
one lark wip

Jul 2nd, 2012 (edited)
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  1. >Be Bon-Bon.
  2. >You're wedged inbetween two trouble makers sitting under some tree, drinking a banana shake.
  3. >Your ears rotate which ever way, restless in the uncharacteristic silence between your companians.
  4. >Those two are up to something.
  5. >You know it.
  6. >Even the way they're sitting is wrong.
  7. >Lyra trying to mimic you, and Anon sitting with his legs curled up infront of them, hugging them close as he takes idle sips of his shake.
  8. >Catching a glance Lyra's new weird friend makes down at you, you reflectively glare back.
  9. >The hyoo-man's eyes dart away at a passerby, somehow losing interest despite being nestled up close to you like a foal to it's mother.
  10. >You snort, your tail swishing uncomfortably.
  11. >Where did Lyra even find this thing?
  12. >She drags it back from Celestia knows where and nopony asks any questions whatsoever.
  13. >Hearing a snurk at your left, your head snaps to Lyra, who mimics the human in looking away.
  14. >Sun above.
  15. >You're almost sorry you accepted the shake.
  16. "What are you two planning? You never sit around."
  17. >"Sure we do!"
  18. >"Yep," The human confirms with a grunt. "This is our scheming tree."
  20. "Scheming tree?"
  21. >The tall creature stands up on his hind legs and pulls something out of a hollowed knot in the tree.
  22. >He nestles back down against you untying the scroll and laying it down for you.
  23. >On it is a list of every evil little ploy they've done so far, as well with notes and little doodles from both owners scrawled next to the entrys.
  24. >There's a few they've already done, all crossed out.
  25. >Rockband Adventure, Opposite day, Pirate Adventure, Candy heists, Robinhood at the School:Candy edition? You didn't hear about that.
  26. >Continuing there's a few that aren't crossed out.
  27. >Teepee the Ponyville Weather Offices, Wild West Adventure, Butt Contest, Rearrange the Princess's books...
  28. >The list goes on from there.
  29. "Should I be looking at this? I feel like this makes me liable for everything on this list."
  30. >"Yeah," The human confirms, wiping some of his weird translucent sweat off his face with his foreleg. "We were actually hoping you'd pick out the next one."
  31. >"Uhh-huhh. I like Anon and all but I miss hanging out with you. And Anon wants to be your close friend too."
  32. >You look back to the human who seems to think the clouds are suddenly more interesting.
  33. >"We've been meaning to invite you along and since you joined our pirate thing-"
  34. "Stopped it."
  35. >"Since you joined our pirate thing," Lyra repeats. "We think you're ready for some real action."
  36. >Your muzzle scrunches.
  37. >They were up to something.
  39. >And you've had more action in a few hours then they've ever had! It was your job.
  40. >Looking back to Anon, he avoids your look again, sipping at his shake.
  41. >He's... You don't think you've ever thought of him as bashful.
  42. >More like, stubborn, abrasive, and fickle.
  43. >A lot like Lyra but amplified.
  44. >Agressivly so in a way you think is dangerous, and certainly a bad invluence on poor Lyra.
  45. >You awkwardly fiddle with your front hooves, tail still swishing anxiously.
  46. >...Maybe it wouldn't hurt to get to know him better.
  47. >If Lyra likes him he can't be that bad.
  48. >Sighing, you nip the hem of the scroll, and pull it towards you, nuzzling the rest open.
  49. "Uhmm..." As you peer through the two beside you look to the paper too, barely containing their excitement.
  50. >Maybe...
  51. >No, you'd never live it down.
  52. "I don't know you guys pick something." You mumble sitting up to shuffle back, pressing your rump against the base of the tree.
  53. >"Aww, comon Bonnie."
  54. >"Yeah, Bon. It's no fun if you're not super into it."
  55. >Horseapples.
  56. "What about this one?" You poke one entry with your hoof. "Get Ponk and Rainbowfag back? Did they do something to you guys?"
  59. >The human and Lyra both huff at the same time.
  60. >"Yeah. We got into kind of a prank war with them," the human grumbles.
  61. >"Thye got us good too, Bonnie."
  62. >The human folds up his forelegs, frowning. "Told us it would be funny if we went around the market asking a bunch of ponies how to turn on an oven."
  63. >"We tried to say it was a joke but nopony believed us- Bonnie?"
  64. >They look to you in a mix of horror and betrayal as you try to reign in a fit of laughter.
  65. >"Wasn't that funny," the human grumbles.
  66. >After a minute or so of laughter, you wipe tears from your eyes.
  67. >You beam at them.
  68. "What else did they do?"
  69. >Anon frowns and sinks further. "Told us the world gullible isn't in the dictionary."
  70. >No. They didn't.
  71. >You study their faces, and sure enough niether of them crack.
  72. >Celestia, your friends are lovable idiots.
  73. "Okay," You mumble pausing to think. "I think I have an idea."
  74. >Anon's arms fall to his side. "Wait, you're actually in?"
  75. You nod, smiling up at the human.
  76. >"See, 'Non? I told you she'd join."
  79. >Lyra hops to her hooves, cantering around like a filly.
  80. >"So what's it going to be, Bonnie? Are we going to infiltrate their homes and go super sneaky?"
  81. >You recoil at that.
  82. >That's hinting a bit too much for comfort.
  83. >Lyra ends her little movement with a pounce, before diving into a clumsy roll.
  84. >The human catches her with practiced ease, snatching Lyra up in his arms.
  85. >"And and..."
  86. >"Hide a steak behind their fridge?" the human finishes for her.
  87. >Lyra shakes her head, wiggling around to get comfortable in his lap.
  88. >"Piss off and starve a racoon and hide it in their bathrooms? Replace vitamins with laxatives? Nut in their shampoo bottles everyday for the next month without telling them?"
  89. >Lyra scrunches her muzzle in disgust and shakes her head.
  90. >"That's gross. And the other two are mean, 'Non."
  91. >...
  92. >How did he even come up with those?
  93. >No way his kind do stuff like that. They'd be fighting all the time.
  94. >"Well, it's flawed from the start anyway." The human grunts, still sporting a frown. "How's a hooved animal supposed to be sneaky?"
  95. >Ohh good. He didn't catch on.
  96. >"I can always hear you coming a few meters away before you even knock on my door, little pony."
  99. >He emphasizes his point by pressing one of his claws right on her muzzle.
  100. >You didn't know they were that close.
  101. >Oddly, Lyra laughs it off and barely reacts to it.
  102. >Maybe touching muzzles isn't intimate for humans.
  103. "To be fair, Anon. Somepony should put a bell on you. Pones wouldn't get so startled if you weren't taller than a minotaur and quieter than a cat when walking up to them. It's made even me jump a few times."
  104. >Both of them look at you incredulously.
  105. >"Is that why?" they both say at the same time.
  106. >Your brow furrows.
  107. "Of course, what did you think it was?"
  108. >The look to each other.
  109. >"Uhh. I thought ponies didn't like me because I'm a dirty non-horse immigrant or something."
  110. "What? No! Nopony would be that awful."
  111. >The human reaches over messing up your mane with his claw, an oddly comforting gesture.
  112. >Still, to think all these ponies, you included, made him feel that way.
  113. >Would it be weird if you were a little more patient with him from now on?
  114. >"I thought it was because Anon was so cool, ponies don't know how to approach him."
  115. >Anon laughs, giving Lyra a- What do they call it?- Noogie?
  117. >"You're just trying to butter me up, mare. What are you after?"
  118. >"Nothing! Lemmie go!"
  119. >"Nuhh-uhh. I bet you want something weird." He grunts, ticking her again, this time on her underside which has her twisting around with laughter.
  120. >You snort and nudge anon's claw with your muzzle, which grabs his attention.
  121. >Yep. It really isn't weird for them.
  122. "Alright you two, lets get back on topic. Like I said, I might have an idea you two might like."
  123. >You stand up and trot off towards your candy shop, hoping they'll follow without causing too much trouble.
  125. >Be sporting a good scrape on your chin, and a scuffed up shirt.
  126. >Your little buddy seems to be keeping weight off one of her legs.
  127. >Bon-bon swishes her tail and looks like she's going to yell at Lye and you again.
  128. >To your surprise she takes a deep breath and smiles.
  129. >"Anon. Lyra. I turned around for a minute to open up shop. What happened?"
  130. >Wow she sounds really calm.
  131. >She must be so mad, she broke.
  132. "A bit fell out of my pocket so I went to pick it up."
  133. >"I jumped over him!"
  134. "It turned into a game of leapfrog... For all of ten seconds."
  135. >"'Non's too tall and heavy."
  136. "And I face planted."
  137. >The mare looks between you two and sighs, before stepping in.
  138. >"Come on you two, I have a first aid kit in here somewhere."
  139. >Aww shit, here we go agai- What?
  140. >You crawl through the doorway cautiously, turning to pick up Lye, who limps into your arms with a sniffle.
  141. >"It hurts 'Non."
  142. >You nestle her in your arms and look down at her foreleg, turning your head to see every angle.
  143. >If it's swollen it's barely noticeable, but these horses always tend to make a big deal about leg injuries.
  146. >>34074478
  147. >You've heard of pones with broken legs being too scared to even go outside and even doctors end up hospitalizing them if they get the chance.
  148. "Hmmm. That little thing? It'll be good by tomorrow morning you little baby."
  149. >Her sniffer scrunches.
  150. >"I'm not a baby. W-whatever that means."
  151. >You laugh at her expense and it does seem to cheer her up some.
  152. >Good. This tiny horse isn't allowed to be sad.
  153. >You stand up and continue following Bon into the kitchen.
  154. >With Lye still pressed close to your chest, you sit on a too-small stool by a large metal table.
  155. >Like, this thing takes up seventy-five percent of the room.
  156. >Bon's butt waggles to-and-fro as she nuzzles through some junk under the sink.
  157. >Some things clatter out. Little pans, molds, and-
  158. >Is that a grappling hook?
  159. >The mare seems to think nothing of it, popping her head out with a first aid box in her teeth.
  160. "Bon, why do you have a grappling hook?"
  161. >The mare, snaps her head back around to look at the object in question, and even Lyra straightens up a hair.
  162. >"Well, you see..."
  163. >Lyra chuckles anxiously.
  164. >"'Non Earthponies don't have graspers like you or magic like I do."
  167. >Bon's eyes widen and looks to you worriedly.
  168. >"Uhmm. Yes. That."
  169. >Does she think you'll belittle her for that or something?
  170. >Ohh shit, that must be like asking why a cripple has a wheelchair.
  171. "Sorry, it was fucked up of me to ask. I'm more impressed than anything, Really. You do you, Bon."
  172. >The mare signs in relief, and trots over with the kit.
  173. >She begins to patch you up, dipping some gauze in betadine and reaching up to dab some on your chin.
  174. >You fidget a little.
  175. >Though, from the puffs of horsey breaths ticking your face.
  176. >It doesn't actually hurt that much.
  177. >"Anon see that bigger jar with white powder on the shelf to your right? Grab that will you, pleas- Sorry the other one." She asks as she gets some tape and stuff prepared to bandage it.
  178. >You grunt in affirmation, shifting Lyra into your other arm before reaching up to the shelf from sitting position.
  179. "You don't gotta patch it up Bon, It'll heal on its own," You say, rolling the bottle over to see the label.
  180. >"Oh hush, you."
  181. >You look down at the bottle of... gelatin powder?
  182. >Isn't this usually made from boiled animal bones and shit?
  183. >"The main ingredient for my plan. Usually, I'll use it to make gummy carrots and stuff."
  184. >She reaches up again, gently pressing the makeshift band-aid to your face.
  187. >"But, maybe we could use it to knock Rainbow and Pinkie down a peg. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see that. I know a lot of other ponies feel the same way."
  188. "Yeah?"
  189. >Smiling at a job well done, she pulls out a roleld up bandage. Presumably for Lye.
  190. >"You two aren't the only trouble makers, you know?"
  191. "I guess not. Thanks by the way, for this. I thought you were going to tear my head clean off for hurting Lye."
  192. >"No way, Bonnie wouldn't do that. 'Sides, you got hurt too, 'Non."
  193. >Bon, nods looking at you in worry.
  194. >"Has anypony ever told you have an... overactive imagination, Anon?"
  195. "Only you ponies. Humans do that kind of stuff all the time. Mostly... I needed better roomates. What's the plan, anyways?"
  196. >I'll let you in on it after you two get me a few things.
  197. >"What? Why?"
  198. >"Plausable deniability. It's for your own protection."
  199. >You frown and Lyra's muzzle scrunches simultaneously.
  200. >""
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