

Jan 18th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 A Mage of the Clocktower. A lowly apprentice wanting to prove himself, in spite of lack of good family. (Waver Velvet): (Vanathor)
  2. [X] 1 A dood. nothing special, nothing unique about you... or at least nothing SHOULD BE, but your friend sees ghosts apparently. (Keigo Asano - Bleach): (Xicree)
  3. [X] 3 A fucking bad ass motherfucker.: (kinglugia, Heaven Canceler, Xicree)
  4. [X] 1 Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg: (kinglugia)
  5. [X] 2 The ancient and cruel lord of a land of ice and snow, warped and twisted by your family's cursed blessing, until finally death parted you from it. Rise once more, Lord Volkh.: (hunter09, Malcolmo)
  6. [X] 1 The father of a murdered child, husband of a dead wife. The memory of their demise rests heavy on your heart, and drove you eventually to your own demise.: (Hymn of Ragnarok)
  7. [X] 1 The last son of an ancient and noble house, martyred by your own victory against the forces of darkness. <-- Sirius Black. YESH.: (Vanathor)
  8. [X] 2 The last son of an ancient and noble house, martyred by your own victory against the forces of darkness. The House of Cousland will rise again.: (Pipeman, MHLord)
  9. [X] 1 You are going to be: Daniel Carpenter (Dresden Files): (Pipeman)
  10. [X] 2 You are going to be: Himegami Aisa (To aru Majutsu no Index): (Heaven Canceler, MHLord)
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