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Aug 12th, 2016
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  1. GENERAL ====================================== | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  3. 1826 = Normal
  4. 1726 = Heroic
  5. 1727 = Mythic 1
  6. 3410 = Mythic 2
  7. 3411 = Mythic 3
  8. 3412 = Mythic 4
  10. HELMS ======================================== | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  11. head=
  12. Collar of Enclosure: ,id=134424 | Corstilax - The Arcway | Crit>Haste | 2pc: Your spells have a chance to increase your Haste by 3000 for 15 sec.
  13. Cragshapers Fitted Hood: ,id=137341 | Ularogg Cragshaper - Neltharion's Lair | Haste>Crit |
  14. Hood of Indignation: ,id=137502 | Tirathon Saltheril -Vault of the Wardens | Mastery>Crit |
  15. Hood of Ancient Evil: ,id=134425 | Mindflayer Kaahrj - Assault on Violet Hold. | Crit>Mastery |
  16. Valarjar Purification Crown: ,id=133744 | Hymdall - Halls of Valor | Crit=Vers |
  17. Darcklis Dragonfire Diadem: ,id=132863 | Variable | Crit>Haste | Legendary!
  18. Collar of Raking Claws: ,id=134426 | Smashspite the Hateful - Black Rook Hold | Haste>Mastery |
  19. Millificents Turboview Specs: ,id=137441 | Millificent Manastorm - Assault on Violet Hold | Mastery>Haste |
  20. Serrinnes Maleficent Habit: ,id=141566 | Violent Crageater ( RARE - Highmountain ) | Mastery>Crit |
  21. Cowl of Tirisgarde: ,id=139749 | Purchased for Order Resources | Mastery>Vers | 8pc class set
  22. Bonespeaker Cowl:, id=134216 | Hymdall - Halls of Valor. | Crit>Mastery | 810
  23. Manawracker Crown: ,id=134304 | Advisor Vandros - The Arcway | Mastery>Haste | 810
  24. Netherwhisper Hood: ,id=134392 | Talixae Flamewreath - Court of | Crit>Vers | 810
  25. Night Dreamer Crest: ,id=139086 | Nightmare Abomination - Darkheart Thicket | Haste>Mastery | 810
  26. Seawitch Hood: ,id=134260 | Serpentrix - Eye of Azshara | Mastery>Vers | 810
  28. CHEST ======================================== | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  29. chest=
  30. Arcanists Resonant Robes: ,id=134415 | Patrol Captain Gerdo - Court of Stars | Haste>Mastery |
  31. Robes of Elune: ,id=139920 | Ravencrest's Legacy - Quest Reward | Mastery>Vers | 825
  32. Fluxflow Robes: ,id=134413 | Advisor Vandros - The Arcway | Haste>Crit |
  33. Ravencourt Formal Robes: ,id=139246 | Amalgam of Souls - Black Rook Hold | Mastery>Crit |
  34. Fetid Gutcover Apron: ,id=134414 | Festerface - Assault on Violet Hold. | Mastery>Haste |
  35. Flameheart Vestment: ,id=137504 | Ash'Golm - Vault of the Wardens | Crit>Haste |
  36. Soul-Stitched Robes: ,id=133611 | Harbaron - Maw of Souls | Vers>Mastery |
  37. Tunic of Smoldering Ire: ,id=137352 | Dargrul - Neltharion's Lair | Crit>Mastery |
  38. Robes of Tirisgarde: ,id=139751 | Purchased for Order Resources | Crit>Mastery | 8pc class set
  39. Bonespeaker Robes: ,id=134219 | Hyrja - Halls of Valor | Crit>Mastery | 810
  40. Netherwhisper Robes: ,id=134395 | Fel Lord Betrug - Assault on Violet Hold | Crit>Vers | 810
  41. Night Dreamer Robe: ,id=139089 | Nightmare Egg - Darkheart Thicket | Haste>Mastery | 810
  42. Seawitch Robes: ,id=134263 | Lady Hatecoil - Eye of Azshara | Mastery>Vers | 810
  44. FEET ========================================= | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  45. feet=
  46. Cushioned Treads of Glory: ,id=136774 | Hymdall - Halls of Valor | Mastery>Haste |
  47. Footguards of Stayed Execution: ,id=137454 | Fel Lord Betrug - Assault on Violet Hold | Mastery>Crit |
  48. Mistbound Helarjar Footwraps: ,id=133608 | Helya - Maw of Souls | Haste>Crit |
  49. Offal Galoshes: ,id=134416 | Naraxas - Neltharion's Lair | Mastery>Vers |
  50. Paranoid Sprinters: ,id=137319 | Shade of Xavius - Darkheart Thicket | Crit>Mastery |
  51. Shadewalker Footwraps: ,id=137508 | Cordana - Vault of the Wardens | Haste>Vers |
  52. Slippers of Heedless Sacrifice: ,id=134419 | Illysanna Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold | Crit>Haste |
  53. Treads of Light: ,id=139280 | Odyn - Halls of Valor | Vers>Crit |
  54. Manawracker Sandals: ,id=134308 | Patrol Captain Gerdo - Court of Stars | Mastery>Haste | 810
  55. Netherwhisper Slippers: ,id=134396 | General Xakal - The Arcway | Crit>Vers | 810
  56. Slippers of Martyrdom: ,id=134417 | Wrath of Azshara - Eye of Azshara | Haste>Mastery |
  57. Boots of Tirisgarde: ,id=139747 | Purchased for Order Resources | Haste>Crit | 8pc class set
  60. HANDS ======================================== | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  61. hands=
  62. Felblaze Handwraps: ,id=139903 | Ravencrest's Legacy - Quest Reward | Crit>Haste | 825
  63. Gloves of the Mountain Conquest: ,id=134420 | Dargrul - Neltharion's Lair | Haste>Mastery |
  64. Gloves of Unseen Evil: ,id=137506 | Glazer - Vault of the Wardens | Crit>Mastery
  65. Ink-Smudged Handwraps; ,id=134421 | Ivanyr - The Arcway | Mastery>Haste |
  66. Latosius's Blasting Gloves: ,id=134431 | Lord Kurtalos Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold | Mastery>Crit |
  67. Satin Throatclutchers; ,id=134422 | Blood-Princess Thal'ena - Assault on Violet Hold | Haste>Crit |
  68. Scarab-Caller Grips: ,id=134418 | Anub'esset - Assault on Violet Hold | Crit>Vers |
  69. Silken Bloodscent Gloves: ,id=133609 | Fenryr - Halls of Valor | Crit>Haste |
  71. LEGS ========================================= | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  72. legs=
  73. Burrow-Dweller Leggings: ,id=137424 | Anub'esset - Assault on Violet Hold | Crit>Mastery |
  74. Leggings of Swirling Runes: ,id=133610 | Odyn - Halls of Valor | Haste>Mastery |
  75. Leggings of the Third Degree: ,id=137505 | Ash'Golm - Vault of the Wardens | Mastery>Vers |
  76. Legwraps of Rampant Turmoil: ,id=137453 | Fel Lord Betrug - Assault on Violet Hold. | Crit>Haste |
  77. Legwraps of Reverberating Shadows: ,id=137404 | General Xakal - The Arcway | Haste>Crit |
  78. Oakheart's Trunkwarmers: ,id=137304 | Oakheart - Darkheart Thicket. | Vers>Haste |
  79. Rising Ocean Legwraps : ,id=134428 | King Deepbeard - Eye of Azshara | Mastery>Crit |
  80. Riverrider Legwraps: ,id= 134427 | Rokmora - Neltharion's Lair. | Mastery>Haste |
  81. Suramar Magistrate Leggings: ,id=137496 | Advisor Melandrus - Court of Stars | Haste>Vers |
  82. Leggings of Tirisgarde: ,id=139750 | Purchased for Order Resources | Mastery>Haste |
  85. SHOULDERS ========================================= | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  86. shoulders=
  87. Amice of Cruel Laughter: ,id=137503 | Inquisitor Tormentorum - Vault of the Wardens | Haste>Crit |
  88. Amice of the Unfurling Tempest : ,id=134432 | Advisor Melandrus - Court of Stars. | Crit>Haste | 2pc: haste on hit
  89. Lair Matron's Spaulders: ,id=137447 | Saelorn - Assault on Violet Hold. | Crit>Mastery |
  90. Magnificent Aeroglide Shoulderpads: ,id=134430 | Millificent Manastorm - Assault on Violet Hold | Crit>Vers |
  91. Ravencourt Formal Mantle: ,id=139247 | Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold. | Vers>Mastery |
  92. Shoulderpads of Crashing Waves: ,id=137360 | Warlord Parjesh - Eye of Azshara | Mastery>Crit |
  93. Slipstream Shoulderpads: ,id=137309 | Nightmare Egg - Darkheart Thicket | Haste>Mastery |
  94. Mantle of Tirisgarde: ,id=139752 | Purchased for Order Resources | Mastery>Crit | 8pc class set
  97. WAIST ============================================ | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  98. waist=
  99. Belt of Eternal Torment: ,id=137331 | Helya - Maw of Souls | Mastery>Haste |
  100. Braided Manastring Cinch: ,id=139600 | The Nightfallen - Honored | Mastery>Crit |
  101. Cinch of Freezing Fog: ,id=134434 | Shivermaw - Assault on Violet Hold | Haste>Mastery |
  102. Cord of the Sea-Caller: ,id=134433 | Lady Hatecoil - Eye of Azshara | Vers>Haste |
  103. Cord of Wicked Pyromania: ,id=137488 | Talixae Flamewreath - Court of Stars | Crit>Haste |
  104. Poisonroot Belt: ,id=134423 | Nightmare Abomination - Darkheart Thicket | Mastery>Crit |
  105. Solsten's Arcing Runecord: ,id=133613 | Hyrja - Halls of Valor | Mastery>Vers |
  106. Time-Breached Waistband: ,id=137413 | Advisor Vandros - The Arcway | Crit>Mastery |
  107. Waistband of Spiritual Doom: ,id=137507 | Cordana - Vault of the Wardens | Haste>Crit |
  109. WRISTS ============================================ | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  110. wrists=
  111. Armbands of Slaughter: ,id=134436 | Sael'orn - Assault on Violet Hold | Haste>Crit |
  112. Frost-Stricken Cuffs: ,id=133614 | Ymiron, the Fallen King - Maw of Souls | Mastery>Crit |
  113. Harrowing Soulspun Bracers: ,id=134437 | Amalgam of Souls - Black Rook Hold | Crit>Mastery |
  114. Split-Vein Bracers: ,id=137434 | Festerface - Assault on Violet Hold. | Haste>Mastery |
  115. Tunnel Fiend Bracers: ,id=134435 | Nal'tira - The Arcway | Crit>Vers |
  116. Wristbands of Cursed Torment: ,id=137314 | Shade of Xavius - Darkheart Thicket | Mastery>Haste |
  117. Wristbands of the Swirling Deeps: ,id=137372 | Serpentrix - Eye of Azshara | Crit>Haste |
  119. CLOAK ============================================ | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  120. back=
  121. Cadet's Gaudy Scarf: ,id=139606 | Court of Farondis - Revered | Mastery>Crit |
  122. Cape of Rigid Order: ,id=134402 | Corstilax - The Arcway. | Mastery>Haste |
  123. Cape of the Duskwatch: ,id=137483 | Patrol Captain Gerdo - Court of Stars | Crit>Haste |
  124. Cape of Valarjar Courage: ,id=133765 | Odyn - Halls of Valor | Mastery=Vers |
  125. Cloak of All-Sight: ,id=133640 | ??? | Crit=Haste |
  126. Cloak of Enthralling Darkness: ,id=137531 | Cordana - Vault of the Warden | Haste>Crit |
  127. Cloak of Fading Echoes: ,id=134405 | Shade of Xavius - Darkheart Thicket. | Crit>Haste |
  128. Cloak of Mana-Spun Silk: ,id=134410 | Nal'tira - The Arcway | Crit>Vers |
  129. Cloak of Unwavering Loyalty: ,id=134412 | Illysanna Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold. | Crit>Mastery |
  130. Drape of the Raven Lord: ,id=136770 | Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold | Mastery>Haste |
  131. Drape of Vile Misfortune: ,id=137530 |Inquisitor Tormentorum - Vault of the Wardens | Mastery>Crit |
  132. Goldscar Pelt: ,id=133639 | Fenryr - Halls of Valor | Haste>Crit |
  133. Greatcloak of the Eternal Hunt: ,id=133635 | ??? | Crit=Haste |
  134. Iceblood Shroud: ,id=134411 | Shivermaw - Assault on Violet Hold | Crit>Mastery |
  135. Mainsail Cloak: ,id=134406 | King Deepbeard - Eye of Azshara | Vers>Mastery |
  136. Putrid Carapace: ,id=134408 | Naraxas - Neltharion's Lair | Mastery>Crit |
  137. Rugged Marauder Cape: ,id=134407 | Fel Lord Betrug - Assault on Violet Hold | Haste>Mastery |
  138. Shadowfeather Shawl: ,id=136977 | Amalgam of Souls - Black Rook Hold. | Haste>Vers |
  140. NECK ============================================= | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  141. neck=
  142. Brysngamen, Torc of Helheim: ,id=133636 | Helya - Maw of Souls | Mastery>>Vers | Equip: Increases your movement speed while dead by 30%.
  143. Chain of the Underking: ,id=134495 | Dargrul - Neltharion's Lair. | Crit>Mastery |
  144. Chaos-Forged Necklace: ,id=137458 | Fel Lord Betrug - Assault on Violet Hold | Mastery>Vers |
  145. Erratically Ticking Talisman: ,id=137418 | Advisor Vandros - The Arcway | Mastery>Crit |
  146. Hatecoil Commander's Amulet: ,id=134492 | Warlord Parjesh - Eye of Azshara | Haste>Mastery |
  147. Lavadrip Pendant: ,id=137535 | Ash'Golm - Vault of the Wardens | Mastery>Haste |
  148. Mistcoiled Helarjar Chain: ,id=133749 | ??? | Crit>>Haste |
  149. Pendant of the Moon Temple: ,id=139605 | Dreamweavers - Revered | Crit>>Vers |
  150. Pendant of the Stormforger: ,id=133767 | Odyn - Halls of Valor. | Crit>Haste |
  151. Pendant of the Watchful Eye: ,id=137536 | Glazer - Vault of the Wardens | Haste>Crit |
  152. Raven Filigree Pendant: ,id=134499 | Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold | Vers>Mastery |
  153. Stabilized Energy Pendant: ,id=134488 | Corstilax - The Arcway | Crit>Vers | Equip: Increases your maximum resource by 5%.
  154. Stormcharged Choker : ,id=134497 | Wrath of Azshara - Eye of Azshara | Crit>Mastery |
  155. Strand of the Stars: ,id=137487 | Advisor Melandrus - Court of Stars | Vers>Mastery | 2pc: 1000Haste from Chronoshard proc
  156. Tightweb Choker : ,id=134541 | Sael'orn - Assault on Violet Hold. | Haste>Crit |
  157. Understone Gorget: ,id=134491 | Rokmora - Neltharion's Lair. | Crit>Vers |
  158. Wolfstride Pendant: ,id=133633 | Fenryr - Halls of Valor. | Mastery>Haste |
  159. Breathless Choker: ,id=137461 | Blood-Princess Thal'ena - Assault on Violet Hold | Crit>Haste |
  160. Chain of a Hundred Maws: ,id=134498 | Mindflayer Kaahrj - Assault on Violet Hold. | Haste>Mastery |
  161. Chain of Scorched Bones : ,id=134529 | Talixae Flamewreath - Court of Stars. | Haste>Vers | 2pc: Your spells and attacks against Demons have a chance to deal an additional 32,000 Fire damage.
  162. Chain of the Green Flight: ,id=137311 | Nightmare Egg - Darkheart Thicket. | Mastery>Crit |
  164. RING ============================================= | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  165. finger1=
  166. finger2=
  167. Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal: ,id=134487 | Nightmare Abomination - Darkheart Thicket. | Mastery>Haste |
  168. Band of Callous Dominance: ,id=134528 | Smashspite the Hateful - Black Rook Hold | Crit>Haste |
  169. Band of Crystalline Bone : ,id=134493 | Shivermaw - Assault on Violet Hold | Vers>Mastery |
  170. Band of Decaying Rubies: ,id=137438 | Festerface - Assault on Violet Hold | Crit>Haste |
  171. Band of Fused Coral : ,id=134532 | Wrath of Azshara - Eye of Azshara | Haste>Crit |
  172. Band of the Wyrm Matron: ,id=134524 | Naraxas - Neltharion's Lair | Crit>Vers |
  173. Band of Twisted Bark: ,id=134531 | Oakheart - Darkheart Thicket | Crit>Mastery |
  174. Braided Silver Ring: ,id=134539 | King Deepbeard - Eye of Azshara | Mastery>Vers |
  175. Dingy Wedding Band: ,id=134534 | Millificent Manastorm - Assault on Violet Hold | Haste>Mastery |
  176. Gnawed Thumb Ring : ,id=134526 | Ivanyr - The Arcway. | Crit>Mastery |
  177. Grasping Tentacle Loop: ,id=133634 | Helya - Maw of Souls. | Mastery>Haste |
  178. Helarjar Champion Band : ,id=133751 | ???? | Crit>Vers |
  179. Loop of Eightfold Eyes: ,id=134527 | Sael'orn - Assault on Violet Hold | Mastery>Vers |
  180. Loop of Vitriolic Intent: ,id=134530 | Ularogg Cragshaper - Neltharion's Lair | Haste>Mastery |
  181. Ring of Contempt: ,id=134490 | Illysanna Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold. | Haste>Vers |
  182. Ring of Looming Menace : ,id=134533 | General Xakal - The Arcway. | Haste>Vers | 2pc: dmg against demons
  183. Ring of Mind-Shielding : ,id=137432 | Mindflayer Kaahrj - Assault on Violet Hold. | Mastery>Crit |
  184. Ring of Minute Mirrors : ,id=137533 | Glazer - Vault of the Wardens. | Mastery>Vers |
  185. Ring of Twisted Webbing : ,id=134540 | Nal'tira - The Arcway. | Mastery>Haste |
  186. Seal of Malicious Deceit : ,id=134489 | Anub'esset - Assault on Violet Hold. | Haste>Crit |
  187. Seal of Saltheril : ,id=137532 | Tirathon Saltheril - Vault of the Wardens. | Haste>Mastery |
  188. Seal of the Nazjatar Empire : ,id=134525 | Lady Hatecoil - Eye of Azshara. | Crit>Haste |
  189. Signet of the Highborne Magi : ,id=134537 | Shade of Xavius - Darkheart Thicket. | Mastery>Crit |
  190. Sixtrigger Lucky Ring : ,id=140600 | ??? | Crit>Vers |
  191. Utgarde Royal Signet: ,id=133637 | Ymiron, the Fallen King - Maw of Souls. | Crit>Vers |
  192. Val'kyr Ascension Signet : ,id=133679 | Hyrja - Halls of Valor. | Crit>Mastery |
  193. Woe-Bearer's Band : ,id=133638 | God-King Skovald - Halls of Valor. | Mastery>Crit |
  194. Vastly Oversized Ring : ,id=141580 | Rare drop, BoE | CRIT | 815
  195. Fran's Intractable Loop : ,id=141582 | Same | HASTE | 815
  196. Demar's Band of Amore : ,id=141581 | Same | MASTERY | 815
  197. Ring of the Displaced Mage : ,id=121802 | Hunter of Night QUEST | Crit>Haste |
  199. TRINKETS ========================================= | Obtained From | Stat Breakdown | Notes? |
  200. trinket1=
  201. trinket2=
  203. Caged Horror |Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest - Black Rook Hold | MASTERY | Your ranged attacks and spells have a chance to unleash a Dark Blast
  204. dealing 188,754 Shadow damage to all enemies in the line
  205. Chrono Shard | Advisor Vandros - The Arcway. | INT | Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 5,112 Haste and
  206. 15% movement speed for 10 sec. 2pc: = +1000 haste.
  207. Corrupted Starlight: ,id=137301 | Nightmare Abomination - Darkheart Thicket | MASTERY | Your damaging spells have a chance to pull a nightmare star from the sky, creating a pool of corruption that deals 128,350 Shadow damage to all enemies in the area over 10 sec.
  208. Elementium Bomb Squirrel Generator, id=137446 | Millificent Manastorm - Assault on Violet Hold | CRIT | Your ranged attacks and spells have a chance to release a Mechanical Bomb Squirrel that charges your target and explodes for 80,220 Fire damage.
  209. Eye of Skovald : ,id=133641 | God-King Skovald - Halls of Valor. | CRIT |Your ranged attacks and spells have a chance to call down a Fel Meteor on your target, dealing 40,110 Fire damage to them and nearby enemies.
  210. Figurehead of the Naglfar: ,id=137329 | Helya - Maw of Souls. | CRIT | USE: Inflict Taint of the Sea on an enemy for 15 sec, causing them to take 30% of the damage you deal to all other enemies, up to 549,334 total damage.
  211. Horn of Valor: ,id=133642 | Hymdall - Halls of Valor. | Vers | USE: Sound the horn, increasing your primary stat by 2,798 for 30 sec.
  212. Infernal Writ : ,id=137485 | Talixae Flamewreath - Court of Stars. | INT | Your damaging spells have a chance to grant you 366 Critical Strike every 1 sec for 20 sec.
  213. Moonlit Prism: ,id=137541 | Cordana - Vault of the Wardens. | HASTE | USE: Increases your Agility or Intellect by 173 for 20 sec. Your ranged attacks and spells cause this effect to stack, up to 20 times.
  214. Naraxas Spiked Tongue: ,id=137349 | Naraxas - Neltharion's Lair. | MASTERY | Your ranged attacks and spells have a chance to launch a ball of venom that deals up to 173,445 Nature damage, based on your distance from the target (maximum damage at 20 yards).
  215. Oakhearts Gnarled Root: ,id=137306 | ??? | VERS | Your ranged attacks and spells have a chance to deal an additional 168,462 Shadow damage over 6 sec and reduce the target's movement speed by 30%.
  216. Portable Manacracker: ,id=137398 | Ivanyr - The Arcway. | INT | Your damaging critical strikes have a chance to apply Volatile Magic. At 6 stacks Volatile Magic is converted into Withering Consumption, dealing 168,465 Arcane damage over 12 sec.
  217. Stormsinger Fulmination Charge: ,id=137367 | Lady Hatecoil - Eye of Azshara. | INT | Your ranged attacks and spells have a chance to trigger Focused Lightning, granting you 667 Mastery every 1 sec. After 10 sec, this bonus decreases every 1 sec.
  218. Darkmoon Deck: Hellfire: ,id=128709 | Dark Moon Card | INT | Increase critical strike by 668-1,336. The amount of critical strike depends on the topmost card in the deck.
  219. Imp Generator: ,id=131735 | The Gates of Valor - Archeology | CRIT | Your damage and healing spells have a chance open a portal to Mardum, sending a stream of imps at your target or your target's opponent.
  220. Infernal Alchemist Stone: ,id=127842 | ALCHEMY | VERS | When you heal or deal damage you have a chance to increase your Strength, Agility, or Intellect by 3,275 for 15 sec. Your highest stat is always chosen.
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