
Enfinity - home page

Jul 24th, 2012
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  1. [pix_md_text align="text_center" max_width="800"]Enfinity is an elegant and flexible WordPress e-commerce theme with an adaptive layout and many features inside. Did you try its (really) powerful admin panel? <a class="enter_admin_panel" href="#">Click here</a>[/pix_md_text] [pix_slideshow slideshow="first-slideshow"] [pix_column type="1/4" first="true"]
  2. <h3>Extended admin panel</h3>
  3. <p class="h3_subtitle">To customize almost everything</p>
  4. <a href=""><img class="size-blog wp-image-101 alignnone" title="teaser_admin" src="" alt="" width="588" height="257" /></a> Enter the admin panel and set your options. <em><strong>N.B.:</strong> if you are logged, the <strong>demo version could be slower</strong> than the original one, because the options saved are stored into the session and printed directly on the page, to test the real speed please <a href=";_wpnonce=e22ee6426b">log out</a>.</em>[/pix_column] [pix_column type="1/4"]
  5. <h3>E-commerce ready</h3>
  6. <p class="h3_subtitle">By using Woo-Commerce</p>
  7. <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-blog wp-image-584" title="teaser_commerce" src="" alt="" width="588" height="257" /></a> Enfinity supports <a href="" target="_blank">WooCommerce</a> plugin, but also (only to name the most famous ones) <a href="" target="_blank">Camera slideshow</a> (developed by me and highly recommended), <a href="" target="_blank">BBPress</a> to use it as a forum, <a href="" target="_blank">Wp Super Cache</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">NextGEN Gallery</a>... Also tested with <a href="">WPMU</a>.[/pix_column] [pix_column type="1/4"]
  8. <h3>Perfect as a portfolio</h3>
  9. <p class="h3_subtitle">With a like button integrated</p>
  10. <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-blog wp-image-583" title="teaser_portfolio" src="" alt="" width="588" height="257" /></a> Enfinity could be used as a portfolio, with a grid layout and the simple like button integrated, based on the plugin <a href="" target="_blank">Like This</a>. Portfolio pages supports masonry effect, ColorBox, videos allowed in the ColorBox, external links allowed too...[/pix_column] [pix_column type="1/4" last="true"]
  11. <h3>So many features inside</h3>
  12. <p class="h3_subtitle">Shortcodes, widgets, megamenu...</p>
  13. <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-blog wp-image-105" title="teaser_shortcodes" src="" alt="" width="588" height="257" /></a> Enfinity provides a lot of <strong>shortcodes</strong> also available as <strong>TinyMCE buttons</strong>, resident <strong>widgets</strong>, a <strong>mega menu</strong>, very useful with an e-commerce, <strong>contact form</strong> and <strong>price table</strong> generators, custom fullscreen backgrounds...[/pix_column] [clear][hr] [pix_sm_text align="text_center" max_width="800"]I often use on this site, as place holder text, excerpts from "The Neverending Story", by Michael Ende, translated from the German by Ralph Manheim,  first published in Germany as "Die unendliche Geschichte" by K. Thienemanns Verlag 1979, published in the United States of America by Doubleday &amp; Company, Inc., 1983[/pix_sm_text] [pix_divider decoration="floral_divid_10" opacity="opacity_0_6"] [clear]   [pix_heading_flag]Featured products[/pix_heading_flag] [featured_products per_page="12" columns="4" orderby="date" order="desc"]   [pix_tweet user="pixedelic" replies="show" blacklist="support" whitelist=""]
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