
World Wonders Ch.1

Dec 9th, 2012
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  1. NOTE: I forgot to put all those green text things. This one will most likely be a cluterfuck. I'll eventually fix this problem. -LeStrange
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. My body was left on the floor for what has seemed like days but in actuality it was 12 hours.
  4. I woke up to the sound of hooves and the rumbling of the floor. I saw that I was in a wagon being carried by a horse heading to a village. I looked left to right to see if the owner of the wagon was near by, but not a single soul other than the horse caring me away.
  5. Sometime later the horse decided to look back at me didn't look normal. Or at least to my standards on earth. This creature had a pastel texture, wide eyes, a symbol on it's hind leg. It didn't look like a horse that I've ever seen in my life time. It stopped the wagon and turned it's head and spoke to me.
  6. "Well hey ther partner! You had me worried like a mother that lost her little filly! And boy, do you look like all kinds of weird. Try not strain yerself, I'm takin' you to a good doctor that I know. Just sit tight for a couple more minutes."
  7. I couldnt tell If I was really dehydrated or maybe it's just the fact that I lost my whole crew to an alien creature..either way..I must be imagining things. I fall back to sleep without hesitation.
  8. I wake up again but this time I was in a hospital bed under some fresh blankets and wore a hospital gown. The bed was a tad bit small but it was bearable to say the least.
  9. I see that the magic talking horse that brought me here was next to my bed sleeping. I sigh in relief to see that I'm still living and breathing. Without realizing it I say "My love! I made it! I-" I was quickly interrupted by the sound of the horses snoring. Come to think of it..this doesn't look like a horse. It looks more like a pony.
  10. I can see the ponies color of texture clearly now it looked kinda like a vanilla texture.
  11. The sleeping pony suddenly woke up and started to bombard me with questions.
  12. Holy cow you're still ahlive?! So you know how long you were sleeping? Don't answer that! Cos I know you wouldn't know! You slept for two whole weeks! What were you doing in the desert? Now that I tink of it..what are you? Where are you from? Are you an ALIEN????" *gasps* "Did I just help an alien!? Are you going to kill me? Please don't! And if you want to kill somep0ny kill my landlord he'sa jerk I swear! I can only do so much!!!"
  13. Breathless and nearly at the edge of a heart attack I finally say something after much contemplation.
  14. Now hold on there little guy. Just breath a bit and let me explain.
  15. I told him my name, a little of my personal history, and why, or what I'm doing here in "Equestria".
  16. "well now. Where are my manners?" he laughs a bit "I must have left them in the bathroom again!" he starts to laugh hysterically then tries to calm himself down, but fails to do so.
  17. Minutes pass in till the strange pony gained his composure again.
  18. "alright. The name is Jack but you can call me Jack" he starts to giggle again. He stretches out his hoof and says " Nice to meet you Anon Welcome to Equestria"
  19. Another pony Stepped into the room and looked at me in surprise.
  20. "Well hai ther Docta Weebl, how are you today?" said Jack
  21. In reply "well, I missed another season of those famous Zappapples again. But other than that I'm doin' just fine."
  22. He looks at me now.
  23. "And how's our little trooper comin' along? Do you speak?"
  24. I nodded in return then said "thank you very much for helping me. Especially since I'm not like one of you".
  25. "I took an oath to help any creature in need" then murmurs "no matter how strange they look".
  26. "I take it that you are a type of primate?" Webbl asked.
  27. "You are correct."
  28. "Amasing, just truly amazing! I've heard of the branches of the primate before but never one that has the capability to talk and interact with others."
  29. After awhile of discussing human history I decided to break the conversation with the doctor.
  30. "So anyways, what was wrong with me? Should I get some kinda medicine or something?"
  31. "that I can't answer. For you see. A yellow mare came across our town just to help you in particular. I gave word to one of my assistance to find help in strange animals and creatures. She now resides in Ponyville caring for the animals that she looks over ever so closely. Only she knows what was wrong with you. I never got the chance to ask since she just left in a hurry. She seemed a little frightened of handling you over the past few days and that did strike me as odd....But I suppose it was nothing. The only thing I can recommend is drink lots of water."
  32. "heh, well, thank you for the info Doc. But I guess I should be taking my leave. I must find my personally posetions."
  33. "no need to worry about that. All of your personal belongings are right beside you. 3And as for your clothes we had the towns taylor to repair your old tattered clothes." I see that all my stuff was in a purple and gold box.
  34. "when is it possible that I can leave the hospital?"
  35. "Anytime really. You recovered quite well and we have no reason to hold you any longer."
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