
Amaryn: Strife!

Oct 28th, 2015
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  1. [19:06] <Strategist14> =========== BEGIN ===========
  2. [19:07] <Strategist14> A pair of imps has just failed to sneak up behind you
  3. [19:07] <Strategist14> Roll initiative
  4. [19:07] <Amaryn> (just d20+dex, right?)
  5. [19:08] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  6. [19:08] <Amaryn> roll d20+1
  7. [19:08] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled d20+1 [ 1d20=12 ]{13}
  8. [19:08] <Strategist14> Roll 2#1d20-1
  9. [19:08] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#1d20-1 [ 1d20=9 ]{8}, [ 1d20=2 ]{1}
  10. [19:08] <Strategist14> Your turn first, then the two imps
  11. [19:09] <Amaryn> You whip around and pull out your cutlass. "AVAST! What kind of landlubbarrs be tryin' to get the jump on Amarryn Sarrvel?" You size the two of them up and wait for them to make the first move
  12. [19:10] <Amaryn> (readying an action to attack the first one that comes into range)
  13. [19:10] <Strategist14> Imp #1 does just that
  14. [19:10] <Strategist14> Roll to hit
  15. [19:10] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  16. [19:10] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
  17. [19:10] <Amaryn> (sheet)
  18. [19:10] <Strategist14> You unfortunately miss
  19. [19:10] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  20. [19:10] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
  21. [19:10] <Strategist14> On the plus side, so does the imp
  22. [19:11] <Strategist14> Imp #2 does the same
  23. [19:11] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  24. [19:11] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=2 ]{1}
  25. [19:11] <Amaryn> (what do the two imps look like btw?)
  26. [19:11] <Strategist14> These guys aren't very good at hitting things, it would seem
  27. [19:12] <Strategist14> Small black carapaced humanoids, with what looks like a pair of insectile wings emerging from their backs
  28. [19:12] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3 swing at the other imp
  29. [19:12] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 swing at the other imp [ 1d20=16 ]{19}
  30. [19:12] <Strategist14> Roll for damage
  31. [19:12] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  32. [19:12] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=1 ]{4}
  33. [19:12] <Strategist14> Imp #2 is cleaved in half
  34. [19:13] <Strategist14> After a brief moment, it bursts into colourful polyhedrons
  35. [19:13] <Amaryn> "Down to the lockarr with ye!"
  36. [19:13] <Strategist14> Imp #1, shocked and appalled, resolves to avenge his fallen brethren
  37. [19:13] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  38. [19:13] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
  39. [19:13] <Strategist14> And fails some more
  40. [19:14] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3 tohit
  41. [19:14] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 tohit [ 1d20=1 ]{4}
  42. [19:14] <Amaryn> (fack)
  43. [19:14] <Strategist14> Well, that probably could have gone better. You end up slicing yourself for...
  44. [19:14] <Strategist14> Roll 1d6
  45. [19:14] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d6 [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
  46. [19:14] <Strategist14> 2 damage
  47. [19:15] <Strategist14> Imp #1 capitalizes on this momentary vulnerability to swing again!
  48. [19:15] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  49. [19:15] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=5 ]{4}
  50. [19:15] <Strategist14> You get the feeling Imp #1 doesn't actually know how to fight
  51. [19:15] <Amaryn> "Fucking... Daemus doesn't need to know about this"
  52. [19:15] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  53. [19:15] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=5 ]{8}
  54. [19:15] <Strategist14> Another miss
  55. [19:15] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  56. [19:15] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=1 ]{0}
  57. [19:16] <Strategist14> Imp #1 falls down and twists its arm
  58. [19:16] <Strategist14> Roll 1d4 damage
  59. [19:16] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d4 damage [ 1d4=3 ]{3}
  60. [19:16] <Strategist14> Your turn
  61. [19:16] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  62. [19:16] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=16 ]{19}
  63. [19:16] <Strategist14> Finally, a direct hit!
  64. [19:16] <Strategist14> Roll damage
  65. [19:16] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  66. [19:16] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=5 ]{8}
  67. [19:17] <Strategist14> Imp #1 is bleeding profusely, but isn't quite ready to give up
  68. [19:17] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  69. [19:17] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=12 ]{11}
  70. [19:17] <Strategist14> ((AC?))
  71. [19:17] <Amaryn> (12)
  72. [19:17] <Strategist14> Imp #1 might one day make contact with something
  73. [19:17] <Strategist14> Today is not that day
  74. [19:17] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  75. [19:17] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=18 ]{21}
  76. [19:17] <Strategist14> Roll damage
  77. [19:18] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  78. [19:18] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=5 ]{8}
  79. [19:18] <Amaryn> and its likely tomorrow won't be either
  80. [19:18] <Strategist14> Imp #1 is thoroughly obliterated
  81. [19:19] <Strategist14> Roll 2#1d10+10 for Build Grist
  82. [19:19] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#1d10+10 for Build Grist [ 1d10=2 ]{12}, [ 1d10=9 ]{19}
  83. [19:19] <Strategist14> Roll 2#2d8 for T1 grist
  84. [19:19] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#2d8 for T1 grist [ 2d8=9 ]{9}, [ 2d8=10 ]{10}
  85. [19:19] <Amaryn> Amaryn cracks her neck. "Hardly even a breeze."
  86. [19:19] <Strategist14> You earn 31 pieces of whatever Build Grist is, as well as 19 more of some other kind
  87. [19:20] <Strategist14> You also earn 20 XP
  88. [19:21] <Amaryn> Amaryn gathers up the spoils of victory and strikes a victorious pose.
  89. [19:21] <Strategist14> Roll Performance
  90. [19:21] <Amaryn> roll 1d20
  91. [19:21] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=13 ]{13}
  92. [19:22] <Strategist14> Your victorious pose is so magnificent as to inspire applause from Turtlesprite, who you now realize has been watching off at the side
  93. [19:23] <Amaryn> You turn and smile at the seizureshellbeast. "Not a bad starrt if I do say so myself!"
  94. [19:23] <Strategist14> "Awesome job!"
  95. [19:24] <Strategist14> "Now your server can use the grist to build you up to the gates!"
  96. [19:25] <Amaryn> "Sweet. So I just need to get into contact with Daemus then and he can starrt building?" You think for a bit. "...Nah. I'll let him have his own voyage farr a bit. Any otharr intrudarrs arround?"
  97. [19:26] <Strategist14> "Doesn't look like it yet! For now, patch yourself up and try to familiarize yourself with the rest of your coplayers!"
  98. [19:27] <Amaryn> "Who arre the rest of my coplayarrs, anyway? I know Daemus and Rrobin arre playing, but can you tell me who else is involved?"
  99. [19:27] <Strategist14> "Um..."
  100. [19:27] <Strategist14> "No."
  101. [19:28] <Strategist14> "Sorry!"
  102. [19:28] <Amaryn> "Warrth a shot." You give a shrug and head back into your hive to perform a bit of first-aid
  103. [19:30] <Strategist14> You spend a bit of time recuperating from your self-inflicted wound
  104. [19:31] <Amaryn> (should i roll medicine, or is it minor enough that I don't need to?)
  105. [19:31] <Strategist14> ((Heal by your HD value))
  106. [19:31] <Strategist14> ((1d6+con mod))
  107. [19:31] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+2
  108. [19:31] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+2 [ 1d6=3 ]{5}
  109. [19:33] <Amaryn> While patching yourself up you think about checking up on Daemus before a thought occurs to you. "Hey, Tarrtlesprite. Is tharre anyway farr me to get a marre mobile communications device to keep in contact with the otharrs?"
  110. [19:33] <Strategist14> You regain 5 HP
  111. [19:33] <Strategist14> "Of course!"
  112. [19:33] <Amaryn> "How?"
  113. [19:34] <Strategist14> "Besides using a phone or something, you could always alchemize yourself some more computers!"
  114. [19:34] <Amaryn> "Alchemize a computarr? How would I do that?"
  115. [19:34] <Strategist14> "Well..."
  116. [19:34] <Strategist14> "First your server player needs to deploy the Punch Designix!"
  117. [19:35] <Amaryn> "Anotharr machine like the one you came from and the one that gave me that stupid ball?"
  118. [19:36] <Strategist14> "That's right!"
  119. [19:36] <Amaryn> "Okay, once he's done that, then what do I do?"
  120. [19:36] <Strategist14> "It's a little bit complicated, so I can walk you through it once he's done that. Is that alright?"
  121. [19:38] <Amaryn> "That's fine." You get up and head to your room. "Let me know if anymore minions show up, alright?"
  122. [19:38] <Strategist14> "You betcha!"
  123. [19:59] <Amaryn> (we just want daemus to join in here then?)
  124. [19:59] <Strategist14> ((I s'pose so))
  125. [19:59] <Amaryn> You slide into your chair and wake up your computer
  126. [21:56] <Amaryn> You message a certain swabbie that happens to be on as well.
  127. [21:56] <Amaryn> sS: Ahoy, Daemus! How goes yoarr adventarre?
  129. [20:05] <Daemus> rG: It could be vorse. Have you run into a bunch of monsters of the scratchy variety? Because I'm already sick of them."
  130. [20:05] <Strategist14_> ((Someone else will need to pastebin the last few lines, sorry))
  131. [20:06] <Amaryn> sS: I found a couple that ATTEMPTED to scratch me. But they fell quickly.
  132. [20:06] <Amaryn> (i've got it all in a notepad)
  133. [20:06] <Strategist14_> ((Works for me. I have the strife and everything, just missed the start of the chat))
  134. [20:07] <Daemus> rG: I had no such luck. Anyvay, how's 'LOSAL' treating you?
  135. [20:08] == Strategist14 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
  136. [20:08] == Strategist14_ has changed nick to Strategist14
  137. [20:08] <Amaryn> sS: I'm stuck at the bottom of a big stone...chasm? Bowl? Something shaped out of stone. Tharre's some watarr at the bottom that followed me from home, so my Lusus is fine farr now, but she'll need some marre soon.
  138. [20:09] <Daemus> rG: That's... vorrysome. You have something in mind?
  139. [20:10] <Amaryn> sS: I'll find something. In the meantime, though, I need yoarr help with something.
  140. [20:10] <Daemus> rG: Sure, how can I help?
  141. [20:11] <Amaryn> sS: I need you to put down anotharr machine. Something my sprite calls a "punch designix"
  142. [20:13] <Daemus> rG: I'll see if I can, this program is as arcane as it is nonsensical. Vhat's it for?
  143. [20:13] * Daemus checks the options for any new devices
  144. [20:13] <Amaryn> sS: Apparrently, I can use it to make new things.
  145. [20:14] <Amaryn> sS: Like a parrtible communications device so I don't have to keep on hopping on this computarr.
  146. [20:14] <Strategist14> By scrolling along the bar, you realize that several new options are available. The first of these is indeed the "Punch Designix", which costs four pieces of T1 Grist. The others, you aren't even close to being able to afford
  147. [20:16] <Daemus> rG: Huh, there it is. You know how this thing vorks?
  148. [20:17] <Amaryn> sS: Not yet, but Tarrtlesprite will walk me through it.
  149. [20:17] * Daemus checks if he can deploy it in Amaryn's general area
  150. [20:17] <Strategist14> You can
  151. [20:18] * Daemus plops it on down, hoping that the machines aren't too far from eachother in general.
  152. [20:19] <Daemus> rG: That's vhat vas under "Punch Designix," hope it's vhat they had in mind. These devices only get stranger...
  153. [20:19] <Amaryn> sS: Parrfect. Tarrtlesprite also said that you'll be able, and you'll need to, build my hive upwarrd towarrds the gates.
  154. [20:20] <Amaryn> sS: But something tells me I don't have enough resarrces farr that yet.
  155. [20:21] <Daemus> rG: Hum... yeah, I guess that's vhat those things vere, then. If it's anything like repairing the floor, it's gonna take a fair bit.
  156. [20:23] <Amaryn> sS: Probably. But thanks farr the machine. I'll let you know how it warrks.
  157. [20:23] <Amaryn> sS: And likely you'll want Rrobin to get you one as well. Maybe give yoarrself some arrmarr arr something
  158. [20:24] <Daemus> rG: That... vould probably be vise. She probably knows a thing about armor, too. I'll try to get in touch vith her.
  159. [20:25] <Amaryn> sS: And with that, I'm off to explarre my options!
  160. [20:25] <Amaryn> sS: Smooth sailing my friend!
  161. [20:28] <Daemus> rG: Right. Do try to avoid any monsters of a particularly scratchy persuasion, though, aye? They mean business.
  162. [20:28] <Amaryn> sS: Will do. And YOU try and not get yoarrself killed by any monstarrs of the scratchy parrsuasion. That's an arrdarr!
  163. [20:30] <Daemus> rG: Aye aye, Captain! [ :P ]
  164. [20:31] <Amaryn> (i think that's a wrap for the conversation?)
  165. [20:32] <Amaryn> (thanks daemus)
  166. [20:32] <Daemus> (Seems good!)
  167. [20:32] <Daemus> (Happy to help)
  168. [20:33] <Amaryn> (strat you still there, or did we put you to sleep? :P)
  169. [20:33] <Strategist14> ((I'm here))
  170. [20:34] <Amaryn> (so that used 4 t1 grist then, bringing me down to 15?)
  171. [20:35] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  172. [20:35] <Amaryn> (got it)
  173. [20:35] <Strategist14> ((Your call what you wanna name your grist tiers))
  174. [20:35] <Amaryn> (i'm just sticking with build, t1, ect)
  175. [20:35] <Amaryn> (just to keep it easy)
  176. [20:36] <Amaryn> (if i have other ideas i'll let you know)
  177. [20:36] <Amaryn> You stand from your computer and hope that Daemus ends up okay. That troll always did need someone to look after him. You turn to your sprite. "Alright, so how do we use this thing?"
  178. [20:37] <Strategist14> "First, grab some empty captcha cards!"
  179. [20:38] <Amaryn> "Empty captcha cards...." You pull out a set of three "Okay, what then?"
  180. [20:38] <Amaryn> (did i ever explain how my sylladex works?)
  181. [20:38] <Strategist14> ((I don't believe so, no))
  182. [20:38] == Daemus [] has left #RPGstuck_STRIFE []
  183. [20:39] <Amaryn> (whenever I want to retrieve an item I have to play a shell game. Amaryn has had enough practice that when she can devote some focus to it then it's easy, but when distracted or in combat or something she needs to roll or she grabs something else)
  184. [20:39] <Strategist14> ((Seems simple enough, alright))
  185. [20:40] <Strategist14> "What sort of stuff do you wanna combine?"
  186. [20:40] <Amaryn> "Let's go with.... My computarr.... and one of my shellbeast plushes I used to create you."
  187. [20:43] <Strategist14> "Awesome!"
  188. [20:44] <Strategist14> "So you just have to take one empty card, and put it in the little slot here."
  189. [20:44] <Amaryn> You do so
  190. [20:45] <Strategist14> "Now you type in the code for the computer on the keyboard here."
  191. [20:45] <Amaryn> "How do I get the code for the computarr?"
  192. [20:45] <Strategist14> "It's the captcha code on the back, silly!"
  193. [20:46] <Amaryn> You captcha your computer and look at the back of the card. "...Huh. Tharre is a code. Nevarr noticed that befarre." You punch in the code as instructed.
  194. [20:46] <Amaryn> "Then what, do the same for a plush?"
  195. [20:46] <Strategist14> "That's right!"
  196. [20:47] <Amaryn> You grab another plush from your barrel and follow the same process.
  197. [20:48] <Strategist14> "Perfect! Now do you remember that pre-punched card?"
  198. [20:48] <Amaryn> "Which prepunched card?"
  199. [20:48] <Strategist14> "During your entry?"
  200. [20:49] <Amaryn> (uuuuuh)
  201. [20:49] <Amaryn> (oh wait, the one that gave me the ball?)
  202. [20:49] <Strategist14> ((Eeyup))
  203. [20:49] <Amaryn> (-honestly could not remember that-)
  204. [20:49] <Strategist14> ((S'a part of the sequence, even if Daemus was the one to place it))
  205. [20:49] <Amaryn> "Right, that one. What about it?"
  206. [20:49] <Strategist14> "Now you put this one there instead of it."
  207. [20:50] <Strategist14> Turtlesprite gestures to the card you slid into the designix' slot
  208. [20:51] <Amaryn> You pull out the card and take it downstairs to the machine that gave you that STUPID BALL, tossing the CARD OF DUMBNESS over your shoulder and inserting your new one
  209. [20:51] <Strategist14> "Now do the same stuff as before! And instead of that fun bouncy ball you'll get a new thing!"
  210. [20:52] <Amaryn> (this is on the totem lathe, right?)
  211. [20:52] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  212. [20:53] <Amaryn> (so i need to carve one of the cylinders)
  213. [20:53] <Amaryn> (it's been too long since i read early homestuck)
  214. [20:53] <Strategist14> ((Yes, that's right))
  215. [20:53] <Amaryn> You insert one of the cylinders and set the machine on its carving way
  216. [20:54] <Strategist14> The cylinder is carved
  217. [20:55] <Amaryn> You pull it out and take it up to the thing that made the ball appear and insert your new cylinder
  218. [20:55] <Strategist14> To alchemize this item apparently costs 21 Build Grist and 9 T1 Grist
  219. [20:56] <Amaryn> "A bit expensive, but I'm sarre I can make it back." You confirm that you would like to alchemize this item
  220. [20:57] <Strategist14> You alchemize the Shelltop
  221. [20:57] <Strategist14> It's just like your old computer, but this one is much softer
  222. [20:58] <Amaryn> (and portable i hope?)
  223. [20:58] <Amaryn> ( )
  224. [20:58] <Strategist14> ((About as much as the old one, if a good deal lighter and fluffier))
  225. [20:59] <Amaryn> "Hmm... would like it to be a bit marre parrtible, but this'll do farr now."
  226. [21:00] <Strategist14> "Try to add in a watch or a headband!"
  227. [21:03] <Amaryn> "Not a bad idea." You dig through your old wardrobe and find an old gauntlet that still fit. You follow the same process as before, entering the code, combining that code with that of the shelltop, carving the cylinder, and putting that in the alchemizer
  228. [21:04] <Strategist14> 13 Build Grist + 20 T1 to alchemize
  229. [21:04] <Strategist14> *31
  230. [21:04] <Strategist14> ((Bluh))
  231. [21:05] <Amaryn> "Not enough. Looks like I need to find some marre enemies and beat the resarrces out of them."
  232. [21:05] <Strategist14> "Yep!"
  233. [21:05] <Strategist14> "Maybe even an ogre!"
  234. [21:06] <Amaryn> You recaptcha the cylinder. "An ogre?"
  235. [21:07] <Strategist14> "They're the next kind of enemies after the imps you just fought, yeah!"
  236. [21:08] <Amaryn> "Higharr up than the cabin boys, hm? Only problem is trying to find one. I can't really GO anywharre in this land right now."
  237. [21:08] <Amaryn> (quick question about the land, btw)
  238. [21:09] <Strategist14> ((Fire away))
  239. [21:10] <Amaryn> (so is it like, putting a soda can in a bucket, with the can being amaryn's hive/the part of alternia that was brought with her?)
  240. [21:10] <Amaryn> (at least from what she can see)
  241. [21:10] <Strategist14> ((More like))
  242. [21:10] <Strategist14> ((A perfect half-sphere, and you're on the bottom of it))
  243. [21:10] <Amaryn> (so same idea, just a bowl instead of a bucket?)
  244. [21:10] <Strategist14> ((Pretty much, yeah))
  245. [21:11] <Amaryn> (okay. that's what i thought)
  246. [21:11] <Amaryn> You look out your window for any troublemakers. "I don't like just having to wait harre farr them to come to me."
  247. [21:12] <Strategist14> "As soon as you get to your first gate, you can go after them all you like!"
  248. [21:12] <Amaryn> "But until I get enough matarrials for Daemus to starrt building, I'm trapped here like a fish in a bowl."
  249. [21:12] <Strategist14> "Yup!"
  250. [21:13] <Strategist14> "Gotta make sure the other players all arrive, after all!"
  251. [21:13] <Amaryn> "Right. But I don't know who else is going to be playing.... hmm..."
  252. [21:14] <Strategist14> "Yep! That's the tricky part!"
  253. [21:15] <Amaryn> You turn back to your computer and start scrolling through your contacts. Who else, who else...
  254. [21:17] <Strategist14> Your contacts list offers no hints as to who you are meant to play with
  255. [21:19] <Amaryn> "Dammit... This is not going to be easy." You get up and start pacing. You're used to waiting for things to finish happening, but not for things TO happen
  256. [21:19] <Strategist14> "Well..."
  257. [21:20] <Amaryn> "Yes?"
  258. [21:21] <Strategist14> "You could always, um..."
  259. [21:22] <Amaryn> "What? Go sail around the puddle that's farrmed at the bottom of this fishbowl?"
  260. [21:22] <Amaryn> "...Wait...wharre did those enemies come from earrliarr?"
  261. [21:22] <Strategist14> "Oh!"
  262. [21:23] <Strategist14> Turtlesprite perks up considerably
  263. [21:23] <Strategist14> "They kind of just appear whenever you aren't looking for them!"
  264. [21:23] <Amaryn> "...When I'm...NOT....looking farr them..."
  265. [21:24] <Strategist14> "Yup!"
  266. [21:25] <Amaryn> You start speaking in a rather loud voice. "Well I'm carrtainly not looking farr them now! I'm talking to you, Tarrtlesprite! All my attention is focused on you and what you have to say! Would be a real shame if some more enemies showed up and tried to scratch up my front doarr while I'm not looking farr them like right now!"
  267. [21:25] <Amaryn> (dat feel when you miss one application of your own quirk)
  268. [21:26] <Strategist14> "Why are you-? Ooh, sneaky sneaky!"
  269. [21:26] <Strategist14> "Better go check your front door!"
  270. [21:27] <Amaryn> "Good idea, Tarrtlesprite, whose warrds I am one hundred parrcent focused on!" You wink and head down to your front door
  271. [21:28] <Strategist14> Your front door is unscratched
  272. [21:28] <Amaryn> "Dammit!"
  273. [21:30] <Amaryn> You open the door and look for any sign of enemies at all
  274. [21:31] <Strategist14> Nothing at all
  275. [21:31] <Amaryn> "Ooooooooooooof carrse tharre isn't."
  276. [21:32] <Strategist14> "BOO!" Turtlesprite yells from right behind you
  277. [21:32] <Amaryn> "GAH!" You jump and swirl around, brandishing your cutlass. "Oh, it's you." You put away your weapon.
  278. [21:33] <Strategist14> Turtlesprite laughs at you
  279. [21:33] <Amaryn> "Get a kick out of starrtling me, hm?"
  280. [21:34] <Strategist14> "Sorry!"
  281. [21:34] <Strategist14> "But it worked!"
  282. [21:34] <Amaryn> "You're not sarrry at all!" You can't help but smile a bit. It WAS kindof funny...
  283. [21:35] <Strategist14> "No really, it worked!"
  284. [21:35] <Amaryn> "What do you mean it warrked?"
  285. [21:35] <Strategist14> "Imps behind you~"
  286. [21:36] <Amaryn> You spin around and pull out your cutlass, ready for some action
  287. [21:36] <Strategist14> There are indeed more imps
  288. [21:36] <Strategist14> What are the odds?
  289. [21:36] <Amaryn> You count up the imps as you prepare for battle
  290. [21:36] <Strategist14> Roll 1d3+1
  291. [21:36] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d3+1 [ 1d3=1 ]{2}
  292. [21:36] <Amaryn> 1d20+1 initiative
  293. [21:36] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+1
  294. [21:36] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=15 ]{16}
  295. [21:36] <Strategist14> Roll 2#1d20-1
  296. [21:36] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#1d20-1 [ 1d20=3 ]{2}, [ 1d20=6 ]{5}
  297. [21:37] <Amaryn> (what do these imps look like?)
  298. [21:37] <Strategist14> The imps are surprised by your lightning-fast spinning and counting
  299. [21:37] <Strategist14> One of them has a turtle shell, the other simply another pair of wings
  300. [21:37] <Amaryn> You decide to take out the winged one first
  301. [21:38] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  302. [21:38] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=15 ]{18}
  303. [21:38] <Strategist14> Hit
  304. [21:38] <Amaryn> 1d6+3
  305. [21:38] <Amaryn> roll 1d+3
  306. [21:38] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d+3 [ 1d3=3 ]{3}
  307. [21:38] <Amaryn> (sdklfjwieofj)
  308. [21:38] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  309. [21:38] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=5 ]{8}
  310. [21:38] <Strategist14> You swiftly decapitate the winged imp
  311. [21:39] <Amaryn> "One marre farr the sea!"
  312. [21:39] <Strategist14> Imp #1 growls in anger
  313. [21:39] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  314. [21:39] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=19 ]{18}
  315. [21:39] <Amaryn> (hit)
  316. [21:39] <Strategist14> It punches you in the face
  317. [21:39] <Strategist14> Roll 1d4-1
  318. [21:39] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d4-1 [ 1d4=2 ]{1}
  319. [21:39] <Amaryn> "ow!"
  320. [21:39] <Strategist14> Barely
  321. [21:39] <Amaryn> You take the opportunity for its closeness for a counterattack
  322. [21:39] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  323. [21:39] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=15 ]{18}
  324. [21:40] <Strategist14> Another hit
  325. [21:40] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  326. [21:40] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=5 ]{8}
  327. [21:40] <Strategist14> Imp #1 is injured, and badly, but still standing
  328. [21:40] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  329. [21:40] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=3 ]{2}
  330. [21:40] <Strategist14> Badly enough that it can't quite hit you, it would seem
  331. [21:41] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  332. [21:41] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
  333. [21:41] <Strategist14> Your blade clangs off the turtle shell
  334. [21:41] <Amaryn> (hit...?)
  335. [21:41] <Amaryn> (durn)
  336. [21:41] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  337. [21:41] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=7 ]{6}
  338. [21:41] <Strategist14> But the imp is still woozy from bloodloss
  339. [21:41] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  340. [21:41] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=11 ]{14}
  341. [21:42] <Strategist14> You just barely land your swing
  342. [21:42] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  343. [21:42] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=3 ]{6}
  344. [21:42] <Strategist14> The imp is slain
  345. [21:42] <Amaryn> Another victory pose
  346. [21:42] <Strategist14> Roll 2#1d10+10 Build grist
  347. [21:42] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#1d10+10 Build grist [ 1d10=4 ]{14}, [ 1d10=3 ]{13}
  348. [21:42] <Amaryn> roll 1d20
  349. [21:42] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=13 ]{13}
  350. [21:42] <Strategist14> Roll 2#2d8 T1 Grist
  351. [21:42] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#2d8 T1 Grist [ 2d8=4 ]{4}, [ 2d8=16 ]{16}
  352. [21:42] <Strategist14> You earn 27 more build grist, plus 20 T1
  353. [21:44] <Amaryn> (xp?)
  354. [21:44] <Strategist14> ((Another 20))
  355. [21:44] <Strategist14> ((Which I believe should get you a level up?))
  356. [21:44] <Amaryn> (how much to level 3?
  357. [21:44] <Amaryn> (oh!)
  358. [21:44] <Amaryn> (total is 40)
  359. [21:44] <Strategist14> ((Lemme double check just to make sure))
  360. [21:45] <Amaryn> (well, 40+however much for entering)
  361. [21:45] <Strategist14> ((Entry is 20))
  362. [21:45] <Strategist14> ((And I BELIEVE Level 3 is at 50 XP))
  363. [21:45] <Amaryn> (awesomesauce)
  364. [21:46] <Strategist14> ((Alright, yes. Level 3 is 50))
  365. [21:46] <Strategist14> ((Next is at 90))
  366. [21:46] <Amaryn> (hp is 1d6+con, yes?)
  367. [21:46] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  368. [21:47] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+2
  369. [21:47] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+2 [ 1d6=6 ]{8}
  370. [21:47] <Amaryn> (do i add that to current hp as well, or just max?)
  371. [21:47] <Strategist14> ((Both))
  372. [21:48] <Amaryn> (alrighty)
  373. [21:48] <Amaryn> (29 hp total)
  374. [21:49] <Strategist14> "Woohoo!" Turtlesprite cheers
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