
Red "speedrun" routing (Jan. 2017)

Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. - Use 7 A press Nido manip
  2. - Use old post-Lass Moon manip with Paras YOLO balls
  3. - Use new cans manip (so good)
  4. - Don't get Mega Punch
  5. - Buy 5 Poke Balls and 7 Potions (works early or late), then sell Bide and buy 3 Super Potions in Celadon
  6. > Other shopping is unchanged
  7. > If you buy 2 Supers in Celadon, you can YOLO the 5F buys (except X Acc)
  8. - If Paras breaks out, HA to weaken
  9. - Standard E4 uses 1 Super for Agatha and 1 Super for Lance (2 Supers if Night Shade or similar damage)
  10. - Generally kill L7 or L8 Zubat at L15 (both get L20 for Rattata, and both can get full exp with a good late Moon encounter)
  11. - Generally don't heal 21+ HP for Shorts Guy
  14. - Use improved Moon manip
  15. - Consider 2 Super Potions and mashing for more X items on bad runs (Note: This does force YOLO Agatha)
  16. - If you Drilled Growlithe and get Leer from Machoke, use IB on Machop and delay Elixer
  17. - Kill a L11 Zubat before the Nerd
  18. - High roll crit HA (the 25 in 22-26) + normal roll PS (the 6 in 5-7) kills the L11 Voltorb
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