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[DK] VoteSkript

a guest
Jun 16th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: &3[Vote]
  3. command /vote:
  4. aliases: /stem
  5. trigger:
  6. message "&3&l&m-----------------------------------------------"
  7. message "&bHej, &3%player%!"
  8. message "&bDu kan stemme på serveren her: &"
  9. message "&bDu kan se alle dine stats herunder:"
  10. message ""
  11. message "&bVote points: &3%{votepoints.%player%}%"
  12. message "&bKan stemme: &3%{stemme.%player%}%"
  13. message ""
  14. message "&bDu kan bruge dine &3vote points&b hos &5&lPer!"
  15. message "&3&l&m-----------------------------------------------"
  16. on vote:
  17. message "&3&l&m----------------------------------------------------"
  18. message "&bTak for din stemme!"
  19. message "&bHusk at stem igen imorgen!"
  20. message "&bDu har modtaget følgende:"
  21. message ""
  22. message "&b- &31x vote point"
  23. message ""
  24. message "&bSkriv &3/stem&b for at få info om dit stemme pis!"
  25. message ""
  26. message "&bDu kan bruge dine &3vote points&b hos &5&lPer!"
  27. message "&3&l&m----------------------------------------------------"
  28. add 1 to {votepoints.%player%}
  29. set {stemme.%player%} to "&3Nej"
  30. command /votemenu:
  31. trigger:
  32. open chest with 3 rows named "&3&lVoter &bPer" to player
  33. wait 1 tick
  34. format slot 12 of player with skull of player named "&3&l&m--------------------" with lore "&3&lVote info:||&f||&bVote points: &3%{votepoints.%player%}%||&bKan stemme:&3 %{stemme.%player%}%||&3&l&m--------------------" to be unstealable
  35. format slot 14 of player with Nether Star named "&3&lShop" with lore "&bDu kan bruge dine||&3vote points&b her!" to run [make player execute command "/voteshop"]
  36. command /voteshop [<text>]:
  37. trigger:
  38. if arg 1 is not set:
  39. open chest with 3 rows named "&3&lVote&b Shop" to player
  40. wait 1 tick
  41. format slot 0 of player with 16 of steak named "&b&l&oSteak" with lore "&bAntal:&3 16||&bPris:&3 2 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop steak"]
  42. format slot 4 of player with 2 of iron sword named "&b&l&oIron Sword" with lore "&bAntal: &32||&bPris:&3 4 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop ironsword"]
  43. format slot 7 of player with iron pickaxe of efficiency 1 named "&3&l&oVoter &bPickaxe" with lore "&bAntal:&3 1||&bPris: &34 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop ironpickaxe"]
  44. format slot 8 of player with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 1 named "&3&l&oUltra Voter Pickaxe" with lore "&bAntal: 1||&bPris: &320 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop diamondpickaxe"]
  45. format slot 9 of player with 32 of 296 named "&3&l&oWheat" with lore "&bAntal: &332||&bPris:&3 15 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop wheat"]
  46. format slot 10 of player with 32 of sugar named "&b&l&oSugar" with lore "&bAntal: &332||&bPris:&3 15 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop sugar"]
  47. format slot 13 of player with 2 of diamond sword named "&b&l&oDiamond Sword" with lore "&bAntal: &32||&bPris:&3 25 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop diamondsword"]
  48. format slot 18 of player with 397:3 named "&b&l&oItzExilonDK hovede" with lore "||&f||&b&lItzExilonDK har codet dette skript" to be unstealable
  49. format slot 25 of player with gold block named "&b&l&o$50.000" with lore "&bAntal: &3$50000||&bPris:&3 50 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop 50k"]
  50. format slot 26 of player with diamond block named "&b&l$100.000" with lore "&bAntal: &3$100000||&bPris: &3100 vote points" to close then run [make player execute command "/voteshop 100k"]
  51. if arg 1 is "steak":
  52. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 2:
  53. add -2 to {votepoints.%player%}
  54. execute console command "/give %player% steak 16"
  55. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 16 steaks!"
  56. stop
  57. else:
  58. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  59. if arg 1 is "ironsword":
  60. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 4:
  61. add -4 to {votepoints.%player%}
  62. execute console command "/give %player% ironsword 2"
  63. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 2 iron swords!"
  64. stop
  65. else:
  66. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  67. if arg 1 is "ironpickaxe":
  68. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 4:
  69. add -4 to {votepoints.%player%}
  70. execute console command "/give %player% ironpickaxe 1 EFFICIENCY:1"
  71. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 1 iron pickaxe med efficiency 1!"
  72. stop
  73. else:
  74. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  75. stop
  76. if arg 1 is "diamondpickaxe":
  77. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 20:
  78. add -20 to {votepoints.%player%}
  79. execute console command "/give %player% diamondpickaxe 1 EFFICIENCY:1"
  80. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 1 diamond pickaxe med efficienct 1!"
  81. stop
  82. else:
  83. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  84. stop
  85. if arg 1 is "wheat":
  86. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 15:
  87. add -15 to {votepoints.%player%}
  88. execute console command "/give %player% wheat 32"
  89. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 32 stykker wheat"
  90. stop
  91. else:
  92. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  93. stop
  94. if arg 1 is "sugar":
  95. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 15:
  96. add -15 to {votepoints.%player%}
  97. execute console command "/give %player% sugar 32"
  98. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 32 stykker wheat!"
  99. stop
  100. else:
  101. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  102. stop
  103. if arg 1 is "diamondsword":
  104. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 25:
  105. add -25 to {votepoints.%player%}
  106. execute console command "/give %player% diamondsword 2"
  107. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 2 diamond sword"
  108. stop
  109. else:
  110. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  111. stop
  112. if arg 1 is "50k":
  113. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 50:
  114. add -50 to {votepoints.%player%}
  115. add 50000 to player's balance
  116. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 50k!"
  117. stop
  118. else:
  119. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  120. stop
  121. if arg 1 is "100k":
  122. if {votepoints.%player%} is more than 100:
  123. add -100 to {votepoints.%player%}
  124. add 100000 to player's balance
  125. message "{@prefix} &3Du har fået 100k!"
  126. stop
  127. else:
  128. message "{@prefix} &c&oDu har ikke nok vote points!"
  129. stop
  130. every 1 second:
  131. loop all players:
  132. if {votepoints.%Loop-player%} is not set:
  133. set {votepoints.%loop-player%} to 0
  134. if {stemme.%loop-player%} is not set:
  135. set {stemme.%loop-player%} to "&3Ja"
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