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a guest
Feb 3rd, 2015
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  1. # Default configuration file for James' BanManagement Plugin
  2. #
  3. # Required. If the connection info is wrong, the plugin may hang on startup and will eventually disable itself
  4. localDatabase:
  5. host: localhost
  6. port: 3306
  7. database: frostcast
  8. username: root
  9. password: ''
  10. bansTable: bm_bans
  11. bansRecordTable: bm_ban_records
  12. ipBansTable: bm_ip_bans
  13. ipBansRecordTable: bm_ip_records
  14. kicksTable: bm_kicks
  15. mutesTable: bm_mutes
  16. mutesRecordTable: bm_mutes_records
  17. playerIpsTable: bm_player_ips
  18. warningsTable: bm_warnings
  19. banAppealsTable: bm_ban_appeals
  20. pinsTable: bm_pins
  21. staffTable: bm_staff
  22. externalDatabase:
  23. enabled: false
  24. host: localhost
  25. port: 3306
  26. database: frostcast
  27. username: root
  28. password: ''
  29. bansTable: bm_ban_all
  30. unbansTable: bm_unban_all
  31. ipBansTable: bm_ipban_all
  32. ipUnbansTable: bm_ipunban_all
  33. mutesTable: bm_mute_all
  34. unmutesTable: bm_unmute_all
  35. useUTF8: false
  36. logIPs: true
  37. bypassDuplicateChecks:
  38. -
  39. serverName: ''
  40. checkForUpdates: true
  41. logKicks: false
  42. cleanUp:
  43. kicks: 30
  44. banRecords: 0
  45. ipBanRecords: 0
  46. muteRecords: 0
  47. playerIPs: 30
  48. warnings: 0
  49. mutedCommandBlacklist:
  50. - msg
  51. warningActions:
  52. enabled: false
  53. '10': ban [name] [reason]
  54. warningCooldown:
  55. enabled: false
  56. cooldown: 10
  57. useSyncChat: false
  58. timeLimits:
  59. mutes:
  60. Moderator: 1h
  61. bans:
  62. Moderator: 1d
  63. use-partial-names: true
  64. bukkit-ban: true
  65. messages:
  66. ban: '[name] has been banned for [reason]'
  67. banKick: You have been banned for [reason]
  68. tempBan: '[name] has been banned for [expires] for [reason] by [by]'
  69. tempBanKick: You have been temporarily banned for [reason]
  70. ipBan: '&c[ip] has been banned for [reason]'
  71. ipTempBan: '[ip] has been temporarily banned for [reason] by [by]'
  72. ipBanKick: Your IP has been banned for [reason]
  73. kicked: '[name] has been kicked by [by] for [reason]'
  74. kickedNo: '[name] has been kicked by [by]'
  75. kickReason: You have been kicked for [reason]
  76. kickNoReason: You have been kicked
  77. disconnectBan: You have been banned from this server for [reason]
  78. disconnectTempBan: 'Your ban expires in [expires] Reason: [reason]'
  79. disconnectIpBan: Your IP has been banned from this server for [reason]
  80. disconnectTempIpBan: 'Your ban expires in [expires] Reason: [reason]'
  81. mute: '[name] has been muted for [reason] by [by]'
  82. muted: You have been permanently muted for [reason] by [by]
  83. tempMute: '[name] has been muted for [reason] by [by] which expires in [expires]'
  84. tempMuted: You have been temporarily muted for [reason] by [by] which expires in [expires]
  85. commandPermissionError: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command'
  86. banSelfError: '&cYou can''t ban yourself fool!'
  87. banExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to ban this player'
  88. alreadyBannedError: '&c[name] is already banned'
  89. playerBanned: '[name] has been banned'
  90. multiplePlayersFoundError: '&cmultiple players found, please be more specific'
  91. importInProgressError: '&cAn import is already in progress'
  92. beginingPlayerImport: '&6Beginning banned player import'
  93. scanningDatabase: '&6'
  94. scanPlayersFound: '&6Players found: [found]'
  95. noPlayersImport: '&cNo players need importing, yay less work for me!'
  96. percentagePlayersImported: '&6[percent]% of players imported'
  97. playerImportComplete: '&6Player import complete!'
  98. beginingIpImport: '&6Beginning banned ip import'
  99. scanIpsFound: '&6Players found: [found]'
  100. noIpsImport: '&cNo IPs need importing, yay less work for me!'
  101. percentageIPsImported: '&6[percent]% of IPs imported'
  102. ipImportComplete: '&6IP import complete!'
  103. bmInfo: '&cName: &6[name]\n&cCurrent Ban: [currentBan]\n&cPrevious Bans: [previousBans]\n&cCurrent
  104. Mute: [currentMute]\n&cPrevious Mutes: [previousMutes]\n&cKicks: [kicksCount]\n&cWarnings:
  105. [warningsCount]'
  106. ipBanned: '[ip] has been banned'
  107. ipTempBanned: '[ip] has been banned temporarily'
  108. ipSelfError: '&cYou can''t ip ban yourself fool!'
  109. ipPlayerOfflineError: '&c[name] is offline, unable to retrieve IP'
  110. ipTempBanKick: You have been temporarily banned for [reason]
  111. kickSelfError: '&cYou can''t kick yourself fool!'
  112. kickExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to kick this player'
  113. playerKicked: '[name] has been kicked'
  114. playerNotOnline: '&cPlayer not found, are they online?'
  115. muteSelfError: '&cYou can''t mute yourself fool!'
  116. muteExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to mute this player'
  117. alreadyMutedError: '&c[name] is already muted'
  118. playerMuted: '[name] has been muted'
  119. mutedBlacklistedCommand: '&cYou may not use that command whilst muted!'
  120. illegalDateError: '&cIllegal Date Format'
  121. playerTempBanned: '[name] has been temporarily banned'
  122. playerTempMuted: '[name] has been temporarily muted'
  123. unbanError: '&cYou can''t unban someone who isn''t banned!'
  124. playerUnbanned: '[name] has been unbanned'
  125. ipUnbanned: '[ip] has been unbanned'
  126. ipNotBannedError: '&c[ip] is not currently banned. You can''t unban someone who
  127. isn''t banned!'
  128. invalidIp: '&cInvalid IP!'
  129. invalidPlayer: '&cInvalid Player!'
  130. playerUnmuted: '[name] has been unmuted'
  131. playerNotMutedError: '&cYou can''t unmute someone who isn''t muted!'
  132. updateAvailable: '&A[version] update available'
  133. banTimeLimitError: '&cYou cannot ban for that length of time'
  134. muteTimeLimitError: '&cYou cannot mute for that length of time'
  135. warnSelfError: '&cYou can''t warn yourself fool!'
  136. warnExemptError: '&cYou do not have permission to warn this player'
  137. playerWarned: '[name] has been warned'
  138. warnCooldown: '&cThis player was warned too recently, try again later'
  139. warned: '&cYou have been warned by [by] for the following:\n[reason]'
  140. duplicateIP: '&cWarning: [player] has the same IP as the following banned players:\n&6[players]'
  141. consoleName: Console
  142. configReloaded: '&a[BanManager] Config Reloaded.'
  143. invalidClearType: '&cInvalid clear type, available options are banrecords, muterecords,
  144. kicks and warnings.'
  145. playerRecordCleared: '[name] has had their [recordType] cleared'
  146. playerLastWarningDeleted: '[name] has had their last warning deleted'
  147. timeNow: now
  148. timeYear: year
  149. timeYears: years
  150. timeMonth: month
  151. timeMonths: months
  152. timeDay: day
  153. timeDays: days
  154. timeHour: hour
  155. timeHours: hours
  156. timeMinute: minute
  157. timeMinutes: minutes
  158. timeSecond: second
  159. timeSeconds: seconds
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