
[Prose, I don't even-] Lunacy (F/F, F/F?, Oral, Reformation)

Jul 27th, 2014
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  1. As night approaches, you finish up baking a meal for two: a vegetable lasagna. You set the steaming tray onto the dining table, the aroma that the ingredients emitted were truly from another world. With the piping, hot meal awaiting consumption, you grab a nearby drink mix of your own design. Zecora has been very generous, sharing a few recipes for savory fruit drinks, and this one was especially good once you tinkered with it. You empty the mix into the two glasses, filling up with a gentle fizz from the carbonation. Setting the mix container on a nearby stand, you walk to the entrance of your humble home as you wait for your friend's arrival. Sitting on the reclining chair nearby, you make yourself cozy in the comfort of your home, reflecting on your life until now.
  3. You arrived in Equestria a few months ago; nothing too spectacular marking your entrance into the world. With only the clothes on your back, you just suddenly appeared in an open field near Ponyville. Though the locals were initially afraid of your awkward gait as you strolled into town on two legs, your height was about equal with the ponies that stood on four legs, so they looked on with cautious curiosity. The Elements of Harmony were soon involved, gauging the threat of the alien invader. Once they've chalked up your abilities to be no greater than a sentient, talking monkey, you were quickly accepted into the village as a fellow citizen, doing odd jobs every now and then to make a decent living.
  5. Despite your normalcy among the supernatural beings, you did catch the attention of one Luna, an alicorn in charge of the night in Equestria. Your dreams of the world you left intrigued her, and eventually led to nightly conversations with the royal blue mare. She hung on your every word as she probed your past, your mind recalling stories of the history that you knew from Mother Earth. Even after you told her most of your knowledge, she continued to visit every other night, seemingly enthralled by how you view her as a pony, instead of an intimidating force. Though... there have been some recent complications, and tonight is just another resolution of said complication.
  7. The firm knock on your wooden door breaks you out of your thoughts as you stand up to answer. Twisting the knob, a swift swing of the door reveals a familiar dark cyan body that stood proudly at the entrance to your home.
  9. “Anonymous, pleasure to see you on this wonderful night.” She ends her greeting with a thin smile across her lips, the serene presence almost contagious as you motion her in.
  11. “You were much better in dropping the formalities a few days ago, just get in here.” Ducking under the wooden frame of your door, you notice an odd skip in her trot, something hauntingly familiar. Now you were certain. You press a camouflaged button near the door, initiating phase one of your hair-brained idea.
  13. “Well, help yourself, it should be at the perfect temperature now.” You see the princess take her seat as her horn glows to swiftly cut pieces of the meal, serving a plate of pasta to you and herself. Sitting across from her, you take a fork in hand to chip away at the slab of food graciously served to you with a cobalt glow.
  15. “So... how goes it Anonymous? I do hope all has been well for you.” Luna takes a bite of the meal, accompanied by a prolonged sip of the fizzing drink in front of her. Her eyes light up with pleasant surprise as you mumble through a spoonful of stringy cheese.
  17. “It's fine, how about you, had any great desserts lately?” Her head tilts in wonder at your question as you maintain a straight face, still chewing evenly.
  19. “No... not particularly... why do you ask?” She purposely takes a large bite of her lasagna, pondering your question and preparing for your next.
  21. “Oh, no reason really, Dash introduced me to some Cloudsdale delicacies a couple of days ago when we were out, pretty sure I told you that.” In a moment of excitement, Luna bursts into child-like cheer.
  23. “Of course! You told me how it was wonderful it was to soar on the back of a pegasus as you looked below on the floating civilization. The candied clouds were absolutely heavenly with each bite and the rainbow berries held a tart kick accompanied by a juicy burst of sweet juice!” She finishes with a huge swig of her bubbling drink, emptying the glass in a single motion.
  25. “That's funny, because I only told one other pony about that yesterday, and you were out busy last night with royal duties.” You lay your head in your hand, elbow firmly planted on the table as the glee from Luna's face slowly fades as her ears droop down. Like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar, she wears a meek, toothy grin while you tap the hollow floor beneath you twice with a foot.
  27. “Oh! Umm... well...” In a last ditch effort, Luna attempts to cast a spell, but instantly fizzles upon discharge. Her jaw drops in disbelief as you go over to catch it, propping her mouth open as a poofy pink mane materializes from a trap door beneath the table. You pin the neutralized princess against your dining floor as her hooves wave about wildly. Sitting on Luna's chest, Pinkie Pie rises up from the floor with a body equipped with thick fat.
  29. “Luna, you've got to stop eating my friends! Eclair was barely here for a day and you already gobbled her up!” Though she always returned ponies that she harmlessly incorporated into her body, it was troublesome. Aside from your reputation slowly becoming one of a pony napper, Luna's antics were gradually becoming public with your nightly strolls with her. Any pony unfortunate enough to wave a hoof to you with a more-than-friendly gaze was sent on a round trip through the royal body. Some saw it as an opportunity to see the princess' life first-hoof, but it was more of a pain to you.
  31. Eclaire Crème is an earth pony from Canterlot who has a penchant for stories of adventure and foreign lands. Naturally, an alien from a different land caught her attention, and stopped by your house one day. Quite polite and proper in her mannerisms, it was spooky how her movements and speech transferred over to the night mare. This happened with every pony Luna absorbed, and you're about to add another pony to her personality.
  33. “Well, what can a human like you do against an alicorn such as myself? Also, what is Laughter doing here?” She talks to you as you loosen the grip on her jaw, pleased with the advantage you've taken.
  35. “For your first question, I tricked you into drinking that magic feedback drink, which becomes more potent depending on how much magic is in a pony, so I'd say I'm doing pretty well against you. For your second question, you're about to find out... Zecora told me that the potion should be knocking you senseless soon.”
  37. “But wha...” With a slurred question, Luna's eyes roll to the back of her head as her entire body becomes slack. You get off Luna as you give a thumbs up to Pinkie.
  39. “Ready for 'Mission: Body Snatchers?'” Pinkie nods enthusiastically as you grab the fore hooves of the unconscious princess. Without magic coursing through her veins, she was as light as a ragdoll. Dragging her towards your bedroom, the party pony helps throw the lanky body onto your bed. The blue mouth was left agape over the bed's edge as Luna laid on her back.
  41. “Ate lotsa cake like you asked Anon!” She slaps her bouncy belly in emphasis as her coat ripples in effect. Her cheeks were much wider than before and additional pony padding lined her supple legs as she shook her rump to you. Pinkie practically has the weight of two ponies, which was perfect. Giving her a nod of approval, she turns to the vulnerable ruler of the night.
  43. “Alright, good luck soldier.” You salute to her as she marches over to the gaping maw. Jamming two stubby hooves into the mouth with a wet splat, she stretches Luna's lips to its limits, enough to accommodate Pinkie's plump paunch.
  45. “Wee!” Is all she said before swinging her lower body first into the slimy interior. Her hind legs kick out a bit as she wiggled her way in, making cute little lumps in the neck of the unconscious alicorn. You walk over to Pinkie as she reaches out to you for help, her pudgy body stuck in the seemingly dry throat of the princess. Shoving down on Pinkie, you see her body slowly slip down into the thin alicorn middle, the Earth pony ruining her skinny figure without the aid of magic. A bitter groan from Luna tickled the pink pony's pudge, making her giggle with a snort. You smile at the scene as you continue to push Pinkie until her head and fore hooves sat on the roof of Luna's mouth.
  47. “Alright Pinkie, I'll see you later.”
  49. “Nope, Nonny's turn now!”
  51. “What.” Before you can release the scheming pony, she gets a firm grip on your hands with her magical hooves. Any attempt to pull away was met with futility as Pinkie's earthy strength proved many times stronger than your own. You give her a short sigh before you watch her disappear into the crimson darkness, pulling you deep inside Luna's esophagus in one clean yank. The row of teeth catch against your pants, slowly removing them with each erratic jerk from Pinkie. The smell of pasta and digested spinach invade your nostrils as saliva drips and soaks you from every angle, the titter of the pink pony echoing off the muscular walls of the throat.
  53. “Ugh... come on Pink-” Your sentence is cut short as Pinkie pulls your arm into the digestive chamber, leaving your head pressed against the closed sphincter of the stomach. She gently tugs as your arm, hoping the ring yawns open with a little physical persuasion. Luna's body grumbles as the tight hole opens up for you, wide enough for Pinkie to haul the rest of your body in one sugar-fueled jerk.
  55. “Yay! We get to be Luna lumps together!” Pinkie Pie smothers you with a hug as your back presses against mush that was once food. The entire chamber rumbles as it squishes the two of you together, eager to quell the movement of its contents. In the darkness of the stomach, you hear the swirl and bubble of digestive ooze crawl around the fleshy walls, seeking for an organic prey. Pinned against the fat pony in the cramped organ, you lay still as the slime crawls all over your body, your heart hammering in your chest as you anticipate the sensation of acid.
  57. “Hmm?” The sensation never came as the thick mucus clung to your skin. Though the smell of half-digested food still hung in the humid air, a pleasant tingly sensation spread through your body as the stomach churned hard to compress you into nutrients. You hear Pinkie Pie giggle through all the bodily sounds as the bottom of the stomach slowly filled with more thick fluid. Losing control of your limbs, you feel yourself melt into the gooey mixture, the feeling surreal as you feel the belly rock back and forth. Your mind clears of all worries as the need to breathe vanishes from your mind, your mortal habits nothing but a distant memory.
  59. The beating heart around you throbs calmly as it slowly becomes your own. Flowing through the digestive system, more of your mass drains into the intestinal villi that eagerly accept you. The cushioned feel of the bed presses against you as warmth is captured between the royal body and the thick sheets. Luna's steady breath seized your thoughts, the mechanical function of the living creature familiar and foreign to you all at the same time.
  61. “What in Tartarus happened?!” Luna awakes deep into the night, paunch hanging low from her heavy meals. She probes the jiggling mass with a hoof, unable to feel anything solid. Sighing into her hooves, she tests her horn quickly, seeing that her magic has been restored.
  63. “Well... I suppose I should return to the castle for a PARTY!” Slamming her mouth shut at the sudden outburst, she searches her thoughts for corruption. Recalling the night's events, she shakes her head in disbelief, fearful for the contents for her speech.
  65. “This week will certainly be a long dick...” She slaps her head with a hoof as she makes her way out of the human's home.
  67. Flashes of Luna's life whiz by as you observe her daily activities. Sleeping under the silky royal covers as the Sun slowly rises over the horizon. The taste of a rich, chocolate cake as it slides down her elegant throat. The greasy feeling of the cake as she dives head-first into it out of compulsion. Her royal voice thundering throughout the royal halls, radiating power and command from her body. The settling calm of the moon rising with her powerful magic commanding it to shine for all of Equestria. Confetti firing from her nostrils as she rids herself of a tickle within her nose. The steamy shower in the palace bathroom caressing every inch of her noble body. Her gaze in the mirror, peaceful yet magnificent.
  69. The haze of your dreamlike state is soon broken by the feeling of being cramped. You find feeling in your fingers as you touch the slimy lining that surrounded you. Another form presses up against you, moving independently of your own motions. Seems that you're not alone. A familiar name rises your the back of your mind as you shift yourself in a more comfortable position.
  71. “E-Eclair?” The sound of your own voice startles you just as much as your roommate as you both sober up with a few more wiggles, ensuring that your bodies were intact.
  73. “Anon? Are we...” The gentle, dainty tone of her voice helped bring you to reality as you slip against the oily lining of the organ the two of you resided in. You pull her into a hug as she clings close to you, a copious amount of sticky fluid pooling beneath the two of you.
  75. “Inside Luna? Probably, just need to wait for...” Before you can finish, the fleshy walls press down hard on the two of you as a weak beam of light penetrates the darkness. The thick fluid drains out through the tiny hole as you hear the deep grunts of a familiar alicorn rumble around you. Eclair holds tight onto you as you slip down first, the muscular tube relentless in squeezing you out one way. The lubricated tunnel expands widely as you slowly slide down the ridged path, water below to greet your exit. One last exasperated moan shook your world as the two of you drop into the pool below with a splash. Squinting against the bright lights, you see the gaping privates of the blue mare staring back at you as they began to recede back between the plump thighs.
  77. “Ugh... certainly worse than one pony...” As your eyes adjust, you see yourself swimming in the tub of Luna's private quarters. Sweat rolls down the royal rump as it slams down near the edge of the tub, Luna panting from effort.
  79. “While I won't admit to enjoy that, serves you right for eating my friends, right Eclair?” You look over to the blonde pony, her cerulean coat clinging to her body as she looks to you in disbelief. Her rosy eyes light up as she explodes with liveliness.
  81. “Are you kidding me? That was amazing! I got to see royalty first hand, and... and...” She nearly passes out as you catch her from dipping below the water.
  83. “Please don't get too excited, your new bodies will need some time to rest. Feel free to relax in the castle in the meanwhile.” The pacified pony agrees as she swims out to the edge of the tub, sitting on the stairs that laid beneath the water.
  85. “Wait... where's Pinkie Pie?” Luna cringes as her belly explodes with activity. A rumble and a squeaky groan audibly echoes through the porcelain chamber as Luna lifts her tail up, bottom still positioned over the clear waters.
  87. “She's... mmf...” Before you can say anything, a deafening fart ripples across the water. The blast of warm air pushes you across the royal tub as the scentless gas carries a few stray streamers across the room. Recognizing the colorful party favors flying out, you sigh as you see a pink muzzle slowly creep its way out of Luna's puckered exit.
  89. “Hey buddy, I'm the colon pony!” Snickering to her own joke, Luna forcefully presses down on Pinkie, effectively shutting her up and helping quicken her journey out of her body. Strings of intestinal slime clung to her head as the rounded shape pops out of the stretched exit. With another deep breath, flatulence clumsily tumbles out of Luna's anus as Pinkie slowly slides out of the rectum. A husky huff from Luna marked the pink pony's exit as she quietly slipped into the water below.
  91. “Never... again... Anon...” Luna whispers between breaths.
  93. “Hope you learned your lesson this time, can't make this a habit now.” A stereo of gasps assault your ears as you see two displeased ponies.
  95. “How can you say that Anonymous? That entire experience was most wonderful!”
  97. “Yeah 'Nonny! I want to go on Luna's wild ride again!”
  99. “But...” Your resistance was met with two disgruntled mares arguing over your head. Meanwhile, at the edge of your vision, a fatigued Luna looks at you with the biggest banana grin ever conceived.
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