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a guest
Jul 2nd, 2013
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  1. #This is just a basic example. More attributes would be added, of course
  2. from random import randint
  4. #the attributes. For each stat, the value would be randomized respectivley
  5. health = "+"+str(randint(1, 10))+" Health"
  6. regen = "+"+str(randint(1, 30))+" Regen"
  7. atkspd = "+"+str(randint(1, 5))+" Attack Speed"
  8. attlist = [health, regen, atkspd]
  9. #I could go on, but I don't want to be here all day, it's just a quick example, after all
  11. #Possible Names
  12. first = ["Cleaver", "Sword", "Longsword", "Greatsword", "Shortsword", "Mace"]
  13. #the second, third, and fourth would be prefaced by all different strings. second is prefaced by "of"
  14. second = ["power", "strength", "sharpness", "kings"]
  15. #Third is prefaced by "of the", like it is from somewhere
  16. third = ["Vale", "Throne", "Slain", "king", "protectors of the realm", "Elves", "Dwarves"]
  17. #fourth is chosen instead of the first one, and gives names like "Kingslayer" or "Brisingr". Named swords will be more powerful
  18. fourth = ["Kingslayer", "Knightsbane", "Heart Eater", "Brisingr", "Vol Gul Mai"]
  20. #Function to choose a name
  21. def name():
  22. output = ""
  23. x = randint(1, 3)
  24. if x==1:
  25. output = output + first[randint(0, len(first)-1)] + " of " + second[randint(0, len(second)-1)]
  26. elif x==2:
  27. output = output + first[randint(0, len(first)-1)] + " of the " + third[randint(0, len(third)-1)]
  28. elif x==3:
  29. output = output + fourth[randint(0, len(fourth)-1]
  30. return output
  31. def checklore(list, value):
  32. for x in list:
  33. if list[x] != value:
  34. return True
  35. else:
  36. return False
  37. def lore():
  38. output = []
  39. temp = ""
  40. random = randint(1, 10)
  41. #checks how many attributes the weapon will have
  42. for x in range(0, random):
  43. temp = randint[0, len(attlist)-1]
  44. if checklore(output, temp):
  45. output.append(temp)
  46. for b in output:
  47. output[b] = attlist[output[b]]
  48. return output
  49. #The weapons now!
  50. TOOL:
  51. name: name()
  52. lore: lore()
  53. chance: 50
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