
Niegeria Labours Congress - NLCNG.ORG

Dec 1st, 2011
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text 9.50 KB | None | 0 0
  1. _____ _ _ _
  2. | __ \ (_) | | | |
  3. | |__) |__ _ __ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ __ | |__| |
  4. | ___/ _ \ '__| | | \ \ / / |/ _` | '_ \| __ |
  5. | | | __/ | | |_| |\ V /| | (_| | | | | | | |
  6. |_| \___|_| \__,_| \_/ |_|\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|
  8. Twitter: @AnonymousPeru @PeruvianH & @iSoundDK | Facebook: PeruvianHacks
  9. - DrScream Sound System32 JSNPeru Wiracocha -
  11. Nigeria Labours Congress
  12. Target:
  13. Database type: MySQL
  14. current database: 'nlcng_nlcdata'
  17. Database: nlcng_nlcdata
  18. [49 tables]
  19. +-------------------+
  20. | admin |
  21. | affiliates |
  22. | article_cats |
  23. | articles |
  24. | blacklist |
  25. | comments |
  26. | counter |
  27. | custom_pages |
  28. | download_cats |
  29. | downloads |
  30. | faq_cats |
  31. | faqs |
  32. | flood_control |
  33. | forum_attachments |
  34. | forums |
  35. | infusions |
  36. | m_admin |
  37. | m_list |
  38. | m_newsletters |
  39. | messages |
  40. | messages_options |
  41. | new_users |
  42. | news |
  43. | news_cats |
  44. | online |
  45. | pages |
  46. | panels |
  47. | pdf_documents |
  48. | photo_albums |
  49. | photos |
  50. | picture_gallery |
  51. | poll_votes |
  52. | polls |
  53. | posts |
  54. | ratings |
  55. | settings |
  56. | shoutbox |
  57. | side_bar_image |
  58. | site_links |
  59. | state_councils |
  60. | submissions |
  61. | thread_notify |
  62. | threads |
  63. | user_groups |
  64. | users |
  65. | vcode |
  66. | videos |
  67. | weblink_cats |
  68. | weblinks |
  69. +-------------------+
  71. Database: nlcng_nlcdata
  72. Table: admin
  73. [35 entries]
  74. +----------+--------------------+---------------------------+------------+--------------+--------------------------+
  75. | admin_id | admin_image | admin_link | admin_page | admin_rights | admin_title |
  76. +----------+--------------------+---------------------------+------------+--------------+--------------------------+
  77. | 1 | admins.gif | administrators.php | 2 | AD | Administrators |
  78. | 2 | article_cats.gif | article_cats.php | 1 | AC | Article Categories |
  79. | 3 | articles.gif | articles.php | 1 | A | Articles |
  80. | 4 | blacklist.gif | blacklist.php | 2 | B | Blacklist |
  81. | 5 | NULL | reserved | 2 | C | Comments |
  82. | 6 | c-pages.gif | custom_pages.php | 1 | CP | Custom Pages |
  83. | 7 | db_backup.gif | db_backup.php | 3 | DB | Database Backup |
  84. | 8 | dl_cats.gif | download_cats.php | 1 | DC | Download Categories |
  85. | 9 | dl.gif | downloads.php | 1 | D | Downloads |
  86. | 10 | faq.gif | faq.php | 1 | FQ | FAQs |
  87. | 11 | forums.gif | forums.php | 1 | F | Forums |
  88. | 12 | images.gif | images.php | 1 | IM | Images |
  89. | 13 | infusions.gif | infusions.php | 3 | I | Infusions |
  90. | 14 | NULL | reserved | 3 | IP | Infusion Panels |
  91. | 15 | members.gif | members.php | 2 | M | Members |
  92. | 16 | news.gif | news.php | 1 | N | News |
  93. | 17 | news_cats.gif | news_cats.php | 1 | NC | News Categories |
  94. | 18 | panels.gif | panels.php | 3 | P | Panels |
  95. | 19 | photoalbums.gif | photoalbums.php | 1 | PH | Photo Albums |
  96. | 20 | phpinfo.gif | phpinfo.php | 3 | PI | PHP Info |
  97. | 21 | polls.gif | polls.php | 1 | PO | Polls |
  98. | 22 | shout.gif | shoutbox.php | 2 | S | Shoutbox |
  99. | 23 | site_links.gif | site_links.php | 3 | SL | Site Links |
  100. | 24 | submissions.gif | submissions.php | 2 | SU | Submissions |
  101. | 25 | upgrade.gif | upgrade.php | 3 | U | Upgrade |
  102. | 26 | user_groups.gif | user_groups.php | 2 | UG | User Groups |
  103. | 27 | wl_cats.gif | weblink_cats.php | 1 | WC | Web Link Categories |
  104. | 28 | wl.gif | weblinks.php | 1 | W | Web Links |
  105. | 29 | settings.gif | settings_main.php | 3 | S1 | Main Settings |
  106. | 30 | settings_time.gif | settings_time.php | 3 | S2 | Time and Date Settings |
  107. | 31 | settings_forum.gif | settings_forum.php | 3 | S3 | Forum Settings |
  108. | 32 | registration.gif | settings_registration.php | 3 | S4 | Registration Settings |
  109. | 33 | photoalbums.gif | settings_photo.php | 3 | S5 | Photo Gallery Settings |
  110. | 34 | settings_misc.gif | settings_misc.php | 3 | S6 | Miscellaneous Settings |
  111. | 35 | settings_pm.gif | settings_messages.php | 3 | S7 | Private Message Settings |
  112. +----------+--------------------+---------------------------+------------+--------------+--------------------------+
  114. Database: nlcng_nlcdata
  115. Table: m_admin
  116. [2 entries]
  117. +-------------------------------------------+----------+
  118. | password | username |
  119. +-------------------------------------------+----------+
  120. | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | admin |
  121. | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | admin |
  122. +-------------------------------------------+----------+
  124. Database: nlcng_nlcdata
  125. Table: users
  126. [2 entries]
  127. +----------+-------------+----------------+---------------------+-------------+-----------------+----------+---------+---------------+-------------+----------------+------------+---------------+----------+-----------+-------------+-------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+
  128. | user_aim | user_avatar | user_birthdate | user_email | user_groups | user_hide_email | user_icq | user_id | user_ip | user_joined | user_lastvisit | user_level | user_location | user_msn | user_name | user_offset | user_password | user_posts | user_rights | user_sig | user_status | user_theme | user_web | user_yahoo |
  129. +----------+-------------+----------------+---------------------+-------------+-----------------+----------+---------+---------------+-------------+----------------+------------+---------------+----------+-----------+-------------+-------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+
  130. | NULL | NULL | 0000-00-00 | | NULL | 1 | NULL | 1 | | 1251714528 | 1321453216 | 103 | NULL | NULL | admin | 0 | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) | 0 | A.AC.AD.B.C.CP.DB.DC.D.FQ.F.IM.I.IP.M.N.NC.P.PH.PI.PO.S.SL.S1.S2.S3.S4.S5.S6.S7.SU.UG.U.W.WC | NULL | 0 | Default | NULL | NULL |
  131. | NULL | NULL | 0000-00-00 | | NULL | 1 | NULL | 2 | | 1252593180 | 1320316279 | 102 | NULL | NULL | Jola | 0 | 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 (admin) | 0 | A.IM.N.SL | NULL | 0 | Default | NULL | NULL |
  132. +----------+-------------+----------------+---------------------+-------------+-----------------+----------+---------+---------------+-------------+----------------+------------+---------------+----------+-----------+-------------+-------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+
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