "
  11900. ASCII "LdrpResolveNonStaticDependency"
  11901. ASCII "Calling init routine %p for DLL "%wZ"
  11902. "
  11903. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  11904. ASCII "Init routine %p of DLL "%wZ" raised an exception %x
  11905. "
  11906. ASCII "Init routine %p for DLL "%wZ" failed during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
  11907. "
  11908. ASCII "Procedure "%s" could not be located in DLL at base 0x%p.
  11909. "
  11910. ASCII "LdrpNameToOrdinal"
  11911. ASCII "Failed to load for appcompat reasons
  11912. "
  11913. ASCII "LdrpPrepareModuleForExecution"
  11914. ASCII "Uninitializing DLL "%wZ" (Init routine: %p)
  11915. "
  11916. ASCII "LdrpProcessDetachNode"
  11917. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" does not contain an export table
  11918. "
  11919. ASCII "Unmapping DLL "%wZ"
  11920. "
  11921. ASCII "Merging a cycle rooted at %wZ.
  11922. "
  11923. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrddag.c"
  11924. ASCII "Adding cyclic module %wZ.
  11925. "
  11926. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" has TLS information at %p
  11927. "
  11928. ASCII "LdrpInitializeTls"
  11929. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  11930. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTls"
  11931. ASCII "TlsVector %p Index %d : %d bytes copied from %p to %p
  11932. "
  11933. ASCII "Calling TLS callback %p for DLL "%wZ" at %p
  11934. "
  11935. ASCII "LdrpCallTlsInitializers"
  11936. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTlsEntry"
  11937. ASCII "LdrpHandleTlsData"
  11938. ASCII "Function %s raised exception 0x%08lx
  11939. Exception record: .exr %p
  11940. Context record: .cxr %p
  11941. "
  11942. ASCII "LdrpGenericExceptionFilter"
  11943. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  11944. ASCII "
  11945. ***Exception thrown within loader***
  11946. "
  11947. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  11948. ASCII "Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context
  11949. "
  11950. UNICODE "Unknown"
  11951. UNICODE "#%d"
  11952. ASCII "Locating export at ordinal %d for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  11953. "
  11954. ASCII "LdrpReportError"
  11955. ASCII "Locating export "%wZ" for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  11956. "
  11957. UNICODE ".DLL"
  11958. UNICODE "\microsoft.system.package.metadata\Application"
  11959. UNICODE ".Local"
  11960. ASCII "DLL search path passed in externally: %ws
  11961. "
  11962. ASCII "LdrpInitializeDllPath"
  11963. ASCII "Lazy DLL search path computation failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  11964. "
  11965. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  11966. ASCII "DLL search path computed: %ws
  11967. "
  11968. ASCII "Packaged DLL search path computed. Package Dirs: %ws, DllPath: %ws
  11969. "
  11970. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Option"
  11971. UNICODE "OptionValue"
  11972. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Srp\GP\DLL"
  11973. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  11974. UNICODE "TransparentEnabled"
  11975. UNICODE "CheckAllProcessMachinePolicyEnabled"
  11977. ASCII "SaferiIsDllAllowed"
  11978. UNICODE "\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers"
  11979. ASCII "RTL: Enter Critical Section Timeout (%I64u secs) %d
  11980. "
  11981. ASCII "RTL: Pid.Tid %x.%x, owner tid %x Critical Section %p - ContentionCount == %lu
  11982. "
  11983. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  11984. "
  11985. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Shared Sem Timeout %d(%I64u secs)
  11986. "
  11987. ASCII "RTL: Resource at %p
  11988. "
  11989. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Exclusive Sem Timeout %d (%I64u secs)
  11990. "
  11991. ASCII "Resource @ %lx
  11992. "
  11993. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingShared = %lx
  11994. "
  11995. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingExclusive = %lx
  11996. "
  11997. ASCII " NumberOfActive = %lx
  11998. "
  11999. ASCII "NTDLL: Calling thread (%X) not owner of CritSect: %p Owner ThreadId: %X
  12000. "
  12001. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  12002. ASCII "Critical section debug info address"
  12003. ASCII "Critical section address"
  12004. ASCII "undeleted critical section in freed memory"
  12005. ASCII "Address of the debug info found in the active list."
  12006. ASCII "Invalid debug info address of this critical section"
  12007. ASCII "corrupted critical section"
  12008. ASCII "Second initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  12009. ASCII "First initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  12010. ASCII "Critical section address."
  12011. ASCII "double initialized or corrupted critical section"
  12012. ASCII "Thread identifier"
  12013. ASCII "Thread is in a state in which it cannot own a critical section"
  12014. UNICODE "Objects=%4u"
  12015. UNICODE "VirtualAlloc"
  12016. UNICODE "Objects>%4u"
  12017. UNICODE "\SystemRoot"
  12018. UNICODE "\System32\"
  12019. UNICODE "VerifierFlags"
  12020. UNICODE "HandleTraces"
  12021. UNICODE "VerifierDebug"
  12022. UNICODE "VerifierDlls"
  12023. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: flags 0x%X: application verifier enabled
  12024. "
  12025. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: application verifier will be disabled due to an initialization error.
  12026. "
  12027. ASCII "AVRF: -*- final list of providers -*-
  12028. "
  12029. ASCII "AVRF: resnapping %ws ...
  12030. "
  12031. ASCII "AVRF: skipped resnapping provider %ws ...
  12032. "
  12033. ASCII "AVRF: verifier dll `%ws'
  12034. "
  12035. ASCII "AVRF: Cannot load %ws from arbitrary location
  12036. "
  12037. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: failed to load provider `%ws' (status %08X) from %ws
  12038. "
  12039. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws is not a DLL image
  12040. "
  12041. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised while probing provider %ws
  12042. "
  12043. ASCII "AVRF: cannot find an entry point for provider %ws
  12044. "
  12045. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws passed an invalid descriptor @ %p
  12046. "
  12047. ASCII "AVRF: initialized provider %ws (descriptor @ %p)
  12048. "
  12049. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws did not initialize correctly
  12050. "
  12051. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised in provider %ws initialization routine
  12052. "
  12053. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws
  12054. "
  12055. ASCII "AVRF: chain: searching in %ws
  12056. "
  12057. ASCII "AVRF: chain: dll: %ws
  12058. "
  12059. ASCII "AVRF: chain: thunk: %s == %s ?
  12060. "
  12061. ASCII "AVRF: Found duplicate for (%ws: %s) in %ws
  12062. "
  12063. ASCII "AVRF: Checking %ws for duplicate (%ws: %s)
  12064. "
  12065. ASCII "AVRF: Chaining (%ws: %s) to %ws
  12066. "
  12067. ASCII "AVRF: pid 0x%X: found dll descriptor for `%ws' with verified exports
  12068. "
  12069. ASCII "AVRF: AVrfDllUnloadNotification called for a provider (%p)
  12070. "
  12071. ASCII "AVRF: internal error: New thunk for %s is null.
  12072. "
  12073. ASCII "AVRF: Snapped (%ws: %s) with (%ws: %p).
  12074. "
  12075. ASCII "AVRF: warning: did not find `%s' export in %ws .
  12076. "
  12077. ASCII "AVRF: (%ws) %s export found.
  12078. "
  12079. ASCII "AVRF: failed to enable handle checking (status %X)
  12080. "
  12081. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  12082. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find verifier.dll among loaded providers!
  12083. "
  12084. ASCII "VerifierStopMessage"
  12085. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find `VerifierStopMessage()' export in verifier.dll!
  12086. "
  12087. ASCII "
  12088. ===========================================================
  12089. VERIFIER STOP %p: pid 0x%X: %s
  12090. %p : %s
  12091. %p : %s
  12092. %p : %s
  12093. %p : %s
  12094. ===========================================================
  12095. "
  12096. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  12098. UNICODE "\KernelObjects\SystemErrorPortReady"
  12099. UNICODE "\WindowsErrorReportingServicePort"
  12100. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\"
  12102. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\WMR"
  12103. UNICODE "WMRSendMessageString"
  12104. UNICODE "DisableEscalation"
  12105. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Escalation"
  12106. UNICODE "WinShipAssert"
  12107. UNICODE "WindowsMessageReportingB1"
  12108. UNICODE "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  12109. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows"
  12110. UNICODE "svchost.exe"
  12111. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledProcesses\"
  12112. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\SysprepPerformed\"
  12113. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\CommonDatapoints\"
  12114. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  12115. UNICODE "StudyId"
  12116. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows"
  12117. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  12118. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm\windows"
  12119. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore\sqm"
  12120. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\ThrottleStore"
  12121. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows\winsqm8"
  12122. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm\windows"
  12123. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore\sqm"
  12124. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\TelemetryClient\SampleStore"
  12125. UNICODE "ThrottleExpiryTime"
  12126. UNICODE "SampledOut"
  12127. UNICODE "AdaptiveSqmNameSpaceBoundary"
  12128. UNICODE "DPS"
  12129. UNICODE "ASqmManifestVersion"
  12130. UNICODE "ASqmManifest_%x"
  12131. UNICODE "WSqmConsLastRunTime"
  12132. UNICODE "CEIPEnable"
  12133. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\AdaptiveSqm\Throttling"
  12134. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager"
  12135. UNICODE "PATH"
  12136. UNICODE "SafeDllSearchMode"
  12137. UNICODE "SafeProcessSearchMode"
  12139. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  12140. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  12141. ASCII "(This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString == NULL) || (This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString->Buffer == NULL)"
  12142. ASCII "rUS.Length <= This->PrivatePreallocatedString->MaximumLength"
  12143. ASCII "sxsisol_SearchActCtxForDllName"
  12144. ASCII "[%x.%x] SXS: %s - Relative redirection plus env var expansion.
  12145. "
  12147. ASCII "Status != STATUS_NOT_FOUND"
  12148. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p missing default TOC
  12149. "
  12150. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p lacks assembly roster
  12151. "
  12152. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC header offset
  12153. "
  12154. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has TOC header too small (%lu)
  12155. "
  12156. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid TOC entry array offset
  12157. "
  12158. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has invalid assembly roster offset
  12159. "
  12160. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has assembly roster header too small (%lu)
  12161. "
  12162. ASCII "RtlCreateActivationContext"
  12163. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context data
  12164. "
  12165. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  12166. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid flags 0x%08lx
  12167. "
  12168. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie type 0x%08Ix
  12169. "
  12170. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie tid 0x%08Ix - should be %08Ix
  12171. "
  12172. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  12173. ASCII "SXS: %s() Active frame is not the frame being deactivated %p != %p
  12174. "
  12175. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Activation context data at %p too small; TotalSize = %lu; HeaderSize = %lu
  12176. "
  12177. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC offset (%ld) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  12178. "
  12179. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC entry array (starting at offset %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  12180. "
  12181. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC section TOC %d (offset: %ld, size: %u) is outside activation context data bounds (%lu bytes)
  12182. "
  12183. ASCII "SXS/RTL: TOC entry array (offset: %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  12184. "
  12185. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Section found (offset %ld; length %lu) extends past end of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  12186. "
  12187. ASCII "RtlpFindActivationContextSection_CheckParameters"
  12188. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_flags but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  12189. "
  12190. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_assembly_metadata but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  12191. "
  12192. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  12193. "
  12194. ASCII "RtlpFindUnicodeStringInSection: Unsupported hash algorithm %lu found in string section.
  12195. "
  12196. ASCII "SXS: String hash collision chain offset at %p (= %ld) out of bounds
  12197. "
  12198. ASCII "SXS: String hash table entry at %p has invalid key offset (= %ld)
  12199. Header = %p; Index = %lu; Bucket = %p; Chain = %p
  12200. "
  12201. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a GUID section
  12202. "
  12203. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  12204. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p only %Iu bytes long; that's not even enough for the 4-byte magic and 4-byte header length!
  12205. "
  12206. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with wrong magic value
  12207. Expected %lu; got %lu
  12208. "
  12209. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p claims %lu byte header size; that doesn't even include the HeaderSize member!
  12210. "
  12211. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p with too small of a header
  12212. HeaderSize: %lu
  12213. Required: %lu
  12214. "
  12215. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with element list overlapping section header
  12216. Section header: %p
  12217. Header Size: %lu
  12218. ElementListOffset: %lu
  12219. "
  12220. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with search structure overlapping section header
  12221. Section header: %p
  12222. Header Size: %lu
  12223. SearchStructureOffset: %lu
  12224. "
  12225. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data overlapping section header
  12226. Section header: %p
  12227. Header Size: %lu
  12228. User Data Offset: %lu
  12229. "
  12230. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data too small
  12231. Section header: %p
  12232. UserDataSize: %lu; needed: %lu
  12233. "
  12234. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data extending beyond section data
  12235. Section header: %p
  12236. UserDataSize: %lu
  12237. UserDataOffset: %lu
  12238. Section size: %Iu
  12239. "
  12240. ASCII "RtlpQueryInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  12241. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with assembly roster that has no root
  12242. "
  12243. ASCII "RtlpQueryAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  12244. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid sub-instance index %lu out of %lu Assemblies in the Acitvation Context
  12245. "
  12246. ASCII "RtlpQueryFilesInAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  12247. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid file index (%d) in Assembly (%d)
  12248. "
  12249. ASCII "RtlpQueryRunLevel"
  12250. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with wrong format
  12251. "
  12252. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  12253. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid flags (0x%08lx)
  12254. "
  12255. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed meaningless flags/class combination (0x%08lx/0x%08lx)
  12256. "
  12257. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked for unknown information class %lu
  12258. "
  12259. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller passed nonzero buffer length but NULL buffer pointer
  12260. "
  12261. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller supplied no buffer to populate and no place to return required byte count
  12262. "
  12263. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked to use active activation context but passed %p
  12264. "
  12265. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from address in .dll but passed NULL
  12266. "
  12267. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid address, not in any .dll (%p)
  12268. "
  12269. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from hmodule but passed NULL
  12270. "
  12271. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid hmodule (%p)
  12272. "
  12273. ASCII "SXS: %s() - internal coding error; missing switch statement branch for InfoClass == %lu
  12274. "
  12275. UNICODE ""
  12276. ASCII "RtlpLocateActivationContextSection() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  12277. "
  12278. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open registry key %wZ Status = 0x%08lx
  12279. "
  12280. UNICODE "\WinSxS\"
  12281. ASCII "SXS: Unable to enumerate assembly storage subkey #%lu Status = 0x%08lx
  12282. "
  12283. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to get storage location from subkey %wZ failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  12284. "
  12285. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  12286. "
  12287. ASCII "SXS: Unabel to query location from storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  12288. "
  12289. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value type is not REG_SZ
  12290. "
  12291. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value has non-even size
  12292. "
  12293. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location for %wZ does not fit in a UNICODE STRING
  12294. "
  12295. ASCII "RtlpInitializeAssemblyStorageMap"
  12296. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  12297. SXS: Map : 0x%lx
  12298. SXS: EntryCount : 0x%lx
  12299. "
  12300. ASCII "RtlpInsertAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  12301. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  12302. SXS: Map : %p
  12303. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex : 0x%lx
  12304. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  12305. SXS: StorageLocation : %p
  12306. SXS: StorageLocation->Length: 0x%x
  12307. SXS: StorageLocation->Buffer: %p
  12308. "...
  12309. ASCII "RtlpResolveAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  12310. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  12311. SXS: Map : %p
  12312. SXS: Data : %p
  12313. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  12314. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  12315. "
  12316. ASCII "SXS: Assembly directory name stored in assembly information too long (%lu bytes) - ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA at %p
  12317. "
  12318. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe known root of assembly storage ("%wZ") failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  12319. "
  12320. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to insert well known storage root into assembly storage map assembly roster index %lu failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  12321. "
  12322. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe assembly storage root %wZ for assembly directory %wZ failed with status = 0x%08lx
  12323. "
  12324. ASCII "SXS: Unable to resolve storage root for assembly directory %wZ in %Iu tries
  12325. "
  12326. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to translate DOS path name "%S" to NT format failed
  12327. "
  12328. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open assembly directory under storage root "%S"; Status = 0x%08lx
  12329. "
  12330. ASCII "SXS: Storage resolution failed to insert entry to storage map; Status = 0x%08lx
  12331. "
  12332. ASCII "RtlpProbeAssemblyStorageRootForAssembly"
  12333. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  12334. SXS: Flags: 0x%lx
  12335. SXS: Root: %p
  12336. SXS: AssemblyDirectory: %p
  12337. SXS: PreAllocatedString: %p
  12338. SXS: DynamicString: %p
  12339. SXS: StringUsed: %p
  12340. SXS: OpenDirectoryHandle: %p"...
  12341. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because combined path length does not fit in an UNICODE_STRING.
  12342. "
  12343. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because attempt to allocate %u bytes failed.
  12344. "
  12345. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  12346. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context
  12347. "
  12348. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  12349. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  12350. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  12351. SXS: AssemblyStorageRoot: %p
  12352. SXS: Callback : %p
  12353. "
  12354. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to get activation context data, storage map and assembly roster header. Status = 0x%08lx
  12355. "
  12356. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters AssemblyRosterIndex 0x%lx >= AssemblyRosterHeader->EntryCount: 0x%lx
  12357. "
  12358. ASCII "SXS: RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot() unable to resolve storage map entry. Status = 0x%08lx
  12359. "
  12360. ASCII "RtlpGetActivationContextDataStorageMapAndRosterHeader"
  12361. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  12362. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  12363. SXS: Peb : %p
  12364. SXS: ActivationContextData: %p
  12365. SXS: AssemblyStorageMap : %p
  12366. "
  12367. UNICODE ".mui"
  12368. UNICODE "Type:"
  12369. UNICODE " Name:"
  12370. UNICODE " Language:"
  12371. UNICODE " Item:"
  12372. UNICODE "SR - "
  12373. UNICODE "MUI"
  12374. ASCII "LdrpLoadResourceFromAlternativeModule"
  12375. ASCII "'LDR: %s(), invalid image format of MUI file
  12376. "
  12377. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
  12378. UNICODE "UseFilter"
  12379. UNICODE "FilterFullPath"
  12380. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Enter"
  12381. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Exit"
  12382. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Enter"
  12383. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Exit"
  12384. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Enter"
  12385. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Exit"
  12386. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Enter"
  12387. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Exit"
  12388. UNICODE "RtlpResUltimateFallbackInfo Enter"
  12389. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Enter"
  12390. UNICODE "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory Exit"
  12391. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Enter"
  12392. UNICODE "LdrpResGetMappingSize Exit"
  12393. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Enter"
  12394. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceInsideDirectory Exit"
  12395. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Enter"
  12396. UNICODE "LdrResFallbackLangList Exit"
  12397. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Enter"
  12398. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceMappedFile Exit"
  12399. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Enter"
  12400. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Exit"
  12401. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Enter"
  12402. UNICODE "LdrResSearchResource Exit"
  12403. UNICODE "RXACT"
  12404. UNICODE "Log"
  12405. UNICODE "%s\%u-%u-%u-%u"
  12406. UNICODE "\Sessions"
  12407. UNICODE "%ws\%ld\AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  12408. UNICODE "AppContainerNamedObjects\"
  12409. UNICODE "#%u"
  12410. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12411. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12412. "
  12413. ASCII "!(CheckedFlags & ~HEAP_CREATE_VALID_MASK)"
  12414. ASCII "(HeapHandle != NULL)"
  12415. ASCII "((PHEAP_ENTRY)LastKnownEntry <= Entry)"
  12416. ASCII "(UCRBlock->Size >= *Size)"
  12417. ASCII "(UCRBlock != NULL)"
  12418. ASCII "((LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1)"
  12419. ASCII "(LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1"
  12420. ASCII "((FreeBlock->Flags & HEAP_ENTRY_DECOMMITTED) || (ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock))"
  12421. ASCII "ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock"
  12422. ASCII "Heap block at %p modified at %p past requested size of %Ix
  12423. "
  12424. ASCII "RtlpHeapFreeVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %Ix)
  12425. "
  12426. ASCII "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %p)
  12427. "
  12428. ASCII "
  12429. *** Assertion failed: %s%s
  12430. *** Source File: %s, line %ld
  12431. "
  12432. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process, or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  12433. UNICODE "MiniNT"
  12434. UNICODE "PortableOperatingSystem"
  12435. ASCII "RtlpQueryRegistryValues: Miscomputed buffer size at line %d
  12436. "
  12437. UNICODE "TimeZoneInformation"
  12438. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  12439. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  12440. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  12441. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  12442. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings\LanguageConfiguration"
  12443. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  12444. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  12445. UNICODE "MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  12446. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\SQMData\BootLanguages"
  12447. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlpSetPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  12448. "
  12449. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  12450. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguagesPending"
  12451. UNICODE "LanguageConfigurationPending"
  12452. UNICODE "LanguageConfiguration"
  12453. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetThreadPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  12454. "
  12455. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetProcessPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  12456. "
  12457. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter pwmszLanguage for function RtlGetUILanguageInfo is not a valid multi-string!
  12458. "
  12459. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  12460. ASCII "VirtualQuery Failed 0x%08x %x
  12461. "
  12462. ASCII "VirtualProtect Failed 0x%08x %x
  12463. "
  12464. ASCII "RtlLockHeap"
  12465. ASCII "RtlUnlockHeap"
  12466. ASCII "Unable to release memory at %p for %p bytes - Status == %x
  12467. "
  12468. UNICODE "GlobalTags"
  12469. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  12470. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  12471. UNICODE "
  12472. \SmApiPort"
  12473. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\bootstat.dat"
  12474. UNICODE "System Volume Information"
  12475. ASCII "Not enough memory to complete
  12476. "
  12477. ASCII "Conflicting descriptors %08lx
  12478. "
  12479. ASCII "Unable to allocate page descriptor
  12480. "
  12481. ASCII "Entry User Heap Size Req.Size Flags
  12482. "
  12483. ASCII "------------------------------------------------------------
  12484. "
  12485. ASCII "fill "
  12486. ASCII "%p %p %p %8lx %p "
  12487. ASCII "Inspecting leaks at process shutdown ...
  12488. "
  12489. ASCII "%ld leaks detected.
  12490. "
  12491. ASCII "No leaks detected.
  12492. "
  12493. ASCII "ffff:"
  12494. ASCII "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12495. ASCII "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12496. ASCII "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12497. ASCII ":%u"
  12498. ASCII "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  12499. UNICODE "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12500. UNICODE "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12501. UNICODE ":%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12502. UNICODE "%%%u"
  12503. UNICODE "]:%u"
  12504. UNICODE "%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12505. UNICODE ":%u"
  12506. UNICODE "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  12507. UNICODE "%%%u!%s!"
  12508. ASCII "RTL: RtlNtStatusToDosError(0x%lx): No Valid Win32 Error Mapping
  12509. "
  12510. ASCII "RTL: Edit ntos\rtl\generr.c to correct the problem
  12511. "
  12512. ASCII "RTL: ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND is being returned
  12513. "
  12514. UNICODE "\Registry\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CustomLocale"
  12515. UNICODE "Control Panel\International"
  12516. UNICODE "LocaleName"
  12517. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\Globalization\"
  12518. UNICODE "en-US"
  12519. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions"
  12520. UNICODE "ProductType"
  12521. UNICODE "WinNt"
  12522. UNICODE "LanmanNt"
  12523. UNICODE "ServerNt"
  12524. ASCII " Leaked Block 0x%p size 0x%p (stack %p depth %u)
  12525. "
  12526. ASCII "
  12527. *** Resource timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  12528. "
  12529. ASCII "The resource is owned exclusively by thread %x
  12530. "
  12531. ASCII "The resource is owned shared by %d threads
  12532. "
  12533. ASCII "The resource is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  12534. "
  12535. ASCII "
  12536. *** Critical Section Timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  12537. "
  12538. ASCII "The critical section is owned by thread %x.
  12539. "
  12540. ASCII "Go determine why that thread has not released the critical section.
  12541. "
  12542. ASCII "The critical section is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  12543. "
  12544. ASCII "
  12545. *** Inpage error in %ws:%s
  12546. "
  12547. ASCII "The instruction at %p referenced memory at %p.
  12548. "
  12549. ASCII "This failed because of error %Ix.
  12550. "
  12551. ASCII "This means the machine is out of memory. Use !vm to see where all the memory is being used.
  12552. "
  12553. ASCII "This means the data could not be read, typically because of a bad block on the disk. Check your hardware.
  12554. "
  12555. ASCII "This means that the I/O device reported an I/O error. Check your hardware."
  12556. ASCII "
  12557. *** An Access Violation occurred in %ws:%s
  12558. "
  12559. ASCII "read from"
  12560. ASCII "The instruction at %p tried to %s "
  12561. ASCII "an invalid address, %p
  12562. "
  12563. ASCII "a NULL pointer
  12564. "
  12565. ASCII "
  12566. *** A stack buffer overrun occurred in %ws:%s
  12567. "
  12568. ASCII "This is usually the result of a memory copy to a local buffer or structure where the size is not properly calculated/checked.
  12569. "
  12570. ASCII "If this bug ends up in the shipping product, it could be a severe security hole.
  12571. "
  12572. ASCII "The stack trace should show the guilty function (the function directly above __report_gsfailure).
  12573. "
  12574. ASCII "
  12575. *** Unhandled exception 0x%08lx, hit in %ws:%s
  12576. "
  12577. ASCII " *** enter .exr %p for the exception record
  12578. "
  12579. ASCII " *** enter .cxr %p for the context
  12580. "
  12581. ASCII " *** then kb to get the faulting stack
  12582. "
  12583. ASCII " *** Restarting wait on critsec or resource at %p (in %ws:%s)
  12584. "
  12586. UNICODE "WIN://PKG"
  12587. UNICODE "%wZ"
  12588. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ValidationRunlevels"
  12589. ASCII "Trace database: failed to release segment %p
  12590. "
  12591. ASCII "Trace database: failing attempt to save biiiiig trace (size %u)
  12592. "
  12593. ASCII "!!!!FreeLanguageList:%X !!!!
  12594. "
  12595. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MUI\Settings"
  12596. UNICODE "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Control Panel\Desktop"
  12597. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\LanguageConfiguration"
  12598. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached\MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  12599. ASCII "*** CreateLanguageList:%X ****
  12600. "
  12601. UNICODE "MachineUILock"
  12602. UNICODE "DefaultFallback"
  12603. UNICODE "AlternateCodePage"
  12604. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages\PendingDelete"
  12605. UNICODE "Type"
  12606. UNICODE "WindowsExcludedProcs"
  12607. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Number-Allowed"
  12608. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Allowed"
  12609. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Disallowed"
  12610. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-SKU"
  12611. ASCII "*** RtlpMuiRegLoadLicInformation failed with status %x"
  12612. ASCII "Critical error detected %lx
  12613. "
  12614. UNICODE "QueryDebugInformation request"
  12615. ASCII "Heap %p - headers modified (%p is %lx instead of %lx)
  12616. "
  12617. ASCII " This is located in the %s field of the heap header.
  12618. "
  12619. ASCII "Invalid ReserveSize parameter - %Ix
  12620. "
  12621. ASCII "Invalid CommitSize parameter - %Ix
  12622. "
  12623. ASCII "May not specify Lock parameter with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE
  12624. "
  12625. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) invalid, Status = %lx
  12626. "
  12627. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) != to BaseAddress (%p)
  12628. "
  12629. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) is free or not writable
  12630. "
  12631. ASCII "May not destroy the process heap at %p
  12632. "
  12633. ASCII "RtlAllocateHeap"
  12634. ASCII "Invalid allocation size - %Ix (exceeded %Ix)
  12635. "
  12636. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for %Ix bytes
  12637. "
  12638. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  12639. "
  12640. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  12641. ASCII "About to reallocate block at %p to %Ix bytes
  12642. "
  12643. ASCII "About to rellocate block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  12644. "
  12645. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to %Ix bytes
  12646. "
  12647. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  12648. "
  12649. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  12650. ASCII "About to free block at %p
  12651. "
  12652. ASCII "About to free block at %p with tag %ws
  12653. "
  12654. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  12655. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  12656. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  12657. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  12658. ASCII "RtlZeroHeap"
  12659. ASCII "RtlCreateTagHeap"
  12660. ASCII "RtlQueryTagHeap"
  12661. ASCII "RtlWalkHeap"
  12662. ASCII "Invalid address specified to %s( %p, %p )
  12663. "
  12664. ASCII "Heap entry %p has incorrect PreviousSize field (%04x instead of %04x)
  12665. "
  12666. ASCII "Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12667. "
  12668. ASCII "Heap block at %p has incorrect segment offset (%x)
  12669. "
  12670. ASCII "Heap block at %p is not last block in segment (%p)
  12671. "
  12672. ASCII "Heap block at %p has corrupted PreviousSize (%lx)
  12673. "
  12674. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedPages (%x != %x)
  12675. "
  12676. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedRanges (%x != %x)
  12677. "
  12678. ASCII "dedicated (%04Ix) free list element %p is marked busy
  12679. "
  12680. ASCII "Non-Dedicated free list element %p is out of order
  12681. "
  12682. ASCII "Number of free blocks in arena (%ld) does not match number in the free lists (%ld)
  12683. "
  12684. ASCII "Total size of free blocks in arena (%Id) does not match number total in heap header (%Id)
  12685. "
  12686. ASCII "Pseudo Tag %04x size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  12687. "
  12688. ASCII "Tag %04x (%ws) size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  12689. "
  12690. ASCII "Heap error detected at %p (heap handle %p)
  12691. "
  12692. ASCII "heap_failure_internal"
  12693. ASCII "heap_failure_unknown"
  12694. ASCII "heap_failure_generic"
  12695. ASCII "heap_failure_entry_corruption"
  12696. ASCII "heap_failure_multiple_entries_corruption"
  12697. ASCII "heap_failure_virtual_block_corruption"
  12698. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_overrun"
  12699. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_underrun"
  12700. ASCII "heap_failure_block_not_busy"
  12701. ASCII "heap_failure_invalid_argument"
  12702. ASCII "heap_failure_usage_after_free"
  12703. ASCII "heap_failure_cross_heap_operation"
  12704. ASCII "heap_failure_freelists_corruption"
  12705. ASCII "heap_failure_listentry_corruption"
  12706. ASCII "heap_failure_lfh_bitmap_mismatch"
  12707. ASCII "Error code: %d - %s
  12708. "
  12709. ASCII "Parameter1: %p
  12710. "
  12711. ASCII "Parameter2: %p
  12712. "
  12713. ASCII "Parameter3: %p
  12714. "
  12715. ASCII "Last known valid blocks: before - %p, after - %p
  12716. "
  12717. ASCII "Stack trace available at %p
  12718. "
  12719. ASCII "RtlpGetBitState(LookupTable, (ULONG)(LookupIndex - LookupTable->BaseIndex))"
  12720. ASCII "(ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(Size, PAGE_SIZE) == Size)"
  12721. ASCII "Enabling heap debug options
  12722. "
  12723. ASCII "ffff:"
  12724. ASCII "::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12725. ASCII "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12726. ASCII ":%u.%u.%u.%u"
  12727. UNICODE "TimeZoneKeyName"
  12728. UNICODE "DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled"
  12729. ASCII "RtlpQueryRegistryValues: Miscomputed buffer size at line %d
  12730. "
  12731. ASCII "RtlpQueryRegistryValues: Miscomputed buffer size at line %d
  12732. "
  12733. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetProcessPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  12734. "
  12735. ASCII "RTL: RtlNtStatusToDosError(0x%lx): No Valid Win32 Error Mapping
  12736. "
  12737. ASCII "RTL: Edit ntos\rtl\generr.c to correct the problem
  12738. "
  12739. ASCII "RTL: ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND is being returned
  12740. "
  12741. UNICODE "ThrottleExpiryTime"
  12742. UNICODE "SampledOut"
  12743. UNICODE "CEIPEnable"
  12744. UNICODE "ThrottleExpiryTime"
  12745. UNICODE "%s\%u-%u-%u-%u"
  12746. UNICODE "ASqmManifest_%x"
  12747. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTlsEntry"
  12748. ASCII "LdrpHandleTlsData"
  12749. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12750. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12751. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12752. ASCII "Inspecting leaks at process shutdown ...
  12753. "
  12754. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12755. ASCII "%ld leaks detected.
  12756. "
  12757. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12758. ASCII "No leaks detected.
  12759. "
  12760. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12761. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12762. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  12763. ASCII "RtlUnlockHeap"
  12764. ASCII ", passed to %s"
  12765. UNICODE "
  12766. \SmApiPort"
  12767. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12768. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12769. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  12770. ASCII "RtlLockHeap"
  12771. ASCII ", passed to %s"
  12772. UNICODE "
  12773. \SmApiPort"
  12774. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" has TLS information at %p
  12775. "
  12776. ASCII "LdrpInitializeTls"
  12777. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  12778. ASCII "ThreadPool: attempt to terminate a worker thread via handle %p
  12779. Contact the owner of the function calling Terminate/Exit thread.
  12780. "
  12781. ASCII "Delaying execution failed with status 0x%08lx
  12782. "
  12783. ASCII "_LdrpInitialize"
  12784. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  12785. ASCII "Process initialization failed with status 0x%08lx
  12786. "
  12787. ASCII "_LdrpInitialize"
  12788. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  12789. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTls"
  12790. ASCII "TlsVector %p Index %d : %d bytes copied from %p to %p
  12791. "
  12792. ASCII "LdrpAllocateTls"
  12793. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  12794. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions"
  12795. UNICODE "ProductType"
  12796. UNICODE "WinNt"
  12797. UNICODE "LanmanNt"
  12798. UNICODE "ServerNt"
  12799. ASCII "Calling TLS callback %p for DLL "%wZ" at %p
  12800. "
  12801. ASCII "LdrpCallTlsInitializers"
  12802. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrtls.c"
  12803. ASCII "Process 0x%x (%wZ) exiting
  12804. "
  12805. ASCII "LdrShutdownProcess"
  12806. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  12807. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  12808. "
  12809. ASCII "LdrLoadDll"
  12810. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12811. ASCII "Nonpackaged process attempted to load a packaged DLL.
  12812. "
  12813. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12814. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  12815. "
  12816. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12817. ASCII "Calling init routine %p for DLL "%wZ"
  12818. "
  12819. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  12820. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12821. ASCII "Init routine %p of DLL "%wZ" raised an exception %x
  12822. "
  12823. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  12824. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12825. ASCII "Init routine %p for DLL "%wZ" failed during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
  12826. "
  12827. ASCII "LdrpInitializeNode"
  12828. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12829. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  12830. ASCII "SXS: %s() Active frame is not the frame being deactivated %p != %p
  12831. "
  12832. ASCII "Failed to allocated memory for shimmed module list
  12833. "
  12834. ASCII "LdrpCheckModule"
  12835. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  12836. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  12837. "
  12838. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  12839. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12840. ASCII "DLL %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  12841. "
  12842. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  12843. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12844. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  12845. "
  12846. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  12847. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12848. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ
  12849. "
  12850. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  12851. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12852. ASCII "Could not validate the crypto signature for DLL %wZ
  12853. "
  12854. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  12855. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12856. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  12857. "
  12858. ASCII "LdrpLoadDll"
  12859. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  12860. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12861. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12862. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12863. "
  12864. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12865. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12866. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12867. "
  12868. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12869. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12870. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12871. "
  12872. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12873. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12874. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12875. "
  12876. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12877. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12878. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12879. "
  12880. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12881. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12882. ASCII "(UCRBlock->Size >= *Size)"
  12883. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12884. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12885. ASCII "((PHEAP_ENTRY)LastKnownEntry <= Entry)"
  12886. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12887. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12888. ASCII "(ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(Size, PAGE_SIZE) == Size)"
  12889. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12890. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12891. ASCII "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %p)
  12892. "
  12893. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12894. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12895. ASCII "((FreeBlock->Flags & HEAP_ENTRY_DECOMMITTED) || (ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock))"
  12896. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12897. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12898. ASCII "ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock"
  12899. UNICODE "en"
  12900. UNICODE "en-US"
  12901. UNICODE "en-US"
  12902. UNICODE "en"
  12903. UNICODE "en-US"
  12904. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12905. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12906. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12907. "
  12908. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlSetThreadPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  12909. "
  12910. UNICODE "0x"
  12911. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12912. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12913. ASCII "Unable to release memory at %p for %p bytes - Status == %x
  12914. "
  12915. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12916. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12917. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12918. "
  12919. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12920. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12921. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12922. "
  12923. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12924. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12925. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12926. "
  12927. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12928. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12929. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12930. "
  12931. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12932. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12933. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12934. "
  12935. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12936. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12937. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12938. "
  12939. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12940. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12941. ASCII "HEAP: Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  12942. "
  12943. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12944. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12945. ASCII "((FreeBlock->Flags & HEAP_ENTRY_DECOMMITTED) || (ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock))"
  12946. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12947. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12948. ASCII "ROUND_UP_TO_POWER2(FreeBlock, PAGE_SIZE) == (ULONG_PTR)FreeBlock"
  12949. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12950. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12951. ASCII "(UCRBlock != NULL)"
  12952. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12953. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12954. ASCII "(!TrailingUCR)"
  12955. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12956. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12957. ASCII "((LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1)"
  12958. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12959. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12960. ASCII "(LONG)FreeEntry->Size > 1"
  12961. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  12962. ASCII "HEAP: "
  12963. ASCII "(!TrailingUCR)"
  12964. ASCII "DLL name: %s.
  12965. "
  12966. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  12967. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12968. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS.
  12969. "
  12970. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  12971. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12972. ASCII "Loading DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  12973. "
  12974. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  12975. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12976. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  12977. "
  12978. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  12979. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12980. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  12981. "
  12982. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDependency"
  12983. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  12984. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  12985. "
  12986. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDll"
  12987. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  12988. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  12989. "
  12990. ASCII "LdrpFindOrMapDll"
  12991. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  12992. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  12993. "
  12994. ASCII "LdrpResolveDllName"
  12995. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  12996. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  12997. "
  12998. ASCII "LdrpResolveDllName"
  12999. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13000. ASCII "Unknown"
  13001. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in "%wZ" 0x%08lx
  13002. "
  13003. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  13004. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrdload.c"
  13005. ASCII "Unknown"
  13006. ASCII "Failed to find export %s!%s (Ordinal:%d) in module 0x%p 0x%08lx
  13007. "
  13008. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  13009. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrdload.c"
  13010. ASCII "DLL search path passed in externally: %ws
  13011. "
  13012. ASCII "LdrpInitializeDllPath"
  13013. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  13014. ASCII "ParentModule: (%p) %wZ.
  13015. "
  13016. ASCII "LdrpResolveNonStaticDependency"
  13017. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13018. ASCII "DLL "%wZ" does not contain an export table
  13019. "
  13020. ASCII "LdrpSnapModule"
  13021. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13022. ASCII "Procedure "%s" could not be located in DLL at base 0x%p.
  13023. "
  13024. ASCII "LdrpNameToOrdinal"
  13025. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13026. ASCII "LdrpSnapModule"
  13027. ASCII "Locating procedure "%s" by name
  13028. "
  13029. ASCII "LdrpGetProcedureAddress"
  13030. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13031. ASCII "Procedure "%s" could not be located in DLL at base 0x%p.
  13032. "
  13033. ASCII "LdrpNameToOrdinal"
  13034. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13035. ASCII "Loading procedure 0x%lx by ordinal
  13036. "
  13037. ASCII "LdrpGetProcedureAddress"
  13038. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13040. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  13041. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  13042. ASCII "sxsisol_SearchActCtxForDllName"
  13043. ASCII "[%x.%x] SXS: %s - Relative redirection plus env var expansion.
  13044. "
  13046. ASCII "Status != STATUS_NOT_FOUND"
  13047. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  13048. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  13049. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  13050. "
  13051. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a GUID section
  13052. "
  13053. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC offset (%ld) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  13054. "
  13055. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC entry array (starting at offset %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  13056. "
  13057. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Extended TOC section TOC %d (offset: %ld, size: %u) is outside activation context data bounds (%lu bytes)
  13058. "
  13059. ASCII "SXS/RTL: TOC entry array (offset: %ld; count = %lu; entry size = %u) is outside bounds of activation context data (%lu bytes)
  13060. "
  13061. ASCII "SXS/RTL: Activation context data at %p too small; TotalSize = %lu; HeaderSize = %lu
  13062. "
  13063. ASCII "RtlpFindUnicodeStringInSection: Unsupported hash algorithm %lu found in string section.
  13064. "
  13065. ASCII "SXS: String hash table entry at %p has invalid key offset (= %ld)
  13066. Header = %p; Index = %lu; Bucket = %p; Chain = %p
  13067. "
  13068. ASCII "SXS: String hash collision chain offset at %p (= %ld) out of bounds
  13069. "
  13070. ASCII "RtlpFindActivationContextSection_CheckParameters"
  13071. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_flags but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  13072. "
  13073. ASCII "RtlpFindActivationContextSection_CheckParameters"
  13074. ASCII "SXS: %s() flags contains return_assembly_metadata but they don't fit in size, return invalid_parameter 0x%08lx.
  13075. "
  13076. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  13077. "
  13078. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  13079. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  13080. ASCII "DLL name %wZ was redirected to %wZ by SxS
  13081. "
  13082. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  13083. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  13084. ASCII "Locating DLL %wZ
  13085. "
  13086. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  13087. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  13088. ASCII "SxS redirection of DLL %wZ failed with status 0x%08lx
  13089. "
  13090. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  13091. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  13092. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  13093. "
  13094. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  13095. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrapi.c"
  13096. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  13097. "
  13098. ASCII "LdrpFindLoadedDll"
  13099. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13100. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  13101. "
  13102. ASCII "LdrpFindLoadedDll"
  13103. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13104. ASCII "Failed to load for appcompat reasons
  13105. "
  13106. ASCII "LdrpPrepareModuleForExecution"
  13107. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13108. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with a transaction uncleared
  13109. "
  13110. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with the loader lock held
  13111. "
  13112. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with preferred languages set
  13113. "
  13114. ASCII "ThreadPool: callback %p(%p) returned with background priorities set
  13115. "
  13116. ASCII "LdrUnlockLoaderLock"
  13117. ASCII "LdrLockLoaderLock"
  13118. ASCII "LdrpLoadResourceFromAlternativeModule"
  13119. ASCII "'LDR: %s(), invalid image format of MUI file
  13120. "
  13121. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13122. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid flags (0x%08lx)
  13123. "
  13124. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13125. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed meaningless flags/class combination (0x%08lx/0x%08lx)
  13126. "
  13127. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13128. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked for unknown information class %lu
  13129. "
  13130. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13131. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller passed nonzero buffer length but NULL buffer pointer
  13132. "
  13133. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13134. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller supplied no buffer to populate and no place to return required byte count
  13135. "
  13136. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13137. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from address in .dll but passed NULL
  13138. "
  13139. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13140. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller asked to use activation context from hmodule but passed NULL
  13141. "
  13142. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13143. ASCII "SXS: %s() - caller asked to use active activation context but passed %p
  13144. "
  13145. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13146. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid address, not in any .dll (%p)
  13147. "
  13148. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13149. ASCII "SXS: %s() - Caller passed invalid hmodule (%p)
  13150. "
  13151. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  13152. ASCII "SXS: %s() - internal coding error; missing switch statement branch for InfoClass == %lu
  13153. "
  13154. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13155. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13156. ASCII "!(CheckedFlags & ~HEAP_CREATE_VALID_MASK)"
  13157. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13158. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13159. ASCII "RtlpGetBitState(LookupTable, (ULONG)(LookupIndex - LookupTable->BaseIndex))"
  13160. ASCII "*** RtlpMuiRegLoadLicInformation failed with status %x"
  13161. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached\MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  13162. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings\LanguageConfiguration"
  13163. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13164. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13165. ASCII "(HeapHandle != NULL)"
  13166. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  13167. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context
  13168. "
  13169. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  13170. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters AssemblyRosterIndex 0x%lx >= AssemblyRosterHeader->EntryCount: 0x%lx
  13171. "
  13172. ASCII "RtlGetAssemblyStorageRoot"
  13173. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  13174. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  13175. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  13176. SXS: AssemblyStorageRoot: %p
  13177. SXS: Callback : %p
  13178. "
  13179. ASCII "SXS: Assembly directory name stored in assembly information too long (%lu bytes) - ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DATA at %p
  13180. "
  13181. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe known root of assembly storage ("%wZ") failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  13182. "
  13183. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to insert well known storage root into assembly storage map assembly roster index %lu failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  13184. "
  13185. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to probe assembly storage root %wZ for assembly directory %wZ failed with status = 0x%08lx
  13186. "
  13187. ASCII "SXS: Unable to resolve storage root for assembly directory %wZ in %Iu tries
  13188. "
  13189. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to translate DOS path name "%S" to NT format failed
  13190. "
  13191. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open assembly directory under storage root "%S"; Status = 0x%08lx
  13192. "
  13193. ASCII "SXS: Storage resolution failed to insert entry to storage map; Status = 0x%08lx
  13194. "
  13195. ASCII "RtlpResolveAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  13196. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  13197. SXS: Map : %p
  13198. SXS: Data : %p
  13199. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex: 0x%lx
  13200. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  13201. "
  13202. ASCII "SXS: Unable to enumerate assembly storage subkey #%lu Status = 0x%08lx
  13203. "
  13204. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to get storage location from subkey %wZ failed; Status = 0x%08lx
  13205. "
  13206. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open registry key %wZ Status = 0x%08lx
  13207. "
  13208. ASCII "RtlpGetActivationContextDataStorageMapAndRosterHeader"
  13209. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context
  13210. "
  13211. ASCII "RtlpGetActivationContextDataStorageMapAndRosterHeader"
  13212. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  13213. SXS: Flags : 0x%lx
  13214. SXS: Peb : %p
  13215. SXS: ActivationContextData: %p
  13216. SXS: AssemblyStorageMap : %p
  13217. "
  13218. ASCII "RtlpInsertAssemblyStorageMapEntry"
  13219. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  13220. SXS: Map : %p
  13221. SXS: AssemblyRosterIndex : 0x%lx
  13222. SXS: Map->AssemblyCount : 0x%lx
  13223. SXS: StorageLocation : %p
  13224. SXS: StorageLocation->Length: 0x%x
  13225. SXS: StorageLocation->Buffer: %p
  13226. "...
  13227. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because combined path length does not fit in an UNICODE_STRING.
  13228. "
  13229. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage resolution failing probe because attempt to allocate %u bytes failed.
  13230. "
  13231. ASCII "SXS: Attempt to translate DOS path name "%S" to NT format failed
  13232. "
  13233. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open assembly directory under storage root "%S"; Status = 0x%08lx
  13234. "
  13235. ASCII "RtlpProbeAssemblyStorageRootForAssembly"
  13236. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters
  13237. SXS: Flags: 0x%lx
  13238. SXS: Root: %p
  13239. SXS: AssemblyDirectory: %p
  13240. SXS: PreAllocatedString: %p
  13241. SXS: DynamicString: %p
  13242. SXS: StringUsed: %p
  13243. SXS: OpenDirectoryHandle: %p"...
  13244. ASCII "RtlCreateActivationContext"
  13245. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed the empty activation context data
  13246. "
  13247. ASCII "RtlpInitializeAssemblyStorageMap"
  13248. ASCII "SXS: %s() bad parameters:
  13249. SXS: Map : 0x%lx
  13250. SXS: EntryCount : 0x%lx
  13251. "
  13252. ASCII "SXS: Activation context data at %p has assembly roster header too small (%lu)
  13253. "
  13254. ASCII "SXS: Warning: Activation context data at %p missing default TOC
  13255. "
  13256. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  13257. "
  13258. ASCII "LdrpSearchPath"
  13259. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13260. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  13261. "
  13262. ASCII "LdrpSearchPath"
  13263. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13264. ASCII "Lazy DLL search path computation failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  13265. "
  13266. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  13267. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  13268. ASCII "DLL search path computed: %ws
  13269. "
  13270. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  13271. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  13272. ASCII "Packaged DLL search path computed. Package Dirs: %ws, DllPath: %ws
  13273. "
  13274. ASCII "LdrpComputeLazyDllPath"
  13275. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  13276. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13277. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13278. ASCII "RtlpHeapFreeVirtualMemory failed %lx for heap %p (base %p, size %Ix)
  13279. "
  13280. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Shared Sem Timeout %d(%I64u secs)
  13281. "
  13282. ASCII "RTL: Resource at %p
  13283. "
  13284. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  13285. "
  13286. ASCII "RTL: Acquire Exclusive Sem Timeout %d (%I64u secs)
  13287. "
  13288. ASCII "RTL: Resource at %p
  13289. "
  13290. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  13291. "
  13292. UNICODE "#%u"
  13293. UNICODE "%%%u!%s!"
  13294. UNICODE "hc"
  13295. UNICODE "::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"
  13296. UNICODE "UEFI"
  13297. UNICODE "Legacy"
  13298. ASCII "Unmapping DLL "%wZ"
  13299. "
  13300. ASCII "LdrpUnloadNode"
  13301. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13302. ASCII "Merging a cycle rooted at %wZ.
  13303. "
  13304. ASCII "LdrpMergeNodes"
  13305. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrddag.c"
  13306. ASCII "Adding cyclic module %wZ.
  13307. "
  13308. ASCII "LdrpMergeNodes"
  13309. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrddag.c"
  13310. ASCII "Uninitializing DLL "%wZ" (Init routine: %p)
  13311. "
  13312. ASCII "LdrpProcessDetachNode"
  13313. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13314. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  13315. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid flags 0x%08lx
  13316. "
  13317. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  13318. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie type 0x%08Ix
  13319. "
  13320. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  13321. ASCII "SXS: %s() called with invalid cookie tid 0x%08Ix - should be %08Ix
  13322. "
  13323. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13324. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13325. ASCII "Invalid address specified to %s( %p, %p )
  13326. "
  13327. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13328. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13329. ASCII "Invalid heap signature for heap at %x"
  13330. ASCII ", passed to %s"
  13331. UNICODE "
  13332. \SmApiPort"
  13333. ASCII "RTL: Enter Critical Section Timeout (%I64u secs) %d
  13334. "
  13335. ASCII "RTL: Pid.Tid %x.%x, owner tid %x Critical Section %p - ContentionCount == %lu
  13336. "
  13337. ASCII "RTL: Re-Waiting
  13338. "
  13339. ASCII "Probing for the manifest of DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13340. "
  13341. ASCII "LdrpFindDllActivationContext"
  13342. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13343. ASCII "Querying the active activation context failed with status 0x%08lx
  13344. "
  13345. ASCII "LdrpFindDllActivationContext"
  13346. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrsnap.c"
  13347. ASCII "DLL name: %ws
  13348. "
  13349. ASCII "LdrpMapViewOfSection"
  13350. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13351. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  13352. "
  13353. ASCII "LdrpMapViewOfSection"
  13354. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13355. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  13356. "
  13357. ASCII "LdrpFindKnownDll"
  13358. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13359. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  13360. "
  13361. ASCII "LdrpFindKnownDll"
  13362. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13363. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  13364. ASCII "Critical section debug info address"
  13365. ASCII "Critical section address"
  13366. ASCII "undeleted critical section in freed memory"
  13367. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  13368. ASCII "Address of the debug info found in the active list."
  13369. ASCII "Invalid debug info address of this critical section"
  13370. ASCII "Critical section address"
  13371. ASCII "corrupted critical section"
  13372. ASCII "Second initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  13373. ASCII "First initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  13374. ASCII "Address of the debug info found in the active list."
  13375. ASCII "Critical section address."
  13376. ASCII "double initialized or corrupted critical section"
  13377. ASCII "Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump it if non-NULL."
  13378. ASCII "Critical section debug info address"
  13379. ASCII "Critical section address"
  13380. ASCII "Thread identifier"
  13381. ASCII "Thread is in a state in which it cannot own a critical section"
  13382. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found ExecuteOptions = %ws for %wZ in application compatibility database
  13383. "
  13384. UNICODE "Execute=1"
  13385. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Found Execute=1, turning off execution protection for the process because of %wZ
  13386. "
  13387. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing %ws for patching section protection for %wZ
  13388. "
  13389. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Processing section info %ws...
  13390. "
  13391. UNICODE "FilterFullPath"
  13392. ASCII "Loading the shim engine DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13393. "
  13394. ASCII "LdrpInitShimEngine"
  13395. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13396. ASCII "Getting the shim engine exports failed with status 0x%08lx
  13397. "
  13398. ASCII "LdrpInitShimEngine"
  13399. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13400. ASCII "Loading the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13401. "
  13402. ASCII "LdrpLoadShimEngine"
  13403. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13404. ASCII "Initializing the shim DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13405. "
  13406. ASCII "LdrpLoadShimEngine"
  13407. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13408. ASCII "Initializing a shim dependency "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13409. "
  13410. ASCII "LdrpInitializeShimDllDependencies"
  13411. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13412. ASCII "Could not locate procedure "%s" in the shim engine DLL
  13413. "
  13414. ASCII "LdrpGetShimEngineInterface"
  13415. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13416. ASCII "Locating export "%wZ" for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  13417. "
  13418. ASCII "LdrpReportError"
  13419. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  13420. UNICODE "#%d"
  13421. ASCII "Locating export at ordinal %d for DLL "%wZ" failed with status: 0x%08lx.
  13422. "
  13423. ASCII "LdrpReportError"
  13424. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  13425. ASCII "Getting ApphelpCheckModule failed with status 0x%08lx
  13426. "
  13427. ASCII "LdrpDynamicShimModule"
  13428. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13429. ASCII "DLL name: %wZ
  13430. "
  13431. ASCII "LdrpRelocateImage"
  13432. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13433. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  13434. "
  13435. ASCII "LdrpRelocateImage"
  13436. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13437. ASCII "Querying large page info failed with status 0x%08lx
  13438. "
  13439. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  13440. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13441. ASCII "Changing the protection of the executable at %p failed with status 0x%08lx
  13442. "
  13443. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  13444. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  13445. ASCII "Changing the protection of the executable at %p failed with status 0x%08lx
  13446. "
  13447. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  13448. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13449. ASCII "Status: 0x%08lx
  13450. "
  13451. ASCII "LdrpProtectAndRelocateImage"
  13452. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrfind.c"
  13453. ASCII "RtlpQueryRunLevel"
  13454. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with assembly roster that has no root
  13455. "
  13456. ASCII "RtlpQueryRunLevel"
  13457. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with wrong format
  13458. "
  13459. ASCII "RtlpQueryInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  13460. ASCII "SXS: %s() found activation context data at %p with assembly roster that has no root
  13461. "
  13462. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13463. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p only %Iu bytes long; that's not even enough for the 4-byte magic and 4-byte header length!
  13464. "
  13465. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13466. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with wrong magic value
  13467. Expected %lu; got %lu
  13468. "
  13469. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13470. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p claims %lu byte header size; that doesn't even include the HeaderSize member!
  13471. "
  13472. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13473. ASCII "SXS: %s() passed string section at %p with too small of a header
  13474. HeaderSize: %lu
  13475. Required: %lu
  13476. "
  13477. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13478. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with element list overlapping section header
  13479. Section header: %p
  13480. Header Size: %lu
  13481. ElementListOffset: %lu
  13482. "
  13483. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13484. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with search structure overlapping section header
  13485. Section header: %p
  13486. Header Size: %lu
  13487. SearchStructureOffset: %lu
  13488. "
  13489. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13490. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data overlapping section header
  13491. Section header: %p
  13492. Header Size: %lu
  13493. User Data Offset: %lu
  13494. "
  13495. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13496. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data too small
  13497. Section header: %p
  13498. UserDataSize: %lu; needed: %lu
  13499. "
  13500. ASCII "RtlpCrackActivationContextStringSectionHeader"
  13501. ASCII "SXS: %s() found assembly information section with user data extending beyond section data
  13502. Section header: %p
  13503. UserDataSize: %lu
  13504. UserDataOffset: %lu
  13505. Section size: %Iu
  13506. "
  13507. ASCII "RTL: RtlNtStatusToDosError(0x%lx): No Valid Win32 Error Mapping
  13508. "
  13509. ASCII "RTL: Edit ntos\rtl\generr.c to correct the problem
  13510. "
  13511. ASCII "RTL: ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND is being returned
  13512. "
  13513. UNICODE "GlobalTags"
  13514. ASCII "RtlpLocateActivationContextSection() found section at %p (length %lu) which is not a string section
  13515. "
  13516. UNICODE "COMPLUS_Version"
  13517. ASCII "This != NULL"
  13518. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  13519. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  13520. ASCII "(This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString == NULL) || (This->PrivateDynamicallyAllocatedString->Buffer == NULL)"
  13521. ASCII "rUS.Length <= This->PrivatePreallocatedString->MaximumLength"
  13522. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\sxsisol.cpp"
  13523. ASCII "Internal error check failed"
  13524. ASCII "Failed to reallocate the system dirs string !
  13525. "
  13526. ASCII "LdrpInitializePerUserWindowsDirectory"
  13527. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13528. ASCII ".txt"
  13529. ASCII ".txt2"
  13530. UNICODE "%s_%d"
  13531. UNICODE "xl--"
  13532. UNICODE "xn--"
  13533. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  13534. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  13535. UNICODE "BinaryHash"
  13536. UNICODE "BinaryName"
  13537. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange"
  13538. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateChange\PackageList\%ws"
  13539. UNICODE "TrustedInstaller"
  13540. ASCII "Set 0x%X protection for %p section for %d bytes, old protection 0x%X
  13541. "
  13542. ASCII "CLIENT(ntdll): Tyring to fix protection for %ws section in %wZ module to 0x%X
  13543. "
  13544. ASCII "%04x:%04x @ %08d - %s - %s: "
  13545. ASCII "LdrpProtectedCopyMemory"
  13546. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\"
  13547. ASCII "Finding the shim engine entry failed with status 0x%08lx
  13548. "
  13549. ASCII "LdrInitShimEngineDynamic"
  13550. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13551. ASCII "BoG_ *90.0&!! Yy>"
  13552. ASCII "stxt371"
  13553. ASCII ".txt"
  13554. ASCII ".txt2"
  13555. UNICODE "%s!%s"
  13556. UNICODE "\system32\apphelp.dll"
  13557. ASCII "Loading the shim engine DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13558. "
  13559. ASCII "LdrpGetProcApphelpCheckModule"
  13560. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13561. ASCII "Getting the shim engine exports failed with status 0x%08lx
  13562. "
  13563. ASCII "LdrpGetProcApphelpCheckModule"
  13564. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13565. ASCII "Process initialization failed with status 0x%08lx
  13566. "
  13567. ASCII "LdrpInitializationFailure"
  13568. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13569. UNICODE "SPPsvc.exe"
  13570. UNICODE "PageHeapFlags"
  13571. ASCII "Per-DLL page heap is disabled since fast fill heap is enabled
  13572. "
  13573. ASCII "LdrpInitializeApplicationVerifierPackage"
  13574. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13575. UNICODE "DisableHeapLookaside"
  13576. UNICODE "FrontEndHeapDebugOptions"
  13577. UNICODE "ShutdownFlags"
  13578. UNICODE "UnloadEventTraceDepth"
  13579. UNICODE "TracingFlags"
  13580. UNICODE "ExecuteOptions"
  13581. UNICODE "DisableExceptionChainValidation"
  13582. UNICODE "MinimumStackCommitInBytes"
  13583. UNICODE "MaxDeadActivationContexts"
  13584. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  13585. UNICODE "GlobalFlag"
  13586. ASCII "Initializing the application verifier package failed with status 0x%08lx
  13587. "
  13588. ASCII "LdrpInitializeExecutionOptions"
  13589. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13590. ASCII "BaseQueryModuleData"
  13591. ASCII "Initializing the execution options for the process %lx failed with status 0x%08lx
  13592. "
  13593. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13594. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13595. ASCII "Initializing process 0x%lx
  13596. "
  13597. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13598. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13599. UNICODE "StackTraceDatabaseSizeInMb"
  13600. ASCII "Stack trace database size is %Id Mb
  13601. "
  13602. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13603. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13604. ASCII "Creating the process heap failed
  13605. "
  13606. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13607. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13608. UNICODE "!Process"
  13609. UNICODE "NTDLL!"
  13610. UNICODE "DebugProcessHeapOnly"
  13611. ASCII "Allocating a buffer to hold the current working directory failed
  13612. "
  13613. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13614. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the system DLL failed
  13615. "
  13616. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13617. ASCII "Failed to allocate the system dirs string!
  13618. "
  13619. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13620. UNICODE "\system;"
  13621. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the executable failed
  13622. "
  13623. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13624. ASCII "Beginning execution of %wZ (%wZ)
  13625. Current directory: %wZ
  13626. Package directories: %wZ
  13627. "
  13628. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13629. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13630. ASCII "Initializing the current directory to "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13631. "
  13632. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13633. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13634. ASCII "Allocating a data table entry for the application verifier DLL failed
  13635. "
  13636. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13637. ASCII "Initializing TLS slots failed with status 0x%08lx
  13638. "
  13639. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13640. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13641. ASCII "Locating procedure "%Z" in Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13642. "
  13643. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13644. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13645. ASCII "Locating procedure "%Z" in Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13646. "
  13647. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13648. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13649. ASCII "Loading Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13650. "
  13651. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13652. ASCII "LdrpCodeAuthzInitialize failed with status 0x%08lx
  13653. "
  13654. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13655. ASCII "Walking the import tables of the executable and its static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  13656. "
  13657. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13658. ASCII "Running the init routines of the executable's static imports failed with status 0x%08lx
  13659. "
  13660. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13661. ASCII "Loading Windows subsystem DLL "%wZ" failed with status 0x%08lx
  13662. "
  13663. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13664. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13665. ASCII "Querying the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  13666. "
  13667. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13668. ASCII "Opening the known DLL directory link object failed with status 0x%08lx
  13669. "
  13670. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcess"
  13671. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13672. ASCII "Process initialization raised exception 0x%08lx
  13673. Exception record: .exr %p
  13674. Context record: .cxr %p
  13675. "
  13676. ASCII "LdrpInitializeProcessWrapperFilter"
  13677. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrinit.c"
  13678. UNICODE "CWDIllegalInDLLSearch"
  13679. ASCII "LdrpTouchThreadStack"
  13680. ASCII "Function %s raised exception 0x%08lx
  13681. Exception record: .exr %p
  13682. Context record: .cxr %p
  13683. "
  13684. ASCII "LdrpGenericExceptionFilter"
  13685. ASCII "minkernel\ntdll\ldrutil.c"
  13686. ASCII "
  13687. ***Exception thrown within loader***
  13688. "
  13689. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  13690. ASCII "Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context
  13691. "
  13692. UNICODE ".DLL"
  13693. UNICODE "\microsoft.system.package.metadata\Application"
  13694. UNICODE ".Local"
  13695. UNICODE ".DLL"
  13696. ASCII "Resource @ %lx
  13697. "
  13698. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingShared = %lx
  13699. "
  13700. ASCII " NumberOfWaitingExclusive = %lx
  13701. "
  13702. ASCII " NumberOfActive = %lx
  13703. "
  13704. ASCII "NTDLL: Calling thread (%X) not owner of CritSect: %p Owner ThreadId: %X
  13705. "
  13706. UNICODE "Objects>%4u"
  13707. UNICODE "Objects=%4u"
  13708. UNICODE "VirtualAlloc"
  13709. ASCII "AVRF: AVrfDllUnloadNotification called for a provider (%p)
  13710. "
  13711. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: flags 0x%X: application verifier enabled
  13712. "
  13713. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: pid 0x%X: application verifier will be disabled due to an initialization error.
  13714. "
  13715. ASCII "AVRF: -*- final list of providers -*-
  13716. "
  13717. UNICODE "VerifierFlags"
  13718. UNICODE "HandleTraces"
  13719. UNICODE "VerifierDebug"
  13720. UNICODE "VerifierDlls"
  13721. ASCII "AVRF: Checking %ws for duplicate (%ws: %s)
  13722. "
  13723. ASCII "AVRF: Chaining (%ws: %s) to %ws
  13724. "
  13725. ASCII "AVRF: warning: did not find `%s' export in %ws .
  13726. "
  13727. ASCII "AVRF: (%ws) %s export found.
  13728. "
  13729. ASCII "AVRF: pid 0x%X: found dll descriptor for `%ws' with verified exports
  13730. "
  13731. ASCII "AVRF: pid 0x%X: found dll descriptor for `%ws' with verified exports
  13732. "
  13733. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws
  13734. "
  13735. ASCII "AVRF: failed to enable handle checking (status %X)
  13736. "
  13737. ASCII "AVRF: chain: searching in %ws
  13738. "
  13739. ASCII "AVRF: chain: dll: %ws
  13740. "
  13741. ASCII "AVRF: chain: thunk: %s == %s ?
  13742. "
  13743. ASCII "AVRF: Found duplicate for (%ws: %s) in %ws
  13744. "
  13746. ASCII "AVRF: verifier dll `%ws'
  13747. "
  13748. ASCII "AVRF: Cannot load %ws from arbitrary location
  13749. "
  13750. ASCII "AVRF: %ws: failed to load provider `%ws' (status %08X) from %ws
  13751. "
  13752. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws is not a DLL image
  13753. "
  13754. ASCII "AVRF: cannot find an entry point for provider %ws
  13755. "
  13756. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws passed an invalid descriptor @ %p
  13757. "
  13758. ASCII "AVRF: initialized provider %ws (descriptor @ %p)
  13759. "
  13760. ASCII "AVRF: provider %ws did not initialize correctly
  13761. "
  13762. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised in provider %ws initialization routine
  13763. "
  13764. ASCII "AVRF: exception raised while probing provider %ws
  13765. "
  13766. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  13767. ASCII "AVRF: resnapping %ws ...
  13768. "
  13769. ASCII "AVRF: skipped resnapping provider %ws ...
  13770. "
  13771. ASCII "AVRF: internal error: New thunk for %s is null.
  13772. "
  13773. ASCII "AVRF: Snapped (%ws: %s) with (%ws: %p).
  13774. "
  13775. UNICODE "verifier.dll"
  13776. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find verifier.dll among loaded providers!
  13777. "
  13778. ASCII "VerifierStopMessage"
  13779. ASCII "AVRF: Failed to find `VerifierStopMessage()' export in verifier.dll!
  13780. "
  13781. UNICODE "\KnownDlls"
  13782. UNICODE "KnownDllPath"
  13783. UNICODE "\SystemRoot"
  13784. UNICODE "\System32\"
  13785. ASCII "
  13786. ===========================================================
  13787. VERIFIER STOP %p: pid 0x%X: %s
  13788. %p : %s
  13789. %p : %s
  13790. %p : %s
  13791. %p : %s
  13792. ===========================================================
  13793. "
  13794. UNICODE "WinShipAssert"
  13795. UNICODE "WindowsMessageReportingB1"
  13796. UNICODE "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  13797. UNICODE "%X"
  13798. UNICODE "%d"
  13799. UNICODE "%X"
  13800. UNICODE "%X"
  13801. UNICODE "%d.%d.%d.%d"
  13802. UNICODE "%X"
  13803. UNICODE "%X"
  13805. UNICODE "\Software\Microsoft\Windows"
  13806. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Escalation"
  13807. UNICODE "DisableEscalation"
  13808. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\WMR"
  13809. UNICODE "WMRSendMessageString"
  13810. UNICODE "(null)"
  13811. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\AdaptiveSqm\Throttling"
  13812. UNICODE "%u"
  13813. UNICODE "(null)"
  13814. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\CommonDatapoints\"
  13815. ASCII "RtlpQueryAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  13816. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid sub-instance index %lu out of %lu Assemblies in the Acitvation Context
  13817. "
  13818. ASCII "RtlpQueryFilesInAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  13819. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid sub-instance index %lu out of %lu Assemblies in the Acitvation Context
  13820. "
  13821. ASCII "RtlpQueryFilesInAssemblyInformationActivationContextDetailedInformation"
  13822. ASCII "SXS: %s() received invalid file index (%d) in Assembly (%d)
  13823. "
  13824. ASCII "SXS: Unable to open storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  13825. "
  13826. ASCII "SXS: Unabel to query location from storage root subkey %wZ; Status = 0x%08lx
  13827. "
  13828. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value type is not REG_SZ
  13829. "
  13830. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location value has non-even size
  13831. "
  13832. ASCII "SXS: Assembly storage root location for %wZ does not fit in a UNICODE STRING
  13833. "
  13834. UNICODE "Type:"
  13835. UNICODE " Name:"
  13836. UNICODE " Language:"
  13837. UNICODE " Item:"
  13838. UNICODE "SR - "
  13839. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Enter"
  13840. UNICODE "LdrResRelease Exit"
  13841. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Enter"
  13842. UNICODE "LdrResGetRCConfig Exit"
  13843. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Enter"
  13844. UNICODE "LdrpResMapFile Exit"
  13845. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Enter"
  13846. UNICODE "LdrpResSearchResourceHandle Exit"
  13847. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Enter"
  13848. UNICODE "LdrpResValidateFilePath Exit"
  13849. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13850. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13851. ASCII "Heap block at %p modified at %p past requested size of %Ix
  13852. "
  13853. ASCII "
  13854. *** Assertion failed: %s%s
  13855. *** Source File: %s, line %ld
  13856. "
  13857. ASCII "Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process, or terminate Thread (boipt)? "
  13858. ASCII "Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context
  13859. "
  13860. UNICODE "PortableOperatingSystem"
  13861. UNICODE "TimeZoneInformation"
  13862. UNICODE "Bias"
  13863. UNICODE "StandardName"
  13864. UNICODE "StandardBias"
  13865. UNICODE "StandardStart"
  13866. UNICODE "DaylightName"
  13867. UNICODE "DaylightBias"
  13868. UNICODE "DaylightStart"
  13869. UNICODE "TimeZoneKeyName"
  13870. UNICODE "DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled"
  13871. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter pwmszLanguage for function RtlGetUILanguageInfo is not a valid multi-string!
  13872. "
  13873. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  13874. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  13875. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  13876. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  13877. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  13878. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  13879. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings\LanguageConfiguration"
  13880. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  13881. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  13882. UNICODE "MachineLanguageConfiguration"
  13883. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\SQMData\BootLanguages"
  13884. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  13885. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  13886. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  13887. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  13888. ASCII "*** ASSERT FAILED: Input parameter LanguagesBuffer for function RtlpSetPreferredUILanguages is not a valid multi-string!
  13889. "
  13890. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\Language"
  13891. UNICODE "InstallLanguageFallback"
  13892. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  13893. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguagesPending"
  13894. UNICODE "LanguageConfigurationPending"
  13895. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  13896. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  13897. UNICODE "LanguageConfiguration"
  13898. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13899. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13900. ASCII "VirtualProtect Failed 0x%08x %x
  13901. "
  13902. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13903. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13904. ASCII "VirtualQuery Failed 0x%08x %x
  13905. "
  13906. UNICODE "Objects>%4u"
  13907. UNICODE "Objects=%4u"
  13908. UNICODE "VirtualAlloc"
  13909. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\bootstat.dat"
  13910. ASCII "busy "
  13911. ASCII "virtual "
  13912. ASCII "UCR "
  13913. ASCII "free "
  13914. ASCII "extra "
  13915. ASCII "fill "
  13916. ASCII "user_flag "
  13917. ASCII "%p %p %p %8lx %p "
  13918. UNICODE "
  13919. \SmApiPort"
  13920. ASCII "Conflicting descriptors %08lx
  13921. "
  13922. ASCII "Unable to allocate page descriptor
  13923. "
  13924. ASCII "Entry User Heap Size Req.Size Flags
  13925. "
  13926. ASCII "------------------------------------------------------------
  13927. "
  13928. ASCII "Error
  13929. "
  13930. ASCII "Not enough memory to complete
  13931. "
  13932. ASCII "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  13933. ASCII ":%u"
  13934. ASCII "%%%u"
  13935. ASCII "]:%u"
  13936. UNICODE "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
  13937. UNICODE "\SystemRoot\Globalization\"
  13938. UNICODE ".nlp"
  13939. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  13940. ASCII "HEAP: "
  13941. ASCII " Leaked Block 0x%p size 0x%p (stack %p depth %u)
  13942. "
  13943. ASCII "
  13944. *** Unhandled exception 0x%08lx, hit in %ws:%s
  13945. "
  13946. ASCII "
  13947. *** A stack buffer overrun occurred in %ws:%s
  13948. "
  13949. ASCII "This is usually the result of a memory copy to a local buffer or structure where the size is not properly calculated/checked.
  13950. "
  13951. ASCII "If this bug ends up in the shipping product, it could be a severe security hole.
  13952. "
  13953. ASCII "The stack trace should show the guilty function (the function directly above __report_gsfailure).
  13954. "
  13955. ASCII "
  13956. *** Resource timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  13957. "
  13958. ASCII "The resource is owned exclusively by thread %x
  13959. "
  13960. ASCII "The resource is owned shared by %d threads
  13961. "
  13962. ASCII "The resource is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  13963. "
  13964. ASCII "
  13965. *** Critical Section Timeout (%p) in %ws:%s
  13966. "
  13967. ASCII "The critical section is owned by thread %x.
  13968. "
  13969. ASCII "Go determine why that thread has not released the critical section.
  13970. "
  13971. ASCII "The critical section is unowned. This usually implies a slow-moving machine due to memory pressure
  13972. "
  13973. ASCII "
  13974. *** Inpage error in %ws:%s
  13975. "
  13976. ASCII "The instruction at %p referenced memory at %p.
  13977. "
  13978. ASCII "This failed because of error %Ix.
  13979. "
  13980. ASCII "This means that the I/O device reported an I/O error. Check your hardware."
  13981. ASCII "This means the data could not be read, typically because of a bad block on the disk. Check your hardware.
  13982. "
  13983. ASCII "This means the machine is out of memory. Use !vm to see where all the memory is being used.
  13984. "
  13985. ASCII "
  13986. *** An Access Violation occurred in %ws:%s
  13987. "
  13988. ASCII "write to"
  13989. ASCII "read from"
  13990. ASCII "The instruction at %p tried to %s "
  13991. ASCII "an invalid address, %p
  13992. "
  13993. ASCII "a NULL pointer
  13994. "
  13995. ASCII " *** enter .exr %p for the exception record
  13996. "
  13997. ASCII " *** enter .cxr %p for the context
  13998. "
  13999. ASCII " *** then kb to get the faulting stack
  14000. "
  14001. ASCII " *** Restarting wait on critsec or resource at %p (in %ws:%s)
  14002. "
  14003. ASCII "Trace database: failed to release segment %p
  14004. "
  14005. ASCII "Trace database: failing attempt to save biiiiig trace (size %u)
  14006. "
  14007. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop"
  14008. UNICODE "Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached"
  14009. UNICODE "MachinePreferredUILanguages"
  14010. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\Settings"
  14011. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  14012. UNICODE "MachineUILock"
  14013. UNICODE "PreferredUILanguages"
  14014. UNICODE "AlternateCodePage"
  14015. UNICODE "WindowsExcludedProcs"
  14016. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Number-Allowed"
  14017. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Allowed"
  14018. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-Disallowed"
  14019. UNICODE "Kernel-MUI-Language-SKU"
  14020. ASCII "Entry"
  14021. UNICODE "DefaultFallback"
  14022. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"
  14023. UNICODE "Type"
  14024. UNICODE "DefaultFallback"
  14025. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages\PendingDelete"
  14026. ASCII "Critical error detected %lx
  14027. "
  14028. UNICODE "QueryDebugInformation request"
  14029. ASCII "RtlAllocateHeap"
  14030. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14031. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14032. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for %Ix bytes
  14033. "
  14034. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14035. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14036. ASCII "Just allocated block at %p for 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  14037. "
  14038. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14039. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14040. ASCII "Invalid allocation size - %Ix (exceeded %Ix)
  14041. "
  14042. ASCII "RtlCompactHeap"
  14043. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14044. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14045. ASCII "Invalid ReserveSize parameter - %Ix
  14046. "
  14047. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14048. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14049. ASCII "Invalid CommitSize parameter - %Ix
  14050. "
  14051. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14052. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14053. ASCII "May not specify Lock parameter with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE
  14054. "
  14055. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14056. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14057. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) invalid, Status = %lx
  14058. "
  14059. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14060. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14061. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) != to BaseAddress (%p)
  14062. "
  14063. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14064. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14065. ASCII "Specified HeapBase (%p) is free or not writable
  14066. "
  14067. ASCII "RtlCreateTagHeap"
  14068. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14069. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14070. ASCII "May not destroy the process heap at %p
  14071. "
  14072. ASCII "RtlDestroyHeap"
  14073. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  14074. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  14075. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14076. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14077. ASCII "About to free block at %p
  14078. "
  14079. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14080. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14081. ASCII "About to free block at %p with tag %ws
  14082. "
  14083. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  14084. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  14085. ASCII "RtlQueryTagHeap"
  14086. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  14087. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  14088. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14089. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14090. ASCII "About to reallocate block at %p to %Ix bytes
  14091. "
  14092. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14093. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14094. ASCII "About to rellocate block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  14095. "
  14096. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14097. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14098. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to %Ix bytes
  14099. "
  14100. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14101. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14102. ASCII "Just reallocated block at %p to 0x%Ix bytes with tag %ws
  14103. "
  14104. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14105. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14106. ASCII "Invalid allocation size - %Ix (exceeded %Ix)
  14107. "
  14108. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  14109. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  14110. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  14111. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  14112. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  14113. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  14114. ASCII "RtlWalkHeap"
  14115. ASCII "RtlZeroHeap"
  14116. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14117. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14118. ASCII "Non-Dedicated free list element %p is out of order
  14119. "
  14120. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14121. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14122. ASCII "dedicated (%04Ix) free list element %p is marked busy
  14123. "
  14124. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14125. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14126. ASCII "Number of free blocks in arena (%ld) does not match number in the free lists (%ld)
  14127. "
  14128. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14129. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14130. ASCII "Total size of free blocks in arena (%Id) does not match number total in heap header (%Id)
  14131. "
  14132. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14133. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14134. ASCII "Pseudo Tag %04x size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  14135. "
  14136. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14137. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14138. ASCII "Tag %04x (%ws) size incorrect (%Ix != %Ix) %p
  14139. "
  14140. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14141. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14142. ASCII "Heap %p - headers modified (%p is %lx instead of %lx)
  14143. "
  14144. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14145. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14146. ASCII " This is located in the %s field of the heap header.
  14147. "
  14148. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14149. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14150. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14151. ASCII "Free Heap block %p modified at %p after it was freed
  14152. "
  14153. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14154. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14155. ASCII "Heap block at %p has corrupted PreviousSize (%lx)
  14156. "
  14157. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14158. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14159. ASCII "Heap block at %p is not last block in segment (%p)
  14160. "
  14161. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14162. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14163. ASCII "Heap block at %p has incorrect segment offset (%x)
  14164. "
  14165. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14166. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14167. ASCII "Heap entry %p has incorrect PreviousSize field (%04x instead of %04x)
  14168. "
  14169. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14170. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedPages (%x != %x)
  14171. "
  14172. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14173. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14174. ASCII "Heap Segment at %p contains invalid NumberOfUnCommittedRanges (%x != %x)
  14175. "
  14176. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14177. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14178. ASCII "HEAP: "
  14179. ASCII "Heap error detected at %p (heap handle %p)
  14180. "
  14181. ASCII "heap_failure_internal"
  14182. ASCII "heap_failure_unknown"
  14183. ASCII "heap_failure_generic"
  14184. ASCII "heap_failure_entry_corruption"
  14185. ASCII "heap_failure_multiple_entries_corruption"
  14186. ASCII "heap_failure_virtual_block_corruption"
  14187. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_overrun"
  14188. ASCII "heap_failure_buffer_underrun"
  14189. ASCII "heap_failure_block_not_busy"
  14190. ASCII "heap_failure_invalid_argument"
  14191. ASCII "heap_failure_usage_after_free"
  14192. ASCII "heap_failure_cross_heap_operation"
  14193. ASCII "heap_failure_freelists_corruption"
  14194. ASCII "heap_failure_listentry_corruption"
  14195. ASCII "heap_failure_lfh_bitmap_mismatch"
  14196. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14197. ASCII "Error code: %d - %s
  14198. "
  14199. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14200. ASCII "Parameter1: %p
  14201. "
  14202. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14203. ASCII "Parameter2: %p
  14204. "
  14205. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14206. ASCII "Parameter3: %p
  14207. "
  14208. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14209. ASCII "Last known valid blocks: before - %p, after - %p
  14210. "
  14211. ASCII "HEAP[%wZ]: "
  14212. ASCII "Stack trace available at %p
  14213. "
  14214. ASCII "Enabling heap debug options
  14215. "
  14216. UNICODE "%d"
  14217. UNICODE "\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
  14218. UNICODE "BuildLabEx"
  14219. ASCII ".sb_data"
  14220. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u magic field is corrupt!!! ***
  14221. "
  14222. ASCII "*** --------> Follow-up: avgarcia;erik;muidev ***
  14223. "
  14224. ASCII "*** RESCACHE: Segment %u is no longer valid. It may have been unmapped already!!! ***
  14225. "
  14226. ASCII "*** --------> Follow-up: avgarcia;erik;muidev ***
  14227. "
  14228. UNICODE "\??\%C:"
  14229. UNICODE "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CMF\LatestIndex"
  14230. UNICODE ".init"
  14231. UNICODE "%s%s"
  14232. UNICODE "*.*"
  14233. UNICODE "rc"
  14234. UNICODE "%s\%s"
  14235. UNICODE "CmfHits"
  14236. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s"
  14237. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  14238. UNICODE "rc"
  14239. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s"
  14240. UNICODE ".tmp"
  14241. UNICODE "Upd"
  14242. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d%s"
  14243. UNICODE "Segment"
  14244. UNICODE ".toc"
  14245. UNICODE "Segment"
  14246. UNICODE ".cmf"
  14247. UNICODE "Directory"
  14248. UNICODE ".init"
  14249. UNICODE "Directory"
  14250. UNICODE "%s%04d-%s%s"
  14251. UNICODE ".owner"
  14252. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  14253. UNICODE ".init"
  14254. UNICODE "rc"
  14255. UNICODE "Global\%s/%s%04d%s"
  14256. UNICODE ".owner"
  14257. UNICODE "rc"
  14258. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d"
  14259. UNICODE "rc"
  14260. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s*%s"
  14261. UNICODE ".owner"
  14262. UNICODE "%s%s%d%s"
  14263. UNICODE ".init"
  14264. UNICODE "%s%s%d"
  14265. UNICODE "%s\%s%d%s"
  14266. UNICODE "%s"
  14267. UNICODE ".owner"
  14268. UNICODE "Global\%s/base%s"
  14269. UNICODE "rc"
  14270. UNICODE "%s\%s*"
  14271. UNICODE "ResCache.ccm"
  14272. UNICODE "ResCache.mni"
  14273. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  14274. UNICODE "%s\*\%s"
  14275. UNICODE "ResCache.dir"
  14276. UNICODE "Directory"
  14277. UNICODE ".cmf"
  14278. UNICODE "Segment"
  14279. UNICODE "%s\%s*%s"
  14280. UNICODE ".toc"
  14281. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  14282. UNICODE "ResCache.hit"
  14283. UNICODE "CmfHits"
  14284. UNICODE "ResCache.usg"
  14285. UNICODE ".owner"
  14286. UNICODE "wip"
  14287. UNICODE "Global\%s%s%s"
  14288. UNICODE "wip"
  14289. UNICODE "%s\%s"
  14290. UNICODE ".tmp"
  14291. UNICODE "Upd"
  14292. UNICODE "%s\"
  14293. UNICODE "upd"
  14294. UNICODE "tmp"
  14295. UNICODE "upd"
  14296. UNICODE "%s\%s\%s"
  14297. UNICODE "Rdy-"
  14298. UNICODE "Upd-"
  14299. UNICODE "%s%s"
  14300. UNICODE "%s\%s"
  14301. UNICODE "%s%s"
  14302. UNICODE ".cmf"
  14303. UNICODE "Segment"
  14304. UNICODE "rc"
  14305. UNICODE "%s\%s%04d\%s%d%s"
  14306. ASCII "ntdll.dll"
  14307. ASCII "RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  14308. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast"
  14309. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPushListSList"
  14310. ASCII "RtlUlongByteSwap"
  14311. ASCII "RtlUlonglongByteSwap"
  14312. ASCII "RtlUshortByteSwap"
  14313. ASCII "ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListEnd"
  14314. ASCII "ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault"
  14315. ASCII "ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume"
  14316. ASCII "A_SHAFinal"
  14317. ASCII "A_SHAInit"
  14318. ASCII "A_SHAUpdate"
  14319. ASCII "AlpcAdjustCompletionListConcurrencyCount"
  14320. ASCII "AlpcFreeCompletionListMessage"
  14321. ASCII "AlpcGetCompletionListLastMessageInformation"
  14322. ASCII "AlpcGetCompletionListMessageAttributes"
  14323. ASCII "AlpcGetHeaderSize"
  14324. ASCII "AlpcGetMessageAttribute"
  14325. ASCII "AlpcGetMessageFromCompletionList"
  14326. ASCII "AlpcGetOutstandingCompletionListMessageCount"
  14327. ASCII "AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute"
  14328. ASCII "AlpcMaxAllowedMessageLength"
  14329. ASCII "AlpcRegisterCompletionList"
  14330. ASCII "AlpcRegisterCompletionListWorkerThread"
  14331. ASCII "AlpcRundownCompletionList"
  14332. ASCII "AlpcUnregisterCompletionList"
  14333. ASCII "AlpcUnregisterCompletionListWorkerThread"
  14334. ASCII "ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence"
  14335. ASCII "CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer"
  14336. ASCII "CsrAllocateMessagePointer"
  14337. ASCII "CsrCaptureMessageBuffer"
  14338. ASCII "CsrCaptureMessageMultiUnicodeStringsInPlace"
  14339. ASCII "CsrCaptureMessageString"
  14340. ASCII "CsrCaptureTimeout"
  14341. ASCII "CsrClientCallServer"
  14342. ASCII "CsrClientConnectToServer"
  14343. ASCII "CsrFreeCaptureBuffer"
  14344. ASCII "CsrGetProcessId"
  14345. ASCII "CsrIdentifyAlertableThread"
  14346. ASCII "CsrSetPriorityClass"
  14347. ASCII "CsrVerifyRegion"
  14348. ASCII "DbgBreakPoint"
  14349. ASCII "DbgPrint"
  14350. ASCII "DbgPrintEx"
  14351. ASCII "DbgPrintReturnControlC"
  14352. ASCII "DbgPrompt"
  14353. ASCII "DbgQueryDebugFilterState"
  14354. ASCII "DbgSetDebugFilterState"
  14355. ASCII "DbgUiConnectToDbg"
  14356. ASCII "DbgUiContinue"
  14357. ASCII "DbgUiConvertStateChangeStructure"
  14358. ASCII "DbgUiDebugActiveProcess"
  14359. ASCII "DbgUiGetThreadDebugObject"
  14360. ASCII "DbgUiIssueRemoteBreakin"
  14361. ASCII "DbgUiRemoteBreakin"
  14362. ASCII "DbgUiSetThreadDebugObject"
  14363. ASCII "DbgUiStopDebugging"
  14364. ASCII "DbgUiWaitStateChange"
  14365. ASCII "DbgUserBreakPoint"
  14366. ASCII "EtwCreateTraceInstanceId"
  14367. ASCII "EtwDeliverDataBlock"
  14368. ASCII "EtwEnumerateProcessRegGuids"
  14369. ASCII "EtwEventActivityIdControl"
  14370. ASCII "EtwEventEnabled"
  14371. ASCII "EtwEventProviderEnabled"
  14372. ASCII "EtwEventRegister"
  14373. ASCII "EtwEventSetInformation"
  14374. ASCII "EtwEventUnregister"
  14375. ASCII "EtwEventWrite"
  14376. ASCII "EtwEventWriteEndScenario"
  14377. ASCII "EtwEventWriteEx"
  14378. ASCII "EtwEventWriteFull"
  14379. ASCII "EtwEventWriteNoRegistration"
  14380. ASCII "EtwEventWriteStartScenario"
  14381. ASCII "EtwEventWriteString"
  14382. ASCII "EtwEventWriteTransfer"
  14383. ASCII "EtwGetTraceEnableFlags"
  14384. ASCII "EtwGetTraceEnableLevel"
  14385. ASCII "EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle"
  14386. ASCII "EtwLogTraceEvent"
  14387. ASCII "EtwNotificationRegister"
  14388. ASCII "EtwNotificationUnregister"
  14389. ASCII "EtwProcessPrivateLoggerRequest"
  14390. ASCII "EtwRegisterSecurityProvider"
  14391. ASCII "EtwRegisterTraceGuidsA"
  14392. ASCII "EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW"
  14393. ASCII "EtwReplyNotification"
  14394. ASCII "EtwSendNotification"
  14395. ASCII "EtwSetMark"
  14396. ASCII "EtwTraceEventInstance"
  14397. ASCII "EtwTraceMessage"
  14398. ASCII "EtwTraceMessageVa"
  14399. ASCII "EtwUnregisterTraceGuids"
  14400. ASCII "EtwWriteUMSecurityEvent"
  14401. ASCII "EtwpCreateEtwThread"
  14402. ASCII "EtwpGetCpuSpeed"
  14403. ASCII "EvtIntReportAuthzEventAndSourceAsync"
  14404. ASCII "EvtIntReportEventAndSourceAsync"
  14405. ASCII "KiFastSystemCall"
  14406. ASCII "KiFastSystemCallRet"
  14407. ASCII "KiIntSystemCall"
  14408. ASCII "KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher"
  14409. ASCII "KiUserApcDispatcher"
  14410. ASCII "KiUserCallbackDispatcher"
  14411. ASCII "KiUserExceptionDispatcher"
  14412. ASCII "LdrAccessResource"
  14413. ASCII "LdrAddDllDirectory"
  14414. ASCII "LdrAddLoadAsDataTable"
  14415. ASCII "LdrAddRefDll"
  14416. ASCII "LdrAppxHandleIntegrityFailure"
  14417. ASCII "LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll"
  14418. ASCII "LdrEnumResources"
  14419. ASCII "LdrEnumerateLoadedModules"
  14420. ASCII "LdrFindEntryForAddress"
  14421. ASCII "LdrFindResourceDirectory_U"
  14422. ASCII "LdrFindResourceEx_U"
  14423. ASCII "LdrFindResource_U"
  14424. ASCII "LdrFlushAlternateResourceModules"
  14425. ASCII "LdrGetDllDirectory"
  14426. ASCII "LdrGetDllFullName"
  14427. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandle"
  14428. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleByMapping"
  14429. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleByName"
  14430. ASCII "LdrGetDllHandleEx"
  14431. ASCII "LdrGetDllPath"
  14432. ASCII "LdrGetFailureData"
  14433. ASCII "LdrGetFileNameFromLoadAsDataTable"
  14434. ASCII "LdrGetProcedureAddress"
  14435. ASCII "LdrGetProcedureAddressEx"
  14436. ASCII "LdrGetProcedureAddressForCaller"
  14437. ASCII "LdrInitShimEngineDynamic"
  14438. ASCII "LdrInitializeThunk"
  14439. ASCII "LdrLoadAlternateResourceModule"
  14440. ASCII "LdrLoadAlternateResourceModuleEx"
  14441. ASCII "LdrLoadDll"
  14442. ASCII "LdrLockLoaderLock"
  14443. ASCII "LdrOpenImageFileOptionsKey"
  14444. ASCII "LdrProcessRelocationBlock"
  14445. ASCII "LdrProcessRelocationBlockEx"
  14446. ASCII "LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptions"
  14447. ASCII "LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptionsEx"
  14448. ASCII "LdrQueryImageFileKeyOption"
  14449. ASCII "LdrQueryModuleServiceTags"
  14450. ASCII "LdrQueryOptionalDelayLoadedAPI"
  14451. ASCII "LdrQueryProcessModuleInformation"
  14452. ASCII "LdrRegisterDllNotification"
  14453. ASCII "LdrRemoveDllDirectory"
  14454. ASCII "LdrRemoveLoadAsDataTable"
  14455. ASCII "LdrResFindResource"
  14456. ASCII "LdrResFindResourceDirectory"
  14457. ASCII "LdrResGetRCConfig"
  14458. ASCII "LdrResRelease"
  14459. ASCII "LdrResSearchResource"
  14460. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI"
  14461. ASCII "LdrResolveDelayLoadsFromDll"
  14462. ASCII "LdrRscIsTypeExist"
  14463. ASCII "LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback"
  14464. ASCII "LdrSetDefaultDllDirectories"
  14465. ASCII "LdrSetDllDirectory"
  14466. ASCII "LdrSetDllManifestProber"
  14467. ASCII "LdrSetImplicitPathOptions"
  14468. ASCII "LdrSetMUICacheType"
  14469. ASCII "LdrShutdownProcess"
  14470. ASCII "LdrShutdownThread"
  14471. ASCII "LdrStandardizeSystemPath"
  14472. ASCII "LdrSystemDllInitBlock"
  14473. ASCII "LdrUnloadAlternateResourceModule"
  14474. ASCII "LdrUnloadAlternateResourceModuleEx"
  14475. ASCII "LdrUnloadDll"
  14476. ASCII "LdrUnlockLoaderLock"
  14477. ASCII "LdrUnregisterDllNotification"
  14478. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksum"
  14479. ASCII "LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksumEx"
  14480. ASCII "LdrpResGetMappingSize"
  14481. ASCII "LdrpResGetResourceDirectory"
  14482. ASCII "MD4Final"
  14483. ASCII "MD4Init"
  14484. ASCII "MD4Update"
  14485. ASCII "MD5Final"
  14486. ASCII "MD5Init"
  14487. ASCII "MD5Update"
  14488. ASCII "NlsAnsiCodePage"
  14489. ASCII "NlsMbCodePageTag"
  14490. ASCII "NlsMbOemCodePageTag"
  14491. ASCII "NtAcceptConnectPort"
  14492. ASCII "NtAccessCheck"
  14493. ASCII "NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm"
  14494. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByType"
  14495. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm"
  14496. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList"
  14497. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm"
  14498. ASCII "NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle"
  14499. ASCII "NtAddAtom"
  14500. ASCII "NtAddAtomEx"
  14501. ASCII "NtAddBootEntry"
  14502. ASCII "NtAddDriverEntry"
  14503. ASCII "NtAdjustGroupsToken"
  14504. ASCII "NtAdjustPrivilegesToken"
  14505. ASCII "NtAdjustTokenClaimsAndDeviceGroups"
  14506. ASCII "NtAlertResumeThread"
  14507. ASCII "NtAlertThread"
  14508. ASCII "NtAlertThreadByThreadId"
  14509. ASCII "NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId"
  14510. ASCII "NtAllocateReserveObject"
  14511. ASCII "NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages"
  14512. ASCII "NtAllocateUuids"
  14513. ASCII "NtAllocateVirtualMemory"
  14514. ASCII "NtAlpcAcceptConnectPort"
  14515. ASCII "NtAlpcCancelMessage"
  14516. ASCII "NtAlpcConnectPort"
  14517. ASCII "NtAlpcConnectPortEx"
  14518. ASCII "NtAlpcCreatePort"
  14519. ASCII "NtAlpcCreatePortSection"
  14520. ASCII "NtAlpcCreateResourceReserve"
  14521. ASCII "NtAlpcCreateSectionView"
  14522. ASCII "NtAlpcCreateSecurityContext"
  14523. ASCII "NtAlpcDeletePortSection"
  14524. ASCII "NtAlpcDeleteResourceReserve"
  14525. ASCII "NtAlpcDeleteSectionView"
  14526. ASCII "NtAlpcDeleteSecurityContext"
  14527. ASCII "NtAlpcDisconnectPort"
  14528. ASCII "NtAlpcImpersonateClientOfPort"
  14529. ASCII "NtAlpcOpenSenderProcess"
  14530. ASCII "NtAlpcOpenSenderThread"
  14531. ASCII "NtAlpcQueryInformation"
  14532. ASCII "NtAlpcQueryInformationMessage"
  14533. ASCII "NtAlpcRevokeSecurityContext"
  14534. ASCII "NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort"
  14535. ASCII "NtAlpcSetInformation"
  14536. ASCII "NtApphelpCacheControl"
  14537. ASCII "NtAreMappedFilesTheSame"
  14538. ASCII "NtAssignProcessToJobObject"
  14539. ASCII "NtAssociateWaitCompletionPacket"
  14540. ASCII "NtCallbackReturn"
  14541. ASCII "NtCancelIoFile"
  14542. ASCII "NtCancelIoFileEx"
  14543. ASCII "NtCancelSynchronousIoFile"
  14544. ASCII "NtCancelTimer2"
  14545. ASCII "NtCancelTimer"
  14546. ASCII "NtCancelWaitCompletionPacket"
  14547. ASCII "NtClearEvent"
  14548. ASCII "NtClose"
  14549. ASCII "NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm"
  14550. ASCII "NtCommitComplete"
  14551. ASCII "NtCommitEnlistment"
  14552. ASCII "NtCommitTransaction"
  14553. ASCII "NtCompactKeys"
  14554. ASCII "NtCompareTokens"
  14555. ASCII "NtCompleteConnectPort"
  14556. ASCII "NtCompressKey"
  14557. ASCII "NtConnectPort"
  14558. ASCII "NtContinue"
  14559. ASCII "NtCreateDebugObject"
  14560. ASCII "NtCreateDirectoryObject"
  14561. ASCII "NtCreateDirectoryObjectEx"
  14562. ASCII "NtCreateEnlistment"
  14563. ASCII "NtCreateEvent"
  14564. ASCII "NtCreateEventPair"
  14565. ASCII "NtCreateFile"
  14566. ASCII "NtCreateIRTimer"
  14567. ASCII "NtCreateIoCompletion"
  14568. ASCII "NtCreateJobObject"
  14569. ASCII "NtCreateJobSet"
  14570. ASCII "NtCreateKey"
  14571. ASCII "NtCreateKeyTransacted"
  14572. ASCII "NtCreateKeyedEvent"
  14573. ASCII "NtCreateLowBoxToken"
  14574. ASCII "NtCreateMailslotFile"
  14575. ASCII "NtCreateMutant"
  14576. ASCII "NtCreateNamedPipeFile"
  14577. ASCII "NtCreatePagingFile"
  14578. ASCII "NtCreatePort"
  14579. ASCII "NtCreatePrivateNamespace"
  14580. ASCII "NtCreateProcess"
  14581. ASCII "NtCreateProcessEx"
  14582. ASCII "NtCreateProfile"
  14583. ASCII "NtCreateProfileEx"
  14584. ASCII "NtCreateResourceManager"
  14585. ASCII "NtCreateSection"
  14586. ASCII "NtCreateSemaphore"
  14587. ASCII "NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject"
  14588. ASCII "NtCreateThread"
  14589. ASCII "NtCreateThreadEx"
  14590. ASCII "NtCreateTimer2"
  14591. ASCII "NtCreateTimer"
  14592. ASCII "NtCreateToken"
  14593. ASCII "NtCreateTokenEx"
  14594. ASCII "NtCreateTransaction"
  14595. ASCII "NtCreateTransactionManager"
  14596. ASCII "NtCreateUserProcess"
  14597. ASCII "NtCreateWaitCompletionPacket"
  14598. ASCII "NtCreateWaitablePort"
  14599. ASCII "NtCreateWnfStateName"
  14600. ASCII "NtCreateWorkerFactory"
  14601. ASCII "NtCurrentTeb"
  14602. ASCII "NtDebugActiveProcess"
  14603. ASCII "NtDebugContinue"
  14604. ASCII "NtDelayExecution"
  14605. ASCII "NtDeleteAtom"
  14606. ASCII "NtDeleteBootEntry"
  14607. ASCII "NtDeleteDriverEntry"
  14608. ASCII "NtDeleteFile"
  14609. ASCII "NtDeleteKey"
  14610. ASCII "NtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm"
  14611. ASCII "NtDeletePrivateNamespace"
  14612. ASCII "NtDeleteValueKey"
  14613. ASCII "NtDeleteWnfStateData"
  14614. ASCII "NtDeleteWnfStateName"
  14615. ASCII "NtDeviceIoControlFile"
  14616. ASCII "NtDisableLastKnownGood"
  14617. ASCII "NtDisplayString"
  14618. ASCII "NtDrawText"
  14619. ASCII "NtDuplicateObject"
  14620. ASCII "NtDuplicateToken"
  14621. ASCII "NtEnableLastKnownGood"
  14622. ASCII "NtEnumerateBootEntries"
  14623. ASCII "NtEnumerateDriverEntries"
  14624. ASCII "NtEnumerateKey"
  14625. ASCII "NtEnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx"
  14626. ASCII "NtEnumerateTransactionObject"
  14627. ASCII "NtEnumerateValueKey"
  14628. ASCII "NtExtendSection"
  14629. ASCII "NtFilterBootOption"
  14630. ASCII "NtFilterToken"
  14631. ASCII "NtFilterTokenEx"
  14632. ASCII "NtFindAtom"
  14633. ASCII "NtFlushBuffersFile"
  14634. ASCII "NtFlushBuffersFileEx"
  14635. ASCII "NtFlushInstallUILanguage"
  14636. ASCII "NtFlushInstructionCache"
  14637. ASCII "NtFlushKey"
  14638. ASCII "NtFlushProcessWriteBuffers"
  14639. ASCII "NtFlushVirtualMemory"
  14640. ASCII "NtFlushWriteBuffer"
  14641. ASCII "NtFreeUserPhysicalPages"
  14642. ASCII "NtFreeVirtualMemory"
  14643. ASCII "NtFreezeRegistry"
  14644. ASCII "NtFreezeTransactions"
  14645. ASCII "NtFsControlFile"
  14646. ASCII "NtGetCachedSigningLevel"
  14647. ASCII "NtGetCompleteWnfStateSubscription"
  14648. ASCII "NtGetContextThread"
  14649. ASCII "NtGetCurrentProcessorNumber"
  14650. ASCII "NtGetDevicePowerState"
  14651. ASCII "NtGetMUIRegistryInfo"
  14652. ASCII "NtGetNextProcess"
  14653. ASCII "NtGetNextThread"
  14654. ASCII "NtGetNlsSectionPtr"
  14655. ASCII "NtGetNotificationResourceManager"
  14656. ASCII "NtGetTickCount"
  14657. ASCII "NtGetWriteWatch"
  14658. ASCII "NtImpersonateAnonymousToken"
  14659. ASCII "NtImpersonateClientOfPort"
  14660. ASCII "NtImpersonateThread"
  14661. ASCII "NtInitializeNlsFiles"
  14662. ASCII "NtInitializeRegistry"
  14663. ASCII "NtInitiatePowerAction"
  14664. ASCII "NtIsProcessInJob"
  14665. ASCII "NtIsSystemResumeAutomatic"
  14666. ASCII "NtIsUILanguageComitted"
  14667. ASCII "NtListenPort"
  14668. ASCII "NtLoadDriver"
  14669. ASCII "NtLoadKey2"
  14670. ASCII "NtLoadKey"
  14671. ASCII "NtLoadKeyEx"
  14672. ASCII "NtLockFile"
  14673. ASCII "NtLockProductActivationKeys"
  14674. ASCII "NtLockRegistryKey"
  14675. ASCII "NtLockVirtualMemory"
  14676. ASCII "NtMakePermanentObject"
  14677. ASCII "NtMakeTemporaryObject"
  14678. ASCII "NtMapCMFModule"
  14679. ASCII "NtMapUserPhysicalPages"
  14680. ASCII "NtMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter"
  14681. ASCII "NtMapViewOfSection"
  14682. ASCII "NtModifyBootEntry"
  14683. ASCII "NtModifyDriverEntry"
  14684. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile"
  14685. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeKey"
  14686. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys"
  14687. ASCII "NtNotifyChangeSession"
  14688. ASCII "NtOpenDirectoryObject"
  14689. ASCII "NtOpenEnlistment"
  14690. ASCII "NtOpenEvent"
  14691. ASCII "NtOpenEventPair"
  14692. ASCII "NtOpenFile"
  14693. ASCII "NtOpenIoCompletion"
  14694. ASCII "NtOpenJobObject"
  14695. ASCII "NtOpenKey"
  14696. ASCII "NtOpenKeyEx"
  14697. ASCII "NtOpenKeyTransacted"
  14698. ASCII "NtOpenKeyTransactedEx"
  14699. ASCII "NtOpenKeyedEvent"
  14700. ASCII "NtOpenMutant"
  14701. ASCII "NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm"
  14702. ASCII "NtOpenPrivateNamespace"
  14703. ASCII "NtOpenProcess"
  14704. ASCII "NtOpenProcessToken"
  14705. ASCII "NtOpenProcessTokenEx"
  14706. ASCII "NtOpenResourceManager"
  14707. ASCII "NtOpenSection"
  14708. ASCII "NtOpenSemaphore"
  14709. ASCII "NtOpenSession"
  14710. ASCII "NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject"
  14711. ASCII "NtOpenThread"
  14712. ASCII "NtOpenThreadToken"
  14713. ASCII "NtOpenThreadTokenEx"
  14714. ASCII "NtOpenTimer"
  14715. ASCII "NtOpenTransaction"
  14716. ASCII "NtOpenTransactionManager"
  14717. ASCII "NtPlugPlayControl"
  14718. ASCII "NtPowerInformation"
  14719. ASCII "NtPrePrepareComplete"
  14720. ASCII "NtPrePrepareEnlistment"
  14721. ASCII "NtPrepareComplete"
  14722. ASCII "NtPrepareEnlistment"
  14723. ASCII "NtPrivilegeCheck"
  14724. ASCII "NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm"
  14725. ASCII "NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm"
  14726. ASCII "NtPropagationComplete"
  14727. ASCII "NtPropagationFailed"
  14728. ASCII "NtProtectVirtualMemory"
  14729. ASCII "NtPulseEvent"
  14730. ASCII "NtQueryAttributesFile"
  14731. ASCII "NtQueryBootEntryOrder"
  14732. ASCII "NtQueryBootOptions"
  14733. ASCII "NtQueryDebugFilterState"
  14734. ASCII "NtQueryDefaultLocale"
  14735. ASCII "NtQueryDefaultUILanguage"
  14736. ASCII "NtQueryDirectoryFile"
  14737. ASCII "NtQueryDirectoryObject"
  14738. ASCII "NtQueryDriverEntryOrder"
  14739. ASCII "NtQueryEaFile"
  14740. ASCII "NtQueryEvent"
  14741. ASCII "NtQueryFullAttributesFile"
  14742. ASCII "NtQueryInformationAtom"
  14743. ASCII "NtQueryInformationEnlistment"
  14744. ASCII "NtQueryInformationFile"
  14745. ASCII "NtQueryInformationJobObject"
  14746. ASCII "NtQueryInformationPort"
  14747. ASCII "NtQueryInformationProcess"
  14748. ASCII "NtQueryInformationResourceManager"
  14749. ASCII "NtQueryInformationThread"
  14750. ASCII "NtQueryInformationToken"
  14751. ASCII "NtQueryInformationTransaction"
  14752. ASCII "NtQueryInformationTransactionManager"
  14753. ASCII "NtQueryInformationWorkerFactory"
  14754. ASCII "NtQueryInstallUILanguage"
  14755. ASCII "NtQueryIntervalProfile"
  14756. ASCII "NtQueryIoCompletion"
  14757. ASCII "NtQueryKey"
  14758. ASCII "NtQueryLicenseValue"
  14759. ASCII "NtQueryMultipleValueKey"
  14760. ASCII "NtQueryMutant"
  14761. ASCII "NtQueryObject"
  14762. ASCII "NtQueryOpenSubKeys"
  14763. ASCII "NtQueryOpenSubKeysEx"
  14764. ASCII "NtQueryPerformanceCounter"
  14765. ASCII "NtQueryPortInformationProcess"
  14766. ASCII "NtQueryQuotaInformationFile"
  14767. ASCII "NtQuerySection"
  14768. ASCII "NtQuerySecurityAttributesToken"
  14769. ASCII "NtQuerySecurityObject"
  14770. ASCII "NtQuerySemaphore"
  14771. ASCII "NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject"
  14772. ASCII "NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue"
  14773. ASCII "NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx"
  14774. ASCII "NtQuerySystemInformation"
  14775. ASCII "NtQuerySystemInformationEx"
  14776. ASCII "NtQuerySystemTime"
  14777. ASCII "NtQueryTimer"
  14778. ASCII "NtQueryTimerResolution"
  14779. ASCII "NtQueryValueKey"
  14780. ASCII "NtQueryVirtualMemory"
  14781. ASCII "NtQueryVolumeInformationFile"
  14782. ASCII "NtQueryWnfStateData"
  14783. ASCII "NtQueryWnfStateNameInformation"
  14784. ASCII "NtQueueApcThread"
  14785. ASCII "NtQueueApcThreadEx"
  14786. ASCII "NtRaiseException"
  14787. ASCII "NtRaiseHardError"
  14788. ASCII "NtReadFile"
  14789. ASCII "NtReadFileScatter"
  14790. ASCII "NtReadOnlyEnlistment"
  14791. ASCII "NtReadRequestData"
  14792. ASCII "NtReadVirtualMemory"
  14793. ASCII "NtRecoverEnlistment"
  14794. ASCII "NtRecoverResourceManager"
  14795. ASCII "NtRecoverTransactionManager"
  14796. ASCII "NtRegisterProtocolAddressInformation"
  14797. ASCII "NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort"
  14798. ASCII "NtReleaseKeyedEvent"
  14799. ASCII "NtReleaseMutant"
  14800. ASCII "NtReleaseSemaphore"
  14801. ASCII "NtReleaseWorkerFactoryWorker"
  14802. ASCII "NtRemoveIoCompletion"
  14803. ASCII "NtRemoveIoCompletionEx"
  14804. ASCII "NtRemoveProcessDebug"
  14805. ASCII "NtRenameKey"
  14806. ASCII "NtRenameTransactionManager"
  14807. ASCII "NtReplaceKey"
  14808. ASCII "NtReplacePartitionUnit"
  14809. ASCII "NtReplyPort"
  14810. ASCII "NtReplyWaitReceivePort"
  14811. ASCII "NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx"
  14812. ASCII "NtReplyWaitReplyPort"
  14813. ASCII "NtRequestPort"
  14814. ASCII "NtRequestWaitReplyPort"
  14815. ASCII "NtResetEvent"
  14816. ASCII "NtResetWriteWatch"
  14817. ASCII "NtRestoreKey"
  14818. ASCII "NtResumeProcess"
  14819. ASCII "NtResumeThread"
  14820. ASCII "NtRollbackComplete"
  14821. ASCII "NtRollbackEnlistment"
  14822. ASCII "NtRollbackTransaction"
  14823. ASCII "NtRollforwardTransactionManager"
  14824. ASCII "NtSaveKey"
  14825. ASCII "NtSaveKeyEx"
  14826. ASCII "NtSaveMergedKeys"
  14827. ASCII "NtSecureConnectPort"
  14828. ASCII "NtSerializeBoot"
  14829. ASCII "NtSetBootEntryOrder"
  14830. ASCII "NtSetBootOptions"
  14831. ASCII "NtSetCachedSigningLevel"
  14832. ASCII "NtSetContextThread"
  14833. ASCII "NtSetDebugFilterState"
  14834. ASCII "NtSetDefaultHardErrorPort"
  14835. ASCII "NtSetDefaultLocale"
  14836. ASCII "NtSetDefaultUILanguage"
  14837. ASCII "NtSetDriverEntryOrder"
  14838. ASCII "NtSetEaFile"
  14839. ASCII "NtSetEvent"
  14840. ASCII "NtSetEventBoostPriority"
  14841. ASCII "NtSetHighEventPair"
  14842. ASCII "NtSetHighWaitLowEventPair"
  14843. ASCII "NtSetIRTimer"
  14844. ASCII "NtSetInformationDebugObject"
  14845. ASCII "NtSetInformationEnlistment"
  14846. ASCII "NtSetInformationFile"
  14847. ASCII "NtSetInformationJobObject"
  14848. ASCII "NtSetInformationKey"
  14849. ASCII "NtSetInformationObject"
  14850. ASCII "NtSetInformationProcess"
  14851. ASCII "NtSetInformationResourceManager"
  14852. ASCII "NtSetInformationThread"
  14853. ASCII "NtSetInformationToken"
  14854. ASCII "NtSetInformationTransaction"
  14855. ASCII "NtSetInformationTransactionManager"
  14856. ASCII "NtSetInformationVirtualMemory"
  14857. ASCII "NtSetInformationWorkerFactory"
  14858. ASCII "NtSetIntervalProfile"
  14859. ASCII "NtSetIoCompletion"
  14860. ASCII "NtSetIoCompletionEx"
  14861. ASCII "NtSetLdtEntries"
  14862. ASCII "NtSetLowEventPair"
  14863. ASCII "NtSetLowWaitHighEventPair"
  14864. ASCII "NtSetQuotaInformationFile"
  14865. ASCII "NtSetSecurityObject"
  14866. ASCII "NtSetSystemEnvironmentValue"
  14867. ASCII "NtSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx"
  14868. ASCII "NtSetSystemInformation"
  14869. ASCII "NtSetSystemPowerState"
  14870. ASCII "NtSetSystemTime"
  14871. ASCII "NtSetThreadExecutionState"
  14872. ASCII "NtSetTimer2"
  14873. ASCII "NtSetTimer"
  14874. ASCII "NtSetTimerEx"
  14875. ASCII "NtSetTimerResolution"
  14876. ASCII "NtSetUuidSeed"
  14877. ASCII "NtSetValueKey"
  14878. ASCII "NtSetVolumeInformationFile"
  14879. ASCII "NtSetWnfProcessNotificationEvent"
  14880. ASCII "NtShutdownSystem"
  14881. ASCII "NtShutdownWorkerFactory"
  14882. ASCII "NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject"
  14883. ASCII "NtSinglePhaseReject"
  14884. ASCII "NtStartProfile"
  14885. ASCII "NtStopProfile"
  14886. ASCII "NtSubscribeWnfStateChange"
  14887. ASCII "NtSuspendProcess"
  14888. ASCII "NtSuspendThread"
  14889. ASCII "NtSystemDebugControl"
  14890. ASCII "NtTerminateJobObject"
  14891. ASCII "NtTerminateProcess"
  14892. ASCII "NtTerminateThread"
  14893. ASCII "NtTestAlert"
  14894. ASCII "NtThawRegistry"
  14895. ASCII "NtThawTransactions"
  14896. ASCII "NtTraceControl"
  14897. ASCII "NtTraceEvent"
  14898. ASCII "NtTranslateFilePath"
  14899. ASCII "NtUmsThreadYield"
  14900. ASCII "NtUnloadDriver"
  14901. ASCII "NtUnloadKey2"
  14902. ASCII "NtUnloadKey"
  14903. ASCII "NtUnloadKeyEx"
  14904. ASCII "NtUnlockFile"
  14905. ASCII "NtUnlockVirtualMemory"
  14906. ASCII "NtUnmapViewOfSection"
  14907. ASCII "NtUnmapViewOfSectionEx"
  14908. ASCII "NtUnsubscribeWnfStateChange"
  14909. ASCII "NtUpdateWnfStateData"
  14910. ASCII "NtVdmControl"
  14911. ASCII "NtWaitForAlertByThreadId"
  14912. ASCII "NtWaitForDebugEvent"
  14913. ASCII "NtWaitForKeyedEvent"
  14914. ASCII "NtWaitForMultipleObjects32"
  14915. ASCII "NtWaitForMultipleObjects"
  14916. ASCII "NtWaitForSingleObject"
  14917. ASCII "NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory"
  14918. ASCII "NtWaitHighEventPair"
  14919. ASCII "NtWaitLowEventPair"
  14920. ASCII "NtWorkerFactoryWorkerReady"
  14921. ASCII "NtWriteFile"
  14922. ASCII "NtWriteFileGather"
  14923. ASCII "NtWriteRequestData"
  14924. ASCII "NtWriteVirtualMemory"
  14925. ASCII "NtYieldExecution"
  14926. ASCII "NtdllDefWindowProc_A"
  14927. ASCII "NtdllDefWindowProc_W"
  14928. ASCII "NtdllDialogWndProc_A"
  14929. ASCII "NtdllDialogWndProc_W"
  14930. ASCII "PfxFindPrefix"
  14931. ASCII "PfxInitialize"
  14932. ASCII "PfxInsertPrefix"
  14933. ASCII "PfxRemovePrefix"
  14934. ASCII "PssNtCaptureSnapshot"
  14935. ASCII "PssNtDuplicateSnapshot"
  14936. ASCII "PssNtFreeRemoteSnapshot"
  14937. ASCII "PssNtFreeSnapshot"
  14938. ASCII "PssNtFreeWalkMarker"
  14939. ASCII "PssNtQuerySnapshot"
  14940. ASCII "PssNtValidateDescriptor"
  14941. ASCII "PssNtWalkSnapshot"
  14942. ASCII "RtlAbortRXact"
  14943. ASCII "RtlAbsoluteToSelfRelativeSD"
  14944. ASCII "RtlAcquirePebLock"
  14945. ASCII "RtlAcquirePrivilege"
  14946. ASCII "RtlAcquireReleaseSRWLockExclusive"
  14947. ASCII "RtlAcquireResourceExclusive"
  14948. ASCII "RtlAcquireResourceShared"
  14949. ASCII "RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  14950. ASCII "RtlAcquireSRWLockShared"
  14951. ASCII "RtlActivateActivationContext"
  14952. ASCII "RtlActivateActivationContextEx"
  14953. ASCII "RtlAddAccessAllowedAce"
  14954. ASCII "RtlAddAccessAllowedAceEx"
  14955. ASCII "RtlAddAccessAllowedObjectAce"
  14956. ASCII "RtlAddAccessDeniedAce"
  14957. ASCII "RtlAddAccessDeniedAceEx"
  14958. ASCII "RtlAddAccessDeniedObjectAce"
  14959. ASCII "RtlAddAce"
  14960. ASCII "RtlAddActionToRXact"
  14961. ASCII "RtlAddAtomToAtomTable"
  14962. ASCII "RtlAddAttributeActionToRXact"
  14963. ASCII "RtlAddAuditAccessAce"
  14964. ASCII "RtlAddAuditAccessAceEx"
  14965. ASCII "RtlAddAuditAccessObjectAce"
  14966. ASCII "RtlAddCompoundAce"
  14967. ASCII "RtlAddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor"
  14968. ASCII "RtlAddMandatoryAce"
  14969. ASCII "RtlAddProcessTrustLabelAce"
  14970. ASCII "RtlAddRefActivationContext"
  14971. ASCII "RtlAddRefMemoryStream"
  14972. ASCII "RtlAddResourceAttributeAce"
  14973. ASCII "RtlAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor"
  14974. ASCII "RtlAddScopedPolicyIDAce"
  14975. ASCII "RtlAddVectoredContinueHandler"
  14976. ASCII "RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler"
  14977. ASCII "RtlAddressInSectionTable"
  14978. ASCII "RtlAdjustPrivilege"
  14979. ASCII "RtlAllocateActivationContextStack"
  14980. ASCII "RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid"
  14981. ASCII "RtlAllocateAndInitializeSidEx"
  14982. ASCII "RtlAllocateHandle"
  14983. ASCII "RtlAllocateHeap"
  14984. ASCII "RtlAllocateMemoryBlockLookaside"
  14985. ASCII "RtlAllocateMemoryZone"
  14986. ASCII "RtlAllocateWnfSerializationGroup"
  14987. ASCII "RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar"
  14988. ASCII "RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize"
  14989. ASCII "RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString"
  14990. ASCII "RtlAppendAsciizToString"
  14991. ASCII "RtlAppendPathElement"
  14992. ASCII "RtlAppendStringToString"
  14993. ASCII "RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString"
  14994. ASCII "RtlAppendUnicodeToString"
  14995. ASCII "RtlApplicationVerifierStop"
  14996. ASCII "RtlApplyRXact"
  14997. ASCII "RtlApplyRXactNoFlush"
  14998. ASCII "RtlAppxIsFileOwnedByTrustedInstaller"
  14999. ASCII "RtlAreAllAccessesGranted"
  15000. ASCII "RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted"
  15001. ASCII "RtlAreBitsClear"
  15002. ASCII "RtlAreBitsSet"
  15003. ASCII "RtlAssert"
  15004. ASCII "RtlAvlInsertNodeEx"
  15005. ASCII "RtlAvlRemoveNode"
  15006. ASCII "RtlBarrier"
  15007. ASCII "RtlBarrierForDelete"
  15008. ASCII "RtlCancelTimer"
  15009. ASCII "RtlCanonicalizeDomainName"
  15010. ASCII "RtlCaptureContext"
  15011. ASCII "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace"
  15012. ASCII "RtlCaptureStackContext"
  15013. ASCII "RtlCharToInteger"
  15014. ASCII "RtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections"
  15015. ASCII "RtlCheckPortableOperatingSystem"
  15016. ASCII "RtlCheckRegistryKey"
  15017. ASCII "RtlCheckTokenCapability"
  15018. ASCII "RtlCheckTokenMembership"
  15019. ASCII "RtlCheckTokenMembershipEx"
  15020. ASCII "RtlCleanUpTEBLangLists"
  15021. ASCII "RtlClearAllBits"
  15022. ASCII "RtlClearBit"
  15023. ASCII "RtlClearBits"
  15024. ASCII "RtlCloneMemoryStream"
  15025. ASCII "RtlCloneUserProcess"
  15026. ASCII "RtlCmDecodeMemIoResource"
  15027. ASCII "RtlCmEncodeMemIoResource"
  15028. ASCII "RtlCommitDebugInfo"
  15029. ASCII "RtlCommitMemoryStream"
  15030. ASCII "RtlCompactHeap"
  15031. ASCII "RtlCompareAltitudes"
  15032. ASCII "RtlCompareMemory"
  15033. ASCII "RtlCompareMemoryUlong"
  15034. ASCII "RtlCompareString"
  15035. ASCII "RtlCompareUnicodeString"
  15036. ASCII "RtlCompareUnicodeStrings"
  15037. ASCII "RtlCompressBuffer"
  15038. ASCII "RtlComputeCrc32"
  15039. ASCII "RtlComputeImportTableHash"
  15040. ASCII "RtlComputePrivatizedDllName_U"
  15041. ASCII "RtlConnectToSm"
  15042. ASCII "RtlConsoleMultiByteToUnicodeN"
  15043. ASCII "RtlContractHashTable"
  15044. ASCII "RtlConvertExclusiveToShared"
  15045. ASCII "RtlConvertLCIDToString"
  15046. ASCII "RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger"
  15047. ASCII "RtlConvertSharedToExclusive"
  15048. ASCII "RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString"
  15049. ASCII "RtlConvertToAutoInheritSecurityObject"
  15050. ASCII "RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger"
  15051. ASCII "RtlCopyBitMap"
  15052. ASCII "RtlCopyContext"
  15053. ASCII "RtlCopyExtendedContext"
  15054. ASCII "RtlCopyLuid"
  15055. ASCII "RtlCopyLuidAndAttributesArray"
  15056. ASCII "RtlCopyMappedMemory"
  15057. ASCII "RtlCopyMemoryStreamTo"
  15058. ASCII "RtlCopyOutOfProcessMemoryStreamTo"
  15059. ASCII "RtlCopySecurityDescriptor"
  15060. ASCII "RtlCopySid"
  15061. ASCII "RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray"
  15062. ASCII "RtlCopyString"
  15063. ASCII "RtlCopyUnicodeString"
  15064. ASCII "RtlCrc32"
  15065. ASCII "RtlCrc64"
  15066. ASCII "RtlCreateAcl"
  15067. ASCII "RtlCreateActivationContext"
  15068. ASCII "RtlCreateAndSetSD"
  15069. ASCII "RtlCreateAtomTable"
  15070. ASCII "RtlCreateBootStatusDataFile"
  15071. ASCII "RtlCreateBoundaryDescriptor"
  15072. ASCII "RtlCreateEnvironment"
  15073. ASCII "RtlCreateEnvironmentEx"
  15074. ASCII "RtlCreateHashTable"
  15075. ASCII "RtlCreateHashTableEx"
  15076. ASCII "RtlCreateHeap"
  15077. ASCII "RtlCreateMemoryBlockLookaside"
  15078. ASCII "RtlCreateMemoryZone"
  15079. ASCII "RtlCreateProcessParameters"
  15080. ASCII "RtlCreateProcessParametersEx"
  15081. ASCII "RtlCreateProcessReflection"
  15082. ASCII "RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer"
  15083. ASCII "RtlCreateRegistryKey"
  15084. ASCII "RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor"
  15085. ASCII "RtlCreateServiceSid"
  15086. ASCII "RtlCreateSystemVolumeInformationFolder"
  15087. ASCII "RtlCreateTagHeap"
  15088. ASCII "RtlCreateTimer"
  15089. ASCII "RtlCreateTimerQueue"
  15090. ASCII "RtlCreateUnicodeString"
  15091. ASCII "RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz"
  15092. ASCII "RtlCreateUserProcess"
  15093. ASCII "RtlCreateUserSecurityObject"
  15094. ASCII "RtlCreateUserStack"
  15095. ASCII "RtlCreateUserThread"
  15096. ASCII "RtlCreateVirtualAccountSid"
  15097. ASCII "RtlCultureNameToLCID"
  15098. ASCII "RtlCustomCPToUnicodeN"
  15099. ASCII "RtlCutoverTimeToSystemTime"
  15100. ASCII "RtlDeCommitDebugInfo"
  15101. ASCII "RtlDeNormalizeProcessParams"
  15102. ASCII "RtlDeactivateActivationContext"
  15103. ASCII "RtlDebugPrintTimes"
  15104. ASCII "RtlDecodePointer"
  15105. ASCII "RtlDecodeSystemPointer"
  15106. ASCII "RtlDecompressBuffer"
  15107. ASCII "RtlDecompressBufferEx"
  15108. ASCII "RtlDecompressFragment"
  15109. ASCII "RtlDefaultNpAcl"
  15110. ASCII "RtlDelete"
  15111. ASCII "RtlDeleteAce"
  15112. ASCII "RtlDeleteAtomFromAtomTable"
  15113. ASCII "RtlDeleteBarrier"
  15114. ASCII "RtlDeleteBoundaryDescriptor"
  15115. ASCII "RtlDeleteCriticalSection"
  15116. ASCII "RtlDeleteElementGenericTable"
  15117. ASCII "RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvl"
  15118. ASCII "RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvlEx"
  15119. ASCII "RtlDeleteHashTable"
  15120. ASCII "RtlDeleteNoSplay"
  15121. ASCII "RtlDeleteRegistryValue"
  15122. ASCII "RtlDeleteResource"
  15123. ASCII "RtlDeleteSecurityObject"
  15124. ASCII "RtlDeleteTimer"
  15125. ASCII "RtlDeleteTimerQueue"
  15126. ASCII "RtlDeleteTimerQueueEx"
  15127. ASCII "RtlDeregisterSecureMemoryCacheCallback"
  15128. ASCII "RtlDeregisterWait"
  15129. ASCII "RtlDeregisterWaitEx"
  15130. ASCII "RtlDestroyAtomTable"
  15131. ASCII "RtlDestroyEnvironment"
  15132. ASCII "RtlDestroyHandleTable"
  15133. ASCII "RtlDestroyHeap"
  15134. ASCII "RtlDestroyMemoryBlockLookaside"
  15135. ASCII "RtlDestroyMemoryZone"
  15136. ASCII "RtlDestroyProcessParameters"
  15137. ASCII "RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer"
  15138. ASCII "RtlDetectHeapLeaks"
  15139. ASCII "RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U"
  15140. ASCII "RtlDisableThreadProfiling"
  15141. ASCII "RtlDllShutdownInProgress"
  15142. ASCII "RtlDnsHostNameToComputerName"
  15143. ASCII "RtlDoesFileExists_U"
  15144. ASCII "RtlDosApplyFileIsolationRedirection_Ustr"
  15145. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U"
  15146. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus"
  15147. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U"
  15148. ASCII "RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U_WithStatus"
  15149. ASCII "RtlDosSearchPath_U"
  15150. ASCII "RtlDosSearchPath_Ustr"
  15151. ASCII "RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar"
  15152. ASCII "RtlDowncaseUnicodeString"
  15153. ASCII "RtlDumpResource"
  15154. ASCII "RtlDuplicateUnicodeString"
  15155. ASCII "RtlEmptyAtomTable"
  15156. ASCII "RtlEnableEarlyCriticalSectionEventCreation"
  15157. ASCII "RtlEnableThreadProfiling"
  15158. ASCII "RtlEncodePointer"
  15159. ASCII "RtlEncodeSystemPointer"
  15160. ASCII "RtlEndEnumerationHashTable"
  15161. ASCII "RtlEndWeakEnumerationHashTable"
  15162. ASCII "RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply"
  15163. ASCII "RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply"
  15164. ASCII "RtlEnterCriticalSection"
  15165. ASCII "RtlEnumProcessHeaps"
  15166. ASCII "RtlEnumerateEntryHashTable"
  15167. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTable"
  15168. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableAvl"
  15169. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableLikeADirectory"
  15170. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying"
  15171. ASCII "RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplayingAvl"
  15172. ASCII "RtlEqualComputerName"
  15173. ASCII "RtlEqualDomainName"
  15174. ASCII "RtlEqualLuid"
  15175. ASCII "RtlEqualPrefixSid"
  15176. ASCII "RtlEqualSid"
  15177. ASCII "RtlEqualString"
  15178. ASCII "RtlEqualUnicodeString"
  15179. ASCII "RtlEqualWnfChangeStamps"
  15180. ASCII "RtlEraseUnicodeString"
  15181. ASCII "RtlEthernetAddressToStringA"
  15182. ASCII "RtlEthernetAddressToStringW"
  15183. ASCII "RtlEthernetStringToAddressA"
  15184. ASCII "RtlEthernetStringToAddressW"
  15185. ASCII "RtlExitUserProcess"
  15186. ASCII "RtlExitUserThread"
  15187. ASCII "RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings"
  15188. ASCII "RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U"
  15189. ASCII "RtlExpandHashTable"
  15190. ASCII "RtlExtendMemoryBlockLookaside"
  15191. ASCII "RtlExtendMemoryZone"
  15192. ASCII "RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply"
  15193. ASCII "RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide"
  15194. ASCII "RtlExtendedMagicDivide"
  15195. ASCII "RtlExtractBitMap"
  15196. ASCII "RtlFillMemory"
  15197. ASCII "RtlFillMemoryUlong"
  15198. ASCII "RtlFillMemoryUlonglong"
  15199. ASCII "RtlFinalReleaseOutOfProcessMemoryStream"
  15200. ASCII "RtlFindAceByType"
  15201. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid"
  15202. ASCII "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString"
  15203. ASCII "RtlFindCharInUnicodeString"
  15204. ASCII "RtlFindClearBits"
  15205. ASCII "RtlFindClearBitsAndSet"
  15206. ASCII "RtlFindClearRuns"
  15207. ASCII "RtlFindClosestEncodableLength"
  15208. ASCII "RtlFindLastBackwardRunClear"
  15209. ASCII "RtlFindLeastSignificantBit"
  15210. ASCII "RtlFindLongestRunClear"
  15211. ASCII "RtlFindMessage"
  15212. ASCII "RtlFindMostSignificantBit"
  15213. ASCII "RtlFindNextForwardRunClear"
  15214. ASCII "RtlFindSetBits"
  15215. ASCII "RtlFindSetBitsAndClear"
  15216. ASCII "RtlFirstEntrySList"
  15217. ASCII "RtlFirstFreeAce"
  15218. ASCII "RtlFlsAlloc"
  15219. ASCII "RtlFlsFree"
  15220. ASCII "RtlFlushHeaps"
  15221. ASCII "RtlFlushSecureMemoryCache"
  15222. ASCII "RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath"
  15223. ASCII "RtlFormatMessage"
  15224. ASCII "RtlFormatMessageEx"
  15225. ASCII "RtlFreeActivationContextStack"
  15226. ASCII "RtlFreeAnsiString"
  15227. ASCII "RtlFreeHandle"
  15228. ASCII "RtlFreeHeap"
  15229. ASCII "RtlFreeMemoryBlockLookaside"
  15230. ASCII "RtlFreeOemString"
  15231. ASCII "RtlFreeSid"
  15232. ASCII "RtlFreeThreadActivationContextStack"
  15233. ASCII "RtlFreeUnicodeString"
  15234. ASCII "RtlFreeUserStack"
  15235. ASCII "RtlGUIDFromString"
  15236. ASCII "RtlGenerate8dot3Name"
  15237. ASCII "RtlGetAce"
  15238. ASCII "RtlGetActiveActivationContext"
  15239. ASCII "RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath"
  15240. ASCII "RtlGetAppContainerParent"
  15241. ASCII "RtlGetAppContainerSidType"
  15242. ASCII "RtlGetCallersAddress"
  15243. ASCII "RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize"
  15244. ASCII "RtlGetControlSecurityDescriptor"
  15245. ASCII "RtlGetCriticalSectionRecursionCount"
  15246. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentDirectory_U"
  15247. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentPeb"
  15248. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumber"
  15249. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx"
  15250. ASCII "RtlGetCurrentTransaction"
  15251. ASCII "RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor"
  15252. ASCII "RtlGetElementGenericTable"
  15253. ASCII "RtlGetElementGenericTableAvl"
  15254. ASCII "RtlGetEnabledExtendedFeatures"
  15255. ASCII "RtlGetExePath"
  15256. ASCII "RtlGetExtendedContextLength"
  15257. ASCII "RtlGetExtendedFeaturesMask"
  15258. ASCII "RtlGetFileMUIPath"
  15259. ASCII "RtlGetFrame"
  15260. ASCII "RtlGetFullPathName_U"
  15261. ASCII "RtlGetFullPathName_UEx"
  15262. ASCII "RtlGetFullPathName_UstrEx"
  15263. ASCII "RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor"
  15264. ASCII "RtlGetIntegerAtom"
  15265. ASCII "RtlGetLastNtStatus"
  15266. ASCII "RtlGetLastWin32Error"
  15267. ASCII "RtlGetLengthWithoutLastFullDosOrNtPathElement"
  15268. ASCII "RtlGetLengthWithoutTrailingPathSeperators"
  15269. ASCII "RtlGetLocaleFileMappingAddress"
  15270. ASCII "RtlGetLongestNtPathLength"
  15271. ASCII "RtlGetNativeSystemInformation"
  15272. ASCII "RtlGetNextEntryHashTable"
  15273. ASCII "RtlGetNtGlobalFlags"
  15274. ASCII "RtlGetNtProductType"
  15275. ASCII "RtlGetNtVersionNumbers"
  15276. ASCII "RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor"
  15277. ASCII "RtlGetParentLocaleName"
  15278. ASCII "RtlGetProcessHeaps"
  15279. ASCII "RtlGetProcessPreferredUILanguages"
  15280. ASCII "RtlGetProductInfo"
  15281. ASCII "RtlGetSaclSecurityDescriptor"
  15282. ASCII "RtlGetSearchPath"
  15283. ASCII "RtlGetSecurityDescriptorRMControl"
  15284. ASCII "RtlGetSetBootStatusData"
  15285. ASCII "RtlGetSystemPreferredUILanguages"
  15286. ASCII "RtlGetSystemTimePrecise"
  15287. ASCII "RtlGetThreadErrorMode"
  15288. ASCII "RtlGetThreadLangIdByIndex"
  15289. ASCII "RtlGetThreadPreferredUILanguages"
  15290. ASCII "RtlGetUILanguageInfo"
  15291. ASCII "RtlGetUnloadEventTrace"
  15292. ASCII "RtlGetUnloadEventTraceEx"
  15293. ASCII "RtlGetUserInfoHeap"
  15294. ASCII "RtlGetUserPreferredUILanguages"
  15295. ASCII "RtlGetVersion"
  15296. ASCII "RtlHashUnicodeString"
  15297. ASCII "RtlHeapTrkInitialize"
  15298. ASCII "RtlIdentifierAuthoritySid"
  15299. ASCII "RtlIdnToAscii"
  15300. ASCII "RtlIdnToNameprepUnicode"
  15301. ASCII "RtlIdnToUnicode"
  15302. ASCII "RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData"
  15303. ASCII "RtlImageNtHeader"
  15304. ASCII "RtlImageNtHeaderEx"
  15305. ASCII "RtlImageRvaToSection"
  15306. ASCII "RtlImageRvaToVa"
  15307. ASCII "RtlImpersonateSelf"
  15308. ASCII "RtlImpersonateSelfEx"
  15309. ASCII "RtlInitAnsiString"
  15310. ASCII "RtlInitAnsiStringEx"
  15311. ASCII "RtlInitBarrier"
  15312. ASCII "RtlInitCodePageTable"
  15313. ASCII "RtlInitEnumerationHashTable"
  15314. ASCII "RtlInitMemoryStream"
  15315. ASCII "RtlInitNlsTables"
  15316. ASCII "RtlInitOutOfProcessMemoryStream"
  15317. ASCII "RtlInitString"
  15318. ASCII "RtlInitUnicodeString"
  15319. ASCII "RtlInitUnicodeStringEx"
  15320. ASCII "RtlInitWeakEnumerationHashTable"
  15321. ASCII "RtlInitializeAtomPackage"
  15322. ASCII "RtlInitializeBitMap"
  15323. ASCII "RtlInitializeConditionVariable"
  15324. ASCII "RtlInitializeContext"
  15325. ASCII "RtlInitializeCriticalSection"
  15326. ASCII "RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount"
  15327. ASCII "RtlInitializeCriticalSectionEx"
  15328. ASCII "RtlInitializeExceptionChain"
  15329. ASCII "RtlInitializeExtendedContext"
  15330. ASCII "RtlInitializeGenericTable"
  15331. ASCII "RtlInitializeGenericTableAvl"
  15332. ASCII "RtlInitializeHandleTable"
  15333. ASCII "RtlInitializeNtUserPfn"
  15334. ASCII "RtlInitializeRXact"
  15335. ASCII "RtlInitializeResource"
  15336. ASCII "RtlInitializeSListHead"
  15337. ASCII "RtlInitializeSRWLock"
  15338. ASCII "RtlInitializeSid"
  15339. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTable"
  15340. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl"
  15341. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTableFull"
  15342. ASCII "RtlInsertElementGenericTableFullAvl"
  15343. ASCII "RtlInsertEntryHashTable"
  15344. ASCII "RtlInt64ToUnicodeString"
  15345. ASCII "RtlIntegerToChar"
  15346. ASCII "RtlIntegerToUnicodeString"
  15347. ASCII "RtlInterlockedClearBitRun"
  15348. ASCII "RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64"
  15349. ASCII "RtlInterlockedFlushSList"
  15350. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPopEntrySList"
  15351. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList"
  15352. ASCII "RtlInterlockedPushListSListEx"
  15353. ASCII "RtlInterlockedSetBitRun"
  15354. ASCII "RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource"
  15355. ASCII "RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource"
  15356. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringA"
  15357. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringExA"
  15358. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringExW"
  15359. ASCII "RtlIpv4AddressToStringW"
  15360. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressA"
  15361. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA"
  15362. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW"
  15363. ASCII "RtlIpv4StringToAddressW"
  15364. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringA"
  15365. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringExA"
  15366. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringExW"
  15367. ASCII "RtlIpv6AddressToStringW"
  15368. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressA"
  15369. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA"
  15370. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW"
  15371. ASCII "RtlIpv6StringToAddressW"
  15372. ASCII "RtlIsActivationContextActive"
  15373. ASCII "RtlIsCapabilitySid"
  15374. ASCII "RtlIsCriticalSectionLocked"
  15375. ASCII "RtlIsCriticalSectionLockedByThread"
  15376. ASCII "RtlIsCurrentThreadAttachExempt"
  15377. ASCII "RtlIsDosDeviceName_U"
  15378. ASCII "RtlIsGenericTableEmpty"
  15379. ASCII "RtlIsGenericTableEmptyAvl"
  15380. ASCII "RtlIsNameInExpression"
  15381. ASCII "RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3"
  15382. ASCII "RtlIsNormalizedString"
  15383. ASCII "RtlIsPackageSid"
  15384. ASCII "RtlIsParentOfChildAppContainer"
  15385. ASCII "RtlIsTextUnicode"
  15386. ASCII "RtlIsThreadWithinLoaderCallout"
  15387. ASCII "RtlIsUntrustedObject"
  15388. ASCII "RtlIsValidHandle"
  15389. ASCII "RtlIsValidIndexHandle"
  15390. ASCII "RtlIsValidLocaleName"
  15391. ASCII "RtlIsValidProcessTrustLabelSid"
  15392. ASCII "RtlKnownExceptionFilter"
  15393. ASCII "RtlLCIDToCultureName"
  15394. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerAdd"
  15395. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift"
  15396. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerDivide"
  15397. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerNegate"
  15398. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft"
  15399. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight"
  15400. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerSubtract"
  15401. ASCII "RtlLargeIntegerToChar"
  15402. ASCII "RtlLcidToLocaleName"
  15403. ASCII "RtlLeaveCriticalSection"
  15404. ASCII "RtlLengthRequiredSid"
  15405. ASCII "RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor"
  15406. ASCII "RtlLengthSid"
  15407. ASCII "RtlLengthSidAsUnicodeString"
  15408. ASCII "RtlLoadString"
  15409. ASCII "RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime"
  15410. ASCII "RtlLocaleNameToLcid"
  15411. ASCII "RtlLocateExtendedFeature"
  15412. ASCII "RtlLocateLegacyContext"
  15413. ASCII "RtlLockBootStatusData"
  15414. ASCII "RtlLockCurrentThread"
  15415. ASCII "RtlLockHeap"
  15416. ASCII "RtlLockMemoryBlockLookaside"
  15417. ASCII "RtlLockMemoryStreamRegion"
  15418. ASCII "RtlLockMemoryZone"
  15419. ASCII "RtlLockModuleSection"
  15420. ASCII "RtlLogStackBackTrace"
  15421. ASCII "RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable"
  15422. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTable"
  15423. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTableAvl"
  15424. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTableFull"
  15425. ASCII "RtlLookupElementGenericTableFullAvl"
  15426. ASCII "RtlLookupEntryHashTable"
  15427. ASCII "RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD"
  15428. ASCII "RtlMapGenericMask"
  15429. ASCII "RtlMapSecurityErrorToNtStatus"
  15430. ASCII "RtlMoveMemory"
  15431. ASCII "RtlMultiAppendUnicodeStringBuffer"
  15432. ASCII "RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN"
  15433. ASCII "RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize"
  15434. ASCII "RtlMultipleAllocateHeap"
  15435. ASCII "RtlMultipleFreeHeap"
  15436. ASCII "RtlNewInstanceSecurityObject"
  15437. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityGrantedAccess"
  15438. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityObject"
  15439. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityObjectEx"
  15440. ASCII "RtlNewSecurityObjectWithMultipleInheritance"
  15441. ASCII "RtlNormalizeProcessParams"
  15442. ASCII "RtlNormalizeString"
  15443. ASCII "RtlNtPathNameToDosPathName"
  15444. ASCII "RtlNtStatusToDosError"
  15445. ASCII "RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb"
  15446. ASCII "RtlNumberGenericTableElements"
  15447. ASCII "RtlNumberGenericTableElementsAvl"
  15448. ASCII "RtlNumberOfClearBits"
  15449. ASCII "RtlNumberOfClearBitsInRange"
  15450. ASCII "RtlNumberOfSetBits"
  15451. ASCII "RtlNumberOfSetBitsInRange"
  15452. ASCII "RtlNumberOfSetBitsUlongPtr"
  15453. ASCII "RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize"
  15454. ASCII "RtlOemStringToUnicodeString"
  15455. ASCII "RtlOemToUnicodeN"
  15456. ASCII "RtlOpenCurrentUser"
  15457. ASCII "RtlOwnerAcesPresent"
  15458. ASCII "RtlPcToFileHeader"
  15459. ASCII "RtlPinAtomInAtomTable"
  15460. ASCII "RtlPopFrame"
  15461. ASCII "RtlPrefixString"
  15462. ASCII "RtlPrefixUnicodeString"
  15463. ASCII "RtlProcessFlsData"
  15464. ASCII "RtlProtectHeap"
  15465. ASCII "RtlPublishWnfStateData"
  15466. ASCII "RtlPushFrame"
  15467. ASCII "RtlQueryActivationContextApplicationSettings"
  15468. ASCII "RtlQueryAtomInAtomTable"
  15469. ASCII "RtlQueryCriticalSectionOwner"
  15470. ASCII "RtlQueryDepthSList"
  15471. ASCII "RtlQueryDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  15472. ASCII "RtlQueryElevationFlags"
  15473. ASCII "RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable"
  15474. ASCII "RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U"
  15475. ASCII "RtlQueryHeapInformation"
  15476. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationAcl"
  15477. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActivationContext"
  15478. ASCII "RtlQueryInformationActiveActivationContext"
  15479. ASCII "RtlQueryInterfaceMemoryStream"
  15480. ASCII "RtlQueryModuleInformation"
  15481. ASCII "RtlQueryPackageIdentity"
  15482. ASCII "RtlQueryPackageIdentityEx"
  15483. ASCII "RtlQueryPerformanceCounter"
  15484. ASCII "RtlQueryPerformanceFrequency"
  15485. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessBackTraceInformation"
  15486. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation"
  15487. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessHeapInformation"
  15488. ASCII "RtlQueryProcessLockInformation"
  15489. ASCII "RtlQueryRegistryValues"
  15490. ASCII "RtlQueryRegistryValuesEx"
  15491. ASCII "RtlQueryResourcePolicy"
  15492. ASCII "RtlQuerySecurityObject"
  15493. ASCII "RtlQueryTagHeap"
  15494. ASCII "RtlQueryThreadProfiling"
  15495. ASCII "RtlQueryTimeZoneInformation"
  15496. ASCII "RtlQueryUnbiasedInterruptTime"
  15497. ASCII "RtlQueryValidationRunlevel"
  15498. ASCII "RtlQueryWnfMetaNotification"
  15499. ASCII "RtlQueryWnfStateData"
  15500. ASCII "RtlQueryWnfStateDataWithExplicitScope"
  15501. ASCII "RtlQueueApcWow64Thread"
  15502. ASCII "RtlQueueWorkItem"
  15503. ASCII "RtlRaiseException"
  15504. ASCII "RtlRaiseStatus"
  15505. ASCII "RtlRandom"
  15506. ASCII "RtlRandomEx"
  15507. ASCII "RtlRbInsertNodeEx"
  15508. ASCII "RtlRbRemoveNode"
  15509. ASCII "RtlReAllocateHeap"
  15510. ASCII "RtlReadMemoryStream"
  15511. ASCII "RtlReadOutOfProcessMemoryStream"
  15512. ASCII "RtlReadThreadProfilingData"
  15513. ASCII "RtlRealPredecessor"
  15514. ASCII "RtlRealSuccessor"
  15515. ASCII "RtlRegisterForWnfMetaNotification"
  15516. ASCII "RtlRegisterSecureMemoryCacheCallback"
  15517. ASCII "RtlRegisterThreadWithCsrss"
  15518. ASCII "RtlRegisterWait"
  15519. ASCII "RtlReleaseActivationContext"
  15520. ASCII "RtlReleaseMemoryStream"
  15521. ASCII "RtlReleasePath"
  15522. ASCII "RtlReleasePebLock"
  15523. ASCII "RtlReleasePrivilege"
  15524. ASCII "RtlReleaseRelativeName"
  15525. ASCII "RtlReleaseResource"
  15526. ASCII "RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive"
  15527. ASCII "RtlReleaseSRWLockShared"
  15528. ASCII "RtlRemoteCall"
  15529. ASCII "RtlRemoveEntryHashTable"
  15530. ASCII "RtlRemovePrivileges"
  15531. ASCII "RtlRemoveVectoredContinueHandler"
  15532. ASCII "RtlRemoveVectoredExceptionHandler"
  15533. ASCII "RtlReplaceSidInSd"
  15534. ASCII "RtlReportException"
  15535. ASCII "RtlReportSilentProcessExit"
  15536. ASCII "RtlReportSqmEscalation"
  15537. ASCII "RtlResetMemoryBlockLookaside"
  15538. ASCII "RtlResetMemoryZone"
  15539. ASCII "RtlResetNtUserPfn"
  15540. ASCII "RtlResetRtlTranslations"
  15541. ASCII "RtlRestoreLastWin32Error"
  15542. ASCII "RtlRetrieveNtUserPfn"
  15543. ASCII "RtlRevertMemoryStream"
  15544. ASCII "RtlRunDecodeUnicodeString"
  15545. ASCII "RtlRunEncodeUnicodeString"
  15546. ASCII "RtlRunOnceBeginInitialize"
  15547. ASCII "RtlRunOnceComplete"
  15548. ASCII "RtlRunOnceExecuteOnce"
  15549. ASCII "RtlRunOnceInitialize"
  15550. ASCII "RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime"
  15551. ASCII "RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime"
  15552. ASCII "RtlSeekMemoryStream"
  15553. ASCII "RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD2"
  15554. ASCII "RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD"
  15555. ASCII "RtlSendMsgToSm"
  15556. ASCII "RtlSetAllBits"
  15557. ASCII "RtlSetAttributesSecurityDescriptor"
  15558. ASCII "RtlSetBit"
  15559. ASCII "RtlSetBits"
  15560. ASCII "RtlSetControlSecurityDescriptor"
  15561. ASCII "RtlSetCriticalSectionSpinCount"
  15562. ASCII "RtlSetCurrentDirectory_U"
  15563. ASCII "RtlSetCurrentEnvironment"
  15564. ASCII "RtlSetCurrentTransaction"
  15565. ASCII "RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor"
  15566. ASCII "RtlSetDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  15567. ASCII "RtlSetEnvironmentStrings"
  15568. ASCII "RtlSetEnvironmentVar"
  15569. ASCII "RtlSetEnvironmentVariable"
  15570. ASCII "RtlSetExtendedFeaturesMask"
  15571. ASCII "RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor"
  15572. ASCII "RtlSetHeapInformation"
  15573. ASCII "RtlSetInformationAcl"
  15574. ASCII "RtlSetIoCompletionCallback"
  15575. ASCII "RtlSetLastWin32Error"
  15576. ASCII "RtlSetLastWin32ErrorAndNtStatusFromNtStatus"
  15577. ASCII "RtlSetMemoryStreamSize"
  15578. ASCII "RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor"
  15579. ASCII "RtlSetPortableOperatingSystem"
  15580. ASCII "RtlSetProcessDebugInformation"
  15581. ASCII "RtlSetProcessIsCritical"
  15582. ASCII "RtlSetProcessPreferredUILanguages"
  15583. ASCII "RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor"
  15584. ASCII "RtlSetSearchPathMode"
  15585. ASCII "RtlSetSecurityDescriptorRMControl"
  15586. ASCII "RtlSetSecurityObject"
  15587. ASCII "RtlSetSecurityObjectEx"
  15588. ASCII "RtlSetThreadErrorMode"
  15589. ASCII "RtlSetThreadIsCritical"
  15590. ASCII "RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc"
  15591. ASCII "RtlSetThreadPreferredUILanguages"
  15592. ASCII "RtlSetTimeZoneInformation"
  15593. ASCII "RtlSetTimer"
  15594. ASCII "RtlSetUnhandledExceptionFilter"
  15595. ASCII "RtlSetUserFlagsHeap"
  15596. ASCII "RtlSetUserValueHeap"
  15597. ASCII "RtlSidDominates"
  15598. ASCII "RtlSidDominatesForTrust"
  15599. ASCII "RtlSidEqualLevel"
  15600. ASCII "RtlSidHashInitialize"
  15601. ASCII "RtlSidHashLookup"
  15602. ASCII "RtlSidIsHigherLevel"
  15603. ASCII "RtlSizeHeap"
  15604. ASCII "RtlSleepConditionVariableCS"
  15605. ASCII "RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW"
  15606. ASCII "RtlSplay"
  15607. ASCII "RtlStartRXact"
  15608. ASCII "RtlStatMemoryStream"
  15609. ASCII "RtlStringFromGUID"
  15610. ASCII "RtlStringFromGUIDEx"
  15611. ASCII "RtlSubAuthorityCountSid"
  15612. ASCII "RtlSubAuthoritySid"
  15613. ASCII "RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification"
  15614. ASCII "RtlSubtreePredecessor"
  15615. ASCII "RtlSubtreeSuccessor"
  15616. ASCII "RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime"
  15617. ASCII "RtlTestAndPublishWnfStateData"
  15618. ASCII "RtlTestBit"
  15619. ASCII "RtlTestProtectedAccess"
  15620. ASCII "RtlTimeFieldsToTime"
  15621. ASCII "RtlTimeToElapsedTimeFields"
  15622. ASCII "RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970"
  15623. ASCII "RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980"
  15624. ASCII "RtlTimeToTimeFields"
  15625. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseAdd"
  15626. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseCreate"
  15627. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseDestroy"
  15628. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseEnumerate"
  15629. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseFind"
  15630. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseLock"
  15631. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseUnlock"
  15632. ASCII "RtlTraceDatabaseValidate"
  15633. ASCII "RtlTryAcquirePebLock"
  15634. ASCII "RtlTryAcquireSRWLockExclusive"
  15635. ASCII "RtlTryAcquireSRWLockShared"
  15636. ASCII "RtlTryConvertSRWLockSharedToExclusiveOrRelease"
  15637. ASCII "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection"
  15638. ASCII "RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN"
  15639. ASCII "RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter2"
  15640. ASCII "RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter"
  15641. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize"
  15642. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString"
  15643. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToCountedOemString"
  15644. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToInteger"
  15645. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize"
  15646. ASCII "RtlUnicodeStringToOemString"
  15647. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToCustomCPN"
  15648. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN"
  15649. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize"
  15650. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToOemN"
  15651. ASCII "RtlUnicodeToUTF8N"
  15652. ASCII "RtlUniform"
  15653. ASCII "RtlUnlockBootStatusData"
  15654. ASCII "RtlUnlockCurrentThread"
  15655. ASCII "RtlUnlockHeap"
  15656. ASCII "RtlUnlockMemoryBlockLookaside"
  15657. ASCII "RtlUnlockMemoryStreamRegion"
  15658. ASCII "RtlUnlockMemoryZone"
  15659. ASCII "RtlUnlockModuleSection"
  15660. ASCII "RtlUnsubscribeWnfNotificationWaitForCompletion"
  15661. ASCII "RtlUnsubscribeWnfNotificationWithCompletionCallback"
  15662. ASCII "RtlUnsubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification"
  15663. ASCII "RtlUnwind"
  15664. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar"
  15665. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeString"
  15666. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToAnsiString"
  15667. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString"
  15668. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString"
  15669. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeToCustomCPN"
  15670. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN"
  15671. ASCII "RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN"
  15672. ASCII "RtlUpdateClonedCriticalSection"
  15673. ASCII "RtlUpdateClonedSRWLock"
  15674. ASCII "RtlUpdateTimer"
  15675. ASCII "RtlUpperChar"
  15676. ASCII "RtlUpperString"
  15677. ASCII "RtlUserThreadStart"
  15678. ASCII "RtlValidAcl"
  15679. ASCII "RtlValidProcessProtection"
  15680. ASCII "RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor"
  15681. ASCII "RtlValidSecurityDescriptor"
  15682. ASCII "RtlValidSid"
  15683. ASCII "RtlValidateHeap"
  15684. ASCII "RtlValidateProcessHeaps"
  15685. ASCII "RtlValidateUnicodeString"
  15686. ASCII "RtlVerifyVersionInfo"
  15687. ASCII "RtlWaitForWnfMetaNotification"
  15688. ASCII "RtlWaitOnAddress"
  15689. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressAll"
  15690. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressAllNoFence"
  15691. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressSingle"
  15692. ASCII "RtlWakeAddressSingleNoFence"
  15693. ASCII "RtlWakeAllConditionVariable"
  15694. ASCII "RtlWakeConditionVariable"
  15695. ASCII "RtlWalkFrameChain"
  15696. ASCII "RtlWalkHeap"
  15697. ASCII "RtlWeaklyEnumerateEntryHashTable"
  15698. ASCII "RtlWerpReportException"
  15699. ASCII "RtlWnfCompareChangeStamp"
  15700. ASCII "RtlWnfDllUnloadCallback"
  15701. ASCII "RtlWow64CallFunction64"
  15702. ASCII "RtlWow64EnableFsRedirection"
  15703. ASCII "RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx"
  15704. ASCII "RtlWriteMemoryStream"
  15705. ASCII "RtlWriteRegistryValue"
  15706. ASCII "RtlZeroHeap"
  15707. ASCII "RtlZeroMemory"
  15708. ASCII "RtlZombifyActivationContext"
  15709. ASCII "RtlpApplyLengthFunction"
  15710. ASCII "RtlpCheckDynamicTimeZoneInformation"
  15711. ASCII "RtlpCleanupRegistryKeys"
  15712. ASCII "RtlpConvertAbsoluteToRelativeSecurityAttribute"
  15713. ASCII "RtlpConvertCultureNamesToLCIDs"
  15714. ASCII "RtlpConvertLCIDsToCultureNames"
  15715. ASCII "RtlpConvertRelativeToAbsoluteSecurityAttribute"
  15716. ASCII "RtlpCreateProcessRegistryInfo"
  15717. ASCII "RtlpEnsureBufferSize"
  15718. ASCII "RtlpFreezeTimeBias"
  15719. ASCII "RtlpGetLCIDFromLangInfoNode"
  15720. ASCII "RtlpGetNameFromLangInfoNode"
  15721. ASCII "RtlpGetSystemDefaultUILanguage"
  15722. ASCII "RtlpGetUserOrMachineUILanguage4NLS"
  15723. ASCII "RtlpInitializeLangRegistryInfo"
  15724. ASCII "RtlpIsQualifiedLanguage"
  15725. ASCII "RtlpLoadMachineUIByPolicy"
  15726. ASCII "RtlpLoadUserUIByPolicy"
  15727. ASCII "RtlpMergeSecurityAttributeInformation"
  15728. ASCII "RtlpMuiFreeLangRegistryInfo"
  15729. ASCII "RtlpMuiRegCreateRegistryInfo"
  15730. ASCII "RtlpMuiRegFreeRegistryInfo"
  15731. ASCII "RtlpMuiRegLoadRegistryInfo"
  15732. ASCII "RtlpNotOwnerCriticalSection"
  15733. ASCII "RtlpNtCreateKey"
  15734. ASCII "RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey"
  15735. ASCII "RtlpNtMakeTemporaryKey"
  15736. ASCII "RtlpNtOpenKey"
  15737. ASCII "RtlpNtQueryValueKey"
  15738. ASCII "RtlpNtSetValueKey"
  15739. ASCII "RtlpQueryDefaultUILanguage"
  15740. ASCII "RtlpRefreshCachedUILanguage"
  15741. ASCII "RtlpSetInstallLanguage"
  15742. ASCII "RtlpSetPreferredUILanguages"
  15743. ASCII "RtlpSetUserPreferredUILanguages"
  15744. ASCII "RtlpUnWaitCriticalSection"
  15745. ASCII "RtlpVerifyAndCommitUILanguageSettings"
  15746. ASCII "RtlpWaitForCriticalSection"
  15747. ASCII "RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize"
  15748. ASCII "RtlxOemStringToUnicodeSize"
  15749. ASCII "RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize"
  15750. ASCII "RtlxUnicodeStringToOemSize"
  15751. ASCII "SbExecuteProcedure"
  15752. ASCII "SbSelectProcedure"
  15753. ASCII "ShipAssert"
  15754. ASCII "ShipAssertGetBufferInfo"
  15755. ASCII "ShipAssertMsgA"
  15756. ASCII "ShipAssertMsgW"
  15757. ASCII "TpAllocAlpcCompletion"
  15758. ASCII "TpAllocAlpcCompletionEx"
  15759. ASCII "TpAllocCleanupGroup"
  15760. ASCII "TpAllocIoCompletion"
  15761. ASCII "TpAllocJobNotification"
  15762. ASCII "TpAllocPool"
  15763. ASCII "TpAllocTimer"
  15764. ASCII "TpAllocWait"
  15765. ASCII "TpAllocWork"
  15766. ASCII "TpAlpcRegisterCompletionList"
  15767. ASCII "TpAlpcUnregisterCompletionList"
  15768. ASCII "TpCallbackDetectedUnrecoverableError"
  15769. ASCII "TpCallbackIndependent"
  15770. ASCII "TpCallbackLeaveCriticalSectionOnCompletion"
  15771. ASCII "TpCallbackMayRunLong"
  15772. ASCII "TpCallbackReleaseMutexOnCompletion"
  15773. ASCII "TpCallbackReleaseSemaphoreOnCompletion"
  15774. ASCII "TpCallbackSendAlpcMessageOnCompletion"
  15775. ASCII "TpCallbackSendPendingAlpcMessage"
  15776. ASCII "TpCallbackSetEventOnCompletion"
  15777. ASCII "TpCallbackUnloadDllOnCompletion"
  15778. ASCII "TpCancelAsyncIoOperation"
  15779. ASCII "TpCaptureCaller"
  15780. ASCII "TpCheckTerminateWorker"
  15781. ASCII "TpDbgDumpHeapUsage"
  15782. ASCII "TpDbgSetLogRoutine"
  15783. ASCII "TpDisablePoolCallbackChecks"
  15784. ASCII "TpDisassociateCallback"
  15785. ASCII "TpIsTimerSet"
  15786. ASCII "TpPostWork"
  15787. ASCII "TpQueryPoolStackInformation"
  15788. ASCII "TpReleaseAlpcCompletion"
  15789. ASCII "TpReleaseCleanupGroup"
  15790. ASCII "TpReleaseCleanupGroupMembers"
  15791. ASCII "TpReleaseIoCompletion"
  15792. ASCII "TpReleaseJobNotification"
  15793. ASCII "TpReleasePool"
  15794. ASCII "TpReleaseTimer"
  15795. ASCII "TpReleaseWait"
  15796. ASCII "TpReleaseWork"
  15797. ASCII "TpSetDefaultPoolMaxThreads"
  15798. ASCII "TpSetDefaultPoolStackInformation"
  15799. ASCII "TpSetPoolMaxThreads"
  15800. ASCII "TpSetPoolMinThreads"
  15801. ASCII "TpSetPoolStackInformation"
  15802. ASCII "TpSetPoolThreadBasePriority"
  15803. ASCII "TpSetTimer"
  15804. ASCII "TpSetTimerEx"
  15805. ASCII "TpSetWait"
  15806. ASCII "TpSetWaitEx"
  15807. ASCII "TpSimpleTryPost"
  15808. ASCII "TpStartAsyncIoOperation"
  15809. ASCII "TpTimerOutstandingCallbackCount"
  15810. ASCII "TpTrimPools"
  15811. ASCII "TpWaitForAlpcCompletion"
  15812. ASCII "TpWaitForIoCompletion"
  15813. ASCII "TpWaitForJobNotification"
  15814. ASCII "TpWaitForTimer"
  15815. ASCII "TpWaitForWait"
  15816. ASCII "TpWaitForWork"
  15817. ASCII "VerSetConditionMask"
  15818. ASCII "WerReportSQMEvent"
  15819. ASCII "WinSqmAddToAverageDWORD"
  15820. ASCII "WinSqmAddToStream"
  15821. ASCII "WinSqmAddToStreamEx"
  15822. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamEx"
  15823. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationSetDWORD64"
  15824. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationSetDWORD"
  15825. ASCII "WinSqmCheckEscalationSetString"
  15826. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointDelete"
  15827. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetDWORD64"
  15828. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetDWORD"
  15829. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetStreamEx"
  15830. ASCII "WinSqmCommonDatapointSetString"
  15831. ASCII "WinSqmEndSession"
  15832. ASCII "WinSqmEventEnabled"
  15833. ASCII "WinSqmEventWrite"
  15834. ASCII "WinSqmGetEscalationRuleStatus"
  15835. ASCII "WinSqmGetInstrumentationProperty"
  15836. ASCII "WinSqmIncrementDWORD"
  15837. ASCII "WinSqmIsOptedIn"
  15838. ASCII "WinSqmIsOptedInEx"
  15839. ASCII "WinSqmIsSessionDisabled"
  15840. ASCII "WinSqmSetDWORD64"
  15841. ASCII "WinSqmSetDWORD"
  15842. ASCII "WinSqmSetEscalationInfo"
  15843. ASCII "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD"
  15844. ASCII "WinSqmSetIfMinDWORD"
  15845. ASCII "WinSqmSetString"
  15846. ASCII "WinSqmStartSession"
  15847. ASCII "WinSqmStartSessionForPartner"
  15848. ASCII "ZwAcceptConnectPort"
  15849. ASCII "ZwAccessCheck"
  15850. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm"
  15851. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByType"
  15852. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm"
  15853. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultList"
  15854. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm"
  15855. ASCII "ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle"
  15856. ASCII "ZwAddAtom"
  15857. ASCII "ZwAddAtomEx"
  15858. ASCII "ZwAddBootEntry"
  15859. ASCII "ZwAddDriverEntry"
  15860. ASCII "ZwAdjustGroupsToken"
  15861. ASCII "ZwAdjustPrivilegesToken"
  15862. ASCII "ZwAdjustTokenClaimsAndDeviceGroups"
  15863. ASCII "ZwAlertResumeThread"
  15864. ASCII "ZwAlertThread"
  15865. ASCII "ZwAlertThreadByThreadId"
  15866. ASCII "ZwAllocateLocallyUniqueId"
  15867. ASCII "ZwAllocateReserveObject"
  15868. ASCII "ZwAllocateUserPhysicalPages"
  15869. ASCII "ZwAllocateUuids"
  15870. ASCII "ZwAllocateVirtualMemory"
  15871. ASCII "ZwAlpcAcceptConnectPort"
  15872. ASCII "ZwAlpcCancelMessage"
  15873. ASCII "ZwAlpcConnectPort"
  15874. ASCII "ZwAlpcConnectPortEx"
  15875. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreatePort"
  15876. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreatePortSection"
  15877. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreateResourceReserve"
  15878. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreateSectionView"
  15879. ASCII "ZwAlpcCreateSecurityContext"
  15880. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeletePortSection"
  15881. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeleteResourceReserve"
  15882. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeleteSectionView"
  15883. ASCII "ZwAlpcDeleteSecurityContext"
  15884. ASCII "ZwAlpcDisconnectPort"
  15885. ASCII "ZwAlpcImpersonateClientOfPort"
  15886. ASCII "ZwAlpcOpenSenderProcess"
  15887. ASCII "ZwAlpcOpenSenderThread"
  15888. ASCII "ZwAlpcQueryInformation"
  15889. ASCII "ZwAlpcQueryInformationMessage"
  15890. ASCII "ZwAlpcRevokeSecurityContext"
  15891. ASCII "ZwAlpcSendWaitReceivePort"
  15892. ASCII "ZwAlpcSetInformation"
  15893. ASCII "ZwApphelpCacheControl"
  15894. ASCII "ZwAreMappedFilesTheSame"
  15895. ASCII "ZwAssignProcessToJobObject"
  15896. ASCII "ZwAssociateWaitCompletionPacket"
  15897. ASCII "ZwCallbackReturn"
  15898. ASCII "ZwCancelIoFile"
  15899. ASCII "ZwCancelIoFileEx"
  15900. ASCII "ZwCancelSynchronousIoFile"
  15901. ASCII "ZwCancelTimer2"
  15902. ASCII "ZwCancelTimer"
  15903. ASCII "ZwCancelWaitCompletionPacket"
  15904. ASCII "ZwClearEvent"
  15905. ASCII "ZwClose"
  15906. ASCII "ZwCloseObjectAuditAlarm"
  15907. ASCII "ZwCommitComplete"
  15908. ASCII "ZwCommitEnlistment"
  15909. ASCII "ZwCommitTransaction"
  15910. ASCII "ZwCompactKeys"
  15911. ASCII "ZwCompareTokens"
  15912. ASCII "ZwCompleteConnectPort"
  15913. ASCII "ZwCompressKey"
  15914. ASCII "ZwConnectPort"
  15915. ASCII "ZwContinue"
  15916. ASCII "ZwCreateDebugObject"
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  15918. ASCII "ZwCreateDirectoryObjectEx"
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  15928. ASCII "ZwCreateKeyTransacted"
  15929. ASCII "ZwCreateKeyedEvent"
  15930. ASCII "ZwCreateLowBoxToken"
  15931. ASCII "ZwCreateMailslotFile"
  15932. ASCII "ZwCreateMutant"
  15933. ASCII "ZwCreateNamedPipeFile"
  15934. ASCII "ZwCreatePagingFile"
  15935. ASCII "ZwCreatePort"
  15936. ASCII "ZwCreatePrivateNamespace"
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  15938. ASCII "ZwCreateProcessEx"
  15939. ASCII "ZwCreateProfile"
  15940. ASCII "ZwCreateProfileEx"
  15941. ASCII "ZwCreateResourceManager"
  15942. ASCII "ZwCreateSection"
  15943. ASCII "ZwCreateSemaphore"
  15944. ASCII "ZwCreateSymbolicLinkObject"
  15945. ASCII "ZwCreateThread"
  15946. ASCII "ZwCreateThreadEx"
  15947. ASCII "ZwCreateTimer2"
  15948. ASCII "ZwCreateTimer"
  15949. ASCII "ZwCreateToken"
  15950. ASCII "ZwCreateTokenEx"
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  15957. ASCII "ZwCreateWorkerFactory"
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  15959. ASCII "ZwDebugContinue"
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  15962. ASCII "ZwDeleteBootEntry"
  15963. ASCII "ZwDeleteDriverEntry"
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  15965. ASCII "ZwDeleteKey"
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  16015. ASCII "ZwImpersonateThread"
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  16017. ASCII "ZwInitializeRegistry"
  16018. ASCII "ZwInitiatePowerAction"
  16019. ASCII "ZwIsProcessInJob"
  16020. ASCII "ZwIsSystemResumeAutomatic"
  16021. ASCII "ZwIsUILanguageComitted"
  16022. ASCII "ZwListenPort"
  16023. ASCII "ZwLoadDriver"
  16024. ASCII "ZwLoadKey2"
  16025. ASCII "ZwLoadKey"
  16026. ASCII "ZwLoadKeyEx"
  16027. ASCII "ZwLockFile"
  16028. ASCII "ZwLockProductActivationKeys"
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  16031. ASCII "ZwMakePermanentObject"
  16032. ASCII "ZwMakeTemporaryObject"
  16033. ASCII "ZwMapCMFModule"
  16034. ASCII "ZwMapUserPhysicalPages"
  16035. ASCII "ZwMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter"
  16036. ASCII "ZwMapViewOfSection"
  16037. ASCII "ZwModifyBootEntry"
  16038. ASCII "ZwModifyDriverEntry"
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  16076. ASCII "ZwPrepareComplete"
  16077. ASCII "ZwPrepareEnlistment"
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  16158. ASCII "ZwRemoveIoCompletionEx"
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  16257. ASCII "ZwUnloadKey"
  16258. ASCII "ZwUnloadKeyEx"
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  16270. ASCII "ZwWaitForMultipleObjects"
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  16274. ASCII "ZwWaitLowEventPair"
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  16277. ASCII "ZwWriteFileGather"
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  16279. ASCII "ZwWriteVirtualMemory"
  16280. ASCII "ZwYieldExecution"
  16281. ASCII "_CIcos"
  16282. ASCII "_CIlog"
  16283. ASCII "_CIpow"
  16284. ASCII "_CIsin"
  16285. ASCII "_CIsqrt"
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  16292. ASCII "_allmul"
  16293. ASCII "_alloca_probe"
  16294. ASCII "_alloca_probe_16"
  16295. ASCII "_alloca_probe_8"
  16296. ASCII "_allrem"
  16297. ASCII "_allshl"
  16298. ASCII "_allshr"
  16299. ASCII "_atoi64"
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  16309. ASCII "_ftol2"
  16310. ASCII "_ftol2_sse"
  16311. ASCII "_i64toa"
  16312. ASCII "_i64toa_s"
  16313. ASCII "_i64tow"
  16314. ASCII "_i64tow_s"
  16315. ASCII "_itoa"
  16316. ASCII "_itoa_s"
  16317. ASCII "_itow"
  16318. ASCII "_itow_s"
  16319. ASCII "_lfind"
  16320. ASCII "_local_unwind4"
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  16324. ASCII "_ltow_s"
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  16329. ASCII "_snprintf_s"
  16330. ASCII "_snscanf_s"
  16331. ASCII "_snwprintf"
  16332. ASCII "_snwprintf_s"
  16333. ASCII "_snwscanf_s"
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  16335. ASCII "_splitpath_s"
  16336. ASCII "_strcmpi"
  16337. ASCII "_stricmp"
  16338. ASCII "_strlwr"
  16339. ASCII "_strlwr_s"
  16340. ASCII "_strnicmp"
  16341. ASCII "_strnset_s"
  16342. ASCII "_strset_s"
  16343. ASCII "_strupr"
  16344. ASCII "_strupr_s"
  16345. ASCII "_swprintf"
  16346. ASCII "_ui64toa"
  16347. ASCII "_ui64toa_s"
  16348. ASCII "_ui64tow"
  16349. ASCII "_ui64tow_s"
  16350. ASCII "_ultoa"
  16351. ASCII "_ultoa_s"
  16352. ASCII "_ultow"
  16353. ASCII "_ultow_s"
  16354. ASCII "_vscwprintf"
  16355. ASCII "_vsnprintf"
  16356. ASCII "_vsnprintf_s"
  16357. ASCII "_vsnwprintf"
  16358. ASCII "_vsnwprintf_s"
  16359. ASCII "_vswprintf"
  16360. ASCII "_wcsicmp"
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  16362. ASCII "_wcslwr_s"
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  16365. ASCII "_wcsset_s"
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  16367. ASCII "_wcstoui64"
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  16369. ASCII "_wcsupr_s"
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  16404. ASCII "isxdigit"
  16405. ASCII "labs"
  16406. ASCII "log"
  16407. ASCII "mbstowcs"
  16408. ASCII "memchr"
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  16410. ASCII "memcpy"
  16411. ASCII "memcpy_s"
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  16413. ASCII "memmove_s"
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  16415. ASCII "pow"
  16416. ASCII "qsort"
  16417. ASCII "qsort_s"
  16418. ASCII "sin"
  16419. ASCII "sprintf"
  16420. ASCII "sprintf_s"
  16421. ASCII "sqrt"
  16422. ASCII "sscanf"
  16423. ASCII "sscanf_s"
  16424. ASCII "strcat"
  16425. ASCII "strcat_s"
  16426. ASCII "strchr"
  16427. ASCII "strcmp"
  16428. ASCII "strcpy"
  16429. ASCII "strcpy_s"
  16430. ASCII "strcspn"
  16431. ASCII "strlen"
  16432. ASCII "strncat"
  16433. ASCII "strncat_s"
  16434. ASCII "strncmp"
  16435. ASCII "strncpy"
  16436. ASCII "strncpy_s"
  16437. ASCII "strnlen"
  16438. ASCII "strpbrk"
  16439. ASCII "strrchr"
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  16441. ASCII "strstr"
  16442. ASCII "strtok_s"
  16443. ASCII "strtol"
  16444. ASCII "strtoul"
  16445. ASCII "swprintf"
  16446. ASCII "swprintf_s"
  16447. ASCII "swscanf_s"
  16448. ASCII "tan"
  16449. ASCII "tolower"
  16450. ASCII "toupper"
  16451. ASCII "towlower"
  16452. ASCII "towupper"
  16453. ASCII "vDbgPrintEx"
  16454. ASCII "vDbgPrintExWithPrefix"
  16455. ASCII "vsprintf"
  16456. ASCII "vsprintf_s"
  16457. ASCII "vswprintf_s"
  16458. ASCII "wcscat"
  16459. ASCII "wcscat_s"
  16460. ASCII "wcschr"
  16461. ASCII "wcscmp"
  16462. ASCII "wcscpy"
  16463. ASCII "wcscpy_s"
  16464. ASCII "wcscspn"
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  16470. ASCII "wcsncpy_s"
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  16475. ASCII "wcsstr"
  16476. ASCII "wcstok_s"
  16477. ASCII "wcstol"
  16478. ASCII "wcstombs"
  16479. [/CODE]​​
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