

Sep 25th, 2017 (edited)
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  2. Major:
  3. Normal/Broadhead Arrow - Normal
  4. Blunt Arrow - Good for stunning things, usually causing minimal damage
  5. Fishing Arrow - Lack fetching for better performance after entering water, equipped with strong barb for fish retrieval, which is usually easy to remove for obvious reasons, always tied to fishing line
  6. Bodkin Arrow - Long range, not as good at piercing as normal arrows
  7. Signal Arrow - Produce a whistling noise
  8. Flaming Arrow - On fire, set things on fire
  9. Safety Arrow - Do not kill or pierce, for recreational and practice use
  11. Minor:
  12. Judo/Grabbing Arrow - Small Protruding wire springs keep the arrow from disappearing in vegetation
  13. Target/Bullet Arrow - Bullet-shaped tip for reduced damage to training target
  14. Field Arrow - Basically identical to target arrows, have a flared "shoulder" so as not to get stuck
  15. Suction-Cup Arrow - Generally a toy, stick to things instead of doing damage, have a suction cup for a head
  17. Fantastic:
  18. Message Arrow - Have a compartment for sending small items or messages, otherwise have messages tied around them, one type "instead of having a point has a cylinder that can open up to put a message in"
  19. Spike Arrow - Heavier arrow with a tip designed to pierce armor even better than even broadheads
  20. Bomb Arrow - Have a freaking bomb on the end, explode
  21. Piercing Grapple Arrow - Have rope attached, pierce wood and stone and stick there, used for grappling
  22. Hooking Grapple Arrow - Have rope attached, have a grappling hook for a head, used for grappling
  23. Sticky Arrow - Stick to things instead of doing damage
  24. Sticky Bomb Arrow - Perfect mix of a bomb arrow and a sticky arrow
  25. Wooden Arrow - Lack a proper head, instead just having a sharpened shaft, far cheaper and lighter than regular arrows, but differently balanced, there is no head that can be recovered if the shaft breaks or the arrow is burned, though if the point is damaged they can just be sharpened, easy to remove from targets, but generally far less damaging than an arrow with a proper head
  26. Blunt Wooden Arrow - A wooden arrow that is not even sharp, acts like a cross between a blunt arrow and a wooden arrow
  28. Modifier:
  29. Poison Arrow - Arrow coated in poison, can be applied to any arrow that pierces (not blunt, safety, judo, suction-cup, message, bomb, sticky, sticky bomb, or blunt wooden), except flaming
  30. Flu-Flu Arrow - Short range, easy to recover, actually a type of fetching, can be applied to any arrow except fishing
  31. Barbed Arrow - Has barbs on head so that it can not be pulled out without causing extreme additional damage, generally very painful, usually must be pushed through for removal, can be applied to any arrow that pierces, except fishing, target, field, and wooden
  32. Silver Arrow - Good against the unholy, impure, and undead, has a silver head, can be applied to any arrow with a metal or stone tip (not safety, suction-cup, bomb, sticky, sticky bomb, wooden, or blunt wooden)
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