
Ending 1: The Path of Damnation (Dark Side Anon)

Jul 15th, 2016
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  1. This ending is a work in progress. It will eventually be replaced with the full, completed version.
  3. Yeah, yeah, I know, I couldn't finish all of them, bite me. This one's super non-canon anyway.
  5. Time and other constraints simply didn't allow me to finish this, but I will in the future. Until then, this placeholder will suffice, describing the events that the green will concern for those of you who chose this ending (which, hey, I don't judge you for, but come on now):
  8. In this ending, Anon chooses to kill both. But he is overcome with doubt, leading him to be open to suggestion and then possession by the aura of the current Emperor of the Sith. This dark cloud takes him over, feeding his darker ambitions, exploiting his insecurities and ultimately causing him to destroy Noteworthy, and then Flash.
  10. As Scorpan had anticipated Nito killing only Noteworthy, he calms down considerably as he feels the Dark Side swelling within his apprentice. Nito, however, takes advantage of his disarmed state and uses the Force to pull the remote right out of his hands before destroying it. He then slays both acolytes before battling Scorpan himself.
  12. The Sith Lord is a match for Nito, but finds the possessed youth growing more powerful with each moment. Realizing he has been betrayed by the Emperor when he detects the true nature behind Nito's sudden power, he attempts to destroy Anon with Force Lightning, only for him to absorb it and redirect it in the form of Ball Lightning.
  14. Nito hounds Scorpan across the chamber, growing stronger by the moment the more he gives into his anger and rage. Eventually, he manages to block Scorpan's blade with his cortosis arm, deactivating it. When Scorpan again tries to resort to telekinesis but all of his projectiles are cut down, he resorts to lightning in desperation, and so Nito again blasts him with redirected energy. Scorpan attempts to escape, but Nito pulls him back with the Force, slowly dragging him closer and closer.
  16. Nito begins to torture Scorpan by hacking off his feet, then his hands. He allows Scorpan to attempt crawling away before kicking him over and gouging out his eyes and tongue with the sharp ends of his lightsaber hilt. As he again lets Scorpan attempt to escape, he rains down kicks and punches upon the bothan, laughing and reveling in this justice. This is more Anon than it is the Emperor, with the latter feeding the former's fantasies of revenge.
  18. As he chops off the limbs at the elbows and knees and gets ready to carve off more areas of the face, Luna and Sunset enter, appalled by what they are witnessing. Sunset attempts to run to Anon, but Luna holds her back, realizing what foulness has come upon him. To her terrible dismay, she realizes what the Emperor has turned Anon into: that although Scorpan did much of the work, the Emperor was waiting for the right moment to possess Anon and take control of him, plunging him fully into the Dark Side.
  20. Nito makes an offer for Sunset to kill Scorpan and join him, but she refuses. In disgust, he kills Scorpan once and for all, declaring that he means nothing to him. When Luna attempts to reach Anon, only Nito answers. Nito says that he will destroy not only the Jedi but the Sith as well, as he now realizes what he must do to obtain 'balance.' These are merely the words of the Emperor speaking through him and Luna realizes he is not himself, and thus resolves to defeat him and help him be rid of the Emperor's influence and attempt to salvage her Padawan. She swears that she will not give up on Anon and moves in to duel the possessed Nito.
  22. During the course of the battle, Nito taunts her about losing Flash, and how she failed Celestia. The Emperor calls her weak for having fallen from the Dark Side. Luna remains strong, but her conviction begins to fade as he continually barrages her with taunts over how her greatest failure will always be Anon. Sunset decides to intervene, but this proves disastrous when Nito attacks her relentlessly, causing Luna to come to her defense and make a critical misstep, allowing him to deal to her a fatal blow.
  24. Master Luna falls and Nito cuts down the Arbitrator lightsaber, laughing all the while. Distraught and driven to tears, Sunset realizes she cannot overcome this possessed foe and runs for the hanger as he chases her. There, a dramatic confrontation between them both sees the Emperor leaving possession of Anon, who begs Sunset for forgiveness. Thinking that this is a trap, she enters Anon's ship and takes off.
  26. Anon, who was aware of his actions all the while, is ruined by this. The voice of the Emperor returns to him, telling him to take Braeburn's ship to Dromund Kaas. He does this, but when he cannot fly it, he frees Braeburn and forces him to do so. During the journey, he is goaded constantly by the Emperor, who gives him no peace from his inner torment, feeding him the fact that he killed his friends, master and drove away the woman he loved.
  28. Upon the dark planet, Anon kills Braeburn and proceeds to the temple where he went for his earliest trials for the Sith. There, he meets the Emperor, an arcona going by the name of Sombra. Sombra reveals to Anon that he had been watching him ever since he first stepped foot on Dromund Kaas, as he needed someone like him for his plans. When asked why, the Emperor reveals that he believes the Sith have become too numerous, too weak. The galaxy and the Jedi are beginning to thin them out, rather than the other way around, as evidenced by Senator Starlight Glimmer and her "Equalizer" Force Hunters.
  30. Sombra's plan has always been to thin out the Sith, but by methods of his choosing. He has been waiting for the right moment, when the galaxy itself would turn on Force users, in order to usher in a new, secret age where those with the Force would rule from a position of hidden power. But first, he needs someone like Anon, or rather Nito, to clean up the remnants of Jedi and Sith.
  32. Using his power, he opens the path to the tomb of the Sith Lord in which Anon lost his arm. Seeing no other path open to him, Anon enters and discovers the remnants of the trapped Sith spirit. Using the art of Drain Knowledge, he absorbs all information relating to the undead and the ancient Sith art of Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut. Using a new variation of this, Anon spends days in the tomb, his body slowly wasting away but he does not die. Driven by despair and hatred, he becomes reborn in undeath, a walking corpse held together by pure Dark Side power, torment and rage. He tears out his mechanical eyes and uses the Force to remove the bomb, but does not replace his eyes. He can now see through the Force, and the life signature of living beings. "At last I can truly see."
  34. Anon is no more; he is now Nito, First of the Dead.
  36. Epilogue: A montage of scenes of Nito killing all of his friends and most of the rest of the cast; it'll be great and edgy fun whenever I get around to it.
  38. Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
  39. Through passion, I gain strength.
  40. Through strength, I gain power.
  41. Through power, I gain victory.
  42. Through victory, my chains are broken.
  43. The Force shall free me.
  45. THE END
  47. "I'll write it eventually, really (tm)"
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