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Pony Lucid Dreaming

a guest
Feb 20th, 2012
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  2. Lucid Dreaming:
  3. ---------------
  5. NOTE: Lucid dreaming is hard to do, it may take 15 attempts before you can do it. Just keep practicing.
  7. Things to do to achieve lucid dreaming:
  8. ---------------------------------------
  9. 1. Keep a dream journal, and look through it, and search for patterns, signs, etc. that happen in your dreams, so you can know what to look out for in future dreams. (Record in notebook, on computer, use voice recorder, etc.)
  11. 2. Reality checks to do when you're awake:
  12. a. Ask yourself "Am I dreaming?" over the course of the day.
  13. b. Mark an "A" on your palm, and keep looking at it over the course of the day.
  15. 3. Checks to do once you're lucid dreaming:
  16. a. Flip a lightswitch on/off. (It won't work.)
  17. b. Try to fly. (Rainbow Dash swag.)
  18. c. Stretch your skin. (It will be more elastic than normal.)
  19. d. Fall through a wall. (Lean against a wall.)
  20. e. Pinch your nose closed. (You will still be able to breathe.)
  22. 4. Things to do to keep lucidity:
  23. a. Spinning.
  24. b. Falling backwards.
  25. c. Rubbing your hands together.
  27. 5. Listen to theta binaural beats before going to bed, which lower brain frequencies, triggering effects such as relaxation and dream induction.
  30. Lucid Dreaming Techniques:
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  32. - MILD method (mnemonic induction of lucid dreaming):
  33. 1. Set your alarm clock to wake you up 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours after falling asleep.
  34. 2. When you are awakened by your alarm clock, try to remember the dream as much as possible.
  35. 3. When you think you have remembered as much as you can, return to your place of rest, imagining that you are in your previous dream, and becoming aware that you are dreaming. Say to yourself, "I will be aware that I'm dreaming," or something similar. Do this until you think that it has "sunk in". Then go to sleep.
  36. 4. If random thoughts pop up when you are trying to fall asleep, repeat the imagining, self-suggestion part, and try again. Don't worry if you think it's taking a long time.
  37. 5. The longer it takes, the more likely it will 'sink in', and the more likely you will have a lucid dream.
  39. - WBTB method (wake back to bed):
  40. 1. Set your alarm clock to wake you up 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours after falling asleep.
  41. 2. After you wake up, stay up for an hour with your mind focused on lucidity and lucidity only.
  42. 3. Go back to sleep using the MILD technique.
  44. - WILD method (wake initiated lucid dream):
  45. 1. Sleep for only 3-7 hours.
  46. 2. Try to meditate into a calm but focused state. You can try counting breaths, imagining ascending/descending stairs, dropping through the solar system, being in a quiet, soundproof area, etc.
  47. 3. Listen to theta binaural beats for an amount of time, and you will easily be put into REM sleep.
  50. Steps (For A Pony Lucid Dream):
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  52. 1. The entire day before going to bed, think about ponies. Do nothing but pony-related things. Listen to the songs, watch the episodes, look at pictures, etc.
  54. 2. Have a CLEAR goal about what you want to do in ponyville or whatever during the course of the day.
  56. 3. Make sure you are going to bed TIRED. (Do physical exercise, NOT mental exercise, as you want to keep your awareness.)
  57. (Optional) Stay up for at least 24 hours before attempting to lucid dream the next day.
  59. 4. Have an energy drink/coffee 4-6 hours BEFORE going to sleep. (The crash helps you achieve deeper sleep.)
  61. 5. Watch 2 of your favorite MLP episodes 1 hour before going to sleep.
  63. 6. Before and as you're laying down to go to sleep, make sure you're as comfortable as possible. (Neat, clean bed, dark room, good vibe, etc.)
  64. NOTE: Good vibe and happy thoughts are ESSENTIAL! Make sure you're thinking about nothing but ponies as you lay down!
  66. 7. Lay flat down on your back in your bed, with your arms out at your sides and your legs straight.
  68. 8. Look straight up at your ceiling, and RELAX. Close your eyes, but keep focusing on the ceiling as if you were still looking up at it.
  70. 9. KEEP YOUR MIND GOING. If you fail to do this, you will most likely just fall asleep. Ways to do this include:
  71. a. Recite the storylines of the episodes you saw before going to bed.
  72. b. Think about what Ponyville looks like.
  73. c. Think about what you want to do once you're lucid dreaming.
  74. d. Recite things you know about in the show. (Characters, cutie marks, etc.)
  76. 10. Keep doing this for about 10-30 minutes, and your body will fall asleep.
  77. Note: Listening to theta binaural beats helps.
  79. 11. You will now starting getting urges to scratch an itch, turn over, etc. RESIST THESE URGES. This is your body trying to test whether you are awake or not.
  81. 12. Your body will start to feel heavy/odd.
  83. 13. DON'T TRY TO MAKE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST MOVEMENT TO SEE IF YOUR BODY IS AWAKE! Just keep reciting and thinking pony things.
  85. 14. You will start to hallucinate as if you were seeing images of things through your eyelids. STAY CALM, and give into them.
  87. 15. At this point you will go into a deeper and deeper mindset. It will feel as if you are getting moved to somewhere else.
  89. 16. At this point remember to VISUALIZE yourself at Equestria, or wherever. It'll be hard, but it'll come naturally. Just think good thoughts, and enjoy what is to come, and suddenly you will be there!
  91. 17. Remember to CONTROL the dream, no matter how real it seems.
  93. 18. Have fun!
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