
FEF5 Nomad

Oct 9th, 2015
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  1. Name: Iolani
  2. Age: 19
  3. Class: Nomad --> Nomad Ranger
  4. Character Skill: Cancel
  5. Affinity: ??
  6. Personal Fault: Overreached: If full move is used in a turn, -2 DEF/RES
  7. Personal Skill: All of these choices: When within three squares of three allies, +2 base damage
  8. Personal Skill: Stamina: When above 50% HP, +2 SPD
  9. /Personal Skill:
  11. Pref Stats: Skl, Spd
  13. Weapon Prof: Recurve (C), Bow (D)
  15. Level: 1 (0/100)
  16. Total Level: 1
  17. Progression Spent: 330%
  18. HP 20 (60%) +2
  19. STR 6 (65%) +1
  20. MAG 1 (00%)
  21. SKL 7 (55%)
  22. CON 7
  23. AID 6 (20 when mounted)
  24. LUK 3 (60%) +1
  25. DEF 3 (15%)
  26. RES 1 (10%)
  27. SPD 6 (65%)
  28. MOV 5 (7 when mounted)
  30. [code]Inventory:
  31. Name Type ( ) RNG MT WT Crt Hit QL
  32. Training Bow Recu (E) 2 3 4 5 90 35
  33. Vulnerary (3/3)
  34. [/code]
  36. Backstory:
  37. Born to the leader of the Silvermane tribe, Iolani was raised on archery and horses. She took to it with a skill that was expected of the future leader of the tribe and was quickly hiring out as a mercenary as soon as she reached the proper age (16). This latest trip, she was hired by the Sapis family to protect the brother and sister pair on their trip to the capital. The father reasoned that his son was old enough to not fall for the wiles of a Dorian 'savage' and that the daughter was safe since he had hired a female guard. However, neither of these assumptions turned out to be true. Iolani was discovered sneaking out of the daughter's room one morning and after she fled it was revealed that the son had also fallen for her charm. Fleeing south to avoid the Lord's men who were north of her, she soon found herself wandering the country, doing her best to remain out of the lord's clutches.
  39. Name: Saphir
  40. Age: 15
  41. Class: Horse
  42. Class Skill: Bite: Bites anyone who annoys her
  43. Description: Pale tan with silvery mane and tail, likes Iolani, asshole to everyone else
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