

Oct 24th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Im guessing Ozzie is just getting done with a class. And Remy and Eugene attended and plan to meet Felix :o))
  2. Covet: [Works for me :D]
  3. Covet: Felix had gotten off his shift at the library and made his way downtown to where the gym was. He pulled into a parking spot and got out of his vehicle stepping inside, looking around for Remy and Eugene, figuring they were around here somewhere by now.
  4. Tsaaq: "One more push and you'll be a second closer to a better you!" He said over his little headseat. He hopped around in place before going to observe the people attending his more terrifying than P90X. "Keep your core strong. Ten more burpees!" He said. He crouched down beside Eugene, smacking his side. "Wrong! Laying down isn't how you do it! Come on! One, two, three!" He counted off. // Eugene whined as he rolled on the floor. // However Remy was having no problem with his burpees, he was getting through this hell of a workout.
  5. Covet: [I feel you Eugene]
  6. Covet: Felix walked around into the gym area where there was a class going on, and it looked like the instruction was busting some serious balls. His lungs hurt a bit just thinking about it, but a the same time he liked the pace of it, it didn't seem like it'd get boring at all. He walked over to a weight machine on the wall where he could watch them and sat down.
  7. Tsaaq: "Alright guys, cool down stretches." Ozzie called out as he returned to the front of the room and began to demonstrate so the class would follow along. Once they were finished he nodded. "Thanks guys. See you next class." He said. Ozzie went to pull off his head set, spotting Felix's fine ass in the distance. // Eugene didn't stretch. He didn't do shit. He was protesting life. // Remy gave Ozzie a thumbs up before hopping to his feet. "Hey man." He greeted to Felix. "Ready to practice some?" He asked. "Have you met Oz?"
  8. Covet: "Yeah, You sure you're not going to die after all that?" He asked with a chuckle, "Your cousin looked like he died fifteen minutes ago." Felix said then shook his head, "I don't think so, but I kind of live there." He said though he was the only one who knew that's what he and Steph called her place. Fucking book nerds.
  9. Tsaaq: Ozzie walked over to the males and put his hands on his hips. "Evenin'" He greeted, holding out his hand to Felix. "I'm Ozzie. I go to NWSU too." He greeted. He went to slap Eugene on the back when he came over. "You gotta get your energy up kid. How you gonna bulk up like my boy Rem here?" He asked. // Eugene yelped and put his hand on his back with a from. "I was dead. I am dead." He whined. // Remy sputtered his lips. "I'm good. Ozzie this is Felix. He plays ball with me." He introduced. "Ozzie is QB on the football team." He added with a shrug. "I'm good. I might wheeze a little cause of the cigs but otherwise I'm good. Two on two?" He suggested.
  10. Covet: "Hey man, Nice to meet you. Is this class still open?" He asked Ozzie. Giving a laugh at Eugene, he turned back to Remy, "I'd be in that same boat with you. We can do two on two if you think He could keep up with us." He motioned to Eugene, then looked at Ozzie, You game with shooting hoops?"
  11. Tsaaq: "Pleasure is all mine." He said to Felix. "I'm always cool with more people joining my classes. If you wanna get yourself powerful ripped as hell? Come on in." He said beginning to walk towards the basketball court. "Well I know I'm taller than you so yeah. I am." He laughed. // Eugene frowned as dragged his feet. "I can play stupid basketball..." He grumbled. // Remy began to laugh and rolled his eyes at Eugene. "Don't mind him. This'll be fun." He went to grab a basketball immediately.
  12. Covet: Felix laughed, "Well it couldn't hurt for the cardio at the very least." He said then looked at his height, "I've still got a decent verticle leap, I'm not intimidated. Let's do this!" He said to the guys as he made his way out to the court, "How we breaking up teams?"
  13. Tsaaq: "We'll see about that when I'm smacking the ball out your hand." He chuckled. "Cardio is good bro." He said. "Obvs, rock paper scissors!" He answered hurriedly. // Eugene groaned. "Nobody wants to pick me to play with I already know how this goes. I've been in high school." He said in a monotone. // Remy rolled the ball on his index finger before shrugging. "I could always use another workout partner." He said, smiling to Felix. "Rock paper scissors or, whoever does a free throw backward and makes it gets to pick who they want to play with." Remy suggested, going to the three point line and tossing the ball in the air behind him, and it was a total air ball.
  14. Covet: "Don't smack the balls man, that makes me cringe." He said because dick jokes. Child. "I haven't rock paper scissored in a while." he said then watched Remy shoot the ball and miss, "All air dude." He said jogging over to the ball before running back, dribbling it. He turned around to face away from the hoop and tossed it back behind him. It hit the backboard then bounced off the rim, because he putt a little too much oomph into it. "Shit."
  15. Tsaaq: Ozzie frowned a bit. "Uh not actually..." He trailed off awkwardly cause yum. Balls. He watched Remy shoot and sighed. "Lord in heaven. Ya'll supposed to be on the basketball team." He said as he went to take the ball after Felix. "I'll show y'all boys how it's done." He declared, carefully turning his body and trying to actually aim for the hoop. His throw bounced off the rim. "Did I get it?" // "No." Eugene spoke up flatly, warily looking at the ball. // Remy snorted as he held in his laughter. "Yeah well! It's been a long summer, or fall. Whatever season this is."
  16. Covet: "I'm just flipping you shit dude." Felix said with a laugh to Ozzie, "Wow we're really getting of to a great start here, Eugene you're up, and our last hope." He looked over at Remy, "Not basketball season, so that's what this is for."
  17. Tsaaq: He looked genuinely disappointed. "I did my best." He muttered. "Yeah keep making excuses." He began to laugh again // Eugene picked up the ball, he angrily turned on his heel to face away from the hoop. He threw the ball upward and by some fucking miracle of god he made it into hoop. "Now who's next?" He asked with a frown. // Remy nodded in agreement. "Exactly." He said. "Well that explains all the fumbles at the games" He taunted Ozzie before watching Eugene and his eyebrows rose. "What the fuck? What virgin did you just offer up to the devil in your head?" He asked skeptically.
  18. Covet: "We all did and somehow Eugene managed to get first pick. So who do you want on your team, dude?" He said to Ozzie, then asked the Eugene before he laughed at Remy's commment, "Does that actually work? Without a real sacrifice?"
  19. Tsaaq: Ozzie looked pretty amazed. "I don't think he had time to do all that Rem-dog." He waited patiently for Eugene's reply. // He himself had been astounded that he made it. "Don't speak of that witchcraft. Blasphemy isn't funny." Eugene said quickly to Remy. "I'll take the big guy." He said, pointing to Ozzie. // He began to cackle then heard his cousin speak. "Lighten up. it was a joke." He whispered. "Guess it's me and you versus them Felix."
  20. Covet: "Hey, who am I to judge? Religion is religion, no matter what you practice. If it works, more power to you." he snickered, then ran over to get the ball, and bounced it over to Eugene, "Since you sank it, You can start off with the ball. Just keep in mind Remy and I are sort of pros at this."
  21. Tsaaq: He looked pretty surprised that he was picked. He went over to Eugene and eyed him like he was a little twink. "Oh you guys are going down." He said with a smirk then his smirk disappeared. "In the game. And not any other way cause that'd be weird." He shrugged, laughing awkwardly as he leaned forward and watched the ball. // "Yeah I bet you're an expert and stuff huh?" He sassed at Felix. Eugene barely caught the ball and looked over to Ozzie. "Uh, one two three go?" He called out, bouncing the ball with both hands and running for the hoop. // "Easy now." He said to Ozzie and shook his head at Eugene. "You're supposed to do the fuckin' toss up." Remy scoffed and he ran and intercepted Eugene taking the ball and basically fucking with him while he dribbling.
  22. Covet: "HA!" Felix said laughing at Ozzie's comment, because more dick jokes and innuendos, as he watched Eugene run past them and Remy picking on him, "Dude, traveling you can't use both hands like that.Only one hand, trust me it's easier to control the ball when you're not fighting with both hands."
  23. Tsaaq: Ozzie's eyes widened, he went to get behind Remy with his arms out wide. "You're travelling!" He repeated, like a fucking child. // "I don't know what any of these words mean!" He complained. Eugene leapt in an attempt to get the ball and ended up sliding against the court floor. // "Back up! Back the fuck up!" He laughed as he attempted to move away form Ozzie. Once Eugene fell he dribbled and spun and went for the basket and shot for the hoop, making it like a fucking bawss.
  24. Covet: Felix moved down the court towards the basket, watching as Eugene biffed it and Remy kept the ball from Ozzie and made the shot, "Do we count that? We count that. Two, Zip." He called out then walekd over to offer a hand to Eugene, because team player.
  25. Tsaaq: Ozzie sighed and stood up, he looked to Eugene and shook his head. "Yeah, two, zip." He pouted. He attempted to go back on defense. // Eugene took Felix's hand then went to run to Remy, not even saying thank you. He attempted to tackle him but Eugene ended up running into his core and dropped right back to the ground. // Remy cackled as he caught the ball and dribbled. "Come guys, make it actually hard for us." He laughed. He felt Eugene try to lunge at him and stared as he fell to the floor. "What the hell was that?" He asked.
  26. Covet: "Hey, Eugene, maybe you should take up Ozzie's sport if you're going to pull moves like that." He said laughing as he watched Eugene drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes. " Think he'd be some use for you Ozzie?" Felix asked looking over at him, keeping himself open for the ball, should Remy decide to pass it while they were all idle laughing at Eugene.
  27. Tsaaq: He looked between the small male on the floor then at Felix. He hurriedly shook his head. "As one of those sleds what we push across the field I reckon." He answered before stifling a laugh. // Eugene heard them laughing. He pushed up to his feet and spun around as his eyes began watery. "It's not funny!" He shouted. "Why are you laughing Remy! You used to be like me!" He whimpered and began to run off the court. // Remy was basically fucking dying as he went to pass the ball to Felix, he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. "Oh fuck-" He began to say until he realized Eugene was actually crying-crying. "Oh..." He sighed. "Should I go get him?" He asked a little exasperatedly.
  28. Covet: Felix cackled at Ozzie's comment, then just kind of looked around dumbfounded as Eugene ran off crying, "Did that.. did that really just happen?" He asked between everyone, "Were you really like him at one point?" He asked pointing then gave a reluctant shrug, "Maybe if you want him to keep coming along? We didn't mean to be that harsh, just enjoying ourselves."
  29. Tsaaq: He was chuckling himself but once he saw he hurt the younger male's feelings his laughter ceased. "Poor lil' fella." He sighed. "I was just foolin around." He told Felix. "You oughta see if he's okay Remy. He's your lil' cousin!" He told him. // Eugene was a bloo-blooing in the locker room. // "Listen, he's a little douche but I'll go talk to him. Sorry guys." Remy began to roll his eyes cause fuck this kid, he had no right to cry about shit. "And for the record I was never like him that's a fantasty that he has."
  30. Covet: "I was gonna say, talk about evolution." He laughed then looked at Ozzie, "I've got to get out of here, but I'll be hear earlier next week for your class for sure, Ozman." He said as he did the dudebro thing of shaking his hand and doing the shoulder bump thing, "Talk to you later Remy, good luck with the cousin."
  31. Covet: *here
  32. Covet: [Wow... x.x fail XD]
  33. Tsaaq: ((Bwahaha.))
  34. Tsaaq: "I guess I should mozy. I have to get to class in the morning. It was nice meeting you Felix. We'll see each other soon." He nodded, sniffing his sexy ass. Ozzie went on his way home and shit. // Remy nodded and waved at Felix. "See you around man. And thanks." He said, going to talk to this lil bitch about bitch shit.
  35. Covet: [XD]
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