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Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. Job plugin :
  3. /jobs - shows the jobs commands
  4. /Jobs list - Miner,Farmer,Hunter,Lumberjack
  5. /Job on - they will get job exp but won't get Ores/Wood/Meat/Leather/Mobs exp/Wheat etc..
  6. /Job off - They won't get job exp but they will get what they farm : ores etc..
  7. /Job message off/on - when its on they will see job messages +exp etc.. when its off they won't get jobs messages.
  8. /Job Info - Shows their job information,level,exp,how much exp left for next level.
  9. When leveling they will get money
  10. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Renting plugin:
  13. /rent : shows the rent commmands
  14. /rent buy shows the rent name,rent size (Example: 5,7,5)how much it cost (command works only when he stands on a renting area)
  15. /rent sell : sells your rent,plot resets (command works only when he stands on the renting area)(will ask him again if he sure)
  16. /rent yes : to buy the rent (after doing the /rent buy)
  17. /rent no : to decline it (after the /rent buy)
  18. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. EXP Booster Plugin :
  20. /Booster- opens a gui that shows the boosters information and the players information
  21. Booster purchasing(chest look) -
  22. (water bottle look) Shows the EXP amount the booster give and cost and gives you an ability to buy it.
  23. (you can make booster 1X,booster 2X,booster 3X,booster 4X,)
  24. (can can make each booster for few hours example: booster 1X purchasable for 1 hour,2 hours,3 hours, etc..)
  25. (maximum 4 hours for each booster)
  26. (if you disable one of the boosters in the config,example : disabled booster 4X it will show in red paint as unavailable)
  27. (you can also add permissions as vip ones for the boosters like booster 8x for vips)
  28. Booster backpack - when you open it,it shows how many boosters youve got and for how long they are and how many exp boost they give (1x,2x etc..)
  29. (After trying to activate 1 of the boosters,it will ask if you confirm to activate or if you would like to cancel it)
  30. Booster -
  31. (EXP bottle look when youve got a booster on and shows how long it lasts and the boost amount)(Empty bottle look when you don't have a booster on)
  32. you can activate one booster at time!
  33. Admin commands -
  34. /booster admin help - Shows In Game Help
  35. /booster admin clear <player> - Removes the boost from A player.
  36. /booster admin check <player> Tells the admin how long the player boost lasts and the amount of the booster
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