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Oct 6th, 2012
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  1. [21:44] <Derakon> So e.g. if you have a temporary 2x speed boost, it's multiplying the total of your Inherent + Permanent speed modifiers by 2.
  2. [21:44] <Derakon> If you have a Derived AC bonus based on your DEX, then it gets to use your entire DEX score (minus any Derived mods).
  3. [21:45] <Derakon> The problem I have here is that equippable items have many Inherent modifiers on themselves that should map to Permanent modifiers on the creature that equips them.
  4. [21:45] <Derakon> ...though I'm now wondering if those modifiers shouldn't just be Permanent-tier themselves, since they don't actually affect the item in question. Hm.
  5. [21:46] <Derakon> I can give each modifier a unique name so I can insert and remove it from the creature's stat DB at will; that's not a problem.
  6. [21:47] <Derakon> There is a certain issue of bookkeeping; McM's suggestion to just procedurally figure out what the creature's stats are by iterating over their entire equipment is the "safe" way to do it.
  7. [21:47] <Derakon> But it gets pretty ugly with the mods that depend on other mods.
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