
Blue Robin 3

Jan 14th, 2015
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  1. >You are Robin
  2. >It's been a few days since the... club incident
  3. >To keep your mind off it, you've been more absorbed in your work than usual
  4. >But how long will you keep it up?
  5. >You know you'll have to face each of them again eventually
  6. >You sigh as you bring the molten glass from the furnace
  7. >The work order was asking for a kind of twisted vase
  8. >Not too much of a bother
  9. >You lose yourself to your craft as you give form to the heated blob
  10. >Forming various objects from simple shapeless masses has always fascinated you
  11. >The possibilities of what you could make were practically endless
  12. >Back home, it was more of a niche craft
  13. >Nothing to really be proud of
  14. >Here, you had work
  15. >Ponies liked the stuff you made
  16. >Orders just kept coming
  17. >Lamps, vases, glasses, statues, oh the list went on
  18. >It was one of the things in your life you could truly say you loved
  19. >With the new vase formed, you set in gently aside as it rapidly cooled down
  20. >Another order down
  22. >A quick glance to your wall clock tells you it's nearly closing time
  23. >But, you suppose you can do one more order with the left-over supplies
  24. >You trot to your orders box, organized by deadline, and pull the one due to expire the soonest
  25. >Sure it was a bit unorthodox and over-done, but it worked well for you
  26. >Mom always did say you were a bit of a neat-freak, rest her soul
  27. >You open the paper and begin reading the request form
  28. >...
  29. >You turn your gaze away from the page as your face heats up like a wildfire
  30. >The order...
  31. >It's for a glass... dildo?
  32. >Not a small one either
  33. >You look back at the paper and find the customer's name
  34. >'Caramel'
  35. >You set the page down on your desk, hang your head, and sigh deeply
  36. >You... you got to do it
  37. >You made a promise
  38. >A vow
  39. >6 years gone already and you aren't about to fail now
  41. >That's when you notice the 'special request' box on the form is checked
  42. >With a small whimper, your eyes scroll down to the 'comments' section
  43. >You have a terribly bad feeling about this
  44. >'Replica model of...'
  45. >Oh no
  46. >Nonononononono
  47. >'... Anon's dick.'
  48. >You have to sit down after reading that
  49. >There's no way you can pull this off now!
  50. >You haven't the faintest idea of what Anon's... thing looks like
  51. >And it's due in only five days!
  52. >Maybe you can talk to Caramel about this one
  53. >Maybe she even knows what it looks li- uh, not that you're assuming...
  54. "Ughhhh..."
  55. >You lay your head down on your desk for a while
  56. >
  57. >
  58. >
  60. >Whatever it takes
  61. >Whatever it takes, you cannot fail
  62. >Not after all the years of practice, all your sacrifices
  63. >You've come too far
  64. >And you can't let one little project like this break you
  65. >You know you're not exactly an expert in these... objects
  66. >But that can't stop you
  67. >You take a deep breath and look around your little glassblower's shop
  68. >Various completed orders and miscellaneous glass works strewn about the place
  69. >You can pull it off... but not today
  70. >You need time to think about this
  71. >And you could really use some coffee right about now
  73. >It's a bit of a cloudy evening
  74. >Nice and cool, but not cold
  75. >Maybe it'll rain
  76. >You'd like that
  77. >The sound of rain always calmed your nerves
  78. >In practically no time at all, you reach a small cafe a block down the street
  79. >You've come here every day after work to just sit and unwind
  80. >It was the closest place to both work and home
  81. >Well, considering your 'home' is upstairs from 'work...'
  82. >You start to relax the second you walk in the little shop
  83. >An older stallion by the name of French Press greets you
  84. >"Good evening, Ms. Robin. I trust work went well today?"
  85. "Good evening, Mr. Press. Quite, I managed to tackle more than I thought I would. How are you?"
  86. >He chuckles
  87. >Reminds you of those classic bartender-type stallions in the movies
  88. >"Since yesterday? Hardly any different, fortunately. Let me guess, you're after a medium roast coffee with three shot of white nectar?"
  89. >You smile a bit
  90. >You've never gone to a place so many times that you've had a 'usual' order
  91. >At your smile, French pulls out a cup
  92. >"Thought so. Have a seat, your beverage will be ready in a few minutes."
  93. >As you head towards your favorite spot by the shop's front window, you hear the door open
  94. >Another mare you haven't met before walks in
  95. >And she's rather pretty
  96. >Dark coat, gold mane, and sky blue eyes
  97. >You'll admit, you might have seen her around before
  99. >"Ah, good evening Ms. Hexferry."
  100. >"Hello French. Hey, you have any honey-nectar left today?"
  101. >"Sure do, what size would ya like?"
  102. >"Large, definitely."
  103. >"Coming right up."
  104. Hexferry turns to you after a second
  105. >"Ah, hi. I don't think I've met you before."
  106. >Oh no
  107. >Small talk with strangers was never your strong suit
  108. >But...
  109. >She does seem nice enough
  110. "I, uh... just moved here."
  111. >Hm
  112. >Maybe you're starting to get a hang of this
  113. >"Oh that makes sense. My name's Hexferry. Nice to meet you."
  114. >Her pleasant tone and politely-casual vocabulary puts you at ease
  115. "I'm Robin. It's nice to meet you too."
  116. >Wow
  117. >You didn't even stutter that time
  118. >"Ms. Robin, your drink is ready. Be careful, it's hot."
  119. >You carefully retrieve your beverage and pay the stallion
  120. >You turn back to Hexferry
  121. "Would you... care to sit with me?"
  122. >"Sure, I'm in no rush so why not?"
  123. >You smile and sit at your favorite spot, Hexferry following soon after getting her order
  124. >"So do you work nearby?"
  125. "I do, just down the street."
  126. >"Oh so you work at that new glassblower shop?"
  127. "I, well, own it."
  128. >"Really? I was curious about that place..."
  129. >You take a sip from your drink and feel the warmth flow through you like a rolling wave
  130. >Simply divine
  132. >"A few years ago, it used to be an old antique shop."
  133. "Oh I didn't know that. It was empty when I moved in."
  134. >You hardly realize how unusually calm you are
  135. >Especially someone you just met
  136. >"Well, it's been closed since I was just a filly. Seven or eight years gone by the time you moved in."
  137. >Wow, eight whole years
  138. >So much has changed for you in just eight years
  139. "You still look so young and cute too."
  140. >You immediately cover your mouth
  141. >...
  142. >You didn't just say that
  143. >You look and notice Hexferry lightly blushing, scanning your face
  144. >Before either of you can say anything, you hear the door open again
  145. >You turn and-
  146. >Oh, it's Caramel
  147. >...
  148. >..
  149. >.
  150. >
  151. >Caramel!?
  152. >Oh no this is too soon, you still need to think about this
  153. >"Evening, Ms. Caramel."
  154. >Good feelings gone, and hello anxiety
  155. >"Hey French. How's it- Hex! Oh and Robin too? You two seeing each other behind my back now?"
  156. >Hexferry's blush goes into overdrive
  157. >You are no different
  158. >"Y-you know damn well that's not what this is!"
  159. >She's even cute when she's mad
  160. >Astonishing
  161. >Caramel leans her fluffy chest against Hexferry's back and whispers in her ear
  162. >"I underestimated you, you naughty little moth."
  163. >You slowly take a sip of your coffee, pretending not to hear what Caramel is telling her
  164. >"We just met! How-"
  165. >Caramel slowly licks the length of Hexferry's ear, effectively silencing the poor mare
  166. >You shudder
  167. >That easily could've been you
  168. >"Calm down Hex, I'm just playin' around."
  169. >Caramel returns to the counter to order something
  170. >Hexferry takes a deep breath and regains her composure
  171. >"She's like that with just about everyone, but... she means well."
  172. >Hexferry continues to drink her nectar as Caramel comes back with her order and sits down
  174. >"So Robin,"
  175. >Your ears twitch
  176. >"Did you get my order?"
  177. >You nearly spit your drink out
  178. >Hexferry looks confused
  179. >Caramel gives you the most intense flirtatious grin you've ever seen
  180. >You clear your throat
  181. >'It's just business, Robin. Just business.'
  182. "A-about that, I do have a few questions."
  183. >"As close to the real as possible. Texture and all."
  184. >You nearly die
  185. >Caramel notices you freeze and snickers
  186. >'Damn Robin, you got this'
  187. "Do you... know what it looks like?"
  188. >"I've only seen it once or twice, so not in detail."
  189. >What
  190. "T-then how do you suppos-"
  191. >"Oh I'm sure he'd be willing to... model."
  192. >For a moment, time feels like it stops
  193. >This request
  194. >This job
  195. >This whole ordeal
  196. >It... it might just kill you
  197. >But you can't turn it down
  198. >You don't have a choice
  199. >"You okay, Robin?"
  200. >Hexferry prods your hoof, breaking you from your daze
  201. "I-I'm okay. I think."
  202. >You look Caramel right in the eye
  203. "Ms. Caramel, I'll do what I can."
  204. >You've definitely changed in just the last few days
  205. >But the question is... why?
  207. [End chapter 3]
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