
[Spectrumstuck] Anguis meets Iustia

Mar 31st, 2017
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  1. [12:57] * hysteronProteron [HP] began trolling destituteJudgement [DJ]
  2. [12:58] <hysteronProteron> Kind sir or madam judge, might I trouble you for a short legal clarification?
  3. [12:59] <destituteJudgement> -:- I am sorry, dearest civilian, but I am not a judge. -:-
  4. [12:59] <destituteJudgement> -:- My judgement lies in the VERY NATURE OF JUSTICE UNBOUND -:-
  5. [13:00] <hysteronProteron> I see.
  6. [13:00] <hysteronProteron> Kind sir or madam justice, might I trouble you for a short legal clarification?
  7. [13:01] <destituteJudgement> -:- You misunderstand. I might very well be JUSTICE DRIVEN, but try as I might.. -:-
  8. [13:01] <destituteJudgement> -:- I have not become the EPITOME of JUSTICE yet. -:-
  9. [13:01] <hysteronProteron> I understand. My condolences. I am currently in the same metaphorical boat myself.
  10. [13:02] <hysteronProteron> Does this mean you are unaware of the minutiae of loitering laws?
  11. [13:02] <destituteJudgement> -:- Sadly not, though I know well the terrors of DELINQUENTS and the WICKEDNESS that spreads from their IDLE LIVES -:-
  12. [13:03] <destituteJudgement> -:- I know at least that loitering is the SEED OF THE SEED OF THE SEED OF TRUE DEGENERACY -:-
  13. [13:04] <hysteronProteron> Indeed, just such a delinquent is the object of my concern. I stand with a shopkeep who fears that a group of youths who loiter regularly near his shop plan to advance to such crimes as theft, murder, and perhaps even treason.
  14. [13:05] <destituteJudgement> -:- My goodness! -:-
  15. [13:05] <hysteronProteron> I am sure you can understand their eagerness to involve honorary authorities such as myself.
  16. [13:07] <destituteJudgement> -:- Certainly! These are trying times, and it's often that those who stray from the PATH OF LIGHT prey on those vulnerable! -:-
  17. [13:08] <destituteJudgement> -:- And treason is quite the worry as well! The crown's blade doth swing, cutting away the CHAFF even with the WHEAT SURROUNDING! -:-
  18. [13:08] <hysteronProteron> Indeed! I was hoping to find someone able to summarize the laws involved, to ensure that I do not perform my duty with insufficient zeal as I keep watch on these potential miscreants.
  19. [13:09] <hysteronProteron> Is loitering punishable by arrest and/or death, for instance?
  20. [13:10] <destituteJudgement> -:- The former certainly seems more than likely: little chance is given to the GRAIN MARKED WITH BLIGHT -:-
  21. [13:10] <destituteJudgement> -:- The latter I would not be sure of -:-
  22. [13:11] <destituteJudgement> -:- Is it... licensed loitering? -:-
  23. [13:11] <hysteronProteron> I have not yet asked for any licences or registrations.
  24. [13:12] <hysteronProteron> My hope was to gather information with which to assuage the shopkeep's concerns, followed by conducting a thorough investigation into each of the troublemakers.
  25. [13:13] <destituteJudgement> -:- You have quite the conundrum before you, my comrade-in-justice. I would follow the latter through with FERVOR -:-
  26. [13:13] <destituteJudgement> -:- For all we know, those seemingly innocuous mischief makers could have SEVERAL SUCH TALLIES marked to them -:-
  27. [13:14] <hysteronProteron> Indeed! I shall perform my investigation with fervorousness the likes of which have never before been seen!
  28. [13:14] <hysteronProteron> ... Right after I finish making sure there are laws against what they are doing.
  29. [13:15] <destituteJudgement> -:- May the LIGHT shine with thee, and aid thee on thy quest! -:-
  30. [13:15] <destituteJudgement> -:- I would consult one MORE EXPERIENCED in matters of the court than myself. -:-
  31. [13:15] <hysteronProteron> I will do so.
  32. [13:15] <hysteronProteron> Thank you for your time, kind and justice driven sir or madam.
  33. [13:16] <hysteronProteron> It is truly an inspiration to see another agent against the dark forces of lawlessness.
  34. [13:16] <destituteJudgement> -:- T'was a pleasure. Please, converse with me at another time. I am similarly joyful that such a righteous individual would reach out to me -:-
  35. [13:17] <destituteJudgement> -:- And it's madam. -:-
  36. [13:17] <hysteronProteron> Apologies for my unawareness. I would be happy to confer again at a later date, but for now there may be crime afoot.
  37. [13:18] <hysteronProteron> May 'His Honourable Tyranny' watch over you.
  38. [13:18] <destituteJudgement> -:- Pursue those wrongdoers with the fury of the sun, fellow justice-seeker! -:-
  39. [13:19] <hysteronProteron> I certainly shall, in the name of the law!
  40. [13:19] * hysteronProteron [HP] ceased trolling destituteJudgement [DJ]
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