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NERV Second Base : Episode 00

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Sep 6th, 2012
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  1. 03[14:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Siege
  2. 03[14:30] * Doink is now known as Sam_Shepard
  3. 03[14:30] * Blast is now known as Joshua_Falconer
  4. 03[14:30] * Evebot is now known as Asa_Kennedy
  5. 08[14:40] <00@Siege> Two pilots are seated inside a sedan in the backseat, with a large military looking fellow cramped into the passengers seat as a man in black drives. Behind the sedan is a small van, moving the belongings shipped with the pilot. Outside the windows, the city of San Francisco towers in the distance. For now, as the vehicles move along Bayshore, the scenery is relatively sparse. At least the sky is a cheerful blue.
  6. 08[14:40] <00@Siege> [roleplaying locks disengaged]
  7. [14:42] <Asa_Kennedy> Asa scrunches his nose and looks at his rather fine looking watch. "Well at least you were somewhat punctual"
  8. [14:43] <Asa_Kennedy> "Tell me, what kind of boarding facilities are we housed at? Will we get personal assistants like at the Academy?"
  9. [14:43] <Joshua_Falconer> Josh doesn't look around much. He's clearly uncomfortable in the small car, sitting hunched over with his head still touching the ceiling.
  10. [14:44] <Joshua_Falconer> "Sorry, kiddo?" He halfway looks in her direction, prohibited from turning any further by the interior of the small car, with a friendly smile.
  11. 06[14:45] * Sam_Shepard sits upright in his chair, facing forward. A slender young man, his pale hair messy, dressed in rather nondescript jeans and a grey t-shirt. He's been quiet so far, though the occasional twitching of his legs or incessant tapping against the doorframe shows he's having a hard time keeping still. He jerks his head over to look at his neighbor when he speaks. "Well, um, we have dorms? What's a 'personal assistant?'"
  12. 06[14:47] * Asa_Kennedy sighs, very visibly annoyed. "Do you really need to do that?....the tapping? and an know, a person to clean your room, wash your clothes, handle petty matters?...Please tell me we don't have to share rooms!"
  13. 08[14:50] <00@Siege> The driver turns the tiniest bit to Joshua and mouths "Oh boy."
  14. 06[14:50] * Joshua_Falconer snorts back in laughter, then half-looks to the pilots again.
  15. [14:50] <Joshua_Falconer> "Yer sharing a flat. It's got two bedrooms. A cleaning lady comes around every two weeks?"
  16. 06[14:51] * Joshua_Falconer doesn't tell them about the third pilot just yet.
  17. 06[14:52] * Asa_Kennedy scoffs and sits upright. "You're kidding right?! Every two weeks?! Who's going to be cooking for us?! Who's going to wash my clothes?! Father never said I'd be living in squalid conditions!"
  18. [14:54] <Sam_Shepard> "A flat? Is that some kind of house?"
  19. [14:54] <Asa_Kennedy> "Obviously. Have you not traveled?"
  20. [14:55] <Joshua_Falconer> "Yeah it's an ap-art-ment." Josh gives the driver a subtle half-smile.
  21. [14:56] <Sam_Shepard> "Oh. Okay." Sam shakes his head at Asa. "No."
  22. 08[14:56] <00@Siege> The driver lets loose an affirming snort and shakes his head.
  23. 06[14:56] * Asa_Kennedy notices the incredibly empty freeway. "So where IS everyone?"
  24. [14:57] <Joshua_Falconer> "The road's cleared for you two's sake."
  25. [14:57] <Asa_Kennedy> "Wait, father puts me in squalid barely liveable conditions but we've got a private escort?!"
  26. 08[14:58] <00@Siege> The driver turns the vehicle onto the San Mateo bridge, where a "Closed for Construction" sign is moved out of the way by more men in black. The opposite lane is still empty.
  27. [14:59] <Asa_Kennedy> "Excuse me, will you be having someone pick up my dry cleaning?"
  28. [15:00] <Sam_Shepard> "...What's 'dry cleaning'?"
  29. 06[15:00] * Joshua_Falconer declines to respond to either of them.
  30. 08[15:00] <00@Siege> The driver finally breaks his silence and speaks: "Kid, this is San Francisco...not Beverly Hills."
  31. 06[15:01] * Asa_Kennedy crosses his arms and scowls. He stares blankly out the window, visibly zoning out.
  32. 08[15:07] <00@Siege> The car continues, off the bridge (with a similar construction sign taken away by Section 2) and through the city. From the highway, an off-ramp sends the two vehicles out into the country. Surrounded by hills and with mountains in the distance, they eventually reach the NERV compound. A few gate checks (and glances at the new pilot) later, the sedan pulls up to the command "Pyramid" at the center of the complex. The van is elsewhere...likely dropping off Asa's belongings.
  33. 08[15:08] <00@Siege> As the passengers exit, a man in glasses and a NERV uniform stands at the doorway, holding a clipboard sized data pad:
  34. 08[15:08] <00@Siege> [roleplaying locks released]
  35. [15:09] <Joshua_Falconer> When Joshua has escaped from the car, it's clear just how huge he is. Uncomfortably broad shoulders and limbs like tree trunks.
  36. [15:10] <Joshua_Falconer> "'Ello Geoff."
  37. 06[15:10] * Asa_Kennedy nervously exits the vehicle and gulps a bit as he looks at his surroundings. He shifts his eyes towards the man in uniform unsure of what the proper greeting would be.
  38. 08[15:12] <00@Siege> He moves towards Joshua, greeting him with a nod. "Hey Josh. Remington is all too eager to get these fellows ready to go. He's in Conference Room B. I'll be heading out to get the testing equipment ready. "
  39. [15:12] <Sam_Shepard> "Hi Sir." Sam nods at him as they approach, looking excited. "Does this mean we're activating already?"
  40. 08[15:12] <00@Siege> "You ready to put them through the paces and show that Ikari that we aren't a budget sink?"
  41. 08[15:13] <00@Siege> Geoff turns to Sam and nods. "Yep, Remington wants them activated today...with no incidents."
  42. [15:13] <Joshua_Falconer> "Great." He turns to gesture to the kids. "They're pretty up for it." He smiles specifically at Asa. "Aren't you, kids?"
  43. 06[15:14] * Asa_Kennedy shakes off his nervousness and nods. "Affirmative sir. Affirmative."
  44. 06[15:15] * Sam_Shepard is smiling broadly. "Yes! Finally!"
  45. 03[15:15] * M_Ohawk (cgiirc@18B58449.4381CD2C.E4FD0EFA.IP) has joined #nerv-second-base
  46. [15:16] <Joshua_Falconer> "Great." Josh claps his hands and wrings them together.
  47. 08[15:16] <00@Siege> "Well, looks like you won't have any trouble getting them into the plugs..." Geoff turns to Josh and holds out his hand for a shake. "I'm off to the bridge. I'll see you there after you give them the scenic tour."
  48. 06[15:16] * Asa_Kennedy is clearly not excited.
  49. 06[15:19] * Joshua_Falconer shakes it without his looming frame turning away from the kids. "Right-o."
  50. 06[15:20] * Sam_Shepard is clearly /very/ excited. Though its probably not about the tour.
  51. 08[15:20] <00@Siege> With that, Geoff turns back into the base and begins moving through the hallways, and with a quick glance adds: "Try not to keep the Commander waiting!"
  52. 08[15:20] <00@Siege> He also shakes his hand a tad as he walks...
  53. 06[15:21] * Asa_Kennedy "do we at least have a caterer? or a chef?" I have VERY specific nutritional needs"
  54. 08[15:22] <00@Siege> Inside the command pyramid, NERV-04's walls glisten with a fresh coat of paint. The base only just recently appears to have become operational as there's still many doors covered in construction tape or windows with the labels yet to be peeled off.
  55. [15:23] <Joshua_Falconer> "Really?" Josh gives the impression of being INTERESTED as he leads through the Nerv pyramid. "We can talk about it when you've passed the tests, right?"
  56. 06[15:24] * Asa_Kennedy walks with his head held high. He seems to be looking down and upon everything. "So, is this undergoing a renovation or something? It's clearly not in tip top shape as I was told"
  57. 08[15:25] <00@Siege> A few turns brings the group to the Conference Room. A large onyx slab takes up the majority of the room with NERV's logo pressed into its center. On either wall on the long side of the table, large screens are mounted into the walls: currently, a simple screen-saver is on display of an apple peeling itself and revealing the NERV logo. Commander Remington and a Section 2 agent are the only ones present in the room:
  58. 06[15:25] * Sam_Shepard isn't really paying attention to anything at the moment, and follows the two in happy silence.
  59. [15:25] <Joshua_Falconer> "No it's just crap. We don't get much cash. Japan gets the lion's share."
  60. 06[15:25] * Joshua_Falconer doesn't actually seem irritated by this fact.
  61. 06[15:26] * Asa_Kennedy sighs.
  62. 08[15:26] <00@Siege> "No kidding," booms Remington's voice.
  63. 08[15:26] <00@Siege> "But we're trying to fix that."
  64. [15:26] <Joshua_Falconer> "The big guy there's the commander, kids." He looks to them, not-whispering with a smile.
  65. [15:26] <Joshua_Falconer> "So be good or he'll cut ya."
  66. 08[15:26] <00@Siege> "Hopefully, with you two kids..." Remington pauses for a moment, then continues, "We'll get the funding we need..."
  67. 06[15:27] * Asa_Kennedy walks forward extending out his hand. "Asa Kennedy, Commander. Surely you know the name?"
  68. 08[15:27] <00@Siege> "I know it due to me spending far too much time asking your father, Kennedy Whats-his-face, for money."
  69. 06[15:28] * Joshua_Falconer smiles slightly, in disbelief at his attitude but pleased with his huge guts.
  70. 08[15:28] <00@Siege> He leans to the space between Mr. White Joshua and audibly whispers: "I thought Asa was the red-headed girl?"
  71. 06[15:28] * Asa_Kennedy surveys the room. "Clearly you have not been asking enough Commander. Perhaps I can make a call."
  72. 06[15:29] * Joshua_Falconer laughs.
  73. [15:29] <Joshua_Falconer> "What a shame."
  74. 08[15:29] <00@Siege> Mr. White stays stone-faced. Half-muttering to himself, the commander adds: "I guess that was the brat from Germany. And no Asa, that will not be neccesary."
  75. [15:30] <Sam_Shepard> "Sir!" Sam is suddenly /there/ with the rest of them. "A-are we really starting activation today? Right now?"
  76. 06[15:30] * Asa_Kennedy looks thoroughly confused by the refusal or additional funding.
  77. 08[15:31] <00@Siege> Remington rolls his eyes, obviously been asked this question countless times before. "Yes. Yes we are."
  78. [15:32] <Sam_Shepard> "Sir! I'm ready, sir!"
  79. 06[15:33] * Asa_Kennedy rolls his eyes at Sam thinking that this boy clearly has not lived all if he's this excited about this daunting job.
  80. 08[15:34] <00@Siege> Remington straightens up and clicks a button on the table, activating the display which has now switched over to a view of a blank testing ground.
  81. 08[15:34] <00@Siege> "Ikari at NERV-hq already failed his Activation test with his pilot, and he's having to call in his son for piloting. We've got a home-grown pilot and two other...reasonably trained pilots to round out our team. Now I don't know why that Mandrake organization or whatever needs goddamn kids to pilot these things...but while they've got better funding, I got better pilots. And you will prove you're better pilots today."
  82. 06[15:35] * Sam_Shepard nods quickly.
  83. 08[15:35] <00@Siege> Settling down, he also adds: "And then we will rub this in Ikari's face and then show it off to the UN for more funding."
  84. 08[15:36] <00@Siege> "Joshua, I expect you're ready to put these kids through their paces?"
  85. 06[15:38] * Joshua_Falconer grins broadly. "Oh, yes."
  86. 06[15:39] * Asa_Kennedy tries to look like he's paying complete attention.
  87. 08[15:40] <00@Siege> "Good man. Get these kids into their suits, double time. I want Ikari waking up to a video of our Evangelions standing tall and figuratively flipping off that bum by 1500 hours. I'm heading to the field to observe personally. Get to it."
  88. 06[15:41] * Joshua_Falconer claps his hands again and turns to the kids. "Right!" He points over the kids, behind them. "Changing room's that way. You've got yer spandex costumes in the lockers."
  89. 08[15:42] <00@Siege> With that, Remington stands upright and moves out of the room.
  90. 06[15:42] * Asa_Kennedy cringes "....spandex? No one said anything about wearing spandex..."
  91. 08[15:42] <00@Siege> Mr. White still stands in the corner, silently sipping his coffee, apparently waiting to escort them all.
  92. 06[15:43] * Joshua_Falconer points HARDER.
  93. [15:43] <Joshua_Falconer> "Go on! Go!"
  94. 06[15:43] * Sam_Shepard is already on his way towards the changing rooms.
  95. 06[15:44] * Asa_Kennedy follows Sam hesitantly.
  96. [15:46] <Sam_Shepard> "It's not spandex," he tells him as they go. "It's a conductive synthetic fiber. Its to help syncing."
  97. 02[15:47] * Joshua_Falconer ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  98. 06[15:47] * Asa_Kennedy nods. "I honestly don't know anything about any of this. I just know father forced me here. I think he's upset because I wouldn't marry that troglodyte of a woman Marcy"
  99. 03[15:48] * Joshua_Falconer_ ( has joined #nerv-second-base
  100. 03[15:48] * Joshua_Falconer_ is now known as Joshua_Falconer
  101. 08[15:49] <00@Siege> The winding, half-finished hallways eventually lead them to an elevator which brings the group to a small locker and waiting area. Sounds of construction can be heard through some of the walls...The locker rooms themselves are large for their size considering they only have five lockers in them...although the lockers are quite large. A shower and other amenities can also be seen. The women's locker room still has construction tape over it with a note saying something about it not being needed for now.
  102. 06[15:50] * Asa_Kennedy smiles. "Of course they're not needed....."
  103. [15:50] <Sam_Shepard> "Really? Wow. I thought you'd know this stuff if they were sending you here." Sam walks over to the locker labled 07, opens it, and immediately begins stripping.
  104. 06[15:54] * Asa_Kennedy opens his locker and removes the articles of clothing. He scans the locker room, finds a stall and then goes inside it.  "Have some modesty Sam."
  105. [15:56] <Sam_Shepard> "Huh?" Sam looks around, his pants around his ankles, to find Asa gone. "...What's 'modesty'?"
  106. 06[15:58] * Asa_Kennedy calls out over the stall "It's what your parents should have taught you!"
  107. 06[15:59] * Sam_Shepard meanwhile finishes pulling on his plugsuit, pressing the button to seal it up around him. It's black, mostly, with neon green highlights, with rigid plates spaced around the chest and neck, as well as flared gauntlet-like portions around his hands, all with little glass circles set into them.
  108. [16:00] <Sam_Shepard> "I'll ask Father. Hurry up! If this was an Angel we'd need to be quick!"
  109. 06[16:01] * Asa_Kennedy pushes open the door. "Um Sam, be a good lad and help me out with this thing? I don't know how to uhh...close it."
  110. [16:02] <Asa_Kennedy> "I mean why don't they provide a manual or some type of instruction video or something?! Do they lack the budget for that even?"
  111. 06[16:05] * Sam_Shepard crosses over towards the stall. "Okay. If you step in and zip it up, there's a button on the sleeve..." He steps into the stall next to Asa and reaches for his arm.
  112. 06[16:06] * Asa_Kennedy stiffens quite a bit but lets Sam take his arm.
  113. [16:11] <Sam_Shepard> "Um, it should be right around here..." Sam's runs his hand down the length of his arm, searching for it. Finally he finds it, pressing it, and causing Asa's suit to quickly tighten up against his body. "There." Sam smiles, his face a few inches away from Asa's thanks to the cramped stall. "Are you ready?"
  114. 08[16:11] <00@Siege> Asa's plugsuit is a metallic bronze-black with ostentatious gold trim along it's chest plates. In other places, particularly the forearms and lower legs, it's a soft grey instead. On the wrist is a note that says: "I pulled some strings. ~Dad"
  115. 06[16:12] * Asa_Kennedy rips off the tag and pushes his way past Sam. "Thank you."
  116. 06[16:12] * Asa_Kennedy tosses the tag over his shoulder "At least he got something right"
  118. [[[ OUTSIDE.... ]]]
  120. 08[15:55] <00Siege> Mr. White stands beside you, unmoving, outside the lockers as the hum of construction comes from the walls.
  121. 08[15:56] <00Siege> "Hopefully, today won't be like that Wallace kid."
  122. [15:59] <Joshua_Falconer> Josh gives him a funny look. "Sorry, what?"
  123. 08[16:00] <00Siege> Mr. White silently sips his coffee again. "Activation tests can be dangerous. Remington is pretty ballsy for trying this so soon again, but being ballsy is what he does best."
  124. [16:01] <Joshua_Falconer> "What happened with the 'Wallace kid'?" Josh looks slightly puzzled. "I wasn't there fer that."
  125. 08[16:01] <00Siege> "The Evangelion...didn't want to be turned on. Kid lost an eye, nearly lost more."
  126. 08[16:02] <00Siege> Mr. White turns his head mechanically to Josh: "Don't worry. The Command Center could withstand a few dozen N2 mines. You're safe, and the pilots...I suppose there's always more pilots."
  127. 08[16:03] <00Siege> Mr. White turns his head mechanically again, and sips his coffee.
  128. [16:03] <Joshua_Falconer> Josh frowns at that. "Don't start that."
  131. 08[16:14] <00@Siege> Exiting the locker area, the four move towards the Evangelion cages nearby. As you enter the hangar, the hexagon shaped room puts two of the three Evangelions immediately into view at their chest level from the walkway; the third (Unit 06) is covered by a large metallic shutter and the sounds of construction can be heard emanating from it, while the other two have their occupants in full view. While both Unit 07 and Unit 08 are getting their final checks, it'd appear that Unit 08 is also covered in a thin film of plastic and construction tags which are being hastily removed. A faint smell of industrial strength cleaner and paint can also be smelled coming from Unit 08.
  132. [16:16] <Asa_Kennedy> "They told me it'd be ready to go by today, not just wrapping up!"
  133. [16:16] <Sam_Shepard> Sam's smiles changes a little as Asa pushes past him... and then is back to his usual pleasant one. He follows him out and down towards the cages, becoming visably more and more excited as they approach. He's practically shaking by the time they reach the hangars.
  134. 08[16:18] <00@Siege> A head engineer is busily directing the group of technicians preparing the two Evangelions for launch, entry plugs ready to go...
  135. [16:19] <Asa_Kennedy> "Tell me, is it habit to not walk you through this?"
  136. [16:21] <Joshua_Falconer> A BOOMING GREAT voice explodes over the intercom.
  137. [16:23] <Joshua_Falconer> "SAM! SHOW HER HOW THE CONTROLS WORK WOULD YOU?"
  138. 06[16:23] * Asa_Kennedy finally looks up and catches a glimp of his Eva. This is the first time he's been impressed by anything at all. "That's.....mine?"
  139. [16:23] <Joshua_Falconer> *HIM
  140. 03[16:23] * M_Ohawk_ ( has joined #nerv-second-base
  141. 06[16:24] * Sam_Shepard walks over towards Unit 07, staring up at it's head looming above them. He stands there for a moment before turning towards Asa. "Yep. You're lucky, she's very beautiful."
  142. 06[16:24] * Asa_Kennedy eyes it up and down. "It's certainly more impressive than my father's yacht"
  143. [16:25] <Asa_Kennedy> "or his private plane..
  144. [16:25] <Asa_Kennedy> "or his vintage rolls royce collection.."
  145. [16:25] <Asa_Kennedy> "or his submarine."
  146. 06[16:25] * Sam_Shepard doesn't know what those are. "Do you want any help with the controls? They're pretty easy once you've synced up, but I could show you how they work...?" He seems anxious to get on with things.
  147. [16:26] <Asa_Kennedy> "sure sure, though really it's not your job to do so. Don't settle for being treated like the help Sam!"
  148. 02[16:26] * M_Ohawk (cgiirc@18B58449.4381CD2C.E4FD0EFA.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  149. [16:26] <Asa_Kennedy> "you and I are a special breed. Make them treat you like such!"
  150. [16:27] <Joshua_Falconer> Laughter explodes over the intercom for half a second until Josh remembers to shut it off.
  151. 08[16:27] <00@Siege> The head engineer, a fast-talking woman runs over to the two pilots...and Mr. White who appears to be shadowing them.
  152. [16:27] <Sam_Shepard> "Father said I should help the new pilots, though..." Sam frowns.
  153. [16:29] <Asa_Kennedy> "Well then go on and help!"
  154. 08[16:29] <00@Siege> "Alright you two, Remington is going to go nuts if I don't hurry you two along. We've gotten all the film off Eight and Seven is ready to go! You two ready so we can uh...clear out?"
  155. 06[16:30] * Sam_Shepard nods. "We can talk from the plugs, so ask me if you need to know how anything works!" He's already moving towards his plug before he finishes speaking, clambering inside with surprising speed.
  156. 06[16:31] * Asa_Kennedy follows what Sam does, quite ungracefully at first. "This is absurd. Am I just supposed to guess?!"
  157. 08[16:31] <00@Siege> "He's a wild little rascal, isn't he?" The engineer muses. "You best hop inside too. We'll be headin' out now."
  158. 08[16:31] <00@Siege> With a wave, she runs off. Mr. White disappeared. He does that.
  159. 08[16:31] <00@Siege>
  160. 08[16:34] <00@Siege> From the command center, several technicians are setting up runtimes for the Activation Test, with a few making announcements overheard in the hangar itself: "All personal except pilots evacuate the hangar bay. Ready balkite sprayers."
  161. 03[16:35] * Retrieving #nerv-second-base modes...
  162. 06[16:35] * Sam_Shepard settles into the chair in his plug, keying in the start commands. "Pilot Samael Shepard, ready!" he says as soon as the comm channel opens.
  163. 08[16:36] <00@Siege> For Joshua: The command center is sparse, to be kind. The center of the enormous chamber would house an enormous holographic display if funding wasn't so hard to come by, and instead construction tape criss-crosses the projectors on the floor. Instead, the far wall has had a large white tarp hung onto it and an ad-hoc projector system shows a tac-map of the surrounding area. The workstations of the technicians have been all but abandoned on the sides of the room, instead relocating to the cramped center on temporary desks. A commander's chair sits empty at the very back on a raised platform.
  164. 06[16:36] * Asa_Kennedy settles in and blinks. "Uhh sam....? What do I do once I'm inside?"
  165. [16:36] <Joshua_Falconer> "Excellent! Asa, how 'bout you?" He leans over a console.
  166. [16:37] <Asa_Kennedy> "Sir, I'm honestly clueless. I was expecting a briefing"
  167. 08[16:37] <00@Siege> For the Pilots: The entry plugs are not exactly cramped, but a simple control panel and two controls sit on either side of the seemingly....endless tube...
  168. [16:38] <Asa_Kennedy> "or is that out of the budget too..." he mumbles
  169. [16:38] <Sam_Shepard> "Just switch on the onboard power and comms for now. The techs will do the rest."
  170. 06[16:38] * Asa_Kennedy does as he's told. He looks around and lets a little bit of excitement shine through.
  171. 08[16:39] <00@Siege> One of the techs beside Joshua pipes up ( "Should we get started sir?"
  172. 06[16:43] * Joshua_Falconer takes a quick look over the projected screen.
  173. [16:43] <Joshua_Falconer> "Yeah. Let's begin."
  174. 08[16:43] <00@Siege> The technician starts: "Ok. Begin LCL flooding..."
  175. 08[16:44] <00@Siege> And with that, both entry plugs begin filling with a semi-transparent orange liquid from seemingly no where. It doesn't seem to be stopping either.
  176. 06[16:45] * Joshua_Falconer remembers something.
  177. [16:46] <Joshua_Falconer> "Asa you can BREATHE THE LIQUID."
  178. 08[16:46] <00@Siege> The technician leaps in her seat, as do several others nearby. "YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM!? What the hell is wrong with you!"
  179. 06[16:48] * Sam_Shepard perks up as the plug starts to flood, leaning back in his chair and letting it slowly fill over him. He's not really paying attention to the yelling on the comm anymore.
  180. 06[17:19] * Asa_Kennedy begins to squirm in his seat. His eyes widen as he tries to get out. "What in God's name is this?! What is this?! Tell him I'll marry Marcy! Tell him I'll do it just get me out of here!"
  181. 06[17:21] * Joshua_Falconer shuts off the intercom like a flash.
  182. [17:21] <Joshua_Falconer> "No, leave her. It'll be good fer her."
  183. [17:21] <Asa_Kennedy> "I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!"
  184. 08[17:21] <00@Siege> HIM* HIM*
  185. [17:21] <Joshua_Falconer> *him gosh
  186. 03[17:23] * M_Ohawk_ is now known as M_Ohawk
  187. 06[17:26] * Sam_Shepard takes a big gulping breath of LCL and sighs. "Plug flooded. LCL Oxygenation is good."
  188. 08[17:27] <00@Siege> Though the comms, a technician pipes up. "It's's like liquid breathing! Like that scuba experiment! It works!"
  189. 06[17:27] * Asa_Kennedy finally gives up and tries to breathe normally. He coughs and struggles but finally gets the hang of it. He is very visibly flustered and his chest is moving up and down rapidly"
  190. 08[17:28] <00@Siege> "It's not so bad. Although we've heard it sort of gives food a metallic taste a few hours afterwards..."
  191. 08[17:28] <00@Siege> After the LCL fills the entry plug, the pilots previous "orange-vision" turns crystal clear. Not a moment later, the strange infinite tube appearance of the entry plug fades away to darkness.
  192. 08[17:29] <00@Siege> The Command Center is tense. Everyone seems to be waiting for Joshua's signal.
  193. 06[17:31] * Sam_Shepard is leaning forward in his seat, his knuckles white from grasping his control levers.
  194. 06[17:31] * Joshua_Falconer stands up straight.
  195. [17:31] <Joshua_Falconer> "Let's begin."
  196. 06[17:32] * Asa_Kennedy tries to calm down. He closes his eyes and his hands are balled up fists at his sides. He begins to pray silently and his breathing begins to slow.
  197. 08[17:32] <00@Siege> "Beginning Synchronization and activation."
  198. 08[17:32] <00@Siege> The start-up sequence is frantic. A wave of light and sound seems to echo within each of the pilot's heads, and a similar choir of noise can be heard in the Command Center as technicians frantically try to check and double check each vital, statistic, and problem that arises. As the overwhelming light show begins to end, the plug walls seem to melt away into the corners of the pilot's vision...even when they're trying to look for them. Instead, their vision seems to be replaced by a hundred foot high view from inside the hangar accompanied by a soft hum. Their own bodies, inside the entry plug's seat, seem almost numb.
  199. 08[17:33] <00@Siege> When everything is all said and done, and the last technician gives their all clear, the Command Center erupts into cheers and relieved sighs. Also of note to the pilots, there are about a hundred balkite sprayers pointed at your face.
  200. 06[17:37] * Asa_Kennedy blinks. He's shaking a bit but tries to straight out. "What's going on?! What is this?!"
  201. 06[17:37] * Sam_Shepard is practically standing in his seat. "Yes... I can /feel/ it now... Evangelion..." he murmurs, a manic expression on his face.
  202. 06[17:37] * Joshua_Falconer falls into a chair. It almost breaks. "Asa, yer synchronised. Try moving your Eva's limbs."
  203. 06[17:38] * Asa_Kennedy shakes his head. "No! what have you done to me?!"
  204. [17:41] <Sam_Shepard> Slowly, Unit 07 begins to stir in its cradle, one gangly arm lifting up near its angular head, studying it. "Are we free to move around, Sir?"
  205. 06[17:41] * Asa_Kennedy is paralyzed with fear.
  206. 08[17:42] <00@Siege> Remington's voice suddenly booms over the intercoms both in the entry plugs and in the Command Center, audio only: "Now this is what I am talking about. Joshua, let's get these two to the proving grounds so we can see them walk. Remington out."
  207. 06[17:42] * Joshua_Falconer gives Asa a few moments to maybe change her mind.
  208. [17:43] <Sam_Shepard> Eva Unit 07 stands over a head shorter than most Evangelions, just under 30 meters tall, gangly-limbed and disproportionate, with elongated fingers that taper into bony claws that jut from underneath its armor. It's head is narrow and angular, its faceplate segmented, as if capable of hinging open at the mouth, though the two plates are bolted together at the moment. It's restraints are lighter
  209. [17:43] <Sam_Shepard> than most, its armor thin and segmented for maximum flexibility, giving it a somewhat hunched-over, pensive look
  210. 06[17:43] * Asa_Kennedy nervously wiggles his fingers to see what happens. His fear is slowly, slowly turning into curiosity.
  211. 08[17:44] <00@Siege> Asa's Evangelion slowly moves its fingers in synch with his own...
  212. [17:45] <Sam_Shepard> "Yes, Sir!" Unit 07 almost knocks over half of its supports in its haste to get out, stepping awkwardly forward into the open area of the hangar. "So much lighter than the simulations..." he says, almost wistfully.
  213. [[[ A small comms window opens inside of the entry plug. Although there's no video, a still of Nathan's face can be seen on it. A quick audio clip can also be heard: "Hey kiddo. We're going nuts down here from all the data we're getting, but good job. I'll keep in touch and be there to pick you up after all this!" With that, it's gone. ]]]
  214. 08[17:47] <00@Siege> Evangelion 08 is not an exact copy of the production models like 03 and 04, but an upgrade much like it's sister unit 06. Built more for ranged assault, it's accompanied by more sophisticated optics on it's thin head and sturdier upper body armor. It's wing binders in particular are specificially designed to help cradle the butt of a rifle.
  215. 08[17:48] <00@Siege> The technicians begin trying their best to open and ready the elevator that will carry the Evangelions to the grounds at Samael's rush.
  216. 06[17:48] * Asa_Kennedy moves one foot forward, feeling quite wobbly and awkward he puts his foot back.
  217. [17:49] <Joshua_Falconer> "That's it! Keep going!"
  218. 06[17:52] * Asa_Kennedy slowly steps forward, a little more confidently this time.
  219. 08[17:53] <00@Siege> His single step echoes in the hangar. The technicians are both excited and frantically working to record everything that's been happening.
  220. [17:53] <Asa_Kennedy> "What now?"
  221. 06[17:54] * Asa_Kennedy raises his arm a bit and wiggles his fingers again. He is clearly amused.
  222. [17:54] <Joshua_Falconer> "Follow Sam out. We'll do tests outside."
  223. [17:54] <Sam_Shepard> Unit 07 swings around to look at 08. He's already by the elevators. "Come on! It's just like walking normally. Except kind of not."
  224. 06[17:55] * Asa_Kennedy takes very controlled stiff steps. It's almost like marching. He follows Unit 07, secretly thankful that at least the girly man knows what he's doing.
  225. 08[17:55] <00@Siege> Once on the elevator, the two begin their way out onto the field. A few moments later, inside the entry plugs, the subtle feeling of movement from the tracks has stopped and the cameras now show the Evangelions rising from elevators into a testing field. Scattered about it are several objects and obstacles not unlike a paint ball field or skate park...just on a much larger scale. To either side of the elevators the Evangelions just rose out of, there are two building sized containers which gracefully open to display an arsenal of rifles, pistols, spears, daggers, and ammunition. The firearms are all painted an orange color with the word "TEST" on them.
  226. 08[17:56] <00@Siege> Off to the side about 100 yards away, Remington sits beneath an open tent in a lawn chair with a cooler beside him. He seems quite keen on witnessing the Evangelions first-hand.
  227. 08[17:56] <00@Siege> Hastily painted markers lead out from the elevators that brought the Evangelions to the field. They show a leisurely looking path forward, turning sharply to the left and then softly to the right, leaving them in front of several obstacles which seem to be the goal.
  228. 08[17:57] <00@Siege> The technican, MacDonald, hands Joshua a sheet which is then simeultaniously projected onto a small window in each of the pilot's entry plugs:
  229. 08[17:58] <00@Siege> "Sir? Remington and Shepard set this up as the testing schedule for today. You just manage those two and we'll try to handle the rest..."
  230. [18:01] <Joshua_Falconer> "That'll be fine." Josh looks very pleased with what they've managed so far. "Thanks."
  231. 06[18:01] * Sam_Shepard is already walking out towards the markers. "We just need to walk this way, right?"
  232. [18:02] <Joshua_Falconer> "Yes." He leans forward again, more serious. "Move on."
  233. 06[18:02] * Asa_Kennedy marches behind Sam stifly.
  234. 06[18:05] * Sam_Shepard has fallen into a more natural stride as he goes, adjusting for Unit 07's weird gait, speeding up slightly as he goes.
  235. 08[18:05] <00@Siege> The ground rumbles slightly as the two walking war-crimes stroll down the path. Technicians frantically try to adjust for Unit 07's increased speed, with some terrified and others excited.
  236. 06[18:08] * Asa_Kennedy continues trudging along. Asa is irritated that Sam seems like such a natural at this.
  237. 08[18:09] <00@Siege> In no time at all, the two pilots arrive at the obstacle course. The obstacle itself appears to be a raised cube with slanted sides on two of it's sides and several "foothold" protrusions. While it would be enormous for a regular person, compared to the Evangelions it's only a head or so taller than Unit 08.
  238. [18:09] <Joshua_Falconer> "Once you're out, have a practice. See what yew can do."
  239. [18:09] <Asa_Kennedy> "Excuse me? Do what? With what?"
  240. 08[18:11] <00@Siege> MacDonald turns to Joshua: "The pilots have reached list item 2, sir. Should we just...leave them be? Sam in particular seems keen on completing everything just out of order. I think."
  241. 08[18:11] <00@Siege> "Remington won't care either way. We're already leaps ahead of NERV-hq."
  242. [18:11] <Sam_Shepard> "Yes, Sir!" Unit 07 stops and looks at it for a moment... then, dropping into a sort of crouch, /leaps/ upwards onto the cube, bypassing the steps altogether and landing on all fours on top.
  243. 02[18:11] * M_Out (~Omega@Oh.Fiddle.Sticks) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  244. 06[18:12] * Sam_Shepard laughs. "It's easy, come on!"
  245. 08[18:12] <00@Siege> Immediately the entire Command Center goes through the motions of terrified - excited - frantically inputting data.
  246. 03[18:13] * M_Out ( has joined #nerv-second-base
  247. [18:16] <Joshua_Falconer> "Very nice. Asa, want to *try something*?"
  248. 06[18:16] * Asa_Kennedy growls "Fine!" and runs for the steps.....he gets up 2 but then slips and slides backwards, landing on his back.
  249. 08[18:17] <00@Siege> With a pop, the screen inside Asa's entry plug goes red and a countdown begins in his peripherals. Inside the Command Center, a countdown has also begun.
  250. 08[18:17] <00@Siege> "Sir the umbilical cable was dislodged from Unit 08!
  251. 06[18:18] * Sam_Shepard hops back down beside 08, laughing. "No, not like that!"
  252. 06[18:18] * Asa_Kennedy groans.
  253. [18:20] <Sam_Shepard> 07 reaches down and carefully grabs the cable plug from the ground in its weird fingers. "Come on, stand up, I'll fix it."
  254. 06[18:20] * Joshua_Falconer shrugs. "It's not a worry, let 'em fix it."
  255. 06[18:21] * Joshua_Falconer leans into the microphone again. "Asa, if your umbilical gets detached, you've got 5 minutes maximum 'til your battieries run out. Usually less."
  256. 06[18:21] * Asa_Kennedy looks at the countdown. "What the hell? Am I gonna blow up now or something?!. He gets up very very slowly and cautiously.
  257. 06[18:22] * Asa_Kennedy steadies and looks at Sam. "Well? Are you gonna fix it?!"
  258. 02[18:23] * M_Ohawk ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  259. [18:24] <Sam_Shepard> "Yes, hold still." 07 trundles over behind 08 and replaces the plug with a heavy /clunk/
  260. 06[18:25] * Asa_Kennedy winces as 07 gets that close to him. "Is it done then?!"
  261. [18:25] <Asa_Kennedy> "Did you stick it in?!"
  262. 08[18:25] <00@Siege> Several Technicians confirm it's insertion, although the entry plug's interface seems to jolt back and forth between umbilical and battery power....must be a bad plug.
  263. 08[18:26] <00@Siege> MacDonald leans in to Joshua and whispers: "Sir? We have something on long range radar. We're checking, but it be nothing."
  264. [18:27] <Sam_Shepard> "Yes, it's connected," Sam laughs at Asa's reaction, stepping nimbly back away.
  265. [18:27] <Joshua_Falconer> "Something?"
  266. 06[18:27] * Asa_Kennedy straightens up and almost shakes himself off.
  267. 06[18:27] * Joshua_Falconer shuts off the intercom.
  268. [18:27] <Joshua_Falconer> "What kind of something?"
  269. 06[18:28] * Asa_Kennedy tries to climb up the steps again but wobbles and this time lands on his rear. His face is now crimson.
  270. 08[18:28] <00@Siege> "We're double checking, but its high altitude. We're cross-referencing with some satelittes to see if its some debris we lost track of during Second Impact."
  271. 03[18:29] * M_Ohawk (cgiirc@ED9D1023.DA0DFEF7.E4FD0EFA.IP) has joined #nerv-second-base
  272. 06[18:31] * Sam_Shepard is standing beside the block, laughing.
  273. 06[18:33] * Asa_Kennedy throws a small tantrum and pounds the ground in defeat.
  274. [18:33] <Joshua_Falconer> "Right." He flips the microphone back on. "Kids, you're going to be on standby, probably for a few hours. So stay in your Evas and get used to 'em."
  275. 08[18:34] <00@Siege> At first, Technicians begin murmuring of a dip in Asa's Synch Ratio. Not even a moment later however, the Command Center is alight with sirens and alerts. On the field, Remington is being escorted out by Section 2.
  276. 08[18:34] <00@Siege> "Sir, there is....SOMETHING...moving towards base. Fast and high."
  277. [18:37] <Sam_Shepard> 07 looks up, then around. "Is something wrong? Is the test over?"
  278. 08[18:37] <00@Siege> The white projection screen at the far end of the Command Center lights up showing a form not unlike a distorted Evangelion blazing over the Rocky Mountains from a Satilette. A faint glowing "halo" seems to be floating above it.
  279. 06[18:37] * Asa_Kennedy sits up but is too scared to get off the ground.
  280. [18:38] <Joshua_Falconer> "Deploy rifles, they went out with the knives docked into their wings?" Josh gets it together. "Kids, something's coming our way. It might pass over or it might stop at us, but either way we're gonna try and kill it."
  281. 08[18:39] <00@Siege> MacDonald is visibly rattled and begins almost crying out the following numbers: "It's 10 miles out...9 miles....8 miles...7..."
  282. 08[18:39] <00@Siege> The rifles Josh requested are soon set on cargo elevators and being sent to the surface for the Evangelions. Another technician remarks that its a bit off field from the proving grounds, but they can reach it in no time.
  283. 08[18:40] <00@Siege> "6....5....4 miles...Sir they should be able to see it...."
  284. [18:40] <Asa_Kennedy> "wait a second wait a second! I can't even WALK, due to lack of ANY instruction from you and now you expect me to KILL something?! What kind of place are you running here?!"
  285. [18:41] <Joshua_Falconer> "Just do it! We don't have time to talk about it!"
  286. 08[18:42] <00@Siege> Far, far above, a tiny dot passes over like a lightning bolt.
  287. 06[18:42] * Joshua_Falconer stands. "Pick up your rifles and get ready to FIGHT."
  288. 06[18:42] * Asa_Kennedy stumbles up and picks up his rifle. At least this he's used to holding for he'd been trained with rifles all his life at the academy.
  289. 08[18:43] <00@Siege> MacDonald, relaying information as best she can, turns to Joshua: "Sir it's losing altitude! It looks like it's trying to drop into the ocean!"
  290. 06[18:45] * Joshua_Falconer hesitates for half a second. "...Kids, get inside now! Secure the doors as soon as they're in!"
  291. [18:45] <Sam_Shepard> "Y-you mean... they're here?" 07 stands still for a moment, staring at the shape in the sky. Then the sound of laughter comes over the comms. It's a very different laugh than the light, mirthful one before. "/Yes!/ /Finally!/" Sam roars, leaping over towards the weapon cache. "Where's my spear! I need my weapon!"
  292. 03[18:45] * M_Out_ ( has joined #nerv-second-base
  293. 08[18:48] <00@Siege> After the thing's drop into the Pacific, Remington was back in the Command Center. Frantic calls were made to evacuate the city and prepare for battle, but everything was soon found to have hit a road-block. Calls were coming in for Remington, and he found himself removed from the Command Center to take the calls in private. Coming back, he had found that not only did the object move away from San Francisco, but it was swimming to Japan and was to be intercepted by Unit 01 at NERV-hq. Any further attempts to mobilize would result in Remington being court-martialed. Despite this, the pilots were kept on standby until late into the evening when NERV-hq finally called back to claim the situation was neutralized...
  294. 02[18:48] * M_Out ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  295. 03[18:48] * M_Out_ is now known as M_Out
  296. 08[18:48] <00@Siege> However, there's still the footage of the two Evangelions in action to send to Ikari and the UN proper...time will tell if it bears any fruit.
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