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Feb 28th, 2016
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  1. Letty - by Spectral
  3. AJS's Supercool Judging System!
  5. * My focus is on fun factor, fairness, and challenge of the danmaku. Aesthetics will be a MINOR component to reward going the extra mile or punish bad design choices.
  6. * I will score your entry based on the difficulty that is most "playable" for me (typically somewhere around Normal/Hard) while still being fun and fair
  7. ** I will not factor in how well your difficulty settings are balanced, however. That'd just kinda complicate things.
  8. ** It would still be to your benefit to make balanced difficulties though--or at least more than one--so I can find a difficulty most suited to me for scoring
  10. My scoring system will be as such:
  11. >0 -- Unplayable (i.e. broken, extremely buggy, etc.)
  12. >1 -- Terrible/No effort
  13. >2 -- Bad
  14. >3 -- Needs work
  15. >4 -- Has potential
  16. >5 -- Average
  17. >6 -- Okay
  18. >7 -- Decent
  19. >8 -- Good
  20. >9 -- VERY good
  21. >10 -- One of the best things I've seen
  23. -Stage portion (if you have one): X/10
  24. -Each nonspell (midboss included): X/10
  25. -Each spell card (midboss included): X/10
  26. *All scores will then be averaged, then multiplied by 2 to give a final score of XX.XX/20.00
  27. *Aesthetic bonus
  28. (May be applied to individual pattern scores for making especially pretty/eye-sore attacks, or to overall score for general script aesthetics):
  29. *You will receive neither a penalty nor bonus for making a decent to look at script that doesn't stand out. I don't want to tip things in the favor of advanced scripters too much.
  30. -Score bonus for going above and beyond to make something beautiful: +4% if applied to individual attack score; +2% if applied to overall script score
  31. -Score penalty for making poor aesthetic choices that make certain things hard to see or look at: -4% if applied to individual attack score; -2% if applied to overall script score
  33. I will also do my best to provide commentary on every aspect of your script throughout my judging, pointing out things you did right and things you could
  34. improve on. I wouldn't call myself an expert, but these comments will just be my honest opinions and advice on what you could do for future scripts, or if you
  35. wanted to improve your contest entry script after the contest.
  37. ***DISCLAIMER: Please don't get hurt if I give your script bad/mediocre scores. I try to be as strict and objective as possible when scoring, so even scripts that I personally liked or thought
  38. were pretty decent may still get "meh" scores from me. I try not to sugarcoat things in the hopes that you can improve, and so long as you're willing to listen to advice, I have nothing but
  39. respect for you. Also, I'm just really really picky... So please bear with me ^^; **
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  45. Difficulty judged: N/A
  47. Kogasa Nonspell: 7/10
  48. *This pattern, while very simple, is quite fun to dodge
  49. *If you added just a bit of an extra twist to it, perhaps a variation to the movement of the spirals, this would've been even better!
  51. Kogasa Spell ("Blah"): 8.32/10
  52. *The rain danmaku is rather simple, but combined with the fast (and SURPRISING!) but fair purple bullets, it's quite fun to dodge
  53. *The "rain cloud" effects were a very clever touch! Especially when used in conjunction with the lightning lasers [+4% AESTHETIC BONUS]
  55. Letty Nonspell 1: 8/10
  56. *It's simple, but also quite fun having to dodge the fast danmaku as it spreads out in various patterns
  57. *I like how the simplicity of this pattern serves the purpose of demonstrating the gimmick of accelerating bullets that you use in later attacks
  59. Letty Spell 1 ("Blah"): 6/10
  60. *The danmaku's very simple to dodge, and assuming you don't get cheapshotted by the lasers the first time around, it's a rather simple pattern
  62. Letty Nonspell 2: 5/10
  63. *Doesn't feel too different from the first nonspell, and the added faster bullet phase doesn't feel like it adds much since it's only faced in isolation, and thus a very little threat
  65. Letty Spell 2 (Freezing Blizzard "Cold-Induced Paralysis"): 10/10
  67. *I really like how the danmaku Letty herself shoots is just challenging enough to be a good challenge to the player, while also not overshadowing the "frost clouds" as a threat on the screen
  69. Letty Nonspell 3: 6/10
  70. *This nonspell's decently fun to dodge, if a tad on the easy side
  71. *I would perhaps recommend bumping up the density of the green bullets
  73. Letty Spell 3 (Flurry of Frost "Blizzard Barrage"): 9/10
  74. *VERY fun spell with YET ANOTHER COOL GIMMICK! Not quite as cool as the freezing clouds, but still very fun
  75. *You did a very good job at making patterns that supplemented the gimmick well
  76. *If I may make a suggestion, perhaps you could have had some bullets ("ice spikes"?) come up from the bottom of the screen for one phase, forcing the player to move up while planning for the frost blasts
  78. Letty Nonspell 4: 7/10
  79. *The "spirals" of bullets work as a good supplement to the blue bullets that are coming down
  80. *Though I feel this could have been better with a little more variety added to the mix rather than just randomly spawning bullets raining down
  82. Letty Spell 4 ("Dance of the Iceborne"): 10/10
  84. *The danmaku again works to supplement the gimmick very nicely
  85. *However, I feel the lasers during the phase where you have to circle around Letty were a bit unfair--I would recommend nerfing them slightly or replacing them with something else
  86. *But still, the spell card was so fun. And those final moments of trying to squeeze into the circle as the ice closed in around you were so tense...
  88. Letty Spell 5 ("Crystallized Silver"): 5/10
  89. *The danmaku pattern, while reasonably fun to dodge, felt kind of trite and straightforward--at least compared to everything else I've seen thus far in this script
  90. *When the freezing clouds showed up I was excited like "OOooo, they're bringing back everything we've seen in the script! :D" But was very disappointed to see that the spell was pretty much over by the time they made only a single pass
  91. *I was really hoping you used more freezing clouds, perhaps mixed in with some icy wind blasts as well? And if you were feeling extra cruel, throw in moments where ice physics would take over for a few seconds? :V
  92. *The pattern itself isn't too bad, but it just felt like a disappointment
  95. Average Score: 81.32/110 = 73.93% + [2% AESTHETIC BONUS] = 75.93%
  97. FINAL SCORE: 15.19/20
  99. Final Comments:
  100. -The patterns were challenging yet very fair at the same time
  101. -THE GIMMICKS WERE SO COOL! And even better, the bullet patterns that accompanied them worked very well in synergy
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