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a guest
Jun 22nd, 2016
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  1. vanilla swiss roll
  3. cake
  4. 140 g egg whites
  5. 60 g yolks
  6. 2/5c white sugar
  7. 2/5c cake flour
  8. 1/16 tsp salt
  9. 1 tsp vanilla
  10. 60 g corn oil
  12. whipped cream
  13. 200 g cream
  14. 1 tbsp sugar
  15. 1/3 tsp vanilla
  17. sliced strawberries (optional)
  20. preheat oven to 400f. grease 13" x 10" pan with butter. line pan with 13" x 13" parchment paper.
  22. whisk egg whites on medium-slow speed until thick foam forms. gradually add castor sugar whilst continuing to whisk. keep whisking until the whites form soft peaks.
  24. reduce speed to slow and continue to whisk until firm peak stage is reached (when whisk is lifted, egg whites form peak that's hooked). add yolks to whites in 4 batches. whisk on slow speed until evenly mixed after each addition. sift cake flour and salt into mixture. mix with whisk until just even. add vanilla extract and corn oil. fold with spatula till just evenly mixed. tap mixing bowl against worktop 2-3 times.
  26. pour batter into cake pan. spread with spatula as evenly as possible, pushing batter into corners of pan. jiggle till batter is level. tap pan against worktop twice. bake on middle shelf till middle of cake is springy when pressed, 10-11 minutes. remove from oven. drop pan from 1' high 3-4 times (yes really). unmold cake onto wire rack. peel parchment paper from sides of cake. leave till cool.
  28. to assemble, place cake on new sheet of parchment paper, face down. peel parchment paper from bottom of cake. spread
  29. evenly with whipped cream. add strawberries if desired. roll quickly with both hands and chill overnight or until filling is set. slice with clean serrated knife each time.
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