

May 26th, 2012
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  1. >Own a little house in the countryside.
  2. >Bought it when your aunt passed away and left you some coin.
  3. >This is the country country, too. Neighbors are half a mile away in either direction.
  4. >Really love the peace and quiet.
  5. >While you're finishing up some work on your laptop, you hear a noise outside.
  6. >Turn on the outside light and walk out onto the front porch.
  7. >Great. A crowd of thirty or so fluffy ponies is gathered in the front yard.
  8. >They were eating your lawn, but turned to look when you hit the lights.
  9. >They look scared, and pretty beat up.
  10. >Lots of torn ears, patches of fluff missing, some bruises and black eyes.
  11. >One fluffy, however, is in pristine condition.
  12. >It waddles in your direction, cheeks puffed and horn throwing off very bright sparks.
  13. >You walk down the steps and into the yard to meet it.
  14. >Pretty big for a unicorn. Its steely blue fluff and orange mane are immaculate.
  15. >Its blue eyes shine with hate.
  16. >”Dis ow' gwassies now, munsta!”
  17. >It – he, based on the voice – is a smarty friend.
  18. “Uh, these are my 'grassies', little guy.”
  19. >”Take gwassies! Smawty fwiend say dese gwassies now ow gwassies!”
  20. >You fold your arms as you look at him.
  21. >”Munsta no weave? Hewd gif owwies!”
  22. >The herd is in no hurry to charge you, however.
  23. >They sit back and sniffle, shaking their heads.
  24. >”Smawty say gif munsta owwies! Smawty gif poopie pwace owwies if no wissen!”
  25. >That spurs some of the fluffies to come over and buck at you halfheartedly.
  26. >”Owwies no big 'nuff!” the unicorn growls, sparking his horn and ramming it up the rear end of a nearby earth fluffy.
  27. >”Nuuuuuuuu!” the victim shrieks, scampering around. “Why huwt fwuffy?!”
  28. >The herd attacks with renewed vigor. Most of the fluffies come over to your legs.
  29. >You see four up near the road that stay put, two of which are very round.
  30. >The sun is beginning to set, and you need to finish your work.
  31. >You pretend to cede the field.
  32. >”Smawty win! Smawty make hooman munsta go 'way!” he cheers, jumping in place.
  33. >He never actually attacked you.
  34. >The herd still looks anxious as you walk back inside, their eyes never leaving you.
  35. >A few hours later, the sun is below the horizon.
  36. >You peek out the front window.
  37. >The herd is gathered in a fluffy clump with their dams in the center for protection.
  38. >Oddly, that's where the smarty unicorn is, too.
  39. >Looks like they're settling down for the night.
  40. >You see two fluffies coming up the steps. Soon, you hear them scratching on your door.
  41. >You open it and look down. A purple earth fluffy and a green pegasus give you sad eyes.
  42. “I'm sorry, you can't come in.”
  43. >”No wan' in, wan' talkies wif hooman,” the pegasus says.
  44. >Okay?
  45. >You step outside and shut the door behind you.
  46. “What's wrong?”
  47. >”Pwease hewp hewd, smawty fwiend not smawty, smawty fwiend dummy!”
  48. “What do you mean?”
  49. >The purple earth fluffy begins sniffling.
  50. >”Smawty a'ways say hoomans munstas, but hoomans onwy mad when smawty say gif owwies to dem...”
  51. >”Smawty a'ways wun 'way, wet hewd get biggest owwies!” the pegasus adds. “Mummas and babehs get huwties too...”
  52. >That must be why such a big herd only has two dams.
  53. >You look over at the unicorn, who appears to be asleep between the mothers.
  54. “Does he do always do that, too?”
  55. >The fluffies look where you point and nod.
  56. >”Smawty hide wif mummas. Neva sweep wif hewd.”
  57. “Well, what do you want me to do about it?”
  58. >Their sad eyes become hard and cold.
  59. >”Kiww smawty fwiend. Hooman haf powa. Smawty fasta den fwuffies, a'ways gif big owwies wif scawy shinies. Hooman no scawed of dem. Hooman stwonges'.”
  60. >They want you to help stage a fluffy coup d'état.
  61. >The earth fluffy pleads with you. ”Pwease hewp! If smawty stay smawty den fwiends an' mummas get mo' big huwties!”
  62. >You sigh, looking at the two fluffies. The earth fluffy is missing an ear, and the pegasus has had her tail chopped off.
  63. “Fine.”
  64. >You venture out into the yard, clapping your hands to rouse the herd.
  65. >”Wha dat?!”, “Noisies scawy!”, “Hewp! Munsta hewe!”
  66. >The brazen smarty friend charges you.
  67. >”Go 'way! Fwuffies sweepin'! Hewd gif big owwies if no--”
  68. >He stops, seeing the pegasus and earth fluffy standing with you.
  69. >”Why no gif owwies? Smawty say gif owwies!”
  70. >They just shake their heads.
  71. >When the unicorn rushes to horn-fuck them, you snatch him up by the tail.
  72. >”Wet down! Smawty in twouble, hewp! Hewp!”
  73. >You carry him around your house and into the backyard.
  74. >Out of either fear or obligation, the herd gives chase, bleating at you to put him down.
  75. >You walk up to the edge of the big pond.
  76. >”No wawa! Hewd gif biggest owwies if put smawty in wawa!”
  77. >You drop him in.
  78. >”Hewp! Hewp! Gif owwies an' hewp smawty! Hewp smawty! Hewp!”
  79. >Not one fluffy moves to assist him, or to attack you.
  80. >He thrashes about in the pond for a minute, then slips beneath the water.
  81. “There you go. Have fun.”
  82. >You start walking back to the front of the house.
  83. >”Hooman, wai'!”
  84. >You turn back to the fluffies.
  85. “What?”
  86. >”You smawty fwiend now! Wha wan' hewd do?”
  87. >Excuse me?
  88. “I'm not your smarty friend. Pick one of yourselves to be that.”
  89. >”Dat smawty fwiend kiww owd smawty, dat how be new smawty! Hooman kiww smawty, now new smawty!”
  90. >The herd mills about your feet, hugging your shins and chanting 'new smawty!'.
  91. >What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?
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