

Aug 20th, 2014
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  1. >Being friends with Pinkie Pie is a rollercoaster
  2. >It's like being friends with a cartoon character
  3. >She's been acting weird lately
  4. >Weirder, lately
  5. >Right now, she's dragging you along by the wrist to an unknown destination, after having seen you out shopping at the weekend flea market
  6. >You'll have to wait to get a new pair of jeans until next time
  7. >"Pinkie, where are we going!"
  8. >"You'll have to come and seeeee, silly!"
  9. >She's hopping with both her feet along the road leading out of the market
  10. >Of course, you eventually arrive at Sugarcube corner
  11. >A better question would have been *why* you were going to Sugarcube corner
  12. >"What's up this time, Ponk?"
  13. >Her grin hasn't faded the whole time
  14. >Does that hurt smiling that wide? I bet it does
  15. >"Oh! Ohohohohoh!" She's so excited she can't form words, only exclaimations of laughter
  16. >Leading you into the shop, past the counter, up the stairs and into her bedroom, she deosn't stop giggling the whole time
  17. >It's almost infectuous, you're certainly smiling at your pink friend's excitement
  18. >Your wrist is finally free as she closes her bedroom door with both hands
  19. >She turns to look at you, her arms spread wide across the now-closed door
  20. >You don't know what to say
  21. >"I-"
  22. >You're cut short by a shrill scream of excitement and laughter from Pinkie
  23. >She kicks off her shoes in two seperate motions as she dances around the room, barely able to contain herself
  24. >"Rainbow Daaaash told me soooomething" she sings
  25. >Oh okay well this is going to be an embarassment
  26. >"What did she tell you, Pinkie?" you ask, hoping it's not what you think it is
  27. >She jumps, startled, almost as if she forgot you were there
  28. >"Oh. OH OH OH OH" she remembers.
  29. >"She told me something about... YOU" she says, grabbing your shoulders and jumping on the spot in front of you
  30. > :I
  31. >"She said... she saiiiid..." Unable to finish her sentence, she snorts, causing another cascade of happy giggling
  32. >After what feels like a couple minutes, she calms down enough, still with a cheshire grin on her face, rosy from laughing
  33. >"She saiiid she wanted you to grab my shooooess over there" she says, with all the slyness she can muster
  34. >It comes off as more bubbly than anything, though
  35. >You heard the word shoes and you knew where this was going
  36. >Tenatively, you go over and grab the pair by the heels, so they hang off your fingers
  37. >They radiate warmth, and even at arm's length you can smell the scent of your bouncy friend's feet
  38. >"What do you wan-"
  39. >"SMELL 'EM!" She says, literally throwing her head back laughing
  40. >Who actually throws their head back like that?
  41. >You're convinced she has cartoon lineage
  42. >"Pinkie, what? What does this have to do with Rainbow?" you manage to say over her laughter,
  43. >The fact she’s having a fit of laughter is the only reason you can say anything at all
  44. >"Because she said... she said... she said what yoooouuu like! She said you like feeties! So smell them! I've been wearing those shoes for aaages, anon. Like, a really super duper long time and my feet have been all sweaty because it's been all hot and I haven't been wearing socks-"
  45. >It's true, right now she's as barefoot as the day she was born
  46. >Because I read in this book that Twilight gave me that not wearing socks will make 'em really stink good and all day erry day I've been wiggling my toesies in their sweaty sweat sweat soooOOO SMELL THEM SMELL THEM SMELL THEM!"
  47. >She's panting for breath after her run-on sentence
  48. >You're feeling equally breathless from what's been said
  49. >And you'd really like to breathe right now, more than any other time; the shoes you've got in your hand are incredibly temping now, more so than usual
  50. >The smell's only gotten stronger, too
  51. >You can’t help but give a few sniffs as you stand there with her shoes in hand
  52. >”Pleaaase anon?” Pinkie pleads with you, with puppy-dog eyes
  53. >After another pause, you slowly raise the shoe-openings to your face, and man, do they smell like pink feeties
  54. > Before cramming your nose into her shoes, you pause with godly strength of will to ask:
  55. >”Wait… You really want me to smell your feet?”
  56. >She beams at you
  57. >”I said smell my SHOES silly! …buuut I like that idea BETTER!”
  58. >Oh boy oh boy
  59. >”Come here anon! C’mere!” she waves you over frantically as she sits down on her bed, holding her legs up perpendicularly
  60. >You’re acclimatised enough to the situation to follow her instructions without too much feigned reluctance
  61. >Because let’s face it, there was never any real reluctance to get at that pair of rosy pink soles which stare up at now
  62. >Like, seriously, they’re staring at you
  63. >She’s drawn little faces on her big toes
  64. >”Anon! Get your nose between these TOES!” she cheerfully tells you, kicking her legs up and down
  65. >As you kneel down, her feet spring to stillness, stretched outwards
  66. >You nuzzle your face into her soles
  67. >And oh my god the smell
  68. >You know what they smell like?
  69. >They smell *exactly* the way you love feet to smell, that’s how
  70. >And it’s making your legs go weak, your lungs warm with lust
  71. >With a lightening quick movement, she grabs your nose between her first and second toes
  72. >It’s gentle enough to allow you to breath, but still keep you in place, between a pair of smelly pink toes
  73. >Not like you needed to be kept in place
  74. >”Got your noooose between my piggies!” she sings
  75. >Pinkie, god, keep it down, don’t other people live here?
  76. >How do your living arrangements even work?
  77. >You don’t dwell on anything but the Pink Pinkie and her Pinky toes as she lets go of your nose
  78. >They’re wiggling like mad, a row of ten squiggly worms
  79. >The scent of sweat is still deeply in your mind
  80. >It’s intoxicating, and combined with the show of wiggly feet, you can’t focus on anything else
  81. >They stop after an indefinite period of time
  82. >She grabs your head with her soles and brings you closer to her
  83. >You were crouching down and nearly fall over, but you don’t care
  84. >”Anon! Anon! Anon? ANONANONANONANONANO-“
  85. >You look up at the pink blur as she shakes your head around with her dextrous feet, chanting your name
  86. >”-NANONANONANONANON! Was that good?”
  87. >”Pinkie… I…”
  88. >”Yesssss?” She bites her lower lip
  89. >”Oh my god Pinkie” is all you can manage, giving her a huge grin. Man, happy pone gives you the smiles, feet or no feet
  90. >But you prefer with feet
  91. >Oh my god, those feet
  92. >”Oh YAY YAY *YAY*! This is the best most perfect day ever and now I know more about you and how to press your buttons and I can always be barefoot around you and you’ll like that and I can make you feel good just with my toes and I get to put them all over you and! –“ She has a huge gasp
  93. >”AND maybe you can give me foot massages and even massage them with your tongue and suck on my toes! Do it do it, please Anon do it!”
  94. >You don’t need to be told twice
  95. >You grab her ankle with your hands and greedily try to fit as many toes as you can in your mouth
  96. >You only manage three, but you have toes in your mouth and your generally pretty content
  97. >”Oooooh!” Pinkie giggles at the feeling of a wet tongue exploring between her toes. “Lick up and down now, up and down and up and down and up and down and-“
  98. >You comply happily, and with the smell and taste of Piefeet you spend what feels like an eternity in her bedroom at Sugarcube corner
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