
Lone Wanderer in Equestria. Not doing this.

Mar 7th, 2014
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  1. >"So, what are we going to do? Draw straws?"
  2. >Looking to Sarah, you know what you have to do.
  3. "I'm going in."
  4. >"Ok, you have to be quick, and when we get back to the base, a round of water on me."
  5. >Stepping into the chamber. you approach the console.
  6. >You put the last thing you remember of your father in as the code.
  7. >2
  8. >1
  9. >6
  10. >As soon as you press enter, you feel a sudden surge of radiation, knocking you down and weakening you.
  11. "Oww, fuck, that hurtsss" *wheeze*
  12. b>With your vision darkening, you hear one thing.
  13. >"Hey, local! Get up! You need to get up!"
  14. >Your hearing is fading as well.
  15. >Are you dying? Again?
  16. >This sucks.
  17. >Closing your eyes, you fade into history as the Lone Wanderer. The man that held enough beliefs in the world to uplift the worlds hopes.
  19. *Undetermined amount of time later*
  21. >Moving your hands, you notice one thing.
  22. >You aren't in a building.
  23. >Nor on the flat dead ground of the wasteland.
  24. >Felling around, you feel grass, and water.
  25. >Clean water.
  26. >Not irradiated?
  27. >Yes, pure, clean, non-irradiated water.
  28. >...
  29. >Opening your eyes, your thoughts prove you are in fact, aren't in the wasteland.
  30. >This place reminds you of Oasis, but it does have clean water.
  31. >Also, it has weird, flying creatures.
  32. >What were they called? Birds?
  33. >You think 'I think I saw some of those things while in Oasis, but they were much more... patchy.
  35. Fuck this stupid shit.
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