
Kasra's Dream 1: The Demon in the Cave (Full)

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. IcePickLobotomy The ground is rocky and barren beneath your feet. You are standing on a mountain, the brown rocky wasteland stretches as far as you can see. In front of you is a cave, deep within you can see the embers of a fire. Beside is you is a knight, his armor pitted and word.
  2. IcePickLobotomy *Wor
  3. IcePickLobotomy **Worn
  4. IcePickLobotomy He takes a few steps in the direction of the cave, his sword and shield ready.
  5. Kasra "Are you sure you should do that?"
  6. IcePickLobotomy He does not look away from the cave. "No, but I must all the same."
  7. Kasra "Well, do you want help?"
  8. IcePickLobotomy "No, you must conserve your strength for your own fight young sir."
  9. Kasra "Is it in here, too?"
  10. IcePickLobotomy "I cannot say."
  11. IcePickLobotomy The light inside the cave flickers and brightens. "Steady young sir. It draws near."
  12. Kasra "I...there's got to be some way," looking around, he searches for a rock.
  13. IcePickLobotomy "Nay young sir. This is my duty not yours. Conserve your strength." The flame flickers again and brightens more. "I have nothing left to lose, you have everything still."
  14. Kasra "Alright, but I'm still here, you can do this."
  15. IcePickLobotomy "Better men then me have tried before, but when you have nothing else to give, your life seems rather small." The flamer flickers once more. This time a deluge of fire sweeps out from the cave. The knight dives to the side. The heat is intense, you can feel your eyes water as the rock boils away leaving a long molten trough in it's wake. As you blink away the tears you see something standing...
  16. IcePickLobotomy ...within the cave. A figure made seemingly made of molten-metal and fire. The knight readies his blade
  17. IcePickLobotomy He says nothing, nor does the demon.
  18. Kasra "You can always give your life, sir! You can do this!"
  19. IcePickLobotomy It rushes out of the cave, far far faster than any man would move. The knight scarcely has time to raise his shield before it brings down it's hand tipped with a set of three razor sharp claws. The smash aside the shied, tearing it from his arm. It flys across the air and down the mountain clanging as it goes. The knight wastes no time and draws a deep cut across the demon's torso.
  20. Kasra searches for a rock to throw.
  21. IcePickLobotomy The demon retaliates. Both arms lashing out in wild abandon, so fast that the knight cannot defend. His armor splits and tears. Blood splatters across the ground and boils. He staggers, the ground beneath him starting to melt, but he does not fall.
  22. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You find a rock. It fits easily into your hand, pointed and jagged it's the perfect.
  23. Kasra begins rushing down the hillside to aid the knight.
  24. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You make it a few steps before the heat overwhelms you. Your footing becomes treacherous over the softening ground. Your feet burn and your eyes sting at the intense dry heat.
  25. IcePickLobotomy IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You find a rock. It fits easily into your hand, pointed and jagged it's the perfect.
  26. IcePickLobotomy Kasra begins rushing down the hillside to aid the knight.
  27. IcePickLobotomy IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You make it a few steps before the heat overwhelms you. Your footing becomes treacherous over the softening ground. Your feet burn and your eyes sting at the intense dry heat.
  28. Kasra Falling to all fours to does not stall Kasra's treacherous advance for long
  29. IcePickLobotomy With a contemptuous motion the demon kicks the knight, sending him sprawling. It turns to face you, a face of fire and molten metal meets you, and though it has no eyes you know it is watching you.
  30. Kasra fights to regain his footing, and bears the rock, prepared to strike.
  31. IcePickLobotomy There's a faint wisp of smoke before you, followed by a wall of fire that rushes forward. The blow tosses you into the air, your chest burning deeply, a sharp painful lanceing pain deep inside lingering with the raw burn across your torso. You vision swims as you fight to maintain consciousnesses.
  32. Kasra makes a feeble attempt at an abortive downhill charge towards the adversary.
  33. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You try to stand up, but you vision swims and you collapse back onto the ground.
  34. Kasra "...won't give up...that easy..."
  35. IcePickLobotomy You feel the air heat up as the demon approaches, a figure of blurry red light standing against the muted browns and charcoal greys. You can feel the skin on your face blister from the heat as the scent of burning hair lingers in the air.
  36. Kasra flails his arm desperately as he loses his ability to stand, hoping that momentum will carry his attack.
  37. IcePickLobotomy You see behind it. A grey rise and stagger forth. The last thing you see before the darkness claims you is the demon turn and attempt to raise it's arms to defend itself a moment too late.
  38. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: Your eyes flutter open to reveal the darkness of your room. The moon hangs high in the sky above the ocean casting the room in shades of silver and grey.
  39. Kasra Laying stock still in bed, Kasra checks the clock
  40. IcePickLobotomy In the pale light of the night you can make out the hands of the clock. 2:47.
  41. Kasra sits up and retrieves the locket he keeps on his bed stand, and clutches it for strength. Reassuring himself it's only stress, he resolves to exhaust himself with exercise and attempt to get back to sleep.
  42. IcePickLobotomy When sleep next claims Kasra, he dreams of starless skies and strange vistas.
  43. Kasra examines his surroundings, slowly turning himself over and gaining his footing.
  44. IcePickLobotomy You are standing atop a pillar of red stone. Below you extends a jungle of purple-leaved plants and trees that stretches to the horizon. The sky is a pinkish hue, with clouds of amber, and a massive blue planet hangs in the background, a set of rings through which the sun filters through leaving the world in a realm of cool shadow.
  45. Kasra smacks himself, urging himself to wake up.
  46. Kasra If all of his dreams were to be cursed tonight, he may as well wake up an hour early.
  47. IcePickLobotomy The dull smack of flesh against flesh echoes across the air, but nothing more. "Kasra?" Lily says from behind you. "Is there a reason you are hitting yourself?"
  48. Kasra "Oh, ha, sorry. Didn't uh, see you." Having not seen her on the pillar somehow, he turns to face her.
  49. Kasra "How are you, Lily?"
  50. IcePickLobotomy "It's alright. I just got here." She takes a seat and letting her legs dangle of the edge. This time she's wearing a pair of faded jeans and a leather jacket. "I'm doing well, you?"
  51. Kasra "Ah, think I'm nervous." Kasra takes a seat next to her on the edge. "First engagement is predicted to be soon. I hope the squads ready..."
  52. IcePickLobotomy "I'm sure you'll do fine, I have confidence in you."
  53. Kasra "Ha, yeah. I've told you about them all right? Well the good news is their doing well in the tests, and I feel like I've bonded with most of them..."
  54. IcePickLobotomy "That's good." She smiles "Friends are important, perhaps the most important."
  55. Kasra looks hopeful. "I think so. I hope so."
  56. IcePickLobotomy "But no actually, I don't think you've told me about them actually."
  57. Kasra "Oh, sorry. I've had a lot on my mind." He enthusiastically relates his newfound peers to Lily.
  58. IcePickLobotomy Lily listens attentively. She frowns when you tell her about Robin, and smiles when you mention the forming friendship with John.
  59. Kasra "What's wrong with Robin? She's okay, just shy."
  60. IcePickLobotomy "No, there's nothing wrong with her. Just sad to see her having suffered so. Her and Mary."
  61. Kasra "Yeah. But it just means we have that much more reason to fight, right? Get everyone a chance at another shot."
  62. IcePickLobotomy "That would be one way of looking at it, and it is far from the worst."
  63. Kasra smiles, but suddenly shifts into a thousand yard stare. "You know, learning all these guys names. I never had to with METI, it was just doctor what, or lieutenant who. I never thought to ask what your full name was.
  64. IcePickLobotomy "It's all right, I'm not offended."
  65. Kasra "Soooo, what is it?"
  66. Kasra "I mean, assuming you have one?"
  67. IcePickLobotomy "I do, it's just. . . . ." She idly kicks her feet. "I could say that one name is as good as another, but I detest lying." Her voice is small "So I instead will ask that I remain Lily, and I promise that I will tell you my full name when the time is right. Because for now, I'd rather be Lily a while longer." She trails for a while. "I'm sorry."
  68. Kasra "That's alright. And I mean, one name is as good as another anyways."
  69. IcePickLobotomy "No, not always. And not in this case. But thank you."
  70. Kasra "I mean, I'm not gonna lose sleep with over it." He glances over at her sardonically.
  71. IcePickLobotomy She giggles.
  72. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You see it out in the distance. A faint pinprick of gold on the horizon.
  73. IcePickLobotomy "Kasra, I have something important to tell you." Lily looks out at the pinprick. You notice that it is growing, slowly but surly it is growing. You can see the jungle grow restless, things moving beneath the trees as flocks of 4 winged birds take to the skies, flying from the light.
  74. Kasra "Well, you should probably do it then. This feels like a 'waking up in a cold sweat soon' scenario."
  75. IcePickLobotomy "You have no idea. You've seen this light before Kasra, and despite my prayers you'll see it again. I'm sorry, but all that glitters is not gold, and this bodes poorly for our future."
  76. Kasra "...I had a feeling. We'll do our best. Worry about the future when it gets here."
  77. IcePickLobotomy "Exactly. I will explain things as best I can once I am certain of some things. I promise." She sighs and stands up, dusting off her pants. "But a new day awaits you Kasra, do not let the night weight too heavily upon you."
  78. Kasra "You got it. See ya next time Lily."
  79. IcePickLobotomy "Until we met again Kasra."
  80. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: the harsh ringing of your alarm jolts you awake and back into the real world.
  81. Kasra gets up and prepares for his day, looking forward to his morning jog to clear his mind.
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