
One Anon's Dream

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. Original Posts can be found here:
  4. _______________________________________________________
  7. >be inna spaceship coming out of warp
  8. >now in orbit around a dark, cloudy looking planet
  9. >I was some sort of ambassador or representative of some intergalactic government
  10. >There was something on this planet that I needed to bring back
  11. >I pull up a hologram that told the stats on the planet
  12. >Says it's several billion years old, the nearby star is in it's later stages of life, very volcanic, but atmosphere was still breathable; no data on name.
  13. >Says there's possibly sentient life
  14. >That unsettles me for some reason
  15. >Decide that I should be fine anyways and fly down to the surface.
  16. >Visibility disappears as I go through a thick gray cloud cover
  17. >Pops back as I break through, showing a landscape that's fiery and desolate
  18. >Computer says it's risky landing near the object location due to a nearby volcano, so I'd have to walk
  19. >Land in what looked to once be a forest; now just a field of dead and burnt tree trunks
  20. >Climb out of the cockpit as the canopy raises out of the way, and walk in the general direction
  21. >It was hot and windy
  22. >A minute of walking passed, and I hear a screech
  23. >Red, scaly pterodactyl like creatures started falling from the sky towards me
  24. >Reach for blaster
  25. >But it's stuck in it's holster
  26. >Decide to run for a thicker part of the woods to escape them
  27. >Move through the maze of trees and come out the other side
  28. >I find myself on the edge of a steep hill
  29. >Below me was a wide, flat, barren valley
  30. >On one end, a Mt. Doom tier volcano was spewing fire constantly
  31. >On the other, was what looked like Canterlot Castle, but much, much lower to the ground, and very worse for wear
  32. >Now almost a dark gray color and in a crumbling state
  33. >Surrounding it were five pristine, white, slender towers with purple tops
  34. >Suddenly the volcano exploded
  35. >A pyroclastic flow tumbled down the side of the mountain and into the valley
  36. >Heading straight to the castle, looking like it'd destroy it
  37. >Lights began to shine from the tips of the towers
  38. >Then a great, violet colored shield of energy appeared between them and the approaching hot cloud
  39. >It gave slightly when they collided, but the shield seemed to hold it back
  40. >The ground shook beneath me then, and I lost my footing
  41. >I tumbled down the slope beneath me
  42. >Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a clean, white room with gold trim, laying on a table sitting in the center
  43. >I hear a voice next to me
  44. "TI was wondering when you would wake. I have to say, traversing the volcanic plains alone is a foolishly dangerous task."
  45. >I turn my head to see who was talking
  46. >It was Celestia
  47. >She was smiling at me, but she had this haunted look about her
  48. >Like she was trying to hide a sickness or pain
  49. >At her sides were two unicorn guards of different colors
  50. >I sit up
  51. >"I thought there couldn't be life here."
  52. "Well... Not much. There aren't many of us left."
  53. >Before I could respond, she turned towards an open doorway behind her.
  54. "Come. Follow me."
  55. >I get off of the table and walk behind her through the door and down a spiraling staircase
  56. >As we walk down, I look out the windows that dot the side
  57. >It looked like we were in the center tower (2 towers out one side, 2 on the other, and the castle and volcano were in view)
  58. >"Who are you?"
  59. >She pauses, still looking forwards
  60. "...The ruler of a dying world. The sad monarch, helpless as she watches her once great kingdom fall into ruin."
  61. >She resumes down the steps
  62. "It was once beautiful, this land... Those days are no more."
  63. >"What happened?"
  64. >There was a moment of silence, she lowered her head,
  65. "Many, many things... Wars. Death. Betrayal. But history will only remember it as it being our time to leave. The clock had finally run out for them"
  66. >The stairs ended with a long hallway, which was followed by a set of steps that lead back up
  67. >We walk down in silence
  68. >Finally, she speaks up again
  69. "I know why you're here."
  70. >We travel up the steps to another hallway
  71. >Now the walls were pitted, gray stone, holding worn, lightless torch holders, rotted and burnt doors long ajar or fallen down
  72. >The windows overlooked the valley, towers and volcano all at once
  73. >I felt grim looking at it all
  74. "I have to say, I don't blame you for coming here. And I will not stop you from claiming what you desire."
  75. >We turn a corner and into a room. It looks like what used to be a study
  76. >Full of old bookcases full of destroyed books and artifacts
  77. >There was a very large open balcony to the left of me
  78. >In the center of it all, there was a small, stone pedestal that had some object draped in a gray cloth on top
  79. >She rips off the cloth, revealing something so bright I couldn't look at it
  80. >She then pushes it with her hoof into a container that concealed it again
  81. >I realize that was the object I was looking for and I take it when she hands it to me
  82. >The container was the size of an altoids tin, shaped similarly too, but made of completely bare metal.
  83. >Celestia then turned around
  84. "Before you go, I also wish to give you another thing, if you so desire. Just a favor I ask."
  85. >I nod
  86. >She gave me a warm, relieved smile
  87. >Leading me to a small desk in the corner, lit by a single, old candle, she approached an intact tome decorated with intricate designs
  88. >She levitates it into my hands
  89. >It was heavy, but I put it into my backpack
  90. "I knew you would come... at the end of our time. My only wish is for you to have the history of this world. Show it amongst the other worlds and peoples across the stars... or keep it for yourself. It's your decision in the end."
  91. >She wiped a tear from her eye, she lacked any warmth she once had
  92. "Yet I would like it that our history may still be remembered, after I'm gone..."
  93. >Celestia looked down
  94. >She seemed incredibly sad and tired
  95. >On the verge of crying
  96. >I put a hand on her shoulder
  97. "Yes, I'll take it. And I'll show everyone this world's greatness."
  98. >She blinked, smiled, then pulled me into a strong hug
  99. "Thank you."
  100. >I heard my spaceship engine nearby, and she pushed me away
  101. >I looked to see my spaceship landing on the castle balcony, piloted by two ponies
  102. >They hopped out and gave me a bow before running off
  103. >Celestia had a solemn, but peaceful smile
  104. "Now go. Our time here reaches it's end."
  105. >I turn towards the ship, but then decide to give Celestia a bow.
  106. >"Thank you. I'll never forget you."
  107. >She didn't answer, but I heard rumbling outside
  108. >I jump into my spaceship and began to fly off
  109. >I began to ask myself why I can't just take her with me
  110. >I look down and see her waving
  111. >Just then the volcano exploded
  112. >This time, the entire side collapsed, and a gigantic wall of lava barreled down the valley
  113. >The towers activated and tried to block it
  114. >They faltered
  115. >The shield broke
  116. >And they were consumed
  117. >Shortly after, the castle fell as well
  118. >I wasn't able to see Celestia
  119. >The computer beeped, then updated the planet's stats
  120. "No sentient life."
  121. >I hovered above the wreckage for a few seconds, shook my head and flew back out to space
  122. >I pull the book out of my bags, and flip through the pages
  123. >The detailed art and calligraphy on it were drawn in colored, metallic ink
  124. >I turn to the last page
  125. >I heard Celestia's voice read the entry:
  126. "And thus the once proud nation of Equestria, once the bastion of peace and friendship for all, was snuffed out by the flames of it's own consequence. May the generosity of those who read this history stand to remember this tale, so that they themselves may not encounter this same fate."
  127. -Signed, the last Alicorn and Princess of Equestria
  128. Princess Celestia.
  129. >I closed the book, and placed it beside me.
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