Guest User

csgo server log problem

a guest
May 4th, 2014
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  1. csgo/game/srcds_run: 32: csgo/game/srcds_run: pushd: not found
  2. csgo/game/srcds_run: 35: csgo/game/srcds_run: popd: not found
  3. Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
  4. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/customers/Monstars/csgo/game/bin:/customers/Monstars/csgo/game:/customers/Monstars/csgo/game/bin:
  5. #Using breakpad minidump system
  6. Using breakpad crash handler
  7. #
  8. #Console initialized.
  9. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  10. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  11. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  12. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  13. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  14. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  15. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  16. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  17. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  18. #Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"
  19. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'server_pre_shutdown' unknown.
  20. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'game_newmap' unknown.
  21. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'finale_start' unknown.
  22. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_start' unknown.
  23. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_end' unknown.
  24. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'difficulty_changed' unknown.
  25. #GameTypes: initializing game types interface from GameModes.txt.
  26. #GameTypes: merging game types interface from gamemodes_server.txt.
  27. #GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
  28. Failed to load gamerulescvars.txt, game rules cvars might not be reported to management tools.
  29. Server is hibernating
  30. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  31. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.dll.
  32. Particles: Missing 'particles/maps/gg_vietnam.pcf'
  33. CDedicatedServerWorkshopManager::GetNewestSubscribedFiles
  34. No web api auth key specified - workshop downloads will be disabled.
  35. maxplayers set to 64
  36. Unknown command "cl_bobamt_vert"
  37. Unknown command "cl_bobamt_lat"
  38. Unknown command "cl_bob_lower_amt"
  39. Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt"
  40. Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt"
  41. Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"
  42. Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"
  43. Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead"
  44. Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist"
  45. Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
  46. mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27020 SV / 27005 CL
  47. ---- Host_NewGame ----
  48. Host_NewGame on map cs_office
  49. L 05/04/2014 - 22:58:16: -------- Mapchange to cs_office --------
  50. L 05/04/2014 - 22:58:16: [SM] Unable to load plugin "deathmatch.smx": Native "BfReadString" was not found
  51. CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_win_panel' unknown.
  52. CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_restart_round' unknown.
  53. CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'arena_win_panel' unknown.
  54. Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  55. Add "-debug" to the csgo/game/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
  56. Sun May  4 22:58:17 EDT 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
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