Guest User

Spawn stuck problem

a guest
Sep 8th, 2014
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  1. public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
  2. {
  3. new string[128];
  4. GetPlayerPos(playerid,positionx,positiony,positionz);
  5. JugadorInfo[playerid][jPos_x] = positionx;
  6. JugadorInfo[playerid][jPos_y] = positiony;
  7. JugadorInfo[playerid][jPos_z] = positionz;
  8. JugadorInfo[playerid][jSpawn] = 1;
  9. if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 0)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0);
  10. if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 1)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1);
  11. if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 2)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 2);
  12. if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 3)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 3);
  13. if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 4)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 4);
  14. if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 5)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 5);
  15. if(gTeam[killerid] == EHUMANO)
  16. {
  17. if(gTeam[playerid] == EHUMANO)
  18. {
  19. format(string, sizeof(string),"[FDM ZA-RP]: %s matou o %s, toma atençao. [%d]",NombreJugador(killerid), NombreJugador(playerid), killerid);
  20. ABroadCast(VERDE,string,1);
  21. }
  22. }
  23. if(gTeam[killerid] == EHUMANO)
  24. {
  25. if(gTeam[playerid] == EZOMBIE)
  26. {
  27. JugadorInfo[killerid][jPunteria] += 1;
  28. }
  29. }
  30. if(gTeam[playerid] == EZOMBIE)
  31. {
  32. if(JugadorInfo[playerid][jZombieC] == 3)
  33. {
  34. new Float:POSJ[3];
  35. GetPlayerPos(playerid,POSJ[0],POSJ[1],POSJ[2]);
  36. CreateExplosion(POSJ[0],POSJ[1],POSJ[2],6,10.0);
  37. }
  38. }
  39. JugadorInfo[playerid][jCaidas] = 0;
  40. JugadorInfo[playerid][jTyrant] = 0;
  41. JugadorInfo[playerid][jArma] = 0;
  42. JugadorInfo[playerid][jArma2] = 0;
  43. JugadorInfo[playerid][jArma3] = 0;
  44. JugadorInfo[playerid][jMunicion] = 0;
  45. JugadorInfo[playerid][jMunicion2] = 0;
  46. JugadorInfo[playerid][jMunicion3] = 0;
  47. JugadorInfo[playerid][jCaidas] = 0;
  48. if(JugadorInfo[playerid][jInfectado] >= 1)
  49. {
  50. format(string, 128, "[FDM ZA-RP]: %s você está infectado, injecte Medicina A ou B antes que a infecção piore! [%d]");
  51. SendClientMessage(playerid,VERDE, string);
  52. }
  53. if(gPlayerUsingLoopingAnim[playerid])
  54. {
  55. gPlayerUsingLoopingAnim[playerid] = 0;
  56. TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,txtAnimHelper);
  57. }
  58. }
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