

Jul 30th, 2011
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  1. === Notes section ===
  3. Basic idea is to have a skill that is cool when you invest a lot into it and that each dots actually gives you something new to use, rather just more dice pool. I have picked some "standard" magicks that can be seen in like everything related to magic (Games, films, books, etc...). They are moral free, thus can be changed to your own character design, if you want to :P
  5. I got the strings covered to an interesting skill actually. But Necromancy is probably not that great.. maybe Light magic anyone? Also moved the "other notes" because it taken too much space here... More stuff like I wish I would be able to create RPGs for living /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ but it is only natural to come up with counters to counters all the time.
  7. === I see what you did there update, added Clarity === 28.08.11
  9. === I made an original skill? I have seen it somewhere in a neardy video game I think, Added Vortex === 25.08.11
  11. === Homura exploding update, her allies say that her explosions are dangerous to them, Added Bomb === 23.08.11
  13. === Did expand flying, now it is a legitimate skill === 22.08.11
  15. === Mami Update, for sure..., Added Seal === 21.08.11
  17. === Sayaka Update? Really? (Maybe Madoka I am not quite sure which girl it would fit more...), Added protect === 18.08.11
  19. === The most minor update of them all, Added flying === 10.08.11
  21. === The Yahoo Meiling update, Added more stuff such as Qi mastery === 10.08.11
  23. === The Perfect Sakuya Update, More stuff such as time manipulation === 08.08.11
  26. -----Manipulations of elements.
  28. With this skill A magical girl can control surrounding elements or even conjure them. The action of how to use such elements is depends on the player. The girl rolls the normal action + half of the dots in this skill. However the bonus dice that come from this can be doubled if the girl would use a effective element against another, or nullified if the element she is using is weak against another.
  32. For the purpose of the having some interpretation of elements I would be using wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each can counter two other elements and are ineffective against the other two. How the weakness goes are:
  33. >Wood beats water and earth, but it's weak to fire and metal.
  34. >Fire beats wood and metal, but it's weak to earth and water.
  35. >Earth beats metal and water, but it's weak to wood and fire.
  36. >Metal beats wood and fire, but it's weak to water and earth.
  37. >Water beats fire and earth, but it's weak to metal and wood.
  39. For two dots, a magical girl is able to control the elements without moving them. Costs one corruption if it's an action, zero if it's an instant (For example lighting or dosing fire)
  40. For tree dots, a magical girl is able to move the elements on her free will in the environment. Cost one corruption. The movement is considered a short range, to which the girl must be aware and see the destination. It allows her to use this power in conjuration with an action.
  41. For five dots, a magical girl is able to conjure the elements on her own free will. Costs one corruption and automatically can be used in any action. However if it's used with any other skill, that already costs one corruption point, it is free.
  42. For seven dots, a Magical girl is able to combine two elements from the environment, allowing her even to use double weaknesses against another element. Costs one corruption.
  43. For eight dots, a Magical girl is able to change any element into another, with all the possible consequences of that action. Costs one corruption. The object can be as big as the girl itself.
  45. -----
  46. -----Stealth
  48. Using various magic tricks A magical girl can become invisible to the opponents. It cost one corruption point to do so, and she must not be seen by anyone upon casting this spell. Each time the enemy would like to search for possible enemies, she can add the dots in this skill to the Mind + Body roll for an sneak attempt.
  50. The duration of this spell depends on various conditions, such as movement and taking actions, based on the dots taken in this skill.
  52. At four dots, she can become completely invisible, however any movement made by her would reveal her.
  53. At five dots, she can preform move while being invisible, but each time she attempts, she must roll at least one dice, for each movement action she has taken after the stealth was activated. The dice pool of this roll uses dots taken in this skill.
  54. At seven dots, she can create a decoy preforming the same action as she would be. This costs one corruption and can be used to deceive opponents. Naturally herself can be anywhere else preforming that action in stealth, if no one detected her.
  55. At eight dots, she can instantly vanish, taking two points of corruption. The enemy that would like to chase her would need to overcome her in Mind+Heart rolls vs her roll of dots in stealth + Mind. The enemy needs at least one more success in order to detect her.
  56. At nine dots, she can preform an action being invisible. It costs another point of corruption, and has possibility to cancel stealth, the same chance that cumulates along with movement. So that if she would move and take an action she would have to roll first for the movement, with having at least one success in that roll, and another roll for the action, that would need two successes in order for the stealth to still be active.
  58. -----
  59. -----Chant.
  61. Part magic part reality, a Magical girl speaks words encountering her allies. This skill itself cost not corruption if taken as a full turn action, but if she would spend one corruption this action it could be used as reaction. Each effect of this spell can be used once per battle, and the chanting girl does not receive benefits from this spell herself.
  63. For three dots, each of her allies can reroll any throw once. However for the reroll can only take place if her successes in Chant + Heart is higher or equal than the successes of the rerolled throw.
  64. For four dots, she can add one additional dice for any roll to her allies's throw. As longest she still have contact with her allies the spell is in effect, if it breaks, the target out of her reach losses the bonus die.
  65. For five dots, she can taunt an enemy, forcing the opposite site do attack her next turn. The taunt is successful if her Mind + Heart roll is higher than her enemy at least by one. She can also taunt as many enemies as she had successes against the opponent that was most resistant. She can also choose which enemies to taunt or not.
  66. For seven dots, she can support her ally in one of his/her actions. Heart + number of dots in Chant is then added to the roll, but the number of bonus dices can't exceeds the poll of the action that is supported.
  67. For eight dots, she can add one success to any ally one of his/her action. However she still needs have more or equal successes in Chant + Heart roll compared to the one that is enchanted.
  69. -----
  70. -----Transform
  72. If just changing to a Magical girl is not enough for, consider taking this still. It allows your girl to transform into various things allowing her for greater usage of her abilities. It lasts as longest the girl wants to, and can be cancelled at any time, returning the girl to normal. Cost one corruption to cast as action and two to cast instantly.
  74. Upon 4 dots, she can transform based on her will. There are only size restrictions upon who she can transform to. She must prior choose while buying dots in this skill to who or what she would transform to.
  75. Upon 5 dots, the transformation doubles the bonuses she gets while turning into a magical girl. She also gets another thing/creature she can transform to.
  76. Upon 6 dots, the transformation reduces all incoming damage by 1. She also gets another thing/creature she can transform to.
  77. Upon 8 dots, she becomes immune to other shape shifting effects. Also she can transform based on analysing other people's looks. The accuracy of that change is as determine by Mind + Magic, and to detect one is under such disguise one must roll Mind + Heart.
  79. -----
  80. -----Transmutate
  82. An ability to changed shapes of various objects. The girl must take corruption based on the both size and complexity on the object, both for what she wants to change it to and what is it actually. If it only changes shapes, then it counts as one corruption, if it changes a non life object, or enlarges or makes smaller an object then it costs 2 corruption. If it changes a life object by any means it costs 3 corruption. It must be cast as an action.
  84. Upon 3 dots, the girl is able to change shapes of objects, for example make it into a ball, wider and such. Those cosmetic changes however can deceive someone or preform can be used in various other tasks. They do not enchant any dice rolling and such can't used with other actions. The realism of such changed object is a Magic + Mind roll vs. Mind + Heart for anyone that have doubt.
  85. Upon 5 dots, the girl gains an ability to use various objects, shape shifting them into weapons, wards and such. Those objects effectiveness is based on the material from which they have been made + Magic and such any action taken with the use of would take those stats for the roll.
  86. Upon 6 dots, the girl can turn objects into living things, such as humans or animals. Those would have the amount of hits points of magic + the material from which they are made for. However they act on their own, attacking any enemy of the girl in their range with the dice of of the caster's Mind + The material it has been made from. The spell then lasts half of dots in Transmutate.
  87. Upon 8 dots, the girl can turn an living being into something else. Such a transformation can only hinder the ability of the target. Every action it will preform will have less dice in it's dice poll by half of the dots taken in this skill. For the transformation to work, the caster rolls mind + Magic against opponent's Body + Mind. She needs at least one success for the transformation to take place. The spell itself lasts as much as the successes it gained.
  89. -----
  90. -----Fear
  92. With this ability the magical girl can cause fear in her enemies. It costs one corruption to do so. The girl throws Heart + dots in this skill vs Body + Heart of the enemy. Fear is consider successful if the number her successes is greater by at least one than her enemy, and the effect that takes place is always the highest possible, but never all the effects at once.
  94. At two dots, as a standard action she can force a successful heart based roll of the enemy to be rerolled. When the spell if in effect, and the target rolls a heart roll, the girl casting this spell can force it to reroll it. This counts as longest the target and the girl are in contact with each other. After the reroll the target is no longer under the effect, thus the girl must recast the spell.
  95. At three dots, this spell can be used on multiple opponents, each rolling individually for himself. However in any case she can only force a reroll upon multiple enemies. She can't force them to take a random action or any action at all.
  96. At four dots, this spell can be used as a single attack, that still causes the said fear effect in addition to damage the attack might cause. It can only be used with the standard attack not with any kind of ability that came from a skill. If the attack is successful, the target girl is under the effect of fear.
  97. At six dots, if the fear have two or more successes over the enemy, then in his/her next turn the opponent will take an random action. It only forces her either to attack a random target or to flee, and does not effect any reactions, she might be doing.
  98. At seven dots, If the fear have three or more successes over the enemy, then she/he is unable to take any actions on his next turn against the girl casting this spell.
  100. -----
  101. -----Companion
  103. Some Magical girls prefers to use pets to do their biding. Such this ability works, it summons a controllable pet that is able to do variable tasks. The spell lasts as much as for the girl wills, and takes an action to cast. However for the pet to preform a specific action the girl must send a corruption point. The pet takes action at the same time as the magical girl does.
  105. It's abilities are based on the dots in this skill, having one health level per two dots and a dice pool of all the dots in this skill for any action it takes. Upon dying it can be revived by spending one corruption point and taking one full action for resummoning it.
  107. At two dots, the pet is would follow around the girl, looking for possible enemies. It can't leave the girl's side.
  108. At three dots, the pet can leave the girl side, only by direct control, which requires her spending a corruption point. It still can however only look for enemies.
  109. At four dots, the pet can preform an attack on his own, and even if it would separate it and the girl. This also requires spending a corruption point.
  110. At five dots, the pet can cooperate and clash for the girl. Also it gets a one reaction it can use on it's turn. Selecting it's reaction to certain attacks requires a corruption point.
  111. At six dots, as the pet gains intelligence it can preform actions on his own free will, depending on the standing the girl would use for him. He can either defend, which would cooperate with her dodge or clash at the attack, if the girl can't dodge, and if the girl wont be attacked that turn it will either analyse the first enemy it sees or search for them. It can also be set to aggressive which would support all the girl's attacks, attack on his own the nearest enemy and clash any incoming attacks for the girl. The stance is selected in advance of a battle and can be changed at her turn as a instant action with a corruption point.
  113. -----
  114. -----Hemomancy
  116. At the cost of own life energy the girl can enchant her abilities. Using this skill costs one corruption point and a possible another one under special circumstances. It can only be cast with an normal action.
  118. At three dots, the girl can use her own life force to enchant her attack. She must spend one wound point to gain additional three dice for any attack. The buff lasts as many rounds as the dots in this skill. It must be cast with an standard attack action. It can only be used once per night.
  119. At four dots, the girl can a chance to not lose a point of health while using this attack. The chance is equal the opposite number of half of the dots in a 10 sided dice roll. For example at 4 dots she would need to roll 8 or more to not take damage, but on 6 dots she would need 7 or more.
  120. At six dots, the girl can drain life force from a fallen enemy, or one that is considered helpless. This ability will efficiently finish off the target. Upon taking an standard action, the girl begins to drain the life force from the enemy granting her healing wounds she might have. However she can only heal as much as half of the target's health dots and the actual number of HP gained is determined by a roll equal to dots taken in this skill. Additionally if this ability would heal her back to full health, she will take another corruption point. It can only be used once per night.
  121. At seven dots, the girl can transfer life force between her allies. She can choose up to two health points to use. Upon casting she will get damaged, while an ally will get healed for that amount. This counts as a standard action.
  122. At nine dots, the girl can drain life force from with an standard attack. Using a standard attack action she would roll a poll of dice equal to dots taken in this skill. Only if the attack is successful, she can gain as many health as the number of successes in that roll. However she can only gain as much health as the damage she dealt. It costs one corruption point to use this ability and it can only be used once per night. Additionally if the amount of gained health exceeds the number of damage, she takes another corruption point.
  124. ------
  125. ------Time manipulation
  127. Because someone had to make a cliché wish to turn back the time, this skill exist. This skill can only be used as reaction to any enemy action and it costs one to cast as a reaction, and two as a instantaneous action, that does allow for the girl to follow with another standard action.
  129. At five dots, the girl can use this skill to move her position in her next turn. Normally the girl can move herself in the turn queue, however she does lose her action in her current turn. Thus using this skill on top of any other method that would give her an reactive action would allow her to make a standard action the turn she would use this skill, and another during her next turn. This skill however can't be used again, in her next turn she gained by using this spell.
  130. At seven dots, the girl can attempt to slow down an enemy, moving their turn all the way down on the queue. The enemy must roll Mind + Heart to resist the effect, while the girl casting this spell rolls Magic + Mind. If the girl gets more successes than the enemy, then the spell is effective.
  131. At nine dots, the girl can revert time to cancel any effect of the enemy that taken place. However for this to be effective she must roll Mind + Magic vs the enemy's Mind + Heart and have more successes than him. Additionally she needs to have more successes in total than the enemy had with his action, that she is trying to revert. The revert itself only nullifies the effect, for example an attack that dealt damage reverted would heal the victim for the same amount of health
  132. At ten dots, the girl can make an single attack instantaneous. However it costs additional two corruption points.
  134. -----
  135. -----Qi Mastery
  137. Drawing the power of her inner strength, the Magical Girl can preform beyond her human or even magical capabilities. This ability allows her to gather QI (Or any other unknown force) from surroundings to boost her own actions. This is referenced here as "Qi dice poll", meaning each Qi point gained by means explained in this skill are considered as a dice poll for special rolls. It does not cost any corruption point, however after using all her QI she needs to spend a corruption point in order to reactivate this ability.
  139. At three dots, she gains the amount of Qi equal to her Mind or Body, whichever is lower. She can also use that Qi to boost once any kind of roll based on Body and Mind. After the QI is spend however, she needs to reactivate it by spending a corruption point. The Qi is gained at the beginning of any battle automatically.
  140. At four dots, she gains one point of Qi for every success she can get in a Dodge roll that is over the required number of successes for the dodge to be effective.
  141. At five dots, every time she gets damaged, she also gains one Qi point.
  142. At six dots, she can spend all her Qi on one single knockback attack. This attack costs one corruption, deals only the standard damage from Body and Mind, and has a chance to interrupt any action action the enemy is currently preforming. She would have to use her Qi dice poll against the action that she wants to interrupt, which have the same dice poll as it would be preformed normally. Actions that do not have any kind of dice poll, use Body + Mind for the roll. If successful, that action is cancelled.
  143. At seven dots, she can use her Qi for an clash action. The action is a normal roll of Heart + Body, however using Qi reduces damage taken in Clash by how many successes she would get while using the Qi dice poll.
  144. At eight dots, while gathering energy for a one devastating single blow, she can preform a true strike that can't be clashed or dodged. This attack cost one corruption point and does additional damage using Qi dice poll.
  146. -----
  147. -----Flying
  149. With this skill the magical girl gains the ability to fly, as well as other speed related abilities.
  151. At three dots, she simply gains the ability to fly by means of her motif. It can be used on specific actions oriented situations. However it can affect some rolls in specific situations, like using gravity to boost the strength of an attack.
  152. At five dots, she can use this skill as a quick escape mechanism that requires one full action. During this action all of the attacks direct on her are resolved upon her next turn. She is considered to dodge every attack directed at her. If successful, she accelerates to a great speed, making no attempt to stop herself. After that she is considered to be outside of the enemy attack range. It cost one corruption to cast this spell.
  153. At six dots, as a part of any standard action, she can pass though any wall. However is the wall has a magical origin, then she would have to roll Body + dots in this skill and have equal or more successes than the strength of the wall. If successful, not only she does not destroy the wall, but also can preform her action without being affected by that wall. Friendly walls are considered a automatic success, however in both cases if she would want to pass though any magical wall, she must spend one corruption point. The spell however is considered as instantaneous and can be used with any other action.
  154. At seven dots, she can dashes upon the enemy, attempting to attack him, even if she is not in the range of attack. This ability however can't be combined with any other spells, and cost one corruption point to do so.
  155. At eight dots, she can use her speed to dodge all incoming attacks directed at her as a reaction, even if the situation would not allow her to dodge at all. Additionally she can spend one corruption point to boost her dodge roll by the number of dots taken in this skill.
  157. -----
  158. -----Protect
  160. Using magic, A magical girl can prevent harm upon allies, at cost of taking the damage for herself however. It usually cost one Corruption as a standard action, but additional cost can come for next turns. It is also necessary to create a link with another Magical girl at the beginning of combat. Only the linked girl will then receive protection from this spell. Additionally she can only change her linked Magical girl if the protected target dies.
  162. At three dots, she can take a wound for her link, if the linked magical girl is being currently damaged, efficiently making her take one damage less. It do not cost any corruption and it's done before the damage is applied to the target.
  163. At four dots, she can also bestow protection upon linked magical girl. For each corruption point she takes, she can give her link temporary health points. They persist as longest a roll of Magic + Heart is higher than the number of turns it has been in effect. For example on turn 3 after casting the spell she would need at least 3 successes.
  164. At six dots, she can transform the current additional health points of her target towards healing her link. It cost additional one corruption point for each health point healed, and it is instantaneous.
  165. At eight dots, she can prevent her link from falling helpless. For each damage her link would take that would bring it's wounds points over her health level she must take one corruption point and she can take as many corruption points as she can. Her link is then healed to the state it wouldn't have to roll Body + Heart to still be able to take action. Additionally She can't choose how many points she would take, only if she takes any at all or none. This action is instantaneous and the decision whenever to take or not corruption points is taken after an attack on the linked girl, but before the damage is applied to the link.
  167. -----
  168. -----Seal
  170. A type of magic utilizing forms of restraints upon the enemy. It costs one corruption to cast this spell and it can only be used as a standard action.
  172. At four dots, A magical girl uses he power to force an attack on herself from the enemy. She takes the damage, however the enemy also takes the same amount of damage done to the girl. This spell can only be cast upon anyone that is currently not attacking, or do not target the girl casting this spell. Any action the target would be preforming would change to an attack that would be resolved at the turn of the girl casting this spell.
  173. At five dots, A magical girl is capable of crippling the enemies movement capabilities, efficiently reducing their dodge successes by one. It works on every enemy that the girl currently is aware of. It can also reduce the dodge chance by more that one success by spending corruption points, two in total for two less successes and four for three less successes.
  174. At six dots, A magical girl can use her magic to prevent the target from escaping. This non attack spell can't be clashed, unlike an standard attack, and uses double the dots in her magic as a roll against the flee action from the enemy.
  175. At seven dots, A magical girl can efficiently stop an action from the enemy currently preforming. For that she must roll the same stats as the enemy rolling, however she has the seldom of switching one stat to magic. For example, if the enemy uses Mind + Body, she could roll Mind + Magic, Magic + Body or Mind + Body for her roll. In any case, if she has at least one success more than the enemy, he/she would have one less success in that roll. If she rolls two or more successes then the action is cancelled. Additionally if the enemy uses any corruption in his action, the girl casting this spell must spend the same amount of corruption, on top of one corruption for this spell.
  176. At nine dots, A magical girl using her abilities can attempt to control an enemy, changing his/her targets for the current action. This spell takes effect on the next turn of the girl casting it. If she has more successes in Magic + Mind than the target has using her/his dice poll from the action currently preforming, then the girl casting this spell can change his/her target into anyone she wishes. However the action itself is crippled by the fact that the target is resisting the effect of this spell. This effectively reduces the number of successes the affected target can get, by the amount of the successes in Magic + Mind roll taken against the action. Additionally it cost one extra corruption point each turn the girl would like to change the action of her target. Each time the target preforms an action under this spell gains another chance to break the effect. Also the spell lasts as longest the target either break out from the effect or the girl casting this spell ends it.
  177. At ten dots, A magical girl can seal the usage of magic of any target. She rolls Magic + Mind against the target's Mind + Heart. If she gets more successes then the target is unable to use magic equal to the number of successes she get minus the successes the target got. This spell however can only be used once per battle.
  179. ------
  180. ------Bomb
  182. Bring fourth the destructive unstable force. With this skill a Magical girl can set up traps and deal damage to multiple opponents. It can only be cast as a standard action, and does one corruption point to do so. The bombs themselves can only be set on not moving objects, they are unstable and any movement will also detonate the bomb. The bomb explodes instantaneously, it can't provoke clash or be dodged. In addition the girl casting this spell can't be damaged by her own bombs, but her allies will get damaged if in range. If the enemy spots the bomb, he/she can attempt either to detonate or defuse it. As a free action, the enemy can detonate the bomb. It will damage everyone in range, excluding the one that would detonate the bomb and the Magical girl that set up the bomb. Otherwise it is also possible to defuse the bomb, with takes one action, and it is assumed to be successful. While the bomb is being defused it can't be detonated.
  184. At three dots, A magical girl can set up a bomb at a target place. It takes one turn to set up and lasts until the Magical girl defuse it or it explodes. For defusing it does not cost anything and can be done instantaneous. For detonation, the bomb does Magic + Dots in this skill as damage. It assumes to damage everyone in the range of the girls attack, even her allies. However she can make the bomb not detonate upon a certain target, like an ally, by sacrificing one success in damage, meaning it will deal overall less damage, but it wont hit anyone she chooses too.
  185. At four dots, A magical girl can hide her bombs from sight. She makes a standard hiding roll, Body + Mind, and anyone that can score the same number successes as a part of detection action would be able to see that bomb and potentially defuse or detonate it. Every bomb she creates with having this ability is assumed to be hidden in some way.
  186. At six dots, A magical girl can create a mobile bomb, that will damage only one enemy. It takes one turn to set up, while making it move to a certain target and detonate costs additional corruption point and can be done instantaneous at the Magical girl's turn. On the next girl turn the bomb arrives and detonates on the target, dealing Magic + Dots in this skill as damage. This type of bomb can be defused only by someone other than the target and detonated by anyone. It can also be dodged like any other attack, and if the dodge is successful, the bomb explodes, but it does not deal any damage.
  187. At seven dots, A magical girl can create a concussion bomb, that will continue to damage an area after it explodes. It is stationary, and acts like a normal bomb with few exceptions. After it explodes everyone in the area will take one damage each turn. It lasts two turns. Anyone that wants to prevent taking damage must leave the area, as a free action, however they also will move out of the range of attack that would be still inside the blast zone.
  188. At ten dots, A magical girl can generate a smart bomb, that will not damage allies. This type of bomb is similar in almost every way to a normal one, however it does not damages allies.
  190. ------
  191. ------Vortex
  193. With this skill a Magical girl can summon the overwhelming power from different planes. This spell takes one rounds to prepare, and as longest the girl does not take any other actions than using abilities from this skill. It essentially needs one round to charge, and then you can cast spell, which also take one round to cast. Cost of this spell is based on the situation.
  195. At four dots, A magical girl can cancel one existing spell, or a buff on the certain target. The girl must spend the corruption points equal to the cost of the spell. All spells are then dispelled, while anyone under the buff rolls Heart + Magic while the girl casting this spells rolls Magic and dots taken in this skill. If the girl has equal or more successes, then the buff is cancelled. Otherwise nothing happens. It takes an full action to cast this spell.
  196. ***At five dots, A magical girl can create a field in which the magic is disturbed. It can take a form a wall, or a bobble around a target. Any magic that would pass though that barrier will have it's effectiveness reduced. The Magical girl first rolls Magic + Mind. The number of success she gets determines the strength of the field.
  197. Each magic that would pass though the field will have their successes reduced up the number of successes the girl rolled. It affects every magic or a magical based attack, that would have to pass though field, or be cast onto it.
  198. For magic that does not involve any rolls, like healing, the enemy is allowed to make a Magic + Mind throw against the field. If the enemy gets more successes then the field is destroyed and the spell takes place. If the enemy will get equal or less successes than the girl, the the field is either weakened or destroyed, but the enemy spell has no effect.
  199. This spell lasts as longest the girl is focused and as longest the field has one strength remaining. It takes one full round to cast and does not cost corruption.
  200. ***
  201. At seven dots, A magical girl is able to prevent enemies from using any kind of buffs, or gain benefits from existing ones. The spell takes one round to cast, and each new turn, for the spell to persist the girl must spend 2 corruption points.
  202. At eight dots, A magical girl gains the ability to steal buffs from enemies or allies. It can be cast as a reaction, and takes place right after the rolls were made. The spell efficiently just changes the owner of the buff, and does not affect how long the buff will last, as it will last as long as it was set before hand. If the target is unwilling to give away the buff, then he/she Heart + Magic while the girl casting this spells rolls Magic and dots taken in this skill. If the girl has one or more successes, then the buff is transferred to another target. If the target is not resisting the buff is automatically transferred. In any case, the cost to cast this spell is the same as the cost to cast the buff, which is transferred.
  203. At nine dots, A magical girl is able to convert any existing magical effect to her side (things like wards, pets, bombs). The enemy then rolls Heart + Magic while the girl casting this spells rolls Magic and dots taken in this skill. If the girl have one or more successes than she is able to take over control of the target. This spell is instantaneous, as the control is taken away from the target, however for the girl can't use or dispel the gained existing magical effect until her next turn. While the effect being under the girl's control, the target can reroll Heart + Magic, and if he/she gets at least one more successes than the girl that already cast this spell, then the effect is dispelled. In any case, the cost of this spell is equal to the cost of the said magical effect, must be at least one corruption.
  205. ------
  206. ------Clarity
  208. The power to clear ones mind, and calm others. This skill can only be used a full round action, if not stated otherwise. It generally cost one corruption point to cast.
  210. At five dots, A Magical girl can use her power to see onto the battlefield, detecting any hidden enemies on the battle field. It costs one corruption point to cast, and takes full round. After that, the girl rolls Mind + Magic, and the enemy rolls Mind + Magic as well in order to resist. After that, anyone hidden that had equal or less successes than the girl had is detected and no longer in stealth.
  211. At six dots, A Magical girl can predict early future, forcing a roll of any action to be taken in advance. With that knowledge the girl can accept the result or force it to be rerolled, at a cost of one corruption. It does not matter if it's an enemy or an ally action. In any case, it can be cast as a reaction.
  212. At seven dots, A Magical girl can clear minds of her allies, as well as her own. This bestows a buff on every her ally and herself, that adds one Dot to Magic skill, regardless if the target have or not that skill. It lasts as longest the Magical girl wills it, costs one corruption and takes one full action.
  213. At nine dots, A Magical girl can clear herself from any debuffs that she is affected. This costs one corruption point and can be cast as an instant. In any case, the girl throws the same dice poll as she would be trying to resist the effects, however dots in magic are also added to said poll. However this skill can't be used twice in the same turn.
  214. At ten dots, A Magical girl can put a target in a state of hibernation. In that state, the target is unable to preform any action, and regenerates one dot of health each turn. If the target resist, she/he rolls Magic + Mind vs. the girl Magic + Mind. If the girl have at least one success, then the said effect takes place. However the maximum amount the target is healed for can't exceed the success the girl had over the target, or just the successes the girl had, if the target did not resist. Should the target will to break the said effect, she/he rolls Magic + Mind vs. the girl's Magic + Mind. Additionally for each turn passed one automatic success is added to the target's poll. It costs two corruption and takes one turn to cast.
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