
Open Letter to #RY

Jun 4th, 2012
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  1. It's been awhile, ups and downs, good and bad. We're almost 9 months old, with a regular group of people reflecting many differences, new visitors every so often. I believe we are all attracted to the basic spirit of #RebelYell - the opportunity to express our ideas and beliefs on the classic issues as well as current events, and ordinary social chit chat. I and the other ops have relied very lightly on the guidelines/rules, preferring to error on the side of inaction rather than too much interference with argument, my thinking being that the less we op the less opportunity for bias to operate in the room. Better to let people get away with some infringement of the very mild rules than to stop any discussion or act unfairly. In truth, we've relied not so much on the guidelines and the frustrating lack of direction and clear rules for ops as we have on the goodwill and good faith of visitors. That will always be necessary to some extent, however - I must bring up a serious distinction I think is being ignored. That is the difference between ordinary, tolerable, temporary loss of temper and childish bad behavior that results in personal attacks that can be ignored - and outright unrelenting bickering especially lending itself to an almost deliberate viciousness. If you will not make this distinction we will, and overt cruelty that has no possible constructive purpose to discussion or the merest benign social relationship is not going to be tolerated. If you've done it before don't do it anymore. If that's all you want to do then do it elsewhere. The "Free" Speech we always ever meant was not utter license to personally attack others but the liberty to express your ideas about things/events/issues that do NOT include your personal animosity for individual chatters. We have allowed much in this beginning time of the room, that's not to say we cannot change and adjust as things develop. This viciousness is not going to develop further.
  3. We are #RebelYell - but even rebels needn't be vicious to each other, cruel and destructive of the very purpose of the room. I know this is what you want - a better room, a better climate conducive to discussion/heated argument/respect for others as well as yourself. Bring your better self, your better conversation. You need people who think seriously, are willing to discuss and argue. Please remember we need each other. - gmolly, channel manager #RebelYell
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