
Discord's Quest: Black People

Apr 9th, 2013
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  1. >I’m impressed with the horses.
  2. >This castle is top-notch.
  3. >Or at least they’ve built one hell of an impressive STAIRCASE!
  4. >Honestly, guys. I understand that you feel the need to compensate for your lack of hands by building stupid shit, but was it really necessary to dig all the way to the centre of the EARTH?
  5. >The spiraling stairs continue upwards around the bend; for all I know, this is some crazy escalator and I’m still exactly where I started.
  6. >However, I definitely can’t see the bottom anymore, so I must be making progress.
  7. >AH-HA! First window! Yes, I’m definitely getting closer to the surface!
  8. >It’s just a tiny square in the wall, though. Through it, I can see the grass just a foot down, and trees line a little paved path that stretches perpendicular to my window.
  9. >It’s a shame these master craftshorses couldn’t include glass on the window.
  10. >*crick*
  11. >Unless of course, somebody broke it and left a pile of it on the stairs. Inconsiderate as fuck.
  12. >Whatever, keep on stepping those stairs. Man, my ass is gonna be so ripped by the time I’m at the top.
  13. >…No, that’s not gay at all.
  14. >A few million steps later, another window; it’s also broken.
  15. >Is the castle getting robbed or something?
  17. >Just kidding, I’m not… I’m not actually racist.
  18. >Hell, I was chummy with a couple shades at my work, and I played football in High School with a few, too. My team wasn’t very good, being an inner city shit school.
  19. >Nobody shows up to practice, people get “sick” just before games. COME ON, PEOPLE! IF YOU DIDN’T LIKE FOOTBALL, WHY’D YOU JOIN THE TEAM?
  20. >But whatever, those days are behind me. No time for sports anymore, gotta pull in the cheddar to pay my bills.
  21. >The McCheddar.
  22. >Oh boy, another bend, another window, and another pile of shattered glass as well.
  23. >This is getting eerie, black people aren’t known for being this organized.
  24. >Just… Just kidding.
  25. >Is that the top of the stairs?
  26. >No.. No, I must be hallucinating!
  27. >It IS! I’m free!
  28. >I stop and lean against the wall of the stairway to rest for a bit at the large wooden door at the top.
  29. >Luck is on my side today… hehehe. The door’s not locked! I pull it open and enter the surface level.
  30. >Holy fuck, this place has a serious vandal problem.
  31. >Every window in the room at the top is busted; a maid (or some shit) hurries about with a glowing dustpan and broom following behind her, sweeping up glass along the way.
  32. >I just stand there awkwardly, watching her run around the glass-riddled floor; then she notices me and gasps.
  33. >The broom and dustpan stop glowing and drop on the floor, scattering all the shards they’ve picked up.
  34. >All right, let’s be civil this time. Poor horse looks like she’d seen a ghost; maybe she’ll point me in the direction of the kitchen!
  35. “Excuse me, horse, but do you know where they stash the food around here?”
  36. >”Oh, why Discord, I-I t-think the princ-cess is looking for you.” She mumbles shakily.
  37. “You mean the blue horse? I knew she was a princess!”
  38. >The maid lowers her eyes to the ground, mumbling some more.
  39. >”I-I meant… the white one.”
  40. >Incorrect, she would not have locked me away if she were looking for me. There I was, locked up and tortured under her orders, and now she’s gonna come crawling back, looking for me? Nu-uh, bitch, it doesn’t work that way.
  41. “That bitch doesn’t want to see me, horse; she put me in the shitty room down in the basement and left me for hours.”
  42. >The maid grumbles, “D-don’t talk about Princess Celestia like that… Sir.”
  43. >Who? You mean the white horse? Is that French?
  44. >Shit, maybe we are in Europe… IN THE FUTURE!
  45. >Just then, a glow seizes me and spins me around.
  46. >Oh shit, it’s the white one!
  47. >”Just what do you think you’re doing, wandering the castle unattended?”
  48. “I am NOT wandering unattended, woman. LOOK!”
  49. >I point to the two worthless creeper horses that’d been following me. She glares at them, and then returns her attention to me.
  50. >”Just what do you have to say for yourself, hmm? Did you enjoy breaking every window in the castle simultaneously?”
  51. >This bitch is crazy.
  52. “What? I didn’t touch your windows!”
  53. >”Then I go down there to talk to you, and I find you back up here causing problems for my subjects?”
  54. >Well that’s a bit harsh; all I did was ask her a question. Is everyone in the castle so fucking hostile?
  55. “Look, horse. It’s not my fault the windows broke, and it’s not my fault the blue horse let me go. Now if you don’t mind, I’d love you FOREVER if you’d fetch me a club sandwich or something.”
  56. >I’m not even that hungry, man. I just have the need to eat something.
  57. >Of course, she looks at me like I’m a dirty piece of shit. What else did I expect?
  58. >”Did you… Just ask me to get you a sandwich?” she asks, sounding just a little peeved.
  59. “Maybe I did.”
  60. >I’m drawing the line right here; we beat the horses into submission back home, so there’s no reason for me to take no guff from this big white bitch.
  61. >She seems to think about what next to say, smart.
  62. >Then she points a hoof towards the empty windows.
  63. >”Fix these windows, now.”
  64. >FUCK THAT.
  65. “I was downstairs when the windows broke! It’s not my fault, and not my problem!
  66. >”Don’t try to play ‘innocent’ with me, creature. The royal castle is completely impervious to magic attacks – or, at least attacks made by anything less than an absolute master, that is. So, if you have the ability to break every window, then surely you have the ability to pick up every shard of glass and put it right back where it should be!”
  67. >You really wanna take this path, whitehorse? I’ll bring you down.
  68. “Bitch, either get me a sandwich, or fuck off. I got no time for any more bullshit.”
  69. >Damn… I should’ve said horseplay, or horseshit at least.
  70. >She’s pissed, trying to stare me down, her wings fan out and make her look even fucking bigger, but I can’t back down now.
  71. >Please, bitch. One time, I got into a fight with a dude who was at LEAST three times my size. I lost, but I didn’t run.
  72. >So yeah… Watch out.
  73. >”You will fix the windows, or I’ll MAKE you fix them.”
  74. >What the fuck is wrong with this psycho?
  75. “What makes you think I’m fucking magical? I haven’t done shit to show any magic at all! Stop being so full of shit!”
  76. >The glow returns, uh oh.
  77. >It lifts me kicking and screaming into the air, probably like a good 20 feet or so.
  78. >I’m shitting bricks, man! What the fuck’s she gonna do?
  80. >I roll myself into a sky fetus and clamp my eyes shut. This is it.
  81. >She’s gonna drop me.
  82. >I can’t go yet… Not yet! There’s so much to do!
  83. >I…. I’ll be late for work!
  84. >Oh god, don’t let me die. I’ll do anything; just don’t kill me off like this!
  85. >Death by horsefall does NOT look good on a tombstone!
  86. >….
  87. >Just… Fucking do it.
  88. >The horses are so quiet. I can’t hear anything below.
  89. “Fucking do it!” I yell, showing a little too much of my nerves.
  90. >Still nothing. Bitch must be toying with me.
  91. >Then the sound of four hooves clacking on the ground, and a gasp.
  92. >”Discord, get down from there!” calls a voice, sounds like the blue horse has come to see me again.
  93. >”Sister, did you let him go?” the white horse hisses. Bitch.
  94. >”Discord is no threat to Equestria, big sister. He’s served the country loyally for years now! We should repay his trust a little and show some empathy to a poor spirit who does not know where he is.”
  95. >You tell her!
  96. >….
  97. >Anything else?
  98. >”Discord?” calls the white horse.
  99. >You’re not winning me over now, bitch; you’ve made it very clear that you don’t want me.
  100. >”Come down, Discord, and we’ll talk like civilized creatures.” She says, sounding much kinder.
  101. >I unclamp my eyes and get a good view from high up in the air.
  102. >Well, princess, anytime you want to let me down is fi-UUUUUCK!
  103. >Where’s the glow!? What’s holding me up?!
  104. >I’m fucking FLOATING in the sky, dude!
  106. >The horses are all just looking at me. FUCKING HELP ME BRO!
  107. >”Discord, you’re hovering. Why don’t you jus-“ the white horse started, before catching herself.
  108. >”Oh… Right, allow me.”
  109. >The glow wraps around me again, thank fuck for that; it lowers me down slowly and plops me on the ground.
  110. >I’m fucking dying, man. Huffing and puffing like a fat tard.
  111. “Thank you.” I say breathlessly; that was pretty cool of her.
  112. >The two weird horses smile. It seems like the blue one is the yang to the white one’s yin.
  113. >Or the other way around… I don’t know Chinese.
  114. >Either way, she’s been my fucking guardian angel so far, hallelujah.
  115. >”Please, come with us.” The blue horse says. Very well, since you’ve been kind to me so far, I’ll play your little game.
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