
Hershey Highway (Force Quit)

Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. >Day Hershy Highway in Equestria
  2. >Be Anon and fooling around with Rarity in bed.
  3. >Playing with her mare parts and kissing her, you grip her downtown and accidently scrape along her marshmallow but hole.
  4. >She let's out a gasp and smacks you across the face. "That is not how you treat a lady!"
  5. "Bitch it was an accident!"
  6. >Rarity narrows her eyes and makes a pout ".....Well all right, I can forgive you just this once." she smiles before resuming where the two of you left off
  7. >After some forplay, Rarity presents herself allowing you access to her clenching pussy.
  8. >Looking at her asshole you get a brilliant idea.
  9. "Say, maybe we should try anal?"
  10. >"Absolutly not!" She yells "That is for undignified hussy mares like Applejack! Not for a fashionista like myself."
  11. "C'mon, every guy has to experience anal at least once."
  12. >"Well than have fun doing it to yourself, becaus you will most certainly NOT be getting it from me."
  13. >Rarity begins to move off the bed, but you hold her by her flank.
  14. "I thought you were the element of generosity, can't you generously throw me a bone here?"
  15. >"...grrr fine! But you had better "generously" take me on the most expensive dinner date money can buy at Canterlot." She says finishing with a (humpf)
  17. >After a long wait as she cleaned herself in the shower. She came out and rested on the bed.
  18. >Getting some sheets balled up and placed under her for comfort, she raises her butt in the air.
  20. >Flexing two fingers, you rest them on the border of her asshole. Pushing in gently Rarity clenches.
  21. "Relax."
  22. >"How can I relax when I know your trying to stick your fingers in there?"
  23. "Well at least stop clenching."
  24. >Resuming, you try pushing in but it proves more difficult than anticipated. Shes dry as a bone and there is no sign of any lubrication.
  25. "We need some lube."
  26. >"I think there's some in the drawer."
  27. >Getting up you look around in the area she showed you. After a couple of minutes you found a half full bottle of Lunarglide.
  28. >Popping off the little cap, you shrug and squeeze globs of the stuff on her doughnut hole.
  29. >"Eeeek!" She squeals holding her legs in rigid place trying not to kick you "Cold! Cold!"
  30. "Sorry." you laugh spreading it around.
  31. >It was more than you needed to say the least.
  32. >With the excess cleaned off, you prepare both fingers but decide to use only one.
  33. >With your middle finger you place its tip at the entrance and slowly insert it in.
  34. >Rarity's legs tremble slightly as your finger slowly spreads her soft, tight flesh apart.
  35. >You can hear the moist and wet sounds of the small air pockets that escape any seals not fully enclosed at her rectums entrance.
  36. >The finger is not even all the way in and she is already panting as her whole body trembles.
  37. >Reaching the end of your finger, you slowly pull back. In an instant her muscles clamp down forcing your finger out in one quick motion.
  38. >"Gah!" Rarity moans as your finger pops out, resting her head on the pillow she begins to chuckle in disbelief.
  40. =====================
  42. Its clop, who gives a fuck?
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