

Aug 14th, 2017
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  1. <html lang='en'><head> <title>Decryption information</title> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'> <link rel='stylesheet' href=''> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script></head><body> <div class='container'><div align='center' style='width:auto; height:auto; position:relative; float:none;'> <h2>YOUR UNIQ IDENTIFICATOR: QRM2TR67ZG</h2></br></br> <h2>What happend with my files?</h2> <div class='well well-sm'>All your databases corrupted .All your files has been locked ( encrypted) with Ransomware</br> For encrypting we using strong cryptographic algorithm AES256+RSA-2048 .Do not attempt to recover the files yourself .</br> You might corrupt your files. We also rewrite all old blocks on HDD and you don`t recover your files with Recuva and other... </br></br> <b> YOU HAVE ONLY 6 DAYS FOR BUY YOUR DECRYPTION TOOL </b></br> It is not advised to use third party tools to decrypt,if we find them you ,you will forever lose your files. </div> <h2>How i can restore my files?</h2> <div class='well'> Go to BTC exchange services and buy 1,2 Bitcoin 3) Send it to address 151F8ufANwCohXzteZ2mauvHLvkS8WmEFT and write us email to address for giving your key and decryption tool. In subject write your Unique ID </div> <h2>BTC Guide:</br></h2> <div class='well well-lg'> <b>Top BTC exchange sites:</b> <a href=''>LocalBitcoins</a> (We recomend), <a href=''>Coinbase</a>, <a href=''>BTC-E</a>, </br></br> <b>Online wallets:</b> <a href=''>BlockchainInfo</a>, <a href=''></a> </div></div></body></html>
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