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Jul 21st, 2015
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  1. Title: Summer in Sakura Gakuin
  2. It's Megumi. The summer season has come again.
  3. The summer in Sakura Gakuin...cramming my expectation and loneliness (I have to part from my family for a long while) into a knapsack, Let's get moving! now I set off on a trip to Tokyo.
  4. Last summer...I got scolded a lot, cried a lot. It's already been one year since then. Oh, I remember I had a lot of fight with Aiko. Because a Big-Mom (aka C-chan) got angry if she noticed our fighting, we sometimes had fights via e-mail. lol
  5. But it was so fun to play on a slide made of futon... Aiko, can we play again this year? Recently, Aiko has suddenly grown up into oneesan (lady-like)...
  6. This summer again, I want to have a lot of tears, laughter and fights together with members. I shall make tons of memories.
  7. Sakura Gakuin will appear on a lot of events in this summer as always. I just can't wait.
  8. I know all transfer-ins are also impatient for the appearances. But please just remember that we can have these events because of efforts of the graduates and senpais. Please don't forget that only these efforts have made Sakura Gakuin today which is loved by so many Fukei-sans. Oh no! nowadays I sometimes become very senpai-like! lol
  9. Fukei-sans, Please watch over Sakura Gakuin run through this summer in full blast♥
  10. Megumi
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