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Oct 14th, 2014
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  1. “We have intel that here,” a robed elder gestured, “an old bunker complex suitable for your expansion into the zebra homelands can be found. Do not think that this mission will be easy, the Zebra lands have been unknown since the Great War. Even then, most of those records did not probe deeply into what lies before you. This expedition will take you into an unknown locale with limited chance for reinforcements or relief. However, as you have demonstrated your eagerness in being selected for this mission, General Wolverine Thunderbolt, we of the Steel Rangers Elder Council shall grant you this in lieu of a promotion to Elder. This is a great honor, do not disappoint us.”
  3. “Thank you, elders. ” Base commander responded, “I will not disappoint you with this decision.”
  5. “Yes, yes, honor and glory to us,” a grey robed Pegasus moved her hoof in a disdainfully mocking manner to emphasize the point. “We know that you are doing this in place of a demotion or court martial for your recent issue regarding the recovery of the Gettysburg arsenal. While it is laudable for your decision to place the lives of your men over the acquisition of the equipment there, the loss of it is still a damning mark. Particularly in regards to the increasing occurrence of these alicorns and their hostility to us.”
  7. “Yes the loss of the arsenal is a blow to our operations in this area, do not think this is a reward Base Commander. We will give you this honor in lieu of a punishment. See to it that you redeem yourself.”
  9. The elder on the right responded. “While we are trusting you with a not inconsiderable amount of equipment in light of your recent dealings, I believe, based on your record, that you suffered a conflict of interest and acted appropriately, though not as some” he cast a stern glance to the elder on the left, “would have liked. Your following of the codex has been exemplary and a position to aspire to Base Commander. See to it that you remain this way while we throw you out on your shiny metal ass.” The elder guffawed the last part with great enthusiasm. “Now you are dismissed, Base Commander.”
  11. “Thank you, council.” Base commander saluted and walked out of the chamber, the door rising shut behind him.
  13. “So, Elder Marconi, what is the real reason we are sending Base Commander to the Zebra lands? My spies tell me that this has nothing to do with the arsenal incident.” The Pegasus asked, pulling the hood trapping her mane to her head down.
  15. “Elder Weatherbits, first, confound your infernal spies! Are they even material beings at this point, or did you finally figure out a scrying spell to get through the wards?” Marconi shouted, exasperated at the latest invasion into his personal dealings. “Fine, since it seems you will get an answer whether I wish to give one or not, I will tell you. During the war, a number of zebra technologies were being reverse engineered, many never getting beyond a cursory examination into how best to destroy them. However, many of these devices were beyond the non arcanotech of Equestria, being based on principles as esoteric as our mastery of magic must have been to them. I suspect that should we retrieve whole working examples of such technology, it would aid greatly against the Goddess. Unfortunately, the sites here were destroyed by the ravages of war and time.”
  17. “But why, Base Commander? He isn’t one of our best, nor does this seem like a penal expedition. In fact, I would say you have a very perceptive agenda in this, looking over the personnel roster and equipment manifest.” Weatherbits intoned, curiosity evident in her tone.
  19. “It’s really that simple Weatherbits, the Zebra tech I have seen really was all that and more compared to what we had. Had it not been for the Ministry of Magic, I am ashamed to admit, it is likely we would have lost to their superior technological sciences. It is quite obvious that we lack an effective counter to the Alicorns, that we lack an ability to expand our own infrastructure. Simply we are clutching a dying ember, burning ourselves to keep what little hope of a better world there is alive. We are regarded as raiders by the wastelanders, something I can see all too much truth in. If we are to serve the Codex, if we are to survive…”
  21. “Do you really think that is actually what might happen? That spontaneously this little expedition will turn back the encroachment of the alicorns? You have seen the reports. They die just as much as anything, yet there seems to be no end to them. We don’t need to kill them better, we need to stop them at whatever the stars damned source is. And sure as my stripes are white on black, that isn’t in my homelands!” The final elder finally dropped his hood, reveling his monochromatic colorings. “What is your real reason, Marconi? You’ve given enough answers to satisfy the rank and file, the paladins, now you even try it on the council? Cut the tongue waggles and spill.”
  23. “Joel, you really need to work on your manners.” Marconi said, just a bit irate.
  25. “I probably should, yet it does wonders for deflating pompous windbags. Now, why not actually tell us what is going on?” Joel matched Marconi for tone.
  27. “*sigh* Fine. The real issue is that in the Gettysburg arsenal was a long range relay to Forward Operations Base Titan’s Fall on the west Zebraland coastline. The relay has been active since the war and apparently the base is untouched. While the link on our side is now rubble, I was able to recover the cached data and it shows an extensive supply of technology, all well preserved. While the manifests were not obtained before the arsenal was destroyed, I was able to secure internal camera feeds of some of the storage bunkers. The scribes report that there is easily enough to facilitate a battalion level force in both equipment and maintenance. If successfully recovered, we could start replacing losses and actually grow as a force.” Marconi explained.
  29. “So wait, all this for a simple materials extraction and recovery mission? You have an in Perpetua contract for five thousand talons with support for all this?” Weatherbits asked skeptically.
  31. “Not counting the activated mechanized company, the artillery platoon, or the large infantry force you have also included. You even are committing aerial forces with the battle carriages?” Joel added supportively.
  33. “The area is a known hostile location. While it would be nice if the whole area had been scoured clean in the war, given the pristine conditions I find it entirely plausible that there are not only survivors, but they could be hostile to us. Further, there may not be a return trip. The cargo ships have enough fuel to get them there, but not enough to be guaranteed a return. That is why this seems so much like a penal expedition, survival is not guaranteed – much less a return.”
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