

Apr 7th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >A magical spell has transported you to the fantastical world of Equestria.
  3. >Also, it has turned you into a crab.
  4. >Magic's a bitch like that sometimes.
  5. >Beyond that, everything feels normal, though you do feel a powerful urge to scuttle.
  6. >So, you do.
  7. >Much of the river bank you appeared on is boring as shit, save for the odd colorful horse creature prancing by, paying you no mind.
  8. >They probably wouldn't; not even people of your world usually did, unless they had a hankering for a fine stew.
  9. >You suddenly hoped none of the inhabitants of this world were avid seafood connoisseurs.
  10. >After another 12 skitters worth of scuttling, one pony creature DOES take notice of you, her yellow feathered wings lifting her off the road and bringing her to rest directly in the path of your scuttle.
  11. >You stop and turn your tiny trapezoidal body to face the towering beast before you.
  12. >"Goodness, what's a little sea crab like you doing this far inland?"
  13. >You have to admit that's a good question.
  14. >You task yourself with giving her an answer.
  15. "Clack clack clack clackclack kaclack clack clack."
  16. >Your knowledge of Morse code was somewhat lacking, but hopefully what you just clacked was a simple "I don't know".
  17. >The pale yellow furred pony-creature before you gave no indication that she either did or didn't understand, but it wasn't much of an important distinction at this point.
  18. >"You better come home with me, little one. Who knows what dangerous critters might come along and snatch you up."
  19. >Before you are able to clack out a protest, the pony lodges her tiny nose under the center of your body and flips you into the air.
  20. >After a few terrifying seconds of airborne inversion, you land delicately in her startlingly soft pink mane. []
  21. >At least you assume it's soft, against the chitinous plates of your armored hide.
  22. >With little choice but to obey those of much greater dexterity and agility than your slow, clumsy arthropod body, you decide to nestle yourself further in to your silky embrace, lest you take a tumble and crack against the cold, unforgiving pavement.
  24. ===
  26. >"Here we are, home sweet home."
  27. >The pony creature's dwelling was a humble little cottage, seemingly built out of and into the surrounding landscape.
  28. >Your stalked eyes take notice that there seems to be an alarmingly large number of wild creatures about; presumably your captor is an animal enthusiast.
  29. >It would explain why she thinks it totally fine to commandeer perfectly content crustaceans when in the midst of a scuttle.
  30. >It may not be all bad though; perhaps the interior of her home would be an even finer scuttling ground than that dreadful bank you were on earlier.
  31. >The two of you cross the threshold and enter the house proper.
  32. >Again, without any sort of warning or permission, you are lifted free of your state of rest, this time placed on a low desk near the door.
  33. >"Now you just wait right there while I fix a place for you."
  34. >The admittedly gentle giant turns and walks into what appears to be a kitchen, looking for something.
  35. >But you have no time to worry about whatever she's doing, you have a new area to inspect.
  36. >After a moment of careful scanning, you come to a startling realization; this place is terrible for scuttling!
  37. >Why, there isn't even any sand around for your post-scuttle burrowing!
  38. >How does this inconsiderate pink and yellow thing expect you to hide from the ever-present threat of seagulls if there's nothing for you to bury yourself in? []
  39. >The sound of water hitting metal returns your attention to the soft-spoken curator of this sandless hellhole.
  40. >Sidling along to the end of the desk to get a better look, you find her filling something in the sink... is that a metal cooking pan?
  41. >By Poseidon's Beard! This creature intends to boil you alive! Curse your delectable body!
  42. >You have to find a way out of here as fast as your ten legs can carry you!
  43. >You scamper to the other side of the desk and peer over the edge.
  44. >The height is dizzying to your diminutive stature; a fall from this height would split your frail exoskeleton in twain for sure, which you note would make it even easier to feast upon your delicious entrails.
  45. >You had to find an alternate path of escape.
  46. >You look back at the icon of your doom to find she's finished filling the pot and now seems to be dumping in a whole heap of salt.
  47. >Seasoning!
  48. >You are rapidly running out of time!
  49. >In blind desperation, you begin to frantically dig at the hard surface of the desk you sit on, ready to scrape your claws down to nothing if that's what it takes to burrow.
  50. >Damn, damn, damn! Why does wood have to be so mercilessly hard!
  51. >In your panicked state of "gottadigfast", you hardly notice the pot being placed next to you, before you are once again lifted into space against your will.
  52. >"Now now, you shouldn't scratch up other people's furniture. It's not very polite."
  53. >This demon even sees fit to scold you for your escape attempts! Can a decapod not even die with his dignity?
  54. >Wracked in the throes of defeat, you prepare yourself for the hellish end destined for many of your kind, as your body descends into the waters of culinary destruction. []
  55. >splash
  56. >...
  57. >The waters of culinary destruction are not very... destructive.
  58. >In fact, they're hardly lukewarm, and taste faintly of iodine.
  59. >You extend your eyestalks back outside of your flat face to see the gentle smile of the reserved yellow equine.
  60. >"I know it's not quite like the seawater you're used to, but it's the best I could do on such short notice. I'll try to find you a more suitable habitat tomorrow."
  61. >You lift your body up the side of the enclosure, peering over the edge to watch your former doom-bringer go about tending to some of the other animals littered about.
  62. >Evidently your fears were unfounded; there was never any intent to crack open your impressive foreclaws and dip the unguarded tissue within into a bowl of melted butter.
  63. >That or this mare was immensely terrible at cooking.
  64. >With no further dangers to be seen, you settle back down into your small but cozy temporary abode.
  65. >You idly work up a foam of bubbles while taking the time to think about your future.
  66. >Maybe living here with the yellow one wouldn't be so bad, after all.
  68. >You still wish you had some damn sand, though.
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