
Forcing a Star

Apr 6th, 2014
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  1. (Anonymous request) (bondage, spanking, rape, /mild/ blood)
  2. (Don't read this if you're questionable on any of those topics)
  4. “Hey, I'll see you guys later!” Soarin' shouted with a wave of his hoof to his fellow teammates. Pleased with the responses he got in turn, Soarin' spread his wings and took flight, watching the Wonderbolts' Stadium getting smaller and smaller beneath him as he made his way home, the setting sun behind him.
  6. It had been a productive week of practicing—Spitfire had introduced a few new tricks into their routine, and despite the fact it took the entire week for them to run the show without collateral lightning damage, Soarin' was confident that their crowds were gonna be thrilled with the new changes. Apparently Spitfire was too, because she had given them the entire weekend off of practice. Considering the fact that he could count the number of times she had done that on his hooves, it was with no small satisfaction that Soarin' flew home, the cityscape of Cloudsdale lost on him as he focused on the bottle of Apaloosan whiskey a certain cowpony had given him, just waiting for Soarin' to return.
  8. Whether it was his daydreams of alcohol or simply the exhaustion of the day's training, Soarin' completely missed the fact his door was unlocked when he finally reached his apartment's doors. So with his trademark levels of nonchalance, he discarded the slightly sweaty Wonderbolt's flight suit by the door and practically strutted into his living room. The weekend's plans, already starting to form in the pegasus' head, completely distracted him. But first and foremost, he had some whiskey calling his name. And pie too, he decided. Pie never hurt. Determined, Soarin' made his way to the kitchen to grab his prize.
  10. So, with his head in the clouds and his back turned, Soarin' was completely unaware of the unicorn intruder slowly approaching him from behind, levitating a thick rag laced with some unknown chemical. When he did notice, it was too late—The pony quickly jumped forward, knocking Soarin' to the ground while magically wrapping the rag around his muzzle. He tried to struggle, but all he could manage was a few quick yelps before his breathing became alarmingly shallow, and his vision started to fade.
  12. With a final grunt, the unicorn's victim passed out, slumping gracelessly against the tiled floor. The intruder sighed in relief and sat down, allowing the rag to slip out of his magic's grasp. He knew the Wonderbolt would be easier to subdue after a day of training, but that went much smoother than he had anticipated. Collecting himself, he focused intensely as his horn lit up, a veil of pale blue magic enveloping the unconscious pegasus next to him. Standing to his hooves as his captive rose, he cautiously moved them both to the master bedroom, making sure not to hit Soarin' against any of the walls or furniture on the way.
  14. Panting slightly from exertion, the unicorn slowly placed the unconscious Soarin' on top of the his bed. He had to admit, this guy knew how to live luxuriously—The bed was queen-sized, with very plush, white fabrics adorning it. Checking underneath, there were four metal posts linked to the frame holding the bed up, looking particularly sturdy. Grinning in approval, he extended his magic once more to a black duffel bag, carefully extracting several pieces of rope and a roll of duct tape from within. It was time to get to work...
  18. Moaning softly to himself, Soarin' ground himself against the soft covers of his bed. He didn't remember moving to his room or falling asleep, but since he had made it back to bed, he wasn't particularly concerned. It was when he tried to yawn and stretch his wings that something struck him as very, very wrong. He was face-down, and he couldn't move. A little more awake now, Soarin' tried pulling his hooves up, but they were completely immobilized by a thick rope. Trying to move his wings again, he realized they were tied down to his sides as well. A rush of panic shot through him, and he tried calling for help, only to realize his mouth was taped firmly shut. He started thrashing against his restraints, hyperventilating, when a hoof pressed itself against his shoulder. Jumping from the touch, Soarin' tried moving his head as far as he could, but it wasn't quite enough to see who was in the room with him.
  20. A warm, masculine voice spoke. “Breathe, Soarin'. Relax. Struggling won't get you anywhere but exhausted, and it's much too early for that.”
  22. Soarin' closed his eyes, trying to control his frantic breathing. He was still very much panicked, but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere if he passed out again. After a minute of deep breaths, he opened his eyes again, and tried to look around. What he saw wasn't very helpful—He could tell that this was still his apartment, and he saw the very complicated looking knots tied around his legs, but that was everything in his field of vision.
  24. When the hoof on his shoulder started tracing itself down his back, Soarin' shuddered and tried to jerk away, but the tightness of the ropes wouldn't allow him that kind of movement. He tried to say something, then mentally kicked himself as he remembered the duct tape over his mouth. Seeing his captive was trying to speak, the unicorn leaned down to Soarin's ear, and softly whispered, “I'm going to take the tape off. If you even think about raising your voice, or trying to call for help, I've got much worse I can silence you with.”
  26. With a bright flash of magic, the duct tape was ripped from the pegasus' mouth, and he yelped from the sudden spike of pain. Relishing the taste of air, Soarin' took a few quick gulps, careful to not start breathing too quickly again. Trying to gather himself, he shakily asked, “What...What do you want?”
  28. The unicorn paused for a second, and let out a quick, ominous chuckle. “Direct, aren't we? You didn't ask 'What's going on?' or 'Who are you?' or even 'Why is this happening to me?'. I like that.”
  30. He paused. “What I want is...a little bit of fun, let's say.” His hoof, still pressed against Soarin', slowly made its way down to his flanks, eliciting a shudder from his captive. “You can say that I'm an...admirer, of sorts. So I'm here to “admire” you.”
  32. Hearing his assailant's words, Soarin' realized exactly how splayed out he was against the bed, and his cheeks quickly lit up a bright red. As the hoof pressed against him tried moving itself towards the sensitive areas under his tail, he started thrashing again and managed to shout out half of a cry for help before a black ball gag quickly shoved itself into his mouth, the unicorn's magical aura surrounding it. Before it could be spit out, the straps on the back fastened themselves tightly, effectively silencing him.
  34. Laughing darkly, the unicorn stated, “I told you I had worse. Fighting back might be cute, but you're not getting out of this. But now...” He contemplated wistfully. “I think you need to be taught a lesson. Struggling is one thing, but yelling is completely unacceptable. And I think I have just the thing...”
  36. Lighting his horn up, the unicorn grabbed Soarin's tail, pulling it upwards so that his rear was raised off the bed, eliciting a soft grunt of pain. Grabbing one of the bed's pillows, he quickly shoved it under Soarin', keeping his flanks elevated. Reaching out with his magic once more, a large wooden paddle slowly floated over, hovering inches above the restrained pegasus.
  38. “I think you can figure out what this is for...” He intoned playfully, tracing the curves of Soarin's flanks with the flat wood. When the dark blue tail tried to flick the paddle away, the unicorn sighed disapprovingly and restrained it, his lighter blue aura holding it flat against the pegasus' back. Soarin's blush grew deeper as his ass was completely exposed, and he could feel his assailant's eyes staring right at his private areas. His embarrassment was quickly forgotten, however, when he felt the paddle lightly tap against him again.
  40. “You've been a bad pony.” The unicorn stated, his voice growing cold. “Bad ponies get punished.” With a flick of his horn, the paddle came down hard on Soarin's bare ass, eliciting a muffled cry. “Did that hurt?” He asked, cruelty tinging the question. The paddle spanked the pegasus again. “That's what you get for trying to call for help.” Another smack. “And after all the trouble I went through for this too...”
  42. Soarin' tensed, anticipating another painful, humiliating spank. Instead, the paddle slowly rubbed against his reddening flanks, and he let out a pitiful moan at the sting. He tried squirming against the ropes holding him down, yet they still wouldn't yield.
  44. “Now now.” The unicorn intoned. “We're just getting started. Don't go soft on me yet.”
  46. He resumed his spanking with renewed vigor, and Soarin's moaning and grunting became more and more desperate, the tenderness in his flanks increasing with each hit of the paddle. Even as his ass became redder and redder, the unicorn wouldn't stop, his hits becoming less and less controlled as he saw the pain and desperation overcoming his captive, his eyes betraying the lustful urges stirring within him.
  48. With one last spank to Soarin's ass, the unicorn jumped onto the bed behind him, gently placing his front hooves on the now-bright red, tender backside in front of him. Slowly massaging the flanks, the pegasus let out a hiss of pain as he was rubbed indiscriminately. He tried struggling yet again, but it was to no avail. The ropes holding him were too tight. Mercifully, the pain in his rear lasted only but a minute before he heard his captor speak up.
  50. “Now, that's much better, isn't it...You won't try something reckless like that again, will you?” He pressed his hooves down forcefully, the pain of Soarin's tender ass speaking all the words he didn't need to. Unable to hold back a yelp of pain, Soarin' quickly shook his head, not wishing to anger his assailant any further.
  52. “Good...I think you're finally ready for the next part, my pet~” The unicorn chuckled darkly, shifting his hips forward slightly. Soarin' blinked, unsure of what was to come, when he felt something warm and hard pressing against his rear. When the realization finally hit him, his eyes grew wide in shock and fear, and the otherwise silent room filled with his grunts of panic and desperation. The cock pressed against him throbbed, its owner egged on by the struggling pegasus. It felt huge, and Soarin' started hyperventilating at the idea of it going inside him.
  54. The unicorn took notice, grinning as his shaft rubbed around the tender ass in front of him. “Mm, scared of this, are you? Of how much it's going to hurt?~” The pleading moans answered his question better than words ever could have. Easing back a little, he lowered his head to the pegasus' rear, pleased to see how tight the quivering hole awaiting him was. “I've decided to be generous. It looks to me like you've never had your cherry popped, and we don't want to hurt you too badly, do we?”
  56. He grinned, and slowly brought his tongue to the clenched hole in front of him. Soarin' shivered at the touch. Shame and embarrassment colored his cheeks as the wet tongue violated him, but no matter how he tried to deny it, it felt good. He cursed his traitorous body for enjoying his sensitive areas being slowly lubed up by his assailant. It was with even greater shame that he felt his own shaft start to harden against the pillow underneath him, his body reacting against his will.
  58. Pulling back, the unicorn let out a sultry moan as he noticed Soarin' starting to get hard. “You're enjoying this, aren't you?~” He smacked Soarin's ass with a hoof, laughing mockingly when he saw the pegasus' cock twitch in response, its owner grunting in pain. “You dirty slut. I bet you're gonna love it when I fuck you hard...” He moved his hips forward again, his thick shaft rubbing between the red-tinged flanks. Lifting himself up, he quickly mounted, forehooves landing just below Soarin's shoulders, his flared cockhead rubbing against the slick hole.
  60. Soarin' struggled futilely, desperately trying to escape the ropes holding him down. This couldn't be happening. Not to him. But for all the strength he had, he couldn't escape. He shut his eyes tightly and grit his teeth, trying to brace himself for the pain he knew was coming.
  62. “That's it...” The unicorn cooed. “You can't stop this, so just accept it~”
  64. Without warning, he bucked his hips forcefully, his entire shaft burying itself inside the pegasus all at once. Soarin' arched his back and let out a muffled cry, his eyes watering from the sudden, intense pain. What little lubrication there had been on his ass had barely softened the blow as the massive cock stretched him out. His assailant grunted in pleasure, “Fuck, you're even tighter than I thought you'd be...” He slowly pulled himself out completely, cock twitching in the air. He thrust inside again, making a lewd slapping noise as his crotch hit Soarin's sore flanks.
  66. The unicorn lowered his head to Soarin's ear, whispering softly. “How does it feel, little bitch, to have my cock inside you?” He ground his hips to emphasize the point. “You like it, don't you? Feeling it tear up your insides like this~” Soarin' could only whimper, a tear rolling down his cheek.
  68. “This might be the tightest ass I've ever had...” He said, punctuating his statement with a shallow thrust. “Even if you don't, I'm gonna enjoy this~”
  70. The unicorn pulled out once more, rubbing his shaft over Soarin's flanks. A thin trickle of blood seeped from the abused hole, and was quickly smeared around by the probing cock. After a minute of teasing, he lined his cock up with Soarin's ass again, a few beads of pre leaking from the tip. “I hope you're ready for this, my little slut” he said, tracing a hoof down the pegasus' side. “I'm going to fuck you senseless, and fill you to the brim with my seed~”
  72. He pushed himself inside, slower this time, wanting Soarin' to feel every single inch of his cock sliding in. He did not disappoint, involuntarily clenching down on the invading shaft, groaning in discomfort as it pushed further and further inside him. When he had bottomed out, the unicorn harshly spanked Soarin's ass, moaning in pleasure while the pegasus clenched down harder in pain.
  74. “Ooh, just like that. You're a tight little bitch, aren't you?~” The unicorn taunted. He slowly pulled himself back until just his flared head was just barely inside Soarin', then he quickly thrust forward, his crotch slapping against his captive's flanks lewdly. He slowly built up a pattern of thrusting and pulling back, going faster and faster as his pleasure built. It was all Soarin' could do to just sit there and take it, unable to help moaning in pain and discomfort around the gag still in his mouth.
  76. Before long, the unicorn approached his peak, cock growing even thicker from the stimulation. Still holding Soarin's tail with his magic, he yanked it up hard, causing the pegasus to yelp while he pounded his ass harder. “Ngh...I'm just about to cum, little slut...” He groaned. With a final deep thrust, he bottomed out and ground his hips roughly, shooting his load deep within his captive. His cock twitched and throbbed as rope after rope of warm cum filled his unwilling bottom.
  78. Panting softly, the unicorn finally came down from his orgasm. He slowly pulled out his softening cock, relishing the feeling of his cum coating the inside the now-looser ass. A thick stream of it slowly trickled down Soarin's flanks, making him shiver from the unwelcome sensation. His ass was still stinging harshly in pain, but at least his attacker wasn't still inside him.
  80. “You didn't do half-bad, my bitch~” The unicorn teased, softly caressing Soarin's flanks, eliciting a shudder and a weak groan of protest. “I definitely made the right choice, coming to you. But now...” His horn lit, loosening the ropes holding the pegasus down just slightly. “It's time for me to leave. Struggle enough, and those ropes should come undone on their own. Probably.”
  82. Hopping off the bed, the unicorn quickly gathered himself, checking to make sure he had taken everything he had used to subdue Soarin'. Lifting up the black bag in his magic, he made his way to the door. “Oh, go ahead and keep the gag.” He taunted. “Maybe we'll get another chance to use it on you someday~”
  84. As Soarin' heard the door close, he buried his head into the bed, trying to suppress sobs. “It's over now”, he repeated to himself, trying to find some comfort in the words. It was finally over. Exhausted and overwhelmed, it wasn't long before he quitely passed out, sleep offering the peace he so desperately needed.
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